» MISS MAYME ROBERTb Social Editor Photte 250 ,* . Neirs Items Phoned to Miss Roberts Wlli Be Appreciated Chi com Cloh. The Chicora club will meet with Mrs. U P. Holland at her home on N. LaTayette street mday after noon at 3:30 o’clock. <-- -- T. T. A. Meeting Of Marian Street -School. The P.,T. A. of Marlon street school trill meet Wednesday after - n*on at ‘3:30 o’clock at the building. Att patrons arc cordially invited and an Arbor day program will be given Star. O’clock My. and Mrs. S. A. McMurry, L. P. Holland, Horace Baaom and Zeno Wall were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wall at their home In Lexington Thursday eve ning at a delightful 0 o’clock din ner. The D. A. V. T. Clab Of Hi|1i School. The D. A. TJ. P. club, composed Of tan of the high school girls gave a.delightful party and informal dance Friday night at the home of Mim Virginia Lefler in Cleveland Springs Estate. Each girl Invited a boy friend and punch was served throughout the evening Mr*. C. R. HoSy Entertains With Informal Tea. lira. C. R. Hoey er.tc t.Mnrd al liar home on West Marlon street, Saturday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock with an informal tea, honoring her houae guests, Misses Lottie and Myrtle Wafren of Oa: lonla. Miss Far.nie Paul of Bollh.g Springs JuQtoe college end Mrs. Clyde Hocy Jr„ of Canton. Hot tea and sand wiches were served. P. T. A. Meeting. the Parent Teachers association of the LaFayette Street school held their regular monthly meeting Thursday night with Mrs. Oren Putnam, the president, presiding The fourth grade pupils gave an in teresting Arbor day program. The sixth grade with Miss Mackey, teacher, won the prize for the greatest number of parents present. It was voted to meet Saturday at 1:S0 o’clock to plant shrubbery around which had been demoted around the building. - Twentieth Century Club With Mrs. W. J. Roberts. Mrs. W. J. 'Roberts was a cordial hostess to ’ the members of the Twentieth Century club Friday aft ernoon at 3:90 o’clock, entertaining at her home out West Marlon street. The large living room was most in viting. being arranged with bowls of hyacinths. *tt»e topic of study for the afternoon was "The ‘ Short Story.” The members responded to the roll call with .current events, which were discussed at random. Mrs. Wed Morgan told a very in teresting story, "Brides and Bridle.' A social half hour was spent fol lowing the program, 4t which time the-hostess was assisted by Mrs Ella Brady in serving a delightful salad course with accessories. Social Calendar For Week. The Business the Methodist church, scheduled meet this evening at the church baa been postponed to Monday March M. at 8 o’clock. Tuesday 3:30 p. m—The U. D. C chapter will meet at the club room Mrs. B. O. Hamrick, chairman ol 'Vs hostess committee. Thursday 3:30 p. m.—The After noon Division No. 3 of the Wom an’s club will meet at the club room with Mrs. Z. J. Thompson chairman of hostess committee. . ‘ Thursday 8 p. m.-The Evening vision of the Womans club will '’Meet at the club room. Mesdames -.Jloscoe McQutrter and Roy New ’ Knan hostesses. H yChleora Clab Entertained Mrs. Getty*. Tho home of Mrs. L. A. Getty! .Hgaa decorated with a profusion oi bright spring flowers Friday after boon, when she delightfully enter fialped the members of the Chlcort in their regular meeting. Th< most interesting progran given.: A paper cm "Cenven In Modem Architecture." b; W. B. Nix. "House-keepini Electric Maid." by Mrs Blanton,: and "Servants <X M. Suttle th< Mesdame; Harr; In servlm straws Speck anc 6 o'clock with an Informal recep tion. The spacious lobby and din ing room were artistically arrang ed with quantities of cut flowers donated by business houses and friends. Receiving with the pro prietor, Mr. Dick Brabble and Mrs. Brabble, were Mesdames George Blanton, F. R. Morgan, W. J. Rob erts. Chas. Williams, Hay Hoey and Miss Adelaide Roberts. I The Shelby high school orchestra furnished beautiful music through out the afternoon and refreshing punch was served In the dining room by Misses Ruth Dellinger, Elizabeth Reviere, Ruth Laugh ridge nnd Lula Agnes Arey. About two i hour and people called and went over the hotel, many from Gastonia. Kings Mountain, Moores boro and other neighboring towns. Graham P. T. A. Mailing. There will be a meeting of the i Graham street school Pnrent Teachers association at the school building Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, according to an announce ment by Mrs. Rush Thompson, president. Ponder-Spake Wedding. A wedding of much interest to a ’ wide circle of friends Is that of j Miss Ohio Mae Spake to Lewis Ponder. They were quietly married in the presence of a few intimate friends and relatives at Gaffney, S. C.. February 24, 1929, The bride Is the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs Cletus Spake. The groom is son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Ponder, both of Shelby. The bride nnd groom will make their home In Charlotte after March 12. Mr*. Sam Blanton Undergoes Operation Mrs. Sam Blanton who has been itc sick for a number of weeks, i .aking treatment at her home to gain sufficient, strength to with stand an • operation, w<es operated on Friday morning at the Shelby hospital. She withstood the opera tion very well and was resting this morning as w ell as could be expect ed. Republicans Will Swing To South Washington —With a decision to endeavor to make permanent the results of the recent campaign in the South and to build up a virile party organization there, the exe cutive body of the Republican na tional committee adjourned today without settling the southern com mittee posts. A statement issued by Dr. Hu bert Work, chairman of the Re publican national committee, said that the decision to fight for a stronger foothold iiv the 8outh was inspired by "the demands from people from virtually every south ern state' to become permanently identified with the Republican party." There was no reference, however, in his statement to the disputed posts of national committeeman and commlmttecwoman from Geor gia. George F. Flanders of Swains borev Ga„ is seeking the place as national committeeman to replace Ben Davis, Atlanta negro, who has thrown his support to Flaunders against J. H. Watson, another ne tfto. Results Discussed. Dr. Work said the committee had discussed “at. length the many gratifying results of the election, particularly the party's success tn breaking the solid South.” "This result tvas so Impressive and so encouraging," he added, “that every influence within its power not only to make these results perman ent but to encourage and build up virile and militant party organiza tions throughout the Southern states. “This is in response to the de mands from people from virtually every southern state to become per manently identified with the Repub lican party. One of the conse 1 quences of the victory will be in ! creased southern representation In ■ national conventions." t When Dr. Thomas A. Jaggar. dl ( rector of the Hawaiian volcano ob 1 servatory, predicted, the other day, ’ that there will be an eruption of ! either Kilauea or Mauna Loa this ■ year, scientists paid attention, for his prophecies with regard to the ' action of volcanoes have been ful • filled with remarkable consistency l in the past. “A volcano is not a clock.” he explained. “The interval theory Is based on certain laws of nature such as those that deter mine the space Intervals of ripple ' marks in the sands of the sea or > the time Intervals when they break • rhythmically on the beach " Something To Think I About Next Civilization By BRUNO LESSING V.. .. "New Commentary’’ on the Holy Scriptures haa been published by some of the most learned and de vout scholars of the Church of England. The stories of Jonah and the whale, of Noah’s ark, Belshazzar's feast and the Tower or Babel are dismissed as myths, without his torical foundation and Impossible to believe. Moses did not write the Pentateuch and Methusalah was not as old as be claimed. On the other hand, the biblical story of the raising of Lazarus is "accepted with all Its implications as the climax of all the miracles of healing." And Lazarus was sup posed to be dead. So, you see, these learned and devout scholars did not shatter all the pillars of modern religion. No comment Is made, in this new publication, upon this passage in St. Matthew: “Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swal low a camel.” Here, however, is a real fact. Prof. Garstang, the famous archaeologist who has been excavating in North ern Palestine under the auspices of the Liverpool Institute of Archaeol ogy, returned to Jerusalem, recent ly, and reported that he had “dug up” the ancient site of Hazor which Joshua conquered. The Old Testament states that Solomon repaired Hazor. Prof. Grastang found the walls of Sol j omon’s period resting on top of the ! former Canaanite ramparts. | Needless to say he found no evi | donee that Joshua had made the I sun stand still. i An open letter to my friend i Clem Horst of San Francisco: j Prominent Southern politician claim that violation of the 18th i amendment is more serious than violations of the 14th and 15th amendments. Because congress passed a Volstead law to carry out the sentiment of the 18t.h amend* ment. And congress never passed a law to carry out the sentiment of the 14t4v and 16th amendments. You are known to be as strong for the cause of temperance as you are known to be against the ty ranny of Prohibition. You have wealth and leisure and access to the sources of accurate informa tion. Will you be so kind as to com pile for me a list of the more Im portant laws of congress which are flagrantly violated throughout the United States? I merely want to WTite an article showing that those who harp on the Prohibition law are fanatics or frauds, in so far as their professed regard for law enforcement is con cerned. I know the tune but I haven’t the time to look up the words of the song. Movie Show At LaUltnore. Mr. Baxter Crook and Mr. Fant will give a moving picture show at Lattlmore school house, Tuesday night at 7:30 o'clock. This show is on the diseases of sweet potatoes. There will be no admission 'charg ed and all farmers are urged to at tend. •— NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. The undersigned, as administra trix of W. A. Oladden. will sell on Thursday, April 4. 1929, at ten o'clock, a. m.. at public auction for cash to the highest and best bidder at the residence of the late W. A. Oladden at Patterson Springs. No. 3 township, Cleveland county, N. C. the following described personal property, to-wit: One mule, one 1-horse wagon, one guano distributor, one stalk cutter, one adjustable drag harrow. A quantity of miscellaneous smaller farming implements and tools including plows, hose, shovels, forks, etc. This March 11, 1929. RUTH OLADDEN, adminis tratrix of the estate of W. A. Oladden. deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS, North Carolina, Cleveland County. ■ Notice is hereby given that we. C. E. Isler and W. E. Vtcker> have this day dissolved the partnership of Isler & Vickery, plumbing and heating dealers of Shelby, N. C.. under the terms of which the said W. E. Vickery has taken over the entire stock of goods on hand and accounts receivable and further notice is hereby given that the said W. E. Vickery is to, and has, assumed all outstanding obliga tions against the said firm. The said C. E. Isler is not to, and will not, be responsible after this date for any contracts or obliga tions made or contracted by the said W. E. Vickery. Further notice is hereby given that all. debts due the firm of Isler & Vickery are to be paid to the said W. E. Vickery. This the 7th day of March, 1929. C. E. ISLER, W. E. VICKERY. Henry B. Edwards, Atty. Star Advertising Pays Hoover Term Will Test Prohibition New York World. The disappointment with which Mr. Hoover's views on prohibition have bern read by Republics Journals m the East is genuine and profound. During the campaign of these journals had been able to persuade themselves, possibly in al> sincerity, that Mr. Hoover thor oughly understood the difficulties of enforcing prohibition in great urban centres like New York, Bos ton and Philadelphia, and that the coniminvuon vr;cr. he proposed to create to study the ‘'grave abuses" of the law would start with a free hand and be empowered to recom mend some form of modification If me facts pointed in that direction These optimistic interpreters of Mr. Hoover’s campaign speeches now find to their dismay that the new commission will have nothing to do with the question of determining whether in its present form the law can or cannot be enforced, and that the sole duty of the commission wil lbe to recommend such changes in "the administration of the law” as will put more power back of it. We are unable to share the sur prise which some of these Eastern Republican papers now manifest in the unwelcome discovery that Mr. Hoover’s purposes run parallel with the purposes of the Anti-Saloon League of America. For we did not believe that when Mr. Hoover copi mitted himself during the course bf the campaign to a bone-dry pro gram he took this step with a sly w'nk in the direction of the Herald Tribune. We believed that lie meant what he said and that he would prove that he meant it. We credited him with believing that the law should be enforced without any change, that it could be enforced without any change and that with out any change he would bring all the powers of government to bear In an effort to enforce it. Accord Ingly when Mr. Hoover makes these facts clear beyond any doubt we do not feel that he has suddenly per mitted us to share a secret. Mr. Hoover is a man of honor. If he took a milltantly dry stand during the campaign it was to be expected that he would take a milltantly dry stand upon his Inauguration. Where his devout championship of prohibition In its present form will lead him it would be futile to guess on his third day in office, but there can be no possible doubt, that It will lead him far\ beyond the complacent policy of let-things drlft which has characterized the attitude of congress and the Cool ldge administration toward the en forcement of prohibition. Mr. Hoo ver is a poor man to let things drift. He is an excellent man to get things done. He is certain to dis cover that very little has been done, really, to enforce prohibition. Without going one mile from the White House his commission of in quiry will 'discover, for example, that in the records of the approprl tions committee of the house of representatives there was entered on last Dec. 5 the opinion of the prohibition commissioner that the sum of $300,000,000 annually would be needed for a real effort at en forcement. If Mr. Hoover is in earnest in his wish to enforce the Volstead act without amendment, and if he is able to carry congress with him on this new crusade, the country is certain to see a pro found alteration in the chief em phasis of its federal budget. It is certain to see new courts created, new armies of enforcement officers recruited, new penalties imposed. For ourselves, we do not regret the fact that the country is now about to witness a test of prohibition in a new mood and on an entirely new scale. For since the American people are not ready to modify the law. the best alternative is a real effort to enforce it. The Repub lican party has accepted responsi bility for such an effort. It has full power. There can be no excuses if it fails. Mr. Hoover has his man date and we shall see what we shall sec. Herbert Hoover Boy Ha* A Tough Break Pompton Lakes, N. J.—Warren Harding Mathes. eight, bom on President Harding's inauguration day. had been told by Ids parents that his prospects for becoming president of the Vutted States were more than usually good. His chances however, dropped 50 per cent March 4 with the arrival of Herbert Hoover Mathes. The par ents are Mr. and Mrs. John Mathes of Wanaque avenue. A boy born to J Its. Edward Berger of No. 1200 O.- an Parkway, Brooklyn, in Flower hospital Just at the time President Hoover was being Inaugurated, will be christ ened Herbert Hoover Berger. It is the Berger’s first child. Berger, a salesman, is a Republican. Omlgosh! Atlantic City, N. J.—Men's suits harmonize with their hair, it is de creed by experts at the convention of the national association of re tail clothiers and furnishers. Blondes or men whose hair has turned gray should wear gray, blue and green; dark haired men tan, blue, brown or gray. Always, when you forget who is Govemor-Oeneral of the Philip pines, his administration has been a success,—Detroit News. \ ■ ■ Pe.ny Column: WANTED A SEAMSTRESS FOR ' tailor shop Inquire at Star office, telephone 11. It lie WANTED: WE HAVE CLIENT that wishes to borrow $350.00 at once cn first mortgage real es tate. Anthony fit Harris. 2t 11c OUR MASTER Loaf 10c. Syrup Peaches 15c can. Breakfast Bacon 22c rer lb. Fat Back Meat 12jsC per ib. C. H. Reinhardt, S o t h She*by. . 3t-llc LOST IN SHELBY SATURDAY I ladies brown purse, containing two 1 pair glasses, both pair having brown rims. One tagged "More head." Reward. Notify Maude Morehead. Lattimore. 3t lip FOR PRICES ON A-l USED cars see D. H. Cline’s ad In this issue. It 10 POUNDS SUGAR for 57c; 100 pounds for $5.50 cash. C. H. Reinhardt, South Shelby. 3t-llc YOU CAN BUY A GOOD USED Chrysler lor $450. See the Cline ad in this issue. It 11c DRAG HARROWS can be found at Cleve land Hardware Co. It BUY A GOOD USED CAR AND save the difference. Read prices in the Cline ad in this issue. It 11c FLOWER POTS, any size will be found at Cleveland Hard ware Co. Phone 73. It MARCH 11-16 GET YOUR pi,ano tuned, voiced, cleaned and adjusted for $3.00, “A ten dollar treatment for only three.” Phone 242-J for any information. 2t lip D. H. CLINE IS ADVERTISING a list of good used cars in this is sue, with prices. Read it. It 11c BASEBALL GOODS and Sporting Goods; Complete line. See us. Cleveland Hardware Co. _^tc HAVE ANTIQUE BABY BED, 75 years old, for sale. Handed down from my great grandmother. See E. G. Brandon at City Hall after 6 any afternoon. lt-llp RECnVED CAR load of Milk Bottles. Get our price. Cleve land Hardware Co. It LOST; A SMALL WRIST watch, white gold, initials I. N. N. on back. Finder return to Star of fice. 31 11® FOR BEST PRICE on Barb Wire, Poul try Wire and Hog Wire. See Cleveland Hardware Co. ltc FURNISHED APARTMENT with kitchenette. Mrs. P. L. Hen nessa. tf lie ELECTRIC LIGHT Lamps are sold by Cleveland Hardware Co. Phone 73. It FOR RENT: FURNISHED rooms; heat, private dressing room and lavatory. Bath to two rooms. Mrs. W. L. Packard, Phone 275. tf 11c SPECIAL PRICE on Dazey Churns and Milk Cans this week. Cleveland Hardware Co. ltc LOST: WOOL RUO, SIZE 8x12, Thursday evening between Bolling Springs and Gordon Bostic. Finder please notify W. W. Hutchins, Moores boro, N. C. or Star olllce. 2t lie PHONE 73 FOR your Clothes Pins and Lines. Cleveland Hardware Co. ltc FOR RENT OR SALE. BRAND new six room house on E. Warren street. Apply to C. G. Beam, or J. B. Nolan Co. 3t lip Babies Weep When | Fire Burns Dollies York, S. S.—"Miss Ferguson, I think the wind has set your house afire,” lisped little Jane Ferguson, 5, daughter of T. Mack Ferguson, president of the Loan and Sav ings Bank here as she entered the room where Mrs. Harvey Ferguson, Mrs. George Clark, Mrs. Mason Clark and Mrs. Luther Hartness were sewing Thursday morning. Mrs. Harvey Ferguson rushed upstairs where little Jane had been playing with her little brother Tommy; Mrs. H. E. Ferguson’s lit tle daughter, Naomi, and Mrs. Hart ness’ little girl, Marion. She gathered the children in her arms and through smoke and fire carried the tiny tots to safety. They had been playing with dolls and doll clothes and all these things were destroyed in the fire. The little ones cried bitterly about their dolls. Englishman Hears From Dead Wife She Enjoys “Recuperation” After Death, Met By Spirit Children, London.—Lady Mary Lodge, late wife of Sir Oliver Lodge, is en joying a period of “rest and recu peration” in a “happier sphere," Sir Oliver informed the press. Sir Oliver said he had received his first "communication" from Lady Mary who died three weeks ago. The message was character istic of his wife and indicated she was met after death by the spirits of her children, Raymond and Vio let, who died earlier, the British scientist and advocate of spiritual ism said. “We are not presumptuous enough to expect that an Ineffable meeting with her pilot has yet oc curred,” Sir Oliver added. In Sir Oliver’s opinion, persons who die are met by a “pilot” who acquaints them with the order of the new life Sir Oliver mentioned his wife’s message in a tribute to her en titled ’Tn Memorlam,” in which he said none of the family was un duly lamenting her death. “We know how eagerly and lovingly she would have welcomed the knowledge that our faith in continued existence is absolutely secured and that not a shadow of a doubt troubles us,” he wrote. The English are deeply attached to their royal family, we are told, but we doubt whether even that would bring out a crowd at a nun mage sale of Queen Mary’s hats.— New York Evening Post. Have the finest garden in the block! Experienced gardeners find that Vigoro gives sure re sults—a quick, vigorous start—crisp succulent vege tables. Clean, odorless, sown by hand like grass seed—Vig oro is not to be compared with any other plantfoodyou have ever known! Ideal for lawns and flowers, too. And not at all costly! Enough concentrated nour ishment In a 100 lb. sack for * garden or lawn 50 x 50 to SO x 100 feet! Only 2 to 4 lbs. per 100 square feet! Full directions for apply ing Vigoro in every bag. In * paper-lined bags of 100, SO, 25 lbs., and S lb. packages. Order Vigoro today for all the things you grow. A Swift & Company Product Endorsed by Leading Landscape Gardeners &. Nurserymen t In addition to being exclusive dealers foi VIGORO we handle a full and complete line of commercial fertilizers for agricultural purposes and would appreciate the privilege of quoting you on your requirements before you place your orders. , We carry a complete line of Lawn and Flower and Garden Seeds together with a full \ line of tools for the Garden and Lawn. When you are planting and repotting flow ers remember that we have a complete assort ment of pots, urns and jardiniers. CAMPBELL DEPT. STORES The Talk Of The Town INGRAM-LILES “Once-In-A -Lifetime” SALE IT’S GOING STRONG-A GREAT SUCCESS WHY? BECAUSE WE’VE MARKED QUALITY MERCHAN DISE CHEAPER THAN YOU C A N B U Y IT ANY WHERE in western Carolina. COME! GET YOUR SHARE OF THE BARGAINS. Ingram-Liles Co. OPPOSITE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. SHELBY, N. C.

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