Around Our Town - Shelby Sidelights - ========= With Renn Drum - THIS DEPARTMENT IN ITS news gathering rounds is going to sorely nifes the Governor of North Carolina, who was up until today the "next governor,” and a citizen of Shelby. In th* large cities the principal news Sources are the city hall, the morgue and the chamber oi com merce. Here in Shell y one may keep a pretty close tab or. all the events of ihe day by keeping in touch with the city hall, the court house, the undertakers, and the recorder. However, in a city no larger than Shelby the day often comes along when no news to speak of W breaking, and it is es pecially so where the paper has the aim of publishing home news in stead of reproduced, or wire news. On many occasions v hen seeking news and finding none—not even enough for one good "page one” story—the writer has climbed the Utalrway to the old Max Gardner * office and got enough news, or ’ (nought tips on stories to fill half Of the front page. Governor Gardner, in the slang of the newspaper game, was, and is “good copy.' Which doesn't mean that he is a publicity hunter No, not at all. But being in poli \ tiles, in touch with farming opera tions. a lawyer by profession, a t Vexine manuiaciurer, unu hi uiusc tquch with nearly every movement, hereabouts It was seldom that a j news hound failed to find a story of some kind after a chat with him And. by way of digressing, he has a better Idea of news value and Just what kind of event is news titan any other man in public life we've ever come In contact with. ft So. y'see, the department Is1 i Bioumlng today over Shelby’s loss v-and the state's gain for personal 0ind selfish reasons as well as for • the now missing link in friendship. On a half dozen times after the Central hotel fire we caught our selves walking by habit over to the darkened doorways where Stephen son’s and the Cleveland drug store were located prior to the blaze. Sev eral times, chasing along in hnblt M»al absent-minded fashion, we Ttound ourselves almost ready to turn the knob and ask for a dope before we realized that the stores were moved. So, it may be that Charlie Bur rus in the weeks to come will be bothered often by our climbing up the stairway, looking: lor Mr. Gardner und a news story before recalling that Mr. Gardner Is now Oovernor Gardner and is dishing out big-time news stories down in Raleigh. Such is life—but somewhere about town we've got to locate that thing called news so that the peo ple, who seldom think ol the hunt ing tactics that must be followed to get news items, may have their news and their sensations three times each week before supper, a meal some people—part of ’em rich, and part Just strutttn’—refer to as dinner. JUST THE OTHER DAY THE telephone rang in the news depart ment of The Star office and we an swered. It was a lady calling a meat market, but the "hello girl" seems to have tangled up her number. "Have you any brains?' came the voice over the wire. Before blinking over the form of our reply we answered: "No, we haven't any brains here. This is The Star office." P. S. Judge John Mull tokl us that cne and he didn't tell it on us, but on another telephone in town, yet in fear of physical vio lence we tell it on ourselves in passing it along. The other fellow is rather hefty and may be some what sensitive about the stuffing of his skull. SPEAKING OF THIS AND that; a Shelby father tells us that one of his daughters gave him a box of cigars for a Christmas gift. And how it pleased him! But the >ther day the bill came along to him. She had 'em charged! WIPE THI8 ODE OF COFFIN S appearing in the Greensboro News, across your spectacles, all ye who are talking and debating taxes; You want r. law, I want a law, All o' God’s chlllun want a law; When I git to Heaven goln' pass me a law I kin keep one day out o' seven. Heaven! Heaven! Everybody pr.ssln’ laws ain’t goln' there; Heaven! Heaven! Ain't nobody goln’ to be la wed In God’s Heaven. You don't want no tax. I don't want no tax, All o’ God's chillun don't want no tax; 1 But we can't lengthen school 'thout facin' the facts They’ll be twelve-months schools In God's Heaven. Heaven! Heaven! Jist passln' laws ain't glttin’ no where; | Heaven! Heaven! Legislatures don't meet in God's Heaven. The Champion steer of the Chi cago stock show brought $5,000, but! sometimes a very bum steer will | | cost even more than that.—San Diego Union. Report of the Condition of the CLEVELAND BANK Ac TRUST CO at Shelby, North Carolina to the | Corporation Commission, at the , Close of Business on the 31st day of December, 1929. . Resonrces I Loans and discounts ... $529,559.42 j Overdrafts _ _ _..... 220.29 ' All other stocks and bonds 3,000.00 Banking house . _ 27,988.56 Furniture and fixtures ... 13,595.24! Cash in vault and amounts due from approved depos itory banks . .. 82,733.85 Checks for clearing and transit items __ 8,526.13 , Cash Items (items held over I 24 hours) ....13.60 Other real estate __ 15,949.66 ! -' | TOTAL . . ..$681,586,751 | Liabilities. Capital stock paid in .. $125,000.00 Surplus fund. 24,000.00 Undivided profits (net amount . . 4,574.48 Reserved for depreciation . 4,977.391 Other deposits subject to check. 281,788.44 Cashiers checks outstand I lng. 7,736.51 Certified checks outstand ing . . .. 54.42 Dividend checks outstand ing . 3,750.00 Time certificates of deposit (Due on or after 30 days) 229,705.51 TOTAL.. $681,586^5 ' State of North Carolina, County of Cleveland: J. J. Lattlmore, cashier, C. Rush Hamrick, director of the Cleveland Bank and Trust Co., each person ally appeared before me this day, and, being duly sworn, each for himself, says that the foregoing report is true to the best of his knowledge and belief. J. J. LATTIMORE, Cashier. C. RUSH HAMRICK, Director Wm. LINEBEROER, Director Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 10th day of January, 1920 J. L. BUTTLE, Notary Public My commission expires Jan. 28. 'SO. ALL OUR PRICES ARE LOW It’s not so much the reduced price weekly specials tnat we are most proud to offer; our greatest achievement is the very low range of our regular prices, on ALL our items, day in and day out through out the year! and the high quality never varies.___ .. GRANDMOTHER’S BREAD 21-Ounce Pull man Loaf A POUND %/C LOAF _ 7c Dezen Pan Rolls_ 8c LOG CABIN SYRUP TABLE SIZE..— 25c RED RIPE TOMATOES FULL PACK 10lr Large Cart.. FANCY BLUE ROSE RICE FOUR POUNDS 20c SUNNYFIELD PANCAKE FLOUR, 3 PACKAGES---25c ALASKA PINK IONA SALMON COCOA NO. X TALL CAN 17c 2-POUND CAN_ 19c SNOWDRIFT 8-POUND PAIL _________$1.37 CALIFORNIA YELLOW CLING PEACHES ,ns“7 Large Cana 50c WHITE HOUSE SWEET CIDER 25c LOOSE SUNSWEET MEAL OR GRITS .10c PRUNES THREE POUNDS 2-Pound Package 19c SWIFT’S JEWEL SHORTENING. 2 Pounds.... 25c IONA STRINGLESS BEANS NO. 2 1 r\ CAN.__.. lUC BEST PURE LARD POUND SUNNYFIELD SLICED BACON 15c Pound___ 39c A. & P. FAMILY AND SELF-RISING FLOUR CLUSTER RAISINS. Bag 95c 98-Pound Bag $3.75 15-Ounce Package__ 121c Atlantic* fccmc £ j\ B. Y. P. U. Officers At Beaver Dam (Special to The Star.) Beaver Dam.—We are glad to note that most of thoee who have been indisposed with flu are better. The following officers were elect ed in senior B. Y. P. U. last Sun day night: President, Haye Glasco; vice president, Albert McGinnis: Bible leader: Mrs. E. D. Hum phries; chorister, Lowell McSwatn; pianist, Terry McSwaln; secretary, Ethel Humphries; group captains, Homer Hamrick, Ralph Callahan, Mrs. Morris Hamrick, Eullus Brooks. The Junior B. Y. P. U. elected the following officers: Leader, Libby McCurry; president, Pearl Glasco; vice president, Mary Lou McCurry; secretary, Sarah Doggett; group captains: Selma Callahan, Bright Glasco, Dufaye Hamrick, Orlan McGinnis. Mr. ana Mrs. e. u. Humphries and son Ollln visited Mr. and Mrs. Cleaton Humphries Thursday night. Mrs. Martha Jarrett of Shelby is visiting daughter Mrs. Zeb Blanton and family. Mrs. Lee McDaniel and children of Kings Mountain spent Wednes day night with her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. W. McCurry. Mr. McDaniel came Thursday and accompanied them home. Mr. Fletcher McGinnis, Mr. R. W. McCurry and daughters. Misses Libby, Mary Lou, Will Ellen, Misses Faye, Pearl and Bright Glasco at tended the Sunday school meeting at Zion Sunday afternoon. i A number of young people gath-1 ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. McCurry Thursday night and went to pay several of the new neighbors a visit when they arriv ed they gave them an old time serenading. They reported a very nice time. Mr. Harrison Morgan entertained a number of young people at the home of his'parents last Friday night with a party. The young peo ple brought a pound of fruits. Aft er many interesting games refresh ments were served by Misses Louise Blanton and Nannie Jones. Every one present enjoyed the evening very much. Teachers and officers meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Blanton Friday at 7 o'clock. We had a very good attendance at Sunday school last Sunday. This will be our regular preaching serv ice. Our pastor will be present. Every one Is invited to be present. Little Miss Edna Brooks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Brooks has made a wonderful record in Sunday school for the last six months. It is hoped that we will have more than one to lepcrt at the end of the sixth month of the New Year. Edna is a member of the Junior department Mrs. Thur man McGinnis is her teacher. She has made a grade of 100 for the past two quarters. E&stside News Of Current Happenings (Special to The Star.i The women of this community are enjoying the home economics course being taught at the Jeffer son school by Mm. G. R Hamrick. The meetings art held each Tues day afternoon. The friends of Miss Lorene Belch were surprised to learn of her mar riage to Mr. Travi3 Hord of Gas tonia on last Friday. Mrs. Hord is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Belch and was a member of the senior class of the Shelby high school. Mr. and Mrs. Hord are making their home in Gastonia. Miss Effle Daberry and Mr. Bur gin Laaenby were married during the holidays. They are both pop ular young people of thts commun ity.' At present they are making their home with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Laaenby. The friends of Mrs. Man-in Dixon will regret to learn that she and Mr. and Mrs. Dixon have moved to Gastonia to make their home. Mrs. Dixon before her marriage during the holidays was Miss Mary Gas key. one of the most, faithful church workers of the Baptist church here. Mrs. Minnie Lamb spent Sunday in Alexander at the bedside of her aunt. Mrs. Belle Harris, who is ser iously ill. Mr. W. E. Gantt, cloth room over seer. had his tonsils removed at the Shelby hospital last Saturday. Mr. Clarence Gibson has been very ill with flu at his home here for the past several days. Mrs. T. D. Lattlmore and little daughter, jessline, have recovered from an attack of flu. The children of Mr. Walter Kale of the Shelby mill are spending some time with their grandmother. Mrs. L. A. Devine. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Spivey oi Charlotte and Miss Mabel Alexan der of Dover were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J F. Alexander last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gantt and Messrs. Cell us and Roland Gantt of Pleasant Hill visited Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gantt Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Toms and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Bob Toms Sunday. Mrs. D. Elmore who has been In the Shelby hospital for an opera tion has been brought to the home of her mother, Mrs. J. A. Newton. She is getting along nicely. i Christmas used to come but once a year. And then Santa Claus went on the Instalment credit plan, too. —Dallas News. It's Just as well that the meek Inherit the earth. Nobody else would stand for the Inheritance tax.—Washington Post. Too often a fellow decides to take a dip in the stock market Just when the stock market decides to dip.— Norfolk Virginian-Pilot. Try Star Want Ad* ADMINISTB UTOR’S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that 1 have this day qualified as Admin istrator of tne estate of J. B. Ham rick, late of Cleveland county, N, C. All persons indebted to said es tate will make immediate payment to the undersigned and all persons having claims against said estate i will present them to me properly I proven for payment on or before January 10th, 1930, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. Tiiis January loth, 1929 O. S. HAMRICK. Adminis trator of J. B. Hamrick, deed. Rybum