Bronx Boy Flyer Tells Arctic Tales Cempanlonate MarHiit Known In North, Also Found Bobbed llelr. Now York World. A BrOkix boy Just returning from an adventurous flying trip In the Arctttf Circle finds New York and its civilisation dull and backward as compared to the frigid lands where ultra-modem Eskimos not only chew gum, powder their noses, bobtt)Cir hair and outdo the smart est students at bridge, but practice con^aalonate marriage as though It wore an ordinary social custom. p*Uj Felson of No. P64 Dawson street, the Bronx, is only twenty, but his interest in aviation has led him to adventures over unknown lands. The drudgery of a mechanic at tlfttchel Field. L. I„ over a period «f three jears being too tame an occupation for Paul, he got himself a Job with the Leoning Aeronauti cal Corporation, and with It the opportunity for adventure came. Jack Rammel of the Northern Aerial Minerals Corporation, Ltd., recently bought a Loening amphi bian for $36,000 and employed Paul M A mechanic on a prospecting trip normward. The flight to r DR. D. M. MORRISON i OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted and Repaired. Located next to Haines Shoe Store. (Down Stairs) S SHELBY, N. C. TELEPHONE 585 No one knows how to sec that the funeral ceremony Is conducted in a fitting and appropriate manner quite so well as docs an earnest, trained, experienced and conscientjgie funeral direc tor Mr The expense is entirely within your own control in accordance with your wish es when you confide the funeral ^rrangments to 'il&MEV Pftllston, N. C. Funeral Directors ami -Service ione No| 4 Night Phone No 6 o I Montreal was tame. Paul's first thrill came when Duke Schiller boarded the cockpit, there. At Sud bury, Ont.. he and Duke Schiller I were arrested because the pilot did not carry a license. Paul did not mind being under arrest for three days, at the end of which he got another pilot and both flew northward to Join Jack Hammel at Read Lake After an other series of flights they landed at Baker Lake In the Northwest territories where they were to Join' the prospectors. The northern most point they reached. Paul said yesterday, .as about :i,000 miles from the Bronx at Chesterfield In let in the Arctic Circle. It was at Chesterfield where they met Eskimos, who noticed with won derment how the amphibian, whose pontoons had been broken, stopped flying and lay stockstill on the snow They could not understand, he said, how the Tlngmuck (bird ot the alri ceased soaring. But the flyers were not destined to meet the prospectors, who were supposed to await them They had lost the trail and left a note that they were trekking back to civiliza tion. One of them died and the oth er they found later on with frozen feet, which eventually were ampu tated. This ended the prospecting trip this year. I "Speaking of companionate mar riage," Paul said, "why the Eski mos have known it from time mi known. The children are married at birth, and If, when they grow up they don't like their nudes Why they can Just swap wives with an other disgruntled hmbund. But the husband retains the right to Uke back his babyhood love any time he chooses. "Eskimos Insist that thetr wives take the vow of obedience at the .wedding ceremony. Among the wife’s duties Is the Job of chewing his frozen sealskin boots soft!" AI.L CHICAGO DEBUTANTES HAVE LONG HAIR THIS TEAR Chicago —If Chicago’s winter de butantes set the fashion, bobbed hair Is definitely taboo. No one of (he 36 newcomers to select society has bobbed hair. ‘‘All of us feci that if youth is to retain any Individuality tt must lead the way back to golden locks and raven tresses," said Miss Letitla Channon, a deb. One proprietress of a Michigan avenue hairdressing shop is so op posed to long Khlr that she refuses to employ girls who allow- their hair to grow. l.lkfs Gardner's f arm Pollry. Spartanburg Herald. Mr. Gardner entertains the view that such backwardness as North Carolina agriculture displays is pey chologtcal—a lmng-over from slav ery days. Ha holds, too, that the present is (he psychological t.inie"^t> break the hold of those habits of thought. Recent governors of North Caro lina have stressed educational prog ress and It hat. been made, they have emphasized Industry and that has advanced. The building of the highways two administrations ago, was the big objective and that Ufcs accomplished. The retiring gover nor of North Carolina has given the state a business administration seeking to adjust Its affairs in a sort of general stock taking after a period of unprecedented expan-! slon and that has served. So it is' a case of tire man and the Issue utee; :n.r if Governor Gardrcr is to place tire agricultural standard at the head of his column arc carry the farming interests of his state forward thr;>u*bout his administra tion. Try Star Job Printing “6^67 Is A Prescription For Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Kilious Fever and Malaria, t It is the most speedy remedy known < 10 Copeland’s Health Talk Baby’s Sunshine HY ROYAL S. COPELAND, M. D. United Matts Senator Apd Former llettilli Cniumssioner of New Fork.) It a baby Hunks and could talk, what a lot we might learn about how to trdht infants. It is true that a youngster may yell its protest, yet we arc often at a loss to know just what it is that displeases the child. We are not sure whether it is gas or a pin. It isn’t a bad idea to be imagining often how you would feel if cir* DR. COPELAND cumstanced t ample, stippo: led IX you we army blanket stockings. In these swaddled in children are skirts. It w average betv.t The baby skin. The ole Ilrom the cold V/e learn skin. That the grown-up great extent the welfare of the bab; Activity of the skin depends or In turn Is determined by the care makes a close study of the skin an him. Exposure to sunshine Is ore ol skin In prime condition. Kxjrclsc Now you will laugh at me. "Sure ly" you say, "you do not expect an Infant to get out every day for a long walk." No, I don't. Tlut. babies require exercise even if they cannot walk. Strip off all those thick garments and bands. Then see what the baby does. Find a place In your house where a wide couch, the bed, or a strip of carpet can get the full effect of the bright sunshine. Make sure it Is warm enough in that room not to chill the baby. Spread a sheet on the chosen spot and place the naked baby there. My, what a time of wiggling and kicking It, will have. Let the little chap kick and squirm to his heart's content, That Is baby's way of get ting exercise. That Is the way na ture Intended to strengthen the muscles and Improve the circula tion. Improvements have been made In the manufacture of glass. It-is dnado now’»o that the materials-which cuts out certain qualities of light Is eliminated. The sunlight has all its good effects, which cannot be felt unless such glass Is used In the windows. But If the day Is warm enough to open the windows, then the baby will get the direct rays of the sun and every bit of their virtues. But if you haven't the new-fangled glass give your baby all you crii of the sunlight, even if it is filtered through or dinary glass. Keep the .skin clean by regular bathing. If the skin does not act as it should have the tub bath as hot as 1 » af\|L continue it rather TtWjiWteitian usual* Sweating ts good iorveveh'body. *'• The more active the skill is the less strain will be placed 'on the Kidneys. In this way the poisons of the body arc eliminated. Answers To Health Queries. E. L. I. Q.—What, would Cause iiain and soreness in both sides and wound the back attjp&)pjMiicd by pain in the lower psrl afcthe abdo neii? 2. -What should a young woman twenty-five, 5 ft. 9 in. tall— veigli? 3. —Is there any cure lor a goitre? A. —Very likely due to gases caus 'd by Improper digestion, causing he food to ferment. Watch- your lift and be sure that the intesti nal tract is kept clear. 2. — She should weigh about 150 iounds. 3. —There arc several different ypes of goitre each requiring spe lftc treatment. In some Instances ABA xactly as the child is. As an ex ie you try to think how you would rc bundled up with a couple of thick ?, a woolen hood and long, thick modern days many tiny babies arc thick and tight clothing and older dressed in short socks and shorter ouldn't be a bad idea to strike an rn the two practices, needs the effects of sunshine on the cr child needs to be better protected much from the appearance of the gives a good idea of the health of It:: condition determines to a tlic circulation of the blood. This of the body s surfaces. The doctor 1 the mother will do well to imitate the very best ways to keep the is unother important consideration. simple medication is effective in others more drastic treatment is essential Sec your doctor for his advice. Prohibition officials are working on a plan to make the city of Wash ington bone-dry. We respectfully refer this matter to the Society for the Abolition of Capital Punish ment.—The New Yorker. COMMISSIONERS SALE. Pursuant to an order of the court made in special proceedings entitled E. C. Smith et. al. vs. Bessie Fisher, et. al. dated December 31, 1928, the undersigned commissioner will of fer for resale at public auction for cash at the court house door tp Shelby. N. C. on Thursday, Janu ary 31, 1929 at, 12 o’clock, noon, the following described real estate: A tract of land situated in No. 5 township, Cleveland county and bounded as follows: Being that tract of land convey ed from Christopher Felmont and wife, Margaret Felmont to James K. Smith by deed dated March 3. 1881, and recorded in book MMM at page 61 in register’s office, Cleve land county. Beginning on a black oak, R. M. Elliott's comer. and runs thence N. 7b E. 112 poles to a rock apd persimmon tree; thence S. 32 E. 44 poles to a stake on school land; thence S. 59Vi W. 16 poles to a stake; thence S. 32 E. 10 poles to a stake; thence S. 59«i W. 29 2-3 poles to a stake; thence N. 69 W. 72 poles to a stake and point ers; thence N. 81 w. 24 poles to the beginning, containing 22 % acres, more or less. Terms of sale: Cash. Date of sale: January 31, 1929, « ■ PEYTON McS^AfN, Commissioner. When Is Best Time For Your Working? News & Observer. What is the best time to work? In what hours is a man's mine} at its best? If these questions should be asked of the members of the staff of a morning paper, the an swer would be, “The best writing is done in the night." The old time editors, who worked until 3 a. iii., would say they could do their best thinking around midnight. And morning paper writers would face-! tiously say that the reason the1 morning papers were better than the afternoon papers is because it requires the quiet of the dark to stimulate to the best achievement. On the other hand, those who make an afternoon paper would say that ! their contribution are brighter be | cause they follow God's .dan and i work when the sun gives light and i warmth. mere are many others,, m addi tion to editors and authors, who seek the night for their best pro duction, substituting tlie house set. apart for sleeping before artificial light turned night into day. And now they teh us that active bust- ! ness men find that the stress and strain of the business‘hours, leave them no time for making their best plans. The Columbia State tells of a very successful business man on j Wall Street who enjoys 'he repu tation of a man who never works and yet manages to accomplish more than any of the men who seem most active during the rush of short business hours, and quote., him as saying: I read the other day that Pierre Lott does his best literary work in the hours between 2 and 5 in the morning, and that his reason is his brain is more active then. I am up at 2 o'clock every morning ex cept Saturdays and Sundays, take a cold plunge, and dig into work with a clear head and active brain un til 5 o'clock or so, when I turn In for a nap until 7. It's perfectly quiet up when 1 live in the early morning. That's the time when I digest annual reports, tables of sta tistics my clerks have prepared dur ing the day and make plans for the day ahead of me and the near future. I know I get a better out look then than I can in the bustling hours of a business day. So 1 take things easy in the time when oth ers are working under pressure and more or less distraction. Hence my For colds, grip and flu take Relieve* the congestion, pretents Complications, and hastens recovery. j YOU’LL WHISTLE In amazement at the low price of this 530 acre mountain farm. Can be bought in plots or as a whole In two miles of No. 20 Highway. Sixty acres of good bottom land. 500 acres can be cultivated. Two fair houses and outbuildings. Reason for Sell ing-Division among heirs. Excellent terms. Write or see CHAS. Z. FLACK „ FOREST CITY, N. C. j reputation as an idler, i ve simpiv anticipated the other fellows and whatever of success 1 have had is due to my way of working. It is still true, as he says, that there is a freshness in the early morning hours which many Hunk ers find gve mord' inspiration than • any other period .of the hi hours. It is not always true that "early to bed and eaiiy to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise," but there Is much to be said in tavor of using Gods sunshine rather than depending upon artificial light. ro RESIST THE ATTACK—of cold. or grippe—put your system I and your blood Vi order. Uuild up your health \v i t h that yr UtTLUU tonic. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis cover}-. which has stood the test, of sixty years of approval. 'I'he air vvc hreathc is often full of germs, if our vitality is low we're an easy mark for colds or pneumonia. One who hits used the “Discovery” writes thus: Memphis, iron. ' I always have Buffered Jhoif or less with indigestion anil u limes • *■ 1 Mood would h* iiii't fiul im k?di*uI i health poor. J found lUai 1). Piute (d>l- j dm MedtVul l)i>-'ow:y bcn^fVtod me more j than any other remedy. ii always relieved my •toinaili iiouhle and mtichcd my Mood y> ! that I felt like a new person. 1 am convinc'd I that nothing tan Mirpaacs it. n» a ton- ' it. -Mis. J. t\ Mitchell, 277 Illinois bt» Fluid or tablets. Ml druggists. Write Dr. Pierce's Invalids Hotel, in Buffalo, N. Y., for free advice. i BOLL GIN READY To the Public. We now have our lat est machinery installed and are now ready to gin your cotton in the boll. This machinery has an advantage over the older machinery for this kind of work. It has a new designed separa tion which enables our customers to get a better price of ginning. Bring us your boils in good dry con dition and thereby save what you have made. We are going to buy this cotton and seed, paying as much as possibe. We also will buy bolls where people do not have enough for a bale. W. A. CROWDER & SON j Lattimore, N. C. j| ____J!) CONDENSED STATEMENT OF UNION TRUST CO. SHELBY, N. C. Including Branch Offices at Lattimore, Lawndale and Fall ston, at the Close of Busines', December 3l3t, 1928. RESOURCES OVER ONE M'LLION TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. — RESOURCES — Loans and Discounts _„ $1,023,407.28 Overdrafts __ 3,176.72 United State Liberty Bonds 51,921.88 Other Bonds and Stocks __ 17,400.00 Real Estate- 5,000.00 Fixtures_ 5,000.00 Cash on Hand and Due From Banks__ 178,560.00 TOTAL $1,284,468.97 — LIABILITIES — Capital — —---$100,OUO.00 Surplus-...._83,000.00 Undivided Profits__ 4,868.20 Reserved for Ta::os_ 1.590.OO Reserved for Interest_32,105.07 Rills Payable- 52,000.00 ■ Dividends Unpaid_3.000.Q0 Deposits- 1,005^05.70 *-—» ,j "pj.i jfr~u Wyn 1'OTAL---81,284,408.97 THE CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS OF THE UNION TRUST CO. ♦ • ' r* -; .. •- — .... ,—, — - - ' - ; Will be pleased with the above report, which reflects growth and encouraging progress. On the basis of the Strength and Growth of this Bank we solicit your business. We are natur al y pleased with this statement has it is the largest we have ever published. UNION TRUST CO. SHELBY - LATTIMORE - LAWNDALE - FALLSTON BANKING - INSURANCE - TRUSTS IN UNION THERE IS STRENGTH.’ *> Car Load Good Mules To Be Sold At i ABSOLUTE AUCTION i Saturday, January 12, 1929 at 11 O’Clock l Crowder Lattimore, N. C. ....Sc""1 ss'swsjsi strife tc* • *•—- .«• C. R. DOGGETT & CO. and CLINE BROS, shelby, n. c. % i IOBO 30 I0C301 socaoocssoE 301=301

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