m % A Snake Calls Cops; Ananias Stories Which Were Notable “Bishop Of Balm Brack'' Recalls Story Which Won Place In Club For llim. (Helen Smith In Atlanta Journal.> A member ol the Old Guard, and the only surviving member of the famous Ananias club. Dr. George Morgan Ward, pastor ol Poinclana, chapel, on joys the distinction of! having ministered to the spiritual1 needs of Palm Beach. Fla., for more tha nthirty years. He is known as the “Bishop of Palm Beach ” The Ananias club flourished in Palm Beach during the early part of the present century, and its members Included some of the most prominent men of nfl'affs in America. “Yes.” mused Dr. Ward. “I am the only one left now. Let's see. there were Ohauncey Depew, Col onel Hester, owner of the Brook lyn Eagle: O'Neil, Who owned the Pittsburgh Dispatch, William A. Nash, of the New York exchange, Henry M. Flager, Judge Horace Russell, banker and Jurist, of New York: Dr. Quimbv. celebrated bac teriologist; Judge Charles W. Bing ham, of Buffalo; Hugh Chisholm, head of the paper trust, and good TORTURING PAINS Ceredo Lady Telit How She Wat Unable To Find Any thing to Relieve Them Until She Took Cardui. Ceredo. W. Va.-rln telling how she W0« benefited by taking Cardui, Mrs. Perlie Yelkey, of this place, says: “At one time, I had a very serious spell which left mo weak. At times, I would suffer such Intense palm across my back and In my side that I could hardly shyid it. “I endured this over and over again. Every time tho pains were worse than before.' “I was In despair because nothing | helped me. I tried several reme dies. but I continued to suffer. "One day, I read about Cardui. Other women told how they had gotten strong and well after taking It. I have often been thankful for that day, for alter I had taken Car dui for awhile, I felt like a different human being. “It did not seem possible, but I did not suffer tho old, torturing pains, and I really felt well. 1 can 1 heartily recommend Cardui. for I know how much I improved after I took It. Since then, I liave taken it several times when I have needed j a tonic, and I have always been benefited. It Is a wonderful help.” jZJJ. c . _ . 1 HIGH DISCRIMINATION j Teacher: “How okl is a i person who was born in 1891 ?” | Johnny: “Man or worn- j an?” Discrimination in g a s and oil demands will even-1 tually lead you to select! SINCLAIR G A S and OPALINE OIL. Eventual- ’ ly—why not now ? Procras- j tination and the use ot' in- j ierior products will prove expensive. Cleveland Oil Co. Distributors old Joe Jefferson. "In order to qualify,’’ he continu ed, "one had to be a first class spinner of yarns." And it was on the strength of the following story that Dr. Ward was elected to the presidency of this famous organization: Rattled For The Police. It seems ns though an old Flor ida Cracker met a rattlesnake one day as he wandered thiough the swamps, and he thought it had a singularly friendly gleam in Its eyes, so lie took it home with him and it became a great jiet. Unlike the historical character who warm ed a viper in his bosom, this old Cracker received only the greatest manifestations of friendship from the snake, and the two became great pals, Like Mary’s lamb, it fol lowed him about, and when he sat down on a log to doze and to dream the snake would coil itself down by him and rest its head on his knee. One night when all seemed calm and peaceful, a pale moon illum ined the sable plush of night, a marnuder broke into the house. The old man was helpless for a neigh bor had borrowed his shotgun, but the snake came to the rescue. Pouncing upon the burglar, it wound itself about his body, pin-1 ioning his arms to his side, and j then shook its rattlers out of the j windows to call the police. . Joe Jefferson, according to Dr. | Ward, was also expert in the gentle ' art of telling a good story, and he challenged any of the members to disprove them. Many of his stories were based on his experiences on the rood, Dr. Ward relates the fol lowing : "I was down at Joe’s house one day—it was here in Palm Bench— and some workmen were uncrating n bed. Joe explained that the bed was a present from an admirer in Colorado. 1 asked him if a bed were not rather a strnnge gift, and he admitted that it was. but said that during the preceding season he had been playing ‘Rip Van Winkle’ in a small Colorado town, when a man came to his room at the hotel and told him that it had certainly been SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY As administratrix of the estate of J. E. Champion, deceased. X will of fer for sale all the personal prop erty belonging to said estate, con sisting of one tractor, two mules, fanning implements of all kinds, two wagons, etc., about 50 bushels of corn, and other things of value, to the highest bidder for cash at 2 o'clock p. m. on Saturday, March 9, 1929, nt the home place of the late J, E. Champion, Just west of Cleve land Mills ithe Peeler place) In Cleveland county, N. C. MRS. J. E. CHAMPION. Ad ministratrix. 3t LEGAL NOTICE To whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that the partuermip heretobefore existing between J. C. Crocker and J. C. Weathers, operating and doing business under the partnership name of J. C. Crocker A: Co., with their headquarters at Shelby, Cleveland comity, N. O., lias been dissolved, and all claims against the said partnership are to be present ed within the next thirty days, properly proven, to the said J. C. Weathers at ills office in Shelby, N. C.: Notice is further given that no contract, debt or other agree ment made subsequent to the date of tills notice shall be binding on the partnership, nor, shall either of the above named partners, J, C. Crocker, and J. C. Weathers, make any contract, debt or agreement tiiat will be binding on the other. Dated this 15th day if February, 1929. J. C. WEATHERS, J. C. CROCKER. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue ol the au thority conferred by deed of trust by B. R. Sliuford and wife, Sallie Shuford, to the First National Co. of Durham. Inc., and Union Trust Co. of Maryland, Trustees dated July 1st, 1928, and recorded In Book 155, page 83. Cleveland comity reg istry. the First National Co. of Durham. Inc., and Union Trust Co of Maryland, Trustees, will on March 27th, 1929 At 12:00 O'clock M. at the Court House door in Cleve'and county, sell at public auc tion lor cash io the highest bidder the following described property: Beginning at a stake m the West edge of Wilson street, the South east corner of the Lizzie Falls lot. and runs thence North 62 1-2 West 139 feet to a stake in the Dr. Hord lot; thence with the East line of the Dr. Hord lot South 22 1-2 West 61 t-2 feet to a stake in the North line of the Marvin Randle lot: thence with said line of said lot South 50 1-2 East 139 feet to the West edge of Wilson street; thence with said edge of said street North 22 1-2 East 68 feet to the place of beginning same being a pan of that lot conveyed to B. K. Shuford and wife Snllie Shuford by deed recorded in Book of Deeds 3-S at page 442 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Cleveland county. North Caro lina. reference to which deed and record is hereby had for further identification and description. This sale is made on account of default in the payment of the in-! debtedness secured by the said deed of trust. This the 21st day of February, 1929. FIRST NATL COMPANY OK DURHAM. INC. AND UNION TRUST COMPANY OF MARYLAND. TRUSTEES. W. S. Lockhart. Attorney, Durham, N. C. a red letter day for him. “ 'For the first time in my life, tie said. 'I nave seen a really great actor. I shall never forget It, and f would like to do something for you that would show my appreciation. Joe said he told him that merely coming and expressing his appre ciation was sufficient. But the fel- j low' was insistent, and finally told ; him that lie was a manufacturer of beds and springs, and that his i name was Smith. He declared that he wanted to make a bed especially for Mr. Jefferson, and asked him where he should send it. Mr. Jeffer son told him to send it to him in Palm Beach. “ 'The fellow started to leave,' said Joe, 'und half way out of the door he returned and made this somewhat extraordinary request. ‘Mr. Jefferson,' says he, “you could do something for me, too, if you would. You know when Rip wakes after his twenty years’ sleep and feels all stiff and old? Well, if you could Just make him say. 'If I'd been sleeping on Smith’s beds I wouldn't feel this way,’ it would mean a lot to me.’" "Joe Jefferson enjoyed the bed very much, but whether or not he ever Interpolated the lines is some what doubtful.” Chauncey M. Depew. according to Dr. Ward was fond of telling the story about the man who asked him for a pass on the New York Central railroad, of which Mr. De pew was at that time president. Depew asked him why he thought he ought to have a pass, “Because I am your neighbor,' answered the man, “I live near you in Peekskill." "Well," responded Mr. Dcpew, "that may all be true, but tfhv should that entitle you to a pass over the New York Central lines?” “I thought of course you would look ufter your neighbors,” he re plied in a highly offended tone. "Well, look here,” continued Mr.' Depew, “suppose I should come over to your house and ask you to hitch up your horses and carriage and drive me over to New York Just because you happened to be my neighbor. Wouldn’t you think I was presumptions?” “Maybe so," the man conceded, "but If I was already hitched up and going your way I'd take you along." He got the pass. I Guaranteed Remedy ^ Thta pita remedy ronwi In a tuba ^ with Pile Plp«Attachment, mAklng H convenient And oaajt to Apply .Your dfUggtat will refund money ir PAZO U1 NtM KMC fall* to runs any ease of ilc® «tchlna. blind, blooding or pro* trading). Ju*t oak for a 76e tube of PAZO OINTMEPT EXECUTOR’S NOTICE.. Notice Is hereby given that I have this day qualified as executor of the will of Mrs. M. A. Grigg. late of Cleveland county, N. C. AH per sons having claims against said estate arc hereby notified to pres ent them to me properly proven for payment on or before February 9. 1930. or tills notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment to the undersigned. This February 9, 1929. DAVID A. BEAM, Executor of the will of Mrs. M. A. Grigg, deceased. Ryburn & Hoey, Attys. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I have this day qualified as admin istratrix of the estate of J. E. Champion, late of Cleveland coun ty, N. C. AH persons having claims against said estate will pres ent them to me properly proven for payment on or before FeBrunry 9, 1930. or tills notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AJ1 per sons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment to the undersigned. This February 9, 1929. LAURA E. CHAMPION. Ad ministratrix of J. E. Cham pion, deceased. Ryburn & Hoey, Attys. NOTICE Or SALE OF LAND. I Under and by virtue of the au- j thority conferred by deed of trust | by Mrs. Ola Smith, (widow) to the j First National Bank of Durham. N i C., trustee, dated May l. 1928, and i recorded in oook 150, page 229. Cleveland county registry, the First i National Bank of Durham, N. C.,| trustee, will on March SI, 1929. at 12 o'clock M. j at the court house door in Cleve land county, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the following described property: Beginning at a s.ake on the south edge of Elm street, the north east corner oi lot No. 13 and runs thence with the south edge of Elm street south 55 east 70 feet to a stake In said street: corner of tht Gidney property: thence with the Gianey property south 2.51 west 170 feet to an iron stake:, thence north 65.47 west 63.5 feet to an iron stake: thence north 63.47 west *3.5 feet to an iron stake in the line of lot No. 13: thence with the line of lot No. 13. north 3.15 cast 188 feet to the place of beginning Same being lot No. 14 rf the B. F Curtis development known as Sun rise Terrace, a plat of which de velopment is of record in the office of the register of deeds of Cleve land county. N. c. in book of plats No. 1 at page 57. and being that lot deeded to Mrs. Ola Smith by deed recorded in book 3-W at page 419. in the orflce of the register of deeds of Cleveland county. North Carolina, reference to which deed and plat is hereby made for furth er identification and description. This sale is n ade on account of default in the payment of indebted ness secured by the said deed of trust. This 14th dav of February. 1929 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DURHAM. Trustee, w. s. Lockhart, Atty., Durham, N.C. Henry M. Flakier al&o enjoyed this story very much, according to Dr, Ward, as he, too, was beseiged for passes. Dr. Ward said that one of the foremost legal minds in the country was lost to the public when Judge Horace Russell had the mis fortune to fall heir to millions. Dr Ward tells an amusing story of wit in the 1880s, This Judge Russell presided at a dinner given as sort of a consolation affair to a man "'ho had just missed being mayor of New York. He missed it on ac count of talking too much. Con tradictory statements which he had made, published side by side, lost him the election, but he was a good fellow personally and had a wide following, and the dinner was by way of taking the sting out of de feat. Russell, during the course of the dinner, told the following story: "A certain prominent man who is here was going up Fifth avenue the other night. He had looked too long upon the wine when it was red, and was in that genial state when the pavement seemed to rise up and when the lamp post seem ed comforting. Another man hap pened along. That man is also here tonight. The second man, see ing the reeling one, and recogniz ing him, hurried up, and took him by the arm. ‘“An’ who mi’ shoo be?’ asked the first man. But the good Sa maritan would not tell him. He took him to his home, braced him while he felt through his pockets for the key, opened the door and turned him over to the butler. Al though opportuned many times, he would not tell his name. Finally, though, he said that he was St. Paul. Both of those men, gentle COMMISSIONER'S LAND. SALE OF _Under and by virtue of a decree of the superior court of Cfeveland county. N. C., the undersigned com missioner will sell at the cow house door in Shelby. N. C„ at pub C» for cash, to the high est bidder, at. 12 o'clock M.. on fhp f„na,,!rd*y' APril «. 1929. Tr£t wK <?eSC,r‘bed reaI estate: ri act No. l.—Lying in No h township. Cleveland county. N c on both sides of the public road lending from Lawndale. N C to Polkville, n. C.. and being bound on the north by the Lucis lands the east by the lands of R B 0 UMrs R°nHUn ^Uth by the lands bv LRrm”, B,d«cs- 0,1 the west oy L. B. Champion and J. a Pow ell, and being described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at a stone, corner of Mrs8 r. r Biidges and L. B. Champion, and running thence N. 2'* E. with R. E Shufords line 39 7-10 poles to a stone at a pine, thence N. 63 W. p ")i7n°cs,to ? stone> thence N. 4 n el'3° ^le,s„ t0,a stake- thence north 30f to a stone on n m wdS.*; of Pobhc road, thence N. 10 W. 11 poles to a stone at oak, thence N. 34<i W. 95 poles to a stone, thence N. 35 ’, W i0>H poles to a small p, o., thence S. 68 t, w. nllt £ 8 stone: formerly a post oak, thence N. 73% \y 27 t° a stone; thence N. 94*, W. 14 3-j poles to a stone, thence S. 21 ,V5w\aPPICS \° “ St0,le' thence s 1 1 - £°les to a stone, thence f* 50 4 W. 30 poles to a stone tbetncc »• 32!, E. 24 3-5 poles to a stake thence S. 20 E. 27.20 poles to ‘‘stakc/ thence 8. 34% E. 35.20 poles 8 stake on north edge of public .oad, thence with north edge of public road N. 54'= E. 77 links to a ■ o- e. bv poles to — .wwoigiitu. m&u less o acres and 105 square rods canvey ed to L. B. Champion along the west edge of said tract, deed for ■ - -WUUtJ, Tract No. 2—Beginning at a stake on south edge of the Casar-Lawn dale road, P. C. Mauney's comer, and runs thence with said road N. 25 W. 21 poles to a stake, thence N. 10 E. 101 's poles to a stake in tile center of Knob Creek, thence with the center of said Knob creek about S. 50 E. 95 poles, thence about south 20 E. 113 poles to a stake in said creek. thence leaving said creek N. 12 E. 97 poles to a pine stump, thence S. 72 E. 9 poles to a stone, thence S. 12 W. 97 poles to a stake in the creek, thence with the meanders of said creek S. 60 W. 45 poles to a stake in center of said creek, thence leaving said creek and crossing said road N. 70 W. 113 poles to a black gum, P. C. Maueny’s corner, thence N. 18 E. 31 poles to the beginning, containing 137 acres. Tract No. 3—Being all of lots Nos. 20 and 21 and part of lot No. 52, lying in the town of Lawndale, N. C.. and being the property de scribed in a deed of Record in the registry of Cleveland county, N. C„ in book KKK page 629. and as shown on plat in said office in book one of plats, page 51 and described as follows: , Lot No. 20—Fronting 44 feet on the north side of Champion street with a depth of 139 feet on the west line and 124 feet on the east line, and the back line of said lot being 43 feet. Lot No. 21—Fronting 46 feet cm the north side of Champion street with a depth of 112 feet on the east line and the back line. of said lot being 42 feet in length. Also that part of lot No 52 front ing 85 feet on the east side of Brown street said lot beginning on a stake in edge of Brown street and running thence N 77 b E. 100 feet, thence N. *■* decree W. with line of Robert Jones, 78 feet to comer of Robert Jones, thence N. 84% W. 88 feet to a stake on the east edge of Brown street, thence with the edge of said street 85 feet to the beginning. This March 2, 1929. LAURA E. CHAMPION, Comr. Rybum & Hoey. Newton & Newton. Attorneys. men, are here tonight.” Quick as a flash, the guest of honor, who might have been mayor of New York, arose. "Mr. Toastmaster,” he * said, “I am glad you told that story, for now I can reveal myself. X was the St. Paul who guided you home.” But Judge Russell was not to be outdone. “Indeed. ’ he said. ‘‘I am de lighted that you have Identified yourself. St. Paul. I have always wanted to meet you, and to ask you if you ever received an answer to that letter you wrote to the Ephe sians.” ' In view of the many letters that the guest of honor had written, and the subsequent wide publicity they had had, the effect produced by the judge's answer was all that could be desired. Though a past master in the art of acting, Joe Jefferson always had stage fright at a banquet and never learned to make a graceful after dinner speech. One night he was given a banquet by some of the pioneer citizens of West Palm Beach. He was a heavy property holder in West Palm Beach, and in a hotel he had built he had reserv ed a room for concerts and enter tainments that might add to the town's cultural development. The banquet was the town’s way of showing gratitude. In vain Jeffer son pleaded with Dr. Ward to re spond in his behalf when he was toasted. This Dr. Ward refused to do. saying it was high time he learned to speak in pubic. The next morning Jefferson told Dr. Ward and other friends about the affair. ‘‘It didn’t go off at all,” he said, “and my speech was a perfect wash out. They had all praised me until I felt utterly silly, and in making my reply I said that my room was probably better than my company. I thought it rather a neat pun, but they took it that the 'company re ferred to themselves, and one by one they all tiled out.” One day, while Jefferson and Dr. Ward were fishing together on the Breakers pier, a boy delivered a telegram to the actor. It was from his son, William, who was then in New Orleans, and it read, "Please , wire $50 at once.” Jefferson wired back, "What for?” and before the two had left the pier the reply came, "For Willie.” According to Dr. Ward, Jeffer son starred in "Rip Van Winkle” three years after he was stone deaf, and not able to hear the other ac tors or himself. He knew his part and all the others so perfectly that by reading the lips, he knew his own cues. "Good old Joe is gone, and so is Flagler, and so is Depew, and all the rest. I am the only one left now,” mused Dr. Ward. "That was as fine a lot of fellows as ever liv ed. They told some great stories, and none of them was of such a nature that they couldn’t be re peated in any drawing-room. "Th^s Palm Beach isn’t the Palm Beach that I remember, but we must all submit to the inevitable changes that come with time.” And though Dr. Ward enjoys reminiscing about the past, he is keenly alert to problems of the present. He handles a fund which is used to help the needy, and es pecially those who come to Palm Beach in the hope of finding em ployment. Dr. Ward spends his summer near Boston. He was president of Wells college, in Massachusetts for many years, and was president of Rollins college in Winter Park, Fla. He was bom in Lowell, Mass., in 1859. Whoops, Mule! Cannes, Prance.—Trousers for women, kimonos for men! On the beach betrousered woman of all ages play basektball and run hur- j die races. Well dressed men must wear tunlslan burnous before and after bathing. A court has decided that a cow in the road always has the right of way. This indicates that the courts are just learning what the cows have always known.—San Die go Union. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred by deed of trust by H. C. Ponder and wife, Kath leen Ponder, to the First National Bank of Durham, N. C., Trustee, dated April 1st, 1928, and recorded in Book No. 150, page 181, Cleve land county registry, the First Na tional Bank of Durham, North Carolina, will on April 20th. 1929, At 12:00 O'clock M. at the Court House in Cleveland county, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the fol lowing described property: Beginning on a stake on the East side of Second street. Northwest corner of Lot No. 84, and runs North 84 1-2 East 150 feet to a stake in Beam's line; thence with his line North 5 1-2 West 100 feet to a stake; thence South 84 1-2 West 150 feet to a stake on East side of Second street; thence South 5 1-2 East 100 feet to the beginning. Being Lots Nos. 90, 91, 92 and 93, shown by plat recorded in Book of Plats No. 1 at page 62 in the of fice of Register of Deeds of Cleve land county. North Carolina, ref erence to which plats is hereby made for further identification and description of said lots. This sale is made on account of default in the payment of the in debtedness secured by the said deed of trust This 6th day of March, 1929. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DURHAM. North Caro lina, Trustee. W. S. Lockhart. Attorney, Durham, N. C. Charlotte Shieks Are “Cheap Skates” As Girl Relates It Visiting: Date Thinks Boys There Show Their Scottish An cestry Well. Charlotte Observer. Some Charlotte chaps may an swer to the name of Ivan Iskovitch, Solly Goldstein, Max Schmelllng. Pierre du Bonbon of Benito Mus solini, but they’re all Scotch when it comes to the ancient art of “dating.” That, at any rate, is the opinion of a certain young lady who has visited the Queen City extensively and has watched the Charlotte young blades in action when the moon was full—and they weren't necessarily. “Charlotte boys are all right and I wouldn’t say anything against the dear things for the world,” she con fided to this humble reporter, "but they are really tightwads when it comes to taking out their girl friends. Somebody told me that there used to be an old Scotch preacher hereabouts by the name of Alexander Craighead who taught freedom and frugality. I think the Charlotte boys are still under the influence of his sermonizing.” The boy who takes his lady love out for a nice quiet evening in New York—a thoroughly sober and dig nified evening—figures on spending from $26 to $50 before he dismisses the taxi driver at the curb in front of his apartment at 2 a. m. But the Charlotte Romeo feels that he has been held up if he is forced to put out more than two whole bucks according to this young lady. Yes, Charlotte boys are nice lads. They have good lines and all that and some of them can play bridge excellently—lots of them pre fer playing bridge, for it’s cheaper —and they have beautiful manners. But they don’t exactly go bankrupt taklnsr out their dates. ‘1* Dis A System?" "One thing I have noticed about them is that they invariably drop by a little late. Then it's too late to go out. They explain that they have been detained ‘on business.’ Well, in a way, that’s right. It’s a good business to miss a show when the tickets aren’t complimentary. Others, I have observed, would ra ther Just ride around. Some prefer to sit and talk. "And another thing. Try and get a date with a Charlotte boy on a night when there's a road show in town.” But there are a lot of these visit ing gifls who are entirely unreason able, protest the Charlotte boys. For one thing, the visiting girls often want some special brand of cigar ettes, and those cigs aren't given away. The average Charlotte "date,” however, it has been estimated aft er checking the record sheets of a number of Queen City young men, would proceed something after this manner: Movie—not over..$1.50 Drug store later, not over_.30 Oas—Maybe two gallons .. „ .44 Totals . $2.24 In case she wanted to eat and they found the one possible place open after the theater, you might add, say two dollars if she's unusual ly hungry. And, well, a box of can dy, that’s three more bucks, but then that’s an event in a lifetime and most unlikely. And liquor? Oh! No! No! Tis never done. Mercy, No! The Star Twinkles. Kings Mt. Times. Due to varying conditions stars twinkle more brightly at times than others. On Friday, March the first, The Cleveland Star twinkled bright ly before its thousands of read ers throughout Cleveland county and elsewhere. It had literally ex panded into the size of a metropoli tan newspaper with a variety of in teresting timely newsmatter togeth er with enough local advertising to bring smiles of gratification to any publisher in the state. But why shouldn't The Star ex pand? Shelby is making great im provement and The Star merely re flects the development. This is the business of a real newspaper and the Shelby paper certainly “knows its business.” Of course the edition to which we allude was the one devoted to the opening of Shelby’s New Hotel Charles, which occupies a con spicious place in the Cleveland county metropolis. The new hotel, though not the largest, is one of the most elegant and modern in the state, it being a seventy-room, fire-proof structure with a capac ity for 260 guests. The completion of the hotel comes at a time when Cleveland county looms prominently in the limelight and it is a fitting mon ument to the progressiveness of the business men and citizenship of Shelby and Cleveland county. And this example should be followed by other towns. We congratulate Shelby upon the completion of the handsome struc ture and The Star upon the suc cess of the Hotel edition. Progress In Tnrkey. Stamboul, Turkey.—Modem Tur key permits the sale of pork in the same shops with mutton and beef provided a partition separates the meat that Moslems regard as con taminated from the rest. Hitherto pork bad to be sold in separate sl—ps. Ancient Gun, Lost In 1894, Shot Again Original Shell, Placed In Weapon By Confederate At Fort Fisher, Fires. Wilmington.—A Colt revolver, probably lost by a soldier during the battle of Fort Fisher in 1864. and found recently by S. P. Dell of this city, with a full charge of five cart ridges in its chamber, has fired again, and with the same "barge with which it was originally loaded. Recently while searching about the sands at the ruins of Fort Fish er, once a Confederate stronghold, Mr. Dell ran across the revolver. He plucked the relic out of the hill ai£' 1 proceeded to clean it and also oil the weapon. This having been ac complished, he pulled the trigger, rnd much to his amazement, the revolver discharged. The revolver is an old “five shoot er-’ and has eight notches on the barrel, which, in the language of the gunman, means that its owner kill ed eight men with the weapon. ■* We have it on good authority that everybody has gone to Florida. II is now possible to cross any New York street in comfort and safety by digging a tunnel.—The New Yorker. fr - Certificates OF Deposit ISSUED BY CLEVELAND BANK & TRUST CO. SHELBY, N. C. A Certificate of Deposit represents the best possible investment for most depositors, offering Safety, Conven ience and Quick Convertibility into Cash when needed. Certificates of Deposit bear interest and are issued for any amount at this Bank. PLACE YOUR SURPLUS FUNDS ON INTEREST HERE. Cleveland Bank And Trust Company SHELBY, N. C. — NEW BUSINESS INVITED — MR. FARMER STOP! LOOK! AND LISTEN! THE CLEVELAND HARDWARE CO. HAS A COMPLETE STOCK OF OLIVER PLOWS— OLIVER MILLIBUSTERS— OLIVER DRAG HARROWS— OLIVER COTTON PLANTERS COLE DISTRIBUTORS— OLIVER REPAIRS— Call for Genuine Plows and Repairs. DON’T BE FOOLED. We are Agents for Cleveland Coun ty and we are the only people in Shelby WHO SELL GENUINE OLIVER PLOWS and REPAIRS. LET US QUOTE PRICES. Cleveland Hardware Company “WASHBURN’S OLD STAND.” — WHOLESALE AND RETAIL — 105 N. LaFayette St.

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