MISS MAYME ROBERTS Social Editor Phone vf:»6 Mews Items Phoned to Miss Roberts Will Be Appreciated n*>«n ftnnls. h&fe. T. L. Boyle honored her parent*, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Walker with a big dinner today at her home on East Marlon street in celebration of tljelr sixtieth wrd dirtg anniversary. Both Mr. and Mr*. Walker are enjoying the best of health. Mr. Walker betas 89 year* of age this month and Mrs. Walker will be 81 years old in May. Ht-Y CtoH Entertained. Hobart. Gidney was a genial host trt: tile members of the Hl-Y club and a number of invited guests, Friday evening, entertaining at. his home on East Marlon street. Each of the boys Invited his best. girl. Game*, contests and progressive conversation were enjoyed, and at, the eta n of the evening, Misses Elsie and Elizabeth Oidney served A delightful salad course. Dr. And Mr*, B. M. Jarrett Beat To Choir Member*. in. and Mrs. B. M. .larratt were cordial hosts on Friday-evening to the members Of the Baptist church choir tft their home on W Marlon Street. Miss Ruby Hamrick, who hag a rich contralto voice was added to the'choir After an hour or more practice, Mra. Jarrett was assisted by Mtn 1 Hamrick in serving angel fbod cake,! coffee and home made candy. goeial Calendar For Week. Thursday 3:30 p. m —Mrs. T. W. Hamrick will give a neighborhood bridge party honoring Mrs. Vick Wray, at her home on N. LaFay ette. street. Thursday 3:30 p. m—The after noon division No. 3 of the Woman’s dub will meet at the chib room with Mrs. L. C. Bost, chairman of Hostess committee. - Thursday 8 p. m.—Mrs. R. T. Le* Grand and Mrs. Carobel Lever-will be Joint hostesses to the Evenin'! division of the Womans club at the home of Mrs. LeOrand on S.1 Washington street. Mn. J. J. Iaitimore Hostess to Chicora Clab. Mrs. J. J. Lattlmore was a de lightful hostess to the members of the Chicora club. Friday afternoon.: entertaining at her home on N. LaPayette street. The. club was delighted to have present. Mrs. Cora Lattlmore of Gastonia, who is an honorary mem ber. Mrs. L. P. Holland the presi dent, presided over the meeting and the following interesting pro gram was given: "Life of Anne Preston Bridges, by Mrs. Paul Webb “Criticisms of Coquette.1' by Mrs O. M. Mull. "The Play.** was tead by-Mra. L. A. Gettys. The following guests tame In for the social half-hour, Mesdamejr .1 ; Y. Irvin, E. B. Lattlmore. T W. Lattlmore. Pitt Beam and Nelson X#ttimore. The hostess was assist ed hr Mesdamea Pitt Beam and Nelson Lattlmore in serving a deli cious frozen salad, chicken salad pandwtehee. coffee and candy. J Patriotic Pageant Given By Washington School. A- large crowd attended the "Pa triotic. Pageant." portraying four etgges of American history, which wag given by the pupils of the Washington street school on Friday night in their auditorium. Mist Sadie Laughridgr. dressed s |n n colonial costume, in a most pleaeing and graceful manner wel comed the audience and announc ed the fice acts: "Our Pilgrim Father*," "Washington's Time.” •Confederate Days," "Present Time." and "Nations of the World Wel comed ki America.'’ 1 The patriotic songs were well ren dered, Mis* Laura Weatherspoon Wearing a colonial costume played the piano accompaniments. The young members of the or chestra. directed by Mr. Buchanan, played several selections. The principal and teachers of this school deserve much credit tor this delightful entertainment, lira. Jack Palmer Honor* f ctafc. members of the Embroidery A large number of Invited were eharmingly entertaln the eventing of Gaory Wash-! m'« birthday at the Woman's room, by Mrs. Jack Palmer, a lovely bridge party The room was attractively arrani *“ hington birthday aug md baskets of red _lace feme adorned and piano. . partner received her guests beautiful pink chiffon and Ikce gown witti pink. tfipperi. i Evangeline ahd Dicky the tally cards, guests to the roCk taMaa si Sffilf Hudson, Messrs. R. T. Falls and i Chas. Eskridge. The hostess was assisted by Jack Palmer, jr., Mesdames Quinn Earl, Chas. Burrus, Misses Verda Leak, ■ and Margaret Atkinson in serving I angel salad with accessories. Mrs. .loe III11 of Concord was an 1 out of town guest. W. m. s. or Second Baptist Church. The W. M. S. of the .Second Bap t tst church held their .monthly meeting Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o’cloek at. the home of Mrs. Iron Turner on S. La Fayette Bt. A splendid program was prepared by Mrs. T. W. Roberts, the subject he big "Immigrants )n the United States." Those taking part on the program were: Mesdames T. W. Roberts. A. M. MrWhlrter, C. Champion, Will Jones and T. J. Jones. A duet, Open My Eyes that 1 May .See," was sung by Mesdames Rush Padgett and W. II Cham pion. The society voted to help fur nish the guest room at Bolling Springs school, and also to send a delegate to the state meeting, that will be held In High Folnt in March. At the close of the meeting Mrs. Turner was assisted by her little daughter, Patsy In serving a delicious salad course and coffee. Mesdames Ed Bost And Jack Palmer Give Parties. Mesdames Ed Past and Jack Pal mer entertained a large number of thetr friends Friday by giving two lovely Oeorge Washington parties, honoring Shelby's two recent brides, Mesdames Cline Hendrick and Vick Wray. The hallways and Club room, where the parties were given, were most attractively ar ranged with George Washington decorations and potted plants. At the morning party, the guests were welcomed at the top of the stair way by Mrs. J. L. Lackey. An informal receiving line was formed in the hail and composed of the following: Mrs. J. B. Nolan, Mesdames Jack Palmer. Vick Wray, Clir.e Hendrick, and Ed Post, Re ceiving r.t the entrance to the club room was Mrs. Quinn Earl. Little Miss Evangeline Palmer daintily dressed in georgette and lace dis tributed the red hatchet tally cards, which directed the guests to the fifteen card tables, which weir graced with red vases, holding red carnations and lace fern. Mrs. Wray, wearing a printed crepe sport dress and Mrs. Hendrick in a black and white sport costume, were each presented with lovely honor gifts. The high score prizes were won by Mesdames J. T. Benson and Ralph Royster. The low score prize went to Mrs. W B. Dempsey. The host esses were assisted in serylng a most delicious salad course with accessories by Medames Tom Oold, Earl Honeycutt, J. W. Harbison, R. Casstevens, M. P. Coley. Herman Eskridge. C. R Webb and Miss Carobel Lever. At the afternoon party at 3:30 o'clock, the guests were greeted by Mesdames Horace Grigg and Chas. Burrus Mrs. Post, wearing black georgette, and Mrs. Palmer in blue chiffon velvet, were assist ed in receiving by their honorees, Mrs. Wray, wearing a blue ensem ble, Mrs. Hendrick gowned in black georgette and lace, and Mesdames William Hoffman and Barnett Lineberger ot Lincolnton. Mesdames Shovine Ream and Carlas Grigg received at, the entrance to the club room. Directing the guests to the tableswas Miss Nina Holt White. Miss Laura Weatlierspoon played a number of beautiful piano selec tions. The high score prize was won by Miss Sara Thomas and the low score prize by Mrs. Henry Mills. Tlie four honor guests were assist ed by Mesdames n. Z. Newton. Clyde Short. Roger Lnughrtdge and Miss Mary C. Hamrick in serving delicious refreshments. Mrs. Vick Wray Honored With Tea. | Otic of the largest and loveliest teas of the season was that given nt the Woman's club room. Satur day afternoon from 3:30 o'clock to | fi, by Mrs. J. B. Nolan and Miss Kathleen Nolan. complimenting their daughter rnd sister, Mrs. Vick Wray, a recent bride. Tile club room and hallways were beautiful ly arranged with stiver bowls and baskets of yellow jonquils and ferns with silver candlesticks, hold ing yellow lighted tapers, tied with green tulle on either end of the table and piano. A color scheme of yellow and green was emphasised CINDERELLA BOOTERY LADIES’ SHOES EX CLUSIVELY. i — ON THE SQUARE — SHELBY, N. C. * . both in decorations and refresh ments. Welcoming the guests on their arrival at the' front door were Mrs. J. L. Lackey and Miss Agnes Mc Braycr. Receiving at the elevator landing were Miss Ruby McBrayer and Mrs. Dan Frazier. The bride';1 register was placed on a table in, the hall and presided over by Mrs. Gerald Morgan and Miss Thelma Young. Mrs. Lee B. Weathers re ceived it tile entrance to the re ception 100m. Mrs. T. W. Hamrick introduced the receiving line widen was headed by Mrs. Nolan wearing pink beaded chiffon, with shoulder bouquet of pink rose buds. Mrs. Wray, the honoree, stood next, beautifully gowned in apricot taff eta a :d tulle with slippers to match, and shoulder bouquet of roses and valley lilies. Miss Kath leen Nolan wore flesh chiffon vel vet, and Mrs. J. O. Nolan of Kan napolis was gowned in white beaded georgette. Mesdamrs Thompson Daniels and Quinn McCombs, both recent brides were gowned in their wedding dresses with shoulder bou quets. Mrs. Daniels in white taff eta. nnd Mrs, McCombs in white satin Mrs. Hugh Miller, .ir., also a recent bride wore yellow taffeta with corsage of sweet, pens. Mrs. A V. Wray wore blue chiffon velvet with rhinestone ornaments. Mrs. Mary McBrayer was attired in black satin with violets and Mrs. A. P. Weathers wore black chiffon and lace, with orchid flowers. Mrs. Zeno Wi ll was dressed in red satin with suppers of the same shade and Mrs. Horace Easom wore a black chiffon velvet evening gown Mrs. Robert Doggett entertained in the reception room. Presiding at the piano, and furnishing delight ful music throughout the afternoon were Mrs. H. S. Plaster, Misses Mary Adelaide nnd Mayme Rob erts. N. Serving beautiful plates, consist ing of ler cream molded in heart and cdpid designs, with cake, yel low min s in Jonquil designs and punch were Misses Muriel Sutton, Rosalynd Nix, Lula Moore Suttle, Mabel Hord. Sara Ellen Wray and Mrs. Roy W. Morris. Bidding the guests goodbye at. the top of the stairway were Mesdames C. B. Mc Brayer and J. S. Dorton. Over two hundred guests called during the afternoon. •in Memory Of George." »By Lloyd Mauney > With sunny smile Mid cherry word lie held his place with men, And never will there ever be A greater truer friend; He gave his winning smile to all To stranger and to friend. His cheery words and manner Lasted to the end. With ringing words of greeting He met them with his smile, And gave to them the meaning Of living well worth while; To great and small he gave alike He helped to spread the sunshine On earth while he was here. A look of joy filled the eye Of those that came his way, They found a place of joy and cheer And there they wished to stay; A gleam of light filled the place When they beheld his smile, They gained a bit of cheery life A life that was worth while. Though Iris smile has passed away Weil meet him after while, And there well see and know him By his true honest smile; The friends he left are many here That often think of him. And of his smiling greeting That greatest finest gem, Llndy's Outlook. Wichita, Kas.—Colonel Charles A. I Lindbergh has broken his silence on his engagement to Miss Anne Mor row. Asked by the Wichita Beacon whether he thought, his marriage would effect his flying lie answered "yes." As to where he planned to live he replied, "St. Louis is my home." Wasn't It Heck? New York.—Taking a gun from a holdup man Is one thing but trying j to turn over the captured firearm | to New' York police Is something ; else. Oliver Deardoff, taxi driver, did just that and was arrested for ; illegal possession of firearms. We Talk Radidlr. New York —Americans are talk ing faster and faster all the time, says Louis J. Goldstein, who was a delegate to a shorthand reporters convention. He places the average increase at ten words- a minute In the last twenty years. Penny Column LOST PAIR BLACK FRAME glasses. Finder return to Jackson's Cash Store. 3t 29p Tom Tarheel says it. always pays him to grow more com than he will need for all purposes on his farm. CINDERELLA BOQTERY LADIES’ SHOES EX i CLUSIVELY. — ON THE SQUARE — SHELBY, N. C. I First Gardner Measure, Road And Gas Tax Bill, Now A Law Raleigh - The country road aid bill, the first of Governor Gard iiei s administration bill lo be en acted, is .’dw law. Under ibis t'i’.i, which increases the gasoline tax from 4 cents to 3 cents a gallon, a fund of $3,000,000 will be set aside each year to be apportioned to the various coun ties 'n proportion to their area and population, for the maintenance of cc-unto roads in the counties, y,hile an addil cnal $500,000 will be held in reserve by the highway commis sion to he expended as an equaliz ing fund tn those smaller counties that need more aid titan usual or in which road maintenance Is usuaN ly expensive, as tn some of the mountain counties tn the west. "tit.' bill requires that the money ts to be expended by the county road •".tveriihtg bodies, under the general supervision of the state highway commission, or that if tire counties so desire, the entire amount due any county may be turned over to the highway coni mission to expend in road mainten ance in the counties. It is nlso re quired that I lie county commission ers reduce the tax rate on prop erty in each eounty tn proportions to the amount rereived from the state road fund, thus assuring definite reduction in taxes in the counties. A determined effort was made in the senate Tuesday to increase the amount of the road aid fund from $3,500,000 to $4,500,000. by Senators Cannaday ot Johnston and Blount of Pitt, but these ef forts failed, as did a. similar move to amend tne bill in the house, made by Representative Prank Hancock of C-anville. An amend ment offered by Senator Raymer of Iredell, Republican, to give the funds to the counties to spend without any supervision by the CINDERELLA B O O T E R Y LADIES’ SHOES EX CLUSIVELY. — ON THE SQUARE — SHELBY, N. C. I highway commission, was also kill | ed in i be senate. Thus the bill will take its place on the state's statute books vir tually as w ritten by the house roads committer, and as passed by the house, no amendments having ad ded in the senate. Senator Wil liams of Yadkin. Republican, was the only member of the senate vot ing against the bill. Gardner Appoints O’Berry To Office Raleigh. Captain Nathan O’Ber ry, of Goldsboro, Friday was ap pointed state treasurer by Gover nor O. Max Gardner to serve until a successor can be elected next year to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Benjamin R. Lacy, of Ra leigh, here yesterday. Captain O'Berr.v is 73 years old. He was born in Tarboro January 26. 1850. He is the son of Thomas and Ctnderilla (Pope) O'Berry. Although Captain O'Berry lias taken an active interest in politics, he has never run for public office. In 1000 Governor Aycock appointed hint dirertor of State prison here. When he assumed his duties the prison was losing money, but at the end of his term the institution had been put on a self-supporting basis. Needle In Body 60 Years. A needle swallowed when he was three years old was recently removed from the body of Porter L. Smith, 63-year-old foreman, of Clarksburg, W. Va. The needle is believed to have travelled the length of the man’s body and was removed from bis right shoulder, Star Advertising Pays CINDERELLA BOOTERY LADIES’ SHOES EX CLUSIVELY. - ON THE SQUARE — SHELBY, N. C. Copeland’s Health Talk Build Up Health 15Y ROYAL S. COPELAND, M. D. (United States Senator And Former Health Cronmhsioner of Now Fork.) If you were called upon to define civilization and to give your ideas ol what constitute civilization, what would you say? The dictonary says that civiliza tion Is “a state of social culture characterized by relative progress in the arts, science and statecraft.” tins ocuniuon wouici surety dc i»ihu uigu-mv/w by most of us—wouldn't it? Well, anyhow, we need not worry over what Webster says about civilization. I'm going to give you a better definition. That is, I'm going to recite to you what a writer says about it. Let me quote: "Civilization is a rattier difficult term to de fine. but generally speaking, it represents the con dition of an orderly society in which the objectives, ministering to health and happiness, arc within the reach of practically the entire population." Then, to make sure he is understood, the writer continues: "A civilized government is primarily .. ' concerned with the prosperity oi me people ami CUt'tJ^AND, iis b?st maintenance tmder given conditions of health and physical efficiency.’’ ' These are the words of a great man—Dr. Frederick L. Hoffman, the statistician of one of the largest insurance companies. Everything Dr. Hoffman says is worthy of study and confidence. The Doctor has just written a book entitled, "Some Problems oi Longevity." He points out tne im portance of developing, early in life, a sound philosophy of right living and right thinking. Then, as a matter of course, the life will | be governed in such a way that > long life is the natural result. But we were talking about civi lization: I have long preached the doctrine that the purpose of gov ernment is to serve humanity. It is not serving humanity unless it does everything a government should do to promote the health and welfare of all its citizens. When it does do this, then, as I view it, it is a civilized govern ment, and its happy citizens are living under the high standards proclaimed by Dr. Hoffman. But, until health and happiness are, as he says, within the reach of practically the entire popula tion, we are not fully civilized. It is our duty as citizens to do all we can to arrive at this ideal con dition. After all, however, to have na tional health is not entirely a gov ernmental function. We must do our part as units of a society that cannot be perfect physically until all its units possess health. Health is not a personal matter alone. Disease of the individual brings hardships and sacrifices, unhappiness and misery, to fam ily and friends and harm to the economic world. We cannot have universal health until every member of society has developed a sound philosophy of right living and right thinking. It cannot be considered a sound phil osophy until every citizen in his personal life lives up to his ideals. Answers To Health Qneries. K„ D. Q.—How can I get rid of intestinal worms? 2. —What can I do for falling hair? It comes out in handfuls. 3. —Can nasal catarrh be cured? A.—This requires special treat ment for children and grown-ups. For full particulars send a self-ad dressed, stamped envelope and re peat question. 2.—X would advise a stimulating ointment. Sand a self-addressed, stamped envelope and repeat ques tion. * ;«5sr '* 3.—Yes. in many instances proper treatment will bring about results. A good nose and throat douche should be used night and morning. For full details concerning treat ment send a self-addressed, stamp ed envelope and repeat question. -_ M. W. Q—What is a good, safe bleach for superfluous hair? A.—Peroxide is generally effec tive, but is apt to prove drying to the skin. For further particulars send a self-addressed, stamped en velope and repeat your question. S. E. C. Q —What makes fny eyes tire from any kind of a strain? Will glasses help me? ” 2.—How can I gain weight? A.—You are probably in need of eyeglasses and I would advise you to consult an eye Specialist for an examination. 2—Proper diet and.deep breath ing are helpful. A good tonic is beneficial. For full particulars send a self-addressed, stamped envelope and repeat your question. E. M. B. Q.—Could an • enlarged thyroid gland be the cause for lass of weight-, nervousness and trem bling hands? A.—Yes. It would be wise to con sult your doctor for treatment. C. K, Q—Do yon advise treat ment for corns find bunions? 2.—What should a person eat if troubled with anemia? A.—Yes. For further information send a self-addressed, stamped en velope and repeat your question. 2.—Plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, beep jfifce-^arrd- liver. Regular exercise, fresh air and plenty of sleep and rest are all es sential in overcoming this con dition. To eliminate poor stands of cot ton this season, it will be wise to test the seed for germination abil ity before the crop is planted, sug gests P. H. Kime, plant breeder. CINDERELLA BOOTERY LADIES* SHOES EX CLUSIVELY. — ON THE* SQUARE — SHELBY, N.C. Geo. Alexander’s Big Jewelry Sale. Tuesday Will Be DOLLAR DAY It Will Pay You To Come And See The Final And Most Drastic Cut. Every Day Will Be Bar gain Day. Buy Now And Save Money. SEE THE WINDOWS FOR DAILY BARGAINS. DON’T FORGET — 5 MORE DAYS Your Last Chance To Ruy Bargains GEORGE ALEXANDER JEWELER SHELBY, N. C.