The Cleveland Star ! SHKI.BY. N. C. MONDAY — WEDNESDAY — FRIDAY SUBSCRIPTION PRICE By Mall, ptr year... $2 M By Carrier, per year ........ $2 00 THE STAR PUBLISHING COMPANY. INC. IJHE B. WEATHERS __.........___ President and Edltoi 8 ERKfeSl HOEY ............___Secretary and Foreman FUSNN DRUM ..............______ News Edilot A. D> JAMES______ Advertising Manage) Entered as second class matter January 1. 1905 nr Mia postolflce At Shelby. North Carolina, under the Act ol Congress March a. 1879 We trials to call your attention to the tact that it is and has been oar custom to charge live cents per line for resolutions ol respect | esrtU ol thanks and obituary notices, after one death notice has j been published. This will be strictly adherred to FRIDAvTj AN. 117192!). TWINKLES Well, Shelby folks who make reference to their first citizen1 today will be technically rijrht. at last -for he really is "Governor Max” today. The county commissioners arc to make a bond issue to repair and rebuild bridges of the county damaged by the flood last year—a move, say we, to which citizens of sections damaged are justly entitled ns taxpayers. For several years new the news payers of the state have been talking about Shelby’s next governor, but of recent weeks they seem to be discussing Shelby’s next year schools. We were proud of the first, talk and we have no right to kick about the latest discussion since we brought it upon ourselves. SHELBY’S BUSINESS MEN *« A MEDICINE MAN,” one of those fellows who travel ^ about the country, gypsy stylo, picking up their shekels here and there, stood over cn a side of the court square this week and dished out his articles to ft large gathering he had talked into numbness. It was a good crowd and business apparently was just as good. He was a smooth-talking art ist, and perhaps, as he said, his medicine and candy were just as wonderful as he portrayed them to be, but what we’re wondering about is: Did he pay a regular license to do busi ness there? Perhaps so, but if he did not it isn’t fair to Shelby business men. druggists and others, who pay regular taxes to serve Shelby'31 shopping public. WISHING HIM.WELL THIS IS CLEVELAND county’s big day. Down in Raleigh this morning a son of a country doctor—.and what more noble ancestry could man ask than that?—was inaugurated governor of his state. Older citizens can remember the day when he trod the Shelby streets in his bare feet, first start ing out on his steady, determined grind to success. Governor O. Max Gardner will be greatly missed by the town and county which gave the state and nation the Dixons and the Durhams, but in this section's loss the home people can assure all Tar Heels that they have gained a fair-play ing,, square-shooting lender whose most attractive requisite, perhaps, is his ability to be friends with men and women in all walks of life. The governor Shelby gives the state today will never be known »s a “high-hat,” and for that reason, al-j though the home folks are exceedingly proud of his ability and his success, the folks back homo are wishing him the best of luck for the next four years while he handles his big gest job. BACK BOILING SPRINGS WHEN ENTERPRISING Baptists of this section trans ” formed Boiling Springs high school into a junior college they were optimistic of course, but the junior college in its first session has advanced even more than the most en thusiastic supporter could have hoped for. Such has been the progress of the institution that it is now only slightly removed from the standard list. As The Star understands it the school library is about the only department needing a boost before the school goes on the standard list. Around 2,000 volumes are needed to boost the library to the required quota. That shouldn’t be any great task for the loyal Baptists of this section and the many friends of the institution in other denominations. About the homes of this section are hundreds of books that might well be tendered the junior college library. What do the people of the section say? A year, or so back the Lenoir-Rhyne college needed so many hundred volumes for the college library to boost the Lutheran school into the'accredited class, the Hickory Record present ed the appeal and in record time the books were donated. Cleveland county and the adjoining section should do the same thing for Boiling Springs. Who’ll start it, and how many of you will keep it going? Let’s go—bring your books in to The Star office and this paper will properly acknowledge tvery donor and volume and see that they are turned over to the school. If you have no su’ta^’e books, give the equiva lent in money 1 And don’t put it off ! CASE OF C'EEYELAffD COUNTY WHAT DO OUTSIDERS think of the school crisis in Cleve land county? The Hickory Record noting the situation here comments upon it and in remarking thrt there are simi lar conditions over North Carolina refers the latter ta the legislature. The Record comment follows. *‘Aa we gei the situation in Cleveland county it is tike this: Shelby citizens recently defeated a proposed increased tax levy for the city schools and the Shell)} school board now says that upon the present income the city schools will be un able to remain open longer than seven and one half months. jt a nonstandard school system. To make matters worse. Mr. J« H, Grigg,. county school superintendent, says that the county system is in even worse condition; they are not only running behind but they cannot vote an increased Igty because five of the six special districts have already Toted their maximum of 50 cents and still that is not suff> eient to run the schools for six months. “According to a news story out of SMhy “the predica ment did not just originate this year, but has prevailed. Last year in one school loyal teachers taught two weeks with out pay to keep the school on the standard list.’’ “That, of course, is a very unfortunate situation. The citizens of Clc\eland county might well he, as is reported, in a dilemma over the future of their school system, and it is fevcrently hoped that the State Legislature furnishes them with the relief that they believe will deliver them from thir plight. “Hut, having expressed sympathy with the harassed citizens, might we ask how it happened that Cleveland has permitted its school system to get in such a financial strain? And in asking that of Cleveland we might as well he asking it of practically every other county in the state. We realize the election for an increased levy was defeated, which never should have happened. If that election had gone across the cit.v school system, to sav the least, would doubtless have pulled through this present crisis for a few more years. But it seems to us that something is vitally wrong when county and city school systems get in such a financial condition with out an increased tax levy which must he voted by the peo ple. “The Legislature of North Carolina, which is getting it self settled in Raleigh today, might well investigate the situ ation in Cleveland county , and in working out a remedy there it will he working out a remedy for most of the counties in the state. “There is nothing which we expound with greater en thusiasm thnn public education, but it is bad for that worthy cause to permit it to wreck itself upon unsound financial man agement. The trouble undoubtedly is because the uniform school law of which North Carolina boasts is not uniform. I he The richest counties pay less for their public education and have the finest school system, while the poorest counties pay most for their public schools and have the worst systems. The law is unjust and not uniform, and we trust that the legislature will find the wisdom to correct it. But in the absence of any immediate remedy the educational systems of the various counties need the most careful financial man agement it is possible to obtain.” Something To Think About Here And There •- .-■ —• By Bruno Lessing - At the convention of the Ameri can Association for .Medico-Physi cal Research one of the speaker* declared that rage, hate and sup pressed desire* produce acid con ditions In the body that are harm ful to health. Whether or not these emotions really affect life, we all know that they make life darned unhappy. (If the lady in Seattle will pardon the mild pro fanity.) Rage betrays weakness nnd lack of self-control. Hate is the sign j of a« unbalanced, unphilosophiral mind. Small wonder that these two departures from the normal should affect the bodily health. Suppressed desires come under an ^ entirely different category. A refined, well-trained mind does] not experience the emotion of rage. It leaves that emotion to the vul gar. A sane, well-balanced mind finds it difficult to hate. It realizes the; futility of this emotion, its utter j uselessness. It feels Itself above the, level of the storm and strife of hu- j man conflict and knows that it j lowers itself to the common level by hating. So that, in the development of the mind, a cure for those two nasty feelings, rage and hate, may be obtained. The source of desire, however, does not lie in the mind. It lies in that tangled web of nerves and) ganglia which Nature, aided and abetted by heredity and accident, has woven. When this desire is suppressed, some damage, naturally j accrues. The necessity for suppressing de sire is laid upon us, in varying do-' grees, by our religions, our personal moral codes, our knowledge, our sense of the fitness of things nnd various other forces created by civi lization. The art of suppression is per fortned by the mind in summoning tHe will power to perform its dutj. Yet. while the mind can suppress, it cannot remove the desire. How the desire itself may be dis pelled is a mystery. Some suggest prayer. Some suggest the artifi cial creation of a counter-desire. Some suggest suicide. A whole en cyclopedia could be written on the subject. Here's an Interesting newspaper headline' "Washington Keenly Felt Lack ot Education.' Its apropos of‘a biography of the first president in which It is narrated that he was reluctant to visit France at the end of his presidential term, beeause ho could not speak French. Which is only another tribute to his greatness and his wisdom What wise man does not regret the lack of education? There is so much to learn in life and so brief a time in which to learn it! To grasp the life and literature of those ancient lands from which our civilization and all our religions are derived would .cquire a couple of centuries at least. And then we would only be in the A B C. class of modern study The mort one really learns, the more one wants to learn. All who have tasted of education must re gret their lack of completely pos session of it, To say that Wash ington regretted keenly, is a great compliment. What Five Cows Would Mean A bank In Dyer county. Tennes see. has figured out what could be bought with the cash returns re ceived if every farm in that county had Just five cows that produced an average of two and a half gal lons of milk a day for 300 days each year. Here is the list: Pay every farmer's taxes, both state and county. Pay all auto licenses Buy two tires for every car. Get a $40 kitchen cabinet for every farm. Buy a $50 sewing machine for each farm. Buy $5 worth of school books for every child. Buy a $40 suit or lurnuure ior every farm Clothe each farmer and his fam ily of five. Get $50 worth of paint for each farm. This tabulation does not take in to account the amount to be gain ed by the increased soil fertility due to the use of the manure, nor does It consider the money that Is made through the sale of calves. NOTICE OE STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. The stockholders of the Union Trust company will hold their an nual meeting for the election of di rectors and any other business coming before the meeting, at 11 o'clock Tuesday, Jan. 15. 1929. FORREST ESKRIDGE, Cashier COULDN’T SLEEP Louisiana Lady Mates That The First Bottle of Cardni She Took, Helped Her. Montgomery. La.—"I was In a dreadfully run-down condition.” says Mrs. Charles L. Lacroix, of this city. “I suffered a great deal of pain. I was tn misery all over. I could not sit up and I could not lie donn. i couldn’t sleep and at times I would have dreadful vomiting spells. The aches and pains seemed to cover my whole body. ‘T had taken Cardul. off and od. since 1903. It had always done me good, so when I got In this bad con dition, I thought I would take tt again. “One night, my husband brought me home six bottles of Cardul and I began to take It. I could tell that I wits Improving from the first bot tle. but I kept on taking the medi cine, for I knew that I needed a tonic that would build me up and strengthen me where I was weak and run-down. That la exactly what Cardul did for me. After I had finished the sixth bottle I felt fine, I feel truly thankful for what Cardul ha* done for me, for I could not have gone on living In the des perate condition I was in.” Cardul la a harmleee Valuable, medicinal barbs <4 FOOTWEAR FOB MILADY | t "Vandalized” for 19m ( Chicago. Footwear tor milady I , will be “scandalized for 1929. styles j brought to Chicago by some 9,000 i shoemen at the annual convention j of (lie National Shoe Retailers' As- j sociation, Indicated. y The jeweler, embroiderer, weaver, j dyer and even artist aided the shoe j manufacturer with the highly dl virted models, many little more i than soles joined by coverings of | crepe de chine, linen or kid. Beige was the leading shade for j spring and blue was second. All j pastel tints are in favor. JUDGE CAN’T .SEE WHERE BARE LEGS ARE NUISANCE! Pottsville. Pa.—When Mrs. Mary Kan:.ekn , 35 years old. of Shenan doah, was t illed to triai fer being , a common nuisance it was discover ed that the chuge was based on her going about the : fleets with ! bare legs. She had been in jail ! three months awaiting trial, •Judge R, h. Koch in charging I'lie jury said: "We see bare legs RATS NOW TKi* repulsive creature contaminate* everythin! he touche*. A menace to health. A disease hearer. Cat rid at ret* mw- quickly, easiir. ••fair—with STEPHENSON DRUG CO. PHONE 2 n the choius and at the beach and hey are no nuisance there, ’ The jury promptly acquitted the toman. ADVERTISE IN THE STAR Albert B Fall-will go on trial in Washington again, in January, the government apparently having dug up something Mr. Fall lias not yet been acquitted of.—San Diego Un ion. ===-:-. . Eskridge News Yol. 1. January 11, 19251. No. 7. I wonder if nn.vone ha- missed our Eskridge News. We have been too busy for the past two weeks to do any writing. Well we have started on the i New Year and we hope to give j you folks better service tharrwr have in the past. Service is our hobbjv and we have made a num ber of resolutions on that sub ject, We intend to try real hard to keep them. Wise Buyers. Sam Custer Lattimore has his second Modal "A" Coupe. Ellis Transfer Co, Truck. C. C. Horn, Sport Coupe. T. P. Cottle. Coupe. Charlie Grant, Lawndn’.;, Tu dor, Clem Cook, Sport, Coupe F. E. Lipford, Tudor Sedan. L. G. Hawkins. Fordon Sedan. L. V. Lee. Standard Coupe. Carl Gardner, PhaMon. A. B. Walker. Route 1 Lntti niore. Fordor Sedan. Yes, wr believe that a satis fied customer is our best adver tisement. That is why we tell you of them every once in a while. 1 don't know if you have ever noticed it but it sure is remark able the rapid-ty with which fish grow out of water. I Swimming was originally dis covered by a Scotchman w ho came to a toll bridge. We try hard not to insult any body. If Mr. Bess neglected to send your bill or notice of pay- i merit due. just phone No. 241 and we will see that you get it. Now 1 11 do the dictating, said j ilie .stenographer as she married the boss, We are. happy to announce j i hat we can now' make prompt ; deliveries on both Cars and Trucks. Phone 241 and ask to drive one of these new Fords. | You will be both surprised and ; delighted. Yes, we now have a Ford that sells for over $1500.00. A Town : Car with a Custom Built Body. Buy your New Ford row and , make 1929 your best year. Oeorge Elam has a few more Ooodyear Tires he wants to sell t you and Walter Turner Is still : putting out those 18-plates bst ! teries. GHAS. L. ESKRIDGE FORD PRODUCTS SHELBY, N. C. PHONE 241. AT THE -PRINCESS Home Of Good Shows. — TONIGHT — Last chance to see the Great Love Drama ‘ “ F A Z I L ” Which more than pleased large crowds throughout yesterday. “TOMORROW” BIG DOUBLE BILL Gaston Glass in a great Canadian Northwest Mounted Police Story “A WOMAN’S JUSTICE” AL HOXIE And his wonder horse in “THE RUSTLER’S END” Don’t miss seeing A1 as a brave Texas Ranger. ALSO— “Pirates of the Pines” — Para mount News — and Hot Comedy “Be lieve It Or Not.” - COMING - John R. Van Ar men’s Minstrels. 7CHEVROLET Outstanding Chevrolet of Chevrolet History •4 Jtx in the price range of the four j represents 4 years of Development and over a Million miles of Testing Never has a new motor car come to the public more thoroughly proved in every detail than The Outstanding Chevrolet of Chevrolet History. Years ago, the Chevrolet Motor Company designed and built its first experimental six-cylinder motor. This far-sighted step was taken because Chevrolet engineers knew that the six-cylinder motor is inherently the most perfectly balanced motor—the ideal power plant to meet the growing public demand for greater reserve power, faster getaway and, above all— smooth, quiet performance. During the last four years, over a hundred six-cylinder motors—rep resenting every conceivable type— were built by Chevrolet engineers and tested on the General Motors Proving Ground. This constituted one of the greatest series of tests ever conducted with any automobile. From time to time, the experimental models were torn down for inspect tion, redesigning and further testing —until the present motor was de veloped and pronounced correct. While the new six-cylinder motor was in process of development, other Chevrolet engineers were perfecting other parts of the chassis. And another great automotive organiza tion—the Fisher Body Corporation —was devoting its gigantic resources to the creation of the finest, sturdiest and most beautiful bodies ever offered on a low-priced automobile. As a result, the Outstanding Chev rolet offers an order of well-balanced excellence that is extraordinary in the low-price field. From every ttandpocrrt—power, speed* imocriv leas, acceleration and quietness— its performance is truly amaring. Its landjing ease and roadability ara exceptional. Its economy of oper itlon is so great that it delivers better tfurn 20 miles to the gallon of gaso line. And its outstanding beauty, smartness and luxury are cxdtmg widespread admiration. You owe it to yourself to see arid inspect this remarkable car. Gosee in today! Come in and See these Sensational New~ Cars — Now on Display QUALIT Y AT LOW COST (Como In Today For Complete Information!) Crawford Chevrolet Co., Inc. SUCCESSORS TO JORDAN CHEVROLET CO. SHELBY, N. C. r