= MISS MAYME ROBERTS -Social Editor Photic 256 Kct.i Items Phoned to Miss Roberts Wilt Be Appreciated Methodist Circles. ' id*? 3:30. p. m.—The Lucy tj -Hpyle circle will meet nt the ' ^church, iflcstesses: Mesdames Fred • ClUahen and Carlos Grtgg. . V Monday 7:30 p.’ m —The Business .‘.-^yctnan's circle will meet nt the '’•'“iltoh. Hostesses: Mc.tdames Rob *, Wilson .and Winlred Dorsey. Circles. ■t^llldn&ay 3 p. m.- The Fannie HoCk circle will meet with Mrs. Vul i Thomason on South DeKalb St 1; Monday 3 p. m—Ann Jvidson * circle will meet with Mrs. J IV ^jfdlan on N. Lafayette, street •*“ hienday S'P. tn.—Attle Bostic cir cle yylll meet with Mr. and Mrs. *" Sam Turner on S. LnFnyettr St. Monday 3:30 p. m -Mery Archer circle meets with Mrs. .! L Lnrlcry on W. Warren street F.-T. A. Meeting. .< The Parent-Teachers association of the Marlon school held their regular monthly meeting nt the L- school building Wednesday after •'noon at 3:30 o'clock ,, Mrs. J. W. Doggett. the president. ■ presided. The program was opened - with two choruses by the primary - grades, after which Mr. -j C. New - ; ton made a talk on the present, ; school tax situation, giving a very ,(clear eaplnation of it, alter which lithe association voted to endorse ilng he had said, round table discussion follow* JJr MW. Ceph Blanton and sc hoed problems were dis Luey’ Hamrick's grade was awarded the prize of one dollar for the greatest number of motlrers present. There were seventy-five or more of the parents present. The meet ing adjourned to meet tli second Wednesday In February. Garden Cluh. The Garden club will liave their regular monthly meeting at the club loom Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock Presbyterian Church Circles. The circles of the Woman's Aux il:a y will meet as follows: Monday 3:30 p. in.—Circle No. 1 will meet with Mrs. 8. O. Andrews at her home oil S. Washington St Monday 3:30 p. in.- Circle No. t! " ill meet with Mrs F. O. Gee, S. Washington street Monday 3:30 p. in.-Circle No. il v ill meet with Mrs. Hoy Ttddy Gldney street. Monday 7:30 p. m. Business Woman's circle will meet at Hit' church Stanrey-Carpenter Marriage. Wednesday afternoon January 1! at 5:30 o'clock in the Lutherat parsonage, Claremont, Mr. Paul F Stanley and Miss Johnnie Carpen ter were happily married. Ke\ R B. Sigmon officiated. Mrs. Stanley is the attractive daughter of Mr J. F. Carpenter oi Cherryvflie, Mr. Stanley is the soi of Mr. John G. Stamey of this city He is a member of Shelby’s poller f department. These splendid young ' people have the best wishes ol their many friends. Afternoon Division No. 2 Meets. Mesdames D. Z. Newton. Clyde . Short and George Vaughn were joint hostesses to the members of j division No. 2 of the Worn air's club ; and a number of invited guests, j i yesterday .afternoon at 3:30 o'clock | t at the Woman’s club room, j Mrs. J. W Doggett, the vice-, chairman, presided over the meet- i ! ing. The roll call and minutes of j the previous meeting were read by | the secretary. Miss Ollic Hamrick. I Mrs. ft. O. Hamrick had charge! of the following most entertaining i program. The subject ior the aft-J ernoon wr.s "The Stage." Mrs. Her- j ry Speck told in r. very interesting | manner sketches fior.i "Memories j of My Life,” by Sarah Bernhardt, j Miss Mary Helen Latfimore next beautifully rendered "Hungarian j Rhapsody No. 14" by List/,. This was followed by an autobiography of Joseph Jefferson by Mrs. Mial, i Tiddy. Miss Virginia Hamrick gave | a clever musical reading. "The j Eskimo," Miss Lattimore playing I her accompaniment. Mrs J. P.: Roberts read a biography of Edward , Hugh Sothern. The program was1 closed with two lovely \ooal .selec tions by Mls.s Nina Holt White, , "Now Sleeps the Crtmscn Petals,” and "Tiptoe." The hostesses served delicious salad, sandwiches, date sticks and Russian tea. The invited guests included: : Mesdaines Oscar Palmer, J. H. Car roll. Bloom Kendall. Misses Mary Helen Lattimore, Virginia Hamrick, Nina Holt White. Augusta Alexan , dcr and Mayme Roberts. Mrs. I.rhintl Weds Charlotte Man. News has been received here ol | the wedding in Charlotte Mondayi of Mrs. Annette DePriest-Leland j to Mr. Harry Baber, the ceremony j being performed by Dr. Luther Lit- | tie of the First Baptist church, in the Quern City. Mrs. LeLatuMs the i daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo W j DePriest of Shelby and is pleas antly known in Shelby. Mr Baber,! , the groom Is manager of the i _ Suits And O'Coats .Our value-giving cvenl, featur ing suits and overcoats! Big price cuts also on work clothes, shoes and other turaishings! Will appeal to men who want good, durable, quality clothing. Smart California Weight end Top Coats Single llrcristed Herringbone Woolens, Worsteds Fashionable oxford grays, blue and warm browns. VALUES TO $19.50 Plaid or plain backs; all splendid ly tailored Everv coat made to fit. OVERCOATS $9 MEN’S SUITS— VALUES TO $24.50 Excellent-values in 2 and 3 button model*; sturdy materials—worsteds, chev iots and cashmeres $15-50 offering record saving VALUES TO $29.50 Choice of tan, grey, brown • blue; in plain and fancy \\oa\e Also the popular herringbone weave $19-50 BLACK or TAN For Beys and Youths Sturdy Shoes Our finest shoos for little boys! Nature-shaped last; Goodyear welt sole. Rub ber heels. Sizes &'* to 13'j. FOR GROWING BOYS Mothers will find marvelous values in hoys' clothing here. Only a very few listed below and many other tine bar urns awaiting you! BOYS’ OVERCOATS S,T‘ $5.29 The same swaggering lines and talc materials as the older men's! Sin gle and double breasted models Other tc $10.49 BOYS’ WINTER SUITS $7 9g Snappy litle models with two pairs cf knickers. Will wear like iron. Attractive colors and weaves Others tc $14.85 V\ MONTGOMERY WARD & Cd 139-141 S. LaFayette St. SheFy, N. (’. Phone No. 167 STORE HOURS: 8 M. to 6 V M._8 A. AT. to 9 P. M. SATURDAY Hoover Vacuum clerii-i r in Charlotte The coup’e left afte: the wedding for a honeyn o<n trip to Mr. Haber's .home in Atlanta, Cla. I Tax Relief Aim Of Mull (< on tin lied Irtini page one.) say in Cleveland county, would en large its force sufficiently to keep up practically all the public roads in the entire county. This same! change should be applied to the state. To get sufficient fluids to; pay for state maintenance, I favor 1 a two cent raise in the gasoline! tax. This would produce about i five million dollars and by one j sweep of the pen. the maintenance' tax as levied by the townships and road district < could be abolished. I leaving it, necessary to levy only a sufficient tax to pay Interest on ' bonds and retire them when due ! “By this method, land would not have to pay the heavy road main-I tenant e tax burden that it now has | to carry. It would be paid by the1 automobillsts, many of them* from J out of state, passing through over 1 our good roads. If a farmer did 1 not own a car and have to buy j gasoline he would be exempt from paying any road tux except for lo cal bond interest. l imit Teachers’ Pay. Mr. Mull is deeply in another j piece of legislation which he thinks ' would bring relief from high taxes which arc so much decried all over North Carolina. There is a sur plus m the state treasury which could be used to increase the state school equalization fund. This equalization fund last year was about three and a quarter million dollars. Mr. Mull would increase, the equalization fund to approxi- j mately five millions, said fund to j be distributed to local tax district schools where the school tax is a burden on real estate. Mr. Mull would not allow, how ever, any of this school equaliza tion fund to go to any school that pays its teachers more than the state salary schedule out of public funds of any description. In oth er words, Mr. Mull would have all public schools pay their teachers not more than their certificate would rate them and tn accordance with the salary schedule set by the state department of education, oth- j crwlse these schools would not get i any of (he equalization money. He is expected to run into op-! position by school men who con-; j tend there should be some differ ence in salaries because there is a difference in the cost of living in the larger and smaller towns and cities of the state. I - Shelby People At Inauguration Today Many Go By Automobile. List Of Those On Southern Car. _ Scores of Shelby and Cleveland county people are lft Raleigh today attending the inaugural cere monies of O. Max Gardner, the county's first governor. Due to the fact that many local people Journeyed to Raleigh by motor it is impossible for The Star to present a complete list of home folks attending the ceremonies. However, the following is a partial list of those going on the special car over the Southern Thursday evening: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde R. Hoey, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anthony,! Dr. and Mrs. S. S. Royster, D. W. Royster, J. Frank Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Houser, Mr. and Mrs. Lee B. Weathers, George. Blanton, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hoey, Miss Iso bel Hoey, Misses Minnie Eddins and Mary Adelaide Roberts, Mrs. A. W. McMurry, Mrs. Harry Woodson, A. E. Cline. Kings Mountain; R. E. Price and C. S. Royster, Ruther fordton; Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Nash and Otto Long. | Seaboard Conductor Passes In Hospital Rutherfordton. Jan. 10.—Chesley Meredith, 38, or EUenboro, a con ductor on the Seaboard railroad for many years, died at the state sana torium after an extended illness. Funeral s?rvi:\s were inlc. at Hamlet. He haves a widiw and one son. He was well-knovn here and in Bladen county. Ins former home. He was a member of tne Knlgr.t. Templars of Chr.’•lotto and was a member of the Order of Hallway Conductors and the Brot hernood of Railway Trainmen Mrs. Camnitz Talks To Rotary Meeting l Mrs. Howard Camnitz was the guest speaker at the meeting of i the Shelby Rotary club today at [the Piedmont rafe, giving an inter esting and highly entertaining reci taticn with the atmosphere of her home state of Kentucky. Among recently added members jof the club are Solicitor P. C. Gard iner. Judge Horace Kennedy, and Messrs. Dean Duncan. Jimmy Blan ton and David E. Honeycutt. if STM w«n is SAY, FELLOWS SATURDAY IS MENS DAY AT THE r~YS’ 50c SPORT SOX Sale Price 39c Your choice of any of our Boys’ 50c socks are 39c during the sale. BOYS’ MEDIUM WEIGHT UNIONSUITS ^h'^htly Fleeced (?9c Regular Price 89c to $1.00 A solid case we received just be fore xmas. Good quality all sizes. PARAGON SALE Saturday is Men’s Day here. Special val ues are offered for men. Men do not get “Pepped Up” over sales, but fellows this is not just a sale, it’s January and its Clearance-Time. You find good standard merchandise and right now it will not cost you as much as the average cheapen brands. Come Saturday and let us show yor that we mean what we say. MEN, GET YOUR SUIT BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE . We are closing them out fast, our stocks art gradually dwindling. However you still have a very large assortment from which to make your selection. $ 12-85 $14-9S $18-50 10 $23 f AND NOW! OUR ENTIRE STOCK MENS OVERCOATS 1/2 PRICE Beginning Saturday our entire stock of Men. Overcoats are offered to clear them all out e ONE-HALF PRICE. GET YOUR BOY A GOOD sun < During This Sale a — PRICES ARE LOW - \ ' Mothers, here’s an oppor ! tunity you may not have again soon. Our entire stock of boys suits are greatly re duced for this January Sale Take advantage of these special offerings and get your boy his suit now at $4-95$6-95lo$ll-8r ' PARAGON’S JANUARY CLEARANCE MIIRT S4l£. A busy season has left us with many high grade \ Men’s Shirts. Some are f- a bit mussed — others I broken lots, but all good I qualty. Neckband and S collar attached styles. $1.50 SHIRTS 95c Neat designs and plain white Broad cloth. Colors are fast._ MEN’S SHIRTS ” 88c Guaranteed Colors .... — ONE TABLE SHIRTS — Worth from $2.00 to $3.00. * 1 QQ SALE PRICE. 'OV Eclipse and Wilson Bros., our best brands. Some are a bit soiled but truly bargains. MEN’S 15c WORK SOCKS Closing Them Out 3 PAIRS FOR . .. 21 Boys’ All Wool Sweaters __ $1.6 Pull Over Style .. MEN’S RIBBED UNION swts 79 c (slightly Fleeced) Long sleeves, ankk length. All sizes from 34 to 46. Women’s Work Shoes With Panco Soles $2.69 Very Flexible - All eLather. Black and brown. Working women know this shoe and know it’s a bargain at this price. Men’s Work Shoes kHERE’S A BARGAIN ___ Flexible Panco Soles >AJLrj (T»Q QQ .JRICE Regular $3.95 Value I o clear our stock practically every man s I Work Shoes in stock is offered at $2.98 or a fraction more. And fellows, they are all guar anteed. THE PARAGON DEPARTMENT STORE

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