Nails In Head. London - The amazing tV'" oi a woman who lived aft:; he.nunertnr nails Into her brain ts reported :i the British Medical Journal,' Joseph J Levin, honprorv surgeon •at the Jol'.nnhtsbiu'j tienerrt hos pital. ;a\ \ married European woman, aged 27. was samite >! tc* the hospital with the h -ad of a ri hi visible in the temporal uv.iOn of tiie a1.’. She was conscious, til ■ h d: and said that • had driven tile nail in levseii v.itii tin back oi a chop;* 1‘. The nail v as removed, and was found to he Ihree inches in length. Tlie wound ivn.. cleaned with ether, pointed with jodinc scaled [with: it eoilddton dressing and heal-; nt£, | ! A lew months later the woman j- «■;; ac.'.ln admitted to. the bospi- ! | tal To the doctor’s aston-shnunt.on 11 mm; nation he found the head of ' ,i mil halt an inch to the mlddh | line of the scalp ; An X-:a; photograph showed, a ■ uaiR nail right through Die brain the weman was conscious and there were no Mans oi paralysis .■-Ik- states! that she had criven ttii nail Into head with the back of ;* ch: ppi , and .isked Ism to u | move the i\t as it was j amt nl. The surneo.1, under anaesthesia 'removed the nail and a button ol th" si-nil r aind if The l.i.ll p~ovu tinue on its usual policy of pictures only, endeav oring: to present to you only the highest class and best of screen at tractions. AIM JAM PRESENTS Personal And Local i Born to Mr. and Mr*., Yates Wil 'irmson. u daughter. January It!, tver Jran. Mi- Williamson was Mif Viola Kendrick before mar , lace. ‘ Mi Bet!ic of Concord arm- j ed Thursday night. to be a' the beds-ide ot her mother Mr.*. Jane Turner, of R-3, Shelby friends of ; Mr: Turner arc sorrv u learn of ‘ her serious illness and hope for a speedy recovery, Mrs J S Dor ton and daughter. Mis:- Bei arc spending .till, wee!; in Forest ( tty with Mrs. Durum s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Biggerxtafl; Mr- Amanda McBraycr. mother of. Mrs. W N Dorsey, is criucailv ; ill at the home ol tier daughter j Mrs. Grover King. Forest City. All her children were caller:, to her bedside Wednesday. Mrs. F 1, Smith of B.rtesburg-, B C’ r. spending a week with her sister, Mrs, Orlando Elam. Mr. and Mi's. George shuford of : Ciiftside. stopped over in Shelbj vi tenia v en route to Charlotte lor the day. Mis;, Pal Alexander of ClurlQUe .spent last week-end with her sisters al their home on West Warren St. Mr. and Mrs. H. t. Hyburn and Mr J. J. McMurry left today for Florida. Mr. and Mrs Hyburn go ing to Lakeland and Mr. McMurry to St. Petersburg, where they will : pend the rest of the winter. Mr and Mi Brn Stroup will ■ pend Sunday with Prof, and Mrs. C. C. Beam in Gastonia. | V _l Miss Hattie Gidne'y. who teaches ' at Belmont.,: spent last, wcek-cfid at home. Miss Mary Elizabeth Black, of i Taylorsville, attended the funeral 1 «f her grandfather, Mr. Frank Hull j- last Sunday. Mr. William Curtis, a textile r*-. signer of New York, spent several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. x. LeGrand last week. Miss Stella Murchison is spending this week with Mrs. M~dac Webb Riley at her home on S. Wc*hing I ton street. ! - Misses Alpha Gettys, Frances I Whisnnnt and Louise Lever, of Mc Adenville. are expeeteo home to day for a week-end visit with home j folks. ! Judge J. L. Webb returned Wed ' nesday from a few days visit to Mrs. Webb and Governor and Mrs. O. M Gardner in Raleigh. Miss Sara Burton Jenkins, who teaches at Cornelius visited her parents last week-end. Mr. Fred Dean has cone on a business trip to Detroit. after which he will visit Ills relatives in Canada. A rare! from Louis Ihmftt. written from Cuba, states he is having the time of his life at i Havana Mrs. Hamrick Is with him. j Z. J. Thompson wrestled wit It the j fin back, in the fall. The event was a draw. Last week a second bout was staged. Thompson won: at least he says he thinks lie's got the thing whipped. Appearing on the street with a, limp. his friends thought, may be the malady had left him with the gold Cut it was only a tight shoe [I." ' 1 Messrs. W. H W. Baker, and C. C Wright, of the firm of Wriglit Baker left Thursday for a buying trip to New York. Mr. Raul Woottou is home from a week ot buying of spring merchan dise in New York ■ Mr: J. II. Blanton left Thursday for ’Lincoln;on to visit his sister, Mrs F A. Houser FEES'>\ ADDS AMENDMENTS TO lUS WHISKEY BILE Raleigh, Jan. 32.—Colonel W. M. Person, senator from Franklin, to night made public several amend ments he had planned for Ids drug store liquor bill and which, he ;nul. had received the endorse ment 01 the senate committee on health One of his amendments provide that before a prescription is filled for liquor it shall be examined and approved by a. regularly licensed physician nominated by the county medical society and appointed by tile state heulth officer. Such a health officer must keen a record lor the state board of all prescriptions filled and approved by this amendment j xhc health officer must make, in addition, a monthly report of all li quor sold tor medical purposes. In quarterly intervals the state board of health must publish in its peri odicals the amount of liquor sold this way and other information. Try Star Wa.nt Ads. ASK ASSEMB1W TO IK. \! I/I WHTSKT V Lexington'. Jau 21 -The David-.ou County Medical .society. a! a mrrt uH- hero last, night, unanimously adopted a, resolution rerommend iug to the ket' lanjve that 11 pass a hill to legalize the ale ot whr.kv to North Carolina on phyaeiana' prescription '1 lie 20 meinbeis ol the society were either present to vott or voted by prow, SpincWc Defeat? Boiling Spring" last AIMetie (lull Takes iHra-lirr Of Ih.ptlt Collegians To TO. (Special i.o i he Star < Toiling h'piin;:.. Jan 113 lii a fame here la;,t night the SpUidale Athletic club, defeated the Boiling Springs (|Uintent 3;i to 20. Although j lire Boiling Spring boys -were but1 ’la red •they showed their ability in passing and shooting throughout the game, Several of the visit m • hoys did ] spectacular work The line-up follow.s. It. S. Jr. ( (dirge Spindale \Vxuc < 8> F Harding <14> Haynes t2) 1- Sherrill i5) j McDonald ’<(>i ^ Turner i7> Coble : - G . Wr'llams ( 4■ McEntire G Berry <5> .Subs. Champion i Ij for Moore. Epps lor Haynes. Blanton Mistaken On Schools, Says Mr. Editor: Upon investigation 1 iind that I was mistaken In one statement, 1 made in the last issue of Tin Star'. The donations made by the mills to the South Shelby school were made before the local tax was levied. The mills used to extend the school be yond the six months term each year. The mills did piovlde the buildings for the school without expense to the school and there was a deficit oi $1,500.00 when the Shel by school board took over the schools, which had accumulated from year to year. Respectfully, . HERBERT BLANTON. Raleigh Man Wants Gardner To Dodge “Swell Head” Disease To the Editor of The Star: Our new Governor has brought* to his job the poise of the cxperieiiroci executive, the sagacity and discre tion of the finished politician and the wisdom of the statesman. Hi. Independence and deliberation in action is a delight to his friend and the despair of those seeking favors at his hands. The gubernatorial bridegroom is still riding the crest ol the wave of popularity, whether this will con tinue after he has disposed of the famished pack of patronage seek ers now yelping at his heels re mains to be seen. Tf he i • at .all conclous of the terrible anguish ot this crowd he has shown no sign. He goes serenely along’his way ap parently enjoying his daily contact with hi;, Raleigh friends and neigh bors and living up to his reputa tion as the genial Shelby gentle man. He has proved himself to be a very good listener but his actions subsequently have not indicated his belief in or acceptance of the ad vice he has been overwhelmed with since taking office Not even Trank Page, who has developed oim of the most, tremendou- superiorifv com plexes, by reason of the adulation and flattery heaped upon him the past ten years, and who honestly believes he is the first cousin to God Almighty, could convince Max that the great highway department could run itself without a head. The governors inaugural address, was chock, lull ot good recommen dations, was well received by j the legislators and the people at large. If he succeeds in trails-j fating his wise recommendations tn to laws that do not contain to many j loopholes his success as governor; will he of greater magnitude, than any of his immediate predecessors i has been. No ruler ever came into his king- i dom with the afiectionaie sym pathy and regard of a greater num ber of his subjects then Max Gard ner. The people of North Carolina irrespective of party wish him well ■ and will uphold him loyally as long as he remains true to the ideals he . has always championed. It- would be a good plan if he | would go over to the state labora- ■ tory and have Dr. Shore vaccinate j him against that dread malady.! known as exaggerated ego and! swelled head, his two immrdiate predecessors were so terribly afflict ed with before he is exposed to the germ of this disease, The wolves; of privilege are on his track and if j he escapes them it will not be their fault. Very truly yours, JAMES H. HOLLOWAY, j 330 Ncrth Person Street, Raleigh, N. C. At The T heat, es » Th' n md to Hulfia propa ■nndn picture, designed to iff, hi mt ral lh;'.v. or. the evils of the em it' : . use. i on Itt .uiotht r do\ at div Wt tilt, concluding (lie (■■' • ti.iN Lai( tom 'l't. V t: bt'lns six'An to'adults only It i. id) es pecially mnclt- fdin • r.imciiTi.'.y-Bill Cnrt.V tops the bid II. a ' ' at Hull pi 111 It’ - "Till' l • . : I i :i: . tf.i \V. 11, will •.■l't «u in u bill tin ill tea! are. A Path; konit.’v ■ nil tin; popular F.’blr «ifh ilmpti'f No ». the. s. atiet Arrow w also to be fea tured It ts- an -especially -big and, u teh til . pints am. f Announcement Is nitide in the ; Prince:,; advene email today that o . Lvric has been remodeled to) trice ’ pi nil road attractions. I 1 In p! .. iiou. e has been c oinplet*’ I; renovated and modernized. and it lull la n -tnitli be the home, the Bi atps arfn >unce, pi all vaudeville a ';tu t'.ui., Meantinie: tin* Princess rid continue In be ic.eivcd fur pie ■ u,:es nicy 'Blindfold'' is the Prill i -ss ait ruction -main lod.ix ■ i but! } n\ ■.eiisn: iuiml nature which got a! fine reception, Ii'Qiii a In house, 'net night Number On Baseball Uniforms Of Yanks ■New York World Pape Ruth and the other Yankee h - hail players will wear numbers : on their uniforms next, .season. | This innovation was decided upon ,u ttrdHy by Col Jacob Ruppert. President. ..pel Edward a Bar row business manager of the v orkl s champions. 'Ilie "Home- j | Run King' w ill be No. "3." Now that the Yankees have gone in lor numbering their players, oth er btg league clubs probably will fpillow suit, college and professional jv '.ball player, have been nmn j oe:ed lor years and so have profes ' siuiia.i hockey players. twmuiT, me experiment oi mini-i i ■ - mu li*i ebail player* .will not bo new Five years ago Brunch Rickey. .0 that lime manager of tin- St. j Louts Cardinals, bad numbers.sewn j on the sleeves of hit, players' uni forms. The figures were .small and on the gray traveling uniforms did not stand out. clearly. Hickey dis carded tl'e number's alter two years’ trial The Yankees well have big ger numbers than the Cardinals wore. 1 Somehow house slippers, the kind year around home. last, longer ■ in thev used to.—Council Binds i., Nonpareil. SALK OF YALL ABLE FARM PROPERTY. Under and by virtue of .the au thority crofemd upon u« In a deed of trust executed by P, F McSwain 1 and wife. Minic McSwain on the 7th dav hi .June, 1927 and recorded in book t4t page 527, we will on Saturday. 2.7dav <*f February, 1929, 12 o’clock noon, at the courthouse ' door m Cleveland county. Shelby. N, C. sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land to-wtt. Adjoining the lands of Robert | Dover. Mrs jane E Dover. J B Price, Ernest Herndon and Mr Wm Jennings Rnd Mrs. Fraidy and being lot or tract No. 1 of the J. M. Dover land a- shown by the map of raid tract made by A. P. Falks. 'sur-VeyeSr.' August 28. 1919, said lot or' tract bounded osfollows: Beginning on an iron stake, Rob ert Dover's comer m the old Oreen Public Road; thence north 1 east 4,2,5 chains with said road to a >'■ one in the road, thence south t>9 east 15 20 chain- .with line of lot No 5 of the said J M. Dover land to a sour wood in J B. Price's Uni1: thence south 24** west 38.25 chains with the Price line to a stake in the \ ir-ddle of Season creek, corner oi , lot or tract. No. 2 of tire said J. M. Dover land, thence north 73 Avest 31 chains with middle of .said creek to ft stake: then?? north nu west 5 62 chains to a stake at mouth of old channel of Buffalo, thence north 63 east 2 chains to a stake; thence north 23 east 130 chains to a stake, thence north 11 west 3 40 chains to u take In old chan nel of Buffalo, thence north 54'i east 3 82 chains to a box elder m 'Inc of tract No, 3 of the said J. M. Dover land; thence north 64' - east 3.80 chains with line oh tract No. 3 to a stake and pointer-; thence north 84'a east 10 chains to j small pme; thence north 33 east 5 chains to i stake in gulley; thence south 83' i east 12.86 chains to a stake In the old Green road; thence north 29 east 3.67 chains to a strke in said road; thence north 12’.- ea-f 10 10 chains to the point of beginning, containing 953 acres and the same being a part of the 3 M, Dover land conveyed by deed from Clyde R. Hoev, commissioner, in special pro reeding No 1183 recorded in the clerks pfiict of superior court, Cleveland county, N. C. to Mrs. Jane E. Dover and said commis sioner's deed being of date of Dec ember 31, 1920 and recorded mi book F,F.E, pa«e 539 of the register's of fice of Cleveland county, N. C to which deed and special proceeding reference is hereby made. This sale Is made by reason of the failure of R F .McSwain and wife Minnie MeSwaio to pay off and discharge the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust to the North Carolina Joint Stock and Land Bank of Durham. A denosit of 10% will be required from the purchaser at the sale This the 16th day of January. 1929. FtrtST NATIONAL BANK OF DltRH*M, Trustee Durham, N. C. Bynum E Weather*, Ally ium ui m‘ nm.K iv v Aims C Ol KT TO ROM .U'lM.I, Asheville. Jar »1! Judge Midi*, •u l Schrlick a failure In lock the rt - ;• of In. private office in the; courthouse here yesterdn; n lilted in I ts Riiiterlns th< lo- of . new , ' Judge 8< henck. M ho Is pn til ing over the regular civil session ot the Bltncoinhe county supe rior court. had placed Jits emo and hat in his room and then walked .irmu the corridor to the main court, room. When hr tetuni t'd Ills twercoat inns mlbsiru; The • matter v i. reported to the iherfftv department, and an investigation i was started Pe_ny Column FOR. BALE ONE FISHER piano plitver. Good us new. At a j bargain. E B. Roach. Fire chief ■f! | -_____— ---i ■— - see o. e Ford cp. for cot j ton seed cleaner, Chattanooga j turning .plows, and middle busters *J 2t -V , SPECIAL PRICE on Basketball Shoes I Close-out on Shoes. Cleveland Hardware Co. It FOR 1 IMF. CEMENT'. BRICK j plaster, etc , see O. E. Ford Co I at. 2f>e ! WANTED — SEVER VI Men and Women to demon strate and solicit in Shell)' and adjoining towns. See Mr. Jas. Achy, Victor Hotel, be tween id and 12 and 2 to 1. Or l\ 0. Box 493. Hancock Laboratories, “Charlotte, N. C. - 3t-25.;’ j JUST RECEIVED A CAR O! I ho McCormick-Deering stalk cut-! ters at O. E Ford Co's. It will iiay you to sec them. 2t 25t TO MY CUSTOMERS AND; friends: I am opening up a new store of Waco Come in and see what a nice. Clean up-to-date line ot merchandise I have to otter j Watch the Star ads lor bargains: later. J. F. Moss. Waco.' It. 25 LOST: AUTOMOBILE TAG NO 402276, between Shelby and Polk- ■ villa. Finder please uottly R M. j Floyd, Lawndale. It 25c : GENUINE OLIVER Plows and Repairs. W e carry anything you want in stock. Cleveland Hardware Co. It FOR. ANY KIND OF FARM I machinery at prices that will please you see O. K. Ford Co. 2t. 25c VIOLIN PUPILS WANTED Can piny and can teach you to play. A. Harriil Hamrick, 209 S. LaFay ettc Street. 2t 25p WE ARE HEAD quarters for Leather and Harness Goods. Get our prices before you buy. Cleveland Hardware Co. “The Old Rel’able Harness People.” It TT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE G. E. Ford Co. It you are Interested in j any kind o£ farm machinery, ter- : tilizer >,• hay and building mater ials. 2t. 25c KELLY AXES Any size. Cleveland Hardware Co. It TF WE DON' T SAVE YOU money we won't ask you to buy at O. E. Ford Co.'s 2125c R F D. M AIL BOX ES are so*d by Cleve land Hardware Co. It BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR PER* iilizer requirements don't. fail to see O. E. Ford Co. '.it 25c O’ .—- ---% LANDIS SHOE | SHOP For l p-To-Date Shoo Re pairing. Also Rebuilt And New Shoes For Sale At Bargain Prices. Call In And Look Them Over. West Marion Street. Third Door From Western Union, SHELBY, N. C. i THE TWO GREAT ESSENTIALS Of Good Banking Service ARE MUTUAL CONFIDENCE AND COMMON PURPOSE We have an abiding confidence in the integrity of the citizenship of Cleve land County and our record of Service and Achievement for many years, we think entitles us to the public confi dence. The upbuilding of Shelby and Cleve land County should be The COMMON PURPOSE. WE ARE TRYING TO DO OUR PART. Let us Work WITH YOU and FOR YOU. FIRST NATIONAL . BANK OF SHELBY. THE BANK OF PERSONAL SERVICE.” RESOURCES OVER FIVE MILLION DOLLARS. JUST TO REMIND YOU THAT _ 't Tomorrow (Saturday) AND MONDAY ARE THE LAST DAYS Of Campbell’s Greatest Jan. SALE The Opening Days of This Sale have Smashed ail former records and the Two Closing days bid fair to be the best yet. ** Don’t fail to visit their store* on THESE DAYS. CAMPBELL’S Dept. STORES TRY STAR VVAftT ADS FOR RESULTS