Y ou Don't N eed Sin for Thrills Says Uldine Utley, Girl Evangelist fWtoY n* 111, n I nni’n know. IThen Ruth Rolling, 10. year-old Brockton, Moss., high school girl, teas held in $3,000 hail on two charges of burglary, a great furore teas raised. The case called attention to the high jinks of a group of high school hays and girls who are alleged to have stolen to get spending money and also to hare staged risque bathing parties at a local swimming pool. Judge Rmce of Bockton issued a catching condemnation of business men icht> ap peared drunk in front of high school students and who con tributed to the delinquency of youths. Miss Utley has taken the Bolling case as her text for this article. ties and the like. Does not this girl offer a terrible illustration of the proverb that "an idle brain is the devil’s workshop"? A mind filled with clean thoughts and occupied with useful deeds would not have stoop toi burglary for a thrill. 'Hath Bolling, Brockton, Mast., High School Girl Who la Accused of Burglary to Get a Thrill. Twice a year young men and women are especially exposed to the temptations of the world—at the begin I HAVE been told that in Brockton, Mass., a wealthy young girl has been held for burglary. fcjhe rays •he did it for a thrill, having tasted of the thrills of midnight petting parties, drunken orgies, shocking bathing par A Modern Madonna ning and end of college terms. It seems to mo that the temptation is less in bummer, when Nature offers her pure companionship. But the Winter season finds thousands of young people who have been graduated or dropped from college, and who are seeking a job or profession, or settling into social life. It is Iks boys and girls lilts you that I want to ask this question! Are you going to yield yourself to Divine guid ance in shaping yonr life or are you going to begin your adult life in a prison cell because you tried burglary for a thrill? In this time of perplexity it is well to remember that we are all clay on the wheel of the Divine Potter. It is up to us to let Him shape us into a vessel of beauty and service, or to spoil His work by stubbornly retaining the grit and stiffness of uncleansed clay. Jeremiah, the Prophet, tells us: “Tho potter wrought a work on the wheels. And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter; so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it” Then the Lord said, “01 house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? As the clay is in the potter’s hand, so arc yo in mine hands, O! house of Israel.” . In the time of Jeremiah the first thing a potter did was to pick up lumps of clay, lay them on a table and wash out the grit and rock and sand. When we come to the first tablf oi the Divine Potter, we are just like the unrefined piece of clay brought^ in from tho mountainside. We are filled with the rock of unbelief, with the grit oi sin, with the sand of failure. The Divine Potter, like the human, takes his lump of clay, and splash it goc: into a big tubful of water. Don’t you think that a good manj of you are foundering in that tub ol water? The Divine Potter ha* to wa»li hi* clay thoroughly. With Hi* owr hand* He waihe* out the sand anc grit and remove* the rock out of th< clay until it i* thoroughly washed. Sometimes the human pieces of claj cry out and say, “Oh, Master, I an just a dirty piece of clay 1 1 can nevei be a beautiful vessel like that persor They have lived such beautiful lives 1 Lord, I cannot become like theml I am only a rough piece of clay.” The cry of the clay must be : “Create in me a clean heart!’’ Ofttimes there are bubble* in the clay. These must be taken out. Do you know that there are bubbles in human clay? The process of eliminating: bubbles is called “treading: the clay,” and is very hard work We can almost hear the sound of the paddle wielded in the hands of the Divine Potter as Ho "treads out” tho clay. It comes down blow after blow upon the clay as it lies upon the table. The bubbles are being taken out. First one bubble comes out and then another, und the clay sinks and be comes more malleable. Once the lump looked all puffed up and rounded out and beautiful. Now it keeps going down and down. Have you over had that oxporionco? Soma have. Tho Divino Pottar puts a lump of human clay on tho tablo and begins to tako out its selfish desires and ambitions until thoro is nothing loft of thorn. It is a hard process. After treading the clay the potter places it upon a great wheel. The human clay, like that on the potter’s table, is no longer hard and stiff by the time it is placed on the wheel. It has learned how to submit. On his wheel the potter moulds the clay. The vessel must be as beautiful within as it is without. If the clay moves faster than the wheel it falls off. Just so the human clay cannot run ahead of the "Divine Potter nor lag behind Him. You must walk ac cording to His ways. The potter cuts away and smooths down defects in the vessel. Just so the Lord will make us a beautiful vessel of service if we are wielded in His haads. Remember, He tells us He Is the Potter; we are the clay. VINDICATED rhit Striking Sculpture, "Virgin of the \nnunciation,” by the Eminent Artist, 5. Bieler-Waugh, Started a Violent Controversy Over the Question of Its Esthetic M«?r*t* and Pietistic Propriety Vhen Displayed in the Paris Autumn ioIan. The Consensus of Expert Opinion Was That It Is a Dignified, if “Advanced,” Piece of Carving. J—* NCUOACHMENTS on traditional art forms always meet with vio lent opposition. This is true of secular subjects, but doubly emphatic whenever the question of piety is in ruded, no matter how admirable the atentions of the artist may have been. Paris, certainly no narrow-minded ity, was recently rent by a vigorous ispute over the propriety of exhibiting m the Autumn Salon a statue by S. Uiehler-Waugh, eminent sculptor, en litled “Virgin of the Annunciation.” it was pointed out that the carving night bo criticized on the score that ■he figure was “unnatural” and too long, and that the hands resembled those of an Egyptian mummy. But brilliant pamphleteer^, railing to the artist’s defense, rejoined that the vv hole aspect and attitude of the statue vns extraordinarily reverential and the ace’s calm beauty atoned for any ‘modernity” that might be resented otherwise. Mr. Biehler-Waugh's ad mirers, outnumbering his antagonists, Inally won out. 1 Z'AOl. Loyalty Hustling cL“e Horse Sense Will Prevail Says Schulte. Who Has Only a Feu Rules David a. schtjlte i» om of th« phenomenal self-made successes of our day. He began at the elbow end of a broom in the cigai store of a relative in the Pulitzei building, on Park Row. New York Today he controls the A. Schulte ;igar Stores, the United Cigar Stores. Vivaudou toilet manufacturies. Park ind Tilford, Alfred Dunhill, some mail irder 6tores, sundry cigar factories hd some of the best real estate in undreds of cities. Asked why men fail, his answer litly crackled with speed. ‘‘Lack of interest," he said, and there as a sermon in the three quick words He built his original chain of stores .y roving about the city of New York iguring out where the most customers for smoking materials passed each day -and where they would pass tomor •ow. As the city grew, he had cigar tores on the right corners. "I have never started anything ew,” he said. “I have only developed .Id thing*. It is not neeeaaary to wait .intil aomething new ' come* along— like the motor car, or movie, or radio in order to find opportunity. Oppor tunity is not dead. Opportunities ex iat everywhere, in every business, for those who can see. Nor does oppor tunity await only genius." “What sort of men can succeed? vVhat sort would you prefer to hire?” .Schulte was asked. “After all,” he said, “1 want a smart DAVID A. SCHULTE Who Rose from the Elbjw End of a Broom to the Control of Businesses Worth Million* of Dollar*. man rather than a brilliant man. I put there qualities above all others, that a man must be— “First, loyal. f "Second, a hard worker. "Third, have common tense. "The most brilliant man in the world is not worth much unless he has these three things. I put brilliancy be low these qualities. On one occasion I avoided hiring a very brilliant lawyer What Do You Know— i About Famous Stones? 1. Where are the crown jewels of England kept? 2. What famous ruby is among this collect ion f 3. What great diamond is in Queen Mary’s crown t ti. What diamond is known at the “Slar of Africa”t o. What became of this stonef ti. Have the crown jewels ever been stolen t 7. Name some other famous diamonds of the world. ANSWERS. 1. lit the jewel house of the Tower of London, one of the most strongly guarded places of the world. 2. The ruby which belonged to the Black Prince in 136J and which is as large as an egg.' Henry V wore it at the battle of Agincourt It is now in the crown df King George V. 8. The Koh-i-noor, which the East India Company presented to Queen Victoria in 1850. 4. The Cullinan diamond presented to Edward VII by the Government of the Transvaal. It was the largest dia mond in the world and originally weighed 8,024 carats. 5. In 1908 the diamond was divided into nine largo stones and several small brilliants. Of these latter the first and second are the largest bril liants in existence. 6. During the reign of Charles II, Colonel Blood, a notorious Irish ad venturer, headed a band which broke into the jewel house and stole the crown jewels. They were finally cap tured. 7- The Great Mogul, the Regent or Pitt Diamond, the Nassak Diamond, the Hope Diamond. Oopjmgtit. 19-9. iaiwotuaui Fttturt 04 These are the qualities Mr. Schulte says he putt above all others to make a man successful i He must be loyal { He must be a icorkerf He must have common sense. because in a conference he dominated the conversation when he should have been learning by listening. He was brilliant, but lacked common sense. “1 prefer a smart man who has ap plication and common sense; and 1 believe that sort succeed. "But to success} at anything, yon must have salesmanship. Salesmanship is bat another word for confidence. To sell goods, or yonr personality, yon have to establish confidence. f "The successful doctor must have salesmanship. One doctor may have ability but fail to sell himself to you; while another of equal or less medical knowledge may give you identically the same medicine or the same treat ment, and because he has inspired the confidence which causes you to follow his directions implicity and believe in him, he will cure you more quickly. “You go to one lawyer because your mind is entangled in difficulties, and you may leave more bewildered than ever. You go to another who has no greater legal knowledge and you come away feeling certain that he will take the load off your shoulders and straighten your affairs out perfectly. “A teacher needs salesmanship: she must sell herself to her pupils. To be successful, a parent needs salesman ship: you must sell yourself to you? own child- -even that. “In this broad sente, salesmanship, the establishment of confidence, is the basic element of success, in life or in business." HOW TO DRESS WELL ■ By ANNE U. STILLMAN, Wif* of the Millionaire Ranker. Tut dinner dress is one tnnt lew of us pay much attention to— but we should! You hear a wo man say to a saleswoman I have to have a dinner dress—and the saleswoman says: “What kind do you want?’’ Usually the woman answers, “Oh, 1 don’t care—show mo what you have.” This seems to be a habit of every woman—unless she’s a professional vamp. Then sha knows that in this dress sha often attracts the most atten tion—it is the dress in which she perhaps has the first op portunity of creating an im pression, and first impres sions are so important. But the professional vamp is really rare compared with the great mass of women who say, "Oh, 1 don't care—show me what you have.” 1 am convinced that not nearly enough attention is paid to the dinner dress. It is the dress in which you dine with your friends, mother and relatives usually. And heaven help you if you are a mess! They will look you over thor oughly—for it is the only moment in the day when there is any Perhaps the hardest dress to find is the be coming, attractive and really chic dinner dress with a new idea in it All the ideas seem so old and worn in regard to the classic dinner dress. Yet this season I think there is a new idea —for in the new eve ning mode has been in troduced the long sweep ing back line—or the long side line. This is graceful and adds dig nity, making the entrance into a room something bet ter than it was in the glit tering, short, sportslike cos tume of the past that was so popular for evening wear. I There Is a sway to long lines that is flattering and which also adds a new feminine charm. These longer lines also flatter the feet and legs—that, alas, have not been flattered in the past—that had to speak for themselves, poor dears. i « uvii aiiww wucic uiu evening dress is going—but it is on its way somewhere and in a most in teresting direction. For after all a dinner dress should really not be a glorified sports costume. 1..../JnwWwBroWWwl Stunning Dinner Drew Combine* Satin with Black Tulle in a Graceful Manner. White Gardenia* Drop from tka Shoulder Strap and the Bouffant Bow Outline* tho Waist. The World's Largest Dog ALASKAN wolfhounds, celebrated in story and song, have many remarkable achievements to their credit, but it has remained for Ilak, one of their breed, to attain a unique distinction. „ He is si* feet, two and a half inches tall when he stands upright and is declared by canine experts to be without doubt the largest dog in the world. An accurate estimate of his extraor dinary size can be made by contrasting his imposing-proportions with those of the tiny miss, Josephine Harrison, one of his warmest admirers, who is caress ing him. Ilak’s name, taken from an Eskimo expression, means, “I like you," which Is appropriate, for, despite his strength and apparent ferocity of expression, he is in reality the gentlest of dogs Other Alaskan dogs who have made the first page because of their feats include ‘‘Nigger," the four-footed hero who crossed a 4,000-foot mountain range in a blizzard, with the tempera ture 40 degrees below zero, to save the life of his master, and Baldy of Nome, grandson of the illustratious dog of the same name who distinguished himself by demonstrating his ability to pul) a half ton alone and un aided Both these animals are widely popular, but, because of his physinue, Ilak is likely to surpass them in'popu lar estimation. GENTLE MONSTERi TINY FRIEND Charocteriatic Photo of Halt, Aluku Wolfhound, Who, Whoa Standing. Meaaurea 6 Foot, 2 H Inchoa, Picturoa with Joaephino Harriaon, Hla Noighbog By Clare Murray, New Girl Poet-Artist DEEP WELLS. I)rnr, 1 am grateful for those harsh words. Your sharp invectives hurled at me, Like dagger points That bruised and made me bleed, Have roused me from my lethargy and sloth. Speak on. Though unawares you found me For the moment backing in dim half-light When 1 should have sought the sun— / still aspire. Those stones you threw Have stirred my pools of thought So I am glad. . . Yet underneath their surface There are wells of being Still untouched Calm as the bed of the ocean When a storm churns the waves above. Th<$se wells lie still But they can gush in a geyser Splendid and sparkling, Dancing in fairy mist And rainbow radiance. I wonder if stones can stir Them also from slumber . . rtioft. Lno- Grtat Britain BigbU a«Mrt*L DRAMATIC SYMBOLISM Below ia • perfect example of Miaa Murray’a art aynchronizinf with her verae—marked by aimplicity and terrific dramatic expreaaireneaa and power'. Those Wells Lie Still, Bat They Can Cash in a GeyeeB* —l r

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