nvicts Make Honest Living e Ostracism Of Society US Kind Mj|ap-Ytafaur* Have ^lip£i(oeonnte. *lto», Tow §C tow, they J& jpwou -for a maqhtnc civill men who \>nce sneered and snarled and seiz a ed what they desired, writes Earl ij Sparling in The New York Tele p gram. There are sixty, of them, sixty former convicts, and at the Amazon ' Leather Goods factory. 25 W 26th street, they manufacture purses " An erstwhile salt-shocd burglar Jj sit* next to a reformed hard heeled bandit; >a sly pickpocket elbows a jj sleek confidence man, and they la !j bcwfrelgtit hours a day to make frail purser of kid and cloth. ■ffie”^iectaeie is presented by the Marshall fttlUpian Movement, which , acquired the factory January 13, HCMf’warthere another such fa j torf as this one in 26th street, where !; rignt^fiyi' learning to make ' a Jdghteous living. |) The Marshall Stillman organize jj tton started placing former con j‘ victs at these work benches months a^.'then die place *as owned by Frederick J. Qrochl, As a former J city magistrate afid assistant dts jj trict attorney and a criminal law y yet who had defended Gerald * Chapman, the bandit, who paid a !' mqpMpgttt Worjd he had def ied by ■i daltglMg on one of its strangest creations, a hanging machine, Oroehl was interested In the pos sibility of reclaiming outlawed men, mid eventually sold the factory to the organization for $100,000, raised by public offering of stock, part of which is still being sold by R. H. ("ratty”) Keller, recently an Inmate of Sing Sing. Pcture • Fatty" Keller ambling into the offices of Wall street mil lionaires to tell them about the Marshall Stillman Movement In dustries, the president of which ts Oroehl,- the mnn who gave "Fatty" the first of his several sentences Some jack-trade fiction writer could build a story out of "Fatty" alone, "Pardon my appearance. Mister. I ain't used to this kind of thing I Just got out of the stir. Took my stretch on a rap. Mr. Paul Felix Warburg—you know the guy—met me at a tea at the Blltmore hotel and said I ought to be able to sell you some of this stock He gives me your name see? Now this factory is"-— But away with "Fatty" This story of the 26th street factory should V told by Harry Naler, the gentle, amiable superintendent, who has never been arrested even for run ning paat, a traffic light. "I been here for years,” says Naler. ”8ay. T could tell you lots I was here when the first one of these fellows came here. Judge Oroehl sent him to the pen first, MORE Issac Shelby Flour I* Used In Cleveland County Than Any Other Two Flours that are Sold in This Section. - Dependable Goodness And Wholesomeness Are The Reasons. Eagle Roller Mill Company A PCCFLY FERTILIZE FIELD LIKE A HALF-MILKED COW When you milk a cow, you get all the milk you can. Why not get all tke yield your toil will giro you? When a man hay worked hard, he ought to get a good crop. But he can’t unleat there’s the right kind 01 plant food in the soil for the crop to hotter the plant food in the soil the hi|g«? and finer the crop will be. er’s of Known Quality PfEttUzcr of known quality is the only kind to SUJT. Xou know this about Royster’s: it’s been tkc job right for 44 years. It’s always quality. Easy to put down. Always A perfectly blended, perfectly foctly balanced formula for every crop. -FOR TUI/ /ICN ROYSTER FIELD TESTED Fertilizers and when he comes out he sends him here for a Job. "I guess I was sort of surprised that first day. but, I tell you, I’m not surprised now. We got here one of the best factories in America. These boys are the best workers In the world. They increased the output ns much as 20 per cent. Tliey come to me Just the other tiny and of fer to work six hours more a week j for nothing. Oet that! “And, say, we don’t need no bur- j glary Insurance around this place. | We could leave the doors open and | the safe unlocked every night in' the week, if uny bird broke in here some night I'd know the next inorn-! mg who does It. They get grape- ! vine ways, you sec. Don't ask me how. How should I, know? They don't do anything like that themselves any more, but they! know who does. If any one in this ; factory was to take as much as a ; pockrtbook, I'd know within ten! minutes. These boys get a share of the profits as well as regular pay. No’ one will ever rob this factory, you bet. "Yes, I guess I was kind of nerv ous when we first started all this. | For a while the cops used to come in every day to look for suspects, and some of my best workers would run and liide on the fire escapes. You know how it is with a cop. He can make a suspect oat of anybody 1 that's been in prison. They don't come any more now. I wnui um mi Uic.n: uuya uui ! Sny, do.i t ask mo. I don't want to I know, rot me. In the beginning I u;cd to call them into my offire and ask a lot of questions. I got one young it ’.low who was a bandit and he started telling me nil the people he cut up. He names this fellow and that fellow until my blood runs cold, and then he names one or my ljest friends, who got held tip in Bronx a couple of years ago. Say, for S50 that fellow cuts my friend almost from ear to ear, like this. Just for $00 and my friend would of given .‘•"aOO to keep that from happening. *Oh, don’t tell me no more!' I tell that young bandit. And never again do I ask any questions. Oh. sure, that young bandit still works here He's one of the best workers I got." Sixty former convicts, elbow to elbow, row on row, manufacturing purses that once they would have stolen. Each has a bank account now. Three-fourths of them are married. They do not look like con victs. They are young, mast of them- Mere boys, and their faces are not different from those of millions who sit at machines else where In this roaring, clanging re public. They . . . but, perhaps, the story Is not In them, nor even In Alplieus deer, founder or the movement, who entertains two-termers tn hts home, who writes to .Einstein con cerning the monism of the uni verse, who once’ proposed that every subscribing member of his or ganzation wear a badge that would protect hlh» from thugs, who be lieves that spiritual apprehension is the one thing worth while. Perhaps the story is In us, the cltiaeiis of the ordinary world, Eorv look, we have come to write of these former convicts,-but we find It impossible to talk to them. We summon Sapi Sacco, their leader, ten (years In (Sing fling. We try to talk to- hint. The tongue halts and the words fail. There Is ft bar rier between us. “I will tell you j anything you want to know,” says j Sacco. “It is not so good to get 1 your name in print like this, but I some one has to make a sacrifice 1 to help along.” Sam tries. We try. But the attempt dwindles and dies. There is a high wall, a wall that stretches from heaven to hell. At the benches the other makers of purses are peering furtively. Turn ever so quickly, and they are earnestly busy again with their machines. But they are watching, wonder'ng. You know it with the back of your head. Men watch like that In prison as the screws stalk by the bars. vouwoma nice to ssk inese men question*. But not use. They Are honest citizens with bank nccounts and homes and wives. But they live behind a wall which even Al pheus Geer, gray, lingering apostle of what Gilbert Seldes calls the Stammering Century, may not be ablq.tp.tpar.Ttew^ , GF.QRCK WASHINGTON WAS ^ BORN ON FEBRUARY 11 (From Romance of the Calendar.) In the Washington family Bible it l& recorded, that George Wash ington was born on "Ye 11th day of February.” When he was 20 years old in 1752. America, as a British colony .adopted.Uie. Gregorian Van adium Steel 193 1-2 101 101 1-2. cal endar and dropped the 11 days be tween September 3 and 14. Since that time we have* celebrated Washington’s birthday on Febru ary 82! ' 1 '■ How JToICet RH>b. It s easy to get rich, declares H. J. Kenner, writing In a current is sue of Christian Herald. All the man or wfiman desiring a firm I financial background needs to do, Mr. Kenner believes, Is to have a steady income, however small; save! some of that income for Invest-1 inent; and then, most important of all. keep a wary eye out lor the pitfalls that are constantly being r« j>ared by swindler for the per son with surplus money. * /j I L HEWS HEMS TOLD Juniors And Seniors Give Play, j Program On Lincoln. Senior I Class Officers Elected. i Special to The Star.) Behvood, Feb. 21.—The play given ' by the Juniors and seniors on Fri day evening, February 8 was a de cided success. The players pre-! .sented their characters well to be! immature pupils. $59 was taken in.! As usual at our school, the order was almost perfect. It does us good I when our substantial patrons and friends say of us, "it was better tliau I expected ” The enrollment by grades is as follows: First grade. 120; second, 70; third. 50; fourth, 35; fifth, (12; sixth, 37; seventh, 33; high school, 100. Music department, 27. A total ol 507 pupils have been enrolled this year. Last week the grades gave some very interesting programs on Lin coln and his work. Also the scouts observed their 19th -anniversary suck. Good turns, life-saving and other demonstrations were given Last Sunday at 3 p. m. "Rev. Rush Padgett gave the scouts ahd about three hundred others a good ser mon on the three phases of life, physical, mental and spiritual Wednesday the I3th Belwood troop No. 1 was welcomed by the newly organized troop ol Fallston Our boys gave a demonstration in tcouting to the hosts ifi the lat her's auditorium. Mr. Propst, Bel wood's good scoutmaster, reports that all the old members TfAVe re registered with but one or two ex ceptions. Several new members have Joined. The troop is now be yond the limit in number. The senior class has organized as follows: Class motto, “Climb. Tho' the rocks be rugged.'' Class colors, white and green, Class flower, white carnation. Historian. Ruth Tillman. Poet, Corine Hoyle. Gift orian, Vangie Mull. Statistician. Charlotte Peeler. Prophet, Selma Propst. Orator, Robert Porter. Elva Richard and Ima Carpenter will present tljc class song. Leona Mull will maki the class will. Members of the senior class are as follows: Ralph Carpenter, president; Rob ert Porter, vice president: Char lotte Peeler, secretary; Ima Car penter, treasurer; Clyde Costner, Leona Mull, Florence Dayberry, I Selma Propst, Corine Hoyle. Ruth ' Tillman, Vangie Mull. Greek Nor ■ man, Zeila Willis, Elva Richard, Robey Bracket, Pauline Lackey, Ray Sparks. j The school calendar for the re mainder of the year is about full The following entertainments will be given: March 1, we take part in the Webb contest at Shelby; March 15, negro minstrel; March 17, or the third Sunday in March at 3 p. nt. Dr. Davis, president of Bolling Springs junior college will preach in the school auditorium, Belwood; \ WOMAN’S HEAD is level and her judgment good when she puts her faith in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre s c r i p t i o n. There is no beauty without good health. Nobody ex .pects to •become really beautmil lrnm he use of complexion beautiticrs. iright eyes, clear skin, and rosy .hicks, follow the use of the “Pro cription,” All dealers. ( very woman rJqnlrrs a tonir and nervine 't some period of her lift*. Whether suffer n* fiom nervousness, dirtiness. faintness or rneral debility, the “Prescription" benefits: Mrs. Emma Heffner of 5-llth St., f.reens oro. N. C, said: “I could not do my work, .’othing appeared lo give me relief. Finally : took six bottles of Dr. Pierres lavorite 'rescription and then was a well and strong oman." LADY'S SUFFERING She Writes Tfcet “A Friend Told Me To Take Car. dni and I Know It Helped Me” OneniHIe. Miss.—In describing: how she suffered several years ago, Mrs. Mattie Dalton, of 213 Walnut Street, this city, recently wrote: “I would cramp, and my hands and feet would draw, so I came near having convulsions. I would have to stay in bed a week, and when I would get up. I just dragged around, and did not feel like doing my work. I suffered a great deal with my back. "A friend came to sec me and saw how I suffered. She told me to try taking Cardut, which I did. I seemed to have more strength, after my first bottle. After I had taken about four bottles of Cardul. I saw a greet Improvement. "I quit having such bad spells, and was stronger and> better than in a long time. I gained In weight. I took a few more bottles of Cardul, and felt so well that I quit taking It. "I certainly can recommend Car dul, for I know what It is to suffer, and I know that Cardul helped me.” Thousands of women have writ ten to tell of the benefit Cardul has been to them, in helping them to build up their health. April 5. triangular debate; April 12. speaking contest for grades 6 and 7; April 23, H. S. recitation and declamation contest ; April 26. improvement debate; May 3, musi cal recital: May 4. exercise by grades; May 5, at 3 p m. com mencement sermon; May 6, oper etta; May 7, graduating exercises and address. The address will be delivered this year by Attorney R. M. Gantt of Durham. Mr. Gantt is one of our own boys. All the above mentioned exercises will be given at 8 p. tn. except those mentioned NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUM MONS BY I’l^BL-CATION. North Carolina, Cleveland County. In the Superior Court. M. P. Garris. Plaintiff vs. ^ Lena PrlvettrOarris, Defendant, The defendant, Lena Prlvett Gar ris, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced ip the superior court of Cleveland county. North Carolina, for absolute divorce upon statu tory grounds; and the said defend ant will lurther take notice that she is required to appear at the office of the superior court of said county in the court house in Shel by, N. C., on the 23rd day of March 1929, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action which has 666 Is A V ascription For Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue. Bilious Fever and Malaria. It is the most speedy remedy known Grove’s Tasteless CMU Tonic A Body Builder for Pale, Deli cate Children. It Restores Health, Energy and Rosy Cheeks by I Hi n tying and En riching the Blood. Improves the®Appetite. Pleasant to take. (iOc. this date been tiled with the clerk of said superior court, or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded hi said complaint This first day of February. 1929. A. M. HAMRICK. Clerk of the Superior Court of Cleveland County, N. C> NOTICK COMMISSIONERS RE SALE Pursuant to an order ot the court made in special proceedings in the superior court of Cleveland county, entitled E. C. Smith et. al. vs. Bessie Fisher, et al„ the bid at a prior sale having been raised in accord ance with law, the undersigned, as People respect John His insurance gives him in* dependence. He is worth* while alive and he’ll leave something worthwhile when he dies. He is pro* viding for the safety ol others. Let us explain how he does it on his moderate salary. Phone or call. C. R. WEBB General Agent, Shelby, N. C. OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR sale at The Star office. Twen ty cents per hundred. Call at the press room. tf-26x commissioner appointed by the court, will offer for resale at the court house door in Shelby, N. C.. at public auction to the highest bidder for cash on Saturday. March 2, 1928 at 12 o'clock noon, the fol lowing described real estate situ ate in No. 5 township. Cleveland county and bounded as follows: Being that tract of land convey ed from Christopher Felmont and wife to James K. Smith by deed dated March 3, 1881. and recorded in book MMM at page 61 in the register’s office. Cleveland county Lying on the waters of Buffalo and adjoining the lands of Ira Erwin, Thomas Smith, and others. Begin ning on a Black Oak, R. M. El liott’s corner, and runs thence N. 76 E. 112 poles to a rock and per simmon tree; thence S. 32 E. 44 < poles to a stake on school house land; thence S. 59 >2 W. 16 poles to a stake; thence S. 32 E. 10 poles to a stake; thence S. 591* W. 29 2-3 poles to a stake; thence N. 69 W. 72 poles to a stake a-nd pointers; • thence N. 81 W. 24 poles to the be ginning, containing 22 \ acres more or less. , The terms of the above sale are cash on date of sale. The bidding will begin at $65.62 per acre. This the. 12th day of February, 1929. PEYTON McSWAlN. Com. m sum wakt ms The Most Persistent Thief OF YOUR PROFITS IS HIGH INTEREST RATE T—r easiest way to save Is Through LOW INTEREST RATES. We Lend On Acceptable First Farm Mortgages At Lowest Rate Of Interest 5 TO 35 YEARS 5\% Nothing Complicated About It. Let Us Tell You. * - 4 Shelby National Farm Loan Association HENRY B. EDWARDS, Sec.-Trea». 21 Royster Bldg. Phone No. 673. Jbr Econtmieal TranifortttUm CHEVROLET/ 1 m National Demonstration Week! Drive the New Chevrolet Six No matter how closely you inspect The Outstanding Chevrolet of Chevrolet History—you will never appreciate what a wonderful achievement it is until you sit at the wheel and drive. So this week has been set aside as National Demonstration Week, and you are cordially invited to come in and drive this sensational automobile. Not only is the new six-cylinder valve in-head* motor 32% more powerful, with correspondingly higher speed and faster acceleration . . . not only does it provide a fuel-economy of bet ter than twenty miles to the gallon— but it operates with such marvelous smoothness that you almost forget there is a motor under the hood! Regardless of the car you may now be driving—come drive this new Chev rolet Six. Come in today—and enjoy the greatest motoring thrill you have ever experienced! -a Six in the price range of the four! if £» ‘595 'll The Road* ter... The Phaeton ... i The Coup* The Seolan *525 *525 *595 *675 The Sport *AQC Cabriolet ThtConvcrt-tyytL tbit Landau . • Sedan ICQC Ll«ht Delia- »4AA ery Cbaealr.. m Too Chaaoie *545 mTonChaa-l/LEA sUwilhCab.. j A All price a /* o. b. fmetory, Flint, Audi. / Crawford Chevrolet Co., Inc. SUCCESSORS TO JORDAN CHEVROLET CO. SHELBY, N. C. E QUALITY AT LOW COST