The Cleveland 3tar SHEI.KY. N C. MONDAY — WEDNESDAY - FRIDAY SHB8CRIITION PRICE By MaQ per year ----— By Carrier per year-—-----—• net •3 01 THE STAR PHBI.ISHING COMPANY. IN< IfS'B WEATHERS ....._...._...... President and Bdttoi g ERNSffl BOR___Secretary ana poremar ROW DRUM_ New* A. D 1■ .-. Advertising Manage Entered aa second clam matter January 1 I9ttt at the poatofflr At Shelby North Carolina under the Act ot Conareaa March 9 1OT We artan to call your attentton to the fact that it is and nas oeei oor custom to charge five cent* pet line foi resolution? ot respec’ cards ol thanks snd obituary notices aftet one death notice hai been published This will be strictly adherrrd to ‘ ‘ MONDAY, MARCH 11, 192J. ~~~~~ TWINK! ES A* far an the split South is concerned Mr. Hoover is BtiU doling out brown bread and suparless cofree. Since President Hoover by reason of experience is an ex pert foed director he shouldn’t be overly troubled serving at the pie counter. The biggest encyclopedia in the world ia in China, a fea ture article informs, and we know of no place where the in * formation it contains could be used to a better advantage. And so far, despite the appropriations bill stampede end other happenings, no one has referred to Representative Mull as Governor Gardner’s Raskob. Johnston Avery, who made life hard for the wh'te-rohed kluckers about Hickory, now owns a p"per of hr ow ^ at Lc noir, and we’re wondering if a K. K. K. de1',"n‘ ,r» will be numbered among the reception committee which welcomes him to his new home. Over at Mooresville the city electric plant has been sold to the Duke Power company, and The Charlotte Observer commenting thereon says, “Mooresville thug enters into the class of towns dependably provided for.” Could th't be tak en to mean that a town is not “dependably provide ’ for” un less served by Duke? The late night fire which guted a lorl gro^ry house last week was not what is termed generally a major catas trophe, but the owners of the place, Roland E’am and E me3t Johnson, are both young men and within a short period the flames consumed what came near being their start in life. To them it was a big blow, and their determinat’on, as announc ed, to stpjre a come-back deserves commendation. THE MERCHANTS’ PROBLEM. QUSINESS MEN of Shelby, who have b:en complaining of the light and water bills since the city has changed to other methods of figuring power, will hold an open meeting Tuesday to discuss U'e proposition with tve hope of rea^ng a solution favorable both to the city and themselves. That is the proper method of go'"" aM"t if. or. for tvat mat er, of going about anything. It does little good )to become an gered and Storm about wildly, for such methods do not br'ng results. A cool, unhurried discussion unhampered by anger is the best route to the solution of all problems. SUCH H FAME. A 72-YEAR-OLD inventor and dreamer d'ed in a D^roit ** hospital the other day, and died, according to press dis patches, **a forlorn, penniless, disillusioned old man.” Just ag a matter of information it is stated that the "disillusioned old ggtao” was David D. Buick, the founder of the Buick automobile company when the automobile industry was ^ in its infancy” .Think of the many thousands and millions of dollars Bufck automobiles have made, count the many autos of that make you see on the streets and highways, recall that the man Whose name is seen on the front of thousands of fine motor died penniless, and then draw your own conclusion as to fame and fortune. BULWINKLE FOR MAYOR. A BOUT THE TIME Major Lee Bulwinkle rot ba^k to Gas tonia from Washington, where he served this district eight years as Congressman, and hung out his sh'n^e to practice law, The Gastonia Gazette began booming the Major for mayor of the textile city, a boom without the knewledge of the candidate boosted. "It would be,” says The Gazette,, "a slight token of Gas tonia’s appreciation of his past services, both as a World War veteran and as a former congressman, to make him mayor of the city of Gastonia for the next two yecrs.” At long range, and feeling very much as does Gr ernor Gardner about the next president of Davidson coll-ge that it is absolutely none of our business, we are inclined to agree with The Gazette. WHO SLEW GOLIATH? WAS GOLIATH, the giant, killed by David or by E’h"n«»o? To the majorty of us, who confine our rend'ng on Bibli cal history to the Bible itself, when we read at all, it had nev er occurred that any one other than David, the boy with his •ling, could have slain the giant leader of an opposing army, There is, however, some controversy about the matter. According to the original Hebrew, the credit for the slaying of the giant is given to both, informs the Literary Digest, but a number of English Biblical critics, in a book en titled “A New Commentary on Ho’y Scripture,” edited by Dr. Charles Gore, former Bishop of Oxford, and other well known religious students, assert that "according to II Sam uel, 21, verse 19, Goliath of Gath was shin by Elh&nan the son of Jair, in the reign of David. Critics are agreed that tile later statement is the more historical.” Sim'larly. in h s author's note to “G ant Killer,” a historical novel (John Day Company), Elmer Davis writes: “All but Fundamentalisti agree that the truth aoout Goliath is to be found in II Sam uel, 21:19, as correctly rendered in the Revised Version (King James’s translators altered the record in the interest of harmony); I Samuel, 17, is later legend.” The Revised Version and the American standard version follow the He brew literally. The statement from the English book, quoted in The Digest of December 29, under the heading “Who Killed Go liath?” has perturbed many readers, and the editor of The Digest, he writes, has been fairly inundated with letters call ing his attention to the account in I Samuel, in which David is named as slayer of the giant, and to II Samuel, in which Elh'nan is named as the slayer of Goliath’s brother. It hou!d be stated at the outset that the article was purposely headed with an interrogation, thus leaving to the readers the choice of following either the English critics or the account giving the glory to David. The Literary Digest, true to its policy, did not voice an opinion. As a matter of fact, noted above, there is a discrepancy in the Hebrew accounts of the slaying of Goliath, The Digest continues. In the King James version I Samuel, 17, verses 49 and 50, we read: “And David put his hand in his bag, and took thence a sfone, and slang it, and smote the Philistine in hrs for head; and he fell upon his fnce to the earth. So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone, ard smote th? Philistine and slew him; but there was no sw'ord in the hand of David.” The Revised Version gives a *imihr rendering. In II Samuel, 21, verse 19, King James Vers'on, we read: “And there was again a battle in Gob with the Philist nes, where Elhanan, the son of Jaare-oregim, a Bsthlehcmite, slew the brother of Goliath the Gittite, the staff of whose spear was like a weaver’s beam.” The words, "the brother of,” do not appear in the Hebrew, but were in serted by the translators of the King James version, and talicized to show that they were inserted. And the Revised Version gives this rendering: “And there was again war with 'he Phdistincs at Gob; and Elhanan, the son of Jaare-oregim, the Bsihlehemite, slew Goliath, the G'tti'e, the staff of whose spe^r was like a weaver’s beam.” In I Chronicles. 29, verse 5, King Janies version, the chronicler gives Goliath’s brother a name, thus: "And there was war again with the Philistines; and Elhanan the son of Jair slew Lahmi the brother of Golirth the Gittite, whose spear staff was like a weaver’s beam.” The Revised Version gives a similar ren dering. But we read in the “New Standard Bible Dictionary” (Fu"k ard Wrgnalls), th~t the change in Chronicles was m~da probably to avoid the contradiction between I Samuel and II "amuel in the original Hebrew text. As quoted in The D'gest December 29, The Churchman (Episcopal^ observes that every theological senrnary of any standing in this coun try has been tercMng for a quarter of a century almost every hing contained in the new commentary. “Nobody’s Business” - BY GEE McGEE - -1 (Exclusive In The Star In This Section.) What Are Too, Nohow? There kre only two ways to' judge a man. namely: by what he says and what he does. Nothing else matters much when his char acter and reputation are at the bat If a man buys something from* vou on Tuerday and promises to pay you on Saturday, and falls to do so, he Is adjudged a liar, and 9 times out ot 10, that's just what he !s. • If a guy shoots around the cor ner at 46 mt'es an hour, everybody I knows he’s a fool, and if Billie 'Nutt strikes a match to see how much gas he's got In his tank, (on the wray from the funeral), the mourners all say—“Billie wasn’t anything but an Idiot.” When a man promises to meet you at a certain time, and care lessly forgets his appointment, lie’s just that much harder to depend on the next time. If a man ha bitually lets his notes run past due at the bank, he soon l£ses his credit. A banker doesn’t always want the notes paid, but he does expect borrowers to at least “pay” some attention to them. I had a girl once that promised frequently and most cordially to let me walk home with her from the candy breaking or the tater roasting or the com shucking, and nearly every time, she let Johnny Slick go with her, and I didn't mar ry her either, Just for that—now look what she missed. Johnny is on the chalngang and she’s got 0 younguns. If a man says he’s got religion, and you catch him shooting craps In an alley, his religion la not the kind that you first though he had, but he gets by by saying that he ain’t no hypocrite, as he rolled those bones in broad daylight. The most money I ever loot was Critical Eyes r Everywhere are Judging your appear* EASTER is two weeks earlier this year YOU’LL want your family to look their very beat—get their piing attire imo our hands early. Avoid the rush. Give us time to do a real job and deliver perfect satisfaction. Orders held, if you wish, until you want them delivered home. SHE* BY DRY CLEANING CO. PHONES 112-113. N. WASHINGTON ST. on a good old brother that eat so close to the pulpit that the preach er slobbered In his face and he "Amenned” everything from Jonah swallowing the whale to the Isle of Patmos. He simply was not In favor of paying his honest debts: yet, evidently, he had an occasion al idea that he was Inflated with piety. A man should promise but lit tle so's he can make good, and he should be so careful about what he does that he will not be ac cused (by the public) of being drunk when he inadvertently slips on a banana peel and lands in the gutter. His character and reputa tion are needed badly on such an occasion and they also come up for consideration when he smiles too broadly and consistently at his neighbor's wife. So friends, don't let what you say and do trip you up A hypocrite Is a man who prays m public, but won't pay the preach* er; or a woman who fs a leader In tiie lad'es aid, but plays cards for money or silverware: or any church member who rides all over the country on pretty Sabbath days, but goes to preaching when it is not convenient to go any where else. Fish are going to be mighty scarce in and around Florida (Or some time to come, ’cause Hoover and Firestone and Ford and Edi son have Just about caught ’em all. Wo understand Hoover caught 2 mullets and Firestone and Edison each got a nibble, while Ford strung a mud turkle, but his motor choked down before he could land him- There auto be a law against the extinction of the'speshees. A committee composed of 3 wom en from the Cruelty to Animals association, and 2 men from a service club, and 5 persons at large, have just reported the result of their investigation of the mat ter—"Why men leave home,” and they have rendered the following | decisions: A .. .. .. „ .. .. Short dresses 2 ....Short dresses 3 __ .. .. __ .. Short dresses ,4 _ Short dresses 5 „ .. .. „ __ __ Ansoforth Accident Insurance A man sent me some "dope” on a special accident insurance policy he was selling. It was a very attractive contract. it provided many, many things, but the princi pal features were these: If you get run over by a Ford while stand ing in the middle of the street with your left leg wrapped around your neck, your wife would get $5,000. • j And If you happen to fall out of an air-plane and get your big toe broke, your widow would re ceive an annuity of $5,000 for 30 days, and if you get hurt while riding on top of a passenger coach and it can be proven that you were not making over 20 miles an hour, you, yourself, would receive a weekly indemnity of 6 dollars for 2 weeks. And in case you are riding pn a steamboat and she runs against a tree or telephone post rnd upsets your atummick, or busts your gall ansoforth, you would receive full compensation during the time re quired for the said steamboat to be put back into repair so’s she could resume hei journey. I guess I will let the fellow write me up. BIGGEST ENCYCLOPAEDIA '- ;n existence Few persons would be able to guess where the world's biggest encyclopaedia of the world was compiled and published. It is Chi na again that walks away with the credit. The Chinese Encyclopaedia, I published 200 years ago, consists of 800 large volumes con lining ^ 800.000 pages. It was compile and edited by the noted Chen Mutg-lel under the patronage of K.r.peror Kang Shi. The subject mater is divided under six heads—heaven, earth, man, science, literatim and government. A copy presented to the British Museum occupies nine large book-cases. To leadership in Quality and value €R0Sadds STYLE/ 3 Optional Colors Mandarin Red Nanking Green Monchu Black Chinese Chippendale SHOWCHEST with 8 tube AC Electric SHOWBOX and Croshp dynamic type power DYNACONE built in, <109. WITHOUT TVfttS Nothing to do but add tubes, attach to your antenna and plug in your light socket Here is the greatest of radio successes now complete self-contained with famous Crosier Dynacone . . . Smart . . . stylish manner ... a petit 30-inch cabinet—colorful . . . attractive ... a new motif in furniture now suggested by leading decorators everywhere. The powerful Crosley 8 tube AC Electric SHOWBOX b built in this fashionable. Chinese Chippendale chest ... A t-ouble-proof radio set ... no batf rtfs . . . only fine performance . . . highly selective and sensitive. Uses full power. Push-pull amplification. Tare 171 tubes in audio output . . , Neutrodyne . . . modem illuminated dial. Opustw dynamic type power DYNACONE built in the cabinet. Eight tubes required, IstMt rwH%r tube. The Crosier Showboat-table model is $80. The Crosier dynamic type DYNACONE is $25. "Yop’re there with a Crosley*" Shelby Hawkins Brothers DEALERS North Carolina SEGURITY MILL.5 Knoxville , Tennessee t* gvjiruj' 'wwjh S w*. Kdte*^ 'j&OXG X0€ CJtXrMYL&HC&d jSuS&k /wts St vjoAyl \y<r SHELBY FEED CO. AT SUTTLE’S HATCHERY — WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. FEED ST"’FF OF ALL KINDS. (*1 •*A*anuSacturrrs of PAH ~• POUL'i R.Y HORSE & PIG FIEDS^c) i>'9s9 * <——III . .. ■■■—■■.—————— ■■■ I ■ ■— ■ 1111 ■ * " 1 " ■ ————

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