If WEBB THEATRE Always the Latest and Best Pictures. — TONIGHT — NO EXTRA CHARGES. Colleen Moore In “SYNTHETIC SIN” A SPECIAL — DON’T .MISS IT. ALSO COLLEGIANS and NEWS REEL. A PACKED HOUSE LAST NIGHT PROCLAIMED THIS COLLEEN S REST. — SATURDAY — HARRY CAREY In “BURNING BRIDGES” A Pathe Western. OIso Funny Comedy And Fables. Follow the Crowds to the Best Show in Town. — PHONE 508 — WEBB THEATRE /, fc Extra Special McNEELY’S For Saturday-Monday fjT—V 7-'P— f One lot of Winter Dresses worth up to $20.00 for— $8.95 These Dresses are all this season’s gar ments and are wonderful values. V Any Hat in the store regardless of price to go Saturday and Monday at only— $1.95 All SILK UNDERWEAR i OFF. J. C. McNEELY CO. I I Personal And Local II Friends of Mrs. Bcttlc Lee of Concord will be interested to know that she is showing some improve ments after being critically ill for the past two weeks with influenza. A party of Paragon department store buyers, comprising the presi dent, William Ltneberger. Joe E. Nash, the manager, Miss Ruth Mundy of the ready-to-wear, and Mrs. Bessie Gray, of the millinery department, are leaving Shelby to morrow for the northern markets, including Baltimore and New York Meantime Mr. Nash, with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Thompson and Mr. Le land Jones made a business trip to High Point, this state, Wednesday. Dr. J. B. Davis, president of Boil ing Springs Junior college, is ex ; pected to preach at Dover Baptts church next Sunday night. The people living near Dover are cor dially invited to come out and hear this able minister. Messrs. Ben Palmer and W. D. Babington left Thursday night for Mobile, Ala , to be gone for some time. Mr. Brevard Lattimore of the cir culation department of The Star, is in Raleigh today for the inaugural ceremonies. Mr. H W. Harmon has resigned his position with the Electric Serv ice company it is announced. Mrs. George Pruett. Miss Fern Pruett and Mr. Odell Freeman, of Cllffsldr. spent Wednesday after noon with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Free man.— Rutherfordton Sun. Mr. J. G Mauney, who has been agent in Shelby for the Charlotte Observer for several months has resigned and turned the agency over to Rev. O. P. Abernethy. Mr. and" Mrs. W. J. Roberts were amongst those in Raleigh today at tending the inauguration Mrs. J. C. Smith spent Wednes day in Charlote, Mesdames Mary Wilson Toms, Reid Misenheimer, Misses Theda and Lona Smith are spending today In Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Cicero Hoey and children. Ruth and Franklin, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. 8. E. Hoey and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoey leave tomorrow for their home in Wilmington, Delaware. Miss Frances Tablolo of Tampa, Fla., who is a student at Lime stone college, spent the Christmas holidays with Miss Madge Mauney. Misses Tablolo, Mauney, and Ruth Dixon returned to Limestone col lege. today, to take up their col lege duties. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Baber and family moved the first of the month to the Weathers apartment. Mr. George Vaughn returned Wednesday from a business trip to New York. Mr. Jimmie Weaver, of Birming ham, AJ*.. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Oarroll. Mrs. George Vaughn spent last week with her parent* in Gastonia. Miss Lucy Mae Francis visited Miss rrances Palmer last week-end. Miss Georgia Lutz who has been in the millinery business in Shelby for a number of years, has sold out and retired from work. She moved yesterday to her home at Fallston. Mr. Lewis Forney who has been with his family here for some time left yesterday for Cincinnati. Some of the 8helby people who are in Raleigh today attending the inauguration: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webb, Mr. and Mrs. George Blan ton, Misses Elizabeth McBrayer and Miilicent Blanton, Mr. and Mrs. J. p. Lineberger, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Lee B. Weath ers, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Arey, Mr. and Mrs. Will Arey. Miss Sara Rob erts, Dr. and Mrs. Zeno Wall, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hoey, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hoey, Miss Jsabcl Hoey, Dr. and Mrs 8. S. Royster, Mr. «nd Mrs. A. w. McMurry, Misses Mary Adelaide and Minnie Eddins Roberts MfSfr* Chas C. Blanton, Forrest Eskridge, J. F. Jenkins, D. W. Royr ster. Jack Palmer, D. D. Wilkins, j. T. Roberts. Dr. W. F. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anthony. Mrs. Ollie Anthony, Miss Margaret An thony, Mr. and Mrs. Talmadge Gardner. Mrs. Harry Woodson, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Houser and Otto Long. Mrs. Carrie Childs who is sales lady at J. C. Penney Co. was called to Statesville yesterday on aecount of tlje Ulness of her mother. curt Of THafcp J vfch to tftw* the pood of Ohtiby for their goodness end kindness shown me during the sick ness and death of my dear wife. W. H. KALE. 3t Coach Cards Earl (Greasy) Neale, football and baseball coach at the Uni versity of Virginia, has been named head coach of the St. Louis Nationals by Billy South "•orth. the Cards’ new manager. Seeks Izzy’s Title L French Belanger (above), who, after soundly trouncing Steve Rocco in Toronto, Ont., is out after a match with Corporal Izzy Schwartz, world’s cham pion flyweight boxer. He is a fighter somewhat of the same pattcn as Jimmy McLarnin the knockout artist. ( lultl 0*1100*1 N»w»r»o*l Lutheran Church Service. Sunday school at ten o'clock: A short time devoted to the study of lasting truths. Morning worship, 11 o'clock, ‘ The Growing Youth.” Evening worship, 7:15 o’clock. Subject: “The Satisfying Service." We expect the members to be on time every time. Wc assure visitors a hearty welcome ali the time. Come to the Marlon street school building. (Special to The Star.) A very large crowd was present last Sunday evening to hear the Morgapton orchestra which made music at St. Peters church. The music was reported as good. - Mrs. Georgia Ledford and daugh ters, Misses Mary and Joyce Led ford. was at the Lincolnton hospi tal on last Sunday to see her hus band Mr. Plato Ledford. He is get ting along nicely. Misa Edith Sain spent last Sat urday night at the home of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sain. Miss Ruth Costner spent last Tuesday night with Miss Wilma Hull. Misses Fannie and Male Mostello spent last Sunday with Miss Inez Propst. Miss Mittle gain spent last, Sun day with Miss Corane Hoyle Miss Edith gain returned to foojw coU*fe Mq»>day. Mr- Tommy c*tfev hvJ » n«w erected end have aKrvfd into it. The Peeler place where they just vacated having been sold. M*r vin Hoyle and Max Ledford are the purchasers. | At The Theatres The iTitirfSPr. running a double \ bill of rxrepHonnl merit tomorrow, i The feature film drumattzes u thrilling story ol the Canadian Northwest A Woman's Justice.'" | The art ion picture is "The Rus ’ tier's End," starring one of the great western favorite Al Hoxte. A Woman's Justice" is n smash ing drama ot the big woods and long trails ot the northwest. Oaston Glass appears as the * Mounttes" who always pot his man. He gets him in this spirited pic arc. Colleen Moore proved to be us popular at the Webb Vast night as usual. She drew a big crowd and pleased them. Her vehicle was i "Synthetic Sin. in which she ap pears at the playhouse ajra'n to day. It was perhaps Colleen's fun niest She appears on the stage and pulls a flop, about- the biggest the footlights ever saw. Then she decides to go out and be a real actress. And the fun begins. Today's bill Is enlivened with the ever pop ular "Collegians" and news reel. Tomorrow Harry Carey Mads the bill in a rathe western—"Burning Bridges." And there Is a good com edy and the laughable Fables also featured VAN ARNAM'S MINSTRELS ! COMING Beam Bros, of the Princess thra tre, wishes to announce to the pub lic that he has secured John R. Van Arnam's superior minstrels for Tuesday, January 15. This Is the ninth season for the Van Arnam show and year after year It, has built up an enviable reputation of always having a new show every season, new jokes, new songs, new comedy, new faces, new scenery and all new wardrobe. Nine ytars ago when Mr. Van Arnam started his first minstrel show there were seven minstrel shows entour. Today there are none left. Why Is this, can only be an swered in the words of the world's greatest, showman. Otto Rlngltng, "Give the people the entertainment they want, at a price they can af ford to bring the whole family and you will be successful.’’ Penny Column 1 WANT TO RENT A TWO horse farm In some county adjoin ing Cleveland. Apply at Star of fice. at lip FOR SALE: EARLY JER8EY and Charleston Wakefield cabbage plant*; 300—30c; 400—50c; 1000— $1.20, poet paid. W. H. Blackburn, Newton, N. C„ R-l. It lip LOST; WEDNESDAY NIGHT in Shelby, * U. D. C. pin. Finder leave at Star office or call Mr*. C. B. Alexander, West Marlon St. It 11c STRAYED BIRD DOG AT MY house. O. P. Abemethy. 3t 11c FOR SALE CHEAP TO QUICK buyer my residence on East Buttle street. $1000 cash, remainder In Building and Loan. Six room resid ence and six small outhouses. 12 grapevines, 20 peach trees, 12 figs, 3 apples, 8 plums, 4 cherries, two pecans, 1 apricot, many strawber ries and raspberries. 12 large oaks, 12 rose bushes. Lot 69x175, only three-quarters of mile from court house. D. A. Tedder, phone 649. ltc FIRST $10 BUYS A GOOD SEC ond-hand bicycle. D. A. Tedder, ltc FOR RENT: 3 OR 4 ROOM apartment for light housekeeping. A. E. Gregory, West Marion St., phone 333. 2t lie Calendar reform nas its good points and bad. It would add an other pay-day, but also another rent day.—Dayton Journal. Intelligence Test: Any collection ol forty or fifty questions to which the eminent psychologist giving the test happens to know the replies.— Detroit News. 11 ..■ I COMPARE THIS (NERVE) WITH THE ONE ABSvE AND THE ONE BELOW V COMMM >vTHII si»»ct w#'r« /THIS out Neuritis. Mr*. Martha Debold, Case 15-H. Was afflicted lor a total ol two years. Under seven months' treatment continuously given by another method, condi tion became worse. Persuaded to "try" Chjjoprgctfe, tour vjLJmrt nw»t* f ei te#y entirely reptm-wj »J1 ef fects. Z*Tft*r 9oojn 3. Of lie* Phone ««. Res. 3?*-R. Dr. B. M. JARRETT CHIROPRACTOR % ># r Princess Theatre Shelby Tues. Jan. 15 AMERICA’S GREATEST MINSTREL ORGANIZATION Eclipsing This Season Anything Ever Seen in Minstrelsy. 3 0 High Class Artists 5 Big Time Vaudeville Acts 5. -.i NOTE THESE LOW PRICES FOR A BIG SHOW: ENTIRE LOWER FLOOR . 75c - ENTIRE BALCONY .. 50c 3rd Annual ENJOY IT NOW C EII0 nun ftu mimj SI ( Hlt» U< ■iioini rr-mxTT* aH±7 Old stoves! Old stoves! Trade them in to us for a brand-new, boose beating Heatrola. We’ll take yours out— make you an allowance for it. We’ll in* stall your Heatrola. It takes but 45 min utes. Then laugh when the wind bowls ’round the eaves. Your house is toasty warm—upstairs and down. You are a member of the “Enjoy-It-Now” Club* You have made hut a small deposit—and you have no more payments to make un til next Fall. What a wonderfully liberal Here is our amazing ojfer IYrni Join our “Enjny4t Now” Club by nukiojt a unnbmUp drpodt of only •25.00, liw full amount of whinh b applied m flfilpay »roi on ypur Eatata Hnat vala. it roar old allow you 2 Wo take out ■tote and a] •10.00 tor it (05.00 if yoo er ftact tie* fl—tinla Junior for mum). Thu allow i applM «» the par* of Uw EUsatrola. the Hmtroto am. Within ne will ha*a Tape —Jn BaatwiU In en», and on with offer! February 2nd is the last day—and it won’t be long now* Better join today* SHELBY HARDWARE CO. PHONE 330 “WE SERVE TO SATISFY”

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