8 PAGES TODAY * ^ VOL. XXXV, No. y THE CLEVELAND STAR SHELBY, N. 9. MONDAY. ,? AN. 21. 1929. Published Monday, Wednesday . and Friday Afternoons By mail, per year (in advance) «2.W LATE NEWS The Markets. Cotton, Shelby .... liMic Cotton Seed, per bu. ...._67!4c Clcndy And Rain. Today's North Carolina Weather Report: Cloudy tonight and Tues day, probably occasional showers. Somewhat wanner tonight and In north portion Tuesday. Talk Court Inquiry. The court of inquiry to be held here Wednesday afternoon by the recorder has created quite a stir < over the town and county with the major Interest centering in the de bate as to whether or not the ad testiflcadum proceedings will bring out any great amount of valuable information about bootleg and ex tracts traffic here. Recorder Ken nedy and Solicitor Gardner Insist that they want all private citizens who will to come in Thursday aft ernoon and tell the court what they know of prohibition law violation here. Dr. Whiten And Two Others At Four Places In County This Week. Every Cleveland county farmer who can possibly do so is urged to attend at least one of the four big ' farm meetings acheduled for this county on Wednesday ard Thurs day of this week. Three of the most prominent farm leaders in the state, one of whom is one of the best known cotton au thorities in the South, will be the ^ speakers* They are Dr. R. Y. Win ters, director of the State agricul tural experiment station; W. F. Pate, state agronomist, and James M. Gray, nitrate of soda expert. The first meeting will be held in the court house here Wednesday afternoon at 2:30, the second at the Belwood school at 7:30 Wednes day afternoon, and the final meet ing Thursday night at 7:30 at Lat timore. All thjee men will speak at the four meetings, which have 7 been arranged and located that every fanner in the county may conveniently attend. - „ Hear Dr. Winters. . County Agent Hardin and others believe that no fanner m the coun ty should pass up the opportunity of hearing the three men, particu larly Dr. Winters as farmers of the county should feel honored at his coming to this county tor two days to tender valuable information. He has done more few community 1 cotton breeding, perhaps, than any other man. and community breed ing is the major item in the cotton world today. Dr. Winters also led the movement for thick Spacing and narrow rows. * Considered the outstanding cotton man of the southeast he was one of the three men compiling the score card for the national cotton con tests, and was also one of the three Judges. His hobby is cotton breeding and he spent three years at Cornell university studying this phase of cotton production. Dr. Winters, and Messrs. Tate and Gray will discuss cotton breeding, fertilization, use of nitrate, and practically every phase of cotton production of interest to the far mers of the state's biggest cotton producing county. i . Mo farmer should pass up the op portunity of hearing them at one of the four meetings to which the public is invited without charge and as a part of the farm extension work. Miss Sara Austell, who teaches in Kings Mountain spent the week end at home. The Women Buy, Through The Star Mrs. Sippel, head of the General Federation of Wo man's clubs says women do nine-tenths of the buying, spending fifty-two thousand million dollars each year. “That’s Important to advis ers,” says Arthur Brisbane. The 8tar goes directly into these homes of its subscrib ers—homes where the women who are the purchasing agents for the families, live. They are watching Sjtar ad vertising columns for bar gains because they are a good Judge of merchandise and values. Each afternoon The Star is oublithed. 13 carrier boys, deliver The Star directly in to the homes of its subscrib ers in Shelby and suburbs, while the 23 rural letter car riers in the county, find The Star their largest single pa trin 2 Thousand Pass Comer In An Hour Busy Corner At Southeast Side Of i Court Square In Busi iness Section. How many people, shoppers and otherwise, swarm the streets of Shelby on Saturday afternoons? Have you ever tried counting them? If not, you're in for a surprise. Last Saturday afternoon R. E. Williams made a wager that at least 1,000 people would pass the comer of South Lafayette street and East Warren street, at the old Cleve land drug store stand, within one hour. Then he and the fellow he wagered with counted them, the count including the stream going both directions, east and west. At the end of the hour 2,150 peo ple had passed by both counts, and of the number 1,510 were white and 640 colored. One reason, no doubt, that large stores locate branches in Shelby, county seat of a big cotton pro- j ducing and spinning county. Opinion Differs On “Still” Bonus For Officers Here Some Think Booties Manufacture Would Increase By Plan. Others Differ. Whether or not the bill in Ra leigh proposing to have deputy sheriffs and officers of this county get their man along with his dis tillery before they receive their $20 bonus would hamper or help the manufacture of bootleg whiskey in ! Cleveland county is a matter of de i bate since the bill was drawn up and forwarded to Raleigh. I On the ether hand numerous peo ple. including officers, disagree, saying th*t the manufacture of whiskey in the county will increase as officers will not be over anxious to spend several days and night* locating a still and then receive no pay if the operator, or operators get away. In the meantime there has been some conjecture about the court house as to who sponsored the drawing up of.the bill. Little Made Here. During the discussion about the proposed bill officers and others gave it as their oivtolon that cmly a small percentage of the whiskey sold in this county Is made here. A big part of it, they said, came in from South Carolina, or from Wilkes and other counties In this state. Rutherford Clerk Dead At Spindale Clerk Of Superior Court In Ruth erford Is Victim Of Pneumonia. Forest City, Jan. 18.—J. Y. Yel tcn, 56, clerk of Rutherford superior court since 1924, died at his home in Spindale Friday morning after a short illness from influenza which was followed by pneumonia. Mr. O. Dickerson, of Rutherford ton, was appointed by Judge Mich ael Schenck to fill out Mr. Yelton's unexpired term. Judge Schenck was sitting dn a regular court term to Asheville and signed Ahe appoint ment of Mr. Dickerson to that city. Funeral services were held Sat urday at noon ifrom the Spindale Baptist church of which Mr. Yel ton was a member from its organ ization, and of which he was a trustee and deacon. An additional funeral service was conducted at Cedar Grove Methodist church, at Sunshine, where the burial was made. Mr. Yelton is survived by his aged parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Y. Yel ton of Sunshine; his widow and six children, three sons, Vemon, John and Spurgeon K. Yelton, and three daughters, Bess, Mary and Annie Yelton, all of Spindale. Four broth ers, Jake Yelton of Spinda’e; James Yelton of Columbia, S. C.; Landrum Yelton, Forest City, end Julian Yel ton of Wilmington, also survive. Mr. Yelton was a member of the Masonic and Junior orders. Squirrel Season Has Closed, Warden Says County Game Warden Mike H. Austell warns hunters that the open season for squirrels to this county, which began September 15, closed on the 15th of this month, or a week ago. The ’possum season will close on January 31, a week from Thursday. The ’possum hunting season opened on October 1. The dove season, it was reminded, end ed December 31, last year. E I Dutch Whisnant Takes Stand And Tells Of Shooting Last November. In a hearing before Recorder i Horace Kennedy here Saturday P. A. McEntire was bound over to Su perior court under a $2,000 bond on the charge of assault with dead- j ly weapon with intent to kill in con nection with the shooting of Horace 1 (Dutch) Whisnant, baseball star, last November at Lawndale. On the charge of carrying a con cealed weapon, namely a pistol, McEntire was fined $50 and the, costs. Three Witnesses lTp. Only three witnesses took the stand—Whisnant. Cullen Morrison.] who operates the power house at1 Lawndale where the shooting took place, and W. J. Littlejohn, another eye-witness. Whisnant hobbled to the stand on crutches, swinging an empty trouser leg which once was filled with the leg that stepped forward on the pitcher’s mound often enough in one year to make him the out standing high school pitcher in North Carolina. The leg was ampu tated at the hospital here some time after the shooting when com plications arose in connection with the bullet wound in the leg. Had Card Game. His story was that he, McEntlre. and Littlejohn were in a card game late in the night at the rower house. An argument developed be tween McEntlre and Whlsnant. and, according to Wht*iant, MC Entire shoved him. and he In turn struck McEntlre. They were parted by Littlejohn and Cullen Morrison, and McEntlre walked around be hind tfie generator with Morriaon.' Near the door, Just a few minutes later, the two encountered each other again, Whlsnant hit McEn tire. according to Whlsnant's story, and McEntlre swung at him and lost his bafanea. Item where ha fell towards the generator Whls nant said McEntlre pulled a gun from under his coat. "I started towards him and then I was shot,” he concluded. Other Witnesses. The evidence tendered by Mor rison was that he came on duty at 12 o’clock, found them playing cards and asked them to quit. About that time, the witness said, an argument arose between McEn tlre and Whisnant. the latter strik ing the former. In some manner, said Morrison, Whlsnant stumbled over the cushion they were playing on and as he did so McEntlre reached over after him. Then, Mor rison continued, he saw a gun in McEntire’s hip-pocket and took it out. After they were parted he said that McEntlre called him round behind the generator and asked him for his gun, “declaring that he was going home Morrison gave it to him, he said, and Mc Enttre walked to the door where Whisnant was standing thanking Littlejohn for parting them. Whis nant, Morrison said, turned to Mc Entire and said “I thank you, too. O_n you, ana si'rucK. wwubuc, who, Morrison said, grabbed Whls nant around the body and told him that he was not mad. In some way he lost his hold and fell^to the floor and about that time, Mor | rison said, the gun went off. When I he first saw the gun after the shot, [he said, it was lying on the floor and a piece of the hammer was broken. The witness said he did hot see McEntire pull the gun and point it at Whisnant. The testimony of Littlejohn was practically the same as that of Morrison. Neither did ne see Mc Entire pull the gun out of his pocket, or point it at Whisnant. The Impression they seemed to gain was that the gun struck the floor when McEntire stumbled as the gun sounded, when it discharg ed, as it went off down about their feet. That the gun was discharged by falling to the floor they did not say, definitely, neither did they say it was not fired by McEntire, oth er than that neither, both looking way. saw McEntire draw the gun or fire it. Carried To Hospital. McEntire, all the witnesses said, along with Littlejohn brought the wounded man to the Ijospttal here. On cross-examination Attorney B. T. Falls, for the defense, brought out in questioning Whisnant that McEntire visited him at the hos pital, leaving a dollar me time for him to purchase cigarettes. "You don't have anything against each other now, do you?'' Mr. Falls asked. "I don’t knok about him, but I have nothing against him except (Continued m :n«e eight) Former Mayor, Paul Webb, Is Talked As A Likely Candidate PAUL WEBB R. E. CARPENTER R. E. Carpenter, Candidate Two Years Ago, Mentioned Along With Jesse Washburn It has been one week since Mayor W. N. Dorsey announced him sell a candidate for reelection as mayor and as yet he has the field to himself. Meantime, however, the political pow-wows and parleys have brought in the names of a half dozen likely candidates, with a new name being added for near every day of the week. Two of those talked as opponents to the present mayor have dis claimed any present intention of running, while statements, have not been made by the others. Webb On Economy. Close friends of Paul Webb, drug gist and war-time mayor of Shel by, say that ho may announce in the near future and that hia dat form will center about economy, al though no definite statement Is made about the candidacy or the talked-of platform. R. E. Carpen ter, former school board member and a candidate two years ago, has a big following, which, t Is under stood, Is urging him to get In the race again. Another candidacy talked Is that of Jesse Washburn young cotton man and grandson of J. J. McMurry, who Is being groom ed by the younger voters of the town provided a prospective busi ness change does not eliminate his prospects of offering. But despite the prospects no oth ers have announced, and despite the lack of announcement* the talk of prospects eefetthuss. “Flu” Holds Down Attendance Here Many Failures Came Of Low Rec ord. Parents Should Note Excuses. There were 312 failures In the Shelby schools during the fourth month as compared with 87. honor roll students. The recent influenza epidemic is said to be the cause of the low record in attendance and the large number of failures. Parents are urged by the school authorities to cooperate in the matter of attendance. Pupils absent without excuse forfeit credits in each class missed during the ab sence. Illness or family afflictions are the two excuses recognized by law. The fourth month attendance re port follows: School E. A.T. H. R. F. Jefferson . ... 368 295 3 4 LaFayette . .. 290 230 6 5 Washington . .. 186 167 14 0 Marion. 323 289 14 22 S. Shelby __ 520 454 19 13 Graham. 281 231 12 41 High School .. 616 422 19 127 Col School ... 480 363 0 0 2964 2461 87 212 Mrs. E. G. Brandon Is Victim Of Pneumonia Wife Of Shelby Electrician Suc cumbs At Are 39—Leaves Five Children. Mrs. E. G. Brandon died this morning at the Shelby hospital where she was a patient with pneumonia, following an attack of influenza about a month ago. Her condition gradually grew worse and after complications set in. the best medical skill seemed to no avail. Mrs. Brandon was only 39 years of age and leaves her husband and five children, the oldest of which is Two Story Building To Be Erected Soon Blanton And Weathers To Erect Fire Proof Building For I Store Boons. A two story brick and steel build ing 32x100. feet will be erected at an early date on the vacant lot on the South side of the Masonic Temple building by Geo. Blanton and Lee B. Weathers where two store rooms will be provided on the ground floor. The ground floor store rooms will be approximately 16 feet wide with beautiful show windows. It is understood that ten ants for the same have been se cured. The second floor will be approxi mately 28x100 feet with an outside entrance while a basement will be provided under the entire building with an outside entrance. Hugh E. White, Gastonia archi tect who drew the plans for the First Baptist church here will begin drawing the plans this week for this building after which bids will be received and the contract let for early completion. The building, it is understood, will be of fireproof construction and ornamental as well as substantial in every particular wij,h steam heat. Poultry Brings In Large Sum. The .carload of poultry sold here last week by Cleveland county far mers to the Farmers Federation brought 15,206 in cash to Cleveland farmers, it is announced by Alvin Hardin, county agent. A total of 21,033 pounds was sold and far mers were busy up to 10 o’clock in the night loading the car. eight years, and the youngest nine months. Mrs. JSrandon’s husband is a well known electrician now working with the city. It is understood Mrs. Brandon’s remains will be taken to Woodruff, S. C. for interment there Tuesday. Congressman Balwinkle Gives To Boiling Springs Library The Star’s drive tor books for the Boiling Springs library was boosted to the 300-volume mark over the week-end by a contribu tion from Congressman A. L. Bul winkle of 36 volumes. In a letter Major Bulwinkle says: "Several days ago I read in the Cleveland Star that books were wanted for the Bolling Springs high school library. I have taken pleasure In mailing to the librarian of your school thirty-six volumes which I trust will prove benefi cial to the students. “If these books are not received within two weeks, kindly let me know.” OPPOSITION SEEN 10 CHANCING PAY OF TIE SOLICITOR Bill To Tut %'ounty Solicitor On Salary Basis Argun* Too Ways. Ere the end of this week Repres entative Odus Mull may hear of op position In Shelby to the bill he has been asked to introduce In leg islature whereby the solicitor of the county court would be placed on a salary basis instead of being paid by fees from the court. •In some circles, It is understood, the change Is being fought and there ts talk of a petition being cir culated asking the county’s repres entative not to Introduce the bill. / Why Opposition? The main points of the opposition are not known, although some of the opposition, according to reports. Is because the bill reads that ll" passed the salary ts to be determined by the county commissioners. Pre sumably the opposition would have the salary of the solicitor set by the legislature as happened when all Cleveland county officers were taken from the fee system and placed upon ftxed salaries. Many For Change. On the other hand. although there are no rerorts of supporting petitions, there arc quite a number who foregather in the court house circle who favor the change to a salary basis. Under the present system, they argue, the county soli citor gets a fee of *3.50 for each conviction in the county court. The county recorder gets a fixed salary of *2,000 per year although there is a recorder's fee of *1.60 for each case he hears, or *2.60 if the record er also Issues the warrant. This fee be it *1.60 or $2 60 does not go to the recorder direct but into the county treasury from which his stipulated salary is paid. Support ers of the change In the method of paying the solicitor declare that there are times when the fees taken directly from the work of the recorder will not pay his salary. For this reason they contend that the fees of the solicitor as well as those of the recorder should go into the county treasury and that both officials be paid therefrom, the larger fees of the solicitor aid ing In paying the recorder's salary of 12.000 after taking care of the solicitor’s salary. When the bill wras passed plac ing all county officers here on a straight salary instead of fees the county solicitor, it is said, was named along with the other offi cers. but due to the fact that the office of recorder’s solicitor was not created until a few weeks later there was some question os to which was the proper legal procedure: to follow the law, made before the of fice was created, which placed all county officers on a fixed salary, or to pay the solicitor by fees. Ths® latter method was followed until the present bill was forwarded to Raleigh for passage, which would place the solicitor on a salary basis along with other officers. In the bill It is stated that the change, if it becomes a law, will not take ef fect until the next term so that those who seek the office will know exactly what It pays, and so that it would not change the pay of the present solicitor, who sought the office with the knowledge that the fee system was used. Around the court house it is hinted that the political hand may be seen on both sides of the de bate "lining things up" for the next county primary. High Cagers Battle Belmont Five There Lose Again To Henrietta Quint. Forest City Here On Friday. Tuesday night of tills week the Shelby High basketball team jour neys to Belmont Abbey for a re turn game with the prep school quint. On Friday night the flashy Forest City five, which eliminated Shelby from the race last year, will face the locals in the “tin can’ here. Playing here last Friday night the Highs dropped a close game to Hen , rietta-Caroleen by a r4-l2 score The absence of Gold, AU-Southern football player from the line-up handicapped the High quint, but inability to find the basket with their shots was the main reason for the defeat of the Morris-Falls proteges. So far this year the Shelby forwards seem unable to get their eyes on the baskets with the consistency shown by the outfit last year. Veteran Die* jihrlbv'* Oldest Citizen And Man Of Distinguished Ancestry— Was A Legislator. Major Frank Hull, perhaps Shel by's oldest citizen and one of f the most prominent men In Catawba county many years ago when he represented Catawba In the state legls.atui e. died Saturday after noon at Lineolnton at 4 o'clock In the Lineolnton hospital where he went Christmas day to be under the care of hia son-in-law Dr. L. A. Crowell. In Shelby he had been making his home recently with his son. Mr. Ouy Hull. HU body was brought here for burial Sunday in Sunset beside hto wife who preceded him to the grave 32 years ago on their 43th wedding anniversary. r Mr. Hull was i>orn tn Lincoln county Octobfer 27, 1834 at Hull’s Cfrjss Roads, a son of Major Hull and Peggy Oross Hull. His grand father Benjamin Hull who died In 1832 was a Revolutlonay war vet eran and held the position as "body guard” to George Washing ton. Deceased was married to Mary Ann Grigg, a daughter of Colonel P. T. Grigg on February 18, 1858 and this union was a most happy one. the couple living together for nearly a half century. Member Of Legislature. Mr. Hull entered the war be tween the states, serving four years in the 18th Infantry, Lane's Bri gade/ A> P. Hill’s division. He was a valiant soldier acquitting himself heroically on every occasion wheth er in peace or war. He was captured by the enemy and held prisoner for months. After his release he re turned to his home, broken in health, drooping in spirit, to take ■up the broken threads of life to start over again. Back home he found his two freed negro slaves waiting for him and ready to help him in whatever he undertook. He worked, taught school, studied, ad vised and with heart, head and hand, did all within his power to help rebuild the land which he had given four rears of his best life to help save. Not only did he teach school, but held many offices in county and state affairs, for he was a leader in the Democratic party, enacting many reforms while a legislator from Catawba. He held the office of civil judge in his township until he came to Shelby to live. Father Of Eleven. Mr. Hull was the father of eleven children, one dying in infancy and' two daughters, Mrs. Frank Hoyle and Miss Rimma Hull died after reaching ycung womanhood. Dr. Plato Hull died at the age of 24 and Mr. Colin Hull died at the age of 49. Surviving are Miss Lilia Hull, Mr. Luico M. Hull, Mr. J. Heywood Hull. Mr. Ouy Hull. Mrs. John M. Black of Shelby; Mrs. L .A. Crow* ell. of Lincolriton; also 14 grand* chtldren and 12 great grandchil dren, two great,, great grandchil dren. Funeral Here Sunday. The funeral services were con ducted Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock from Central Methodist church by Dr. Zeno Wall, Dr. Hugh K. Boyef and Rev. H. N McDlar mld. A large crowd was present and a beautiful floral display gave testimony to the high esteem in which he was held. His grand daughters acted as [lower girls, while his grandsons served as pall bearers and members of the Da ugh ters of the Confederacy served as a special escort. His body was laid to rest in Sun-. set cemetery besides his wife. HOW Cl CRTS BE USED IF CANO HERE ISJEIMT That Problem Moat Talked Of M Proposal To Abolish Chain Gang. ■ .. . v : v * i What will the court* of Clev«£ land county do with prisoner* eon vlcted and given road sentences 1 the No. 6 chain gang camp u abolished? ^ That query was debated here ovc the week-end after fteprescntativ O. M. Mull urged that commission ers abolish the gang camp in vie' of the fact that the state will like ty maintain county roads, or * pa of them, through the proposed gas ollne tax Increase. View Of Sheriff. "What the county will 'do wit’ the prisoners with the gang .cam gone is the only thing about tb proposed new bills hi Ieglslatur that I have commented upon Sheriff Hugh Logan said. "It is a! ready a problem to handle the cor. victed prisoners, those sentenced t the roads. All that can be handle are being handled now by the N 6 gang outfit, and at the last cou we had to make some other ai rangements about four prttoce given road sentences. We final sent them to an adjoining count but then we had to deliver .the right to the camp and this eoun does not get a thing out of the; the other county getting their let for taking them off our hands. Wi no gang camp at all here to wc the men, what la to be done?" Mayor Dorsey learning of t! proposal to abolish the No. 0 ge: camp stated that he proposed to n city prisoners In keeping up thoci streets. By the present plan, whb is commended city prisoners-^ county prisoners tb ttTWt 0 gw officials of No. 0 in turn aidb with' the jang In maintaining tl city streets. Likewise he spoke c using -prisoners arrested by city ol fleers and convicted in operatir the rock quarry. At present the average numbe of convicts on the No. 0 gang i about 40. It is said, and It beta hard to plate four estra prisoner there is much debate as to bow tb entire bunch will be'-wpANtt tmlet worked as a city chain gang or b the state forces maintaining th county roads. The discussion, pro and ooo, ha been carried on about the cOW house, but insofar asvtMa -btW learned no local cltixens have taker up the matter with Representative Mull since he announced that h< had the bill on hands and woult Introduce it unless opposition show ed reason to the contrary. TWENTY SIX ENIB BUSINESS COLLEGE New InatltuUen Moves Off With Splendid Enrollment. Well Fitted Offices. The Carolina Business college which opened a few days ago in the Woolworth building now has an enrollment of twenty-six pupils, some studying during the day and others during the evening*- Prof and Mrs. J. Gordon Wootton who recently moved to Sfcalby from Jersey City. N. J. constitute the faculty and they are pleased with Shelby and their prospects hare. The business college which offer: a wide range of studies has office in the Woolworth building owned by the Linebergers where five con nectlng rooms are used. Bach room Is used as a department and com fortable desks and chairs have been put in for the students. In the type writing room there are a down ma chines. while in the office Prof Wootton is building up a badness and law library which he-is moving here from his former homo In: Reidsville. The following pupils have enroll ed for courses of study: Mary Ford Elam, Attie May Esk ridge, Faye Olascoe, Willie Boyle. Elizabeth Jackson. Lottie M. Latti more Mary Lucas. Madge McCoy. Eunice Westbrook. Thelma Wilson, Henrietta Young, Ray Allen Has wood Creekmore, Bush Eskridge. Twitty Gieen, Jap Ledbetter. Lloyd Mauney. Ray Mull, E. L. Overstreet, Hubert Panther. Carl Sperling, George Sperling, Hs Sweezy, Frank Warlick, Harlan Wilson, Reid M. Young.

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