Prominent Farmer Goes To His Reward Wilson P. Dellinger, Son Of C D. Dellinger. Dies In Lincoln. 4,000 Attend Funeral. (Special to The Star.) Funeral services for Wilson P. Dellinger, age 47 years. 10 months 21 days, who was found dead in bed at his 'jome at Flay Friday morn ing, his death being attributed to unknown cause, were conducted at the Cedar Orove church by the Hev. Mr. Lowell, a Lutheran minis ter Mr. Dellinger was one o£ the most prominent farmers in Lin coln county, and also held in high esteem by everyone who knew him, thl» being proved by the large number attending the funeral serv ice. A conservative estimate oi the number people attending was 4,000, with a string of cars for two miles The plwwing of Mr. Dellinger is a loss Irreparable, he being an active member of the Junior Order. This order vfw represented by , two groups, one lr6m Cherryviile and one from his lodge of Flay. Surviving Mr. Dellinger are his Immediate family, his wife, Kim mte Dellinger and ten children, It Was Tim*. Because her husband has not taken a bath in the 24 years they have been married. Mrs. George W., King, of Hope, Ind., has filed suit for divorce Gee, how has she stood it this long? Oh, What's The I'se. This, country has laws against cruel and unusual punishments. Ancl yet a Brooklyn man who thrashed his wife has been ordered to kiss his mother-in-law. That Chicago. After 25 years on the "'orce a Chi cago policeman recently made his first arrest. And now you know what is the matter with Chicago. Very Tiny. A baby girl weighing only 28 ounces was bom In a London hos pital and Is doing nicely, being fed with a fountain pen filler. four boys and six girls, all single except two girls. Also three sisters and one brother. Mr. Dellinger is the son of Mr. Charles Dellinger, who is known throughout the surrounding coun ties as being a large land holder. WEBB THEATRE -TONIGHT— Eddie Quillan and Alberta Vaughn i “NOISY NEIGHBORS” A filmfull of riotous fun. The newest laugh feast from comedy-land. Also Chanter No. 4—“DIAMOND MASTER.” COMEDY and NEWS REEL — 10 and 25c. -TUESDAY LAURA LaPLANTE In “FINDERS KEEPERS” Mary Roberts Rhinehardt’s famous Saturday Even ing Rost Story Also Comedy. COMING SOON — DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS IN “THE IRON MASK” Also The Latest VITAPHONE PICTURES. WEBB THEATRE CLEAN ... as a whistle these garments that come back from the White wky. No matter how soiled their condition you can depend on our quality work to restore to them their original lustre. Our service is prompt and our prices are sure to appeal to you. WONT YOU PHONE US TODAY? THE WHITEWAY “QUALITY” CLEANERS — DYERS 207 N. LaFayette St. PHONES 105 ■* 106 WHERE $$$$ AWAIT YOU! Once more you may realms the truth of the old adage “A-dollar saved is a dollar earned,” if you will visit our store Thursday, March 7th, DOLLAR DAY, for we can save you many dollars and offer you greater values than ever before. MAKE MARCH 7 your shopping day (in Charlotte). Personal And Local Judge J. L. Webb left today for Hendersonvllle to hold court this week. Ml. and Mrs. Dick Gurley of Hickory, visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nash over the week-end. William Webb of Wake rorest spent the week-end at home. Mr. O. M. Mull returned to Ra leigh today after a few days at home. Misses Flora Pettit and Frances McArthur spent the week-end at their homes in Gaffney. Judge and Mrs. E. Y. Webb, Lillie and Jimmie Taylor spent Saturday in Charlotte. They were met there by Mrs. Webb’s mother, Mrs. John Pender of Tarboro who accompan ied them home for a ten days visit. James Webb Gardner, accompan ied by two of his friends of the university, BUI Smith and Bob Mc Culllns spent the week-end at home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morgan visit ed Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Morgan in Gaffney yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Nolan and son, Paul Vernon, of Old Fort, vis ited Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Nolan Sat urday and Sunday. Miss Charlotte Tedder accom panied by two of her college friends Misses Nell Barrier and Beatrice Cox returned yesterday to Mere dith college after a few days visit to Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Tedder. "Bub” Hulick accompanied his aunt, Mrs. W. A. Black of Char lotte to Waynesville for a week-' end visit. Dr. Zeno WaU returned Saturday from Raleigh where he conducted a series of meetings at Meredith col lege last week. Mrs. Proctor. Mrs. J. 8. Mc Knight's mother, who has been right ill for several days is very much better today. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wootton, Mr, and Mrs. D. Z. Newton and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Stillwell were in Charlotte Thursday night to see Rio Rita. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McGriff from Concord visited Mr. and Mrs. Sununey Grayson Sunday. Misses Louise Lever, Alpha Gettys and Frances Wblsnant who teach st McAdenville, spent the week-end with their home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Frasier spent t’e w(Wk-rj,d v i;h Mr. Frasier's mother at Happy Valley near Le noir. Misses Mary Adelaide Roberts, Rosalypd Nix, Max Washburn and Chaa. Austell went to Charlotte Thursday night to see Rio Rita. J. J. Roberts and son, James Hogue, of Ninety Nine Islands spent Saturday with his mother, Mrs.,S. F. Roberts. Mrs. Maude Jean Hamrick and Betty Philips of the Betty Jean Beauty shop are in Atlanta at tending the southern convention of beauty specialists and beauty show. They will be gone a week. Misses Nora Belle Alexander and Ouida Mundy spent Thursday- and Friday with friends in Charlotte. Mr. W. P. Ingram returned Sat urday from a weeks visit to rela tives in Washington. Mr. Grover Beam motored to Gian Alpine Thursday and Mrs. Beam returned with him Baturdav after a two weeks stay with her parents there. Mr. and Mrs. John McMurry arc '.siting Mrs. McMurry'e mother in "orest City. Miss Pat Alexander of the J. B. "vey Co. in Charlotte spent the week-end with her sisters. Mrs. J. V. McFarland is improv ing at her home in Rutherfordton after taking treatment at the Rutherford hoepltal. Mr. Joe Baber returned Friday night after a weeks business trip to different points in Western North Carolina. Messrs. Ward and Will Arey and ZoUie Riviere returned Friday from a trip to Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Miss Ethel Addeholt of Gastonia spent Friday night with Miss Ade laide Cabanlss and attended the dance st Cleveland Springs. Misses Essie Norment and Rebec ca Capps of O as ton la are vgitlng Mrs. Randolph Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Spake. Mr and Mrs. John R. Hord of Waco Mrs. Forest Bolin and Miss Kate Roberts spent 8”n«a? with rela tives and friends IB Charlotte. i Misses Inez Mull, Grace Hartgrove and ElJen New spent Sunday in Hendersonville. Miss Frankie Borders who teaches at Moores boro spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E C. Borders. Misses Margaret Whitworth and Velma Cralt who attend the Ashe ville normal spent the week-end with their parent* at Waco. Mrs. Hoyle Alexander \1slted her sister Mrs. Cicero tmtz Friday at the Charlotte sanitorium where she is taking treatment. Messrs. George and E L. Webb attended the luneral of Mr. O. A. Carpenter at Forest City last Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hamrick of Boiling Springs spent last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Peyton Mc Swatn. Mrs. M. M. Burke of Richmond. Va., visited her sister Mrs. Dave Webb last week. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Misenheuner, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Laughridge and Mr. Claude Webb motored to Asheville yesterday. Mr Shem Blackley left yesterday afternoon for seveaal weeks business trip to Jacksonville. Fla. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Jordan have returned from several weeks stay in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moore, Mrs. D. W. Royster and Mrs. Willis Mc Murry expect to leave tomorrow for St. Petersburg, Fla., to visit their grandfather Mr. J. J. McMurry who is spending the winter there. Born Saturday morning to Mr. and Mrs. William Hagley, a son. Jerome Hagley. Quack Doctors In London Prospering Officer In Medical Association Declares Majority Of Brit ishers Gullible. London.—Not only in the United States do quack doctors prosper at the expense of a gullible public. In the opinion of a prominent official of the British’Medical as sociation. quack doctors were never so prosperous in England as they are at the present time. Englishmen guffawed recently when they read of a colored Ameri can doctor being arrested for telling a negro to bury his foot in the earth for over an hour at dawn to cure his rheumatism. According to the British Medical association's spokes man. however, there are many Eng lishmen ot good education but poor medical knowledge who are Just as ignorant as the rheumatic negro. Quack Prescriptions. “The majority of people would be surprised to leam what most of the medicines prescribed by these quacks do contain,'* said the offi cial. '“Here are Just a few exam ples of quack medicines and what they were found to contain:'* Alligator Oil. said to cure squints and cross-eyes—crude machine oil. sold at from 60c to |3 a bottle by the quack. I Rheumatism Cures —. A medicine containing only exude liquorice pow der and water; an embrocation con sisting of soft soap, ammcnla and water; an "acid expeller" consisting of weak lime Juice and soda, bought at under $1 a gallon and sold at |36 a tube; embrocation composed of turpentine and eayenne pepper; “special capsules'* filled with castor oil. “Many preparations announced as ‘certain cures* for digestive trou bles," added the official, “have been found to contain nothing but wa ter and sugar. Easy To Sell. “Educated people are often more gullible than the ignorant, we have found from an investigation here. All you have to do nowadays is to talk about electricity, rays or ‘the latest scientific discovery’ to sell any sort of foolish nostrum to some people. “The law on the subject in Eng land is unsatisfactory. The legal assumption at present, based on the principle of let the buyer be ware. is that if the purchaser of a patent medicine is deluded that is his lookout. The results are often disastrous to health.” Icy Homtbmu. Anderson, Jnd —Ice has interrupt ed the aerial honeymoon of Charles S. Mott, of Detroit, a vice presi dent of General Motors, and the former Mrs- Dee Van Balkon Faery, Detroit society editor. Married at Toledo, they flew to Anderson, where ice on the wings of the plane forced it down. Then they con tinued on their way to Mott’s ranch in Ariaona by train. Anouneement that the Prince of Wales will keep the horse that never threw him disposes of the popular idea that there was no such ani mal—Boston Transcript. What? Stop Her! New York.—Mrs. Ruth PrBtt goes to Washington to be a member of congress with the affections of her colleagues in the board of alder men. but with a warning. Said Alderman Peter J. McOulnness In a farewell: ‘ Them cold babies down there won't let her talk two hours like she kept us here. There will be no chance like Uiat in the board where men are men.'’ (oolldge's Speaker. Washington—The greatest radio speech maker in history Is to take to Northampton, Mass, the stand of the microphone into which have been delivered many of the 40 radio speeches he has made In five and a half years. He Is starting a custom. Microphone stands are to be presented hereafter to each retiring president. DIAtai/mJ DINNER RINGS Slfr50 This is a beautiful ring and a real bargain. White gold mounting with three pretty diamonds and sells regu larly at $35.00. Now would be a good time to secure a handsome Diamond Dinner Ring at a bargain price. Come in and see them. We have only five of these rings to go at this very low price. Also a large line Platinum Solitaire Rings at a very low price. T. W. Hamrick Co. JEWELERS & OPTOMETRISTS THE PRINCESS THEATRE Home Of High Class Pictures — Where Talking Pictures Are Now Being Shown. SPECIAL TONIGHT - TOMORROW AN ALL TALKING PRODUCTION “INTERFERENCE” With Doris Kenyon, Evelyn Brent, Clive Brook and Wm. Powell. — The First Talking Picture — SPECIAL ACTS “The Man In Person” with Eddie Cantor. “Blue Songs,” Latest Song Hits. Matinee .... 10-30c Night. 10-40c Shows 1-3. At 7-9. Here MONDAY - TUESDAY - WED. COMING FRIDAY - SATURDAY “LONE WOLF’S DAUGHTER” Princess Leads — Others Follow. Your Vacation This Summer Have you the money on hand to take a nice trip this summer? If not, start a vacation saving’s account at THIS BANK Today. So you will have the money when the time com es for you to take a trip. SAVE A CERTAIN AMOUNT, EACH DAY, EACH WEEK, EACH MONTH. BE READY GOO*’ I) SUMMER TIME WILL SOON BE HERE. — SAVINGS DEPARTMENT — Cleveland Bank & Trust Company SHELBY, N. C. NEW SAVINGS ACCOUNTS ARE OPENED DAILY AT THIS BANK — WE INVITE OTHERS. WE ARE NOW ‘BACK HOME’ AND Doing Business At The Same “Old Stand On The Corner” The tame location* but a new build ing, new fixtures, new equipment, new vaults— and We Want NEW BUSINESS The public is cordially invited to come in and inspect our new quarters. Our officers and clerks will be delight ed to welcome you and show you every courtesy. FIRST NATIONAL BANK SHELBY, N. C. RESOURCES FIVE MILLION DOLLARS. Qrows beautiful lawns and flowers! Success for all with Vigorot Users find that this ideal plantfood gives a quick vig orous start—more velvety green grass, better flowers, crisp succulent vegetables. Vlgoro is odor/ass/ So clean you sow by hand like grass seedl Plants get a bal anced ration throughout the season. Bnough concentrated ■fc . a 50 to 50 x 100 feat. Onljlto SfeRSssr** ran of wo. papcr-linad 25 lba„ and 5 Ordar Vi*oro today lor all tha things you grow. Endorsed by Leading Landscape Gardeners & Nurserymen DEPARTMENT STORES SHELBY AND LAWNDALE P. S.—Sec U* Before You Piece Your Orders For Your Fertilizer Requirements. Whether You Are Interested In A Solid Car Or A Small Quantity We Are Well Prepared To Serve You. -. *