8 PAGES TODAY VOL. XXXV. No. 15 THE CLEVELAND STAR SHELBY. N. a MONDAY, FEB. 4. 1929 Published Monday, Wednesday. and Friday Afternoons By mall, per year (In advance) |2J0 Carrier, per year On advance) <3 00 LATE NEWS The Markets. Cotton Shelby^. _ 19V*c Cotton Seed, bu._Wat Snow Or Rain. Today's North Carolina Weather Report: Cloudy followed by light rain and snow in west portion late tonight or Tuesday. Not much change in temperature. Secret Ballot Sure. Raleigh dispatches today stated j that the Australian ballot for North Carolina, advocated and fought for by Governor Gardner, would like ly be passed by the legislature when the bill, which created much controversy and a big political fight, comes up Tuesday. Vacancies In Senate Filled By 0. Max Now Legislators Restore Appointive Power To Governor. With drawn 2 Years Back. Kaleigh.—The governor of North Carolina hereafter will, by appoint ment, fill vacancies in the United States senate, under a bill passed by the house of representatives of the state legislature last week. The power to fill vacancies was vested in the governor. The act in the present state laws requires such vacancies to be filled by special election. The measure, sponsored by Sen ator W. M. Person, of Franklin, al ready has been passed by the sen ate. It will become a law when en grossed and signed by the speaker of the ho.jse and president of the senate. The governor of North Carolina has no veto power. By vote of 77 to 33 the house passed the bill requiring candi dates hi the state primary to pledge support to the nominees. Only one Democrat, Representative Boren, of Guilford, voted against the bill, itepresentative Hamlin, of Tran sylvania, floor leader of the house, followed Boren with a speech against the bill. He said he believ ed in party government but that party nominees as well as voters have a higher duty to state and na tion that snould let them support whom they pleased. Forest City Woman Killed Train Of Conductor W. B. Demp sey, Of Shelby, Severs Head ^ Of Woman. Rutherfordton, Feb. 2.—Mrs. Ada Dean, 43, met instant death at For est City today when she was cross ing the track of the Southern rail * read and was struck by the cab of a freight train which knocked her down. The cab passed over her body. Her head struck the rail and was severed from her body. It was freight train No. 68 with W. B. Dempsey, conductor, and was en route from Blacksburg, S. C. to Marian. The line of cars was standing on the track. The engine had been shifting and came in to couple up with the cars. When the engine struck the cars, the cab rebounded several feet. Mrs. Dean happened to be be hind the cab when the engine struck them. Mr. Dempsey conductor of the train is a Shelby man. MR. ESLEY CABANISS IS SERIOUSLY ILL TODAY Mr. Esley Cabaniss, a most sub stantial farmer of the Zion commun ity is reported to be seriously ill at Ms home in the Cabaniss commun 1 ity this morning. Mr. Cabaniss was taken ill Saturday from a trouble with which he has been complaining for some time. * f. Gee! Hew They “Carry On” In Washington— V'ouidn't you like to know the real “low-down” on the j hi? folk* up in Washington— j Coolidge, Hoover, Mellon, and the others? I If so, turn to an inside page today and let Gee McGee, the South Carolina humorist, tell it to you—and how! If there isn’t a chuckle in every paragraph of Gee’s writing, then there isn’t a single boll weevil in the 8outh Carolina cotton fields. Try it and see—faw down— go bcom! Beginning today Gee Mc Gee’s column, “Nobody’s Business,” will be published in The Star every other day. Read it and forget what you were worr-*ng about. Faw dawn—go boom! I Poultry Salts Good Hzre For Start Of Year Third Carload Shipped I-ast Week. Hardin Sees Big Year Ahead. Poultry prospects for 1929 in Cleveland county seem very bright | as Alvin Hardin , county farm j agent, looks at it. With only one month of the year gone three cars of poultry have al ready been loaded in Shelby and the prospects and prices for future ; rales look good. $1.1,000 In Sales. So far tnis year the county agent estimates that farmers of this coun- ; ty have received between $15,000 and $20,000 for the poultry they sold in carload shipments not to mention other small sales. Twenty- i two thousand pounds was loaded on ' one car, 18,000 on another car, and ; 17,000 pounds on the third car, all i of which brought in $13,000 !fcash ‘ to the farmers. This total is in creased by the fact that many farmers living in the eastern sec tion of the county load their poul try at Cherryvine instead of Shel by, while farmers in the extreme! west load their poultry at Ellen boro. Totalling the money receiv ed by the farmers at Ellenboro and Cherryville together with the three cars loaded here the county agent believes that farmers of the county received about $20,000 for their poultry in January. Last year poultry sales in the county ran around $60,000 and the $20,000 sales so far indicate an even better year this year. Prices Hold Up. "At prices prevailing now, and they promise to hold up, the farm ers of the county say that they can see a profit in their poultry for the year,” said the county agent. “Hens are now bringing from 24 to 25 cents and there was quite a bit of profit in the car of 18,000 pounds we loaded here last Wednes day.” “The chicks hatched this year are living fine and the hatcheries are making capacity runs and for those reasons with good prices I believe farmers of the county are going to realize fr neat sum from their poultry this year. And, too, the farmers are showing more and more interest in poultry.” Rotaryanns Guests At Rotary Program Dr. Frazier, Of Charlotte, Guest Speaker For Ladies Night Of Shelby Club, The Rotaryanns of Shelby were the guests of their husbands Friday night at an entertaining “Ladies Night” program in the Masonic temple, the program being in charge of Rotarian Durham Moore with the Woman's club serving the meal. Dr. Frazier, president of Queens college, Charlotte, was the princi pal speaker, illustrating the worth lessness of a non-worker in a serv ice club by the activity of the bees who slaugnter their drones when they refuse to remain active. As usual Dr. Frazier's renowned wit sparkled throughout his talk, the humorous portions bringing in the negro dialect of which the college president is an expert propounder. Other entertainers on the pro gram included the Misses Coleman, of the high school faculty, in in strumental and vocal selections, and Miss Brown, also of the high school faculty, with readings. Spe cial prizes were presented several of the Rotaryanns present while each Rotaryann was presented with a gift box of candy. Shelby Band At Piedmont. W. T. Sinclair, director of the Shelby high school band will take his musicians to Piedmont Friday night for a concert. Proceeds for the benefit or Piedmont athletic association. Tough Weather Sure, Groundhog Would Have It And it won’t be Springtime until along about the middle of March. A prophecy something like that was what the groundhog I -*ft here Saturday when he c ame from his hole and cost 1 is eyes about in the warm sunlight until he saw his shadow. To those who folow the groundhog legend—and there are many such—it will be six more weeks before the winter or had weather season Is at end, for without doubt Sir Groundhog saw his shadow Saturday. Mrs. McBrayer Buried Sunday Funeral Here At Home Of Daugh ter—Died At Forest City At Age Of Seventy l'ears A large crowd attended the fu neral Sunday afternoon at two o'clock of Mrs. Amanda Logan Mc Brayer, widow of Robert B. Mc Brayer, who died Friday night at 11:15 at the home of her daugh ter at Forest City. Services were conducted from the home of Mayor and Mrs. W. N. Dorsey on N. La Fayette street by Dr. Zeno Wall, pastor of the First Baptist church of Shelby of which she was a mem ber. assisted by Rev. Mr. Moore, Methodist minister of Forest City who visited the sick bedside often during her last illness. Mrs. McBrayer was seventy years of age June 2 of last year. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Logan and a member of one of the most prominent and substantial families in this section, her ances tors fighting in the battle of Kings Mountain. Practically all of her life was spent in Cleveland county and she was noted for her fine motherly traits and her beautiful, beaming countenance. Seventeen years ago her beloved husband died and her body was Interred be side his In Sunset cemetery under a mound of floral designs. Five Daughters Survive. She was the mother of eight children, six daughters and two sons. One daughter, Mrs. D. O. Davis and the two sons, Logan Mc Brayer of Shelby and Robert Mc Brayer of St. Louis preceded her to the grave. Surviving are the five daughters, Mrs. W. N. Dorsey of Shelby, Mrs. Wm. Lowery of Pat terson Springs, Mrs. Grover King of Forest City, Mrs. M. D. Honey jcutt of Monroe, Mrs. H. A. Dozier of Charlotte. Twenty-eight grand children to whom she was tied with true mother love, also survive. Mrs. McBrayer is the last of the J. R. Logan family although her connection is wide and her friends are legion. A number of beautiful selections were sung by Messrs. Tom Latti moce, Mai Spangler, Horace Easom and Rush Hamrick, while Mrs. Nell Padgett Norris of Forest City sang “Some Day We’ll Under stand.” Pall bearers were Messrs. C. S. Young. Roy Sisk, John R. Dover, H. Fields Young, Jesse Lowery and J. L. Suttle. One daughter, Mrs. Wm. Lowery was unable to attend the funeral services because of her serious ill ness. Many (out-of-town friends were here from Blacksburg, Spar tanburg, Forest City, Grover and elsewhere. Fire Damages Roof Of Cornwell Home The roof of the residence of Mr. Charlie Cornwell, on Grover street, was considerably damaged by fire early Saturday morning, the blaze spreading quite a bit before the fire trucks arrived. Vet Going To Charlotte For Reunion, Burned To Death "'ktahoma Veteran, Driving Mule Team, Started To Get To Re union “In Time.” Spartanburg, S. C., Peb.—A 90 '•ear-old Confederate veteran who had left his home in Oklahoma months ago to reach Charlotte, N C., “in plenty time” for the reunion next May, won't get there. He was fatally burned near here last night Traveling in a wagon pulled by ‘.wo mules, the aged man, R. A. Golden, had pitched camp for the night. He was sitting by his camp fire when he doz"d off. He was awakened to find his clothing in | flames. So badly burned was he that from the first, hospital authorities here had little hcpe of his recovery. He died lrte today. Before he died, he said his home was in Fort Sill. Okla., and that he had a son liv ing on State street in Atlanta. The son, he said was employed in the city waterworks. 'He also told how he never missed a reunion of Confederate veterans. Social welfare workers, who exam ined his wagcn, found a tattered Confederate flag and mementos of the Memphis reunion. His uniform which had a Georgia band around '.t, wrs discovered carefull folded away In the wagon. Anti Smiths Invited Into G. 0. P. Ranks Virginia Republicans And “Hoover Democrats” May Unite Kol lo winy A Conference. Richmond —The political situa tion In Virginia is today projected on a clear cut basis with the an nouncement of R. H. Angell, Re publican state chairman, that his party would entertain consolidation with the so-called ‘‘Hoover-Demo crats," of this state. At the same time the announcement came from Charles S. Smith, Hoover-Demo crat leader of the Virginia Tide water section that the faction he represented would likewise enter tain consolidation with the Repub licans in the forthcoming state campaign. The issues arc expected to be definitely threshed out at a con ference of “Anti-Smith Democrats,” to be held in Lynchburg, Va„ next Tuesday. Until the announcements the objectives of the conference at Lynchburg have been somewhat vague, the formal announcement was that the meeting was called for the purpose of "determining what action of the Anti-Smith fac tion shall take with respect to fu ture activities.” Would Oust Raskob. 9 A. J. Dunning, jr., chairman of the second Virginia district dele gation to the Lynchburg confer ence said that an effort "would probably be made at the confer ence to demand the resignation of Jotwi J. Raskob, Democratic nation al chairman, and the repudiation of Raskob’s leadership by Demo cratic leaders in Virginia. This was indicated in a telegram, Mr. Dun ning said he had sent to Mr. Raskob asking if he would resign the na tional chairmanship as his “con tribution to reconciliation and har mony in the Democratic party In the South; to Governor Harry Flood Byrd of Virginia, asking if he, as head of the party in Virginia, would “countenance the continu ance of the Democratic pattxjmder. the Smlth-IJjwkob-Tammany poli cies and leadership." Mr. Dunning said he sent a third telegram to Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt of New York, inquiring if he “was re sponsible for and subscribed to statements reported to have been made by you with reference to Governor Smith having been cheat ed out of the presidency by lg-, norance, bigotry and religious fa-1 natlcs.” Mr. Dunning explained that he sent these telegrams on his own initiative and that he could not say what the action of the Lynch burg conference would be, but that in all probability there would be an attempt to carry out what the tele grams suggested. Close on the heels of the an nouncement from Mr. Dunning, Charles S. Smith of Newport News, arriving In Richmond gave out an interview in which he declared that the acknowledged Republican party in Virginia is ready to offer the Lynchburg conference candidates and a platform “perfectly satisfac tory” to the independent group. Mr. Smith explained that he had been in conference with Chairman Angel of the state Republican committee, at the suggestion of Virginia Tidewater Republicans and (Continued on page six.) Benny Mack Kills Man Over A Dog Lightweight Bo nr Known In Shel by, Having Fought Here, Is Held. Charlotte, Feb. 3.—Benny Mack, lightweight t>oxer, who has fought throughout North Carolina and Virginia, shot and killed W. H. Moore, landscape artist, here this rfternoon. The killing is said to have followed a dispute over a dog. Mack made no effort to escape after the shooting, telephoning Chief of Police Alex West that he had shot a man and would be right town" as soon as he took his wife home. Detective immediately went to the scene of the difficulty where they found Moore dead. Then then went to the home of Mack, reach ing there before he arrived with his wife. He was placed under ar rest cn a charge of murder and was in the city jail tonight. Mack, according to Chief West, said that he drew his pistol and fir ed on Moore after the man had first drawn his gun. Dillard Price, a brother-in-law of Moore, who was with him when he was shot, told nolice the dead man had a gun but hat it dropped from his pocket i after he was shot and that he did | not draw it, j Neighborly Folks About Beams Mill Neighbors apparently are neighbor* in every sense of the word op In the Beam* mill section north of Shelby. Saturday night one week ago the bam and four mules of Mr. Josh Wright were burned entailing a heavy loss to him. Mr. Wright operates a saw ing outfit. and Tuesday morning of last week his neighbor*, many of them, be gan felling trees and hauling logs to him. Mr. Wright be gan sawing. and other neighbors began building with the Umber as fast as it was sawed. Before Mr. Wright got altogther through with sawing the logs brought lij Wednesday evening late he looked over near the spot where the old barn was burned and saw a new barn, complete in every detail. And so It was that the nelghborllness of the farm section—a spirit known In cities and business circles as '‘cooperation"—built a bam in two days In lending a helping hand to one struck by misfortune. Bury Mrs. Grigg Here Tuesday Widow or Late Millard A. Grin. Furniture Dealer, Dies At Home Of David Beam. Mrs. Nancy Grigg, widow of Mil lard A. Grigg, furniture dealer and undertaker In Shelby for many years, died about midnight last night at the home of her only brother David A. Beam In the Dou ble Shoals community. Mrs. Grigg had been in declining health for a year or more and was a patient for several weeks in the Shelby hos pital last year. She made her home on N. Morgan street wher? she spent most of her time alone after the dea-h of her husband. The funeral will be held from the Palmer funeral home Tuesday aft ernoon at 3 o’clock, the services to be conducted by Dr. Zeno Wall, pastor of the First Baptist ohurch of which she was a member. Mem bers of Cleveland lodge No. 202 will accord her funeral honors as her husband was one of the oldest and most faithful members of the Masonic lodge, the proceeds of which are to be used as a fund for widows and orphans. The estate consists of a brick store room on West Marion street, two houses and lot on N. Morgan street and a 100 acre farm in the country. Mrs. Grigg had the use of the propert y during her life time and now upon her death It goes to this Masonic fund, there being no children born to this couple. Mrs. Grigg was Nancy Beam be fore marriage. She was a fine Christian character, thrifty, spright ly and kindly affectionated to her friends. She was a good Bible stu dent, honest in her dealings and sympathetic in her manner. One brother, Mr. David A. Beam ■ survive. Another brother Rev. J. A. j Beam of Person county and one sister, Mrs. Jerome Cline preceded her to the grave. Masons To Bury. Masonic members are asked to meet at the temple one hour be-1 fore the funeral to go in the body j to the funeral home and officiate j at the services of Mrs. Grigg. Grandmother And Granddaughter Die In Shiloh Section Rutherfordton.—A grandmother and her granddaughter died with in 36 hours ast week in the Shi loh section, about six miles south of here. Mrs. W. J^son Cole died Sunday night of pneumonia after a week’s illness. She was buried at Kistler's Chapel Monday afternoon with Revs. B. M. Hamrick (P. H. Fike, D. J. Hunt, M. M. Huntley and T. A. Jones in charge of the funeral services. The deceased was 69 years of age and leaves a husband, four sons and three daughters. Miss Avice Tate, daughter of C. Landrum Tate and granddaughter of Mrs. W. J. Cole, of the same section, died Tuesday morning of pneumonia, after three weeks' ill ness and was buried Wednesday aft ernoon at Kistler’s Chapel, by the side of her grandmother. Miss Tate was eighteen years of age and leaves a father, fgur brothers and three sisters, all of the Sh'loh section, -he church was filled to overflow - for the funeral services. i Plan Cotton Contest For This Ccu.Jy May Have County-Wide Cotton rroduetlon Contest On Five Acre riuts, Said. Cleveland county farmers, who last year ouststrlpped any county in the state in producing cotton and likely set up a per acre pro duction record for the South, may this year compete with each other to see Just which enterprising farmer can produce the most cot ton on five acres. Agricultural leaders here are planning such a contest now. and it the plans maerializc the rules for j the contest and the prizes to be awarded will be announced soon According to the preliminary talk any cotton farmer in the county would be eligible to enter the con test, designating a particular five acres as his contest plot, with the prize, or prizes, going-to the farmer with the best production, or to the farmers leading others in the con test. If the contest Is definitely de cided upon it will no doubt create considerable interest throughout, the comity to see which farmer proves the best on the five acres, and also to determine which sec tion of the county will win the prize, or prizes. Those discussing the contest state that a definite announcement concerning it, will likely be made in a week or so. Lincolnton Man Is Killed In Accident Woman Who Was Driving Car When It Turned Over At Char lotte Being Held. Charlotte, Feb. 3.—ZLm Zigle, 25. -aid to be a mill employe of Ltn colnton, was killed when the auto mobile coupe In which he was rid ing turned over at the city limits of Charlotte early today. Miss Margaret Buchanan, of Char lotte, who was driving the machine j when it swerved over while turning j a curve, was held in the city jail to day in connection with the death after she was discharged from a hospital where she was rushed fol lowing the accident. The other men In the machine. J. A. Mauney and Lawsoh Reynolds both of Lincolnton, according to the police report, escaped with min or cuts and bruises and were held In jell until, today when they were released. Mauney, shortely after the acci dent, said that he had never seen Miss Buchanan befcre last ni"ht, when shortly before midnight. Zigle asked to bring himself and the woman to Charlotte. Mauney declared he was owner of the cm rnd that he and Reynold had de- I elded to make the trip b :ore see ing the other two. Maun >v said that on th eway he was persuaded by j Zigle, who professed tin woman to; be a capable driver, to let her drive the ear. Miss Buchanan today claimed that she wrs asked by. the men to drive the machine, charging they were n6t in condition to drive. Rafe King On Stand At Sharon Inquest; No Action As Yet Five Witnesses Heard Up To 2 O’Clock Thi* Afternoon. Wife Had Threatened Suicide, He Stated. Presence Of Blood Explained* Continues Late Today. . (Special to The Star.? High School Auditorium, Sharon, S. C, Feb. t.—The inquest hen to day to determine how Mrs. Rafe King, whose body was found In M out* house near her home last week, was still going on at 2 this afternoon md will likely continue through the afternoon. Dp to 2 o’clock (If* wit nesses. including the husband of the dead wtftnaii, had taken the stand, but no new evidence, or anything of a sensational nature to indicate What? High® Win Cage Game; Tussle ! Here Wednesday (iutania Game Here Wednesday Night Will Be A * Hard Fought Scrap. ° One of the hardest-fought bas ketball games of the year Is on the bill for the "tin can" here Wednes day night. Which Is to say that it j will be ’a typical Gastonia-Shelby ‘ battle, and Gastonia already has i one victory over the locals and the youths trained in the Morris-Falls j system are out for revenge. That Gastonia will meet an alto gether different quint from the Shelby outfit they defeated is as sured. Several shifts- have been made on the team, the style of de fense changed to the man-to-man method, and after many heart rending weeks the local young sters seem to have their eyes on the basket as evidenced by their recent victories. In the meantime Gas-' tonia. already a fast outfit, has improved as is shown by their re cent defeat of the strong Char lotte team. But with the return of Capt. Gold and “Mud’’ Poston to the line-up the Shelby outfit has taken on new life. Gold and Zeno Wall fill the forward berths, Pos ton is a center, with Cline Owens Lee and Guy Bridges handling the guard duties. This will be the like ly line-up against Gastonia Wed nesday night. Tuesday night the highs play the fast Lattlmore quint at Lattimore. going to Kings Mountain Friday night for a return game. Beat Kings Mountain. Playing here Friday night the j rejuvenated Shelby outfit, hitting the basket with more consistency doubled the score on Kings Moun tain 20-10. At the end of the first, half Shelby had the visitors 16-3, and Kings Mountain failed to score m the y.»ird quarter but rang up seven points In the final setto. The floor play of Bridges and Poston and the guarding of Lee featured1 for the locals. Dairying offers the best prospect for farmers of the state this year. of any other project, says Dr, G. W. I Forster/ agricultural economist at.' State college, ; Boys, “ Having Some Fun, ”Kill Man And Upsst An Entire City (The following news story re produced from to op: n and a trans-1 ! ;orn- r d burned out In an ex-' i plcsKit-of flame, killing an opera-I i “or Thr stnr cars were lift stand tr,:Tf on the tracks, filled with peo-. I pic trying to go home. The stores j were stilt filled with customers, for I it was not yet closing time. Power was cut off from the mills and fac tories. Because of the burned-out transformer and the grounding of the transmission lines darkness the transmission lines darkness settled down long before power could be brought on again ' Linesmen, hustling out to locate the trouble, found Jimmie and Frankie enjoying the spectacle, and promptly turned them over to a motorcycle highway policeman who came along just then. “You caused the death of a man, stopped the wheels of a city, and put thousands of people to no end of trouble and Inconvenience,” said the Judge before whom they plead ed guilty, “and put the company to j a large and unnecessary expense, and apparently did this wilfully and maliciously for what you called 'the fun of it,’ so I shall sentence you both to a year in the reformatory ” other than suicide. Crowd Jams Boon. The inquest began at 10:30 tbit morning with a crowd of 300 or more people jamming the school auditorium to hear the witnesses, as the Sharon section has been talk ing Mrs. King's death as one of the sensations of the community. Paul a. McCorkle, York's blind cor oner, is presiding^ and Solicitor A Lyles Olenn, of Chester, Is conduct ing the examination of witnesses at tlie request of Governor John Rich ards and Sheriff Quinn. Witnesses Heard. The witnesses beard so far wars: Dr. C. O. Burrus and Dr. J. H. Kaye of Sharion who performed the autopsy on the body; Rett King, husband of the daad woman; Mrs. 8. T. Ferguson, who with taro children, found the body; and Rev. Paul McCully, who talked with King while the search was golnt on. \ King’s Testimony. ■ -■ Mr. King, second witness on the stand, appealed calm and compos ed and gave testimony In § steady voice. He stated that he was feeling so hady on the morning of his wife’s death that he did not get up and ■he prepared his breakfast and serv ed it to him in bed, telling him that "You’re going to keep going until you die.” She then made a fire save him two sedative tablets to help him sleep, and kissed him before :clng out of tlje room so that he ight sleep, he declared. He awoke, he continued, about 1 /clock, and was suffering so tha$ lie called a small boy who was pass 's and sent for a doctor. When See. King failed to come In from chool at the usual hour he was it alarmed he said because she equently stopped by with friends, lowever, when dark came and she was not there he raised an alarm and the search was made which ■ entually found her body In the outhouse. “Cen you give any explanation of Lhe wound on her head?” Solicitor Glenn queried. “No,” replied King. "They would not let me see the body.” Chickens In Room. The solicitor then asked If he could explain the blood stains found in one of the rooms. "We kept some small chickens in a box there and the rats killed some of them, and peihapa that caused it,” was-the reply. Continuing the witness said that his wife had repeatedly threatened to drink lysol but was afraid it would turn her black. A Suicide Pact? She had once suggested, King jaid, that they both drink lysol. He was emphatic in his statement that they were happy and did not quarrel. Feared Childbirth. King in his testimony also said -hat his wife realized about two months ago that she v»ould likely become a mother and dreaded childbirth because of a kidney af* fliction, which she thought might kill he. Less than a year ago Mrs. King had taken out a $5,000 insurance policy after he (King) had failed to pass the insurance examination She had laughingly said several times he continued that he could have a big time on the iimmnca money. Bad Two Worries. Her two worries he said were the .'ear of childbirth and the fact that she did not want to move to hit farm three miles from Sharon, do* daring that she would ratter did than go to the farm as the farm had killed bar people and would kill her. Dr. I .d that sd at I 'Confirm** on porr dal Poison In jrrus, on the vhen the stomach le autopsy he