"SEEKERS.' (By Lloyd Mooney.) We all are seekers In this life Add tty onr goal to find, W* eirole the World all around , In odd or sunny dime. We all are seeking for something here As we keep traveling on. We fill the world with our own story And fill .the air with song. We all are workers In a way And 6eek to gain new fame. We work and plan forever more To add to our honor and name. We all are traveling the same old path That down through the centuries led. We long to have the golden riches For which our father's bled. We all are seeking for a dream That controls onr mind and will. And when the end comes at last W«l-I* seekers still. ’ yfu3- l*.--... We an are traveling with a trust Add; must perform our work, We ever must fill the duty And never try to shirk. ; We an an seeking the life while v« -py hare And must «»t lose the way. But keep on working and a doing The beet wagtail each day. i Wa an will Seek the other kingdom 'When w* depart -from here. And we must strive to do our best And lessen the earthly tear. We an are called to leave our place And go to our God above, He longs to give us heavenly Joy And at his golden love. We an can give our beet to Him And when the time comes night. Well leave our troubles here below And take our place on high. NOTICE OF BALE OF LAND Under end by virtue of the au thority conferred by deed of trust by B. R. Shuford and wife. BalUe Bhuford, to the First National Co, of Durham. Inc., and Union Trust Co. of Maryland, Trustees dated July let, 1938, and recorded In Book 185, pace S3, Cleveland county reg istry, the First National V3o. of Durham. Inc., and Union Trust Co. of Maryland, Trustees, will on March 27th. 1929 At 12:00 O'clock M. at the Court Bouse door In Cleveland county, sell at public auc tion for cash to the highest bidder the following described property: Beginning at a stake in the West edge of Wilson street, the South east comer of the Lissle Falls lot, and runs thence North 63 1-3 West 139 feet to a stake In the Dr. Hord lot; thence with the East line of the Dr. Hord lot South 33 1-3 West 64 1-3 feet to a stake In the North line of the Marvin Randle lot; thence with said line of said lot South 80 1-3 East 139 feet to the West edge of Wilson street; thence with said edge of said street North 83. M. East 68 feet to the pi«M qg beginning. Same being a part of that lot convened id R R Shuford and wife, Bailie Shuford by deed recorded In Book of Deeds 3-8 at page 443 In the office of the Register of Deeds of Cleveland' county, North Caro lina, reference to which deed and record Is hereby had for further Identification and description. This sale Is made on account of default In the payment of the in debtedness secured by the said deed of trust. This the 31st day of February, 1939. FIRST NATT, COMPANY OF DURHAM. INC. AND UNION TRUST COMPANY OF MARYLAND, TRUSTEES. W. & Lockhart. Attorney, Durham, N. C. For The Best DRY CLEANING | Dyeing Phone 105 or 106 THE -WHITEWAY “Quality” Cleaners - Dyers IF YOUR EYES GIVE "vU ANY TROUBLE See Jit ROBT. L. WILSON At Webb Alton’s Drug Store. OR. H. C. DIXON DENTIST Offke Over Woolworth’e. TELEPHONE 195 Sicking Career Too Much For Youth Of 17, Educator Thinks Mature Thought Should Be Used In Selecting Life’s Work. Is youth of 17 or 18 years com petent to select his life career? Should the college freshman go In for all activities possible and try to become a member of as many fra ternities and other organizations as he Is able? , These are some of the questions discussed by William H. P. Faunce, president of Brown university. This educutor also tells how his univer sity proceeds In picking students for the freshman class and how au thorities go about getting some idea of the needs of these students aftyf they have been approved. If I were entering college today, I certainly would not attempt to choose a life career entrance. Boy Does Not Know Ills Capacity. What does a boy of 17 or 18 know about Ills own latent, capacities or the changing sphere of private op portunity and public service. The "limitation of objectives” is a com mon error. Between 18 and 22 a young man la discovering himsell and acquiring wholly new horizons. The college course Is a voyage through strange seas of thought. .Before the voyage begins no sailor can select the single Island on which to make his future home. I I am told that scores of yoimg * men in New York business offices, trained in a “business college,” deeply regret their own narrow ness of outlook. Competent In book I keeping and banking methods, they are yet unable to talk with men i who know history and to run in I one groove, they are bored by li braries and music and art, and are strangers In large sections of Amer ican life. A liberal education should j liberate a man from spending his 'life In a groove. If I were entering college I would try not to join everything In sight. Many college organizations seem brilliant only to outsiders. They of fer the student a pin, a foolish ritual, his picture In the college an nual—and a chance to fritter away his evenings. Outdoor Sport Helpful. I As a freshman I would go tn heartily for some form of outdoor sport—not only for physical de velopment, but for release of the play Instinct, for resting tired nerves, for learning to make quick decisions, Judge distance and time I and chance, to face opponents un terttlied, and toe a gentleman and a good sport. But the moment any game becomes a species of war. It ceases to be play and becomes a useless grind. The process of selecting students for the freshman class ts now one of the most difficult and delicate before our crowded colleges. No longer can we rely on a mere num ber of “points” as certifying that a man Is fit to profit by a college course. He may present points without numbers, but if he is lazy or vicious, if he is a loud-mouthed nouveau riche, if he is destitute or the in stincts of a gentleman or loyalty to truth and honor, we do not want him. Three years ago we introduced a psychological test for every intend ing freshman, and the results are extremely helpful. We also ask committees of alumni in all the large centres of population to meet the applicant and “size him up.” As soon us a student enters he meets our student counselor, Is as signed to faculty advisor, is Invited to meet some representative alum nus in Providence, and in case of any "complex" is sent to the psy chologist who is one of our medical staff. We do not mean that any student shall be lost in the crowd. Need Of Psychology. In our mobile, hurried modern life, the need of phychology and psychiatry Is vastly greater than twenty-five years ago. Matters of temperament, mal-adjustment, dis content at home, sense of infer iority in college, changing moral standrds in society, and religious difficulties—all these things are urgent than ever before, and the specialist who fills the professor's chair may not understand how to I meet them. If psychology has any message for the modern world, it is vitally needed in the freshman year. | I aih old-fashioned enough to be thoroughly opposed to co-education, except as a makeshift until the col lege can afford something better. There are distractions enough with out that. To treat men and women In exactly the same way, academi cally and socially, is to damage both. But I would go further and de cline to treat th<* budding “genius" in. Just the same way as the com mbnplace mind. Through small classes, through individual instruc tion. a tutorial system and through “honors courses” I would give the exceptional mind a chance of ex ceptional achievement. Let some students study eleven months in the year, if they will, be relieved of marks and grades and attendance, and graduate In two W three years if they can. Real democracy means no tread mill, but a chance for unusual minds to reach swift and shining attainment. Souvenir Hunters Swam Over Washington; Trays, Compacts, Postcards Among Best Sellers i No Use Going To Washington Un leas Yon Have Something To Show For It Washington.—Of course there’s no sense In coming to Washing ton if you can’t prove it after ward. That’s why the mantle pieces, sofas and parlor tables of the nation are covered with col lection of miscellaneous junk which would long ago have been thrown out were ,it no for the magic in scription, “Washington. D. C.” Years ago your correspondent used to marvel at the souvenirs brought home by graduating high school classes from Washington, most of all at the little Uncle Sam hats, Washington monuments and other objects constructed of actual paper money mashed into mush aft er It had outworn its usefulness. Ttre Bureau of Engraving and NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND. Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred by deed of trust by V. J. Jolly and wife, Frances Jolly, to the First National Bank of Durham, N. C. trustee, dated June 1, 1928, and recorded in book 150, page 288, Cleveland county registry, the Firt National Bank of Durham. N. C. trustee, will on March 25. 1929, at 12 o'clock M. at the court house door In Cleve land county, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the following described property: Begining at a stake at the inter section of Oidney and Llneberger streets and runs thence with the west edge of Llneberger street north 4 west 100 feet to a stake; thence south 86 west 200 feet to a stake In the east edge of an alley; thence with said edge of said alley south 4 east 100 feet to a stake in the north edge of Gidney street; thence with said edge of said street north 86 eat 200 feet to the place of beginning. Same being all that lot conveyed to Vance Jolly by deed recorded in book VV at page 371 in the office of the regitser of deeds of Cleveland county. North Caro lina, reference to which deed is hereby had for further identifica tion and description. This sale is made on account of default in the payment of indebted ness secured by the said deed of trust. This 14th day of February. 1929 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DURHAM, Trustee W. S. Lockhart, Atty., Durham. Printing, by the way, still sens tms pulp at $15 a ton. Twenty or more shops on Pennr sylvanla avenue are bulging with an infinite variety of Washington souvenirs today, in anticipation of 150,000 or 200,000 visitors expected here for the Hoover Inauguration. These are the shops whence come those strange things proudly dis played by the returned tourrist. A great number of the Washing ton souvenirs are made abroad in Japan, Germany, Italy and Aus tria. Despite tariff walls, foreign novelty manufacturers can sell them cheaper, apparently, than ours. Those tin brass trays, used to receive ashes, calling cards, pins; or collar buttons—or '■'even Just as ornaments—nil profusely decorated with scenes of the Capitol and other Washington sights, are made in, Japan. These trays are always among the best sellers on the ave nue, as are the tiny Washington monuments of marble, with thermo meter attached and selling at 25, 50 and 75 cents, according to size, which are made in Austria. Don't forget your pocketbook, for you can buy almost anything bearing “Washington. D. C.” or a representation of the Capitol, and sometimes both. Tha souvenir shops -are waiting eagerly. Lawrence Miller, one of the shop owners, says that he has just re ceived a thousand varl-colored com pacts for the ladies, on which the Capitol is almost life-size These are very popular all along the ave nue, but your correspondent does not guarantee the quality of the rouge. To the boys Mr. Miller and other shopkeepers hope to dispose of many handsome photos of Hoo ver and Curtis on one side and of the Capitol on the other. Photos always sell well, of course. There's a nice colored postcard of the entire Hoover family, plain photos of Hoover and Curtis, hand somely painted framed photos of cherry blossoms and other Wash ington scenery and a colored calen dar with pictures of the Statue of Liberty, Hoover. Curtis, the Spirit of St. Louis, Lindbergh. Washing ton, Jefferson, the dirigible Los Angles, Lincoln, Wilson, Babe Ruth, the Capitol, Roosevelt. Jack Demp sey, Commander Rosendahl and the New York skyline. There are poems of rare senti Death Threat Victim? Bel wood Items Of Police thought the women whose body was found in flames near a New Jersey high way would be identified as beautiful Mozanno Mcl„ain who was threatened with death before testifying last fall against eight members .of a New York "gin ring,” who were subsequently sent to prison This theory has bean discarded. UoMroaUou) MawiiMI Pk*U) ment, Indelibly burned into leather and addressed to mother, sister, father, uncle or what have you, and pillow covers of burnt leather with the Capitol and the absolutely es sential “Washington, D. C.” Also burnt leather whiskbroom hold ers, tie racks, cigaret cases and what not. Pillow covers also come In fringed felt, inscribed “Dear Mother, Washington, D. C.” and on painted surfaces which manage to get in Capitol, White House, Mon ument, Mount Vernon, Lincoln Me morial and a few more shrines. Probably there will also be a demand for a. combination pipe, cigar holder and cigaret holder displayed by most of the shops When you, look through a tiny hole In one- end of this contrap tion you see a partly dressed young woman. .As bargain, this compares favorably with the one-cent pieces and,sold-at a dime apiece. Or, the deck of playing cards, each of which depicts a Washingioaiiacene. A Washington wife shot at a woman and Mt Her husband, but a husband has to expect little mis takes like that.—Miami News. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I have this day qualified as executor of the will of Mrs. M. A. Qttgf, late of Cleveland county, N. C. All per sons having elalms against said estate are hereby notified to prest ent them to me properly proven Tot •payment on or before February 9, 1930, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This February 9. 1939. DAVID A. BEAM, Executor of the will of Mrs. M. A. Origg, deceased. , Ryburn & Hoey, Attys. TRUSTEE’S SALE By virtue ol the power of sale contained In a Deed of Trust ex ecuted by J. s. Lemmons and wife on October 5th, 1928, to me, as Trustee, securing an indebtedness to, the Shelby Building and Loan Association, and default hiving been made in the payment of same and, after having been called up on to execute the trust, X. as Trustee, will sell for cash to the highest bidder at public auction at the Court House door in the Town of Shelby, N. C.. on Saturday. March 23rd, 1929, at Noon, the following described real estate: One lot situated on the South side of East Warren Street in the Town of Shelby, N. C.. and known and designated as Lot No. 4, in Block 2 of the J. W. Llneberger and Roy ster property, map of said property being on file in Book ‘,TT’ Of Deeds, page 800, in the office of the Rdg ister of Deeds and being that lot fully described in a deed dated October 4th, 1926, and duly record ed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Cleveland county. Refer ence is hereby had to the plat and deed aforesaid for full description. This February 20th. 1929. CLYDE R. HOEY, Trustee. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I have this day qualified as admin istratrix of the estate of J. E. Champion, late of Cleveland coun ty, N. C. All persons having claims against said estate will pres ent them to me properly proven for payment on or before February 9, 1930. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment to the undersigned. This February 9, 1929. LAURA E. CHAMPION. Ad ministratrix of J. E. Cham pion, deceased. Ryburn & Hoey, Attys. k * Dr. C. M. ?wlr —DENTIST— Jffiee °ver WoolwortV lesidtnee Phone 460-W Office Thone 99-W Late News Events (Special to The Star.) Bel wood, Feb. 28.—The young people of this community surprised Miss Male Willis with a surprise party Saturday night. Interesting games were played, a large crowd attending and all reported a nice time. * Miss Luclle Warlick spent Tues day night wth Miss Hazel Richard. Miss Irene Peeler spent last Thursday night with Misses Rose mary and Dorothy Peeler. Miss Pearl Gantt and brother Jack, spent the week-end with their aunt Mrs. J. T. Ramsey of Shelby. Messrs. Franklin Wallace, Bu ford and Bill Richard and Theo dore Smawley, of Lawndale attend ed the surprise party of Miss Maie Willis Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Guess and children of Vale were the dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. C. G. Rich ard Sunday. Mr. and M$s. O. W.-Ramsey of Shelby spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. S, L. Gantt. Mr. W. W. Richard is seriously 111 at this writing. We hope he will soon be out again. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Goodman and children and Mesdames S. L. Gantt and Jasper Childress visited Mrs. Leadford Gantt of Vale Sunday afternoon. Miss Mary Lizzie Warlick was the dinner guest of,Misses Nannie Lou and Loriene Goodman Sunday. Misses Pauline Lackey, Helen Sain and Lucile Warlick spent last Wednesday night with Miss Ruth Greene. Master Charlie Wade Carpenter spent Monday night with Master B. P. Peeler, jr. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Buff was the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Richard Sunday. Miss L. O. E. Hartman spent Friday night with Miss Maie Willis. Mr. Austin Dayberry spent Sat rday night with Mr. and Mrs. heodore Hartman. Mr. and Mrs. Thad L. Ford and NOTICE OF RESALE OF LAND Under an order of the Superior Court of Cleveland county, N. C. made In Special Proceeding entitl ed, Alice Newton, et al. vs. Cohen Horton and Edward Horton, min ors, the undersigned commissioner will offer for resale at the Court House door In Shelby, N. C. at pub lic auction, to the highest bidder at 12 M„ on Monday, March 11, 1929, he following described tract of land lying in No.' 8 Township Cleveland county, N. C. and known as the E. Plato Horton Home Place; >n *4ktone, Towery’f _ tTrWSte N. 55 W. 55 poles to a stake at the branch; formerly a gum; thence down the branch as It meanders N. 53 E. 19 poles to a maple; thence N. 30 W. 9 poles to a post oak; thence NJ 88 E. 23 poles to a hickory; thencd N. 30 E. 52 poles to a rock pile; thence S. 80 W. 71 poles to a chest nut; thence S. 40 W. 41 1-6 poles to a took pile; thence J3. 53 w. 33 3-4 poles tfc* stone to.the road; thence S. 43-*>24 poles M a stone; thence S. 14 H. S3 pole# W a stone; thence £L 61 W.-28 potesto a stone; thence S. 45 W. 28 poles to a stone; thence S. 28 W. 42 poles to a stone; thence S. 3 W. 62 poles to the cen ter of the river;- thence down the river as it meanders N. 60 E. 94 poles to the mouth of Powell's branch; thence up the branch as it meanders N. 15 E. 84 poles to a white oak. stump on the left hand prong; thence N. 42 E. 42 poles to a stumo by the road; thence N. 21 E. 22 poles to the beginning, con taining 128 acres, more or less. Terms of sale one-third cash, bal ance in one and two years from late of sale. Bid starts at 34725.00. This the 23rd day of February, 1929 j. C. NEWTON, Commissioner. Newton & Newton, Attys. 2t-25c SPECIAL EXCURSION FARES TO WASHINGTON, D. C. ACCOUNT PRESIDENTIAL INAUGURATION MARCH 4, 1929 Via SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Round-trip fares from: Charlotte .. $20.42 Gastonia.. 21.59 Concord _... 19.29 Salisbury . 18.05 IMooresville __ 18.49 Statesville . 19.44 Hickory . 21.17 Lexington__ 17.13 Shelby ..-... 23.28 H Round-trip fares on ^ale from all stations on Southern Railway System one fare plus one half fare for the round-trip. I Round-trip laics on sale for parties of 25 or more one fare plus 25s for the round-trip. Date of sale March 1, 2, and 3, final limit good to reach orig inal starting point prior to mid night March 10th. Excellent service convenient schedules high-class coach ser vice, pullman sleeping cars and dining car service. For further Information call on any Southern Railway Tick et Agent or address; R. H. GRAHAM, Division Passenger Agent, Charlotte, N. C. children of Shelby spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. K Porter. Miss Mary Lizzie Warlick spent Saturday night with her grand mother, Mrs. Sarah Warlick. Mr. and Mrs. Dock Willis and lit tle daughter Ruth of Lincolnton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Willis. Mr. Solon Deal spent last Wednesday night with Mr. Jack Gantt. Mrs. L. E. Miller and daughter, Mary Beth was the dinner guest of Mrs. Lee McMurry Sunday. Mr. Lewis Greene, jr„ was the dinner guest of Mr. Ray Goodman Sunday. Dll EC TREATED and a ■ I LCD Core Guaranteed Any form of Piiao (Itching. Blind, Bleeding «r Protruding) aredangeroua if neglected. Every Druggiat Mils PAZO OINTMENT with the unden>rending that money will be refunded if it fail* to cure. In tubea with pile pipe, 75c; or in tin bon, 80e. T. W. Ebeltoft Grocer and Book Phone — 82 Seller THE PERSON WHO HAS NOTHING IsdJsually The One Who Does All The Damage. Your Only Safe guard is Insurance With CHAS. A. HOEY j Tty Sar Wants Ads. Tires for the new Ford are specially made to give long wear WHEN the new Ford was de signed, it was immediately apparent that a new tire would have to be made to match the car’s perform ance. It was distinctly a new problem, for here was a car with quicker acceleration, greater speed and more braking efficiency than any car of similar size or weight. So that every Ford owner might be assured of maxi mum tire mileage at the low est cost, the Ford Motor Company devoted many months to research and experiment in conjunc tion with the leading tire manufacturers. As a result, certain defi nite specifications were de veloped for tires for the new Ford. These specify cords of certain strength and texture, a large volume of tread and side-wall rubber, sturdy non skid design, and reinforced plies for protection against bruise breaks—all the strong features of construe tion formerly considered for only the largest tires. Though the Ford tires are designated as 30 x 4.50, they have the resiliency and air space of much larger tires because of the drop center rim of the steel-spoke wheels. For best results, the tires on the new Ford should be kept inflated to an air pres* sure of 35 pounds and checked regularly to insure this pressure all the time. This is important. Low in* flation breaks down the side walls of a tire. By causing overheating, it also destroys the rubber that acts as an insulation, with consequent separation of the cord. At the end of each 5000 miles, when you have the front wheels packed with grease, it is a good plan to have the wheel alignment checked. This will prevent premature wear. When punctures come, as they will with any tire, you will find the Ford dealer particularly well'equipped to make repairs quickly and at small cost. See him. too. weat care also was taken to secure the best ridingqual ities in connection with the transverse springs and the Houdaille shock absorbers. tor replacements. Then you will be sure of getting tires built specially for the Ford car according to definite Ford specifications. Ford Motor Company A $3.50 DICTIONARY FOR A RENEWAL OR NEW SUBSCRIPTION TO THE STAR FOR A YEAR AND 65c ADDITIONAL. 200 Of These Webster’s Home, Office and School Dictionaires Were distributed on this proposition in 1926 and our friends have asked us to repeat it. We secured a LIMITED SUPPLY for 1929 distribution and you can get one FREE by adding 65c to a year’s subscription to The Star: THE STAR ONE YEAH BY MAIL $2.50 THE WEBSTER DICTIONARY 65c $7.00 WORTH FOR ONLY $3.15 THE STAR ONE YEAR BY CARRIER $3.00 THE WEBSTER DICTIONARY 65c $7.00 WORTH FOR ONLY $3.65 The Dictionary contains over 1,000 pages and besides being a self-pronouncing book of definitions contains: Origin and history of dictionaries. Principles of grammar. Dictionary of radio terms. List of latest words. Dictionary of commercial and leg al terms. Glossary of aviation terns. Nicknames of famous people. Most common abbreviations. Manner of forecasting weather. Religions of the world. Longest rivers of world. Heavyweight championships. Great Steamship disasters. Declaration of Independence. Heights and weights of children. Leading occupations in U. S. Postal information. American hall of fame U. S. Census of 1920. World war chronology. Surrender dates. American efforts in world war. Regular armies of world. Facts about the earth. Origin of Red Cross. Boy Scout movement. Wedding anniversaries. And Profusely Illustrated With Full Page And Double Page Colored Plates And Monotones. THE CLEVELAND STAR SHELBY, N. C.