FINAL AND LAST NOTICE All Paving Assessments Not Paid By MARCH 1ST Will Be Advertised As Soon Thereafter As 1/st Can Be Prepared. Take Due Notice of This Warning. BY ORDER OF BOARD. W.N DOPSEY. M-yor F, P. CULBPETH, Clerk WEBB THEATRE —TODAY— I phyuis HAVER I Fkthejf Rcture ROBERT ARMSTRONG 4wC lOVtS WOUItIM A'.to “DIAMOND MASTER NO. 3.” ALSO COMEDY. — TUESDAY — 4 BIG STARS A with Dorothy MACKAIL Ralph Forbes Anna Q. Nilsson Lowell Sherman A Charles J. Bradin Production ' A Hert fatioaol Picture ^ See society at its gayest! See the daring riding in a big fox hunt! See a smashing auto crash! See the most sensational horse-race ever filmed! And s^e what happens when a beautiful girl gambles her heart on a horse that couldn’t win! ALSQ NEWS REEL. WEBB THEATRE Personal And Local Mrs. Cora Lattimore of Gastonia! spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lattimore. Mesdames William Hoffman and Barnett Llneberger of Llncolnton attended the bridge party given by Mesdames Ed Post and Jack Palm er, Prlday afternoon. Miss Nina Holt White spent the week-end at her home at David son. Miss Elizabeth Roberts visited Misses Laura Burton Miller and Sue Andrews in Charlotte, over the week-end. Judge J. L. Webb returned from Athens, Oa.. Saturday and was ac companied home by his sister, Mrs. J. A. Darwin and tomorrow Judge and Mrs. Webb and Mrs. Darwin leave for Raleigh to visit Governor and Mrs. Gardner. Mesdames Webb and Darwin will be honor guests Wednesday afternoon from 5 to 8 o'clock when Mrs. Gardner will en tertain, "The Social Service Con ference.” Governor and Mrs. Oardner will give a dinner Wednesday evening, honoring Judge and Mrs. Webb on their 51st wedding anniversary. Judge ?v.d Mrs. Webb and Mrs. Darwin will remain in Raleigh while Governor and Mrs. Gardner attend the Inauguration in Wash ington, where they will be accord ed many honors. Miss Charlie Mae Iau’hrid-e leaves Thursday for Washington to attend the inauguration and will spend a month with her sister M»ss Virginia Laughridge. Some little girl left her big doll on the porch at the Methodist par sonage some time ago and Mrs. Boyer is keeping it until it is called for. Mr. and Mrs. Lefter Lowing and little daughter, Mary Lou, of Kan napolis, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Borders and other relatives. Miss Ethel Elmore left Friday for Winston-Salem for a month’s visit with friends. Miss Pauline Hopper, cashier of the Charlotte Morris Plan bank 1 spent the week-end visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Major Hop per. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Beason, Misses Williams and Gladys Wham i of Spartanburg visited Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Beason yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Mlsenheimer visited Mrs. J. & Misenheimer in Albemarle over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Patterson moved last week to the brick bun galow beyond Cleveland Springs and Messrs. Patterson and Edwards are building a hot house out there where they will grow their own flowers. Mrs. J. O. Nolan of Kannapolis, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Nolan, coming especially to attend the reception given by Mrs. Nolan and Miss Kathleen Nolan Saturday afternoon. Miss Margaret Cornwell spent last week-end with her uncle, Dr. Chas. Gold and Mrs. Gold at Rutherford ton. Miss Lura Smith spent the week end with Miss Clara Herd at her home at Waco. Dr. Zeno Wall left this morning for Raleigh where he will conduct evangelistic services, morning and evening, at Meredith college, for a week. Mr. R. E. Campbell returned Fri day from a visit to Sarasota, Fla. Mrs. Campbell and daughters, Misses Helen and Elizabeth, re mained for another month in Flor ida. Mr. Ralph Ware of Rings Moun tain was a Shelby visitor yesterday. Mr. Pink Irvin and family were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bax ter Kirkpatrick yesterday. Mr. Max Ammons of Mars Hill spent Saturday and Sunday in the city with friends. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Hulick and family spent the week-end in Tay lorsville. with Mrs. Hulick’s mother. Mrs. J. M. Matheson. Mrs. E. E. Hulick who had been spending a week here, accompanied them as far as her home at Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hoey and Mr| C. R. Hoey spent yesterday In Asheville. The friends of Mrs Charlie Wells regret to learn that she Is quit* sick at her home on N. Wash ington stmt. Mrs. Joe Hill and daughter. Miss Mary audio* Hill of Concord, and Mrs. Russell Poole and voung son. Russell. Jr., of Union, S. C.*, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs Lineberger. I Mrs. J. H. Austell and two chil dren, Miss Virginia and Roberts ! Austell o( Greenville, S. C.. visited Mrs. S. F. Roberts over the week end. Mesdamcs Russell Laughridge. Geo. Johnson, Misses Sadie Laugh ridge and Annie Snell went to Gas tonia Thursday to see, 'The Sing ing Fool." I Misses Clara Oreen and Mabel Wright spent Friday in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lewis spent the week-end in Greenville, S. C, where they visited Mrs. Lewis' par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Po6ey. Mrs. Madge Gale Wise and Miss Ruth Harrlll were the week-end visitors at Rock Hill, 8. C. Roy McBrayer who was badly bruised and had several teeth knocked out in an automobile ac cident, recently is recovering and will be able to resume his work here this week some time. Mr. J. R. Crawford, head of the Crawford-Chevrolet company, of Shelby, spent Thursday and Friday of last week in Oreensboro at tending a meeting of the Chevrolet dealers of the two Carolina*. Mr. Crawford said about five hundred agents from the two states were present at the meeting, which was designed to outline sales policies lor the popular car. Chester H. Bond, manager of the Shelby store of the Montgomery Ward company, made the an nouncement Saturday that he ex pects to remain indefinitely in Shelby. He said at one time has an ticipated being shifted to another city, but it now appears he will be come more or less permanently identified with the Cleveland capi tal. He announced two promotions In his store. Norman Francis, has been elevated to the post of floor manager, and F. K. Trimmiere has been made manager of the tire de partment, at the same time Mr Wm. Roach has been given charge of the merchandise department. These are local men Mr. Bond considers have made good with the company. Mr. Evans Hartgrove of Char lotte spent the week-ud with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hart grove. Mr. Heyward d^stell, formerly with the Standard Oil Company here, has accepted a position as tobacco buyer, and left Saturday for Jacksonville, Florida, where he assumes his new. position today. At The Theat es “Gang War* ’advertised as • 'part talkie,” featuring Olive Borden and Jack Pickford. an F B O special, is j the stellar vehicle at the Princess today. This is a tremendously Im pressive piece, made on an ela borate scale, revealing the life in the big time gang world. Olive Borden has never been seen in a role more littlng to her talents. The theme cf the piece is the love of a girl of the underworld for a man she had the right to love. That peach of an actress Phyllis Haver is the star of the Webb pic ture—“The Shady Lady”—showing today. Phyllis Is the greatest vamp of them all, and this Is an especial ly good picture revealing that sort of life. Tomorrow "The Whip" tops the bill. Dorothy Mackaill Is the star, with three other notable players in the cast—Ralph Forbes, Anna Q.1 Nilsson and Lowell Sherman. This* Is described as a real old fashioned melodrama in a modem setting. This sort of play has lately become very popular and this Is an espec ially good one. Cotton Market <By John F. CUrt and Co.) Cotton was quoted at noon today on New York exchange: March 30.11; May 30.19. Moderate business In Worth St last week but demand is broaden* Ing. Manchester cables say. sales Improved at close of the week. India bidding more freely. Chinese de mand shows gain. New Bedford special says, mill operations selling new high mark, mills running 111.6 per cent of single shift capa city. New York Herald-Tribune. Memphis says. Demand trading low, grades in ample supply but whiter grades have reached the famine stage with short interest large. Indications of a possible de crease in acreage becoming visible Plenty of moisture in the ground and hibernated weevils probably greatly thinned by sleet, snow and freezing weather. Look for market to work higher particularly after March notices are out of the way tomorrow. CLEVENBURG. Poultry shipments have begun throughout North Carolina and growers are swapping cull hens for ready cash at the car doors. i Terry Roberts Loses His Bout To Georgian; Good Fight Card Joe Singleton, Amateur Boxer, Goes To Draw With Veteran Ralph Hood. Arthur Sides gave Shelby tire best boxing program Saturday night it can hope to see tor a long time, and incidentally he uncov ered a lithe, slashing young fellow who gave the redoubtable Terry Roberts all he was looking for. and then some. Roberts, a general favorite throughout this section, lost the decision in the 10-round main at traction to Baxter Roper, of Col-1 umbus, Georgia. although It was such a mlxup that the decision! might have gone either way, or to' no decision at all unless one had been selected as the best wrestler.1 and Roper undoubtedly would have wen then. j A Slashing Fight. The main bout, however, was handicapped because the semi final which preceded was far more colorful than the average main oout throughout this section. In tne semi Big Joe Singleton. Shelby high athlete, mixed It, roughly and gladly, with Ralph Hood, veteran Charlotte lighter, and at the end of the six rounds Singleton’s husky physique and nerve gave him a' draw with the cagey ring experi ence of Hood. The first half of the slashing, toe-to-toe slugging un doubtedly saw the lanky Shelby boy with the ups, but In the final rounds Hood seemed to have sited Singleton up with the result that in the final setto the Charlotte fighter had 8tngleton In rather bad condi tion when the gong sounded. As it was the veteran fight critics about the ringside saw enough In Single - ton. who fought without pay to hold his amateur athletic standing, to realise that he has the proe pecUT of a remarkable future. Had Singleton possessed half the ring ex perience of Hood the fight would never have lasted the full six rounds. Not more than once did Big Joe use an uppercut and all he used his left for was a jabbing defense while he was fighting an overhand game which Hood soon learned *o cover up on. As It was a few well timed upper cuts and a little more work by the left might have won the bout for the Shelby lte. Nevertheless there Is no room for complaint: the semi-final was worth the entire price of the show. What? Dynamite. Sooner or later most of the fight fans here shouts are going to get the idea that this "Kayo” Foster, from McAdenville. Is no other than Joe Jemcs' Dynamite Dunn. In his first fight here the long-limbed, loose-jointed Foster stopped his man In a hurry, and Saturday night when J. D. McCullen, of the Ora Mill, decided to mix it with Foster, the bout ended In the third round when Foster caught McCullen flush on the chin, so flush that Mc Cullen was still dreaming when the referee raised up after counting ten. Logan "Babe” Carr, the pride of the Cleveland Cloth village and a local favorite, met just a bit too much experience In hto bout with Johnny Fisher, of Lowell. "Babe” rushed and slugged with all of his dare-devil nature, but Johnny just NOTICE OF RESALE OT LAND Under an order of the Superior Court of Cleveland county, N. C. made in Special Proceeding entitl ed, Alice Newton, et al. vs. Cohen Horton and Edward Horton, min ors, the undersigned commissioner will offer for resale at the Court House door in Shelby. N. C. at pub lic auction, to the highest bidder at 12 M.. on Monday. March 11. 1929, the following described tract of land lying in No. 8 Township Cleveland county, N. C. and known as the-E. Plato Horton Home Place: Beginning on a stone, Towery’a comer, nd runs thence N. 55 W. 55 poles to a stake at the branch, formerly a gum; thence down the branch as it meanders N. 53 E. 19 poles to a maple; thence N. 30 W. 9 poles to a post oak; thence N. 88 E. 23 poles to a hickory; thence N. 30 E. 52 poles to a rock pile; thence S. 80 W. 71 poles to a chest nut; thence S. 40 W. 41 1-6 poles to a rock pile; thence S. 53 W. 33 3-4 poles to a stone in the road; thence S. 43 E. 24 poles to a stone; thence S. 14 E. 43 poles to a stone; thence S. 61 W. 28 poles to a stone; thence S. 45 W. 28 poles to a stone; thence & 28 W. 42 poles to a stone; thence 8. 3 W. 62 poles to the cen ter of the river; thence down the river as it meanders N. 60 E- 94 paries to the mouth of Powell's branch; thence up the branch as it meanders N- 15 E. 84 poles to a white oak stump on the left hand prong; thence N. 42 E. 42 poles to a stump by the road; thence N. 21 E. 22 pries to the beginning, con taining 128 acres, more or less. Terms of sale one-third cash, bal ance in one and two years from date of sale. Bid starts at $4725.00. This the 23rd day of February. 1929. J. C. NEWTON, Commissioner. Newton & Newton, Attys. 2t-25c CINDERELL A' BOOTERY LADIES’ SHOES EX CLUSIVELY. — ON THE SQUARE — | SHELBY. N. C. Victory Smile Jack Sharkey, the Boston Gob, smiles confidently seated in a corner of his training ring at Miami Beach, Fla He feels that he is fit and ready to give Young Stribling a run for his money. knew too much for the nervy little Cleveland Cloth mill fighter. "K. O.” Burrage. of Belmont, was a shade the beter in his bout with Crown Lind, of the Dover Mill, but around the ringside It was the general opinion that Lind, minus ring experience, was the niftiest looking youngster In the ring during the night, and he cer tainly made It plain that he wasn't a bit backward about going In and swapping blows with the other fel low regardless of experience. The “Stump” BrasweII-“Boots” Hall bout failed to get on the boards due to a finger injury suf fered by Braswell. Wrestling And— The Roberts-Roper affair could be staged here again with a record crowd, provided the two huskies do a bit more fighting. Saturday night Roper wrestled seven of the 10 rounds away and Roberts clinched about the same number off the timekeeper's watch. When they did mix It was a treat, but when they clinched they remained to-' gether longer than a young ahelk out on his first necking party. In actual fighting ability Roberts seemed to be a shade better, but the decision of the judges met with the approval of fans In awarding the bout to Roper. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred by deed of trust by B. R, Shuford and wife, Sallle Shuford, to the First National Co. of Durham, Inc., and Union Trust Co. of Maryland, Trustees dated July 1st, 1938, and recorded in Book 156, page 83, Cleveland county reg istry, the First National Co. of Durham, Inc., and Union Trust Co. of Maryland, Trustees, will on March 27th. 1829 At 12:00 O’clock M. at the Court House door In Cleveland county, sell at public auc tion for cash to the highest bidder the following described property: Beginning at a stake in the West edge of Wilson street, the South east corner of the Lizzie Falls lot, and runs thence North 62 1-2 West 139 feet to a stake in the Dr. Hard lot; thence with the East line of the Dr. Hord lot South 22 1-2 West 64 1-2 feet to a stake In the North line of the Marvin Randle lot; thence with said line of said lot South 60 1-2 East 139 feet to the West edge of Wilson street; thence with said edge of said street North 22 1-2 East 68 feet to the place of beginning. Same being a part of that lot conveyed to B. R. Shuford and wife, Sallle Shuford by deed recorded In Book of Deeds 3-S at page 442 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Cleveland county. North Caro lina, reference to which deed and record is hereby had for further identification and description. This sale is made on account of default In the payment of the in debtedness secured by the said deed of trust. This the 21st day of February, 1939. FIRST NATL COMPANY OF DURHAM. INC. AND UNION TRUST COMPANY OF MARYLAND, TRUSTEES. W. S. Lockhart, Attorney, Durham, N. C. v CINDERELLA. BOOTERY LADIES’ SHtfES EX CLUSIVELY. — ON THE SQU/RE — SHELBY, N. C. The engagement ring is an important purchase To assist you we've assembled diamond* of su perlative worth, in a variety of modern setting* that will make your choice of the^ right engagement ring almost as great a pleasure as it* presentation! * M Among our regular patrons are many whose first purchase from us was the engagement solitaire. We have Diamond Rings in a wide choice of de signs and prices are particularly attractive. Let us figure with you when interested In one. T. W. HAMRICK Co. JEWELERS & OPTOMETRISTS. the PRINCESS HOME OF GOOD SHOWS SPECIAL TONIGHT & TOMORROW Stupendous! Staggering! Chilling! Enthralling! Mighty Thrill Epic Of The Underworld “THE GANG WAR” Alto COMEDY and NEWS. SPECIAL! Come Out Tonight And Hear The Talkies. No Extra Charges. We are doing this to let you know that our n^hit fe now in operation. Watch for the All Talking Picture March 4th. NOTICE Account* due The Paragon Fund* ture Co., must be settled at an early date in order to close the business. The Paragon Furniture Co., sold its stock of furniture to The Paragon De partment store last August"'—hut did not sell the accounts. The time has come when we must close the old Furniture Co.’s affairs and we urge those who owe Accounts to call at once and settle. Office in Basement Paragon Depart* ment Store. V PARAGON DEPT. «STORE v r;v?.*'C'.r st'*'■ Beautiful Dresses Beautifully Cleaned Those who’ really appreciate | craftsmanship in cleaning send their dresses and coats to ns. The i material is revived to its original newness and the pleats are re-set like new. , Won’t you phone us today? White way ;> V ii '• “Quality, Cleaners - Dycn, 207.N. LaFayette St |05-!®>

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