10 PAGES TODAY VOL. XXXV, No. r> “ THE CLEVELAND STAR SHELBY, N. C. FRIDAY, JAN. 11, 1929, Published Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Afternoons b> man, per year on advance) 93.60 ■ _ Currier, ner year fin advance! 13 00 LATE NEWS The Markets. Cotton, Shelby . 18’tc Cotton Seed, per bu._67'-e Watch Out! Snow! Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: Cloudy with rain tonight, •banging to snow flurries In west portion. Colder tonight. Saturday generally fair and much colder. False Fire Alarm Here For Every 3 Fires, Says Chief Serenty-FIve Fires In Shelby Dur ing Year, Record Shows. Damage Small. There were 75 fires in Shelby during 1928, only one of which— the Central hotel conflagration— caused any great amount of dam age, according to Fire Chief E. B. Roach. One Item worthy of note in the annual report of the city fire chief was the fact that- the figures re vealed a false alarm for every three real alarms turned in—the record showing that during the year there were 75 fires and 23 false alarms. One explanation, how ever, that decreases the actual fu tility of the false alarms is that by the system of keeping the alarm record automobile blazes are listed uwder the false alarm now permanently located in the f—niture business. The new display room has been opened several days. Together with the store room, the entire basement area under his own and the Jdck son store on the corntr are being utilized', giving Mr. Best the advan tage of additional floor space amounting to 00 by 90 feet. Boots Needed At Boiling Springs Call Issued To School Supporters For 2,000 Volumes.. To Raise Class. Will the supporters and friends of the Baptist junior college at Boll ing Springs give 2,000 books to the school library there, thus boosting the college into the standard, ac credited junior college ratingT This Is the call now being made by close friends of the institution. Within another year if the school library can be brought up to 2, 500 volumes officials believe the col lege will go on the accredited list, which wiU mean much to the school. At present there are 500 eolumes in the library—2,000 more are needed. Friends of the school throughout this county and in the Kings Moun tain Baptist association — and friends of other demoninations are included—who wish to contribute books to the library may leave them at The Star office and proper acknowledgement will be made in the paper and the books turned over to the school. Those who have no books about their home to give may contribute what they' wish in cash for purchasing kooks. About the households of Cleveland coun ty there should be hundreds of books not in use which would great ly aid the library. How many names will he In The Star's list of donors Monday, and how many volumes will have been given? Who will start It? SHELBY'S THIRST m m ia? Twenty-Sir Mtlkon More Gallons Of Water Used Than in 1927. As a matter of record for the books of 1928, which are fast being closed now, Shelby citizens guzzled or bathed away 36,818.000 gallons more of water In 1928 than in 1937. Those are the figures advanced by Mr. R. V. Toms, superintendent of the water department for the city. In 1927 the city used 144.361.000 gallons of water and 171,179,000 gal lons in 1928. A perusal of the water consump tion figures by the month shows that more water Is used during the summer and early tall months than in any other, due to increased thirst from heat, watering of lawns, flow ers and such. In 1928 more water was consum ed in August than any other’fhonth 16,735,000 gallons being used. Sep tember and October were next in drder with less water, 11,962,000 gallons being used in March than in any other month. In 1927 July was the big month with 13,394,000 gallons being consumed. September and August were next In order, while the smallest amount of wa ter, 10,107,000 gallons, was usid in January. House Cat Caught In “Rabbit Trap” Mr. C. B. Alexander,- of west Marion street, desirous pi preserv ing the growing shrubbery of his premises, set out some traps to catch the rabbits, which apparently were dining sumptuously each night in his garden. To date he has caught the fol lowing: three rabbits, one possum, and one cat. The cat, as it happen ed, belonged to his neighbor. Sir. Harris. It is said that when liberat ed, puss lost no time in seeking her home bailiwick. Meantime those interested arc speculating as to what bait Mr. Alexander could have used that would attract both the felines and the bunnies. To Discuss Another Rural Light Line A mass meeting of tire citizens in the Patterson Springs commun ity is called for the Patterson Springs school house Tuesday eve ning Jan. 15 at 7 o’clock at which time another rural lighting system to serve that community will be discussed. Every one interested in building a light and power line to serve that community is asked to be present. FIVE eiVEfll TERMS IN STATE PRISON AT SESSION HERE Slayer Of Daughter Gets 15-Year Term. Judge Oglesby Leaves A lesson. Before convening the term of Superior court here Wednesday ; evening Judge John Oglesby, of Concord, sentenced five of the de fendants to the State prison In Ra leigh, one of the largest number of prisoners to go down from one term of court In this county In sev eral years. McLellle Longest. i nc longest priso nterm was met ed out to Henry McLelHe, aged col ored man of the lower part of Cleveland county and of Gaffney. McLelHe was sentenced to a min imum of 15 years and a maxlmiflfi of 30 years of hard labor In the State prison and Is to wear stripes. Tlie aged negro was charged with murdering his daughter, Martha Megglnson, after she died in the hospital here from, fatal knife wounds inflicted by him. His coun sel, Clyde Hoey and Lietenant-Gov emor Butler, of South - Carolina, entered a plea of guilty to second degree murder, sentence being pass ed after the evidence was heard. The four others who left yester day for the State prison. In the custody of Sheriff Logan, Deputies Mike Austell and Fred Logan, were Marvin Doggett, Clyde Byers, Char les King and Chris Medley. wmim m stole Mayor Dorsey’s automobile and was also charged with other thefts. His sentence was five to seven years at hard labor and he Is to wear stripes. Charged with breaking and enter ing and larceny at Kings Mountain, Charles King was given five to fivgo two to four jrtwrignrw weir stripes. On a charge of auto larceny prayer fftr judgment was continued as to King, but James Medley was given an IS months term on the county roads here. Clyde Byers, charged with break ing and entering and larceny, was given a sentence in the fjtate pris on of one to three year*. - , < Many Road Terms. Other terms meted out, most of them on the county roads, follow: State vs. Harry Kelly, forging and uttering; two years on the roads, prayer for Judgment continu ed In several other similar counts in which Shelby merchants were prosecuting witnesses. State vs. Roy James, breaking and entering and larceny; pled guilty to receiving stolen goods, and was sentenced to 13 months on the roads. State vs. L. A, Law, violating pro hibition law; four months on roads. State vs. Lee Lattimore, larceny of truck motor; four months on roads. State vs. Fred Neal. Drunk and aiding In gambling; jail term ot 60 days. State vs. Eula Strong, violating prohibition laws; jail term of three months. State vs. FretJ McDowell, man slaughter discharged upon pay ment of half the cost. State vs. Fred Dover, plea of guilty assault with deadly weap on; upon recommendation of soli citor, prayer for Judgment con tinued on payment of cost. Oglesby’s Style. Early in court week Judge Ogles by informed barristers that he would hear cases but would reserve his sentences until near the close the term so that he would not be bothered by lawyers and friends running to him during 'the' session trying to get certain sentences cut down by pleas for mercy and sob stories. In fact, the jurist, who made a fine impression in Shelby, let the court room know that he would do his own sentencing, and when, on the final day, he began to pop on his prison, and road terms the court realised that he meant every word he said. The twelve defendants sentenced received a total of 33 years and; seven months “time” at minimum j figures, or an average of approxi- j mately two and two-thirds years! each. The total of 33 years and! seven months was divided as fol lows: 28 years in prison terms; five years and two months road, terms, and five months in jail i terms. In addition to the criminal court | grind one divorce was given and the decree signed before the court adjourned. Furniture Of Gardner Light Early yesterday morning Black fcell's transfer truck left Slvelb; frith the household effects of Gov irnor O. Max Gardner, taking then to the Mansion In Raleigh. Althougl tt represented the governors en fire household effects, tt was civ I; a half load for the large truck. Tin mansion at Raleigh Is only partial W furnished and It Is understooc that Mr. Oardner Is buying con £dfrable furniture with his own oney to fit up the rooms. The mansion has 40 rooms—large and imall. Because a man Is governor, there lore. It does not mean that he ha ’the most furniture. His half loaded truck bore out the statement Mr Gardner Is accustomed to making In his speeches, that It mattery not |k>w powerful or rich a man be comes, he can deep In only one bed fit a time, wear only one suit ot Clothes and eat only a limited ount. Board Today Publishes Foil State* ment About City Schools. 8claries Given. [ In an advertisement In today's Btftr J* Ji. Shannonhouse. auditojr, publishes at the request of the Shelby ctly school hoard a com plete financial statement of the school system, giving every detail of operation and maintenance ex pense, a list of salaries paid, and Income available. Saft. . * - -- Twinr th» ****«»* Ht-eompiltpf the report and wmbilnf the fguni for the infor mation of school patrons that the auditor could make a close estimate as to how long the schools could remain open this spring iff view of the fact the increased tax levy measure was defeated. However, such an estimate could not be m£$jh.i«rfoe day and since the board has decided to keep the schools open to the very last min ute funds are available It was thought, best not to estimate an ex act day for the closing as it may be possible to run a few days longer or less than appears from the fi nancial figures now. Salaries Published. During the school election period there was considerable talk of sal aries paid and the report published today gives the salary scale in de tail. The superintendent's salary is given as >300 per month, while >176 per month is allotted the super intendent's office for an assistant treasurer, clerical work, office and travel expense. The salary of the Central High principal Is given as >306.07 per month, the colored prin cipal as >166.66 per month and the music and elementary supervisor as >166.66 per month. The one high school teacher at the Morgan school is paid >150 per month, and the two at the colored school is >80 per month. The 19 teachers at the main high school are paid an average salary of $170 per month. The monthly salary payroll, the number of teachers, and the aver age monthly salary per.teacher of the other schools follow': Washington >914.44 7 '*130.63 Marlon >1,141.66 9 >126.83 Oraham 31,030.19 8 >128.77 Jefferson $1:177.49 10 $117.74 $994.77 8 >124.34 $1,621.67 13 >124.74 660 10 >66.00 Lafayette Morgan Colored Deficit Explained. The deficit up to and not In cluding the deficit of the current year is given In the report as $39. 378.46. The deficit, meaning the expense total tn excess of the In come, this year ts set down as $20. 130.36, which is a total deficit at the end of this year of $59(606.82. School patrons who desire to check upon and read detailed ex penditures and income may turn to the advertisement on an inside page. In Duke Funeral. Melvin Peeler, son of Mr. and Mrs. < 'ayton Peeler, and a former Shel by boy, was one of the 10 Duke uni versity students selected to carry fie casket of Beniartiin Duke at the inpressive funeral services for the t br.cco magnate held yesterday in Durham. Inaugurated Today GOVERNOR O. MAX GARDNER im Of Mull egislatult,* He Declares Wouid Abolish Rond Maintenance Tax By Ttlfftln* Over To Statc% No Local Legislation A Tax relief that Is state-wide hi its , effect, will be the main effort of Representative O. M. Mull who I went to Raleigh this week to be present at the opening of the gen eral assembly. No Local Laws. "No local legislation is in mind1' t he Said Just before leaving. “I do not know of a single local law which needs enacting, but quite a fear have suggested that the city charter needs amending and if the citizens of Shelby will suggest to i me Just what they want, 1 will cn- j deavor to enact such laws," dcclar- ! ed Mr. Mull. I In Governor Gardner's inaugural address today he touched on re-1 forms which he Is confident will lead to a reduction of taxes | throughout the state, especially give relief to the farmer. Mr. Mull Is In accord with the governor's views. Abolish Hoad Maintenance Tax | Cnc of tlie wars which Mr. Mull thinks relief can be had for the j lend owner is by abolishing the j roed maintenance tax. “There Is i collected annually In North Caro lina by the counties and road dis tricts about five and a half mil lion dollars for read maintenance and road bonds and we have thou sands of townships and district highway commissioners to look aft er these local roads.” said Mr. Mull. "I think It would be wise for the state highway commission to take over alt main local roads in every county in the state and abolish these highway commissioners. The state road maintenance department, I Continued on page six.) Dorsey Inclined To Agree With Hamrick About A New City Hall Might Sell Present Building For Enough To Cover Big Part Of New Structure. Mayor W. N. Dorsey, to express his personal and unofficial opin ion. is inclined to agree with the suggestion of T. W. Hamrick, for mer alderman, about a new city hall and a new location. "Mr. Hamrick's plan of setting an option on another site in view of building a structure more suit able and more adequate for the city business, selling the present location to defray a portion of the new city center, sounds like a good business proposit ion to me. The city is fast cutgrowing the present quarters, that is evident on every hand." Continuing the mayor declared that in his suggestion, contained in a communication tor The Star, that Mr. Hamrick inadvertently, per haps. forgot to mention that the sale of the present building and site as a business building, or rather the price received therefor would cover a goodly amount of the cost of a new site and the construction of an adequate city hall. "We wouldn't need a bond issue to cover the whole thing The pres ent city hall location is a good business site and should bring a good price as such and the purchase price would go a long way towards covering the cost of the new quar ters," he stated. Episcopal Church Site. Mr Dorsey also agreed with Mr. I Hamrick that the Corbett corner was in many respects a good loca tion for the new city business plant. However he pointed out that there are several locations about ; the city, which might be secured, i that would prove convenient and suitable. It has been mentioned to j him, he added, that the Episcopal church site, corner of LaFayette | and Graham streets, would make a •uitable and convenient location, if the property could be secured, the plot being close in but still not- in the very heart of the business sec tion. ,■ < Propie Vote Oil It, "I agree with another suggestion of his, abo,” the mayor added “And j that is that the proposition might properly be left up to the citUcns : to vote upon tn the next city elec ! Hon at the same time they vote for the mayor and aldermen. If the citizens themselves decide it then neither the old nor the new admin istration could rightfully be crit ciscd for the change, provided the plan for a new hall carried.* MV IS FIVORLH SON ENTERS TEAM Home Folk* Bwarin Raleigh Street And Hotel* For Max Gard ner’s Inaugural. i By LEE B. WEATHERS.) Raleigh. Jan. ll.~lt ta Clerelan rounly day In Raleigh today 4ttk approximately I5C of the hMnr folk* here to witness the Inangnra Hon of Governor O. Max Gardner. ■ he first native nm of the eoanty to become governor of hla state. Along with the home folks, who ramr down by motor and special train for the ceremonies, were many native* of the ehtraly now living elsewhere. , The Sir Walter hotel, talttt to day Gardner's Raleigh headquar ters. Is agog with home folks and friends of Governor Gardner await ing the big parade which follows the noon inauguration. Swarming he streets and lobbies with the civilian friends of the man who de ires to be known aa "the friendly :overnor" are scores of uniformed niillatiamcn .ah$ dglleg*students -■* < mm aiggirvir-ara-Mpaeir. Friday VboWmVk * Job; Max Nearly Loses Silk-Topper Gardner’* Son Wreck* Car In Creek. SpUl* Binwc. tVibb i Special to The Star.) Raleigh, Jan. It—The “Friddy Jinx." long feared by the supersti tious, bid fall- to cast Its hoodoo spell over the Friday Inaugural ceremonia*—of ttMlfepfc. flat son Governor O Mar Gardner here to day. The new governor lent supersti tious himself, but those who wor ried about his inauguration corafcu on Friday aeein to have enough tc talk about even before tfce Inaugu ration ceremonial got- going goo today. 4 ‘ ' What a chain of events! First of all. Governor Max cam 4 very near not having hie high sil. beaver for the inaugural ceremor les—and governors, yon know, mu wear such for the formalities. Cars Wrecked. Late last night BsOph Gwrdnv second son of the governor, wreck ed the auto, containing the pei sonal baggage of the executive fam lly. tliereby \e-y near smashing thr eilk-topper which his dad must wear today. But the hat cam? through and early reports are that the spilled baggage was not dam aged. The second wreck coming in tin immediate family of the goverhoi was that of Federal Judge E.' Yates Webbs car. Judge Webb being a brother of Mrs! Gardner. Some of those in the car, reports say, Wert cut by flying glass, but no one wa; injured enough to keep them away from the inaugural ceremonies. Mr. J. H. Anthony, another Sliel byite down to see the town’s best known citizen take office, was In in cd in a fall, but ls.atiapidlngll’c 1) augurpl In a wheel chair. _-t ■ trs CONSCIOUS. BETTER Mr. Dover Mtiil. who is ift the 1 capital here in serious condition rs 1 ie .result of a bullet wound in hi head said to have been self-infUet