COTTON DEMANDED ay THESE WOMEN i Council Of Farm Women Agree To Demand Feeds In Cot ion Sacks, Rock Hill, S. C—Declaring that i the people of the South should use | cotton products whenever andj wherever they can be used to1 economic advantage, the York j county council of farm women at j t a meeting held here unanimously i passed resolutions requesting the ■ housewives of York county and of the entire South to demand that their flour, sugar and feeds shall i come in cotton sacks and that they ! refuse to accept same in any other : container. * The grocers of York county and \ of the entire South are requested , in the resolutions to lend their full' support to the movement. The1 numbers of the council are plan- 1 ning an exhibit of useful articles made from cotton sacks at their next meeting. The resolutions adopted by the council as made public by Miss Lena Sturgis, the secretary, fol low : N “The prosperity of the South is largely determined by the price; secured each year for its cotton. Tire price secured depends very largely upon the demand for cot ton products. It is, therefore, we feel; encumbent upon all in the South to use cotton products when ever and wherever they can be used to economic advantage. It is our belief that it is certainly to the economic advantage of the housewives of the South to pur chase their flour, sugar and feeds * in cotton sacks, because of the many very valuable uses to which these sacks can be put after they are emptied. In addition, we are helping create a market for our own product when we buy our flour, etc., in them.” t Therefore, Ee It Resolved, that we request the housewives of York county and of the entire South to demand that their flour, sugar and feeds shall come in cotton sacks and that they refuse to accept same in any .other container." “Be It Further Resolved, that we request the grocers of York county and the entire South to lend their full support to this movement." STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting, of the stockholders of the Cleveland Building and Loan association will be held in the di rector’s room of the Cleveland Bank and Trust Co. at 4 p. m. on Thursday, February 21st for the election of directors and the trans action of any other business that might come up. This January 30, 1929. J. L. BUTTLE. Sec.-Treaa. 1 ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having this day qualified as Ad ministrators of the estate of Joseph Palmer, all persons holding claims r gainst said estate are hereby no tified to file the same with the un . dersigned properly proven on or be r lore the 8th day of January, 1930, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of -ny right of recovery there on. All .persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 7th day of January, 1929. L. C. PALMER, Lawndale, N. C„ R-l, COLEMAN BLANTON, Shelby, N. C.. R-5. Administrators of Joseph Palmer's Estate. B. T. rails, Attorney. NOTICE OF SALE tfNDER EX ECUTION. |North Carolina, Cleveland County in Superior Court. The First State Bank, Chase City Virginia, Plaintiff vs. / H. H. Lackey and Mary Lee Lackey Defendants. By virtue of an execution direct ed to the undersigned from the su perior court for Cleveland county, N. C., in the above entitled action, I will, on Monday at 12 in., March li, 1929, at the court house door of said county. sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said ex 4 ecution, all the right, title and in terest which the said H. H. Lackey end Mary Lee Lackey, the defend ants have in the following describ ed real estate, to wit: Lying in No. 9 township. Cleve land'county, N. C., and being a part * of the dower of Effie Laekey. widow of Robert Lackey, deceased, and being Joined by the lands of H. Gantt, H. S. Cline and others. Be ginning on a stone. Henry Gantt's comer, and runs thence with his line, south 58 west- 321,- pqles to a stone in the old line, near a small bridge: thence with the old line routh 33west 65 S. poles to a pine in said line, Lee Gantt’s corner: thence with his line south 23’i east 54ti poles to a pine, Gantt's corner: thence with Cline’s line * north 65 1-2 east 42 1-5 poles to a black locust: hence with Clines line 4 south 32’i east 2i 5-6 poles to a stone, Cline’s corner; thence with his line north 65'2 cast 54 «-3 poles to a stone. Gantt's corner; thence " with Henry Gantt's line north 31’i west 117 poles to the beginning, containing 54 7-16 acres, more or less—except from the above has £een sold 14’j acves, which is de-! v scribed in book rf deeds In ollice of register of deeds, 3-R, page 274. This the 4th. day of Feb. 1929. H. A. LOGAN, Sheriff ->f Clevelv^ County, N. C. Newton A Newton, Attys. WALLACE B. DAVIS Securities Company Starts At Asheville lias Authorized Capital Of Three And A Half Million':—Affiliated With Central Bank. (Special to The Star.) Asheville—Plans of the new Cen tral Securities company of Ashe ville, Inc., which were announced here th.3 week, disclose the fact that this new finance -and holding company promises to be a most im portant force in the further in dustrial and commercial develop ment of all Western North Caro lina. The Central Securities company, with an authorized capital of $3, 500,000, s tarts business as" one of the largest finance 'companies in the Southern states. It was organ ized by Wallace B. Davis and as sociates, and is affiliated w-ith the Central Bank and Trust company of Asheville. Up to Saturday night, over $703 030 of the company's cap ital steel; had been subscribed, largely by present stock-holders of the Central Bank. Public sale of Central Securities 7 per cent ^jrfnu lative preferred stock and common "B'’ stock was begun this week. Central Securities company plans principally to purchase Western North Carolina industrial and mun icipal bonds, and a limiljpd amount of stock in banks, lnsifrance and surety companies. Many forms of cooperation will be extended to present banks and financed or pur chased by the company; neither will real estate bond issues be ori ginated, although real estate mort gage bonds may eventually be han dled as wholesale selling agent when guaranteed by responsible surety companies. An intensive marketing campaign for securities which will be handled by the com pany is soon to be instituted in the middlewest, where branch offices will eventually be opened. Wallace B. Davis, who is presi dent of the Central Bank jyid Trust company as well as the affiliated Central Securities company, stated that the new company was primari ly designed to further the basic commerce and industries of this section. “We expect to provide a financial service large enough, and broadly useful enough to claim a vital part in the progress of all Western North Carolina,” said Mr. Davis. “Wc are highly optimistic of the success of the new company It shall be my purpose, and the purpose of my associates, to devote our bes: talent and effort to its management to the end that we may equal the remarkable success that has been achieved by other companies similar to ours. An in vestigation of the earnings of such companies as the Bancitaly com pany. the National City company, the Citizens and Southern com pany and the Hibernia Securities company has established the fact that their, earnings represent a larger return on capital than do the earnings cf the banks control ling them.” N. V. FARMERS UNDER NEWSPAPER AVERAGE Washington.—Less than half of the 5.032 farmers in North Caro lina replying to a questionnaire of the National Fertilizer association were readers of daily newspapers, according to a summary given out. The percentage for the nation was 69 per cent while it was only 49 p Asheville, Noitu Carolina