MISS MAYMfe. UOBERTC Social Editin' I'liinit 1 ' New* Item!, Plumed to Miss, Robert? Will Ik Ainircrii.n i CorttcmpJiVary Book Club. Tuesday at 4 p m. the Coii'oui poiiary Boo’.: club will meet at tile home of Mrs. Renti Drum with Mis Grace Reed hostess. Cafrlist Choir Entertained. Mrs. Wythe Royster and Mis - Amo. Willis delightfully entertained the! members of the First Baptist church ! chair Friday evening, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Me Murry I on West Marlon street. Following | the regular practice, fruits and candles were served. Mn.AI UmimU Hmtns To Bridje ( tub. The Tuesday Afternoon Hrulu . One of the most delight a il i.'-j ft Its of the past week was the I • Spend the Bay .Party.’ given by j M.'S. J. L. *aic*ey. at tier ho » able ; home on West Wareni stre i holl ering some of the older lru .v o! the city,- who never spent a more pleasant time, sitting around the j cossy fhts chatting and talking i About by-gone days. The guests found their places at , the large dining Uble with the most j active place cards, designed in j fashioned ladies. The table; centered with a large duster ] primroses. An elegant four ; turkey dinner was beauti ved. Mrs. Mary McBrayeiv of the hostess, whose birth _i« on Saturday, was hon with a handsome gift by Mr and Mrs, Lackey. The Invited 31 tests were; Mcsdatntv Mary end Rs! lief McB -iyci. M N. Hantrtek, jir rpiiinc Hord. I! 0 McOo'.van. .-i'. 8. I'' Rnbm .. Martini Port tv-. Satuli Kskridse. Clin I R.krtd'i •. J'annc llumijiMn, Ksi.lier Settle. IV.ttt'r Bl.in en t>. •' Webb. I1! 11 lftyii'i)s ami .t I VV11 > Mi t id: ' v as it 1 ■ d in \ - iiur md < 111• ■" nor; l " Mt . Nora lltlll ■ Air Minder Mrs. T. \\. ISamiiek liiilertaii' . M . V ' V/, Hamrick v . a f'lrut - ini;, hostess to the V\V.shi.>':.*■: of hint) sc.'hrct teacher;; iytur day lift-muon with a In;ely bviii;p part'', mu I'f.hiiir; at Ii ' heme on N. I a ‘ ot! l.nel. 'I In' rooms v.ere nr i'lthulty arranged with pur ple stork; 'iuil yellow ispring flow ers. The Most aUnxeUve Valentine place cards ware used with tiny slates with appropriate verses re ferring to the subject. < nr Vo teacher taught. Kael; bridge table was cen tered wh! a crystal vase ot the purple and yellow llov. . rs, w hich were given for Iris1' score prlr.es. The fortunate wince is wore; Ml sc . Ora Up.imv., Mary Adelaide Hub erts and I .aura Wither; poun. The Valentine suggestions were also emphasised In the two de light, rut course; ot refreshment The guests included: Mts>e. Agnes MrBrayer. Pettit, McArthur. Tli amps on. Withe spoon. Mary Adelaide Roberts, Virginia Hnm rtek, Thomas. Coleman, Brown, Upshaw, Mary Helen Lattimore. Mesdames Mlal Ttddy, Joe Nash. Robert Hoggett and William Mc Cord. Governor And Mrs. Gardner Give Reception At Mansion. The Governor and Mrs. O. Max Gardner gave a large reception at the executive mansion Thursday evenin; from 11 to 10 o'clock, hon oring the general assembly nnd their wives and the state officials and their wives. General John Van B. Metis presented the guests to the receiving line which Included the Governor nnd Mrs. Gardner, the Lieutenant Governor and Mrs. Richard T. Fountain, the speaker of the house of Representatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Graham, the president of the senate. Mr. and Mrs. T I,. Johnson, state Chair man end Mrs. Oclus M, Mull, Judge and Mrs. J L. Webb nnd Mr. and Mrs. Clyde R. Hoey. The receiving line stood in the drawing room against a bark .round of palms and yellow .Jessamine. Mrs. Gardner was r ow nod it' black velvet. delicately trimmed with silver. She wore slippfs of kid nnd Iter only ornaments were an exquisite Parisian set. with necklace, drop can iv;; and twin bracelets. Her costume was com pleted with a shoptder spray of or chids. Punch was served in five north liarVor by Mrs. Clarence 01)1, Miss Mmtro ' Mull. Miss Isabel Hoey. Mis, Klizabrth Me Braycr and Mis. Susan Iden. In Urn dining r< in an unurnnl effect of yellow and red were used. The central tabic, covered with Mad eira lace was appointed with a handsome ; "t of Venetian glass ware which was brought by Mrs. Gardner from Europe last year. The large centerpiece was filled with yellow tulip.. red roses, yel low narci i end . budd.lia. 'I he Venetmn caudlcho'dcrs held tail, yellow tapers end tiYrulc uf southern smilnx completed toe table r.ppoiplment. The entertaln ment was the biennial rrcmtlon given by the Gov'sior and Li..,t Lady cf North Carolina in honor of the g iieie 1 assembly Approximately five hindttd m yUaticiv " eve i- med. C'r-7? Market iU> Jiilm e r't «Vf iM Cotton v.aquoted at noon today cn Kew Vert: cxehaiv - Match 13.70: May 19.19: Satur day's cl'OKi Mareh 19.81: Mai lt' 83 Spot salv-- o.OOh middlings 1023 \s 1035 f’.ici-iy. Uglu business, in Worth street. Manchester cable sa; . aggr. i>u' results let week in the oioth and yarn markets nre the poorest for some time past., partly due to the; eiv-icr tendency in cot ton. mills are matiitahuiig prices. Bids iruni India niocleratc, China demands smaller. Raining north Texas end Oklahoma I'robab’y easier today * o e .bte: Trade in terests semi likely lo continue to take offerings on rc.ir’ions cover ing hedges ci.KVF.Nnimo The statement in .Secretary of labor Da’.fas letter o the Welsh newspaper that. 86 per cent of the people of tile United Sta'es are poor e at not lifted from one of Ills ramptiign speeches. — Springfield Republican. ■ special to ’]lie ytjM i Rrv. 1)’ (i. Wu dlbmn fillrd lih appoint un i.lx 'Saturday and Sin day preaching able ; 11110115 to lnrer congregation . (Had to liavr Uie following vi.tt o: , with us Sunday: Mr. and Mr. Hugh Nwl <1 raltPiroir "Spring . Mr. and Mrs. Misha Hanill anil Mb.-. Kara Hamrick of Lfilthiiorc. ! The Sunday school board lias recognized us n.s n .standard .school for 1920. Mr. and Ms . •) V.’ Irvin will en t. lain the teachyi . and (I'ficer. next Thuisdav evening id 7:3d I ft liav • 100 peril 111 : ttenUaiK'v Mrs. \V. 1. Soiini si . a ill nitcr 1 1 • 1 1 h.e .Woman .M: ,01 : rv ■ <•).' V nr.’,t 'iluiiMu y jiJtarnOi.il a 2 30 o'flork. Let, till tin* Irdi ba pit- Id fi'n l to l.nv •Mrs. \V. P. V.'dl 1UQU 1.) iirp ia, .a; i.uif a lull" iU 11! Mr. and Mrs. O. T. C •> • r I family vb Med Mr. J>. M Hurd 0. t l’"i- ■ vi'le Hfiida; M: I.’, cl 1 Pc. t( .'V of II'll is Mountain vi bid I ionic 1 »H' -:m dav. Mr. and Mrs. C. IV Kpu’igfor of Double Shoals visited Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Caban is., Sunday. Mr. Worth Lui'/. of Dulie univer sity visited his J? 111'11’s i.VT I lie week-end Mr. n njd Mrs. ,i I I lit it Mr. L. A. Blanton 1ms c rrh 1 from Kentucky where he purcliux ed a car of fine mules. Mr. Carl Gold of Chesnrr, S. C visited in the community Saturday. Limestone College Aopeals To Cleveland f Slice ini to The Slur > We are currying I11 this Issue, in another column, a statement ccii ! ceming Limestone college, This ' college is around 20 miles only from j the elty of Shelby, and is probably not more than -It) miles distant | from any girl resid ntv tn Cleveland | county. >u the last five or six years l.tmeston ■ college lias made ro ! markable progress. Its actual value tin dollars and cents lias more than j doubled during this period. The | college now has nine buildings tn | which it operates. As a matter of i fact. i.iuie tone furnishes every 1 facility for thorough study looking [ towards an A. B. degree. As an evidence of the educa tional rating of Limestone college, i it is a full member of the Southern ! association of colleges, and last December it vvrs accepted by the 1 American association of colleges, which Is a rational A. B. college association. The students who lin | fsh at Limestone arc given “A” rat ' big in any state tn the union, which ts a matter to be considered by 1 those who arc entering college The rates at Limcxtcne college are unusually attractive. particularly when one bears In mind the rat ing the college has received in the | educational world. / i It lias been suggested by Presi dent Cranberry that the girls who are now in Ur* graduating classes of the high schools of Cleveland county visit Limestone college, and look over her buildings and become acquainted with her program. The Star informed by Dr." Cranberry that lie will be pleased ty have such visitors at any time Wobb Is Elected To McAllister Clan In recognition of the splendid record lie established as a repres entative of the Pilot Life Insurance company, C. R. Webb of this city, has been signally honored by elec tion to membership in the McAlis ter clan of that organisation. Thi group, an honorary body. Is com posed of only the leading agents, end election thereto is icgarded ns the highest gift within the power of the company to bestow. Clan membership requires that an agent must have shown unusual : bility in all lines of his work, in cluding financing, production and keeping business in force, tadv.i Scelling Match At Sharcn School Friday There will bo cn old time spelling match at Sharon school t-ouse Fri day night. February 8. 1929. Everybody invited to conic, es pecially‘the cider people-who used to study the Blur Back speller. Bring your spellers and come pre pared to help out in the spelling all who will. A MlHIon tie! According to estimates prepared by the stall tier! department of the National Electric Li",lit issociation.' 842.000 new homes and l a mis wore wired for electricity during tin', first nine month; of 1923. If the ( last quarter of the year shows the' same increase as the third quarter. I the number of wired homes added during the year will approximate • 1.150.000 and the grand total on1 DecemlV r 31 will exceed 19 million * including all farms in the total! number of homes, two-thirds of all hemes in the United Slates now hue electricity; excUidu i farms, about 81! percent of all homes are wired. | Rafe King On Stand At Sharon Inquest; No Action As Yet \ i( onlinued from page onr.i odor he thought to t!i• • odrr of ly •;ol. Ho did tr.it iftalrc tt thorough uuninaii' ;i < f tlio wound on the '.c d. lie .said. In hi.s cpinlQii the can c of lice loath was poison. Dr. Save drtsrt'ibccl the bitrm on he month mid lips from the lysol deelarhiK that in the nut jp lie Jiotithi li anielit the odor of ly . of rise Held Wound. T <’ wound in the forehead. the ihy; Irian mil. was ene and one half inch", loti", a hall inch deep to the ben;:, bni there was 4 j frac ture of the skull. Thought S'trangr. II ," rloeii v ili ela eh tint lie thought tl .hTivt" lli'.il. 11” re was nn h’ood en I ei face or on the flour where - she w as found. - The free he srid appeared it it fmd bu ll n ■ ' ed on Continuing he lid that lo him it teemed an im ri •• ability-'for ;o much blood to, be on the lin'd and hands and none to b" on the floor. Me said that he end not see how it could have happened rules, the blood was already congealed when the body came, into i. intact with the Moor. Mrs. Ferguson raid that Mrs. King came to her house about It o'clock on the morning of the da' of her death to get some milk. At that time,-Mrs. Ferguson said. Mrs. King seemed in r ood spirits and as happy as ever. One ef the doctors identified flood found on school papers and the blood on a chip taken from the din'll'’ room llndr as human blood. The'testimony of the minister who talked witti King during Ihc search, hr ought out no new evidence. Numerous Shelby* people and crowds from the Kings Mountain section were present for the inquest. Althoiig.i i' was not known what evidence from witnesses yet to go on tlie stand will be it does not seem as if evidence introduced or brought out of Witnesses so far would indicate other than suiride. However there lias been much Street speculation, talk. and ru mors about Sharon. On the stand none of these many rumors has been definitely verified. although some angles of the death and the finding of the body have caused suspicion ‘hat slip did not kill her self. a belief, It teems. held by many in the Sharon section. Seme Mystery In Death Of Mr3. King inquest At Sharon Today. Tttood Stains round In Home. May Have Horn Murdered. York. Feb. 1. That Mrs. Faye King. 28. Eheron high school teach er whose lifeless body was found Friday night of last week in nn out building a few feet from her home, did not die there but came to her death to the kitchen of her house and that she may not have killed herself tint was a victim of foul play is the conclusion reached by York county officers after a search ing investigation. The further the investigation progresses, tl’."' more are they in clined Id discount the suicide theory. Amcng the eireustnnees, leading them to believe that Mrs. King met death in the kitchen and that her body was carried to the out build ing alter Mightfi’l, l; the finding ot blood stains on the walls of the kitchen, on the legs of a table and < n a table cover in the room. Few if any blood marks are discernible m the floor, a part of which had been scoured cr mopped a short time h-fetc that investigators in rpc-ted it. They noticed a wet broom standing in a corner. t?!i cd Stains. O.her ei.cumstnnees that arc be is ,11 nirntlon are apparent bleed . t. intd men's underc.oihiug In the bottom of a trunk. The pa pers uml c-othint are now In the possession of Solicitor J Lyles Glenn of Chester for the purpose of a laisetoscopic e xamination by a physician. With these findings known and dftia.ed, the village of Sharon, seven miles west of York, is keyed j up with excitement and can hard ly v, it for the inquest to be held j Monday morning. At this hearing' v ill be given the testimony of Drs. J. H. Save and C. O. Bunns o! Sharon, who'conducted the autopsy after the body had been removed to Kings Mountain. N. C. for burial. Wlilie they have made no official statement, it is known that they will testify that they found indica tions of poison in the stomach and that there were no fractures ot ttie skull I49I Seen Itv Husband. The last .person to see Mrs. King alive was fij^rhusband. Kate King, who has been at the home of rela tives In Shelby. N. C.. since the day j after the killing. He says he was] sick iu bed and that his wife gave. him st dative at about JO o'clock? and Ui'-n left ihc room. He ■ lept un til 2 it) the afternoon. When she did not return from school at the Usual hour, he rays lie thought she . was vi-itiii!- After nightfall, be-, cptnir.:: alarmed at her absence, lie , got tip and sounded .am alarm. | Ucarrher:- o n found har body. He > ii3 summoned today to attend the illl’llK" ■ When the body v as lotutd the lips were burned as it by an acid. r The head was gashed and. the. hair was matted with blood. Marks were rbotu the threat not far from the body was an empty bottle. She had been dead six or eight hours, phy sicians laid. The first theory was that the gash had been caused by! her fall after drinking an acid with suicidal intent. The marks about the throat were, accounted for by the ■ opposition that after drinking1 the burning liquid she grasped her throat in pain King said that she had threatened to kill herself. She lias been married to King about ( two years. Parachute .lump. The aviators at the Cleveland Springs airport anounce that the parachute jump will be made at 3 o'clock Tuesday and Wednesday only. P. O. S. Of A. Here Takes New Members New members taken into the lo cale camp of the Patriotic Order Sons of America here at the Friday night meeting included: O. C. Vaughn. C. E. Svveezv. C. E. Beam. Melvin Hopper. Arthur Adams and Andrew Hunt. In addition to the business meet ing several short talks were made and refreshments served. The numerous new members taken in to the order here recently result ed from a membership drive that began the first of the year. Honor Roll Of Mis* Roberts’ Music Class The following pie no pupils of Miss Mary Adelaide Robers made the. music honor roll for the past month: Ethel Alexander. Sarah Esther Dover, Ellen P’ord. Margaret Ford, Germaine Gold. Earl Hamrick. jr„ Rebecca Hopper. Helen Jean Jord an. Anna Beth Jones, Louise Jones, Isabelle Lackey. Dc-rothy Leonard, Marjorie Lutz, Mary Margaret Mull, I Nancy McGowan. Colbert Mc ! Knight, Margaret Louise McNeelv. ■ Virginia McNeely. Ed Post, jr., I Jeanette Post, Esther Ann Quinn. Cornelia Sparks, Lalcge Sperling, Sarah Thompson. Jean Moore Thompson. Mary Sue Thompson, Aileen Webb. Hazdine Webb, Pan tha Weathers, Faye Weathers, | Catherine Wellmon. --- Rev. R. M. Hoyle Is 111 At Spartanburg The many trends of Rev. Robert j M. Hoyle, veteran Methodist min ister will regret to learn that he is seriouly ill in a hospital at Spar tanburg. S. C. Mr. Hoyle lives at Kings Mountain is a lVtive of Cleveland county and has held pas torates throughout this section of the state. Kings Creek Native Hurt In Car Crash Gaffney, S. C.—J. B. Love, farm er of the Kings Creek community, is in a local hospital recovering from severe cuts and bruises re ceived Thursday afternoon when his automobile turned over mi the road between Blacksburg and Antioch Baptist church. Mr. Love was rn route to the church to attend fun eral services for Siflord Love, of York county, a relative, when the accident happened. Two other persons in his car escaped injury. Hospital reports said Mr. Love's in juries are not thought serious. Anti-Smiths Invited Into G. O. P. Ranks (Continued front page one.) that tills information was obtained front Mr. Angell. Mr. Angell, now in West Vir ginia when asked immediately cor roborated Mr. Smith's statement. He said lie believed "it could be work ed out with the Republican load ers so that we could consolidate forces with the Hoover Democrats ' j "Certainly,'’ he said “I think wo j can get. together with them. As a matter Of political expediency it wouldn't be any use for us to put! up ionic i nr not satisfactory to1 them and J don't see how vlicy could hope to successfully advane a candidate unsatisfactory to us. Mini) I*iilrons Have Their Homes Wired—Two (»ir!s In ( ir IVmii. Personals. especial to The Star.' Toluca, Feb. 1.—Toluca has let} Hi" contract for electric lights. All j the subscribers have their houses! wired and hope to have power in a[ short time. Mi.'-srs Melina Costlier and Helen! Sain had the misfortune to be in a ear wreck last Saturday night, w hile they were returning from Shelby it) i company with some others. They I were badly bruised and shaken up. j The other occupants were not hurt. [ Hey. J. W. Fitzgerald ot Fa listen j itlso Mr. and Mrs. Joe Boyles were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Boyles on last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hoyle were | dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Huffman on last Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Deal spent the’week-end with their parents Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Deal of Bel wood. Miss Joyce Alwran of Morganton ! is at the home of her sister Mr. and Mrs. C«us Sain who is sick with flu. She came down to spend the week-end and was taken ill. Miss Corehe Hoyle spent last Siui day with Miss Nora Costner. Mesdainrs W. H. Young and M. s. Boyles were Shelby shoppers Friday. Mrs.. Trxie Boyles and children spent the week-end in Shelby at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eskridge Hallman. I Miss Inez Propst spent last Sat urday night with Misses Pauline and Melvina Lackey of Lincoln county. I Miss Ilene Bingham spent last Sunday with Miss Millie Sain, Miss Zrnnir Sain spent the week end at the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Warlick of Casar. Mr. Mull Improving. Mrs. D. M. Mull and daughter ' lip.; Minnie. Mrs. S. A .Sain and Mr A. A. Sain were at Morgan ton hospital last Monday to see Mr. If. M. Mull. He is getting along just fine. Mr. and Mrs. Odus Sain and Mr. Carroll Mull of Charlotte and Miss Sadie Mull of Shelby spent last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. M, Mail. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Boyles and children were diruier guests of Mr. and'Mrs. Eskridge Hallman'of Shel by last Saturday. /i Miss Corenc Iloyle spent last Saturday night with Misses Mary and Joyce Ledford. Miss Inez Propst accompanied by Misses Pauline and Melvina Lackey were dinner guests of Miss Florence Sain last Sunday. Miss Ivey Peeler and children were dinner guests of her sister. Mrs. Texje Boyles last Tuesday. rriTNmHim GUARANTEED V,E RECOMMEND THE SLED A BECAUSE IT IS A WATCH YOU CAN AFFORD. IT WILL SERVE YOU AS WELL AS ANY ON E COSTING MANY TIMES AS MI CH. CONTRAST THE SMART LINKS, AND USEFULNESS OF THE SLED A. THIS IS WHY SLED A IS KNOWN FROM COAST TO COAST AS THE WATCH OF DURABILITY AND STRENGTH. T. W. HAMRICK COMPANY Mr. rind Mrs. L M. Williams of j Catawba county spent last Thurs day night at the home ot Mr. and! Mrs. J. C. Hoyle. Mr. and Mrs. June Mitchem vis ited last Sunday afternoon with I Mr. and Mi's. Plato Ledford. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sain spent1 last Sunday with his mother Mrs. I Allce-Sain. ThaRter Sain spent, last Sunday j wilirM. I) Sain. Mr. and Mrs. .J. C. Hoyle and J children spent last Sunday with her mother, Mrs. J. D. Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. Guss Boyles spent Sunday with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Norman. Mrs. Jane Mosteller spent Wed nesday night with Mrs. Owen Sicgle of Vale M s. Marvin King and little son, Farl. spent Monday with Mrs. M. S. Boyles, Mr, and Mrs. Andy Willis motor ed to Cherryville Tuesday to see Mrs: West Willis who is very sick at this writing. Betty Lou, the little daughter of Mr and Mrs. Dennis Sain is very sick. We hope she will soon be well again. • Trustee's Sale of Heal Estate. Under and by virtue ot the nu-j kority contained in a deed of i list, executed by Ernest Hart, to! the undersigned trustee, said deed | of trust being dated Marcli 4th. j 1025. and recorded in the office of j tlie Register of Deeds for Cleveland ! county. N. C., iii Deed Book 132,! at page 381, secu-ing an' indebted ness to J. B. Lowery and Wi'liam Lowery, and default Having been lade in the payment of said in debtedness, and demand having been made upon in" to execute the trust, I will on Monday, March 4th, 1929 tit 12:00 o'clock noon, or within legal hours, at the Court louse door in Shelby, N. C.. sell o the highest bidder, for cash, at nublic. auction, those certain lots r parre’s of land, described as fol ’ows: Situated in No. 3 Township, in the town of Patterson Springs, -nd known as Lots No's. 71 & 72 lying North of Kings' Mountain Street, and West of Gum Street, end Beginning at a stake, corner n the Kings Mountain Street and Gum Street, and running with the West edge of Gum Street N. 17-30. W 1°6 feet to a stake; thence N. I 35 W. 150 feet to a stake; thence 3. 17-30 W. 128 feet to a stake on 'forth edge of Kings Mountain Greet; thence with North edge of lings Mountain Street S 86-30 E ’50 feet to the beeinning, said lots being shown on Plat of the J. J. Wilkins property recorded in Book ‘TTY’ page 1. in the Register's of of Cleveland county. N. C. irhis the 4th, day of February, 1929. FRANK L. HOYLE, Trustee. , Fenny Column SPECIAL BALE: MONDAY and Tuesday—Royal Fruit Gela tine and Royal Baking Powder: 6 packages ol gelatine 50r, 6 alum inum molds free. Large can of bak ing powder and $2 cook book for 74c.. Carolina Grocery Store. It 4p FOR SALE: CIRCULATING heating stove. New and will sell for half ^pricc. Chas. W. Spake, Cleve land Springs Road. It 4p SCIENTIFIC TREATMENT OF Trees, Pruning, cementing anu falting. Also sell and set water oaks under guarantee. F._ B. Put nam, R-2, Shelby. tf4c LOST: ABOUT TWO WEEKS ago, red” hog, weighs about 100 lbs. A. M. Dares, R-2, Moorcsboro. 2t 4p LOST — COVER for top on Chrysler touring. Finder return to Geo. Thompson’s Garage. 2t-4c FOR SALE: JAMES GRAPE vines, well rooted. Chas. W. Spake. Cleveland Springs Road. It 4p FOR SALE CHEAP: TWO fancy mares, one good mule. Ad dress J. L. Morgan, Clarrissa, N. C. 4t 4c WANTED TO DO YOUR FLOOR surfacing. Old floors made new and new floors neatly surfaced. I have most up-to-date machine in town. Frank M. Newtcn, Phone 456. 3t 4p WANTED TO LEND $750 FOR client on real estate. B. T. Falls. 2t 4c FOR RENT: TWO OR THREE rooms on Marietta Street. J. C. Washburn, R-4, Shelby. 2t 4p LOST: BUNCH OF KEYS around Webb Theatre corner Sat urday night. Reward if returned to B. T. Gladden at Cleveland Cloth Mill office. 4^ The first truck load of poultn from Alexander county* to be so’.; to the new killing plant at SalU bury netted the growers 489.77. In Beaufort county, where tobac co growers recleaned and treat1 their seed last fall, they secure better stands on the seed bed an grew more vigorous plants. FURNITURE Spring is just ahead and you will be in terested in packing away those winter items 'n a place where they will be secure from the avages of destructive moths. No place will !;e so well suited to keep your garments from 'ust and moths-as a CERTIFIED CEDAR :hest. We have a very complete line of chests in the natural finish; also in walnut. PRICES: $7.95 t0 $27.50 Canviell Dept. Store