VOL. XXXV, No. 20 THE CLEVELAND STAR SHELBY, N. C. FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1929. # 12 PAGES TODAY ■■■" ■ - 1 . J111.* ... Published Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Afternoons By raatl, per year (in advance) $2.50 Carrier, per year (in advance) $300 LA TE NEWS The Markets. Shelby, spot cotton ....._ 20c Cotton Seed, bu. _... <0|jC Kain Is Likely. Today's North Carolina Weather Report: Fair and not quite so eold tonight. Saturday increasing cloudi ness with slowly rising tempera ture, probably followed by rain in west portion. Defeat Measure. The administration measure to provide for a tax commission of three members to study problems of taxation and make recommen dations to the state was defeated last night by the senate 16 to 15. The measure was sponsored by Gov ernor Gardner. Vanderburg To Make Plea Of Self Defense Will Claim, Is Said, That Father Killed Four And Then At tacked Him. Gaston, March 7.—A plea of self-defense for the killing of J. W. Vanderburg, father, will be made by Jacob Vanderburg, son, aged 16, when he. goes on trail here April 29 in Gaston county supe rior court on charges of murdering his father, mother, two sister and brother in their home near here December 27, according to informa tion obtained in official circles here. The giant youth will take the witness stand and testify that his father, aged 63 years, slew his wife, two daughters and young son and was slain when he attacked his older son, the prisoner, the report said. Inquiry failed to disclose what explanation the prisoner will endeavor to make for the fire which consumed the Vanderburg home and with it most of each of the five bodies. Talks To Lawyer. Vanderburg has held a number of long conferences lately with Marvin Ritch, of Charlotte, his chief counsel, who is declining to discuss the nature of the defense his client will make when he is placed on trial. County authori ties here have obtained informa tion from several sources, however, including one source within the county jail, which points strong ly to a plead'ng by the Vander burg boy that his father killed the four members of the family and was killed when he attempted to kill the son who is the only re maining member of the family. A prisoner by the name of Taylor, who was given his liberty a few days ago, was for some time one of Vanderburg's companions in the prison. Taylor helped the Van derburg boy write some parts of a statement which, has been given to one of the several lawyers re tained to conduct the defense, ac cording to authoritative informa tion obtained here. Solicitor Carpenter indicated that he will make up his mind later con cerning the nature of the verdict he will ask of the court that will try Vanderburg. When asked whether or not the prisoner will be prose cuted on both charges of first de gree murder and of arson, each a capital offense, the solicitor replied that he has been giving his at tention to other cases coming ear lier to trial. Vanderburg Said To Have Owned Guilt Attorneys Deny That Self-Defense Plea Will Be Used By Gaston Youth. Gastonia. March 7.—In a state ment given out here tonight. Solic itor John G. Carpenter declared that the state has secured witnesses who will testify that they have heard Jacob Vanderburg, Gaston county youth, awaiting trial here on charges of killing five members of his family and burning the home, confess that he slew his father. Further than that, the solicitor would not speak. He declined to say if Vanderburg’s reputed con fession made any mention of self defense. Deny Confession. Attorneys fpr Vanderburg de clared tonight that, so far as they know, his plea will not be one of self-defense as was indicated in a dispatch sent to an afternoon pa per today. Mr. Juliu* Smith Taken To Hospital Mr. Julius Smith was taken ill today with a heart trouble and he was removed to the hospital for treatment. His conditio*) is said to be quite serious and his son Dixon Smith of Columbus, Ga., has been called to his bedside. His stepson Representative O. M. Mull now in Raleigh will leave his legislative duties arvi report here at ou»e if < there is « tarn for the wort'* New Changes In Charter Offered By City Board Smith Family Outnumbers All Others In Shelly, Directory Shows, Blanton Family Is Next There Are 163 People By Name Of Wilson Here, 132 Blantons, 128 Hamricks, 119 Greens, Etc. Many Odd Names Appear In Shelby Directory. Population Given As 10,662. There are 10.662 peopel In Shelby, of which 9,218 are white and 1,444 are colored, according to the Selders directory recently compiled and now on sale throughout the city. , And ol the 9,218 whites 163 go by the name of Smith. The Blantons of Shelby, numbering 132, take sec ond place, the Hamricks are third with 128, the Greens fourth with 119, the Wilsons fifth with 110, and the Jones sixth with 109. No other family name appears in the direc tory as many as 100 times. Families approaching the 100 mark, however, include the Rob erts, the McSwains, the Bridges, the Beams, and several others. Alphabetically. The directory is complied alpha betically, and a study of the 10,000 names reveals some interesting facts. There is not a single citizen of Shelby whose name begins with "X", while the only residents whose names begins with “Z” are two colored people by the name of Zachary. In the white population there are only two listed under “U,” one an Underwood and the other Upshaw. Shelby surnames suggesting oc cupations follow: Porter, Painter, Weaver, Carpenter, Cook, Miller, Baker, Hunter, Butler, Carv^, Chandler and Cooper. All directions are represented the names of the directory except south, the others being East, West, and North. There are four color families in Shelby—White, Black, Green and Brown. And when it comes to money, try these names—Gold, Silver, and Cash. Two other family names are Short and Long. Then there is a Queen family, a King family, a Duke family, anil an Earl family. In the musical lines there are such names as Horn, Drum, and Bell. And a little war might be started with the following names: Camp, ! Caison, Sargent, Sailors. and Navey. Then two other family names suggest days of the week, Mundy and Friday. Unusual Names. Other names unusual or not common in this section include the following: Speck, Spry, Pinchback, Sentcr, Trinmyer, Funney, Dee naney, Hiott, Glass, Kaniger, Chalk, Carmack, Lamb, Ham, Cleg, Kirk ling, Lemmons, Low, Law, Man i ores, Reitz, Solomon, Yocrum, Clubb, Few, Merck, Millwood, Munn, Nettles, New, Suddeth, Oner, Pain, Tally, Schram, Teague and Tell. Family names well known here abouts which are misspelled include the following: ySchenck spelled as' ‘•.Shank” Lovelace as "Loveless, ’ | Philbeck as "Fillbeck," and Caba i niss as “Caveness.” Of the 1,400 people listed 31 have the surname of Black, 14 the sur name of Brown, and seven the sur name of Green, and one the sur I name of White. In practically every instance wie names are accompanied with street addresses, and quite often with telephone numbers and occupation. In giving the total population the directory states that approximate ly 1.000 people who might be class ed as Shelby citizens live without the corporate limits. The directory population shows an increase of one-fourth over the special coast* made in 1925, or four years ago. Two Cleveland Bills In Legislative Mill Among the bills passed by the house of representatives is one "To permit certain Cleveland county prisoners to be worked on roads of other counties,” according to Ra leigh dispatches. Another bill Just introduced by Representative Mull is “To abol ish a district highway commission in Cleveland county.” One Couple Secures Marriage License Only ono couple has secured marriage license here this month. The couple securing the lone li cense was Olden Davis and Bertha Dixon, both of Cleveland county. In The Old Days About 'Shelby— Who remembers when the Shelby postoffice box was in the wooden building where Newton and Newton, attor neys, now have offices? Read the "Around Our Town” colyum today for some old Shelby history, including Pink Connor’s cafe and the old Blanton Opera House. Grocery Store Gutted By Fire Piedmont Grocery And Johnson’s Market In Bad Blase Wed nesday Night. A fire, which resulted in a dam age of about $10,000 late Wednes day night gutted the interior of the Piedmont grocery store and the Home ProvlslSh company in the Paul Webb building on North La Fayette street. The blase was first noted about 11 o’clock and due to the fact that a heavy March wind was blowing the entire business section of Shel by seemed threatened for a time, or -until firemen, fighting for an hour or.more, cojifined the blaze to the interior of one building. The origin of the blaze. It is thought, was in a short circuit in the market room of the Home Provision company in the rear, and for a time the fire burned in that section of the building and base ment before spreading generally to damage the grocery and market stocks with heat and smoke. Two men passing in an automo bile noticed the smoke seeping out of the building and notified the fire department shortly after 11 o clock, the firmen, as a matter of precaution, remaining on the scene for several hours after mid night. Division Of Damage. Mr. Roland Elam, owner and proprietor of the grocery, estimates that his stock is damaged to the extent of a little over $5,000 with $2,500 insurance. Mr. Ernest John son. the market proprietor, esti mates that his fixture and stock damage will total $4,500 with only $1,500 insurance. The owner of the building, Mr. Paul Webb, figures his damage to be about $1,200 or $1,500 covered pretty well with insurance. Both Mr. Elam and Mr. Johnson state that they will open again for business just as soon as possible, and likclv in the same building. Re pairs on the building are only awaiting final adjustments by the insurance companies. Hoover Calls Term About Farm Relief Washington, March 7.—An extra session of the 71st congress for April 15 was called today by Pres ident Hoover. Specifically the call proposed legislation for agricultural relief and for “limited changes of the tariff.” The proclamation says that these matters cannot in justice "to farmer, or labor and our manufacturer be postponed.” Will Let Contract For School Building At the meeting of the Cleveland county board of education this month it was decided that the contract for the new school build ing for the Park-Gray district south of Kings Mountain would be let on the first Monday in April. This district recently passed a spe cial tax election. The new building will contain seven class rooms and £1 auditorium. Heart Fails ilaley Kiske, president oi the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., one of America’s promi nent insurance men, was stricken with a heart attack in front of his home and died before medical aid could reach bis side. Apparently of robust health, the death of Mr. Fiske came as a surprise and shock to his friends and associates, (lnurnatlocal N*w«r«el> Suic.de Pact Not A Defense In King Case, Lawyer Says Lawyers Discount Theory That Nerve Failed #n Pact. Defense Not Talking. Rafe King, Sharon, S C., and Shelby man, now under bond in connection with the death of his wife, pretty scnool teacher, for merly of Cleveland county, has a plan of defense other than the theory that he was a party to a suicide pact and lost his nerve when his wife had made the first step according to a dispatch com ing out of Charlotte. This was disclosed at Kings Mountain in an interview newspa permen secured with Clyde R. Hoey of Shelby, noted criminal lawyer and member of the defense coun sel. 'Mr. Hoey said, in answer to a question asked him. by newspaper men, that counsel for defense had not considered this theory in studying any plan of procedure." Mr. Hoey was reticent in dis cussing any phase of King s plan of defense. It was indicated that the possibility of the defense mov ing for a change of venue, as men tioned in news articles from Sha ron, was still guiding Mr. Hoey and his associates in their statements to the press. In that article it was stated that defense attorneys re frained from discussing the case because they wished at the time of making the motion for a change of venue to point out that adverse ! public opinion may have been i formed by the publication of dis closures of state officials, whereas Kings’ side of the case had not been the subject of any of those dis patches. | Credence was given tms oy mi, Hoey’s statement here when he said: "We have decided that it is best tor Mr. King's interest to re | train from discussing for publica tion, at this time, his side of the 1 case. We have carefully followed this decision since he was arrested.' Take Three Insane People To Hospitals Three insane citizens of Cleve land county were placed in state I hospitals this week. Two of three were white, one a man and the | other a woman, and they were tak ■ en to Morganton today. Earlier in ' the week Deputy Bob Kendrick ‘ took an insane colored woman to Goldsboro. Messers J. W. Hartgrove and Chas. M. Carson spent Tuesday in Lincolnton. Miss Ruth Walker spent Sunday with Miss Feme Mnlgan, Merchants Meet To Talk Of Light Rates Business Men Of Town To SU(( (lathering To Discuss City Tight Rates. A meeting of the merchants of Shelby U slated to be held here Tuesday morning next at 9:30 o'clock In the court house, to con sider In all It* ramifications, the vexed questions of the water and j light rates of the city. Those organizing the meeting ‘ and they are representatives of the | larger stores, have requested The ! Star to ask that every merchant in the city be present to thresh out the question of the water, and es pecially of the light rates, which i have developed to be what might be termed, without meaning a pun. the burning question of the hour in town. General Complaint The meeting grows out of gen eral complaint over the new water and light rates, which are consid ered to be excessive, and a hard ship on the business fraternity. The plan is to discuss the issue at the forthcoming meeting, formulate a definite proposal from the business men to the city, and appoint a com mittec to wait upon the adminis tration to see what relief can be effected. The promoters of the meeting state that there Is no complaint against Mr. Dorsey and the admin istration; they do not blame the city for what appears to be exces sive charges. It la the expressed be lief that the readings are fair and the rates are fair. But it is believ ed that the city can offer some re lief to the burdensome charges through specially created rates, t There have been Informal meet ings of business men to discuss the question at various times during the past week or so. Bince the new rates have come into effect It is said that the light costs in certain stores have been doubled. Harris Home Burns In Lower Cleveland Gaffney.—Catching afire during the high wind Tuesday afternoon, the home of Z. M. Harris, on Gaff ney route 2, near Lavornla church in Cleveland county, worth Caro lina, was completely destroyed to gether with practically all of the family’s household goods. Mr. Har ris had no Insurance It was stated. Only the feminine members of the family were at home at the time, according to reports. An au tomobile In a nearby garage was moved to safety, but none of the outbuildings caught. Shelby Boy With Charlotte Outfit _ ] According to Charlotte dls-1 patches Messrs. Felix Hayman and Bud Moore, owners of the Char lotte Sally league baseball team, have signed as a catcher a big fel low by the name of Champion from this section. Champion has been playing ball with the U. S. army team In Panama. Shelby Quint In Easy Victory In State Cage Meet (Special to The Star.) Ralrlgli, March 8.—“Casey" Morris’ Shelby high basketball quint made a good getaway in the State college high school tournament here this morning by swamping the Jfewbern high team 32 to S. As a result of their victory the Shelby high cagers. led by Capt. "Milky” Gold, all-south ern football end, will play the Rakersvllte quint tonight In the third round of the tour ney. Local Textile Men Secure A Mill At Town Red Springs Charles Mill Company Organised Here To Operate 7,000 Spin dle Factory. A local textile mill firm has been recently organized here to pur chase and operate a 7^00-sptndlo cotton mill, formerly known as the "Dora,” at Red Springs, this state. The new firm, of which Mr. Earl Hamrick, local textile man. Is prudent, is known as the ‘ Charles Mill company,” being named for Mr. Chas. C. Blanton, one of the stockholders. Other stockholders Include Messrs. John R. Dover, Jack Dover, Charles Roberts, John Pox, and BUly Wells, of New York. Roberta In Charge. Mr. Roberts, wno has been con* nected with the Dover Mills here, has already gone to Red Springs to take charge oT the new textile plant owned by Shelby Interests and he expects to move his family there at an early dale. Messrs. Jack Dover and Arthur Jarrett have also been spending some time at Red Springs assisting Mr. Roberts In getting the mill going under the new manufacturing firm. Vickery Buys Out Partner In Firm Mr. I tier Sell* Interest In Plumb ing Establishment To Hls Partner. The fact was learned today that Mr. W. E. Vickery has bought out hls partner In the plumbing busi ness, Mr. C. E. Isler, the firm trad ing as Isler and Vickery, and will henceforth conduct the enterprise solo. Mr. Isler and Vickery have been operating here for sixteen months, and have been successful Mr. Vick ery told The Star he will continue in the same headquarters as for merly. It was also learned infor mally that this morning he closed a deal whereby he secures the con tract for the new Pendleton apart ment building, which Is on the eve of construction on South LaPay ette street. Cannot Be Nullified In N. C. Marriage Of Girl Under 16 Justice Clarkson Writes Vigorous Dissenting Opinion Based On Law. % Raleigh—In an opinion written j by Associate Justice George W. Connor the North Carolina supreme j court Wednesday held that the parent of a girl between the ages of 14 and 16 who is married on a | fraudulently procured license can not maintain an action to nullify | the marriage. "To my mind if this action can | not be maintained the useful pur 1 pose of the act of 1923 is practlcal i ly destroyed,” declares Associate : Justice Reriot Clarkson in a vigor - i ous dissenting opinion. "The general assembly of 1923. to protect the chastity and purity of the young, thoughtless female child from the insinuating arts of the seducer, raised the age of consent from 14 to 16, and at the same ses sion of the general assembly the above statute was passed to pre ' vent hasty marriage. It is a mat ter of common knowledge that the good women had battled before the | general assembly for long years to ; have the age of coracnt raised from 14 to 16 years.” The act referred to raised the marriageable age pf a girl from 14 to 16 years, except with written consent. Concerning it Justice Connor said: ‘ The effect of the amendment to said statute was to raise the age at which an unmarried female may lawfully marry from 14 to 16, but it is expressly provided therein that she may marry, although under 16. or over 14 years of age, provided a special license as therein required is procured. It has, however, been uniformly held that a marriage, without a license as required by statute is valid.” Camden county superior court was upheld in its dismissal of the case brought by Mrs. Eugenia M. Sawyer to have the marriage of her daughter. Iris, to A. F. Slack, annulled. The case attracted con siderable attention at the time, the mother claiming that her daugh ter was under 16 years of age. Evidence purported to show that Slack and another woman, who gave her name as Iris Sawyer, ob tained the license fraudulently. Slack then married the young girl. i Man Is Burned When Tank On Engine Bursts Mill llnu-r And Machinery Burned In Blair Which Fol lowrd KsploMoo, W. T. Powell, of Union, is in the Shelby hospital in a serious condi tion as a lfsult of burns lie receiv ed yesterday afternoon when the kerosene, or gas tank on the en gine which drives his com mill, exploded. The engine was running when it caught fire. Mr. Powell hurried to cut it off when the fuel tank ex ploded in his face, badly burning his face and hands and catching his clothing on fire. He hurried to the Mauney store nearby where his clothing was stripped off and lie was brought In a car to the Shelby hospital for treatment. The mill house and machinery were completely destroyed by the fire causing a loss of about $4,000, Mr. Powell estimates. In addition to the machine and building. 200 bushels of corn, 100 bushels of cot ton seed and 40 bushels of wheat were lost. Mr. Powell is a man oi a years and was owner and operator of the mill. In the building at the time of the explosion were two other men, ! but they were unhurt. The engine was a type which runs either on kerosene or gas or starts with gas and shifts to kerosene, so It Is not known which type of fuel caus ed the explosion. Standard Oil May Hold Session Here Bert Byers, District Salesman. Has Invited Next Convention To Meet Here. Mr. B. B. Byers, of the Standard Oil forces, making headquarter?, in Shelby—and one of the town's bent known boosters—got home yester day from a standard Oil conven tion in Asheville and announced he had invited the organisation (the sales forces of the two Carolina*! to Shelby for the next year's gather ing, and he believes they will come. The local booster was able to 1 impress upon the convention the desirability of Shelby because oi the new hotel accommodations. And he says he believes he landed the contract. It was a three day convention, during which many interesting j subjects appertaining to the world I of transportation were discussed. ! K. E. Ellis, of New York, made an address, Mr. tSyers said, iai which ; he predicted that within ten years ! in this country, airplanes will be as i common in the air as automobiles now are on terra firma. Hold Jolley Under A Heavy Bond For Shooting Of Two One Colored Boy Shot Not Improv ing Rapidly. Bond Of $3,000. Dick Jolley, colored youth, who shot two other neg~o boys about ; noon Wednesday near the colored 1 school here, remains in the eoun | ty Jail in default of the $3,000 bond set by Judge Horace Kennedy. It was expected that the prelim inary hearing could be held yes terday or today, but after leaving the hospital the youngest of the two boys shot, Alvin Hoskins, fail ed to show improvement and as yet is unable to come to court. There is some fear that blood poisoning may develop in the bullet wound in the leg. it is said. The Hoskins boy -was hit by a stray bullet when Jolley was shoot i ing at Leo Abrams, who was I struck with one bullet. Sh*^hy Highs Off yor State Tourney Play Newbern Team At State Col lege Today. Ten Players On Trip. The Shelby high cagers, Cleve land county champion::, left yes ; terday for Raleigh where they will J compete in the State college tour nament. Thfelr first game in the tourney is scheduled for 11:15 to | day with Newbern. Making the trip with the 10 players were the coaches and Ralph Gardner, the team manager. Master Nix Jenkins spent Sun i day with Master Vegne Petty. Bill Similar To First Except On Mayor’s Salary [City Officials Forward Charter Change To Raleigh To Son plant Hamrick BUI. The mayor and aldermen of Shelby, who protested the bUl now in Raleigh to make several changes in the city charter, today outlined a charter change bill of their own and forwarded it to Representative Odus M. Mull at Raleigh. The changes in the charter as outlined in the new bill are very near the same changes as outlined in the first bill sent to Raleigh as outlined by T. W. Hamrick, former alderman, with the exception of the salary limitations of the mayor and city manager, or the may or-mana ger. Salary Figure*. The Ull fathered by the city board, which held a special meet* nig last night and again today to discuss the proposition, contains a paragraph saying that the salary of the mayor, if he does not give full time to the office, be limited to $50 per month, but If he decides to give full time as mayor and man* ager that his salary not exceed $250 per month. In case the mayor ' does not serve as full time raana* i ger the bill suggest* that the charter be so changed that the city board have the authority to em* ploy a city manager at a salary not to exceed $250 per month, which would be $50 less per month for mayor and manager than suggest l ed in the first bill with the view of amending the charter. Their Letter. The city officials explain their charter proposals in the followin': letter to The Star: | To Editor of The Cleveland star. The board of aldermen of the i town ofSheJby ar$ today forward ing to Rcpreientattv* Mull the following suggested changes in the ! town charter: and if these changes do not meet with, the approval of i the people of Slielby, it hr hoped ! that they win notify Mr Mull of their withes so that any changes which are actually made may be satisfactory to tho majority of our citizens. The aldermen are of tile opinion that any changes in the town char ter should be discussed thoroughly in « public meeting where any cit izen would have the right to ex 1 press his opinion on any suggested changes: and they further wish the ! public to distinctly understand that they do not desire to assume the authority of dictating what changes, If any, should be made therein. However, since this matter has gone as far as U has, and since there is not time In which to thor oughly consult the people at large as to their wishes, the following is being mailed to Mr. Mull with the opinion that ttyi changes herein In 1 dicated are an Improvement over the proposed changes published in 1 The Star a few days ago. The aldermen are satisfied wim the present charter, except they i feel that the word “town" should 1 be changed to read “city” wherever It appears therein. However, if any changes are to be made, they pre fer that they be as follows: 1. —Change corporate name of the municipality from ' "town of Shelby' ’to “city of Shelby," amend ing section 1, et seq. 2. —Change day of week designat ed for election of mayor and aider men from “first Monday in May" to “first Tuesday in May ”, amend ing section 6. 3. —Amend section 12 so as to re quire that candidates lor mayor and aldermen shall reqqhr# » ma jority of all votes cast before they can be declared and duly elected officials of the city; and in the event that any one of them does not receive a majority of the votes cast at the regular election on the first Tuesday in May, then the two candidates receiving the highes’ I number of votes, respectively, shall enter a second election to be held on the second Tuesday in May; and the candidate receiving the 1 majority of the votes shall then be declared duly elected. 4—The mayor and board of al dermen, thirty days before their term of office expires, shall elect e member of their board to be known 'as "alderman at large and mayor I pro tem,” who shall serve for the ■ next succeeding term of two years. I Said member, as alderman at large, shall have power to vote in any meeting of the board of aldermen in the event that any regular i , i Continued on page eicverxJ