1 8 PAGES TODAY VOL. XXXV, No. 18 THE CLEVELAND STAR SHELBY. N. CL MONDAY, FEB. 11,1929. Published Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Afternoons By man. per year <ui advance) 12.60 flamer, per year iln advance) 1300 LATE NEWS The Markets. Cotton. Shelby ___... 1954c Cotton Seed, bu.__ 7054c Clondy And Colder. Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: Partly cloudy, slightly colder in west portion and on the coast tonight. Freezing tempera ture on the coast. Tuesday fair. Get Correll Slayer. Saturday night about midnight South Carolina officers captured Clyde Fowler, alias Tom Williams, negro slayer of Detective Ed Cor rell, the capture being made near Greer, S. C. The negro, who had been at large since the shooting, was rushed to the North Carolina state prison at Raleigh. He did not deny the killing and will be tried in Charlotte February 25. File Seventh Suit Here In Tragic Crash Damage* Of $75,000 Asked For Death Of Miss Ora Eskridge In Suit. Suits now have been filed in the office of the superior court clerk here asking damages for all seven deaths in the tragic building col lapse here last August. The seventh suit tiled witn uourt A. M. Hamrick asks $75,000 dam ages tor the death of Miss Ora Eskridge, one of the most import ant employees of the First Nation al bank and very popular in church and social circles of Shelby at the time of her tragic death. Miss Eskridge was buried in the debris of the collapsed, buildings and died just a short time after the crash in the Shelby hospital. ^ Defendants named In the com plaint filed are J. S. McKnight, Tom Webb and Cicero Lutz. The complaint was filed by J. Conley Eskridge, a brc*her of the late Miss Eskridge who is the administrator of her estate, through his attorney,1 B. T. Fai:s. Light Suits In AIL Other deaths in the crash in which suits have already been filed were those of Zeb end Carl Blan ton, Ale* Hoyle,. Clyde Carpenter, duy Green, and Onie Thomas, colored. An eighth suit on record at fhe court house asks damages for an tfitomobile demolished by the falling walls. P. P. Duncan Buried Today Snbstantial Farmer Of Near Lawndale Succumbs To Long Illness. Burial Palm Tree. Mr. R. P. Duncan, substan tial fanner of the Palm Tree section near Lawndale, passed away Sunday morning at 4 o’clock at his home, following a relapse from pneumonia. Mr. Duncan was about 79 years of age and a hardy, ro bust man, well and favorably known by his host of friends. He was honest in his dealings, a kind neighbor and staunch member of the Methodist church at Hollis. The funeral was conducted this morning at 11 o’clock by Revs. J. W. Fitzgerald, Carl Swafford and Mr. Hipps, and interment was in the cemetery at Palm Tree. A large i crowd of sorrowing friends and relatives was present. Mr. Duncan was married to Sal lie. Sweezy who survives with three daughters, Mrs. Lester Lee, Mrs. Coleman Maunqy and Mrs. Miller Grigg and three sons, Sam, Lester, and John Duncan. Masons Bury Mr. Ep Champion At Union Mr Epp Champion, prominent farmer of the Lawndale-Polkville community who was buried Friday, February 1 at Union Baptist chinch was accorded Masonic honors, be ing a faithful membdf of this frat ernity. The funeral was preached at 11 o’clock by Revs. D. G. Wash burn and Rush Padgett and a male quartet from Shelby rendered a number of beautiful selections, ap propriate to the sad occasion. A large crowd was in attendance and the floral tribute was rich and bountiful. Mr. Champion leaves his wife, eight children and seventeen grand children. The whole community was deeply grieved because of his passing. Waynesville Woman Burled at Beaver Dam Mrs. Magnolia Francis who died Sunday at Waynesville was burled today at Beaver Dam church. She l was 36 years of age and the daugh ter of Jell Davis, a native of (Sieve land county. Her husband and four children, all living at Waynes ville, survive. Mrs. Francis was a vcltim of pagumonia. * v i May Vote Here On Bonds For School Debts Bill Now In Raleigh For Calling Special Election To Take Care Of District. Within the next few months the citizens of Shelby will likely vote upon a bond issue which would be made to cover the deficit now over the schools of the city, which is Special District No. 33. A bill calling for the election is now in Raleigh for introduction in legislature by Representative Mull. The Requirements. The bill, if and when passed, will authorize the school board to make a careful audit to show the 1 exact financial condition of the school district and the exact amount of the deficit facing the board, or the obligations and debts incurred in operating the schools in the past. Which means that the bond issue will not include any present or future operating or maintenance expense. When the audit is made the city board of aldermen will be authoriz ed to ascertain in the deficit shown ' by the audit is correct. After which the board is authorized and empowered to issue bonds to cover such a deficit, and to levy a special tax, not exceeding ten cents, to pay the interest and provide a sinking fund for the bonds. Most Vote On It. But before the bonds are issued the bill reads that the aldermen must order a special election to be held in the district upon the ques tion of issuing the bonds. Proper polling places and election officials are also to be named by the board and the notice of the election be given proper publicity, with a new registration of qualified voters. If a majority of the qualified voters, the bill reads, vote in favor of the bonds then the board shall continue with the issuance of the bonds. After which the proceeds derived from the sale of the bonds are to be turned over to the treas urer of the special district to be used for no other purpose or pur poses than set out in the election proposal, that of taking care of a deficit now existing in the special school district. Other portions of the bill deal with the necessary legal statements and facts concerning the calling of such election and the technicalities of a bond issue. ' Clerk Hamrick Has Stampede For Funds Non Residents And Minors, How ever Need Not Call For Their Money Yet. Clerk of the Court A. M. Ham rick has been virtually •stampeded’ by callers for funds in his office, since a two page advertisement ran in The Star, carrying the names and amounts of non-resident funds, minors’ fends and court fees left there for hundreds of people. The Star has been in great demand by those who were searching for their names and Mr. Hamrick and his clerk have been busy writing checks. Something like $12,300 is in the hands of the clerk and this amount was carrie4 In the advertisement, together with the names of the parties to whom it belonged. Court fees are being paid out, but funds belonging to minors and non-residents are not available now, says Mr. Hamrick and he wants the public to understand this so they will not call in vain. Those who have funds in these two class es, that of minors or non-residents, will therefore take notice that such funds are not to be paid out now. E. M. Aut-;n,« Mother Dead At Winston Grandmother Also Of Mrs. Roy j Tiddy Of Shelby—Was 78 Years Old. Mrs. Annie E. Auten, aged 78, of Huntersville, died yesterday after noon at Winston-Salem at the home of her son, E. M. Auten, ac cording to word received here last night. Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 3 o’clock at the Huntersville Presbyterian church, conducted by the pastor. Rev. J. W. Grier. Burial will be at Hunters ville. Besides Mr. Auten, Mrs. Auten is survived by a “brother, George S. Cathey of Paw Creek; and five grandchildren, Annie Hyatt Hol brook of Charlotte, Adron Hol brook of Monroe, Mrs. Roy Tiddy of Shslby, Junius Auten of Balti more, Mr., and Francis Auten, of Winston-Salem. A Cleveland Cotton Champ Aston Adams, the 14-year-old yonth shown above beside Ills agri cultural teacher, Prof. V. C. Taylor, at the Lattimore high school. Is one of the big reasons why Cleveland county Is the leading cotton produc ing county in North Carolina, and the leading per acre cotton producers in the South. Young Adams, son of Hr. and Mrs. R. G. Adams, made 2,508 pounds of lint, or five 500-pound bales last year on two and one half acres of land. A group of farmers about young Adams and his father made 403 bales cn 374 acres. The youth produced hU five bales of cotton at a cost of 2.9 cents per Unt pound and sold it for 19 1-4 cents per pound. Will Leave Solicitor’s Fee At $3.50 With Proviso; Mall Explains Prohi Arrest Fee ;'V ' -—* Tells About $5 Fee For Prohibition Arrests. No Fee Burden On County. Private Drunk Is No Violation Of Law, Mull Says. The solicitor of the county court here will remain upon a fee basis with a fee of $3.50, but in cases where the defendants do not or cannot pay the cost the law re garding the solicitor’s pay will be so changed that the county wil not have to pay the solicitor his fee. In other words, where there are convictions and the defendant is unable, due to a road or Jail term, to pay the costs, which include the fee, the solicitor will hot receive a fee. No Law On Drunks. - The other portion of Mr. Mull’s letter explains his proposed law for a $5 bonus fee for officers when defendants are arrested charged with violating the prohibition law. The bill, he says, will include a proviso that in cases where the defendants do not pay the costs the county will be liable to pay only $2.50 of the fee for the offi cer. This, his explanation continu ed, would bring no big expense to the county as he clarifies what he means by prohibition law viola tion by stating that arrests for or dinary, private drunks would not entitle the officer to his $5 fee. but only arrests in connection with the manufacture, sale, transporta tion and possession of liquor. ‘“It is not a violation of any law to be drunk unless one is in a public place and a nuisance,” he explain ed. Mull’s Letter. His letter togetner wun me mu he will Introduce abou the solici tor’s pay follows: “As several articles have appear ed in the press in which criticism has been offered to that part of the prohibition bill which fixes a fee of $5.00 for the arrest of viola tors of the prohibition law, please give publicity to the following con cerning same. “I think the criticism resulted from two causes: First, a miscon ception of the law; and second, the failure to investigate and obtain the facts. Some seem to think that being drunk is a violation of the prohibition law and have er roneously estimated the expense which would result from this act or section to aggregate $10,000 in one year. It is not a violation of the prohibition law to be drunk. It is not a violation of any law to be drunk. It is a violation of the law to be drunk or to be drunk and disorderly in a public place. As long as you are drunk at home or in a private place it is not a crime but when you are drunk in a pub lic place you are a nuisance and it is a crime in the nature of a public nuisance. The prohibition laws only deal with the manufac ture, sale, transportation and pos session of liquor. “I have had the court records searched and it is reported to me that approximately 395 cases of this character were prosecuted last year. More than two-thirds of this number were punished by the im position of fines, costs and the like end no part Cf the cost was paid by the county. This leaves approxi mately 131 cases of this character Ip which the county didn’t lose the i ■ 'j cost. As the-<oyfity only pays one half the fee under the general law It would have to lose only $2.50 In each of the 131 cases. Under the old law the county would lose $2.50 in each case of the 131 cases. Un der the old law the county would lose $1 on each case and therefore the additional loss would only be $1.50 per case. Tl)ls additional bur den would be $195.50 for the 131 cases which is much less than the $10,000 loss which some intimated would result. I think the people of Cleveland county could afford to pay this small additional sum to the law officers who are making an honest effort to enforce the pro hibition laws. “The parties Interested have agreed to my suggestion that we permit the county solicitors fee to remain at $3.50 to be paid by the criminal, but add a proviso that the fee shall in no case be paid by the county and shall thus never be a charge against the taxpayers. I am therefore introducing a bill which has this effect and am here with handing yfu copy of same." The text of the bill about the solicitor's pay which he will intro duce follows: f4' Section 1. That chapter 435 of the public local laws of 1921 be and the :ime is hereby amended by strik ing out in lines 12, 13, and 14 of section four of said chapter the words, “The county shall pay the county solicitor his full fee of £3.50 in said cases," and by insert ing in lieu thereof the words, “The county shall not be charged with or pay the county solicitor’s fee or any part of same in said case.” Section 2. That this act shall be in full force and effect ftpm and after f)ecember 31, 1930. What Th*s County Would Get Out Of New Highway Fund Cleveland’s Share In New Ga« Tax For Hoads Would Be $35,430. The passage of the new gas tax bill, providing for state mainten ance of county roads and a reduc tion of county property tax for roads by the lo use of representa tives mean; that Cleveland county will get $35,430 as Its share of the three million dollar fund. The bill provides for a tax of five cents on each gallon of gasoline in stead of four cents as prevails now. The extra cent is to be used in taking over county highways, with the money being divided among the counties according to , area and population, only when. [ counties reduce their property tax the same amount as comes to the county from the fund. In other words tbe pasasge of the bill will mean that $35,430 in property taxes for roads will be taken off the tax payers of this county. Shares neighboring counties will have in the fund follow Catawba. 332,400; Gaston. $41,220: Lincoln, $19,680; Rutherford, $35,160; Burke $30,000, i k... * , '■iff.*;; r.:~ ".Baser. — • Thousands See Jump In Air; Wilson Is Hart Parachute Jump At Airport Here Draw* Record Crowd. Jumper Gets Injured. - Shelby and Cleveland county took to aviation with more interest over the recent week-end and yester day than ever before, one of the largest crowds in the history of the town assembling Sunday afternoon at the Shelby airport for a 3,000 foot parachute Jump by Pilot Roy Ahearn and his assistants. More than 2,000 ‘ automobiles Jammed the fields and highways near the airport to see the leap, and with the exception of opening day county fair crowds it was con sidered the largest on record here. Due. however, to an early Sunday morning accident the thrilling Jump was not made by Norman Wilson, the regular para chute Jumper, but by Teak Presnell his youthful substitute. Hit By Propeller. Early Sunday morning Wilson was at the front of the plane, which had been taking passen gers up for an airing, when he was struck by the whirring propeller of the plane and knocked to the ground. At first it appeared as If he were very severely, and probably fatally Injured, but at the Shelby hospital today it was stated that' his only major injury was a com- j pound fracture of the left arm above the elbow. | The youngs substitute jumper gave the crowd all the thrill it was looking for. Business was good in carrying up passengers and hun dreds began to murmur when the jump did not come off promptly at t 3:30—some saying: "Aw, I knew nobody was going to do a fool thing like that.” (It was the first parachute jump from an airplane at such a height ever staged in Shelby.) However, about four o’clock the kid jumper packed his folded para chute on his back and climbed into the plane with Pilot Ahearn. Up and up the plane circled, and the gasps of amazement Increased among the crowd. At an altitude of about 3,000 feet, the crowd below,1 estimated by some at more than 5,000 people, saw the jumper, a mere boy, glisten in the sunlight as he walked out upon a wing of the plane. At the distance he looked more like a small black speck than a man. He tumbled over, and over, his body and his chute flashing in ( the sun. He feU many feet before he pulled his string for the para- j chute to open, and many of those gazing at him from far below, turn ed their eyes to the ground—they, didn’t think it was going to open, and they couldn't bear to see him fall. Then he pulled his string, the big chute opened quickly, giving jerk to his faUing body. And down he floated, barely missing the old Cleveland Springs water tank, but "settl|ng to the ground not so many yards fron$ the spot where bis plane took off. Parachute Jumping is not a new thrill, generally speaking, but here it was, and the Presnell kid sure gave his crowd a kick, and he brought out a larger crowd than any one person has done in this town heretofore. Good Game Here On Wednesday As Highs And Latt’more Clash Will Be Nlp-And-Tuck Struggle In Tin Can. State Series Soon. \ One of the hardest fought and naturally one of the mo6t Interest* ing basketball games of the year to those on the sidelines will be staged in the “tin can” here Wed nesday night with Lattimore and Shelby facing each other. It is the last home game of the season be fore the state race games get underway. Playing at Lattimore last week the lifts coached by Morris and Falls barely nosed out the swift Lattlmore team by two points. Wednesday night, with scores of supporting fans, will be down here to even up the count, and the Shelby quint, of course, will go in to the game with the ambition to make it two straights. The two quints are among the best in this section of the state and an above the ordinary game might be ex pected even if both outfits were not dead set on winning. The highs are playing Forest City there tonight. O. E. 8. Meeting. Regular meeting of O. E. S. will meet at Masonic Temple tomorrow night <u 7:80 o'clock. All officers and members are urged to be pres ent. X Pays With His Life Jose De Leon Toral, who com plicated Mexican politics when he assassinated President-elect Obregon at Mexico City, faced the firing squad in expiation Cor his crime. (iBUrntUou) Uliutratad «•»•) Change Method Of Figuring City j Water, Lights Scale Rates Are Used Instead Of Flat rates—Revenue la Thus Increased. Light and water rates made tty the city have not been changed, bu( * few months ago, the method of figuring was modified, thus In creasing these sources of revenue to the city. Just how much the city’s revenue will be increased by thusj changing the method of calcula tion from a flat basis to a scale basis, has not been learned, but the change is interesting nevertheless, because it effects all consumers or lights and power beyond the 150 klllowat limit, says Fred Culbreth, city clerk. In other words the scale rate of from 12 1-2 per k. w. down to 5 cents per k. w. is now used on lights consumed instead of the one flat rate used heretofore. The power rate is figured also on the sale of from 2 1-2 cents minimum to 6 cents maximum instead of a flat rate. The flat rate was used last year and the scale rate adopt ed in the late fall. This new method of figuring in crease the cost of 300 k, w. to the customer from $21.00 under the flat rate to $22.20 under the scale rate. Under the flat rate method of figuring 300 k. w. of power the cost was $12 at 4 cents per k. w. Now this same power costs the consum er $15—or an increase of $3. On patrons who use over 2,030 k. w. the increased cost is $18 to $20 monthly. The same rates apply, but the scale method of figuring is as fol lows: Light Rates. Min 10 k. w. ..$1.25 11 k. w... 1.28 Up to 150 k. w. & 7 1-2—of 150 150 k. w. 11.70 Next 150 k. w. ® 7 cents—Cost of 300 k. w. ... 22.20 Next 450 k. w. ® 6 cents—Cost Of 750 k. w. 49.20 All over 750 k. w.___5c Power Rates. First 150 k. w. & 8c—Cost of of 150 k. w.I.......$9.00 Next 150 k. w. @ 4c—Cost of 300 k. w. 15.00 Next 450 k. w. & 3 l-2c—Cost Of 750 k. W..'..30.75 Next 250 k. w. ® 3c—Cost of ..1000 k. w...38.-15 Next 1500 k. w. @ 2 3-4c—Cost Of 2500 k. w. .. 79.50 Next 1000 k. w. @ 2 1-2c—Cost Of 3500 k. w.105.50 Primary Voltage. Next 1500 k. w. # 2 1-2—Cost of 6000 k. w.$142.00 Next 2500 k. w. & 2c—Cost of 7500 k. w.. 192.00 Next 2500 k. w. ® $1.95 Cost of 10,000 k. w. 240.75 Masonic Meeting. Second degree work will be put on Friday night by the Cleveland 'odge 202 A. F. & A. M In called -ommunl’r.tion. Four crn^ldates will be taken through and all members are urged to be present Fight On To Restore Monazite Industry Over This Section Natural Wealth Of Section May Be Brought Back Into Play. Meet Again Saturday To Organize The Movement. The industry, monasite mining, which first placed Cleveland roan* ty and this section on Ita feet may be restored to brine on added wealth to the Monty and section. If the alma and hopes of an Interest* In* meeting held here Saturday, are realised. At the meeting held at the coart house, attended by scores Inter ested In monaxite mining, once the chief income hereabouts, it was de finitely determined that a strong fight would be made to place a tariff on monasite and monasite I products now coming tir^From other, countries so that the people of this and adjoining counties might mine monasite again at a profit. General Meeting. The first move In this fight will *ie made here next Saturday after noon at 2:30 In the court house when not only those In this county but from all adjoining counties in terested In mozanlte will be Invit ed to attend, with the hope that the growing sentiment for the plac ing of dues upon foreign monazite will demand action by the ,next ses sion of congress. Not only are those who own monazite land or are di rectly Interested In monazite min ing Invited but a general lnvlta-1 tlon is extended to business men, bankers, and others who would give the county an income equal j or surpassing that of the cotton crop. The meeting was called by Mr. P. B. Hamrick, of Bolling Springs, and congressman-elect Chas, A. Jonas, of Uncolnton. who pledged himself to do an In his power to put over the monazlte problem, was the chief speaker. However, the ma jority of the meeting was devoted to a discussion of what the mona-1 zite Industry meant to the section,1 and to a discussion of preliminary plans of how the industry might get j going again. Mr. J. H. Quinn presided at the meeting and others beside Mr. j Jonas who made talks Included Dr. | 8. 8. Royster, Messrs. Cullen Mull, George Peeler, Lon Roy3ter, Lander McBrayer, O. C. Sarratt and oth ers. Name Officers. At the, conclusion of the talks and Informal conversation Mr. P. B. Hamrick was named chairman of; the movement to make the fight and Dr. 8. 8. Royster, closely In touch witn the industry in bygone years, was named secretary. Dur ing next week and following the meeting of next Saturday it is hoped to get a board of directors to rep resent all the adjoining counties such as Rutherford, Lincoln, Gas ton, Burke, Cherokee, and many others, so that all may make a com bined effort in sending delegations and briefs to congress and the Way and Means committee asking for the placing of a duty upon foreign monazlte. The planning of, a strong organization was followed up by a decision to urce all Kiwanis and Rotary clubs in this section to -npolnt committees to attend the meeting here next Saturday. oevclal IU U1C ojicoivcio Ijv/iuvvu out what monazite mining meant to this county and section In early •;ars when the Industry almost single-handed brought the county from the rim of poverty to com fortable conditions. Scores and "cores ol children, It was said, were educated through the money com ing into this county from mona zite who would not have otherwise had a chance at an education, and the return of the Industry will be just another such economical boon. One speaker, Lander McBTayer, de clared that the first dollar bill he ever saw in his life came Into this county for monazite. Still others told of making $10 and $12 per day and $100 per week at hand mining. At one time. Dr. Royster declared, approximately 50 tons of monazite I was shipped out of Shelby daily, "and we had just begun to scratch the top of It," he added In stating that there are thousands and thou sands of dollars worth of monazite In the hills and In the streams of this section. The monazite belt he pointed out extends -over a big area at the foot of the Blue Ridge moun tain chain, running to the lowlands where the rock formation begins to give away to the limestone forma tion, This Is the only belt of any size In America where monazite nay be found. .lonas Talks. • In his talk Mr. Jonas pledged his j aid to the movement and moved onj to say that he had already bean working upon tt. having made sev eral trips to Washington to eonfer with the Ways and Means commit* tee of congress which Is now plan* nlng a new tariff schedule. HI* appearances there have already re sulted In seemingly favorable ac tion for counties to the west which have mica and asbestos deposits. Th« big fight In the movement^ * he stated would come from tho manufacturing Interests who han dle the monazlte products In that these manufacturers, due to the fact that they get Brasilian mcna zlte cheap because of cheap labor, who would protest at a duty on tho (Continued on page eight) Test Mrs. King’s Stcmach Is A Slow Process, No Report May Take It Days Ta Decide Abeal Poison. Many VMt York, & C.. Feb. 10.—Analytical tests to be made of the stomach at Mrs. Faye King, whoso husband, Rafe King, Is charged with her murder, will not be completed be fore a week or 10 days, It wad learned today. The analysis being made by Richard Brackett, chief chemist of ciemson college, to to determine whether there are traces of poison in the tissues. At the first autopsy, findings of the physicians as to poison were inconclusive because of the pres ence of an embalming fluid by the undertaker. Mrs. Clyde Reagep of Charlotte and Mrs. Lois Benson of Cary, N. C., sisters of Mrs. King, and Mr. Reagen, were In York last night en route to Charlotte after a confer ence with Solicitor J. Lylea Glenn of Chester. Hundreds of people from York and other counties flocked to Hn* ron today to view the King hows and premises. Many of the earn parked around the home nett from Charlotte. Shelby and other points more distant. A center of interest was the small out house where the body was found. Some of the visitors entered the home. °et« Patent On Loom Thread Cutter W. F. Davis, horn of the weave room at the Shelby Cotton tnlQ has gotten a patent on a thread cutting device for looms in cotton rdlls and those who ham seen the device In operation declare that It is a great improvement on the thread cutters now in use, in that it works automatically and ha« a * number of blades or teeth for cut ting. A great feature in that the rp-keep to nothing compared to the up-keep and repairs on the present cutting devices. Thg patent number to 1O0M0 and to issued in the name of Ray Ntx and W. F. Davis. Mr. Davis has since bought out the lntereet of Mr. Nix, however. A number of these machines have been running on looms for a year or mors with perfect success. 3. Y. P. U. Program New Hope Tuesday The program for the district a Y. P. XT. meeting at New Hope church, Tuesday, February 12, at 7:18 In the evening, follow*: Devotional, Rev. O. P. Abernathy; song service, all unions; song, min utes of last meeting, secretary: re ports from unions; song, inspira tional address. Dr. Zeno WaS; spe cial music, Horace Easom; report and awarding of banner, business, song—adjourn. Dr. Goddard Speak* At Central Church Dr. O. E. Goddard of Nashville, Term., former secretary o general missico board of Southern Methodist church speak tonight at Central 1st church, according b nouncement by Dr. Hugh | pastor. Dr. Goddard will evangelism and the publie to ed, for it is felt that hit witt hi of

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