YOU’VE HEARD OF IT FOR YEARS Now You Will Have The Privilege Of Seeing It— William Haines “ALIAS JIMMY VALENTINE” SHOWING TODAY AND TOMORROW This was a great story—many con sider it O. Henry’s best—“A Retrieved Reformation.” It was a great stage play---It thrill ed vast audiences for year?. Now it has been made into a great movie which is being enjoyed by mil lions. The hero of “Alias Jimmy Valen tine” actually lived, and was a pal of O. Henry’s in the Ohio State Peniten tiary. The great short story writer wrote it out of the heart. To put it over in the movies the greatest cast available was assembled. Such names as Haines, Lionel Barry more, Karl Dane, Tully Marshall and Leila Hymans add lustre to the pro duction. Paul Armstrong, one of the country’s best dramatic authors, wrote the vers ion: JacJ: Conway directed it, and Me* tro-Goldwyn-Mayer produced it. You simply can not afford to miss it. SHOWING TWO DAYS ONLY TODAY AND TOMORROW WEBB THEATRE COMEDY AND NEWS REEL ALSO ON THE BILL. j Personal And Local i Mr- George Moure and Mi,n> Is; pci Robens spent Saturday in | Charlotte with Mrs. Aaron ltob 1 crt Mrs. J, H. Dover is .spending this week in Lincoln tori. with daugh ter, Mrs. Frank Love. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Mc.Murry visited Mr. and Mrs Chas. Wall in Lexington, over the week-end. Mrs. Mamie Scarborough and son, Groff in of Newton were dinner guests oi Mr. and Mrs. Talmadge Gardner Saturday. Miss Frances Hendrick and t’aul Whisnant spent the wec«c-end in v n.arlotte with Mr and Mrs. J. .: Hardin. Miss Ruth Leary accompanied i' s Mary Neal Davis to her home Gastonia Friday tor a week-end Mr. and Mrs. Barnard Stainback of Henderson, announce birth of a daughter, Jean, at the Henderson hospital. January 2. Mrs. Stainback | was formerly Miss Lois am. Mr. Evans Hartgrove of Clwr lotto spent the week-end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Walter ilartgrove. Miss Ruth Dixon of Limestone college spent the week-end at home. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Cline are spending -a few days with their son. Mr. Zeb Cline and family about eight miles east of town. Miss Madge McCoy spent the week-end in Gastonia arid Char lotte with friends. Mr. and Mrs. L R. Cornevin and family and Mr. and Mrs. R. J,.. Ar mour and family spent Sunday at Lake Lanier. Mrs. Eleanor Theall of Cleveland. Ohio, is visiting her daughter. Mrs. W. C. Peake. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben McBrayer and family of Forest City. Mrs. Corrie McBrayer and Miss Bessie McBrayer were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lackey Sunday. Messrs. Roy Newman and Ralph Gardner spent the week-end at tne executive mansion In Raleigh as the guests of young Gardner's par ents, Governor and Mrs. O. Max j Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Chandler an nounce the birth of a daughter. Louise Katherine, at their home in Miami. Fla.. January 16. Mrs. Chandler was formerly Miss Paul ine Ingram of Shelby. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lector Eskridge of New York, who are spending the winter at Finehurst, spent the week end with their mother. Mrs. Sarah Eskridge and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ; Eskridge. Professor Elliott of Mars Hill is spending a few days here in the in terest of Mars Hill college. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wagner arc moving today into their newly built home on West Warren street. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Roach, jr. left Friday for Mooresville where they will visit Mrs. Roach's parents for several days. Miss Kathleen Hord of Brenau college. Gainesville. Ga.. is spend ing a few days at home on account j of the illness and death of her grandmother, Mrs. Amanda Mc Brayer. Miss Minnie Eddins Roberts of Gastonia visited 'the home folks i over the week-end. Mr. Ladd Eskridge of Newberry, i S. C. '-isited relatives here over tire | week-end. | Mr,. M \V. Parrish and daugh ters. Misses Ida Mae and Mabel Parrish of Asheboro returned to (heir heme yesterday after several days visit to Mr. and Mrs. William McCord at their new home in Bel vedere Height. Mesdauies 1. W. Hamrick, F. R. Mar *«n, a. S. Uortop and Miss Sttf, never'.' leave tomorrow by motor lor Atlanta to spend a few days. Judge and Mrs. J. L. Webb re 1 tinned from Raleigh where Mrs. Webb spent a month with Gover nor and Mrs. Gardner. While away Mrs. Webb was the recipient of many social courtesies, having won the Raleigh people by her hand some personality and sweet friend liness. Judge and Mrs. E. Y Webb and two children. Lillie end Jimmie Taylor, returned Saturday from Tarboro. Mrs. J. H. Hull is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Thompson Daniel, in Tampa. Florid*. Mr, and Mrs Toni Moore motor ed to Smith held Inst week. stop ping over m Raleigh for lunch with Governor and Mr Gardner Miss Mtllicent Blanton Uit Sat urday for New York city white She will lake a course in inferior decorating. Judge J 1 \Vrb!> t- holrftn . rourt till week at V.Vd.-sbmo Mis , Rltrabet h M. Brnyi 1 relitrti rd yesterday from a week's visit to Mr and Mrs Odus M Mull in Ra leigh. Mr. Rim Austell. Mr and Mrs Jim Austell of Blacksbuie Mr‘and Mrs, O F. Austell of Karl, Mes dames Kalp Aydlotte and Man Sarratt. ill sister-' and brothers of Mr. Joe Austell spent Sunday in Greenville, S. C. with him Mrs. Flay Hcey-is spending this week in Monroe visiting friends . - ■ Mr. lltll Hudson left yesterdav for a busirio - trip to Balliinori which will keep him away for a fortnight. Mr. and Mrs. Win.. Bomar, Mrs Louise Wideman and Billy VVide man nf Spartanburg', S. C. and Ur and Mrs. Han rein af Blacksburg were here Sunday for the funeral of Mrs. R. 13, McBrayer. Messrs. Ralph Hoey and FMe> Pendleton left yesterday tor a motor trip ol a we< k in ■ Florida. Messrs. Ed Week and Jack Bar ker spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs W 1*. Ingram. The Messrs. Are>. Will and Ward, with Mr. R. G Honeycutt, returned the last of the week fro;:, a Frigidaire^ convention in Atlanta According to wove! brought back J from the convention, it was some event, attended by a thousand Frigidaire enthusiasts from' all over j the south. Ward Arey said a new model Frigidaire. ■ surpassing any thing yet seen, evasion display) and ultimately will be brought to Shel by, to be shown to the local ptibjly Messrs. W. L. Wright and Evans; McBrayer were Charlotte visitors j Friday. i Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Riehbourg. accompanied by Mr. Howard Spry and -Mi-. Hack Minis, motored to; Augusta. Georgia, yesterday to, visit Mrs. Richbourgs sister. Mrs.: Hatcher, who is ill in an Augusta | hospital. LEGION TOST TO MEET TUESDAY IN C OURT HOUSE Members of the Warren Hoyle; Post of the American Legion are' asked to meet in monthly session tv the court house Tuesday evening a, j 7:30 o'clock. Refreshments will b< served. Garnet Cox Wrecks Auto This Morning Mr. Garnett Cox. former mem- j er of the Riviere Drug store firm here but now located in Spencer, wrecked his Buiek Coupe at an errlv hour this morning on the, Cleveland Springs road just across from the Dr. J. R. Osborne resi dence. When Mr. Cox. reached down to pull up a laprobe. lie said '.he ear swerved out of the road struck a telephone post, cutting the ■ p^le down, end then turned over Mr. Cox received slight, injuries and , bruises although it seemed almost . impossible for him to escape with-' but serious Injuries. The ear v. a •• j badly demolished. SPRING WEATHER IS HERE Regardless of What !! Mr. Groundhog t Says. [ Cinderella Shoes for ; Spring are here to \ suit the most critical, j Hose to Match. I CINDERELLA BOOTERY I Smart Footwear, On The Square. At t he Theatres A flashy wi.-tein a picture ol thrill and action 1 ’list-' Hatton in the Orphan ol the So-.- it thr headline at traction at ■ ir 1 't m,. .. today 1! t a new oft ut west mi. tin- pter hittkliii; bat!: t> Uic stu rmi days ol 'ill H.vrton 1;> ii dash ing 'taut;: trader, who holds vout interest nrt minute with lllsHlsr ine exploit Tlx beaut it ul .tar Olive Harden iii 'S.title: in j.ove tops the bill tomorrow I'he pir11ire was made from a Time Story tale ol Met mil d Mo hidden It t reitl and nipping The thread et the story t . son!:, on the auction block 6i midnight whoopee It Is very modem, revoal 11)': life a. it •. lived today, .splen didly p:roue. -I* ..nil idily acted. Hunity Gordon is in the cast. "Alins Jininn Valentine " Is the big feritur irt t ho Webb today, at id tomorrow This is a very celebrat oil play. It got Its initial start front tfco O Henry short story "A Retrieve! Reformation." Manx think it was the greatest short story O. Henry wrote. it was then1 produced as u stage piece. and had a howling .Micro •• Now d has been made into a movie, which is said i to be excellent. Such stars ns Wtl- i ham Haines <who plays the lead role as .Timmy) I.ionel liarrymore Tully Marshall Karl Dane are lti j thecas;. .Timmy Valentine actually] lived, and was a fellow prisoner j with Q. Henry in the Ohio State penitential.'. It. is the first time lately that Haines, lias essayed a serious roll It is said he does, splendidly liu.vs Bungalow. Mr. Robert C Miller bought a pretty new brick house on. the Cleveland Springs road recently. Which was owned by Mr. Cicero Lut? Mr. Miller say. he bought it lor an investment. j mi; \m» mu>. ii. i «iiis\ \Ni \N\Ot N( I IIIKTII ol t.lltl j Iliiii to Mi. and Mrs. II Is Win ■ | muni. Jioumrj 31, a dainty dinrli jlii. I.lrljtc Lull Mother and bal^j r." (IoIth: i iicr!; Mr WhlMi.m! before iviarriam wits I he nlti’netirc diuivllt'"- ul Mr and Mr, I? J. j I'endJt d n Bib Danger Signs For “Baby Kissers” ! ....- Sj. ■ .. . i JJt w uk. N J. Health OftIrrr 1 oKitrle-, V Drafter ol Newark, foe | of tivfhienirn and kissing, Invented a new one today Hr department started mmluip. to the parents of each new horn child, baby bibs on which were printed the words- "l don't want to be .sick Do not kiss me * Order To Police Is Shoot To Kill Memphis C hlrf Promises Promo tion To First M:ui \\ ho •llas-s ,\ llamlil. Memphi.- Ti'tui A flurry of crime in Memphis brought orders ••From. Ghiet of Police Will Lee to I I tits force to "shoot to kill and the tirst man to bag a bandit gets pro-; looted" ' Meanwhile, a roundup was started of all vagrants and suspicious char- j acters, and those arrested were held without bond until they could be questioned. A young man who attacked Miss Floy Helen Buford. eolle*>* student and a niece of aiienti Will S. Knight, continued to elude cap ture Miss Buford was robbed of jewelry before tier screams frighten ed the man away, and the suffered a beating at ins hands. A group of soybean growers in Carteret, county recently sold an order ol 1.000 bushels of seed soy beans to farmers in other sections of the state. I WHADYA THINK? The amount you spend for clothes oesn’t matter so much as the way you ake care of them. Keep them in re pair and have them cleaned and press ed regularly. Hard on them? Bless you, no. It’s goc/d for them. It’s only neglect that’s hard on them. Shelby Dry Cleaning Company 112 — PHONES — 113 n PRIN -TONIGHT — Flaming Thriller Of Pioneer Days. Watch For Our Daily. Special. A Big Surprise Wedne All the thrilling glam days of the Chisholm packed into a western thriller^ with a thundering action c]i max! He's going faster t.hanj ever! " Also Good Comedy And News. — TOMORROW OLIVE BORDEN Huntly Gordon I’aphne Pollard Seena Owen paring: 1) A/ZI.1NG: DRAMATIC: WHY DO GIRLS SIN? See,the Uernr.rr Macfadden True Siitrv Picture taken from TRUE STORY Maga zine! i scL.y — Better Come. Can We Count On Your Cooperation? rilKstmitftli of this bank is the work of many hands. Our depositors, perhaps more than ourselves, are re sponsible for the prestige and steady growth, which we have enjoyed. What one friend has told another friend about the treatment received here, lavs been the all-important factor in gaining for us a constantly widening circle of influence and service. After all, a bank is strong not mere ly because of its capital and resources, the wealth in its vaults; but also be cause of the number of active, inter ested friends which it can number on its “roll-call.” Therefore, we want you not only to do your banking with us, but if you can induce a friend to bank with us as well, you will be favoring us doubly. Can we count on this cooperation? FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SHELBY. “THE BANK OF PERSONAL SERVICE.” RESOURCES OVER FIVE MILLION DOLLARS. IF YOU DON’T SEND YOUR CLEANING TO The WHITEWAY _READ THIS. IF YOU DO-DON’T We are not so much concerned about the per son who is already a Whiteway patron . . .We know that the satisfaction they get from our Cleaning will bring them back. But it’s the person who has not yet learned what wonderful cleaning we do that we are interested hi Every person lias a right to expect their gar ments to be returned beautifully cleaned and fault lessly pressed . . . and at The Whiteway you'receive that all the time. Why not change to the Whiteway lor a change in Cleaning and Pressing satisfaction. THE - WHITE WAY - 207 N. _ -QUALITY” CLEANERS — DYERS Phones LaFayette St. 105 - 106 TRY STAR WANT ADS FOR RESULTS

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