• 1 ■■■" I» III I 1.1 10 PAGES TODAY VOL. XXXV, No. is) THE CLEVELAND STAR SHELBY, N. C. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 13, 1H29. Published Monday, Wednesday , and Friday Afternoons By mail, per year on advance) $2.w f'nrrier, per year (in advance) $3.00 LA TE NEWS The Markets. Cotton. Shelby . .——-—- 19'ic Cotton Seed, bu--- "0!»c . Cloudy And Warmer. Today's North Carolina Weather Report: Cloudy tonight and Thurs day. Not so cold tonight and in cenjral and east portions Thursday, j Secret Ballot Today. The Australian ballot bill, sup- 1 ported by Governor Max Gardner^, will likely be voted upon by the state senate in Italeigh today and indications arc that the senate will j put over the measure. Yesterday j amendments to the bill and argu ments concerning them took up the day. Cruiser Bill Signed. Reports over wire from Wash- ; ington this morning stated that Rresldent Cooliuge teday signed the 5274.000,000 cruiser bill. Bank Moves To Corner Stand j Here Thursday First National In New Quarters On Old "Corner” Thursday. New Vaults Tomorrow, Thursday Morning, at 9 o'clock the First National Bank ] will be back “on the corner" at the same location the institution operat ed for years, except that the old stand has been rebuilt and the bank is located in the corner room of the handsome new Hotel Charles struc ture. Banking business wiU not be in terrupted in the removal from the present temporary stand to the lo cation where the ba.ik operated for 25 years before being forced to move by the fire a year ago. In the new quarters will be en tirely new and modern fixtures, three new vaults, convenient low rail counters, and other late mod em conveniences for banking I rooms. The institution will hold no for mal opening in changing locations. Mrs. Hamrick Of Lattimore, Dead Died While On,Visit To Her Daugh ter Mrs. Bridges At Eilen boro. Age 75. Mrs. Avery Hamrick, age 75 years, died Tuesday morning at the .home of her daughter, Mrs. C. Mills Bridges near Ellenboro to which place she had gone on a visit three weeks ago. Mrs. Hamrick's home is at Lattimore where she is held in high esteem by her host of friends and neighbors. She had been sick for ten years, but was a consistent Christian, a devoted wife and mother, whose going away is a source of great sorrow. Her husband of Lattimore and four children survive: Mrs. J. M. Gardner of Lattimore, J. C. Martin by her first marriage, J. B. Hamrick of Neuse and J. O. Hamrick of the Lattimore community. .One brother also survives. The funeral was conducted this afternoon at 2 o'clock by Rev. I. D. Harrill and interment was in the cemetery at the Ellenboro Baptist church. Wrong Information Given As To Fire Mayor Wishes Those' Who Report Fires jo Be Specific As To Location. A fire call yesterday caused no little confusion to the fire depart ment and has moved Mayor Dor sey to request that those who re port fires, be specific as to the loca tion. A fire call came with the in formation that the fire was at the house on the “end of N. LaFayette street.” The department reported and found no trace of a fire. Then they were told that the fire was on ‘‘end of S. LaFayette street” where upon another race through con gested traffic was made. Again the location was wrong and finally the fire was found to be grass in the! yard of a residence on S. LaFayette street near the ward school build ing. Mayor Dorsey says this confusion often arises, because a citizen in confusion gives the wrong location. He asks that those who report fires be specific and careful and that some one stand in front of the house where there is a fire and di rect the fire fighters to the proper place. An alarm this morning took the department to the Union Bank building where an awning over the » wore room recently vacated by the A. and P. Tea store was ablaze The damage was slight Small Amount Unpaid Taxes In This County lust Six Counties Had Less Unpaid Taxes Than Cleveland County. In 1928 only six North Carolina :ounties had less unpaid land taxes ihan Cleveland county, and $ive oi the six had no unpaid taxes at the ?nd of the collection year. The five counties in which no property was advertised and j bought by the county for unpaid taxes were Alleghany, Camden, Chowan, Martin and Northamp ton. In Gaston county land taxes bought.by the county totalled $2.-, 136, which was 15.63 percent of the taxes advertised, or in other words j only .21 percent of the total tax levy was bought by the county Gastcn ranked sixth in the state. In Cleveland land taxes bought by the county totalled $1,196, which i was 22 64 percent of the taxes ad- j vertisrd, the county buying only i twenty-two hundredths of one per cent of the taxes of the total tax levy. Lincoln county bought 2.10 per cent of the total tax levy. Catawba bought 4.69 percent of the total levy, and Rutherford bought 7:57 percent of the total levy. First Game State Race Here Friday, Stanley vs. Shelby Eight Teams In Group In Basket Ball Race. Lattimorc Tonight. Coach Casey Morris returned to day from Salisbury where the schedule for the state high basket ball race was worked out with Shelby playing Stanley, crack Gas ton county quint, here Friday night in the "tin can” for the first local game of the race. t Eight teams are in Shelby's group, which is group No. 7. The eight teams are in two brackets of four each. The first bracket is composed of Shelby, Stanley, Fall stcn and Claremont. The second bracket is made up of Forest City, Rutherfordton, Henrietta-Caroleen and Clilfside. Shelby and Stanley play Friday night, Failston and Claremont Friday in the first bracket, while Forest City and Rutherford elksh Friday night and Henrietta-Caroleen and Cliffside on the same night. Next Tuesday night the winners of the Stanley-Shelby game and the Failston-Claremont game will play in the “tin can" here. On the following Friday, February 22, the winner in each bracket will play here for the group title. Forest City, Stanley and Shelby are considered the favorites in the group race. The Stanley quint, which plays the locals here Friday night, is one of the fastest in the section, having defeated the strong Gastonia team which conquered Charlotte. Tonight in the “tin can" the Shelby highs are playing the strong Lattimore quint. Mrs. Forrest Cornwell Be Buried Thursday Died This Morning In Beaver Dam Section At-Tlie Age Of Forty Years. ' Mrs. Forrest Cornwell died this morning at 4 o'clock at her home in the Beaver Dam community. Mrs. Cornwell was about forty years old and was a member of. the Beaver Dam church. She is a sister of Mr. Bob McCurry and Mrs. Jake Blan ton of the Beaver Dam section. Her husband also survives. Mrs. Cornwell will be buried Thursday afternoon at 1 o’clock at *E1 Bethel between Shelby aud Kings Mountain and the services will be conducted by Rev. D. F. Putnam. Dr. Little, Of China, In Shelby This Eve Dr. Lacey Little, of China, will be the speaker at the mid-week services tonight, Wednesday, at 7:30 at the Presbyterian church, it is announced by Rev. H. N. Mc Diarmid, the pastor. The general public is extended a cordial Invita tion to hear Dr. Little. ^LincoJn Flags Few Here For Birthday Only three United States flags were noted flying In the business section here yesterday in observ ance of the birth anniversary c*.* ( Abraham Lincoln. Rooster Breaks Auto Fi’n^shield, Injures Driver (Special to The Star.) 1 Toluca. Feb. 13— Mr. Alfred Peeler, this section, was sev- j j rrcty rut about the head and i j face here recently in a very peculiar accident. Mr, and Sirs. Peeler were passing the home of Mr. and , Mrs. A. A. Sain in their au- j j tomobtlr when a large rooster | unexpectedly Few up from the i side of the road and attempt- ! 1 cd to fly to the other side in front of the car, hut failrd , to get across, struck the windshield, bursted it, pieces of the flying glass inflicting painful injuries about Mr, Peeler’s head and face. Mrs, Peeler was only slightly hurt other than her scare, but Mr. Peeler’s wounds nerrr.sltated his removal to a physician, losing a considerable amount of blood before securing medical treatment. The door of the car came open at the impact and the rooster flew | calmly out of the car after the crash. Miss Morrow ‘Lands Lindy’ J2__ Fearless “Slim," The Lone Eagle, To Wed Daughter Of Ambassador. Mexico City, Mexico, Feb. 13.— “The Lone Eagle” will start flying double along about next June. Ambassador and Mrs. Morrow to day announced here the engage ment of their daughter, Anne Spen cer Morrow, to Col. Charles A. Lindbergh, the first man to span the Atlantic by air and a general idol of all nations since his sur prising flight from New York to Paris. The announcement removed from the eligible list one of the two most prominent matrimonial prospects, the other being tlie Prince of Wales. And, incidentally, the an nouncement settled definitely the discussion as to which of the Mor row girls Lindbergh loved since ru mors have had him engaged to both Anne Spencer Morrow and her sister, Elizabeth. The fearless young aviator first met his fiancee a year ago last December when he flew to Mexico City while on his good will tour and was tlife guest of the American ambassador and his family, then he made another visit there last j November. Feared Ills Safety. Oddly enough the greatest fears for Lindbergh's safety came on the day his engagement was announc ed. Early yesterday morning the lone aviator left Belize, while mak ing his inaugural round trip flight, over the new canal zone air mail route, for Havana, but when he did not arrive for hours after he was expected fears began to be felt for his safety. He carr\c in, however, to Havana at <:48 in the evening. Queried by newspapermen at Havana about his engagement Col. Lindbergh informed that, he would, confine his remarks “to aviation. But when told that press wires had already brought in the announce ment he said, “Well, then you know all about it and I have nothing to say.” Parachute Jumper Improves Slowly At the Shelby hospital today it was stated that Norman Wilson, daring parachute jumper with Pilot Roy Abeam at the Shelby airport, v.as improving slowly from injuries leceived at the airport last Sunday morning when he was struct by the propeller of the Ahecrn plane. Wilson suffered a double frac ture of his left arm arid although it is not such a serious injury im provement is necessarily slow. Teak Presnell, a youngster from Ashe boro still in his ’teens, substituted for Wilson in the Sunday afternoon jump. Dr. And Mrs. Boyer deceive B*g Pounding A large number of the members of the Central Methodist church met at the church last evening and .went in a body to the parsonage where they completely surprised Dr. and Mrs. H. K. Boyer with a generous pounding of all kinds of groceries and eatables. It took some time to unpack the truck which was heavy laden. Dr. and Mrs. Boyer both rude short ta’ks of appreciation arm ir.c jolly crowd wjeut a pleasan'. •vowing together. Hoover Cabinet Nearly Complete > ■ ——— ■ ■" II—— 11 —— With the report that Mr. Hoover has selected William N. Doak of West Virginia, vice-president of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, as Secretary of Labor, and Walter F. Brown of Ohio as Postmaster-fieneral. the President-elect has nearly completed his task of selecting his cabinet. UotarntlloMl Stock Speculation May Mean Panic, Edison Declares In Birthday Queries; His Replies Famous Inventor Answers Usual Barrage Of Question?. Talks About Rubber? Fort Meyers, Fla., Feb. 12.— Thomas Alva Edison, the snowy haired creative genius, became 82 years old yesterday. In robust health and high spirits the aged inventor received con gratulations from President-elect Herbert Hoover, who made a 48 hour journey by automobile and boat to bring his personal greet ing. Henry Ford and Harvey Fire stone, old cronies of Mr. Edison, joined In paying tribute to their famous friend of nearly 40 years. Rises Early. The octogenarian arose shortly after daybreak aa is his custom. He then faced a firing squad of writ ers and cameraman for his annual interview in the morning and at noon he took the next president, Ford and Firestone on a motor tour of this city. During the automobile trip, covering five miles, Mr. Edi son and Mr. Hoover received the acclaim of some 20,000 who lined the streets to applaud the incom ing chief executive and the electri cal wizard. Mr. Edison and his distinguished guests retired to his tropical estate for a birthday luncheon and several hours of conversation before Mr. Hoover boarded his yacht late to day to embark on a fishing trip. Tonight the inventor brought the day to a close with a short radio talk over a coast to coast hook-up. When the corps of reporters fin ished with the electrical wizard at the morning interview they had learned that he foresees a greater era of national prosperity under the Hoover administration, but predicts an "ultimate panic” un less the increasing stock specula tion is checked. Possible. For the first time since he con centrated his energy three years ago on the problem of finding a plant capable of producing the na tion’s rubber supply in the United States, Mr. Edison admitted that “it might be possible in the f uture to grow rubber and compete with the tropics." Other questions submitted to Mr. Edison besides the one concerning Hoover prosperity and his answers were: Q.—What are the dangers, if any, of the increasing stock specula tion? A.—Ultimate panic. Loss of con fidence. Q.—Have you ever given any thought to the chemical develop ment of synthetic rubber? A.—No. It has no future when rubber is quoted at 23 cents per pound. Q.__Will the manufacture ever be extended to the point where it will be used for the pavement and road service? A—Yes. Short sections have been in use in Scotland lor five years with great success, Future Results. Q.—Hew will the success of your rubber txnerunents affect the fu ! ture agricultural prosperity of Florida? A.—I believe those states border ng on ilie Gulf of Mexico car, ! grow plant rubber with profit to the termer in case, of war prices, tut it might be possible in the fu ture to grow rubber and compete with the tropics. Q—Is it true tliat you have found r. plant which promises to solve the rubber production prob lcm* in the United States, and do you hope to develop1 it this winter? A.—I have found over 1,200^ plants to produce rubber, about 40 of them will be cultivated on a large scale. Q.—In cities, comparable In size ’ and general conditions to Fort My ers *20.000) should the municipality own and operate its own public utilities or purchase the service Irom private concern. A.—Municipalities should not own or conduct the public utilities. But it should control their opera tion. Q—Is It advisable to appropri ate an additional $24,000,000 at this time for prohibition enforcement? A.—Yes. Q.—Should the United States try to have the most powerful navy in the world? A.—It should build in parity with England. Q.—Will the various electric lights now used for medical treatment be utilized for elimination to bring a greater era of health in sections of the country where people are forc ed to live indoors for a consider able period of the year? A.—Mr. Edison crossed out this question with the statement that “this question is too ridiculous to answer.” Q.—Do you believe that intelll (Continued on page six.) Forest Fire Fought In Rutherford County Farmers Of Upper Rutherford Bat tle To Save Timber Near - Lake Lure, Rutherfordton, Feb. 12.—Farmers of upper Rutherford county were engaged tonight in a battle with flames that threatened to sweep through mountain timberland to the vicinity of Lake Lure. The fire has been Dumlng all day to a brush-covered tract from which timber has been cut. Scores of men have joined in the battle to prevent spread of the blaze. Early tonight it appeared that the fire would be under control soon, unless the wind arose. A barn on the farm of Q. W. Whiteside near Lake Lure was burned today. A mule perished in the blaze and much farming ma chinery was destroyed. Mrs. Irvin Buried At New Hope Ch., Earl Mrs. Cuvy Irvin, widow' of A. B Irvin was buried Monday at New Hope church, Earl, the funeral services being conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. L. Jenkins. Mrs. Ir vin was 64 years of age and had been living in this county for two years, coming to North Carolina from Georgia. Her husband preced | ed her to the grave tw’o years ago ; Surviving are three sous^ and three ! daughters. A ■ t Negro Held In Fatal Burning Of His Spouse Clothes Alleged To Have Caught On Fire During Faintly Row, Causing Her Death. In county court here today Wade Fullenwider, colored, was hound over to superior court Under a $2,000 bond, so that charges developing from the fatal burning last week of hla wife, Cora Fullenwlder, might be further investigated by the grand jury. Wade Fullenwlder. colored man of the Waco section to in the coun ty Jail here, and has been since Sunday, awaiting a hearing today hi county court at which time lie will be questioned concerning a row wrlth his wife, who died last Friday ( from burns received a week or more i back. The woman before she died is al- 1 leged to have told Demity Bob Kendrick that on the day she way burned that, she and her husband were fussing, or that he was fus. - ing with her in the house. He threatened to kill her aud flashed a kntfe, she is said to have told the officer. In backing away from him., her story had It that she got too close to the open fire and her clothes blared up, burning her severely. A day or two later the husband, it Is said, brought her to the home of her daughter in Shel by where she died last Friday. It was at the daughter's home that j the burned woman told her story to! the officer. Insurance Papers. "" After hearing the story' officers' kept on the lookout for Fullenwlder and nabbed him Sunday, the day of his wife’s funeral, when he came to town, he said, to turn over his wife's insurance papers to her daughters. ->c\ Not long after the woman was burned a report generally circulat ed was that the woman's life was insured and the policy, which, it was alleged, would have expired in a short time after she was burned, waa made out to Fullenwlder. George T. Putnam Passes At Lenoir Former Hesldeut Of Cleveland County, Died Suddenly While Silting In Chair. Word has been received here of the sudden death of George T. Put nam who passed away last Satur day morning at 7:15 o’clock at Le noir while sitting in front of the fire in his home there. Mr. Putnam had been slck'for several years. He formerly lived In Cleveland coun ty and moved to Lenoir a number of years ago. Mr. Putnam was buried Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at New Bethel Baptist church near Lawn dale with Masonic honors. Surviving are his wife and five children, thre boys Jewell, Lee Norris and Sherrill. and two daughters, Dcnell and Nancy. Three brothers and three sisters also survive: Gordon Putnam, of Lawndale, B. E. Putnam, a mem ber of the Shelby police force. Er nest Putnam, of Shelby, Mrs. D. O. Wilson of Shelby. Mrs. J. V. Ham rick of Shelby and Mrs. E. M Hamrick of Double Springs. Mr Putnam was 52 years of age. Boiling Springs Head To Speak T o Rutherford Meet Forest City. —The February meeting of (the Rutherford county club will be held in the banquet hall of Blantons cafe in Forest City, Fricay, February 15, at one o’clock. Dr. J. B. Davis, president of Belling Springs Junior college, of Belling Sp tings, will be the speak er. Mr. Davis is a speaker of note and is much In demand for special occasions. Mr. Davis was an in structor in the University of North Carolina and holds a num ber of degrees. R. M. Schiele, scout executive ot the Piedmont council Boy Scouts, of Gastonia, will be present at this mieting and will speak briefly in interest of the Boy Scout move ment in Rutherford county. Mrs. Hughes Adds 8 Volumes To Library Mrs. D. B. Hughes has contribut ed eight volumes to the Boiling Springs junior college library col lection which Is being ia:;en by The Cleveland Star in an effort tb bring this Junior college up to a standard required by the Baptist state board. The volumes are very appropriate for a college library. Confesses Shooting Shortly after his mother, Mrs. Ann Rankin, died in a Port land, Me., hospital from wounds which she insisted were self-inflicted, her son Francis, aged 11, sobbiftgly. confessed to the police that lie had accidentally shot her. Uotitn&Mo’i*! N.Mrtrtao Bailey Seeks Simmons Seat Sonic Want McLean To Kun. Gard ner And Morrison Not 'Friend ly To Bailey. Raleigh. Feb. 12.—J. Will Bailey has already begun his campaign for the senatorial seal occupied by Senator Simmons. Mr. Bailey is conferring with members of the legislature and visiting political leaders in an effort to reassemble the organization which supported htm against Governor McLean in i the 1920 gubernatorial primary, and to secure the support of the Smith | Democratic organisation in the last | campaign. Mr. Bailey, it Is understood, will run against Senator Simmons will ingly. but if Governor McLean en ters the race, he would withdraw, in exchange for McLean’s support in the 1932 gubernatorial primary, and support McLean against Sim mons. Although Ex-Governor Cameron Morrison Is understood to be urg ing Governor McLean to run against Simmons in 1930, in order to pave the way for his own candidacy against Overman in 1932. officials and friends of Governor McLean do not believe that he will oppose Simmons, or support Bailey under any circumstances. Political observers here, however, do not concede that Mr. Bailey will have a very good chance against Simmons, although it is belteved that with the addition of the anti Simmons followers to his own fol lowers he would make a better showing in the 1930 senatorial race against Simmons than he would in the 1932 gubernatorial primary. Governor Gardner and the state organization would be against Mr. Bailey :n either race, for the gov ernor and Bailey are old enemies Bailey fought lor Morrison against Gardner in 1920. .and his race in 1924 against McLean did not please either Morrison or Gardner, as both were McLean supporters. Gaffney Marriage Mart Draws Many The following couples from this section secured marriage license in Gaffney. South Carolina, last week. Ervin Moore, of Kings Creek, and Bettie Davis, of Shelby. Clarence Turner, of Shelby, and Mamie Hamilton, of Hickory; Carl Deaton and Zora Devine, both of Shelby; Lawson McFarland and Eva dettys, both of Hollis; James Byers, of Grover, and Annie Belle Beam, of Blacksburg. Just One Marriage License In 2 Weeks With half of February gone only one marriage license has been is* sued in Cleveland county during the month. The couple securing the lone marriage paper this month was Arthur Franklin Tom lin and Essie Florence Royster, both of the county. Only three couples secured mar riage license in the county during January. Those in the skirt business .Just naturda’ly have to sell short.—Ar kansas Casette No Second Cat In Mrs. King’s HeadAsStated Report or Finding Second Cot Wu Erroneous May Hire Other Counsel. A couple days following the sec ond autopsy on the body of Mrs. Rate King at Kings Mountain % report Issued from Yerk, 8. C„ de clared that doctors performing the autopsy had found a second gash on the head. At the time Cleveland county physicians, who aided in the autopsy, stated that they had made an agreement to make no comment on the autopsy other than their official report, but privately they declared that the report of a second gash was untrue, at they found only one cut That correction is borne out in a news dispatch from York today. York. S. C., Feb. 13.-It was in dicated yesterday that the state of South Carolina through her solici tor. John Lyles Olenrt, of Chester, would resist vigorously a motion of counsel for a change of venue for the dead woman’s accused husband Raft King, if such motion is made. _ To Employ Added cWnseL Belief that citizens of Sharon and York would employ additional counsel to assist Solicitor J. Lyles Glenn in his prosecution ol the case was fostered by the. statement that several prominent m^h that they would be glad to contribute to a fund for that purpose. A decision regarded as definite has been arrived at in a group of local men to retain a prominent young attorney to assist the prose cution. - * ” ’ " . ’ No Gash In Head. It was learned in Sharon yester day that a widely circulated state ment that the autopsy at Kings Mountain, N. C„ last Friday re vealed a deep wound on the crown of Mrs. King's head in addition to the gash cn her forehead; is in correct. Dr. Joseph H. Says, one of the state’s physicians who assisted in the autopsy in Thomas Fulton's undertaking establishment at King’s Mountain last Friday; told this oer respondent. “There was' no deep wound on the crown of Mrs. King’s head. The only wound on the head was a cut on the forehead which extended up into tier hair. That wound was In the nature of a tear, and while It extended down to the skull it did not fracture the skull." Dr. Saye returned to Sharon Sat urday, from Clemson college, where on Friday afternoon he went So car ry part of the stomach of the de ceased to the state chemlat for an analysis as to poison. The chemist will not make his report for a week. According to Dr. Saye no physician or surgeon or chemist can tell now whether or not Mrs. King Jfta suf fering from a venereal disease which her husband told the coroner's jury of inquest she Was suffering from and which she had contracted from him. It is not possible to obtain blood for a Wasserman test to es tablish the point House Attracts Interest. The house near Woodlawn Pres byterian church on the old Ches ter-Shelby road where the Kings lived, and the outhouse where the body of Mrs. King was found on the night of January 35. continue to be centers of interest not only, for Sha ron people, but for scores of people who pass that way now ip order to give it the once over. Numbers of newspaper photographers have been there in recent days to make pic tures. The house, along with pic tures of the principals is alpo being shown in the moving picture new* reels over the country. J. H. Brackett Buys; To Build 4 Houses J. Hamp Brackett of Lawndale has bought several tots at the in tersection of Martin and Graham streets and wUl build four dwell ings. He will build cne first for himself, however, then -erect sev eral dwellings for sale or rent. Mr. Brackett lias moved his; family to a house on the iilghway just be yond Cleveland Springs Where they will reside until the new house is completed. Mr. Brackett Is a con tractor who has executed a number of jobs in the county. Harry Woodson Is Building Store Room Harry Woodson who recently purchased a business lot on a Washington street from J- T. Har ris and J, M. Black. Is having erected thereon a bride sto«*| building 28 by 80 feet. Construc tion work is being done by Will M. Roberto. It is not announced who will locate the building whea completed.