10 PAGES TODAY VOL. XXXV, No. 25 THE CLEVELAND STAR SHELBY, N. C. WEDNESD’Y, FEB. 27,1929. Published Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Afternoons By mail, per year (In advance) >2.50 Cartier, per year (in advance) $SM / ■s.** LATE NEWS The Markets. Cotton, Shelby .___... 19>,$c Cotton Seed, bu__70',fcc Rain Thursday. V/ Today's North Carolina Weather Report: I’robably rain tonirffit and Thursday. Benny Mack Gets 20 Years. Benny Mack, young puglist, of Charlotte, Dn trial for the murder of W. R. Moore, landscape artist, seas found guilty today around noon in the Mecklenburg superior court and was given a 20 year sen tence'in the state penitentiary by Judge Stack. Pass Compensation. The state senate in Raleigh last night passed the workmen’s com pensation art after several amend ments were added. The hill provides for an industrial commission of three to hear and act on all claims by workmen. * Eight Months School Bill Is Dead By Change New Measure Provides For Six Months Term And Equili V xation Fee of $6,500,000. Raieigh, Feb. 26.—Providing for an equalization fund of $6,500,000, j with retention of the six months term and a reduction of ad valorem taxes to a maximum of 28 cents, v a substitute for the MacLean eight month school bill was adopted in the house at 12:07 this morning by a vote of 59 to 58. Further con sideration was expected to be de layed as the house ordered the substitute printed for the informa tion of the members. The vote came at the end of a four-hour session. Representatives Hancock of Gran ville, Harris of Person and Moss of Nash sponsored the substitute for the MacLean bill, which had passed second reading Friday night by a vote of almost two to *ne. The original bill, according to its au thor, Representative Angus D. Mac w Lean of Beaufort, would require an equalization fund of $10,000,000, and would have limited the property tax to 40 cents on the $100. New Bill Provisions. The substitute provides an equal ization fund of $6,500,000 for the first year of the biennium, and $7,000,000 for the second year. For this purpose, the budget commission recommended $5,000,000 yearly for the next two years, which wa* an increase of $750,000 over the current equalizing fund. Under the provisions of the Han "* cock-Moss-Hargett measure, the state equalization board would be empowered to make investigations of the administration of the school with a view to effecting economies. * Local Militiamen Get A Fine Rating From U. S. Inspector Company K, the Shelby unit of the national guard, was given what is termed in army inspection a per fect rating at the annual inspection last night by Capt. Page, U. S. A. and Major Dempsey, of the inspec tor-general's headquarters. It is the best inspection rating yet accorded the company and the young fellows making up the outfit are Justified in their elation. Officers of the outfit are Peyton McSwain, captain, and Mike H. Austell and H. C. Long, lieutenants. Among the many visitors who were present for the inspection last night were two former captains of the local militia, Sheriff Hugh Logan and Capt. J. Frank Jenkins. Public Radios Here To Broadcast Fight Both the McCords, of the Shelby Hardware company, and Montgom ery Ward and company announced this morning they would broadcast the Sharkey-Stribling fight to night. * The radios of both firms will be heard at their respective stores, the one to the north and one to the south on LaFayette street. And in addition to that Montgomery Ward will put in an instrument at the “Smokehouse,” Casey’s old place. The fact was announced Monday that Pendleton will also put the big noise on the air. Mr. McCarley Under Operation In Atlanta R. J. McCarley who operate the cotton, grain and stock exchange here for Outz and Slack, underwent * an operation in Atlanta, Ga„ hos pital yesterday. Mr. McCarley had been in Atlanta for a week or two undergoing treatment for an inter i nal trouble from which he $»{d been a 1«V •llMerer. i j Poston To Be Acting Police Chief Here Formal Resignation Turned In Yesterday By Chief Richards, Effective Friday. Beginning- Friday, March 1, Po liceman McBride Poston, veteran officer of the Shelby force, will be come acting chief of the local po lice department succeeding the present chief, A. L. Richards. Verifying a report published by The Star some days back. Chief Richards Monday filed his formal resignation with Mayor W. N. Dor sey and it was accepted. Shake-Up On. Although very little Information is being formally given out at the City Hall, rumors indicate that there may be other changes in the police department. This is further indicated by the statement of May or Dorsey in saying that "Begin ning on the first, Policeman Poston will be acting chief of the police department.” By this statement it cannot be told whether Poston, If he proves a success as acting chief, will eventually be made the regu lar chief or not. It may be that Poston will act as chief until the end of the present administration as the municipal election is not so many weeks off. Reports yesterday about the up town section had it that other changes in the force had already been made, or would be made, but these reports were not verified by the mayor although he Indicated that, such could happen. .Just where Chief Richards plans to locate he has not stated as yet, but close friends of the officer who leaves the force Friday stated sev eral days back, when mention was first made about his resignation, that he was considering another position. An Ex-Service Man. The new acting chief, known to the city as “Mac,” is the oldest member of the city force from point of service in the blue uniform al though he is in years still a young man. During the World war he served overseas and had a good service record. In addition to serv ing on the police force here he has been a member oFThe police force at Kings Mountain, and at one time years ago was a guard on the No. 6 gang. Since he has been advanc ed to acting chief by Mayor Dor sey it is recalled by friends that the police head and the new sheriff, who goes into office soon, should be able to work together due to past acquaintance when Poston served under Chief Irvin Allen on the Kings Mountain force. Forest City Youth Gets Sand Bagged Says Strangers Beat Him After Getting Gasoline And Be* fusing To Pay. Forest City. Feb. 26.—Adelaide Peeler, 20-year-old son of John Peeler of the Mount Pleasant com munity, sand bagged Monday by two unidentified men who refused to pay him for some gasoline that they had bought from him, return ed to his home from the Ruther ford hospital today after undergo ing treatment. Young Peeler, who is. a student at the high school here and who was captain of this year’s football team, was found lying in the road in an unconscious condition yester day by a school bus driver. When he was still in an unconscious con dition yesterday afternoon he was taken to the hospital. No Fracture. Examination revealed that he had suffered no body injuries but that he was severely bruised about, the head where he was struck by the sand bag. Young Peeler re mained in a semi-conscious state until this morning. Shortly before noon he was able to give officers a I connected and coherent account of the affair. Wljile waiting for the school bus, two young men in a roadster stop ped and inquired if they might purchase a little gasoline from him. Young Peeler went to the car shed nearby and drew out a half gallcn of gar which was put in the strangers’ car. Halted. They made preparations to leave w knout paying him for it and one of the men started the car. Feeier reached Inside and cut off the switch. As he did that* one of the men struck .him with a knife, cut ting his arm and his coat along the arm and lapel. Peeler hit him with his fists and as he did this the other man struck him over the head with the sand bag. the men told Peeler they were Georgians. Their car bore a Geor gia .license plate. To date the po lice have no clues that would lead to the arrests of the assailants. Retiring Chief Police Chief A. L. Richards (above) who resign* March 1 as head of the Shelby police department, stated today that he was not prepared as yet to make a definite announce ment as to his new position, but in timated that he might remain in Shelby, as he declared that he had made scores of friends during his 20 months here and considered Shelby the friendliest and most co operative town he ever lived in. Announcement as to what he plans to do will likely be made in a few days, he said, in expressing his ap preciation of the many courtesies extended him as chief by the clti sens of the town. Hammett, Famous Track Star, Will Become A Minister Boiling Springs Athletic Director To Enter Ministry He An nounces There. According to a report reaching The Star, Coach H. G. Hammett, athletic director at the Boiling Springs college, is planning to en ter the ministry, and will soon take up studies with that aim. Conch Hammett, former star ath lete at Furman university in South Carolina, has become a track star of national fame since coming to Boiling Springs by reason of track records established by him in track training events for the Olympic games at New York. Youth Being Held At Kingr Mountain On Car Theft Claim Stole Car Mo That He Might Visit Sick Mother In Greensboro, He Says. Kings Mountain.—Far away in Burmingham. Hubert Williams, 22, received word that his mother in Greensboro was ill. The boy’s mother was low. He had no method of making the long trip home to his mother's bedside. Unless— Hubert watched a lady in the Alabama town park her car, and enter a store. When she had dis appeared he got in and drove away, headed for Greensboro. His problem was solved, It appeared. Buf cars need gas. And gas costs money. When he arrived at Kings Mountain and tried to buy gas with only 50 cents in his pocket, officers became suspicious. That is the story Hubert Williams told after his arrest here for steal ing a car belonging to R. M. Gar row, of Atlanta. He readily admits his guilt. And while his mother continues ill, presumably, Williams is being held here for Alabama officers. Little Hope For French War Leader Physicians See Little Hope For Recovery Of 77-Year-Old War Leader . Paris, Feb. 26.—Marshal Ferdi nand Foch tonight was said to be slowly sinking from an illness with lung, heart and kidney complica tions, with apparently little hope of recovery. His five physicians will consult again tomorrow afternoon. Two of them regard the case as virtually hopeless. The three others said the spirit of the game old fighter might carry the battle along for some time. This Mst campaign of the for mer generalissimo of the allied armies began on January 14. The 77-year-old veteran made several advances against the inroads of disease, but none carried him to a point of safety, although it was hoped only a week ago that he might soon be transferred to the milder climate of southern France. Reward Of$250 Is Oat Now For Kid Hombackle Governor Gardner Add* >100 To >150 Reward Offered Locally. No Clues. The reward for the capture of "Ki(J” Hornbuckle, wanted here on charges of fatally injuring George Scruggs, textile worker Sunday week ago, now totals >250. it wa« announced yesterday by the cd!y police department. Early in the week Governor Max Gardner notified local authorities that the state would add >100 to the >150 reward already offered, and in* formation about the increased to ward has been broadcast to cities and towns throughout the section. One hundred dollars of the origi nal reward Is offered by relatives of the dead man, while the county and city offered a >25 reward each. Unless they have clues which they do not care to make public now, the police department seems to have no trace of Hornbuckle, who apparently left Shelby hurried ly before Scruggs died on Tuesday after he was struck on Sunday. Rotary Play Will Draw Good Crowd Indications are. members ol the club say, that the romantic play, "Captain Applejack," to be given here Thursday night under the aus pices'of the Shelby Rotary club will draw a large crowd. The play is an Arabian night’s adventure and con tains mystery, pirates, treasure, ro mance and what-not. The three-act performance is di rected by Mias Richey, dramatics instructor of Limestone college Gaffney, and the cast is made up of Limestone college girls and mem bers of the Gaffney Rotary club. The proceeds will be for the bene fit of the charity fund of the two service clube, and the program wi# not start until 8:15 so that members' of the Shelby Kiwanis club may at tend after their weekly meeting. .I k I. Twenty-two Die In Southern Tornado Village Of Durham Completely J Wrecked And Fourteen Are Memphis, Tenn., Feb. 26—Torna does making an early spring visit to three states left a trail today of 22 dead, scores Injured, a wrecked village and property damage ex ceeding $500,000. At Intervals of a few hours the wind storms dipped down into Northeast Texas, Northwest Mis sissippi and Southeast Arkansas yesterday, striking with greatest fury at Duncan, Miss., where 14 of the 450 population were killed and the village left in wreckage. Man Wed* Widow Of Man He Shot Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 26.—Fred erick Ledbetter, of Antioih, who was acquitted In Baltimore, Md„ January 20 for the murder of Thomas Beatin, was married to the widow of the man killed by Mag istrate H. F. Baker, here Febru ary 18, It was learned today. The slaying occurred In Baltimore when Beatin forced entrance into Ledbetter’s rooms, where his wife was visiting. Ledbetter was acquit ted on a self-defense plea. Mrs. Beatin quietly left Balti more coming to Nashville and married Ledbetter. She was ac companied to Nashville by her three-year-old son. Rooting for Jack Photographed together at Migmi Beach, Fla., for the first time since Tex Rickard’s death, Mrs. Tex Rickard and her daughter Maxine are strong for Jack Dempsey who volun teered his services to put over the Sharkey'StriMing fight which Tex had started. Stribling Carries Fighting Hope Of South In Big Bout Georgian Faces Jack Sharker At Miami At IS Tonight. Shar key Favored. W. L. (Young) Stribiing, veteran boxer despite his youth, tonight carries the lighting hopes of the south thto tfie ring at Miami, where B lithe young Georgian fights ik Sharkey, the Boston gob, in a round bout. Sooth For Strib. Among the sport critics and writ ers Sharkey, considered one of the outstanding heavyweights living, is favored to win over the young Southerner. but in and around Shelby, as is the case all over the south, ihe fans can see no winner except')he Georgia boy and they are yielding nothing until Sharkey proves otherwise. , Over Radio. Hundreds of radio sets in and about Shelby will be tuned in on the big fight tonight. The broad casting from Miami starts at 9:30 but the main bout does not open until 10 o’clock. Bill Munday, the Atlanta newspaperman, who broad cast a portion of the Tech-Califor nia grid game last fall, will share in the announcing. County Historical Society To Be Formed On March 29. there will be a call ed meeting of all parties interested in the formation of the Cleveland Historical association, according to Prof. W. E White, county historian The purpose of the association is to collect the most interesting his tory pertaining to the county and preserve it for the state historical society. Mr. White has set March 29 as the date for this meeting because court week will be on and asks all who are interested to meet here at that time. County Basketball Tourney To Start In 'Ttn Can” Tonight ( _-- ___ Lattimore And Shelby Seem To Be Picked To Win County Cage Trophy. The Cleveland county high school basketball tournament opens in the “tin can” here tonight with a dou ble-header. In the first game of the double header the fast Lattimore quint faces Casar, and in the second con test Shelby and Fallston hook up. On Thursday night Belwood plays Folkville. and Piedmont will clash with Grover. On Friday night the two winning quints of the Wednes day night double-header wtll play the two winning quints of the Thursday night double-header. Then on Saturday night comes the title battle between the two remaining quints for the Rotary championship cup. Among cage fans the Lattimore and Shelby quints are considered the strongest In the tourney, al though the recent showing of the Fallston five In defeating Kings Mountain indicates that the up county boys may spring a surprise tonight and defeat the Morris ^alls outfit. Too, as far as any one knows now, some dark horse In the tourney may come through to the final tilt. Yet the dopsters say that the odds point to Lattimore and Shelby facing each other hi the final game Saturday night. The Shelby quint wont the champion ship cup donated by the club last year. The flat rate admission to all the games will be 25 cents—a cheap price for a double-header—tnsteod of 15 cents as erroneously announc ed in Monday's Star, Using Home Of Mystery Death As Show Place _ Will Charg* Exhibition Tax Oi Renter Of Kin| Home At Sharon. York, Feb. 26.—Evidently the town of Sharon as a town also wants to cash In on the morbidly curious who desire to see the King mystery house. Mayor VV. S. Gibson and Coun cilman O. M. Spurllng have notifted C. E. McGuckln, who has rented the house where Fay Wilson King was found dead, to come to the town clerk's office and pay an ex hibition license McGuckln says he isn't exhibiting a thing. He came here today to consult Hart and Moss, prominent lawyers, to obtain their services in fighting the effort of the town fathers to charge him a license. He understood the mayor wanted to charge him exhibition license of two hundred dollars per day and to close up altogether his rented house on Sundays. McGuckln said the mayor was among those who passed along Sharon street in front of the King residence Sunday but that the mayor did not come on his premises and pay him two bits for coming which he would have charged. Counsel In Case To Fight Change In Venue Foir King York Attorney Say* Shelby Man Can Oct Fair Trial There. Other Counties Read. York.—’‘As I see it now we will strenuously oppose any effort that may be made to obtain change of venue few Rate King,” said John Alexander Marion, of state's coun sel, commenting on staMtnents at tributed to counsel for King to the effect that their client could not obtain fair trial in Yor* county be cause of newspaper stories publish ed concerning the mysterious death of Faye King, with whose murder her husban is charged. "Tile accused can get a fair trial before a York county Jury. I feel sure," said Mr. Marion. "Futher more, intelligent people of Lancas ter. Chester and Fairfield counties also read newspapers and I am cer tain that jurors in those counties, like jurors in York county, return verdicts upon law and evidence they hear in court, and their opin ions previously formed by press ac counts should not bias their ver dicts.’' Shelby Autoist* Race Crack Train Across Southland Here’s a story about a race from Ehelby to New Orleans, between an automobile and the Crescent Lim ited, the crack flyer of the South ern. Two youns men, Dwight Houser and Claude Woke Thompson, left Shelby a certain Thursday after noon. The hour of departure was about three o'clock. The next morning Mr. and Mrs. Z. J. Thompson, parents of Claude Hoke, left Shelby for the Gulf city on the Orescent Limited. When Mr. and Mrs. Thompson reached New Orleans they found the boys al ready there, and quite comfortable after a rest from their strenuous trip. The auto party got to the city Friday night, and Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Saturday morning. In other words, - the boys traveled about as fast as the train, reach ing their destination about as much ahead of It as the elapsed time ze tween the two parties leaving Shel by. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson spent a week hi New Orleans, enjoying the Mardi Gras, and later went to Texas and Oklahoma. They were absent something over two weeks. No Word Received From Monazite Group No information as to the success of their congressional appeal has been received here as yet from the delegation which left Sunday for Washington to ask the ways and means committee to place a duty on foreign monazite so that the mineral might be mined here again profitably. Those in the delegation were H. Clay Cox, of Shelby, W. H. Alexander, of Oaffney, and Fred Hamrick, of Rutherfordton. Since the delegation left the state mining engineer at Raleigh has announced that a monazite tariff would do this section very little good as mo6t of the monazite now, used in this country comes Iron. Florida and not from Brazil. Search For Men Who Cracked Safe Here Is Fruitless So Far i Cotton Winner To Be Announced Soon The winner of The Star’s cot ton guessing contest will be an nounced this time next month, as the llnal ginning report for the season of 1928 will be an nounced In March. Several months bark The Star offered a rash prize to the ci^zen of the county guessing nearest the total cotton production in the county's biggest production year. Those who guessed below 51, 000 bales should hold no hope of being the winner. Jackson County To Inspect Church Twenty-Five Pastors And Workers Coming To Cleveland To In Speet Churches. (Special to The Star.t 8ylva, Feb. 24.—On Saturday March 9. ‘a delegation of more thAn twenty Baptist pastors and Sun day-school superintendents and workers of the Tuckaseegee Bap tist association in Jackson county Will leave for a short tour in Cleve land‘county, observing churches and Sunday schools. Leaving Sylva Saturday morning, the party will drive to Kings Moun tain in Shelby. While In Shelby they Will look over the new Sunday school plant recently erected un der the leadership of that princely pn3tor, Dr. Zeno Wall. This is one of the most modem working plants In North Carolina and would be a credit to any city many times the size of Shelby. A visit will then be made to Dou ble Springs, a country church six miles wctt of Shelby, where a real country supper will be served in the basement of the church. There they will observe them in their “Weekly Teachers' Meeting” from 6:30 to 7:45, then drive to Boiling Springs Junior college and attend the annual debate given by one of tr*e literary societies. The visitors will be entertained Saturday night in the homes of the Double Springs people and on Sun day morning will observe them In Sunday school and attend an Asso ciation al Sunday School convention in the afternoon which has been scheduled for that church at two o'clock.. After this meeting the visitors will again turn their faces back toward the beautiful Balsams of Jackson county. The Baptists of Cleveland coun ty are looking forward with a pecu liar Interest to the opportunity of having this band of co-workers as their guests and will dq all within their power to make the visit pleasant. Sunday School Field Worker, A. V. Washburn, who is planning this tour is of the opinion that Sunday school workers might profit as well as farmers and school teachers, by visiting and observing others more. A. V. WASHBURN, District Field Worker. Counterfeit Silver Scattered Now In Shelby, Report Says Mr. C. H. Reinhardt, South Shel by merchant, informed The Star today that it would be v^ll for local merchants and business men to be on the alert for counterfeit money, as such is being scattered now in Shelby. Saturday of last week and this week Mr. Reinhardt says counter feit silver was passed at his and other stores. Counterfeit coins de tected so far are 50-cent pieces and nickels. I -- -- i- - Recitation Contest Is On Here Friday County High School Girls Compete For Annual Honor For Reciting. The Selma Webb Recitation con test for high school girls of Cleve land county will be held in the Central school auditorium here Fri day night bt this week. Just how many girls for the var ious high schools of the county will enter has not been announced. The contest ranks in popularity and age with that of the Hoey oratorical contest, which was held last week. Essays for the Selma Webb essay contest must be in by Friday night of this week, so that they may be turned over to the judges. One Man Hearing Officers Suspect Him Presents Well-Cheek ed Alibi. Loral officer* and special detec* five* employed in the matter have M yet failed to discover a single definite clue as to the identity of the person, or persons, who cracked two safes In Shelby business hoases last Friday night and got away with more than $500 in cash and papers valued at around $1,000 or more to the owners. Early m the week officers hint ed that they Aad some strong sus picions, but so far no arrests have been made as has been erroneously reported about th<* town.1 Tell* Of Time, f One man, it was stated at the city hall today, who heard that officers might be suspicious about his whereabouts on the night of the robberies, came into the office of Mayor Dorsey yesterday and ex plained in seemingly perfect style where he had been every hour aince early Friday unUl Monday mom- p tl ing. During the period he had been in three cities in the state and his alibi checked as to hotel rooms and homes where he stopped, > it was stated. Special Officer. A report today was that a spe cial detective, employed by the rob bed firms, McKnight wholesale grocery and the Ideal ice company, is now working upon the caae and l.as already expressed his opinion that the work was that of experi enced professionals. | Due to the fact that gloves were worn in the safe drilling no finger print clues were left. Farmers To Plant Thousand Acres Pedigreed Seed Coke Pedigreed Seed Company Contract With Local Farmers For Strain No. 2. a contract was signed Here yes terday with Cleveland county farm ers to plant 1,000 acres of new Cleveland Five Strain No. 2 seed for the Coker Pedigreed Seed com pany of HartsviUe. S. C. Seed Jtor planting these 1,000 acres will be shipped into the county at an early date to be ready for the planting season. When the cotton is hai vested, the staple will be ginned on a private gin in order to keep the seed pure and unadulterated for re-sale throughout the cotton belt. During the periods of planting, cultivating and harvesting, experts from the Coker Pedigreed Seed company will be here to supervise the work. Those who signed the contract to plant these seeds are Blanton Brothers, Coleman and Rhyne Doggett, Clyde and Coy Me Swain, R. P. Weathers, Wynn Jones and C. S. Young, landlords who owns property east of Shelby on or next Highway No. 20. Messrs. Hoklns and Clybum, rep resentatives of the Coker Pedigreed Seed company who were here this week from Hartsvtlle to close the contract, say that a variety test will also be conducted on the Blan ton Bros, farm along Highway No. 20 west, the purpose of which is to determine the\ best varieties of seed for this soil and climate. These tests will be properly placarded in order that the public may study the cotton during its growth and maturity. Marriage Business Active At Gaffney The following couples from this section secured marriage license last week at Gaffney, South Carolina: James Cromer and Lois Tess near, both of Lattimore; H. G. Carpenter and Gladys Masters, both of Shelby; Robert Palmer Mc Curry, of Cherryville, and Maude - Rippy, of Shelby; Fred White of Shelby, and Daisy Shepherd, of El lenboro. Approve Park Bill At Kings Mountain I Washington.—The Bui winkle bill to establish a national park to com memorate the battle of Kings in South Carolina was passed by the house Monday and sent to the senate. / The measure would authorise $225,000 for acquiring lands, markers, making surveys and pairing roads in the proposed

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