GREAT PROGRESS SHOWN BY NEGRO Authority On Colored Rare Praises Work Of leaders During Last Dceadc. The negro is on the march. Such is the declaration made by Will W. Alexander, director of the commission on interracial coopera tion, made in a current issue oi Christian Herald, non-denomtna tional Protestant weekly magazine. Emancipation has trone forward in every field of endeavor, Mr. Al exander points out. From 1918 to 1928, eight southern states spent more than $30,000,000 upon new construction for negro common schools. In the ten years the school terms in Tennessee have al most doubled. Dr. N. C. Newbold, of the North Carolina State de partment of education, is responsi ble for the statement that "great er sums arc now being spent from public taxes on common schools for negroes than was spent on all common schools in the south two decades ago." To'quote Mr. Alexander: “In cdu cation, medicine, journalism, the ministry, •science. and engineering, there arc increasing numbers of negroes who have demonstrated their ability to meet the standards and do work creditable to any oth er men." Credit, is given to such white leaders as Dr. James H. Dillard, Julius Rrsenwald, and John D. Rockefeller, Jr. But "the finest per sonal contributions are by negroes. For the progress made they them selves deserve more credit than the white philanthropists or friends who have helped. “Emancipation is not finished. There are still many negro chil dren without adequate schools. There are still white people who do not b':’*eve, and there are negroes not yet awakened There arc dif ficult adjustments to be made ih the lutur,#. But emancipation goes on. Progress lias been made—de termined men and women are still , ,ving then lives in this effort to emancipate colored people and white people from the slavery of ignorance, poverty, fear. and lintred.’’ EXECUTORS NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I have this dav qualified as executor of the will of Mrs. M. A. Origg. late of Cleveland county. N. C All per sons having claims- against said estate are hereby notified to pres ent them to me properly proven for payment on or before February 9, 1930. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons Indebted to said estate will make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This February 9, 1929. DAVID A. BEAM. Executor of the will of Mrs. M.' A. Grigg, deceased. Rvburn & Hoey. Attys. * W, WEBB & WEBB — REAL ESTATE — Farms and City Property Sec GEO. P. or E. L. WEBB UNION TRUST BLDG. SHELBY — Telephone 451-J — — FLOWERS Corsages. Bouquets and Funeral Desirns a Special* i ty. Complete line of Cut I Flowers. s SHELBY FLOWER 1 SHOP ) — PHONE 586 — ‘Say It With Flowers”— The Gift Supreme. t I “Say A ' ' Did The Watch Cause Ghosts To Haunt The Albemarle Man? (Charles McSwain In Stanly News Herald.) While in an Albemarle man's office on a matter of business a few days ago I noticed that my watch had stopped. Desiring to know' the time, I asked him If he would look at his watch and tell me. The words were scarcely out of my mouth, before I noticed that the expression on his face had changed. lie had turned a sickly pallor, and his eyes glared fierce ly. Thinking that he had prob ably suffered an attack of heart trouble, I was somewhat alarmed and. springing to my feet, said: “What's the matter?” "You know what's the matter, he gasped, piercingly, "Who told you?" Getting a hold on myself, l re plied: "You talk like a crazy man to me; I don't know wieit's the mat ter, and nobody has told me any thing? What do you mean?" He motioned me back to my seat and said something about that he imagined someone had been blab bing to me when I asked him to look at his watch and tell me the time. Said he had never carried a watch since he was twenty-three years old and never expected to carry one any more. Continuing, the man said that lie didn't mind telling me about It, providing I would never mention his name in connection with the affair. I promised, and he began talking In subtance, his story was ns follows: When' this Albemarle man was twenty-three years of age, lie was courting a girl who lived with her father in a certain section of the country. The girl was accomplish ed and exceptionally handsome and the man loved her. And that's where the trouble started. Her father, a middle aged man was exceedingly eccentric, being something. of a philosopher and student of the cccult. From the first, he didn't like the Albemarle man. and contrived several schem es to break up the courtship, all of which were failures. However, he did succeed In persuading his daughter to wait on the theory that he was too old for her to mar ry and leave him. Then without warning the old fellow seemed to grow reconciled to the state of affairs and told the man to visit his daughter as often as he wished. Christmas came and the old man presented toe Albemarle man with a watch, one that he had used for years. A relative had sent It to him from India, years ago. "I accepted the watch, natural ly," said the Albemarle man, "thinking that the old fellow' had taken a real liking to me." A few weeks later, the old man was taken seriously ill and died shortly thereafter. The girl liv ed on at the home place with an old negro servant who had been j in the family for years. The Al , bemarle man continued his visits. He and the girl were planning to be married in May. Automobiles and buggies were not so plentiful in those days, so the Albemarle man walked when he went to see his sweetheart. It happened that the trail split an old cemetery wide open, that he had to go through In order to reach the girl's home. Well, one dank, dark night when he was re turning home after spending a pleasant evening with his sweet heart. something occurred at. the cemetery. Just as the Albemarle man ap proached the old cemetery, he saw an object that appeared to be an old man. sitting atop cne of the grave markers. It looked at him out of two great fircy eyes while little shatts of blue blazes shot forth from all parts of Its body. Straightway, the Albemarle cit izen dashed off on a run, leaving the cemetery behind. As he ran. he looked back over his shoulder, and the Thing was following him. From time to time It would reach forth two blazing shafts of fire that resembled arms, trying to catch him. * The Albemarle man ran until he was almost dead, but he remem bered that there was a small stream only a short distance on ahead, and so got his second wind, and didn't die. The Thing made another grab for him lust as he was getting ready to jump the brook, scorching his clothes, Bui the minute the Albemarle man was on the other side of the water the Thing changed from a bright, burning fire to a dim, bluish col or, and then disappeared complete ly Further on down the trail, it be gan raining. Rained as though a second deluge was in progress. The Albemarle man was wet to the skin, and the Weather being cold, he was chilled to the bone. Looking ahead, he suddenly ob served a woman walking down the trail, carrying an umbrella. "I suppose I was somewhat dazed anyway,” lie said, "and the first thought that entered my ‘ Accordingly I hurried up and head was to overtake the woman and walk under that umbrella.” stepped under, saying, "Madam, may I carry your umbrella?” The Albemarle man declares the moment he looked at the woman after taking hold of the umbrel la, he was greatly nauseated, be cause she had no head, and her neck was dripping blood. Hence, another race ensued. The man was successful again, how ever, due to the fact that there was another brook to cross. A ghost cannot cross a stream of water. Just why this is so, I don't know, but all authorities are in agreement that it is true. The man who related this story said it was a fact. Well, according to the Albemarle man, he had several other similar experiences at the old cemetery and with the headless woman. But he never mentioned it to his sweet heart. It so happened, however, that on one occasion when he went to see his girl that she didn't have a fire in the parlor. Neither was she dressed for receiving company. So while he was waiting the old negro came in and started to kin dle a fire. And as luck would have it. the Albemarle man took the old darky into his confidence and told her all about the Things he had been seeing. "Didn't de ole boss gib you his watch dat he got frum Indy 'fore he died?" asked the old negro, af ter the man had finished. "Why yes" answered the Albe marle man “but what's that got to do with all these ghosts I've been seeing?" “Jes dis," replied the old negro, rolling the white of his eyes, “you got rid of dat watch and you ain't gwine be pestered wtd no mo' ghosts.” The Albemarle man declares that he droped the watch in the well at his sweetheart's home that night, just as he wa^ leaving the house. He was never bothered with any more ghosts. To the con trary, Cupid was with him, for he and his sweetheart were married shortly thereafter. They are still married, tut he never carries a watch. In fact, you had better never mention watch to this man. Star Advertising Pays Out of Coma Photo show's Noll. Kmcher, 17, of Deri hi, N. who was unconscious for 230 hours, after being injured in a bas ketball game. Doctor;; say that she, has a good chance for re ooverv.-Plioto , by Interna tiona! Newsreel. B. G. Yarboro To Remodel Home. Phillip Carpenter Buys Land And Home. Personals. (Special to The Star. Toluca. ,Feb. 21.—Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Pry, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Wllkcrson and family, some of the road overseers, nave moved into the house just vacated by Mr. Dennis Sain on Dr. F. D. Edward’s place. Mr. B. G. Yarboro lias let the con tract to Houser and Beam to re remodel and build more to his house. Mr. Philip Carpenter has pur chased several acres of land and a house on it from Mr. D. C. Car penter’s part of the John Cline place where Mr. John Swink lived for many years. Mr. Carpenter is now living at Fallston but is ex pected to move soon. Mr. Flay Carpenter attended a party last Saturday night of friends in Shelby. Mrs. T. J. Vickers and little son Jacob of Shelby spent a few days the past week with her rarents Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Carpenter. Mr. Efird Bingham has been real sick for the past several days but is a little better at this writing. Also Mrs. Texle Bowles is sick with tonsilitis. We hope for them a speedy recovery. Mrs. S. A. Sain was a dinner guest of Mrs. T. J. Vickers of Shel by on last Wednesday. Messrs. S. T. Carpenter, Ambrose, and Jake Hoyle, Charlie Burns and others have been on a big fox hunt in the eastern part of the state the past week. Mr. L. M. Williams of Catawba county spent a few days the past week visiting in Toluca and Knob creek. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Boyles visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Burt Sain last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Self spent last Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Bingham. | Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Young and i family visited at the home of Mr. Young's brother, Mr. George E. Young of Lowell. Also visiting at the home of Mrs. Young’s brother, Mr. J. H. Hicks of Belmont on last Sunday. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the last will and testament of J. J. Kistler, late of Cleveland county, North Carolina, all persons hold ing claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same properly proven before me at Shel by, N. C., an or before the 15th day of February, 1930, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any right to recover thereon. All persons In debted to the said estate will make immediate payment to the under signed. This the 15th day of February, 1929. ZIMRI KISTLER, Executor of J. J. Kistler's will, B. T. Falls, Attorney. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of P. P. Ivester, de ceased, late of Cleveland county, North Carolina, this is ro notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased ti_ exhibit them to the undersigned at Shelby, N. C.. on oi before the 14th, day of January, 1930, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This 14th, day of January, 1929. FRANK L. HOYLE, Admin istrator of P. P. Ivester, Deceased. SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY As administratrix of the estate of J. E. Champion, deceased, I will of fer for sale all the personal prop erty belonging to said estate, con sisting of one tractor, two mules, farming implements of all kinds, two wagons, etc., about 50 bushels ! of corn, and other things of value, to the highest bidder for cash at 2 o'clock p. m. on Saturday, March 9, 1929, at the home place of the late J. E. Champion, just west of Cleve land Mills (the Peeler place) in Cleveland county, N. C. MRS. J. E. CHAMPION, Ad ministratrix. 3t -(A TRUSTEE’S NOTICE. 4- r.- . , As trustee in deed of assignment made by Pat& Wellmon for the benefit of his creditors, this is to hereby notify Ail persons having claims against said Paul Wellmon, to file same properly itemized and verified with me withfck sixty days from date; and thisjB to further notify all persons indebted to safd Paul Wellmon to make immediate payment to me of such indebted ness. CHAS. iC HOEY, Trustee. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. Having qualified as executor of the will of Eliza Hord, deceased, late of Cleveland county, Nor. i Carolina, this Is to notify all per sons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Shelby, N. C., properly itemized and veri fied, on or before the 25th day of January, 1930, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 25th day of January, MAYNARD WASHBURN, Executor. Newton & Newton, Attys. » NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND. Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred by deed of trust by Mrs. Ola Smith, (widow) to the First National Bank ol Durham. N C., trustee, dated May 1, 1928, and recorded in oook 150, page 229. Cleveland county registry, the First National Bank of Durham, N. C.,1 trustee, will on March 21, 1929, at 12 o'clock >1. at the court house door in Cleve land county, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the following described property: Beginning at a stake on the south edge of Elm street, the north east corner of lot No. 13 and runs thence with the south edge of Elm street south 55 east 70 feet to a1 stake in said street; cornet of the j Gidney property; thence with the Gianey property south 2.51 west 170 feet to an iron stake; thence north 65.47 west 63.5 feet to an iron stake; thence north 65.47 west *3.5 feet to an iron stake in the line of lot No. 13: thence with the line of lot No. 13, north 3.15 east 188 feet to the place of beginning Same being lot No. 14 the B. F. Curtis development known as Sun rise Terrace, a plat of which de velopment is of record in the office of the register of deeds of Cleve land county, N. C. in book of plats No. 1 at pagL 57, and being that deeded t) Mrs. Ola Smith by Cif recorded book 3-W %t page 4 in the oiflce of the register deeds oi Cleveland county, Noi Carolina reference to which d and plat v> hereby made for furt er identification and description. This Mic is nade oa account default la the payment of indebtc ness secured by the sa:d deed trust. This 14th day of February, 192 FIRST NATIONAL BANK G DURHAM. Trustee. W. S. Lockhart, Atty., Durham, N. GROWING! GROWING! GROWING! Nearly Forty Ambitious, Forward-looking Students Are Now Enrolled In Day And Night Schools of The Carolina Commercial College | 15-19 Woolworth Bldg. Shelby, N.C. j They are enthusiastic, too, confident that they have made { the right start toward Growth and Advancement. READ THEIR COMMENTS: “Shorthand is fascinating. I love it.’' — “Another perfect page is Touch Typewriting. Never thought I could do it.” — “This is the first time I have ever enjoyed going to school.” — “Yes, I understand everything we have had in Book keeping—including the Trial Balance, Profit and Loss Statement and Balance Sheet.” — “The work is more interesting every day.” — “This Business Englisl is great stuff. Just what we need.” — “I can see big improvement in my Penman- V ship already.” — “I’ll be able to sell bug gy whips in Detroit after I finish this Salesmanship course.” ARE YOU GROWING? If not, look out! Soon you will Stag nate. Next, Deteriorate. Then, Stand I Aside, while someone else—better prepa red—Steps Ahead. Decide Now to Grow, Yourself. “The secret of success is to be prepared for opportunity when it comes. I Our superior, specialized training will guarantee your Growth in practical knowledge and skill; prepare you in a short time for a better position and larger salary Our rates are reasonable—lower th an rates in larger cities. And you pay by the month, instead of six months in advance, elsewhere. t MAIL THIS TODAY I I CAROLINA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 15-19 WOOLWORTH BLDG., SHELBY, N. C. I want to Grow in business knowledge and skill. Please let me know your tuition rates, etc. ‘ NAME.... St. or R. F. D. ______ 5 City and State___ < AT AUCTION! THE J. K. BRIDGES ESTATE Thursday, February 28th, 11:00 A. M. NEAR MOORESBORO, N. C. 164 Acre Farm located on Highway No. 120 near Highway 20, with several good sand clay roads running through the farm. This farm has been subdivided into 6 small farms and has three good house, with barn, and outbuildings. The entire farm is well watered, ha, a quantity of good t™W and the most fertile land .n^tsection i»f Uie coun This wonderful property goes under the Auction Hammer on the above date for a division among the heirs. NO FIXED PRICE—NO STRINGS—YOUR PRICE IS OUR LICE. COME AND BE WITH US. __ V FREE—$25.0 O IN GOLD BAND CONCERT LIBERAL TERMS TO BE ANNOUNCED ON DAY OF SALE. Everybody invited to attend this sale. Sale to be conducted at the the home place. J. B. NOLAN CO. Inc •9 \ COLS. RUSH and NOLAN, Auctioneers. J. K. BRIDGES HEIRS, Owners. SELLING AGENTS — SHELBY. N. C. rABAl

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