■ ■SfHSSi et A Star Want Ad Sell It For You At Small Cos A Utes For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimuw Charge For Any Want Ad 26c. This size type 1 cent per word each Insertion „ This size type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c per word each insertion. Ids that amount to less than 25c, will be charged 25c for irst insertion. IP you ARE PLANNING TO Wild let us make an estimate ?lan/ and sketches cheerfully sub nltted First class workmanship [uaranteed, Lowman Brothers, con ractors. Phone 727-J tf 18c THREE PIECE OVERSTUFFED uite for sale, perfectly new. Phone 04. 3t 25c MEAT SCRAP FOR SALE, inalizes 56 per cent protein. Excel ent for hog and chicken feed. $70 >er ton. City Abattoir. Apply at Jity Hall. tf 7c FOR SALE* STOVE WOOD *ady for use Phone 406 Morrison [transfer Co. tf 8c FOR LAWN FERTILIZER CALL ). E. Ford Co. 2t 25c FOR SALE CHEAP TO QUICK nice desirable lot just off Mghway No. 20 west of Shelby. Zeb M^pney. tf 23c BUILDING LOTS—GOOD LO »tion. C. S. Young. tf-12c I HAVE SEVERAL h^usand dollars to end on improved farms in Cleveland county. See or write Marvin Blanton, Led itter building, Shel ly. W-F-tf SEE O. E. lasic.Slag for FORD CO. FOR grain and grass, 2 t 25c BABY CHICKS — POULTRY Hinging best price in years. We latch o^; sell you chicks cheaper lhan hen eta hatch them. Rocks ind Reds each Wednesday. Suttle Hatchery. tf 6c SEE US FOR HAY IF YOU iront a bale or a car. Shelby Feed Co., located with Suttles Hatch sry. « He WE HAVE CHICKS EVERY day in the week. Finish out your hen with out chicks. Suttles-Hatch *• tf lie ery. MORTGAGE LOANS ON HIGH class business and residential property in Shelby. Unlimited funds immediately available. See Bert Price, Royster, Building, Booms 4 and 5. 12t 15c ANOTHER CAR LOAD ST. rohns River Oranges will arrive Monday, February 18th. Will be told from our same location on the Kjuare. George J. McReynolds. 4tl5p SHELBY AUTO AND WAGON Coonfcany, specialilzng in rebuild kig wrecked cars, building commer •ial bodies, duco painting, top up bolstering and glass work. Black smithing. Phone 753-J. ^puth Mor £n Street. tf 15c FOR SALE: FULL TANCRED strain White Leghorns, C. C. Mc Bwaln, Kings Mountain, Route 2, Phone 2905. 4t 20c FOR SALE—PURE FULGHUM seed oats $1.00 per bushel. T. F. Bellers, Kings Mountain, Route 1. * , 6t-18p A YELLOW GOLD Swiss movements, round black and grey checked If found please return to office or Mllla Putnam, 617 LaFayette street. 2t 22c OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR at The Star office. Twen cents per hundred. Call at press room. tf-26x TIME WORK WANTED: 26, now employed dur work of any kind Expert typing, clerical or in store. General merchan ixneriance. Bales ability. Will tor stalk cutters, seed fleaners, Cook's ditchers, and any and of farm machinery O. E. Ford Jo's Is the place. 2t 25c l^NERATOR, STARTER magnetors repaired. We general repairing. Phone Turner and Williams tf HARMON & MOSS Electrical Contracting and Repairing. Locat ed under Chocolate Shop. Phones: Office 230. Res. 203. tf-25 WE THRESH CANE SEED every Saturday. Morrison Trans fer. tt 21c FOR RENT OR SALE: NEW five room house with water and lights. C. D. Mints, phone 324 M, West Marion street. 3t 22c FOR RENT GOOD TWO HORSE farm, five miles east of Shelby, near Kings Mountain highway. Renter must furnish stock. Mrs. W. H. Jennings, Shelby. 3t Furnished rooms for rent/ 305 De Kalb street. Mrs. Val Thomason. 2t-22p Breakfast Bacon 22c lb., Fat back meat 12$c lb., 98 lb. flour pla;n o r self-rising 3.35. C. H. Reinhardt, South Shelby. 3t-22c WANTED: JOB AS TRUCK driver. Can give good recommend ation. Notify “C” care of Star. 3t 22p STRAYED FEBRUARY 15, ONE gray mare mule. Notify C. A. Cab iness, Phone 605-R, Shelby. 3t 20p JUST RECEIVED AT O. E. FORD Co’s a car load of Basic Slag for grain, grass and lawns. 2t 25c FOR SALE: AT SACRIFICE, new Browning Automatic? shot gun, never been used. Also new Ithaca double barrel bird gun, been used only a little. Both bargains for quick Wile. P. O. Box 24, Shelby, N. C. or Fnone 608-W. It 25p LOST: LEATHER SAMPLE case, containing order books of W. C. Thomas, leather and shoe find ings. Reward if returned to Shelby : Shoe Shop. - - . ■ • ?t. 22p SAY! GOING CHEAP! HOUSE and filling statidn for rent on Cleveland Springs Road, Phone 610. W. P. Dorsey. 3t 22p SEE O. E. FORD CO. FOR your fertilizer requirements. 2t 25c Mill Closes For Mr. Muffs Funeral Useful Gifts Made To Be Sent To Baptist Orphanage. Per sonal Mention. Double Shoals, Feb. 21.—As we looked out. the windows this morn ing again we saw the earth blanket ed with snow and ice. A large number of people from this community attended the fun eral- of D. M. Mull at Mull’s chapel in Catawba county Tuesday. The Double Shoals cotton mill under the management of Mr. H. R. Royster stood silent throughout the day in honor of Mr. Mull who was the firms book-keeper. The young son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivans Lankford is very sick .with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Toney of Shelby spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Champion. Mr. atad Mrs. Pleas Cabaniss of Zion community spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. C. R. Spangler. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Spangler and children spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Yates Spurllng of Waco community. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Royster at tended the annual debate at Boil ing Springs last week. Mr. Leland Royster and friend Durwood Whistnant of Boiling Springs Junior college spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Royster. The W. M. S. met at the home of Mrs. W! S. Spangler last Friday February 15 with 11 members present. An interesting lesson was discussed after which all enjoyed looking at useful gifts that the members made to be sent to the Mill’s Home at Thomasville. Misses Emma and Florence Spangler were elected as delegates to theW, M. V. meeting which meets .at High Point in March. Mr.-Hugh Cornwell spent -Sat urday p. m. with Thomas Morris Spangler. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cornwell and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Spauglec. _ “GUS AND GUSSIE” They’re Off! THAT DRUMMER QlVBS 'EM A KOLL at the last oar. The overture *ThE ACT is OM~. ‘ / jyr-— 1 ' sAy, i CAKi'T DO ALL. THOSE “IHlNOS AT ONBT TIME ’ 1 "t Nil RGTADV; MOW STBADy MOW VOO BMT6R F«Rt*T —w Off And On, ENTRANCE! they're OPP! NO!! -THEY'RE ON) tv* we TWO-ACT tS happening!! jfL, ‘i HOW mM. IS A X OH, PUKTM«fl -n LON® WAV PROM I TWAT-Ubo SMOOCO WU1 _ KNOW •S'TTSK-WW / Pot qkI mtiob H CWTTIS1 16 ^l» jiVl! P^TrSM WON’T SHOW *BU*. 11IF> ]M »6GORANCK-r COMMUNITY NEWS OE BEAM'S Mill B. Y. P. V. Program For Next Sun day On Jadson. Game Of Basketball. Personals. (Special to The Star.) Beams Mill, Feb. 21.-The time lias been changed for B. Y. p. U. from 6:30 to 6:45 o’clock. The pro gram for next Sunday is a “Mis sionary meeting on Mr. Judson. Misses Vangie and Edna Mc Swain of near Waco spent Satur day night with Misses Annie and Addle McSwain. *’ MK and Mrs. I*. J. Wiggiha of Zion community spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Hoyle. Mr. Sherrill Hamrick was . the dinner guest of his cousins Misses Ivey and A. V. Costner Sunday. Miss Vivian McSwain spent Sat urday night with Miss Edna Mc Swain. ' - Mr. and Mrs. Max Gardner and Mrs. B. F. Gardner spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Pressley Cost ner. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Williams several days ago a bounc ing baby girl. Mrs. Gaston Hoyle and daughter, Wray, and Miss Mattie Williams spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hoyle. Mrs. Daisy Wright and family and Miss Donle Wright spent Sun day with MrK and Mrs. Kim Wil liams. The Woman’s Missionary society meets at the home of Mrs. Daisy Wright, Tuesday February 26, to do some special work. The presi dent Mrs. Vertis Williams is anx ious for each member to be pres ent. * Miss Thelma Smith and Mr. Horace Bridges visited Mr. and Mrs. Vertis Williams Sunday afternoon. Messrs. Furman Wright and John Bingham was pleasant callers in the community Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Smith of Cherryville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Vertis Williams. Mrs. Daisy Wright, Mrs. Kim Williams and Mrs. Vertis Williams and son, Jack, spent Thursday aft ernoon with Mrs. Will Glascoe. Mr. Oscar Huggins spent Tues day n«ght with Mr. and Mrs. Gas ton Hoyle. Miss Lena Williams attended e social given at the home of Miss Clara Williams of Fallston last Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hamrick spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wright. Misses Nellie Stamey and Eloise Royster of Fallston spent Sunday afternoon with Misses Wray and Evelyn Hendrick. Miss Claudia Spencer spent the week-end with Mrs. Aletha Hoyle. Mr. Paul Ledford has returned from a trip through Florida. Miss Dovie Barnette spent the week-end in Shelby with friends. TUYSTWJS TTtT wl IWt finnt nww _ State Treasurer, Byi Lacy, Passes At Raleigh Home He Befan His Political Career In 1894. Was Treasurer For 88 Tears. Raleigh, Feb. 21.—Benjamin R. Lacy, state treasurer, died at his home here tills morning at 10:33 o'cKjctw # ’ Mfc^Jjifey, §ho had fOled the of fice of treasi^ since 1900, had been * HI for about—a week. He had a severe heart attack last night, su I perintenduced, it is thought, by i asthma, from which he had been a sufferer for years. Ha4Jml lived until June 19, Mr. Lacy AwamWiave been 75 years old. He vitas arifQve of .Raleigh, the son of a preacher anjjfthe grandson of two preachenfcTJlfflthe entered poli tics he was .a railroad man, retain ing his membership in the Brother hood of Locomotive Engineers throughout his life. Mr. Lacy’s first political office was that of alderman of the city of Rawigh In 1894 he was elected state commissioner of labor and printing, which post he held until his election as state treasurer six years later. Handled Huge Sums. Holding the office of treasurer during North Carolina’s period of rapid expansion, Mr. Lacy handled millions of dollars for the state. He was required to sign his name to bonds and other official papers so much that he practiced writing his signature with either hand, and became ambidextrous. For the last several years Mr. Lacy had suffered severely from an asthmatic affliction, and in 1925 he had an attack while in New York on state financial business, which almost cost him his life. But for the greater part of his time he was able to conduct his office personally. He is survived by his widow, who was Miss Mary Burwell, and several children. The names of Mr. and Mrs. Lacy's children follow: Mrs. R. L. McAden, of Raleigh: Mrs. Charles G. Rose, of Fayetteville; R. B. Lacy, Jr., of Richmond; Mrs. J. J. Lane, Raleigh, Thomas A. Lacy, and the Misses Frances and Nan Lacy. Glycerine Mixture. Stops Constipation The simple mixture of glycerine buckthorn bark, saline, etc. (Adler ika) acts on BOTH upper and low er bowel and relieves constipation in TWO hours! Brings out old waste matter you never thought was in your system. Don’t waste time with pills or remedies which clean -only PART of the bowels, but let Adler ika give stomach and bowels a REAL cleaning and see how good you feel. Paul Webb Pharmacy. [ Peyton McSwain Attomey-at-Law Civil and Criminal Practice In All Courts Office: Union Trust Co. TRUSTEE’S SALE OF LAND. Under the power of sale con tained in a deed of trust, executed by C. A. Biggerstaff and wife, Bessie Biggerstaff to me as trustee for D. C. Beam, on the 1st day of February, 1927, as security for a note of $1500.00, said deed of trust being of record in office of regis ter of deeds of Cleveland county, N. C„ »n book 144, page 85, and in of fice of the registery of deeds of Lincoln county in book 155, page 15, and said note not having been paid at maturity and the holder of same having called upon me to foreclose said deed of trust, I, as trustee as aforesaid, will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at public auction at court house door in Shelby, N. C. on Saturday at 12 m., March 16, 1929, the fol lowing des#ibed property, to-wit: Lying pattly in No. 9 township, Cleveland fpunty, and partly in North Brook township. Lincoln county, N. U., and being joined on the north oy the lands of Hardin Upton, Chahrles Costner and others on the east by Little Creek, and the south by Charles D. Dellinger and on the west by Sam Bingham and Sid Grigg, and beginning on a post oak, comer of Hardin Upton, and runs thence with Upton’s and Coether’s lines S. 86 E. 96-poles to a stone; thence with Doras Park er’s line S. 1% W. 58 poles to a post oak; thence N. 85 E. 94’4 poles to a hickory; therice N. 80 E. 11% poles to a rock; thence S. 80 E. 15 poles to the middle of Little Creek; thence down the creek as it mean ders a 4 E. 5 poles; south 17 east 26 poles; S. 10 W. 13 poles; S. 5 W. 87 poles; S. 26 W. 3414 poles; thence leaving said creek N. 73 W. 108 poles to a stone; thence N. 86 W. 11114 poles crossing public road to a stone; thence N. 4 E. 20 poles to a stone; thence N. 68 W. 18 poles to a white oak in Sam Bingham's line; thence N. 33 % E 51 poles to a pine knot and pointers; thense S. 81 W. 35% poles to a stone in Sid Grigg’s line; thence N. 2% E. 41% poles to a stone in Upton’s line; thence N. 81 E. 35.23 poles to an iron stake; thence N. 4 E. 32‘4 poles to the beginning, containing 246 acres, more or less. This February 9, 1929. D. Z. NEWTON, Trustee.' New’ton & Newton, Attys. DR. H. C. DIXON DENTIST Office Over Woolworth’s. TELEPHONE 195 REAL ESTATE Farms And Town Property. W. A. Broadway Royster BIdg„ Shelby, N. C. Office Phone 775. Residence Phone 471. IF YOUR EYES GIVE IvU ANY TROUBLE See JR. ROBT. L. WILSON At Paul Webb & Son’s Drug Store. . _ Trustee's Sale of Real Estate. Under and by virtue of the au thority contained In a deed of trust, executed by Ernest Hart, to the undersigned trustee, said deed of trust being dated March 4th, 1925, and recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds for Cleveland county, N'. C., in Deed Book ■ 132, at page 381. securing ail indebted ness to J. B. Lowery and William Lowery, and default naVing been made in the payment of said tn delfeedness, and demand having been made upon me to execute the trust, f will on Monday, March 4th, 1929 at 13:00 o’clock noon, or within legal hours, at the . Court House door In Shelby, N, C„ sell to the highest bidder, for caajv at public auction, those certain lots or parcels of land, described as fol lows: Situated In No. 3 Township, In the town of Patterson Springs, and known as Lots No s. 71 & 72 lying North of Kings Mountain Street, and West of Gum Street, and Beginning at a-stake, corner on the Kings Mountain Street and Gum Street,-and running .with the West edge of Gum 8treet N. 17-30 E. 128 .feet to a .stakes thence N 85 W. 150 feet to a stake; thence S. 17-30 (W. 128 feet to a stake on North edge of Kings 'Mountain Street; thence with Ndrth edge of "Kings Mountain Street S. 88-38 E. 150 feet to the beginning, said lots being shown on Plat of the J. J. WUklns property , recorded In Book “TT,” page 1, In the Register’s of fice of Cleveland county, N. C. This the 4th, day of February. HCYtff, Trustee. VALUABLE FARM LAND Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred upon me in a deed of, trust executed by C, O. Tram mel and wife, Lillie Trammel, on the 18th day of April, 1928, and re corded In book 152 at page 29 of the register of deeds office for Cleve land county,- N. C.. I will on Saturday, 2nd day of March, 1929, 12 o'clock noon at the court bouse door in Cleveland county, Shelby, N. C„ sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land, to-wit: T. W. Ebeltoft Grocer and Book Phone — 82 Seller DAN FRAZIER Civil Engineer And Surveyor Farm Surveys, Sub-divis ions, Plats and General Engineering Practice. - PhQne 4 I 7 - JLyiDg in no. o lownsmp. Cleve land county, N. C., Beginning on a! red oak on Buffalo Creek, Frank Fedmon’s and W. M. Wellmon's comer, thence with W. M. Well mon’a line N. 69 E. -7 poles to a dogwood, his comer; thence with his line and Belle Dedmon’s line N. 28 E. 114 poles to a stone. Belle Dedmon’s comer; thence with her fopr lines, via; N. 61 W, 4Hi poles to a Spanish oak; thence 8.17 W. 43 poles to a pine stump and stone; thence N. 40 W. 40 poles to a stone; thence S. 10 W. 74 poles to a stake on Buffalo Creek; Buren Dedmon’s corner; thence with his line and Buffalo Creek 8. 36 W. 30 poles to r stake and pointers on the creek; thence with the creek and Buren Dedmon's line 8. 47 % E. 29 poles to a birch on the creek; thence down the meanders of the creek and Frank Dedmon’s line & 37 E. 94 poles to a stake on the creek; thence £ wun me cree* o. or e, jn poies xo the beginning, containing fOOls acres, more or lees, mining Ordand and including the two tract* ocev veyed to O. O. Trammel and, Wif«* Lillie Trammel by feed Item M Wellmon and wile, Bmroa WeUmon recorded in book 3-W at page 315, register of deeds office for Cleve land county. North Carolina. * The above tract ot land will be sold, subjeot to the equity which tbc Atlantic Joint Star- Land Bankof Raleigh now has in same by reason of a prior deed, of trust thereon., - This sale is made by reason of the failure at C. O. Trammel ana wile. Ullie Trammel to pay eft and dk chanre the Irtdebtediteessecuredhy said deed of trust to W. M. Well moo.. * — This the 31st day of j January. 1939. • . - BYNUM K. WEATNXRBy • - Trustee. Bhelby, N. C. .. aim. • - .. - lor Mm = QUEEN CITY COACH LINEJ FOR, ASHEVILLE, CHARLOTTE, WILMINGTON FAYETTEVILLE. FOR ASHEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—9:40 a. m.; 11:40 a. m.j 1:40* p. m.; 3:40 p. m.; 5:40 p. m.; 7:40 p. m. : FOR CHARLOTTE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—8:00 a. m.; 10:50 a, ra. J m.; 2:50 p. m.; 4:50 p. m.; 6:60 p. m, ; 8:50 »* ip» * r FOR WILMINGTON AND INTERMEDIATE - - T POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—10:50 a. m.; S:50 p, w?'* * ' • * FOR FAYETTEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE - POINTS: : rn/j. LEAVE SHELBY:—8:00 a. m.; 10:50 a. m,£ 3:$^ p. m, f <• ~ % & lt FOR FURTHER INFORMATION — PHONE QUEEN CITY COACH CQRfPANY MAUNEY SUPPL CAN SAVE YOU 3atteries Radiators Tools Brake Linings Tops Piston Rings Side Pistons Radio . r ■* .<£. GET OUR PRICES BUV pl iONE 518 * j .»W* V' *V. .*S

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