( One Of The Dreamers Behind “'Horseless Carriage” Passe: In Poverty Despite Car Success Automobile Pioneer Spent Fortune On His Dream Of "Horseless Carriage," Resped Poverty. Detroit—David D. Buick is dead. Mr. Buick, founder of the great automobile company which bears his name and maker of scores of millionaires, died last week in a local hospital virtually penniless. He spent a fortune on his dream of a "horseless carriage,” and reap | ed poverty In return. The emaciated, gray-hatred man ufacturer of other years, who lost out In the Industry he pioneered because of hie Inability to keep pace with its financial expansion, died of cancer. He was seventy 1 Tour. Mr. Buick. whose name appears on the gleaming front of approxi mately 3.000.000 automobiles, died a penniless, forlorn, bitterly disap pointed man. For years he lived and worked to the very shadow of the wing of fortune. At his finger tips danced millions. Around the comer waited uncounted and almost un countable wealth. Time after time he saw the doors of Midas swing tag before him, but always, just before he could enter those golden m realms, they swung shut to his face * and left him on the outside, be wildered, pumled, disappointed. Sells Share In Business. Bade in the dawn of the present century David Bulck was a mem ber of the plumbing supply man ufacturing company of Bulck & Sherwood, well known in Detroit as a sober, hard-working, serious minded manufacturer. He kept an other self, a dreaming, adverture some self, from the world of his 4 business. Puttering about a machine shop at odd-times, he had acquir ed a knowledge of machinery and at the same time had acquired an Interest in the application of gaso line motors to carriages as a means of power. k Henry Ford was a machinist, R. E. Olds, an experimentalist, names since world-famous—the Dodges, Packard. Joy—were as yet unidenti fied with the car Industry. Bulck, a man of middle age, centered his dreams more and more on one thing—the horseless carriage. He sold his interests in the plumbing supply factory, sold his patent right in a bath-tub enamel ing process and with a little over 9100,000 and the help of his son. TOm, began active experiments in 4 « bum in the rear of hts home. It was a hard task he faced. New paths to follow, new engineering problems to solve, every part a matter of hard, grinding, hand la bor. In three years he 6aw his capi tal fade away. In its place he had a valve-ln-head motor plan, an en gine that worked and a new style of "buggy” to carry it. He advertised in Detroit papers for a partner and fresh capital. Among the letters that came in was one from J. H. Whiting, a banker and carriage manufactur er of Flint, Mich. With canny fore sight Whiting asked that the car be driven from Detroit to Flint, a distance of 60 miles over rough roads. mases inp 10 nun. Buick was deli"’’f”d end started forthwith, but at Pontiac his car gave up the ghost. A.team of horses dragged it back to Detroit. A sec ond attempt was made and in tri umph the first Buick car coughed and rattled its way into Flint. Whiting was convinced to the point of putting up $35,000 and a com pany was organized with the Buicks holding the majority of stock. What should have been fair sail ing turned out to be stormy seas. The officials of the new company were in dispute as to sales meth ods. While they disputed and sold stationary engines to keep down the costs, R. E. Olds, Henry Ford and the Cadillac were making cars and selling them. The Ford sold for $850, or $100 more than the Cadil lac, while the Oldsmobile was sell ing at a mere $650. Something had to be done and that something received its Impetus from two things the winning of tests in which all cars were enter ed and a highly favorable review of the car by a trade paper. Orders began to come in. They came in too rapidly. Expansion following ex pansion became not only needed but demanded. Buick and his associates went to W. O. Durant, then head of the Durant-Dort Carriage company, who agreed to raise some money. A whirlwind campaign was put on with stock being sold to farmers, ichool teachers, clerks, sold in door to-door canvass, and more than $1,000,000 was raised. At last it seemed that David Buick was on his way to a vast fortune. The stock that sold at $100 was worth over $6,000 today, but David Buick had not a single share at his Adeath. ^ Leaves Buick Company. The new factory began a tumul tuous life. David Buick was general manager. His sop, Tom. sold his shares and started a brass foundry with many erders from the Buick company. This was in 1906. In 1909 he left the' »mpany. Arguments. putes, misunderstandings had _>n one af'-er the other. Buick sold some of his stock and went to OoUfbrnia. Ho still held a arge block of stock and cast about or activity and discovered It. Lands ormerly owned by the government were rich in oil. He organized a ;ompany and once more fortune leld out rich reward. Before the money came In lltlga ;lon arose over title to the lands rhe shares of Btxlck's remaining stock began to trickle into the market and when at last his oil sompany collapsed David Bulck was broke and without a share of the company he created. His second dream shattered trowing old and lacking In strength be once more sought to win a for tune. Florida was on the boom. He became a partner In a company controlling many acres of land. It tailed. He came to Detroit. He wae seventy, broke, almost friendless He made his home in a little flat He could not even afford a tele phone. All day and all night then flashed and hummed past his doo: cars bearing his name—but he rode on street cars or walked. He got a job In a trade school as an Instruc tor, but as he grew more feeble was made “information man.” He sat at a duk. a thin, bent, little man peering through heavy glasses. He became ill a month ago and was sent to Harper hospital, where he died. “I'm not feeling sorry for myself or worrying about the past,” he said a short time ago. *T not accusing any one of cheating me. It was the breaks of the game that I lost out in the company I founded. I’m look ing forward to the future. Money means nothing—except to insure comforts for the future.” Mr. Bulck Is survived by his wife, Margaret, two sons, Thomas D. and Winton R. Buick, and two daughters, Mrs. James Coyle of De troit and Mrs. F. O. Patterson of Los Angeles. The funeral services will be held at 2 p. m. Friday. The Buick plgnt in Flint is pro ducing cars at the rate of about 300,000 annually. Mountain People Fooling Experts With Their Relics Objects Of Supposed Prehistoric Origin Found To Have Been “Manufactured.” Louisville, Ky.—Kentucky moun taineers, in a measure, always have interested scientists. Their pure Anglo-Saxon blood, their ideals and ideas really make them an inter esting people. But an idea evolved in recent years which resulted in many celebrated Northern and Eastern museums displaying “rare" Indian relics purchased at good prices now engage the profound study of the scientist who soon will be called upon to testify in a fed eral court in Louisville as to their authenticity and whether or not fa mous museums have been duped by Just a plain Kentucky mountaineer’s idea. Federal investigators say they have and here’s the story that they found: Cumberland City is tucked away in the Cumberland Mountains of Kentucky. Near it live Mark Hanna Guffey, W. M. “Wade” Bell and R. V. “Veit” Jones. Fertile Field For Relics. Cumberland City came to the attention of Indian relic collectors, antique hunters and scientists upon discovery that the surrounding country abounded in a vast wealth of prehistoric objects of great value. Many of the relics were of a strange variety and unknown to science. From time of discovery until Un cle Sam took a hand there was a steady flow of rare pottery, ob jects of age old Indian art and decorations, into hands of collec tors, according to United States District Attorney Thomas J. Sparks of Louisville. Certain relic collectors and ex perts began to lose faith in their purchases and their source and complained to the government. An investigation started. Agents of the government uncov ered Indian relics in the hills of Clinton county until they came 1 upon a strange work shop—then was when attention was directed at Guffey. Bell and Jpnes. The work shop was crude with but an old Ford car as chief im plement and power plant. It, how ever, turned out wares so genuine in appearance that, Just as federal agents say, they found places among the best and most authentic col lections, with approval of many eminent gentlemen of science. Guffey, Bell and Jones have been cited to come down to the city from their mountain workshop on charges of using the mails to de fraud and to tell Just what they can do with an old Ford, car and a few kentuck mountain limestone rocks. Death Proves Mystery. Peoria, 111.—Murder warrants against two men and their wives were ordered issued following the coroner's Inquest into the death of Clarence Hoppe, one of 15 persons who died in the Peoria district dur ing the last three days, supposedly from poisoned liquor. May Become Ruler of Britain Against his will, the Prince of Wales will probably be created regent within the next month, as it becomes increasingly ap parent that his father, Kinj^ George V, will never recover his health sufficiently to resume his duties as ruler of the British Empire. Impending events, including the dissolution of Par* liament. formation of a new government after elections, and the usual address from the throne on the opening of the new Parliament, make such a step virtually imperative. (InttmUoul N.warva) phot*) . .j Behind die Stem p|inHol!p?QDd^ ■ ■■ m 'A ii By DOROTHY HERZOG (Copyright 1929 Premier Syndicate) Hollywood.—The heebie Jeebte season is sure here. With the balm comes that hoop-de-la yen to go places and knock oft work—or what one calls work. Any rich rilashun hidin’ out? Wot Ho! Richard Dix and his mother slipped into town so quietly that very few souls knew or know they’re here. Understand Richard intends to stay another ten days ere chugging back New Yorkwards to resume box office emoting. Laura, Laura! Laura Hope Crewes, divorcee of Broadway and the legit, has decid ed to reside in Hollywood for moons to rise. She came originally to teach Norma Talmadge and Gilbert Roland English as she Is dictioned. She has now leased the Prank Tuttles home on Beachwood Drive and purchased herself a Ford coupe, incidentally her first automobile. She had no use for a gasoline steed in Manhattan, where taxies i are more reasonable and quicker. Having taken a lesson or I two In driving the Ford. Laura I ventured forth by herself. Much to her distress the darn car stopped dead in the middle of Hollywood Boulevard. The man In the machine behind her yelled: “I’ll give you a push." He did, and c&rooned around and ahead of her. Laura’s coupe mean* ' dered three feet and stopped again. Another driver obligingly gave it a push. Once more it stopped. This could have gone on far into the night, but luck favored the Intre pid, if worried, Miss Crewes. and in due pushes she coasted down a convenient hill Into a gas station, i “Want some gas?” asked the at tendant. “1 don’t know,” mourned Miss Crewes, and promptly narrated her misfortune. I The attendant investigated gas, oil and water tanks, shook his head at "these women folk” and re marked: ‘She’s bone dry. That's why she won’t run.” Miss Crewes sighed her relief. After all, how was she to know that a new car is delivered minus the liquid essentials? Attagal, Camilla. Camilla Horn is determined to learn English. She and her German mail, Helena, no longer “spracher Deutsch,’ ’to each other. Instead, they endeavor to help the other with their adopted language. The following conversation ensued 'tother day. | Helena—"I go out.” Camilla—“It is cold out. You better wear your brown cape.” Helena—“Ich habe nicht. I selled it.” (Iimilla (exasperated)—“Helena. Helena, you will never learn. You not selled it. You solded it.” Miss Hom. by the bye. is not go ing to Africa with the “Trader Horn” troupe after all. Tears to ’’ave been a financial impasse be fore contracts could be signed. Ru mor screams an "unknown” will be j corraled by M G M for the part. Add Movie Vocabulary—A scarlet fever victim la colorfully described hereabouts as a “technicolor pa tient." Screen Scribs: Doris Keane has arrived In Hollywood. Probably the lure of the talkies. Did you chance to see her gorgeous performance in the legit version of “Romance”? . . I Larry Reid, motion picture maga- 1 zine editor. Is here for a two weeks’ stay . . . Gary Cooper trudging up to Lupe Velez’ Laurel Canyon domicile to feed the three eagles he j gave her in all seriousness. Lupe Is knockin’ ’em for the w. k. loop In New York, wafts the Eastern mur mur . . . Dorothy ~ Appleby’ who talky debuts in Pathe’s "Listen Baby,” trailed to Palm Springs last | week-end In an effort to overcome a cold. Whilst there she visited the j mineral springs. There, housed In i a primitive shack, bubbles a pool of hot quicksand which has cured the Ills of Indians and settlers of the community tor generations, uoro thy immersed herself for twenty mlnutefc in the quicksand and came out cold-less. These springs are j reckoned to be the mo6t curative in California. Promoters have offered a king’s ransom for the rights to them, but the pool is on the Indian reservation and the government re fuses to grant any concessions. The baths open at sunrise and close at sundown. One brings her own towel and awaits her turn until Chief Francisco, grizzled custodian | of the shack, waves her to the ! mystic pool. Dorothy is plum glad she found it . . . Saturday sees Corinne Grufith and Walter Mor 06co, Laura Laplante and Bill Setter et al fly to Agua Caliente for a “fateful” week-end .... Travis Banton’s mother has arrived from New York to visit her famous son. He Is fashion director lor Famous Players . . . And—that’s all except for . . . STYLE REELS. By Howard Greer, Fashion Director Bebe Daniels greets the spring with a Jaunty sports suit of printed corded silk. A skirt, pleated in front, and a finger-tip coat of the heavy silk, printed In a tapestry de sign of reds, blues and blacks upon a white background, ac company a blouse of white silk. The only detail upon the Jump er is a scroll edging the collar - of the suit material. An innova tion is a stitched hat of the same material. PLANE IS SAFER THAN CAR, CLAIM Greensboro.—There Is less dan ger In flying than in driving an au tomobile, Ed Kilingman, World war pilot and Greensboro business man. declared while addressing boys of the Greensboro high school. “In 1627,” he said in further proof of his assertion of the safety of flying, “more people were killed from being kicked by mules than by riding in airp’ancs." He outlined req:'-aments for illots and gave the boys infor mation on various branches of i aviation. Rare Eye Disease Near Cherryville Cherryrille Eagle Glioma, a very malignant sarcomtous growth of the sup porting structure, more com monly that of the nervous sys tem—neuroglia, has been dls eovered In this community. The disease Is not communicable from one person to another, but does not react to any known method of treatment, therefore Its prognosis Is decidedly un favorable. Dr. Ray Burris, has had under his observation during the last several days, the case, a child four years old. He has not made known the name of the patient. The disease has been developing for a period of about ten months, and Is located In the eyes of which one has al ready been removed. The Eagle has not been able to get a more complete history of the case and nature of the disease. How ever we understand that Glioma Is one of the rarest of all dis ease, not more than a score on record In this 'country. Has 47 Operations, Wants To Be Doctor Iowa Boy Could Talk Any Woman To Death About His Numerous Operations. Cedar Rapids. la., March 7 — Ralph Snodgrass. 18-year-old high school student of Cedar Rapids, could sing "Oh-h-h-h, my opera tion” with feeling and experience, for In the past six years he has been imder the surgeon's knife 47 times and has been under anaes thetic more than 30 times. And because he admires the sur geons at the university hospital at Iowa City who have operated on him and because he has become so familiar with hospitals and the In struments of surgery he has decid ed to become a doctor I Ralph suffered from an Infection of the bone due to a scratch suf fered on one of his great toes on Labor day 1923. After spending eight months in bed, during which time his weight dropped from 96 to 56 pounds, he was taken to the University hospital for his first op eration. He was so weak, however, that It was two weeks before suf ficient resistance could be built up for the operation. The femur bone of the left leg had decayed from the Infection. To save the leg from amputation the softened portion of the bone was cut away, leaving Just a thin stem. In turning the boy on the operating tables this was broken, but it was placed in splints and now nature has almost filled the gap. The disease broke out at differ ent times In different places—a toe, a leg, a collar bone, a rib had to be scraped when the Infection ap peared. The boy became so weak from such continual operating that a quart of blood had to be trans fused at one time. Borne of the operations were done tinder local anaesthetics, but most of them were under general. Four chloroform and 25 times gas was used. He has a total of 17 sep arate scars, the longest of which had to be reopened a second and third time. He recently returned to school after his last operation, performed in November. A Man And A Mule Yancy Builder in Alabama Times Over the hill trailed a man be hind a mule drawing a Dixie plow’. The clodhopper was “broadcasting." “Bill, you are a mule, the son of a Jackass, and I’m a man made in the image of God. Yet, here we work hitched together year in and year out. I often wonder if you work for me or I for you. Sometimes I think this is a partnership between a mule and a fool. For surely I work harder than you do. Plowing here we cover the same distance, but you do it on four legs and I on two. So mathematically speaking, I do twice as much work per leg as you do. . “Soon well be preparing for a corn crop. When the crop is har vested, I give one-third to the land lord for being kind enough to let me use this corner of God's universe. The other third goes to you. and what is left is my share. But while you consume all your third with the exception of a few cobs. I di vide my third among seven chil dren, six hens, two ducks andla banker. Bill, you are getting die best of me; it ain’t fair for a mule, the son of a Jackass, to rob a man, the lord of creation, of his sub stance. And come to think about it, you only help to cultivate the ground. After that, I cut, shock and husk it, while you look over the pasture fence and ‘he-haw’’ at me. “All fall and part of the winter the whole family, from granny down to baby, pick cotton to help raise money to buy you a new set of harness and pay Interest on the mortgr-e or. you, and by the way. what tV you care about that mort ’age? It doesn’t worry you any. •0t a dam bit. You leave that to me, you ungrateful, or nery cuss "About the only time when I’m your better is on election day, for i can vote and you cant But if I :ver get any more out or politics ‘han you do, I can’t see where it is.’’ She’* Safe and Sound For twelve loop day* the parents of Geraldine J Horn In Brooklyn had plenty to worry about. She disappeared from the seminary in Lancas ter, Pa., where she was a stu dent, and was thought to have met with foul play. However, Geraldine was found at the home of friends fn Washing ton, D. C., just a runaway, llnurntUuMJ MawarMl Chute) 4, Boulder Dam Will Be 805 Feet High New Construction Will Have Seven Times The Power Of Great Niagara Falls. Uncle Sam’s biggest construction Job since the Panama canal—the building of Boulder dam—has final ly been authorized by congress. Aft er a fight against selflgh Interests that blocked passage of this bill session after session the measure found a majority of this congress favorable to It, and it has been signed by the president. This dam will create an immense artificial lake by stopping the wa ters of the Colorado river passing through Boulder canyon on the boundary line between Arizona and Nevada. The immense walls of the canyon, solid rock to a height of over 700 feet, form an Weal na tural site for the dam. When completed the dam will be 729 feet from crt^t to bottom of the river and 805 feet wide at the top. It will be the world's largest dam, in fact twice as high as any now in existence. It will impound 15 times as much water as the great Roose velt dam in Arizona Thedluuuuu will create will be more than 80 miles long and 30 miles wide in places. During eleven months of the year the Colorado river creeps along sluggishly in its bed. But in June, when the snow begin to melt in the mountains, it becomes a roaring tor rent. In that -one month it Is esti mated the river carries out ten times as much water during the remaining eleven months, flooding lowlands and carrying enough rich sUt into the Oulf of Lower Cali fornia in Mexico to cover all of Connecticut and Delaware one foot ,11 this the Boulder dam will p. It will protect 60,000 farmers, Ides several cities and villages in them Arizona and California m being flooded out one month rv year and dried out the other ven months. The reservoir ated by the dam will hold all water coming down the river eighteen months without going r the dam. ’he water in the reservoir will be pie to irrigate 2.000.000 acres and lalm 450,000 acres now unproduc », to which ex-service men wUl ire first claim. Che bill provides an appropna a of $165,000,000 to construct the m but all of this is to be paid :k with interest within 30 yews m power and water rights. The ai will develop 600,000 horse pow of electricity, it is estimated, or ■en times as much as Niagara 11s now produces. It will also e Los Angeles and 20 other les a plentiful supply of pure wa another source of big revenue help pay the cost of the dam. Don’t Crowd, Boys! New York.—Anybody with $6 may have two pictures hung at the an nual exhibition of the society of independent artiste. Some 650 plumbers, vegetarians, cubists and mere artists have sent double that number of paints of shoes, cocktail shakers and what not to the Wal dorf. Psychic Staff. New York.—L06t while ghosts walked at Texas Ouinan’s night club, a $10,000 diamond sunburst is missing from the gems of Mrs. Margot Colin. In the dark the I spirit of Rudolph Valentine strum med the guitar and that of Arnold Rothstein evaded question as to who shot him. On the way home Mrs. Colin discovered her loss. The Prince of Wales sells his horses, But it won't be the first time he has parted from them.—Nash ville Banner. L • Mr. Dairyman WE ARE DISTRIBUTORS FOR THE BERNEY-BOND MILK BOTTLES-RECEIVED A CAR LOAD LAST WEEK HERE IS OUR PRICE J Pint-Size- $6.00 Gross 1 Pint-Size- $7.00 Gross 1 Quart-Size-$9.00 Gross PHONE 73 FOR YOUR BOTTLES. Cleveland Hardware Company — WHOLESALE AND RETAIL — HARDWARE & SPORTING GOODS USED CAR PRICES Read this list of Good Used Cart, with PRICES, then come and BUY ONE, and save the difference* 1—1927 Standard Buick Sadan-$750. 1—1927 Standard Buick Coupe-$750* 1—1926 Buick Coach—$485.* 1— 1926 Buick Coupe—$395. 2— 1925 Buick Sedans. \ 1—1925 Buick Sedan $250. 1—1928 Chrysler 62 Coupe—$750* 1—1926 Chrysler 70 Sedan—$650* 1—1926 Chrysler 70 Coach—$450. 1—1928 Hudson Landau Sedan-$850. 1— 1928 Standard Hudson Sedan— $750. 2— ^1927 Hudson Coaches—$600 each. r ... ... . 1—1926 Ford Touring—$100. 1—1926 Chevrolet Coach—$250. At these extremely low prices these cars will sell. So come at once and get your pick. D. H. Cline Hudson-Essex Dealer. W. Warren 3t

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