This Is Most Foolish Age In History, Congressman States Washington.—••This.” remarked Congressman George Huddleston of Alabama In the course of a gen eral conversation, “is the most foolish age in history." "I wish,” suggested your cor respondent, “that you would fully explain yourself for a very large number of readers who probably would like to know why." George Huddleston is one of those rare members of congress who, except in matters involving a question of good taste, is willing to see in the newspapers anything he says In private. None of his votes conflict with his beliefs. "There are." he proceeded to say, “a half dozen reasons for the assertion. By the reliance of this age upon force, I mean both phy sical force and law. And coupled with that is our lack of regard for principle, economic or otherwise. This is the day of the opportunist; the man who gets while the getting is good. It is most distinctly not the day of men of wisdom, vision and principle, for whom we have lost nearly all regard. “Our present position in respect to spiritual concern as distin guished from material concern I trace back to the development of industry and commerce and their tremendous multiplication of hu man conveniences, luxuries and op portunities for financial' gain. Men have amassed “fortunes and the poor have had luxuries denied to princes in other times. “The result is that all of man's interest and attention has been di verted away from the spiritual life, which embraces religion, art and politics in the purest sense, and concentrated on the material side -on things that one can see, smell, feel and heqr. So we have elevated to the supreme matters relating to ex. a low form of materialism, and to food, drink, fine clothes, auto mobiles, buildings and other things shading up to the power, influence end prestige that comes from the possession of wealth. “Thus every human activity is * .tinted. Even the preacher preaches at his richest parishioners, preach ing what they want to hear so that they will contribute and give him a fine home and his trip to Pales tine. “The professional man sells his talent to the highest bidder and measures success by the size of his fees and retainers. “The politician lends himself to organized selfish interest so as to hold his Job and the emoluments and dignities connected therewith. “And so on down to the work man Who scabs on a job so that he can ride in a second-hand car and get a bottle or bootleg liquor once in a while. George Huddleston is nearly 60 years old. “Among nations,” he continued "no reliance is now placed upon honor or chivalry. Even courage is no longer at a premium. Ingenuity In devising safe ways of killing men is now the vogue. “With the past experience one might suppose that this world would long ago have abandoned entirely the practice of relying on force to settle its troubles. But we continue to build cruisers and to admit that our anti-war treaties really do not mean very much. “Prohibition is an ethical ques tion and we will not have real pro hibition until a very large percent age of people believe in it not only for others but for themselves. I think that sentiment for prohibi tion is growing. We will never have absolutely complete enforcement, for you must remember that in some sections of the country we still have peonage, a modifield form of slavery, even though sen timent is almost unanimously against it. “It may take 25 years to get real ly satisfactory enforcement. But I expect that a sentiment will de velop which will put the bootlegger in the same class with the narco tics vendor and cause his custom ers to be regarded as addicts. I voted against the eighteenth amendment, but the sooner people I make up their minds that we have I prohibition the better for them.” Proper Nourislunent the Secret of Early, CrispDelicious\egetables SUCCESSFUL gardening of any land is largely a matter of right : ceding. And that is within the con - : ol of everyone. Plants are like human beings. Thm re living things. They must be fed roperly. They need plenty of good, nourish ing food—food of the right kind ant! .a proper ‘‘balance.’' Professional gardeners and nursery men give special pare to that point, i or years they have used Vigoro, a cientific, complete plant food, spe cially formulated for their use. Thousands of home owners have now discovered this plant food and the remarkable results it makes possible. Vegetables difficult to grow, like tomatoes, in many cases ripen two to three weeks earlier. Radishes, lettuce, carrots and other common garden vegetables have a surprising crispness and added flavor.. For Vigoro is a scientifically pre* pared plant food. Properly balanced and complete it supplies all the nour ishment required for early vigorous growth, .'ull development of flowers, fruit and foliage. Itdevelops finer lawns, too, stronger root systems. It increases humus. It helps choke out weeds. Grass be comes thicker, greener. And flowers are perfect in color, long* blooming. While shrubs and trees take on new vigor. Clean and odorless, Vigoro can be sown by hand like grass seed. I ts cost of application Is surprisingly low-only 10c to 20c for every 100 square feet Full directions in every bag—100, 50, 25 lb. sizes and 5 lb. packages. See your dealer. There’s one dose by. Get your Vigoro now—enough for everything you grow. And this year have results such as you’ve never be fore dreamed possible. The Calendar of Plant Feeding THIS MONTH 1. LAWNS: As soon as grass shows green, or any time thereafter, apply plant food. 2. FLOWERS: Work plant food into soil be fore seeding; or for perennials, as soon as plants appear. For early large and richly colored blooms make later feedings. 3. VEGETABLES: Work plant food into t soil before seeding. Later feedings hasten maturity, increase yields. |4. SHRUBS, TREES: Apply plant food any \j time after leaves appear. * SOLD WHERE YOU BUY LAWN AND GARDEN SUPPLIES VIGORO y COMPLETE PLANT FO< POOD Endorsed by Leading Landscape Gardeners and Nurserymen Swift & Company, Chicago For Sale By Campbell Dept. Store Phone 161 — Shelby, N. C. Charges Before Jury j As the House Judiciary Com | mittee asked Federal investiga tion into the official tots of Judge Francis A. Winslow (above) it was revealed the Federal Grand Jury had al ready been making inquiry into the Federal bankruptcy court in New York. UnUroitloajU NkithI) ! Mad Dour Scare Excites People. Personals Of People Moving About.