, Hatcher Hughes, Rising Genius From Hills of Cleveland Countv i (Continued from page three.) •aid Professor Hughes. "No, I tried to retain the genuine dialect as I had alwajs known it, avoiding, of *T course, any eccentric terms that Would be incomprehensible to the audience not acquainted witn these people. When the rehearsals began I saw that the actors were having difficulty in getting their teeth in to the speech. I expressed a wish to Mr. Klaw, the producer, that he might see these mountain folk, that he might hear how quaint yet how beautiful their dialects could be. I He completely bowled over my wish by the announcement that he was taking the entire cast to the North Carolina mountains to visit these ■ people and observe for themselves.'' Professor Hughes is satisfied that the experiment was a success. It permitted the actors to make studies at first hand, to listen to that soft, musical tongue. Mr. Hughes declares it is one of tire purest in America, harkening back tc* the 18th century when these mountains were settled. The oral tradition still lingers cn. The term ‘ tnology of these people is naturally limited. When they would speak of the motor car or the Zeppelin they l*?e themselves in the complexities v-cJ’ civilization. But-when they speak > of themselves, of the hills in which they live, their language is one oi precision, of clarity, of profound beauty. sees Litilr I outran. Mr. Hughes furthermore notes a *■ similarity with the speech of New Inlanders. His contention is. that if an airplane passenger were to lmd in a valley lost somewhere be tween the Smokies end the Blue . Hide and encounter some natives, fie might easily believe himself to nl>e in tlui secluded areas ol New Hampshire or Maine. We then framed a contrast be tween folk drama and the so-called Broadway farce. "But there is so little to contrast,' he argued, "take for example that highly successful play caleld Broad V* way. In reality it is a lolk drama, but of the people in the city. The difference is, it is urban drama, while a play dealing with the mountain folk flavors of the soil and is therefore probably more basic. To foreigners, for instance, I should think the latter type of play dealing with American life would be more comprehensible. “The conflict in 'Hell Bent for ^Heaven’ is certainly universal; the clash of the sound and unsound mind with social organization. Quite easily the scene might have been laid in Times Square. I chose tjie North Carolina mountains be cause those people there have es caped the standardization of the city. Those folk.have held on to their charm and individuality." New Turk Comedy. Mr. Hughes suddenly laughed. “That may seem a contradiction when X tell you I am at present writing a comedy about New York life. But that doesn't mean my de sertion of the south. No, indeed. I shall always think of it as my home and North Carolina as my state. As a matter of fact I intend to write up many more plays about it.' "Then it is always to be the drama ot American life?'’ we cen tured. A quick rejoinder. "Ana why not? The American theatre in all its as pects is the most interesting in the world. True, we haven't produced as yet an Ibsen, a Shaw, or a Gals worthy. But what is inestimably important, we have a greater num ber o.r young playwrights who. though they may lack the artistic and literary finish of the afore mentioned dramatists, do contri bute sound, vigorous, dramatic ma terial." Proiessor Hughes glanced at his watch. He would have to excuse himself as he was off to the open ing of a new play. "I still have it,” he called back guod-humoredly, “but incomplete. I shan't take to writing novels until X am past sixty years of age.” One glance at him would assure anyone that that period Is consid erably removed from today. If he does not take up the novel oi the reconstruction period let us sur mise that it will be the reconstruc tion period following the World War in which we arc now in the midst. That tremendous, glittering pa-norama of American life and de velopment that this essentially American writer will interpret through characters drawn from his beloved southern people. GAFFNEY TAX RATE TO REMAIN SAME AS 1928 Gaffney.—Gaffney's city tax rate for 1929 will remain the same as it was In 1928. at 28 mills for all purposes. 15 mills is for general purposes including schools, seven mills for interest on city bonds and four mills for the sinking fund. This city also imposes a street tax, on all able-bodied men be tween 21 and 50, payable before the first Tuesday in March. The wo men pay nothing to "walk the streets” of this city. Meh, who fail to pay this two dollars, are requir ed to work the streets of the city for four days gratis. The law was put on the statute books when 50 cents a day was “high'’ wages. FLU TAKE HEAVY TOLL OF LIVES IN RUTHERFORD Rutherfcrdton.—-The epidemic of influenza is gradually passing out of Rutherlord county. It has taken a heavy toll of human life, espec ially where pneumonia developed among old people. JMCnyt.lllil m A NEW All-American that All America is Acclaiming The New Oakland All-American Six is win ning the praise of all America. It is enjoying the admiration caused by its new beauty. And those familiar with its mechanical quality marvel at such fine car features as an accurately balanced “line of drive” . . . dynamically balanced, counter-iweighted crankshaft . . . exclusive patented rubber cushioned engine mounting . . . dirt-and weather-proof internal-expanding four wheel brakes ... Small wonder that a car so wonderfully constructed ... so brilliantly styled . • • should be winning America’s acclaim. Fricaa $u4$ to 91S75, /.a. b. /sclory, pius (Wiosry char gam. Isovajay Bydraulic Shack Abvprbara and spring caver 9 included in Kit prices. Bumpers end rear tender guards extra. Check Oakland delivered prioaa—thay include knees* handling char gas. ^gngpgl tdaiara lima JPoymoot Elan available vc minimum ra9n * South Study of Rickard JTere is a characteristic stuay of Rickard, the genius pro moter. whose spectacular hack ground and gambler’s poise made him an almost legendary figure ip the empire of sports. New Model Cars For 1929 At N. Y. Automobile Show < (The new model cars lor 1929 are now being- shown at the 1 New York show and a complete’ description of the various makes ] • sold in Shelby will appear un 1 drr this heading, one or two | ! makes ench issue until the full ( line is covered.) Dodge. A new car, to be known nas the Dodge Brothers Six, is presented for the first time at the New York auto show. It is the first new Dodge Brothers car produced since Walter P. Chrysler obtained control of the company. Its price range is from $945 to $1,065. . The Senior Six is retained as the only other passenger car In the Dodge Brothers line, the Victory Six being discontinued. The price run of the Senior Six i* from 575 to $1,845. The Dodge Brothers Six is offer ed in eight body type, including a five passenger phaeton, roadster with rumble seat, five-passenger sedan, five-passenger de luxe sedan, five-passenger brougham, foijr pas senger Victoria, two passenger coupe and de luxe coupe with rum ble seat. The original Dodge Brothers' radiator emblem, Interlaced trian gles with wings, is restored. The new bodies are of rigid mono-piece construction, with narrow radiator profile and encircling molding tap ering across the cowl and along the centre hood hinge. Heavy steel fenders are one piece. Exterior hardware parts, Includ ing lamps, bumpers, radiator shell, hub caps and door handles are chromium-plated Lamp tie-rod and cowl bars are curved to harmonize with the general lines of the car. Engine is L-head type, with bore of 3% inches and stroke of 37,s Inches and a total displacement of 208 cubic inches. Seven bearings, with an area of 24.15 square inches, support the. fifty-two-pound crank shaft. Invar struts aluminum alloy pistons with three compression rings an one oil ling are provided. The engine is insulated from the frame 1 j rear rubber mounting. The motor develops sixty or sixty five miles an hour and »s capable of higher speeds. Engine accessories include oil and gasoline filters and air cleaner. Oiling system is by gear type pump. Hydaullc four-wheel brakes, ex panding in twelve-inch drums, pro vide a braking area of 151.9 Inches. The wheels have elliptical spokes. Four Lovejoy hydraulic shock ab sorbers are standard equipment. The Senior line includes eight body styles, brougham, landau se dan, roadster, sport roadster, coupe, sport coupe and sport sedan. AU exterior hardware is chrom ium plated. Engine features include seven-bearing crankshaft, Invar strut pistons and hydraulic ex panding four-wheel brakes. Whippet. The Whippet fours and sixes re cently introduced are speedier, longer and roomier than hitherto, though the fundamental principles of original Whippet construction and mechanism are retained. Various refinements have been incorporated in the Whippet four engine. Stroke has been increased by three-eighth inch and the com pression ratio has also been in creased, bringing it down to 18.6 per cent. New manifold and larger intake valve also add power and torque to the motor. While the average maximum horsepower of the former Whippet engine was thirty-three, the im n> DOROT1IV 1IERZOG ! (Copyright 1928 Premier Syndicate) New York—Manhattan's Grand j Canyon of theatre Is certninly t!]e owl's paradise to one grown accus tomed to a town that folds in abound ten strikes. Han into Mrs. Archie Mayo, wife of "My Man" megaphoner, in the Ritz lobby tothcr noon. The Mayos arc headed for home by now. and glad to cinder bark to Hollywood's expanse. Both have enjoyed poor , health whilst here, particularly ! Archie, was homed a slew of flu germs the weeks he New Yorked i Curiously enough, Archie was at i one time a cave dweller in Tin Pan Alley, where germs frolic and syn copate in dc luxe style. But Cali fornia lias a way of toning down the (host tcmperdmenta! constitu tion Screen epipalh: ' Here lies poor Lester Kaiser. I He talked back To his suo’rvL'iov. ’ i.- ._.* ! From ye Film Village 3,000 miles away meanders a note pertaining to Folly Moran, the lady celluloid Jester. Polly's fan mall, it seems, hRs increased in leaps and bounds and has put her in touch with fif teen former school mates. “Funny thing," puzzles Polly, rubbing her nose tenderly, “they’re nil prosperous and don't want a single thing—not even an auto graphed photo!" Will Rogers laments the coming of the 1alky film. The estimable Will complains he used to meet his cronies from the Coast and be greeted in this wise: “Hi, Will, you ole sun-of-a-gun. How's tricks?" Now, with the talkies here and diction an art, all silent drama players are striving to capture, Rogers says he Is greeted thus: "How do you do, Will,” each word carefully rounded, mouthed and given forth. “How are you feeling ! these days?” j “I ain't so sure after tluvt how I'm feelin,’ ” grieves Rogers. Negotiations, I understand, have ' slagged but not fallen through 'twlxt Jed Harris, producer of “The Front Page,” et cetera, and Walter Wagner of Famous Players, where by Harris become# affiliated with F„ P. Tbe idea x am told, 1* for Harris to control his own produc ing unit, or units, and devote him self exclusively to this work. The salary is estimated as staggering and may be visualized in plump six-figured numbers with a heavy dollar mark leading the procession. If Jed Harris eventually decides to I lead a talky contingent fop Famous | Players and abandon his lucrative ! stage producing, it will mark an overwhelming .step forward for the flickers. | There's no question that Broad way Is beset with the lure of talky pictures. Usually it will mean dou ble salary per picture. I am told | that Jeanne Eagles, who just fin ! proved engine in the new car ha$ an average maximum horsepower of forty. i No material change has been | made in the Whippet six engine other than to intreasc the com ' pression ratio which increases the horsepower to fifty. Steering mechanism has been completely redesigned. ‘•Finger-tip" control is employed, enabling the driver to start the motor, operate 1 the lighting system and sound the ; horn by manipulation of a button ! on the steering wheel. All cars have j mechanical four-wheel brakes. i „ .... . i— ... ’ * WILL ROGERS. lshed "The Letter" for Famous, re ceived approximately $75,000 for this talky. Agents have corrajed a flock of stage names and are endeavoring to sell them to motion picture com panies. The small player fry lb agog over the prospect, of raking In a neat fortune In the movies. The larger fry considers the sit uatton with critical but cool mind. | Many consider the talkies merely a novelty, but one which few of the producing organizations are able to cope with at this time or for some time to come. Many cogitate over the recent vote taken in a local theatre. Aud iences for a week voted on the I question: Which do you prefer—' talky or silent films? And 85 per cent voted for silent films. I won der what other audiences think of the same query and how they would vote. I And—that's alL DREAMS SHE SHOULD BE MAYOR OF MINNEAPOLIS Minneapolis.—A dream that she was destined to “lead the people” had given Mlnneopolis its first wo man candidate for mayor. Mrs. FlQjenze Fredeen Gravdahl, mother of four children, filed as a candidate at the municipal primary next spring. “I dreamed I was leading a big army of. people," she said in ex plaining her filing. Mrs. Gravdahl has been active in local politics for several years, but has never be fore been a candidate for public of fice. STATE’S DEBT IS PLACED AT 174,542,6000 DOLLARS Raleigh.—Total debt of the state o*i December 31, 1928^,»as ♦114, 542,600. a combined statement of the auditor and treasurer Issued showed. Cash balance of $11,034,988.72 was on hand at the end of the year. Of this cash balance $360,675.92 was reserved for the general fund: $11,101,581.12 for highway and other special funds, and $472,731.09 for outstanding warrants. Southern California cites are al ways worrying about their water supply. Perhaps the way to in sure a water supply would be to j prohibit water.—San Diego Union. MONEY AT 51/4% FOR 5 TO 35 YEARS You Owe It To Your Wife And Child ren To Protect Them With A Co-Op erative Long-Term Farm Loan. They have enough troubles when you leave your estate for settlement. If you have been forehanded and have a 35-Year Loan ffom us you are sure they will not be embarrassed by having to seek a loan at what may be a most inopportune time. They merely continue to pay the installments the same as you have done. ■ It’s the most comfortable, cheapest, safest, sensible and longest loan. SHELBY NATIONAL FARM LOAN ASSOCIATION. HENRY B. EDWARDS, SECRETARY-TREASURER 21 Royster Building — Shelby, N. C. Call or Phone 673. We’re Glad To Explain. Service By Night Letter Extended To Foreign Land* Western Union Inaugurates New rian Which Will Change * Travel Much. The Western Union Telegraph company announces that effective January 14, its 50-word night letter service will be extended overseas to its otflees In London. Liverpool, Birmingham, Bristol, Bradford, and Belfast. This cable night letter will supplement the week-end cable letter and is two cents per word cheuper than the latter. For ex ample 60 words may be sent to tlie points mentioned for *3 00. The new service will be extended to all points In Great Britain and Ire land as soon as the necessary ar rangements can be made with the British authorities. It will do away with the expense incidental to cod ing and decoding messages and will provide the greater freedom of expression in cablegrams which plain language gives. me extension oi mgnt letters uverseas will mean much to the business man who makes frequent use of the cable, as well as to those who use the CRble lor social mes sages." A bulletin issued by the company said. "Not only will the fifty word cable night letter do away with a great deal of the neces sity lor coding Rnd decoding cable grams’, always something of a chore, aut it will at the same time provide i greater freedom of expression In cablegrams because It eliminates the stilted phrnsology necessarily employed wheif1 codes are used." "The Introduction In this country jf the night letter over the com pany® land line system provided American business with an economi cal form of rapid overnight com munication. In a comparatively short time the company was handl ing millions of night letters. At the same time the number of full rate messages showed a steady Increase. It is only reasonable to assume that the introduction of the night let ter Idea Into overseas communica tion will result In equal benefits to those persons who employ the cable for International communications.” Originally there was but one rate for trans-Atlantic messages but In recent years there has been intro duced a twenty word cable letter and a week-end cable letter. These services will,, of course, be continu ed. "The recent laying of high-speed cables v;tth their higher carrying capacity per minute, together with operation economlcies. have result ed In a surplus In the overnight ruble capacity. This factor, coupled with the fact that there Is today a great amount of commercial cor , respondent* which is being phy j sically transported with delay in the overseas mail, has been respon* * slble in large part for the company,s i decision to institute this special j cable night letter service In mak I tug thjs surplus .capacity commer cially available an advantage ac crues to the benefit of international trade. Which will undoubtedly be stimulated by this Inexpensive form oi quick communication service. 'Tlie new service is also expected to benefit the increasing number of American tourists abroad by providing them with economical overnight communications with their people at home. It is only reasonable to assume that the cable night letter will result in fur ther popularizing the sending of social cablegrams. _ I The mother of ten children has been sentenced to prison for life. In Michigan, for selling liquor. Un less pardoned'or paroled she prob ably will enjoy her first, real rest, in a decade.—Topeka State Jour nal. j FOiTsALt. ,p“ 64 acres, 200 fruit trees, 2 houses 1 mile from Maiden, '55.00 acre. 100 acres, 6 room house, 8 miles from liincolnton, ?30.00 acre. The above farms are on good roads. Also have a few other good values, all on easy terms. Fee or write, J. Robt. Me Neely I,inco!nton, N. C. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic Destroys Malarial Germs in Dm Wood. Pnmmrns thn Impurittss. Restores Health and Eamfjr aud makes tha Cheeks Rosy. It fortifies the system against Malaria and Chills. 60c. ADVERTISE IN THE STAB Sell Your Poultry! A Poultry Car will he at the SEABOARD STA TION in SHELBY on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY IK. to purchase poultry from Cleveland county farm ers ct the following prices: , HENS. High Breeds...281 LIGHT L Breeds .. 22c H Breed Chickens_22c Light Chickens_ 20c BROILERS. 28c COX .. 12c DUCKS_ 20c GEESE _ 17c HEN TURKEYS .. 30c TOM TURKEYS.. 25e The prices above were the high bids at 4 meet ! ing of six county agents held in Shelby thia week and are the highest market prices to be received. Remember the car is to be loaded WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16. THE FARMERS FEDERATION I / '''' as new and unrivaled to day as the day it appeared Coupe* . £1195 to £1875 Sedans . £1220 to £2145 Sport Can £1225 to £1550 These prices f. o. b. If stick Fac tory. Convenient terms can be arranged on the liberal C. M. 4. C. Time Payment Plan. With all makes of cars on display—with the improvements for 1929 a matter of record—it must be plain to that the new Buick with Masterpiece Bodies by nnat merits final recognition as the moat advanced of the day! Its arresting new body lines and contours stamp it* im mediately as the newest and most distinctive motor car style. Its new Valve-in-Head six-cylinder engine is not only the most powerful automobile engine of its sice in die world but tne leader in getaway, swiftnesa and atamina as well. Moreover, a host ofnew luxury factors makes the new Thrirfr the most comfortable automobile to ride in and tp drive. Scores of thousands of buyers have recognized these facts and entered orders for the new Buick during the past five months. And scores of thousands of others are acclaiming Buick's advanced quality at automobile displays throughout the country. Every comparison proves the new Buick an outstanding value—as new and unrivaled today as the day it appeared! BUICK WITH MASTERPIECE BODIES BY FISHES J. LAWRENCE LACKEY DEALER -SHELBY, N. C. WHEN BETTER A ITT OMOBH.ES ARE BUILT . . -

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