VOL. XXXV, No. U THE CLEVELAND STAR SHELBY, N. C. 10 PAGES TODAY * j By mall, per year (in advance) $2JW ♦Carrier, per year (hi advance) <3 00 LA TE NEWS The Markets. Cotton Shelby __... 19'»c 67 he Cotton Seed, pel bu. Coldtr Tonight. Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: Pair and continued cold tonight, freezing to the ciast. Sat urday increasing cloudiness with kluwly rising temperature. Directors of the state fair met yesterday in Raleigh, but according to Raleigh dispatches today the di rectors did not name u new secre tary-manager to succeed W. S. Moye resigned, a post to which Dr. i. S. Dorton, Cleveland county sec retary has been boomed. A com mittee of five members of the board was appointed to serve a> a nom inating committee for applicants and Dr. Dorton was not mentioned among the leading applicants tak en up. ME BUCKS III COST TO COUNTY Dorton Chances Says $3 Bonus For A'i Prohibition Arrests Would Be Big Expense. Mr. A. E. Cline, county business manager and commission chairman, keeping a watchful eye on the county's finance, has written a letter to Representative Odus M. Mull bucking at the proposed leg islative bill which would give an officer $5 for every arrest in con nection with prohibition law viola tions in the county. “Of eoilrse,” stated Mr. Cline, “it is going to cost us something to break up the liquor traffic but the bill as originally drafted by Mr. Mull, or proposed through him, would be a great expense to the county, indirectly the taxpayers, and would no doubt run to $10,000 per year or more as written.” Suggests A Change. In his letter Mr. Cline suggested a slight change in one paragraph of the bill which deals with cap ture of distilleries, operators, etc. The proposed bill reads that offi cers be given a fee of $10 for every still they capture and an added fee of $20 for each distillery operator they capture with the still with sufficient evict nee to convict. &ttu another paragraph in th3 bill would give officers a $5 fee for all arrests ii\ connection with prohibition law violations. ‘‘The fees for capture of distffl eries and operators, a total of $30 when both are captured and $10 when-only <he still Is taken, seems all right to me,” the.county busi ness manager said, “and will more than likely meet with the approval of citizens opposed to liquor traf fic, but the $fe.for each arrest for prohibition law violation is gofhg a little strong and would be costly to the county.” As Mr. Cline looks at it a major percentage, nearly all in fact, of the cases tried in the county court deal with liquor cases and arrests and if officers bringing in the cases were given $5 extra for every one, no matter how minor the case be, the sum at the end of the year would be a mammoth amount. Fifteen hundred cases, or more, are tried each year in the county court and with most of them liquor cases the officers’ fees would run high, he contends. The bill as proposed would give the $5 regardless of the nature of the cases and since be ing drunk or possessing whiskey is a violation of a prohibition law it would mean that officers getting a drunk or picking up a man with • half-pint would get $5 for their arrest just as much as the officer getting * seller of whiskey. Mr. Cline incidentally would not mind seeing each officer who arrests a bootlegger or trafficker In liquor get $5, but he Is inclined to believe that the people will buck at hav ing the county pay $5 for all ar rests to cases of minor drunks and Infractions of the law. Gee!. Fellows -—Gee McGee Speaking: of funny stuff humor, y’know—BE SURE TO READ MONDAY’S STAR. Beginning Monday The Star will add a new reading feature to those already pub lished. This new feature is “No body's Business,” written by Gee McGee, the South Caro lina humorist. He's hot! He’s funny. And with it all he writes heaps of good old horse sense! j For example, here's one of his paragraphs: ‘I can’t say that I ever believed in evolu tion, but the Republicans made a monkey out of Al Smith.” i Huh? Read “Nobody’s Busi ness” regularly in The Star— A pa >er which carries more news and more features than any other newspaper out of the dally field in the Caro- j Unas. VICTIMS PAY CALL ON BOOZE SLEUTH AFTER RAID HEBE | Visit Causes Detective To Ask | Mayor For Gun Permit. Cops Tender Help. Some of (he fellows hailed into court here Tuesday on charges of bootlegging brought about through the activities of O. O. Goben, a private detective employed by May or W. N. Iiorsci. paid the rum de tective a visit Wednesday morning following the court session of Tues day. when they were convicted, and, according to reports, told Goben what they thought of his methods. Just what happened at the North Morgan street residence where Go ben, the "informer,” and his wife had rooms is not known. However, the conversation between the sleuth and the men he purchased booze in order to convict them j must not have been overly friendly, for shortly thereafter, it is said, Goben called the mayor and asked if he might secure a permit to car ry a gun. The request was denied, but it is understood that two po liceman were sent to .he home to see that the sleuth was not mo lested until he could get out of town. Up until the call was made the general impression was that Goben left town not long after the hearing, at which every defendant except one was convicted or pled guilty pf the bootlegging charge. Some “Cussing.” Just who or how many of those hailed into court through his pur chases called upon Goben is not known, but it is understood that no blows were passed and that no bodily violence was done, although it was said that the detective was giver\ “a good cussing.” « In circles where those apprehend ed by the detective move about re- • ports are that Goben had a very renumerative stay in Shelby, as he picked up, some reports have it, a goodly sum of money playing poker while getting acquainted with some of the boys who might see that he procured whiskey. Fast Durkam Qu;nt Hands Highs Defeat Strong: Kings Mountain Outfit Plays Shelby In “Can” Here This Evening. An annual cage battle is booked for the “tin can" here tonight when Capt. Milt Gold and his Shelby highs take on the strong Kings Mountain quint. The strength of the two quints is said to be about the same, and re gardless of the actual basketball ability it always means a hot, well played contest when the two teams get together. Durham Too Good. The flashy cage team from Dur ham, where they believe in hang ing up a state title near every year, proved too much for the local highs here Wednesday night, Durha* winning 30-19. The score, however, does not tell the story. In one quar ter Durham rang up onlv one bas ket, failing to score at all in third quarter, but in the first and last setto the fleet Durham boys got away for enough margin to win. The Morris-Falls outfit played a floor and defensive game near on par with the renowned visitors but the local youths could not seem to find the basket, a trouble that has been trailing them all season. Wonder Growth Shelby Seen In Report Of City llow has Shelby grown In 11 little over a year and one lialf? If the increase in use of city water and electricity l* any indication the town is more than one-fourth larger now than it was then, ac cording to the city report. In June 1938, the first month of the Dorsey administration, the income from city water and power, according to the report of Fred Culbreth, city clerk, was $8,555, whi'e the bills for January, this year, just totalled up, call for $14, 251.14, which is $5,596.14 more than it was eight months ago. T '.ended water and electric 1 :es necessitated by the growth of the town Is deem ed the cause of the big in crease. Solicitor G'enn Joins Inquiry To Determine How Mrs. Rale King Died. York, Jan. 31^—Developments of a startling nature may occur at the inquest to be held at Sharon Mon day to inquire into the death of Mrs. Faye King, 28, teacher of French in the Sharon high school, whose lifeless body was found in an out building near her home Fri day night. At first the presumption was that she had killed herself, but a more searching investigation has disclosed the possibility tjiat she may have been the victim of foul play. Solicitor J. Lyles Glenn will attend the inquest a*" the request of Sheriff Fred E. Quinn. Lips Bnrnefe. Mrs. King, wife at Rafe King, was found in the out building a few ,f|et from her home. Her lips were burned as if by acid and an empty bottle was close by; ||he was lying on her back, with a gash on her i forebead and her hair clotted with blood. A hatchet was on the floor nut far away. Her husband, who got up from a sick bed and sound* ed an«alarm when night came and she was still absent, is reported to have said that she had several times threatened to take her own life. He was the last person to see her alive, at about 10 o’clock In the morning. The medical findings at the aut opsy conducted by Drs. J. H. Saye, and C. O. Burris will be given at the inquest. It is reported that they found evidences of poison in the stomach, but they will make no statement until they testify at the public hearing. NEW MANAGER COMES TO ROSE’S 5 AND 10c STORE Mr. G. E. Roswell. jr„ arrived in Shelby yesterday with Mrs. Roswell and their only child from Danville. Va. Mr. Roswell becomes manager of the Rose Five and Ten cent store here. In Danville, Va., Mr. Roswell is wrell and favorably known and comes highly recom mended. Tot, Strangled By Smoke Of Fire, Arouses Sleeping Family Honeycutt Home, On Ford Street, Damaged By Blaze. Mr. Honeycutt Away. An unusual noise made in the still of the night by a child partly suffocated by smoke perhaps sav ed the lives of members of the R. G. Honeycutt family here early Thursday morning when the Honey cutt home, on Ford street, was con siderably damaged by fire. Mr. Honeycutt was away from home on business, and Mrs. Honey cutt and two children were sleep ing in the residence when shortly after one o’clock in the morning one of the children somewhat strangled by the smoke awakened the mother, who carried the chil dren to an adjoining residence and gave the firm alarm. The blaze, which apparently ori ginated hi the living room some distance in front of the-hearth, was extinguished by firemen, re sponding prompt’;’, but furniture in the room was damaged as was tfloor. Roach Leaves City Position Here Today Goes With State Health Inspection Service, Report Here Says. Fire Chief E. B. Roach, for more than one and one-half years the head of the Shelby fire department, left today for Walnut Cove, where, it-is understood, that he enters upon his new duties as an inspec tor for the state sanitation depart ment. Ted L. Gordon, superintendent of the electric department, today took over his additional duties as lire chief and will live in the apart ments over the city hall, combin ing the duties of the two positions. In addition to serving as fire chief Mr. Roach has for several months been serving as assistant chief of police, supervising the night policeman as well as giving OIK WILL MOVE i SOON; CHANGES 11! OTHER LOCATIONS First National In New Quartrrs By Feb. 15. Billiard Hall Under Hotel. Numerous cliangos In locations will be made by Shelby busings houses this month, or have recent ly been made. ^ > Some time between February 10 and February 15, the First National bank, now in temporary quarters, will move to Its new home on the corner in the Hotel Charles build ing. It Is stated by Vice-President George Blanton. The bank fixtures are now being Installed In the handsomely arranged quarters where the bank operated for many years and by mid-month bank of ficials feel sure that the First Na tional will be back at the old stand, which, however, doesn't look like Itself any more. Preparations for the change will not be mr.de before next week due to the fact that the end-of-the-month business must be cleared up. and during the change there will be no cessation of banking activities. tinder New Hotel. About March 1 the Cleveland Cigar store and billiard parlor, op erated by Messrs. J. rt. Robinson and H. C. Long,* will be located un der the dining room In the new Hotel Charlfes building at the ap proximate location of the old American Legion club. The billiard parlor is now maintained at the corner of South LaFayette and Graham streets. In the new location Messrs. Robinson and Long will op erate a cigar and lunch stand but will not operate a fountain, it is understood. Hord Moves Place. Yesterday the Qeneral Electric agency, operated by Hord &. Ran som of which Mr. Bob Hord is local manager, moved from lta old loca tion, In the Hoey building on Ejtyt Marion street, to the storeroom oh South LaFayette street where the space Is shared with the Wakefield Floral shop. Only Throe Couple* Married In January By County License Regtater Andy Newton Doesn't Ex pect Business T# Pick lTp— ' Gilfncf Nearby. At the present rote a marriage in Cleveland county may sopn be an obsolete ceremony as Register of Deeds Andy rt mwton looks at it. During the month of January Mr. Newton. Who operates the local marriage maiV *®ld marriage li cense to only three couples. Dp un til the next to the last day only two couples had secured license here. The final couple for the month was Braley H. Osborne and Jose phine Hudson, both of Halifax. Va., but it is said that Mr. Osborne was reared in this sectlofl. “No use to expect marriages here to pick up as long as a good road leads to Gaffney,” Register Newton declared. "In another year or so we can just do away with this book here, ’ he said as he patted the marriage license record. IQTHERliOE' IN POLICE FORCE Burgin Putnam. Of Forest City, Takes Simpson’s Night Beat Here. An announcement from Mayor W. N. Dorsey at the city hall at noon today told of another change in the city police force. Beginning tonight Mr Burgin Putnam, new of Forest City, will take over the night beat formerly patrolled by Policeman C. H. Simpson, who has tendered his res ignation to Police Chief Richards. Whether or not Officer Putnam will remain on the night patrol has not been definitely determined as yet. The new officer is a native of Shelby and applied for a place on the force here many months back so that he might return to his old home. He was formerly chief at Forest City and about 11 years ago was policeman here. Of recent months he has been state ’traffic officer in Rutherford county but this office has been abolished by Rutherford with a deputy sheriff taking over the duties. Mr Putnam is spoken of highly as an officer at Forest City and both lie and his ' -> Hf "*•« v*' ■%*■»» 11 *-V» ****** To Die Today? UN Mrs. Ada Bonner Lebouef and Dr. Thomas E. Dreher, convicted of killing the woman'.* hnsband, James J. Leboeuf, at Franklin. Louis'ana, will be hanged on the gallows there today, between noon and 3 o'clock, unless something unforseen and unlikely develops. A long legal fight to save the condemned pair, charged with plotting the murder of th-; woman’s husband, following a love affair between the physi cian and woman, was climaxed yes terday when Federal Judge Borah refused to interfere. ‘_a IBS BEK TO BE MOST LIKEIT Is Talked ImI As Probably Rival Of Dorsey In Mayoralty Race. If Mayor W. N. Dorsey lias op position in the May primary politi cal conversation about Shelby Indi cates that Paul Webb,-.druggist and former mayor, may furnish the op position. So far Mr. Webb has made no public statement that would indi cate that he will be a candidate for the mayor’s office, neither has he said that he would not be a candi date. Therefore, perhaps, the in creasing talk of his probable candi dacy. South Shelby Talks In recent days, observers say, Webb's name as a prospective can didate has been talked quite a bit in South Shelby, while prior to that time the boom about him centered for the most part in the uptown sections. Meantime South Shelby leaders are rather non-committal. Recent additions of city conveni ences In the southern section of town, it is said, have considerably strengthened the present mayor with the people there, and few of the political observers arc willing to stake their reputation as proph ets on any definite statement con cerning the mayoralty race out come, provided, of course, that there will be a race. With Mr. Webb talked more than he was a week ago discussion cen tering about other prospective can didates has simmered down some what. A new factor bobbing up into the political possibilities this week was that of the bootleg round-up made by the ‘‘informer” brought to Shel by by the mayor. In some circles tV<S round-up is said to have made many votes for Mayor Dorsey, es pecially among the women voters, while others declare that the mayor lost votes by Detective Goben's ac tivities. To Boiling Springs Recent contributions through The Star to the Boiling Springs library drive include 36 books contributed by Mr. J. A. Wilson, something like Ml books given by members of the iPirst Baptist church here, and 22 ks tendered thrp«tc*a Dr. C. H. One New Factor. Others Give Books EP CHAMPION IS FOUND DEAD NEAR POLK1LE HOME Substantial Farmer And Former Merchant Succumb* to Heart, Attack Near Home. “Ep” Champion, one of the best known farmers of the PolkvtUe Lawndale communities, living be tween the two paces, was found dead In the woods near his home late Wednesday afternoon where he had gone to rake up ptne ncedcs. Death was due to natural causes so a coroner's Inquest was not deemed necessary, according to' Coroner T. C. Eskridge. It is j thought he suffered an attack oi j the heart. He had been gone front' the house for aevera hours. When he failed to return, a search was In stituted, and he was found on the ground In the woods where he had been working alone. Mr. Champion was sixty years of age last November. He was one of the most substantial farmers in that community, a man of native wit, keen humor, Jovial and opti mistic. He was a hard worker, a good business man and enjoyed a wide acquaintance because of his extensive business transactions as a merchant and fertilizer dealer. He was one of the most Influential men In his community and has a host of friends throughout the coun ty who regret to hear of his sud den passing. Mr. Champion was married to Miss Laura Bridges who survives with the following children: Odus. Broadus. Chevous, Clyde. Eber, Belma, Oran and Mrs. Iva Mauney. The funeral was held this morn: ing at Unicn Baptist church where he was a faithful member, the serv ices being conducted by the pastor, Rev. D. O. Washburn. A large crowd wa« In attendance. Geo. C. Jolley Dies In No. I Township Substantial Farmer Of No. 1 la Buried At Comp Creek Church On Thursday. Mr. Geo. C. Jolley, substantial fanner of No. 1 township died at his home there' on Tuesday of this week and was burled Thursday at Camp Creek Baptist church where he had been a member for the past 18 years. Mr. Jolley was born April 9, 1850 and was bom In Spartan burg county, the son of Dock Jol ley and Mary' McCraw. The Im mediate cause of his death was paralysis. Mr. Jolley is survived by his wife who was a Scruggs before marriage and the following children: J, Fur man Jolley, George Deaver Jolley, Mrs. Mamie Ellis, Mrs. Esther Humphries. Two half brothers, Jesse Jolley and W. S. Jolley and one half sister, Miss Martha Jolley also survive. Funeral services were conducted by Hfv. M. M. Huntley of Spindale and a large crowd was present. Serving as pallbearers were O. P. Earl JCe&ter Hamrick, John Mar tin, Thamer Humphries, Guy Hum phries, Robert Jolley. The following were honorary pall bearers: Plato Allison, Summle Allison, D, A. Humphries, Andrew McCraw, J. A. McCraw, Summle Bridges, Pink Humphries and M. B. Earl. She’s 85—But Steps Like Girl With Knee Dress She’* 85 year* old and has a total of 237 descendants, bat, this woman Mrs. Nancy Karl of Ildllng Springs can walk two miles a day and back without tiring and conk a “mealY. vlttles’’ as quickly as a girl In the “knee high” dress class, says u friend of The Star who I* her neighbor. Mrs. Karl Is the daughter of "Cnele" Jimmy Green. Her husband died about seven years ago. She has 13 broth ers and four sisters. She has five (hlldren, 74 grand chil dren, 140 great grand children and 18 great grrat grandchil dren. according to informa tion secured from one who knows her well. Her long life is evidence of Cleveland's climate and the outcome of simple, living. Mrs. Earl has been a mem ber of Bolling Springs Bap tist church for G9 years. 10,862 PEOPLE !N Scldrr*. Compiling Directory. Snys Count Is A Near Perfect One. Shelby's population Li 10,662, ac cording to a census made by A. Selders who Is getting up, on his own accord, a directory of names of the people living within the cor porate limits. Mr. Selders says this In an honest-to-goodness count Of noses, made personally by him and two assistant* In a house-to-house canvass which has been under way for the past two Weeks or lbnger. 3 Year Increase. The government’s official census taken September, 1B25. shortly aft er the corporate limits had been extended by legislative enactment gave the population figures 8.854, showing an increase of 1,808 in three years and four months, or ap proximately 600 gain yearly or an average net gain of 50 per month. Off Press Soon. Mr. Selders will have his direc tory from the press shortly and the same will contain the names of these 10,662 people which he found to live here, together with their street address. Mr. Selders says that every pos sible care and precaution was taken In making the census to see that there were no duplications or omis slons. Street by street the count was made from center to circumference. Branton Will Open A Kings Mt. Plant Mr. Worth Branton, former mem ber of the Shelby Dry Cleaning company here who recently dis posed of his Interests to his part ner Mr. J. C. Bowling, will open a pressing club and dry cleaning plant at Kings Mountain soon, he announces. He has already pur chased his equipment for the new plant and has secured a building In Kings Mountain, and will open the new plant within a short time. He and hls-famlly will make their home In Kings Mountain. Falls, Who Fought For Other Secret Ballot, Backs Gardner’s Says People Of State Are Looking: To Legislature To Pass The BilL Attorney B. T. Falls, who first Introduced an Australian ballot in the North Carolina legislature when he represented this county two years ago, is supporting the measure now that his fellow-towns men, Governor Gardner Is putting up a fight for it at the present leg islature. The Raleigh News and Observer yesterday quoted Falls as follows: “The people of North Carolina look to this legislature to give it a real Australian ballot.” “I think each registrar ought to be provided with one clerk who shall perform such duties as are as signed hiiii. The registrar will need him to fold the ballots for the voters aud to furnish additional ballots for spoiled ballots. In a large precinct, the registrar is quite busy finding names on his jeg.« tralion book as thei approach to fnH *tl t'*'* Vt-vr f fr»->— t fold the ballots for the voters. Aside from this assistance, there ought not to be any other persotl In the voting arena during voting hours, My first bill In 1925 provided for the tjvo Judges to mark ballots at the ballot box and not in the booths and restricted assistance to those legally entitled to receive It under our Constitution. I do not think, after careful consideration of the matter, that any faction ought to be allowed to place its partisans under the caption of official mark ers within the voting arena who will carry primary elections accord ing to order. "With these provisions Inserted In the Johnson-Broughton bill I think you will have/a satisfactory bill, although the provisions for quo warranto proceedings to go be hind the returns to show fraud, etc., would not be a bad feature, but this Is not as imperative as the system of marking and official markers. I think Section 26 of the Jc 1: nsor - Broughton bill deals uith '"saWw* to voters ” SOLICITOR’S FEES SLASHED HERE BY MEW COMPROMISE Will Cut Down Solicitor’# Income by Near One-Third Lessens Court Costs. The solicitor of the Cleveland county recorder's court will not be placed upon a salary basis, as proposed in a bill forwarded to Representative Odus M. Moll, Raleigh, but at the end of the present term the fees, by which the solicitor receives hi# re* numeration, will be slashed al most one-third—or from 13.80 per conviction to $3.50 per con viction. This was definitely learned hem today when The Star conferred with A. E. Cline, county commls* ston chairntan, after a wire was re* reived early In the day from Rep resentative Mull. Compromise Affair. As The Star understands it, tire lee slash instead of a fixed salary for the solicitor was a compromise agreement reached by the county commissioners after they thorough ly studied the proposed plans. And since the proposed bill to Jjttce' the solicitor on a salary basis at the end of the present term was for warded to legislature by the com missioners it is presumed, upon good information, that the bill will be withdrawn and a new bill in troduced which, if passed, will cut the fees. Quite a controversy developed on both sides of the original plan. Many citizens came out into the open and demanded that the of fice be changed to a salary basis as < are other courtly officers, while the move, judging by petitions to {dace the solicitor on a salary met with some opposition, headed tor the most part by members of the Shelby bar, •* I - • - ■ Doable Results. However, with the fee clash com promise it is surmised that the general results will be better than the salary plan. Under the pro posed change to the salary plan court costs, considered rather heavy by many for a county court, would not have been lessened, the fees remaining at |3.60 although the solicitor had been placed on a sal ary less than the fee total for the year. But as it is now, or will be when the compromise goes into ef fect, defendants who pay the costs in court will not have to pay as much as is {mid in the coats tel! now and the court costs burden will be cut down, although there will be no added Income to the county treasury. Down To $3,5M. Records in the county treasurer's office for 1028 gave the total soli citor’s fees at approximately 85,100 although it is understood that all of this amount was not paid direct to the solicitor due to the fact that numerous convictions were appeal ed to higher courts resulting to re versals or acquittals which meant that the solicitor did not get total running fees credited. However, by the change, figuring that It toot around 1,420 convictions to total the $5,100 and presuming that the first year of the next term will sec an approximately like number of convictions, the fees oh the $2.50 basis would count up around $3300, or a little more. The slash is hard ly a cut of one-third in fees and, is just a Uttle more than a cut of one-fourth—or, to be exact, the slash in fees was seven twenty fourths. Mull’s Message. The wire to The Star today from Representative Mull read: *T received wire from Peyton Me Swain and a letter from the coun ty rommlssieners stating that they compromised by allowing the coun ty solicitor to remain on fees, but reducing fees to two dollars and fifty cents per case.” State College Man Will Vi«it Here Tal H. Stafford, alumni secretary of North Carolina State eoUege, Ra leigh, is now on a tour of Piedmont Carolina holding conferences with 1 county alumni organization and will be in Shelby on February 13 to confer with Fred Logan and other alumni here, says a Raleigh report. An Oyster Supper. There will be an oyster supper at the LaFayettc Street Met' church here Saturday from & t in the afternoon until 9 at The supper te put on by the oru’ class axul the proceed will to purrhne* a piano.

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