Let A Star Want Ad Sell It For You At Small Cost p WTiat Your Want Ira the WANT ADS Kales For Want Advertisements In This Column. Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. This size type 1 cent per word each insertion Minimum This size type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c per word each insertion. Ads that amount topless than 25c, will be charged 25c for first insertion. FOR SALE - Dodge Sedan. In good condi tion. Apply at Star Office. 5-tf IP YOU ARE PLANNING TO build, let us make an estimate Plans and sketches cheerfully sub mitted. First class workmanship guaranteed, Lowman Brothers, con tractors, Phone 727-J. tf I Sc BABY CHICKS — POULTRY bringing best price in years. Wc hatch or sell you chicks cheaper than hen can hatch them. Rocks and Reds each Wednesday. Suttle Hatchery. tf 6c MEAT SCRAP FOR SALE, analizes 55 per cent protein. Excel lent for hog and chicken feed. $70 per ton. City Abattoir. Apply at City Hall. tf "c FOR SALE CHEAP TO QUICK buyer, nice desirable lot just off Highway No. 20 west of Shelby. Zeb C. Mauncy. if -8c I HAVE SEVERAL thousand dollars to lend on improved farms in Cleveland county. See or write Marvin Blanton, Led better building, Shel by. W-F-tf MORTGAGE LOANS ON HIGH class business and residential property in Shelby. Unlimited funds immediately available. See Bert Price, Royster, Building, Rooms 4 and 5. 12t 15c SEE US FOR HAV IP YOU want a bale or a car. Shelby Feed Co., located with Suttles Hatch prv tf llC SHELBY AUTO AND WAGON Company, specialiizng in rebuild ing wrecked c vou, so you see MiM-~. bot, l tmouout 4 was DOIN' THE pqr. The, BUSINESS team. / ASK. Mft ROOT IP HbN WILL. BE KIND ENOUGH TO SEE ME WERE — 1 CANNOT ASK. HIM INTO M/ DRESSING ROOM Tm\S is a PLEASURE , MISS C5USSIE My NAME IS ROOT WRIOMT ROOT KNOW >t>U. SIR • I KNOW who you ARE _ . EVERYONE "DOES ATTBK -THIS WBBK., AAR . ROOT, OUR T/M« 18 ALL OPCM_ ^ • UHt. Kk« 8; (mi htw ritka wmbi< Team Loyalty Imy is WRKSHT ROOT, JR , SOM OP TME VAUDEVILLE KlNfc, Buzz buzzing IMOUSSIB'S EAR? ^fuAT IS WE SAYlMS THAT aus CAN'T HEAR, f OM, MO / MU. ROOT AlO — I COULOMT Y Iff*. Kinf K« «tuN» Syndicate, Inc., Great Britain rlfhU r*»*r\ed 'TRAkj.iS, Art* .ROOT * SOT WE CAME USERS AMO SHOWED AS A leAM- mo sputt/mo US OUT. I WORK WITH <3l)S OK I OOMT WORK SAW FILING—30-40C EACH. Elias C. Leigh, Ella-Lilly Mill St. 12t 8p THREE ROOMS TO RENT TO man and wife—$15.00 per month. Plus water and lights. See D. Augustus Beam, 402 East Sumter street. 3t-13c I WANT ONE TWO-HORSE farmer, who can work 20 acres or more in cotton, or two one-horse farmers to work 10 acres or more each. J. C. Randle. R-2, Kings Mountain. 3t 8p YOU ARE INVITED TO COME and see our nursery stock. West View Nursery, 4 miles west of Shelby, N. C., R-2. 2t-13p BUY “THEN AND NOW,” THE whole family will read and stay home from the show. See it at Ebe)toft's. 6t 8c FOR RENT OR SALE MY home, 508 W. Warren. Mrs. R. E. Ware, 108 E. Second street, San ford, Fla 5t-llp MAKE WASH DAY QUICK AND easy. Use “Quick Wash Tablets” and "No-Rub Washing Compound”. Worth their weight in gold to any wash woman. Write L. M. Crain, R-2, Lawndale, N. C. flt lip WANTED: MAPLE LOGS AND lumber. Southern Desk Company, Hickory, N. C. 12t lc BUILDING LOTS—GOOD Lo cation. C. S. Young. tf-12c LET US SELL YOU YOUR evergreens and flowering shrubs this sprfng. West View Nursery. 2t-13p WANTED: SEWING. MISS Pacolet Moore, Lattimore Place. Eastside. H 13P THfeRE 1SAREC ORD of all accounts due Home Provision Co. and E. H. Johnson at the Piedmont Cafe. An early settle ment will be appreci ated by me. E. H. Johnson. 2-13c FOR RENT TWO OR THREE rooms for light house keeping, ap ply 409 N. Washington street. 3t-13p FOR SALE: A DOUBLE LAUN dry tub. Price reasonable. Call' at Star office. 2t 13c Reed's Parting Shot. Senator Jim Reed, from Mis souri, just couldn't leave the sen ate, where he served for so many years, without taking a parting shot at his political enemies. "With an Englishman as presi dent, an Indian as vice-president and a negro in congress, I am glad to sever my connection with the senate,” was the Missourians final fling. Copeland’s Health Talk Making Them Harder BY ROYAL S. COPELAND, M. D. (United States Senator And Former Health Commissioner of New fork.) What is "ovmwwtf ? Every doctor every day tells his patients not to overwork. What is overwork anyhow? The ideal job is one that ean be thoroughly done in seven or eight hours, is a pleasure to do. docs not cause great fatigue, and can be OK. CUttUKM). taken up next day just where it was left. I guess that sort of a job would be hard to find, although it would seem to be most desirable. Some jobs are hard because they do not ap peal to the mind. There is a mental antagonism ' that prevents happiness and content. They give a sense of overwork alrtiost before they are be gun. The willingness to work and much of the abil ity to work hard, depend on the mental attitude. If you can get your mind reconciled to the beauty and attractiveness and desirability of the work you are doing, the battle is half won. A trained mind helps one to adapt himself to his surroundings. The saner you are and the better trained, the. more readily you overcome your disgust of a given job. In consequence, the case oi doing it increases. The converse of this is not necessarily true. Lots of people “plug along” at a job, apparently sublimely indifferent to the whole under taking. There is no mental rebellion against it. It is just done and that’s all. Merely to be content is not enough. This sort of content is purely animal. It does not show training i—on the contrary, it proves the lack of it. It is the submission of the pack-mule. I do not question that many per sons are hitched to work for which they are unsuited. Circumstances and necessity are holding them where tiiey don’t want to be. This is unfortunate, because it causes discontent, impatience, bad humor, and unwillingness to work. All these emotions have the effect of friction They make the work hard and tiring. Under such con ditions it Is not difficult to over work. One of the uses of exercise is to stimulate the action of the heart and lungs. It sends the blood in cleansing stream to every part of the body. It helps to purify the blood and promote the upbuilding of health. tf you enjoy your work, particu larly if you revel in it. your emo tional state is reflected in the same sort of stimulation of heart and lungs that exercise produces. Con sequently, the work is done easily, fatigue does not come on, and the joy of the thing makes it a pleasur able task. Overwork, overworry, fretfulness, discontent—all these are sisters or cousins. Cfertainly they belong to the same wicked family. Don't misunderstand me, you en thusiastic ones! Just because you love your work and are keen to do it, are not sufficient reasons for working too many hours. You may not notice the effects of hard work and will be able to work longer and harder than the man who hates his work, himself and the world. But your nerves and muscles must have rest just the same. Abundant and well-selected food, plenty of sleep and fresh air and all the other hygienic things, are essential to your continued well being. Your eyes and all your muscles need a change of use. With a carefully arranged sche dule of work and play, ot rest and sleep, you need never suffer the evil effects of overwork. Am I not right? Sailing over the center ot an earthquake just when it occurred was the experience of a British freighter recently. She was off the coast of Chile when three heavy bumps were felt as if she were scraping the bottom, though the charts showed the depth of water to be over 400 feet." THE PERSON WHO HAS | NOTHING | Is Usually The One j Who Does All The Damage. | Your Only Safe guard is Insurance With CHAS. A. HOEY ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of P. P. Duncan, de ceased, late of Cleveland county, N. C„ this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Lawndale, N. C. on or before the 20th day of February, 1930, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 14th dy of February, 1929. * S. C. DUNCAN, Adminis trator of the estate of P. P. Duncan, deceased. Bynum E. Weathers, Atty. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of C. C. Green, deceased, late of Cleveland county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned proper!} verified and itemized on or before the 5th day of March. 1930. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AU persona In debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 6th day of March. 1H9. O. O. MOORE, Administrator. Newton As Newton, Attya. If STUM IDS REDUCED PRICES ON KELLY TIRES AND WE TAKE YOUR OLD TIRES IN TRADE. Buckeye Balloon Cords 29x4.40 — $6.40 29x4.50 __$6.85 30x4.50_- $7.15 28x4.75 _—$8.00 29x4.75 —_$8.40 30x4.75 _ —- $8.70 29x5.00 _$8.65 30x5.00 ..— $8.95 31x5.00 __$9.40 32x5.00 _.— $10.35 28x5.25 .- $9.75 29x5.25 .- $10.20 30x5.25 _$10.50 31x5.25. $10.80 28x5.50 ...._$10.85 29x5.50 . $11.20 30x5.50 .$11.40 30x6.00 .___ $12.00 31x6.00 ..$12.30 32x6.00 _$12.75 33x6.00 . $13.10 Kelly Balloon Cords 27x4.40 .. $7.75 29x4.40 .-.. $8.00 29x4.50 ... $8.50 30x4.50 ... $9.00 28x4.75 .$9.75 29x4.75 ..~ $10.25 30x4.75 .. $10.75 29x5.00 .... $10.50 30x5.00 .. $11.00 31x3.00 ----- $11.50 32x5.00 ... $12.73 28x5.25 - $12.00 29x5.25 ... $12.50 30x5.25 .. $13.90 31x5.23 ...— $15.30 28x5 50 .-. $13.35 29x5.50 .. $13.70 30x5.50 .. 314.0A 30x6.00 ... $14.70 31x6.00 .. $15.10 32x6.00 .. $15.60 33x6.00 .. $16.10 34x6.00 . S10.C3 30x6.50 .- SIS-10 31x6.50 . $18.53 32XG.50 —. $18-95 33x6.30 . $39.40 Kelly Heavy Duty 29x4.49 . $1140 29x4.69 .. $11.69 39x4.59 . $18.94 29x4.15 ..._... (l&N 29x5.00 .....— $1199 30x5.00 . $13.69 • 31x5.00 . $1440 28x5.25 . $11*5 29x5.25 .... S14J59 30x5.25 _._- $1540 31x5.25. IIUI 28x5.50 - $15.15 29x540 _.... $1049 30x5.50 ._.- 811.08 30x6.00 . - 817.00 31x6.00 .. 517 JO 32x0.00 __........— $1*40 33x8.00 . $18.68 34x6.00 ___ $1949 35x6.00 $90*0 30x6.50 ... $21.60 31x630 .. 581-23 32x630 .. 52140 13x6.50... »2«0 32x740 ...- $«-•« 34x7.00 . $**•*» 35x7.00 . 584.W ?4x7.30 . 5*840 Temple Service Station East Warren St., Rear Masonic Temple. Telephone 91 IS.