Around Our Town WITH RENN DRLM Shelby Sidelights ACCORDING TO THE FELLOWS about town who believe in the groundhog's veracity, dog days, and the reliability of the first robin, Spring arrived in Shelby Saturday. Which is to say "the first robin of Spring” was seen on the court square beiore noon Saturday "His breast was shining like a redcoat,” remarked one of the ob servers, who seemingly has had handed down to him the legendary tales of the licking given Ferguson’s redcoats atop,Kings Mountain. And it may be that Spring is here,, even when one views the v eather through the eyes of those who prefer the groundhog prophe cies to Jo-Jo and Blum’s almanac. For, you see, the groundhog, see ing his shadow on February, 2nd. prophesied six weeks, or 40 days of bad weather, and the 40 days, if you've kept strict count, wrill be up Thursday. With rain and more rain, a bit of snow, and nearly every type of bad weather, the general impress ion prevails, no doubt, that the groundhog was a good prophet. But as a matter of fact the marmot was not so hot; the weather'Than saw to it that we had more good-weath er days in the groundhog season than bad-weather days. Thirty-five of the 40 days were checked off with Saturday and through that date 22 of the days witnessed good weath er, while the weather was rather rough, and sometimes rougher, only 13 days. Even if the remaining days of the groundhog period are filled with inclement weather Sir Groundhog will still be the loser, with only 18 bad-weather days to buck against 2? days of good weath er. I’ k with the groundhog season ending Thursday, whether or not jou string flong with the marmot, and the first robin already strutting in such a pul lie place as the court square, it mrjst be admitted, even by the pessimistic, that Spring is here, or, to be conservative, is just around the cerrer. To which there will be those who will remind that March came in like a lamb and must of necessity go out like a lion. Let them re mind. There has never been com plete accord on any weather pro phecy. SHELBY IN DAYS PAST HAS been known as one of the best base ball towns In the country, and not jo trany >f arc aeo the town was a regular training ground lor young players who have since performed in the major or minor leagues. Those were the olci Blue Ridge lea gue days Ani with Spring fever. In more or less serious form, permeating the atmosphere, Shelby groups are al ready talking baseball. Some are wondering where Boa by Burns will be pitching this yea-, If pitching at ail. Others are cur ious to see if Buck Redfern w ,1 stick with Lena Blackburne’s White Sox this year. Then it is recalled that Tommy Harrill will try to beat the veteran Molly Cox out of his first-basing jdb at Greensboro in the Piedmont, and that Pat Craw ford, who once brought his Gas tonia High teams over to clash with Casey Morris’, teams, is making a good impression at the Giants' training ground at San Antonio. Still others are asking where Dick Burras will be playing this year, and so on. It has been several years since Shelby has had any summer base ball of a type that would bring the crowds out, but it will be many years tetoref the town forgets the day when the tradespeople closed their doors and journeyed to the city ball park for the hectic games of the Blue Ridge season. Back come memories of Van Pelt. “Bad Eye” Guthrie, Rube Eldridge, “the Duke of Spiro,,; one-armed Pete Crisp, the grid star who turned um pire; Red Johnson, “Horse” Chewn ing, johnny Hudson, and many oth ers. And, due to those memories, it it wiU be many years before Shelby people will stop talking baseball with the first signs of Spring. THE BASEBALL SUBJECT RE calls to the colyum that there seems to be some right authentic infor mation supporting the fact that the “spit-ball” was first discovered by a Shelby ball twlrler of the old days Will Carroll. Some of these days we intend to talk It over with the fel low who once pitched double-head ers as easily as modern pitchers do relief work, check up the legiti mate records of baseball, and give honor where due. SCORES OP PEOPLE ABOUT Shelby read regularly the articles written In the American and other magazines by W. O. Saunders, of Elizabeth City, and quite a number of local people subscribe to Saund ers’ Elizabeth City Independent Those who keep up with his writ ings will recall the story he wrote of the marriage of one of his daugh ters, and also the fatherly article he wrote of the turning point in his life when his son, Keith, left home for college. The article to our mind was <Me of the most clear-cut human Interest cross-sections of American home life we have ever read. And now it seems as if Keith, like his day, will not “stay put,” and has left college. An editorial In the last issue of The Independent, entitled “Side walks of New York,” gives an In sight into the comradeship between father and son. or W. O. and Keith: “Just a word of explanation a bout a new feature appearing week ly In The Independent. “From The Sidewalks of New York” is the ti tle of the new feature to appear weekly for a time, written by Win. Keith Saunders. Keith is that fool boy of mine who went to college. I call him a fool boy advisedly be cause he is following in the foot steps of his father. That may be a compliment for the old man, but it may not be particularly creditable to the boy. “That boy didn’t stay in college. They let him out to come home last Thanksgiving for a holiday, and in stead of coming home, be cashed a draft on the old man and lit out for New York. And there he is. He has an unimportant little job with the New York Telephone Co. and is manfully taking care of himself at the age of nineteen. “I think Keith went to New York with the Idea of succeeding Hey wood Aroun as columnist on the New York-World or of taking over an editorial chair on the Herald Tribune. But the New York papers wouldn’t give a .nineteen-year-old boy a chance to be even a cub re porter. And so the young bo*o finds that to satisfy the itch to write he; will have to condescend to contri bute to the columns of The Inde pendent to ra while at least, until he can grow a moustache and make another try for a job on a New York paper. Hence the new feature, “From the Sidewalks of New York.*' For a season at least readers of The Independent can see the big city thru the eyes of this independent little son of the gun W. O.” ONE OF PAT McBRAYER’S latest puns has to do with his opin ion that the Scotch citizens of Am erica would not vote if a referen dum on prohibition were to be held in this country. Pat's explanation is that “The Scotch don’t care how it goes, for they're tight all the time anyhow.” Pat sprung his extemporaneous joke on Dr. McElroy, Presbyterian minister of Kings Mountain, recent Will Hoover Ever ' Give South Reward? Concord Times. The Charlotte Observer, staunch Hoover supporter and ardent enemy of Governor Smith, is still confident that the new president will give due recognition to the South. The Observer refuses to be disappointed that no man from Dixie was chosen in the cabinet and predicts that “a cabinet position may prove incon sequential compared to some of the things Hoover possibly has in mind for the benefit of the South." “Hoover is throwing no sop to the South because of the support it gave him,” The Observer notes in way of explanation for the ab sence of the names of Cramer, Cox, Blair and others from the cabinet list, indicating that such an ap pointment would not be desirable because it would be a “a sop.” And then a little further along in the same editorial the Charlotte con temporary admits that It still hopes ‘‘a sop" will be thrown to this sec tion saying "The Observer believes the South will yet have a man In the Hoover cabinet and Is content to await developing circumstances." When is a "sop" desirable and when is it undesirable? In nam ing a man from the South to the cabinet now would constitute "throwing a sop" to the South, what will it mean if the appoint ment is made later on? A sop as we understand the word means any thing given to pacify, and If Mr. Hoover feels now that the South wouldn’t appreciate a cabinet post as a pacifier for its vote in the last election why would he think a de lay in the appointment would elim inate the inference of pacification? The Observer also finds that ab sence of a Southern man in the cabinet means that "Hoover is not minded to guide his course along the line that has obtained in past years by both Democratic and Re publican administrations—in the di rection of political reward.” How then does one account for the se lection of such men as Mellon and Good? And why the elimination of William J. Donovan, one of the original Hoover boosters? Donovan is a Catholic and wet. Is there no political significance in his final elimination? It is known that Donovan and Hoover were the best of friends and the closest of campaign workers, and his name was one of the first mentioned as ly when Dr. McElroy was making wit of Pat’s ruddy complexion. Irish ^parings and cognomen. Dr. McEl roy, you recall, is Scotch—a Scotch Presbyterian, and Pat’s word "tight,” he says, can be digested single-barrel style or double-barrel. PHONE 73 For Your Hardware Needs. We Carry In Stock Over 5000 Different Items-Try Us TELEPHONE NO. 73 73 QUICK SERVICE WE DELIVER PHONE 73 Cleveland Hardware Company “WASHBURN’S OLD STAND.” — WHOLESALE AND RETAIL — a cabinet member. Yet we find him eliminated for a Protestant and a dry. Ia there no political signifi cance to this? Does the fact that Mr, Hoover was afraid ol the Pro testants and the drys substantiate the claim that he Is Indifferent to political Influence? We, have confidence In the ability of President Hoover. We recognize him as an able efficient and trust worthy public servant. His Integrity Is established beyond question and we believe he will strive td give the United States a beneficial admin istration. but we cannot picture him as free from political pressure and Indifferent to party Influence We believe he will strive to aid the South, but we believe he will be motivated by political reasons as well as by a sense of Justice In so doing. Mr. Hoover did not pass up the South when naming the cabinet so that he could bestow some greater honor upon It later on. He may give to the South some special recognition, but it will be after the rock-ribbed Republican east and mid-west have been well taken care of. He Is going to try to hold his political advantages In the South, to be sure, but he will be Influenc ed to an extent at least by the thought of a second term when he starts strengthening his political fences South of the Mason and Dixon line. We hope Mr. Hoover will be as free from political pressure and partisanship as The Observer pre ! diets, but we must confess to an overwhelming sense of doubt now. If Mr. Hoover does any more for the South than other Republicans | have done there will be cause for rejoicing and goodness knows there's plenty of room for improve ment. For 9 Year® Ga® Ruined Her Sleep “Due to stomach gas I was rest less and nervous for 9 years. Ad lerika has helped me so that now I eat and sleep gocdl'’—Mrs. E. Touch stone. , Just ONE spoonful Adlerika re lieves grs and that bloated feeling so that you ccn eat and sDep will. Acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel and removes old waste mat ter you never thought was there. No matter what you have tried for your stcmach and bowels. Adlerika wVl surprise you. Paul Webb Pharmacy. Try Star Want® Ad®. NEUMONIA NOTICE OF SAI.E OF LAND. Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred by deed of trust by V. J. Jolly and wife, Frances ! Jolly, to the First National Bank of Durham, N. C. trustee, dated June 1, 1928, and recorded In book 150. page 288, Cleveland county registry, the Flrt National B'nk of Durham, N. C. trustee, will on M rch 25. inr\ at 12 o'clock 51 at the court house door in Cleve land county, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the follov ing described property: Begining at a stake at the inter action of Gidnev and Llneberger streets and runs thence with the west edge of Lbieborgrr street north 4 west 100 feet to a stake; thence south 8i wc t 200 feet to a stake In the east edge ot an alley; thence with said edge if said alley south 4 east 100 feet to a stake in »*>e north edge of Girlney street; thence with said edge of said street north 86 eat 2CD feet to the place of beginning. Seme bring all that lot conveyed to Vance Jolly by deed recorded in book VV at page 371 In the office of the regitser of deeds of Cleveland county. North Caro lina, reference to which deed Is hereby had for further Identifica tion and description. This sale is made on account of default in the payment of indebted ness secured by the said deed of trust. This 14th day of February, 1929. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DURHAM, Trustee. \V_J3. Lockhart, Atty., Ourham. r... .. % Dr. C. M. ?felr —DENTIST— Office ^ver W oolworth Residence* Phone 460 YV Office Phone 99-W For The Best DRY CLEANING ^ Dyeing Phone j 105 or 106 | THE 4VHITEWAY “Quality” Cleaners - Dyers /f.* BECK & PRATT Dry Cleaners OUR SERVICE ATISFIES PHONE . 666 ^ * I Peyton McSwain Attomey-at-Law Civil and Criminal Practice In All Courts Office: I'nion Trust Co. Building >• ■ -- . T. W. Ebeltoft Grocer and Book Phone — 82 Seller '? i Hear the Rrdit Program tftlu "Hudson-Essex Challengers every Friday Evening all these records.... Wide Choice of Colon at No Extra Coe* *695 AND D9... At frttoif > §-ri •hock afcarto jekj dunng Nation-wide CHALLENGER SPEED 72 Miles An Hour. RELIABILITY 100%. ACCELERATION Quicker Get Away Than Any Other In Its Class Or Price. ECONOMY 22\ Miles Per Gallon. Above we show some of the local records, officially observed by news paper men, which Essex the Chal lenger established during Nationwide Challenger Week Owners here, and owners by thousands all over the country, have duplicated these rests, or. at least, verified the capacity of their own Essex the Challenger to reproduce any or all of these proofs IN FAST OFT AWAY-no car is excepted IN SPEED—anything the road offers up to 70 miles an hour. IN HILL CLIMBING-against any car you choose. IN APPEAR ANCE—match it for smartness with costlier cars. IN EASE OF DRIV ING—note smoothness of motor— ease of steering—roadability and effectiveness of brakes. IN ENDUR ANCE—60 miles an hour all day long is well within its range. One million owners know the special advantages of the Super-Six. They are best qualified to compare the Essex the Challenger. To them we offer first opportunity to teat the most powerful, the largest, roomiest smoothest, easiest riding-most com plete Essex ever built But all motor dom must be astounded that even with seventy-six notable improvements, the price is the lowest in Essex history — a price but little above t&e lowest priced car on the market Watch ESSEX the CHALLENGER d D. H. CLINE, Dealer W. WARREN ST. SHELBY, N. C. TELEPHONE 678.

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