(Special to The Star.) Rev. Gaston Camp delivered a wonderful sermon on last Sunday at Carpenters Grove, lus text being taken from First Samuel 12 chap ter and 23rd verse. Moreover as for me God forbid that 1 should sin against the Lord in ceasing lo pray for you." Did you ever stop to think how many of us sin in this way. Rev. J. M Morgan deliveries two sermons each month at Laurel Mill •nd Hebron. The first Sunday at 1! o'clock and the third Sunday a I 2 o'clock at Hebron; the ■ > eoiid turn • day at 11 o'clock and the third Sunday night at seven' o'clock at Laurel H.il; Rev. Moigan is a wonderful preacher. Mr. Carroll Muil returned to Kings Business colli-: \ t 1 arloin-. last Saturday after being home fSi some time. Mrs. Emery Hoyir and children ap»*nt the past week with her pa* ents Mr. and Mis. L. M t'uw e. Maiden. Mr. J. C. Propst is b.cl: in school after being conlined at home with a fractured skull. Mr. Plato Ledford returned home last Sunday from Lincoln hospital and is getting along nicely. Miss Joyce Ledford was in the Lincoln hospital and limieiwent an operation for removal ot her ton sils last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wylie Costner ol Double Shoals aptjVt last Sunday night at the home of Mrs. Cost ner's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Burt Sain. Mr. Solon Deal of Belwood span Sunday night with Thaxtcr Sain. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Edwards of Belwood visited at the home of Dr. and Mrs. F. D. Edwards last Sun day afternoen. Mrs. M. S. Boyles and Miss E.stc lenc Boyles spent last Sunday aft ernoon at the home of Mr and Mrs. S. A. Sain. Mrs. wajior vimpuinu daughters. Ruby and Maggie Mm ol Bclwood, pafd Mrs. Odus Norman and baby a visit an !r. t Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Norman and baby | are getting along nicely. Mrs. Ellis Itoyle and rhllrirt n cil Lincoln county t pent lo t Sunday with her parents, Mr and Mrs. .1 i. Saih. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Lyons r>i Boone spent last Sunday with Mr and Mrs, C. O Boyles. Mrs. Texte Boyles and children spent last Tuesday with her par ents Mr. and Mrs Oscar King ot Lincoln county. Mrs. R. P. Boyles and children • and Mrs. Janie Boyles spent last j Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Beam of Flay Miss llene Bingham had as -her . guests on last, Sunday Misses Van gle Willis and Minnie Mull. Miss Julia Beam of the North ■: Brook section spent last Sunday I with Miss Vaunita Mull. Mr. and Mrs. W H. Young and family spent last, Sunday with Mrs. Young's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hicks, Misses Rosemary Heeler, Aniv Sue Tillman of Bclwood spent last Tuesday night with Miss Helen | (Special to The Star.' Our pastor, Rev. J. W. Suttle gave us a most interesting and help-1 ful sermon Sunday afternoon. Ills subject was very unique. “Dead Broke, but Plenty." The text being taken from Acts 3:f>. He made it . Very plain that silver3 and gold Is' not everything to us. Misses Jblia J." Lila Davis Students at Brian;.- Springs junior college spent the week-end at their respective homes. Mr. and Mrs. Everette Blanton and children visited Mr and Mrs. Bate Blanton Sunday. Mr. Hazel Bracket is erecting u tlice bungalow on his farm recent ly purchased, near his grandfather Mr. Ess Cabaniss. Mr. and Mrs Coran Stockton from Caroleen were visitors at our church Sunday afternoon. We- arc always glad to have visitors Mr. A. V Washburn, Jr., '.a st.it dent at Boiling Springs -pent the week-end with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Washburn. Mr. Noah Chapman was buri-'d at Double Springs las' Thursday afternoon. He was formerly ■>< na tive of Texas, but had been ma'k :e; his home for sometime with In Biece Mrs. Wesley Hollfield of this community. « DANCING GIRL BANDIT NAMED CO-RESPONDENT Asheville, Jan. 23—Naming a woman as co-respondent, who par ticipated In the boldest female ban ditry on record in western North Carolina, Mrs. Virgie Lee Dean, w as (ranted a divorce from Oscar Deal tn superior court here yesterday. Deal is serving a 20-year sentence |B state prison for highway roKM rv, along with Alma Green, the eo-re spmrtrnt who is serving fivtt years. Unities IlflttK Fainted In t nmmun Ity. Personal Mention. Flu » Victims. iSpecial to The iStoi',1 Mr and Mr Cleaton Humphries are adding greatly-to Hie appear ance til their home by putting on a coal ol while paint. Mrs. E. I). Humphries recently painted his home which also nrid.s milch lo the looks, Mr. and Mr E I). McCurry and daughter. Heins, spent the week end v. Uli .Ml 1 McCurry. Mis CiW-JUlolyn Ooggell of Boil* ii,t> Spniiu , jiinni^iioHcRP spent 1 he week end al home. {She return ed to -her school: work Monday. M.: , fare Cilaseo and Penny MeKw.im •were Sunday guests of Misse KUiel and Frances Hum phries. Mr. and M Furman McGinnis rent Urn week end with their par-, ei-.ii.. Mr. and Mr?. .1. (i. EUts. Me and Mi Coleman Brooks and child; m : ; out Sunday with lire ii., pai uls Mr. and Mrs. A'.:-d Cnllnhmm. Mr and M . Marion Ponton from near Shelby veiled Mr. and Mrs. D. .h film so Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Charlie Ellis from near Tieihim '- 'uv • pent the mi . .. end with M and Mrs. J. G. Ell 5. i Mr. Alfred Clkihoun and Miss Ethel il-uroi lines have had fin. We hope for them a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mm f < -ter Cnlhihouai, Mr. and Mm. .-bin a Ce.llenoun from i, ,r J.rl Hie re visited their par ents, Mr. : d Mrs. Allied Callu lioun Sundry. Mi , s -ih. Nancy McCurry and Me.Ike B ridge i who are In school at I it fi more .'.pent the week i.nd at home. Mr. < laud .Blanton and mother, Mrs. I i s ir Blanton, of Tryon, spent Sunday inch; and Monday with Mi' ar.il Mm .1 I.. Blanton. Mr, find M Miller Spake from nr,'!’ Sluliy.' ii .ityii Mr and Mrs. i 1> .1. Uhc-.ro HimuM' M Arabella B'anton is visiting lit ;’ iiU".11!t r-lii law Mrs, Zeb Blantv.n a;id children, Mr. R. VV Mccm v and (laugh- j l -i! Ubbj . Mr. and Mi K. 1). Me-I Curry nnd. Mr; J; 1. Hlanlon spent .'jumlai af Dysarisville at. the bed-J suit ni Mrs. Jennie l.uughndge, cousin nl Mr -a MtCurrys and Mrs Blahtpri Mr I aughrtdge Is very til an.I lit lie hope ns held for her recovety. Witte. Mont.' With 55 llrsrret Be low. Is Coldest Spot— Kclict I/vpri ted Soon. Chi-■■ago, Jan. 24. Warm north easi wind;-, which will blow away the severe cold that has cost eleven i lives in the middlewest. was today’s promise to slonu-beuiut sialeb suf toriug tlv- worst rigors of the win ter. Sufficient snow to make footing secure we hirer a; t for Chicago while a risUr, temperature to from lit to 25 degrees above /.er.o was predicted. fhi' a licence of snow here was in contrast to the intense cold and heavy snow that paralyzed traffic in parts ot Mnghiaeilhshrdi unuunn parts of Michigan. Minnesota and Wisconsin. Trains were delayed and highways were blocked. In Chi cago icy pavements made driving treacherous. The storm approached blizzard proportions in Michigan, where the cold accounted for five lives. Minne sota laid four dead. iwo t iikuso victtntK. The Chica; o victims were Ernest L. little and Charles Siel'crt. both firemen. Helde was electrocuted w hile attempt ins to repair a high voltage wire that had snapped un der the weight.of ice. Siei'ert slip ped on a stairway while fighting a l'iie and plunged 40 feet to his death. Whipped by a 40-mile pale, snow in the upper peninsula of Miehi i;Mi Worked roads and delayed trains while at Sherwood, Wis„ vol unteers cleared a mile end a half 1 of a snow drifted road lor a fun eral 24 hours . late. The funeral rreversion left Sherwood at noon Tuesday fur a rural church, became -nov bound and was forced to re- | r.ar.r. over night at a farmhouse un- i til formers opened up the road. The coldest temperature of the day yesterday was registered at lUltte. Mont , where the mercury, recorded o5 degrees below. KOI) IV R IIMAD ROBBER OFF; SI I) AFTER llOLD-UP 'dernt'*-. . rum.- The South Side Service Station, which has been held up vice this month, publish ed an advertisement announcing "We will pay J300 per head for dead jobbers killed in the act of j holding up this^tore." The adver-' tisement added that "it's getting tiresome " N. A Cook, manager ol the service station, said he thought tire advertisement would end the hold-ups. The second hold-up of the nmnth occurred early Sunday when two unmasked men took $75. I I ABOUT EASTSiCE Sunhpam> Have Program. Baptist ; W. M. I1. Holds Monthly Meeting. Personals. (Special to The Star.) The Sunbeams of the Eastside i Baptist church met at the churcn ' last Saturday afternoon and had > an Interesting little program. Mrs. Mae Harrill is the efficient leader [ and wishes every child in the com-1 munity between the ages of three' and nine to come and join. The Baptist W. M. U. held its' Jatmary meeting with Mrs. W. L Cushion. The subject this month was “God’s Claims of Ownership," and was the most interesting and helpful the ladies have had for a long time. The devotional was con ducted by Mrs. H E. Waldrop and Mrs. E. O. Gladden. Mrs. W. K Cline, the president, called on the following to take part, Mrs. J. I) Belch, Mrs. L N.“ Buchanan, Mi s O. C. Huskey and Mrs. F P, Llgon After the program was laid aside the hostess served delicious refresh ments. [lev. T. B. Johnson of LaFayette ! Street M. E. church preached at the Jefferson school building Sun day night, He will hold service every third Sunday throughout this con ' ferencc year. All Methodists of the I community are urged to attend these services as well as the Sun t day school each Sunday morning. Attorney C. A. Burrus will give a ' talk on “Sunday School'' at the Jefferson school building Sunday morning at 10:30. i The many f/lends of Miss Mae ! Lazenby will be interested to learn of her marriage on last Saturday to Mr. Bryan Devon at Gaffney, S. C. ! Mrs. G. W. Greenway spent last Sunday witli Mr. and Mrs. Troy Greemvay in South Shelby. Mrs. Craig Runyans and children i spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. W. E. Gantt. Mrs. Effte Little and children who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. r> Harvill have returned to their home at Dallas. | Mrs. Andy Williams and chil dren Fannie and Casey of Bessemer City were the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Devine. I Mr. Pearson of West Shelby spent Sunday with his son. Mr. G. M. Pearson and Mrs. Pearson. Miss Mae Harrlll went to Besse mer City Saturday evening and was accompanied home by Miss Addle Sue Limerick who spent Sunday ( with her. Mr. and Mrs. J. F Alexander lied as their guests Sunday Messrs. W. M. Miller. Harvey Blanton, Leon Brinson and A. E. Barber, all of j Lymberton. i Miss Mable Alexander of Dover1 spent. Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. J. F, Alexander. | Mr and Mrs. C. D. Gladden spent '.Sunday flight and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. J 3 Gladden i Mary Beth Toma, who has b^en ill is improving some. I Mrs. R. 6. Bumgardner and two children are all quite sick at this j , time. ; Born to Mr. and Mrs Henry, Stevenson on' January 28, a son. ; Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Keener and son. Pat, of Charlotte spent Sunday : with Mr, and M'-s. W. A. Clint i Mrs W. F. Hu-key and ton, Allen, I j of Blacksburg were the guests dm - j ing the week-end of Mr. and Mrs. 1 . O, C Huskey. Mr and Mrs. J. B. Wright and ' children visited relatives at Dou- j ble Shoals Sunday. I Mr. Burgin Southards and son ! and Mr. B. C. Wallace and children | of Lawndale visited Mr. and Mrs,, | T. D. Lattimore Sunday afternoon. j | Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Phillips and children of Gatfney spent Sunday afternoon with relatives here. I Mrs Lelsnd Buchanan is spend ! ins: some time at Dover with lu-r mother, Mrs. B. E. Brice, who is ; j very ill. | Mr. and Mrs. Duke Rollins and baby spent the week-end in Kings Mountain with Mr. and Mrs. Frank I | Rollins. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gantt and 1 children visited Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gantt fit Pleasant Hill during the ( week-end. Mrs. John Wilkie and children ■ of South Shelby spent Sunday with Mrs. C. H Horner. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gladden. Mrs. j A T. Luck and Misses Minnie and ! Maggie Gladden visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gladden at Kings i Mountain Sunday. | Mr. J. P Toms has gone to New York on a business trip. Messrs. R. G. Holland and W E. Gantt were Charlotte* visitors Tues day. Mrs. L. N. Buchanan and chtl- j dren spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. W. A. Abernethy. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Sepaugh and ! Mrs, Odell Sepaugh of Farl spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and j Mrs. Carl Gladden. Misses Opal and Lena Price amii Getana Gladden were Forest City; visitors Sunday afternoon. Now that the faces of some vaudeville singers have been lifted, is there any way to have their voices lowered?—New York Times. “Portes Gil promises every sur rendering bandit in Mexico a plot of land.” With Dovers and per petual care, perl Mips?—Detroit News. 17 Die in Bus The above mnp shows Bellevue, Ohio (a), where seventeen per sons were killed and seventeen injured when f.ake Shore electric internrban, coming out of a blinding snowstorm, sliced a huge passenger bus squarely in two. cInternational .\<*wsr«al) “Crazy DrunY’ When He Killed His Wife This Is A Report In Connection With Haywood County Tragedy. Waymcsville. Jan. 23 —From the time he shot his wife to death Fri day nfternoon until he was lodged in Jail about 2:00 o'clock Saturday morning. Wilson Price. 05-year-old Haywood county man, begged for a gun to end his own life, it was learned here Tuesday. Price was intoxicated when he reached Waynesville, those who saw him declared, and Solicitor Grover ' C. Davis Tuesday quoted Fred Han nah, who is said to have witnessed the shooting, as saying that the man was "crazy drunk” as he stood in the doorway of his home and shot | Ills 37-yenr-old wife to death as she lay on a bed in their home, about 35 miles from Waynesville . Mr. Davis Tuesday expressed the 1 opinion that liquor probably was re sponsible for the crime. William T. Hannah, of Hannah, and Hannah, Price's attorneys, i Tuesday denied the report that the I man had dramatically appeared at i the sheriff's office to announce his guilt and demand that he be ar- j rested. Price, as a matter of fact, Mr, Hannah said, appeared at his! home about 10 o'clock Friday night,, a few hours alter his wife was kill- 1 ed. and Mr. Hannah and Price went ; went to the former's office to dis- ] cuss the case. About 1:30 or « o'clock, Mr. Hannah said, he tele- | phened tire Jailer to prepare a cell t fer them and he personally ac- j companied Price to the jail, where 1 he remained until the following] morning, when Sheriff Welch was apprised of the crime. Price will be bound over to su perior couri without the lormalily . of a preliminary hearing, his at torneys having waived the hearing. Tile case is expected to come up tor trial in tire next term ot Hay wood superior court, which opens on February f. Meanwhile, no ef fort will be, made to secure Price's liberty under bond, his attorneys announced. 'Must I a no .” (By Lloyd Mauiiev > Just fane;, now if you only can How.;v very kingly looking man. Would look and act in a beggers rags With his patches and sticks and beggers swag: Just fancy now end be suit and try Wouldn't he be a treat to the eye? As he rambled along upon the street, j Upon ills stick with weary feet? A man thuts use to living high ! And who was always praised to the sky. A running around m suen ow clothes A pitiful sight as everyone knows: i Just fancy now how he would act After having used so much tact. After coining down from a seat on | high Wouldn't that be a piitrul cry? Just fancy this if you only can ■ How about a poor old man, j Leaving his place here below And taking his station on rich man’s row; When he is use to strife and work And never heard the lone wore' shirk. Just wouldn’t he be out of place And almost lose the uneven race Just fancy now how he would look Like some old character from a story book, I With his clothes so fine and his **' castle white Wouldn't he make a funny sight’’ j If he tried to fill the high up seat, j Of the rich and famous from off j the street * For each has his place as you all know And each niust fill his station be- : low. We know a member of the young er generation who declined an in vitation to attend a horse show re cently, on the ground that he'd al ready seen a horse.—San Diego Un ion. The door of opportunity will be closed for us Democrats as long as the party breach isn’t.—Virginian Pilot. Three Score Left On Island Soon Grow To 800. Meat Finds Quick Sale. Calgary. Alta—A gratifying fea ture of Canada's adventure in ■bringing back the buffalo is the way in which the different herds con tinue to multiply and to expand be yond the capacity of their once ample grazing ranges. The case of he main herd at Wainwright, Al berta, in which there was an in crease from about 700 head to 17, 000 head in eighteen years, haa oft en been cited. This year 1.088 young buffalo were sent from Wainwright to the Wood Buffalo park near Fort Smith, northwest teritories, and of the herd at Elk Island Park. 200 ani mals have been slaughtered and their carcasses and hides disposed of commercially. When the original herd was pur chased from Michael Pablo, speedy action had to be taken to receive them. Seventy miles of stout wire fencing such as Incloses the buf falo park at Wainwright, could not be erected overnight and the first [shipment received front Montana was placed in Elk Island Park, a j fenced wild animal inclosure, fifty one square miles in area, about< i thirty-seven miles northeast of Ed- i : monton. As soon as the fencing at Wainwright was completed the ship I moot was moved to the . buffalo park, but about sixty head which could not readily be rounded up were left at Elk Island to roam with the deer, wapiti and other ani mals there. These few animals throve like, those at Wainwright and last sum mtY a survey showed that the fifty. buffalo had increased to about 800 i i This number, considering the other j , animals in the park, was felt to be | yond the grazing capacity of the area and the disposal of 200 was deemed advisable. Unexpectedly keen interest has been shown by citizens in the fact that nutritious buffalo meat in limited quantities and a few choice robes and heads are from time to time available, but attention is chiefly centred in the success achieved in bringing back the buf , falo in the prairie regions and in j the establishment of a great herd in the far north where the one-time lord of the plains will play a large part in the development of North ern Canada. FLAPPER RDM RUNNER OUTDISTANCES SHERIFF Goldsboro, Jan 23.—Deputy Sher iff Carl Smith, hardened hero of many a lio.uor chase in this sec tion, met his match late yesterday when a pretty girl in a fur coat flanked on each side by well groomed youths of high school age. swept through this city In a high powered sedan and out-distanced • the officer Deputy Smith flushed his quar ry five miles east of here when, riding up to the rear, he saw through the glass what appKi ed to be crates and jars of whis key. The trio saw him and there started a race that ended several miles away wheat they turned onto a dirt road and escaped. Try Star Want Ads. — CLEARANCE SALE — 01' Goats, Dresses, Hats at Less Than Wholesale Price. Beautiful Dresses in Crepes, Satins, Velvets, Com binations—Prices _$3.00 to $10.00 Coats - __$3.00 to $15.00 Hats, Felts and Velvets. Each-$1.00 THE LADIES’ STORE SOUTH SHELBY - AZELIA ROBERTS Now is the time to refurnish the kitchen! Ward's regular low prices have been cut for this great sale. High quality stoves, se.’dom sold at reduced prices, may be bought now at amazing savings. Gleaming aluminum and enamel pots and pans of improved designs offer wonderful values. Everything that you need for the kitchen is here — at record breaking prices. ii r Bargains in Kitchenware Aluminum Ware „(chol“ 79c One of our outstanding values! \ ou save one third to one-half of regular retail prices bv buying now. Every piece is cob dim tod of : andard quality jdund-'t-m highly polished. Seamless Aluminum Percolator $1°" Don’t miss this bargain! . four-cup percolator, at tr;u lively, paneled: Welded spout fine aluminum. A special value. Combine! Bargain 85c ■ hite or colored porcelain enamel inside and out, with cover to match. Quality seamless steel base. Spe cialy priced for this big sale. Ename! Pails 50c Tako advantage of these bargains! Dark blue porce lain enamel pails, capacity 12 quarts. Blue enamel 4-quart health cooker that retains the nu triments in food by cook ing without water X Large Ct, .„.er Boiler $375 Another remarkable sale value! Heavy, rein forced copper boiler, tinned inside Tin cover with hook handle. Extra large sire . . . capac ity 14.V gallons. Guaranteed water tight. Save $2 to $3 by buying now. g $97.45 ^ New! 18- in. Oven ADMIRAL v "'SOR Range - our special 60-day introductory price An exact duplicate of the popular 20-inch oven Admiral, It will become the preferred choice of modem housewives—gay full porcelain enamel in blue, gray, green dr ivory tan! No nickel to polhh. Heavy cast iron with cemented airtight fit ted joints Aluminum finished oven with heat indicator. Heavy copper reservoir. The Great MAJESTIC ELECTRIC VACUUM I . With CompMI ? 'it hr; \t I Ward’s CASH PRICE Triple Action CLEANER 'a -y Payment Price ‘’“40.95, ?2 Down—$3 Monthly Triple Action cleans three times as fast—gentle, thorough beating, swift brushing, powerful suction speedily removes every particle of dirt (grit, lint, hair, threads) from your rugs. The equal of S60 to $80 cleaners. You are protected by a 5 year guarantee and a 30-day trial. 22 fee1 ^f high grade cord. A\\of&ra E-„ctric Gleaners At Ward’s A Atf Mid-Winter Cash Price Easy Payment Price $27.95 $2 Down—$3 Monthly. Cleans up all dirt by powerful suction and stationary brush. Real value for those who pre fer this type. At a big saving in this sale. Ball-bearing mo tor. 5-year guarantee. 30-day trial. 20-foot cord. MONTGOMERYWARD fe CQ SEE OUR ADVERTISEMENT ON PAGE 6. 139-141 S. LaFayette St. Hours: 8 to 6. Sat. 8 to 9. Phone 167.