SHELBY, N. C. MONDAY, MARCH 18,1929. published Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I 12 PAGES I TODAY Afternoons By mull, per year (in advance) $2.80 Carrier, per year On advance) #3.00 LATE NEWS The Markets. Shelby, spot cotton ........... 20c Cotton Seed, bu. ....._... 70lie Fair And Warmer. Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: Warmer tonight and Tues day. 13 Die In Crash. Thirteen people taking a joy ride in an airplane were killed yesterdky at Newark, New Jersey, when the big plane in which they were rid ing failed to rise more than 100 feet and then plunged to the ground. The pilot and his com panion in the control cockpit were not killed although seriously in jured. Lawmakers Not With Gardner Over Friendly Executive Not As Popular With Legislators As Had Been Expected. When Governor Max Gardner was inaugurated the general im pression over the state was that, due to his popularity, the legisla ture would follow his recommenda tions and approved measures more readily than they have lor several governors of the past. Governor Gardner backed his pet measure, the Australian ballot, and after many amendments, and a hard fight, he put it over. But in the closing days of the session newspaper observers noted that many of the approved measures of the Governor were being permitted to go by the board. The Raleigh correspondent for several afternoon dailies. J. C. i Continued on page tefs.) Union Man Dies Of Blood Poison Had Dressed A Beef And Got Hand Infected—Live Only A Few Days. A second Cleveland county farm er this year has died from blood poisoning, caused by infected hand as a result of dressing livestock. Early this year a young farts v of the Lattimore community cut his hand while dressing a hog and the, wound became infected with. the result that he died frijhV Mood1 ^olson a short time thereafter in1 the hospital at Rutherfordton. Last week Mr. Hewie Champion of the Union community died in the Shelby hospital from blood poison resulting from an abrasion on the hand while dressing a beef at his home three or four days pre vious. Mr. Champion's passing caused great sorrow in the Union community where he was regarded as one of the best citizens. Mr. Champion is survived by his wife, one son. Ulysses, his mother, Mrs. W. B. Champion, two sisters, Mrs. Julius Costner and Mrs. P. B. Brigg and three brothers, Leroy, Hose and Grover Champion. # The funeral was largely attended at Union where he was an active member and had the enviable rec ord of not having missed Sunday school for four years. Watch Your Trash Uptown; Ordinance Forbids Scattering , The garbage cans in the uptown business district of Shelby are for trash and are to be used as such. Moreover those not using the gar bage cans are subject to a fine of $5 for, each offense according to a new city ordinance. The new ordinance, recently adopted by the city board and now in force, spates that it is unlawful to throw or leave waste paper upon the streets or court square, to throw or drop glass bottles or broken glass upon the streets or sidewalks, to throw or drop por tions of fruits or vegetables upon the sidewalks and streets, or to scatter circulars or advertising matter larger than three by five inches. Even small circulars are not to be distributed upon the streets or in business lobbies un less handed to some person who in dicates a desire to accept same. The move by the city fathers was raadeNin an effort to check the giutterlng of the business district with circulars “and refuse matter dropped upon the streets by shop pers and others. Shelby Legion Post Accorded Citation The Warren Hoyle Post of the American Legion has been tender ed a Most Distinguished Service citation from national headquar ters for enrolling all 1920 members for 1929 and placing them in good vtaiidlng. Notification of the award came to Th06 H. Abernethy. Jr., ad jutant of the local post, from Jim Caldwell. adjutant of the North Carolina department. i Kings Lowers May Get Trial At Later Date Change In Venue Would Automati cally Postpone Hearing:. Sec tion Prejudiced. _ When the case against Rate King, Shelby man charged with having something to do with the death of his wife last January at Sharon, S. C., comes up for trial at York on April 15 it is likely that King’s attorneys will ask for a change of venue, or the moving of the case to another South Caro lina county. No definite statement is made to that effect by the local attorneys of King, Clyde R. Hoey and B. T. Falls, nor by his York attorney, Thos. F. McDow, but it is general ly understood that they will make such a plea to the circuit judge and will use as their argument that the section thereabouts is too prejudic ed against the Shelby man to give him a fair trial. would Be Automatic. Asked liere Saturday if it was the intention to ask a change of venue and also that the trial date be postponed. Mr. Hoey did not commit himself definitely about asking a change of venue but did say, ‘ You understand that if a change of venue is granted that will mean a postponement of the hearing as it would not likely be held, with the venue changed, un til the next term of court in the county to which the case would be moved, provided the judge grants such. The judge, you see, will ftave absolute authority in deciding that." A reason advanced by King’s friends for a postponement of the hearing is that sentiment in the matter even in York county and about Sharon is changing due to the apparent Intention on the part of some to injure him by the start ing and passing along of innumer able unfounded rumors about the case. “If they keep starting such re ports as that,” declared one Shelby man Saturday talking of the re port that ipng had been placed in •the asylum, "I don't see how any fair-minded person can eventually help but side with Rafe until shown better because of the many concoct ed stories being related about his wife's death and about him. Those stories, in my judgment, will react hi his favor. People arc going to wonder what is the truth about the matter if the facts continue to show up these wild rumors as they have been.” Saying Little. ^ However, King's-.attorneys are having little to say about the ru mors. other than that they did put a crimp into the wild report that their client had been placed in an asylum to evade trial. They per haps have something up their sleeve for the hearing, and it may be that they will use the many un founded rumors in the case with telling effect when the hearing comes up. Anyway, it is the opin ion of local people that the rumors will surely serve the purpose of convincing the trial judge that King' cannot get a fair trial at York, as prejudice must be behind the origin of many of the rumors proved to be without foundation. Friends of King also argue that the continued spreading of rumors in the case is a pretty good indication that very few injurious facts are known against him, as they con tend that the rumors and surmise would not be necessary if officers had real incriminating evidence. Commandery Names Officers On Tuesday A meeting of the Commandery will be held at the Masonic Tem ple Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, at which time new officers will be elected. A meeting of the Blue Lodge is scheduled to be held Friday night of this week. L First Photo of Qcorgia Flood 'JR VIEW SHOWS BUSINESS DISTRICT INUNDATED BV C l AT’I/. 't’his remarkable picture, taken from an airplane by an Internationa] Newsreel Staff Photographer, shows West Point, Ga., under many feet of water. The street ih the cen ter of the picture, the main thoroughfare of the city, is a canal, the water rising- above the floors of stores and dwell ing". On the left is seen the QHtt'uvibchee, swollen alm^rt to the floor o fthe bridge, and ov:r'‘-.ving into the sur rounding country. The ploa.i froirr. ", hi.h this r'~ •»> s taken was piloted by Doug Davis, of Atlanta.—Photo by International Newsreel, Beloved Woman Of Upper County Dies Mrs. Edhe? Willis, One Of Most Prominent Woman Of Upper C leveland Dies. Upper Cleveland was shocked last week to learn of the rather sudden and unexpected passing of one of Its most prominent and influential women, Mfs. Edney Willis, age 49 years. Mrs. Willis suffered a stroke Of paralysis on March 9 and died the following Thursday morning at 8 o'clock. Her passing removed one of the best women of the county for she was a leader in the religious life of the community, a saintly mother and a devoted, affectionate neighbor, whose whole life was lived for others. In the Willis home, the family altar was worship ped at, morning and night. In the St. Peters Synday school Mrs. Wil lis was a teacher and worker, and her passing leaves a vacancy which will be hard to fill. Daughter Of Noah Wright. Her father, Mr. Noah J. Wright of Fallston has been superintendent of Friendship Methodist church, Fallston for 62 years, being the oldest superintendent In point of service and age in North Carolina, perhaps. So she had an inherent In terest in religious work - and was one of the most influential women in upper Cleveland. Mrs. Willis Is survived by her esteemed husband and seven chil dren. five boys and two girls, the youngest child being six years old. Also surviving are four sisters, Mrs. R. A. Lackey, Mrs. D. L.- Mar tin. Mrs. Robert Wilson and Mrs. J. R. Morris. The funeral was con ducted Saturday morning by Rev. J. W. Fitzgerald and interment was at St. Peters church rear which she lived and in which she was such a faithful member. Hundreds of sorrowing friends attended the funeral service and a beautiful display of flowers added testimony to the esteem and regard in which she was held by everybody. Something Is “Keeping ‘Em Down On The Farm ” Recently Washington—There nre fewer persons on farms now than at any time in the last 20 years, figures issued by the agriculture depart ments bureau of agriculture eco nomics showed. The “farm popu lation” was estimated at 27,511, 000 as of January 1, 1929. as com pared with a peak of 32,000,000 in 1909. A decrease in farm population during the past year was shown by the estimate despite an im provement in agricultural condi tions and a slight slackening in (industrial employment. The fig ures showed that 1,960.000 per sons left farms hi 1928 and only 1.362.000 went lrom cities to farms. As compared with previous years, the drift from farm to city slowed iip somewhat, the figures indicated, but there were also fewer persons moving from city to farm. The net loss of farm population last year was 188.00G persons, compared with 193.000 in 1927 a,-d with „ 19.000 -in 1926. An excess of births over deaths helped' to 'swell the farm i population. High School Students To Be Given A Political Education , In Schools Of America Now Educators In A Score Of States Hope To Aid Students With Courses. (Special To The Star.> Washington.—The rather stu pendous task of giving Americans a political education has at least been begun. In a score or more states edu cators ara struggling wltn a vision of the day when high school gradu ates may enter life with some con ception of public affairs and free from the many dumb superstitions commonly supposed to a'iiict the average American voter. ‘'Problems of democracy” courses are being taught in New York. New Jersey. Pennsylvania and North Carolina, among other states, and have met with special success in adjacent Maryland, where the stat" department of education has issued an extensive bulletin outlining the curricula made by teachers in Queen Anne’s county. Tn most in stances such courses have been established for the last nigh school year. The outsanding leader In tli" movement is Professor J. Montgom ery Ganibrill. head of the history department of Teachers college. Columbia university, who has cx (Continued on page ten.^ Legislative Page Says Mrs. Gardner Prettiest Of All Youngsters At Their Banquet Name Governor's Lady As Most Beautiful. Raleigh. — One of the prize speeches made by legislative at taches while the general assembly has beo in session was made by Wendell McDevitt, Youthful page of Marshall. Madison county, when Governor and Mrs. Gardner enter tained the pages last week at the executive mansion. One of the entertainment features of the party was the election of superlatives, the smartest, laziest, and so on. Finally the youngsters got around to the election of the handsomest. "Mr. president,” Wendell said. "I rise to a point of personal privilege Everybody knows Mrs. Gardner is the handsomest and most beautiful person here, and any motion that doesn't name her and her alone, is 1 out of order.” Vociferous applause greeted his : speech, and by common consent j Mrs. Gardner was honored by the i past. v Kelly Sale Leads ( To Reorganization; In Business Shelby Mills Family May Take Over Chain. New Dry Cleaner. Signs Managerial Contract. Sinee tire Kelly Clothing com pany inaugurated their '‘reorgan ization sale." which started Satur day. many inquiries have been made as to what the nature of the reorganization will be. Henry Mills, in charge or the business litre, asserts that a state ment will later be made by the company. In the meantime it Is understood, and this is unofficial, that the Mills family Is taking over the chain of stores, buying out the Kelly Interests. In which case. It Is believed. Mr Mills will continue In charge of the local store as formerly, The sale, now on, has met with a spirited endorsement by the buying public. Saturday being one of the banner days of the firm history here. Announcement comes from the Shelby Dry Cleaning company that Mr. Edgar Griffitts, formerly with the B*n Vonde company, of Char lotte, has been employed by the local concern, and has been placed in charge of the dyeing and clean ing dcc'rtments. Mr. Bowling says Mr. Griffitts is the most compet ent man in his line that he knows anywhere. Word comes to The Star that Mr. E. A. Millican, manager of the Charles Store In this city. has signed a contract whereby he will continue at the head of the local store for another year. The new manager came here tenti tively. but has met with such success that he is being continued at the head of the business, which is one of tin most important branches in the chain. Mr. Chester Bond, manager of Montgoiuery-Ward's Shelby store : ft Sunday for an extended busi ness trip to Baltimore and New York. High Band Will Appear At Earl Prof. W. T. Sinclair's Shelby high school band, considered one of the best scholastic musical or gnnizations in the state will give a. concert at the Earl school building j Friday niglvt of this week. 1 Mrs. Arthur Levy Dies In Georgia ! Formerly ..JUiM.AUsiorl* Sisk Of 1 Shelby Passes Suddenly Fol lowing Flu Attack. I _ Long distance telephone message early this morning brought the news of the sudden death at Col umbus, Gn. of Mrs. Arthur Levy, . nee Marjorie Sisk, a former Shelby , girl and sister of Roy Sisk of the i First National bank torcc here, ; Mrs. Lewis Forney and Miss Ous sie Sisk of Shelhy and Hoke Sisk of Jacksonville, Fla. Mrs. Levy had been sick with in ' fluenza but was considered im proving and out of danger when she passed away suddenly at her i home this morning at 4 o'clock. She is survived by her husband and five daughters. Mrs. A. A. Dodak, Mrs. Miles Stewart, Misses Frances Eleanor and Ina Levy, nil of Col umbus. Mr. Roy Sisk nud Mrs. Lewis Forney left this morning for Columbus, Oa„ to attend the fu neral. date for which lta.l not been set when they left. Mrs. Levy was born in Shelby 44 years ago but moved to Columbus 23 yrs. ago when she married in Mr. Levy family which owns the fa mous “Esqualine” estate,- an an cestral show place near Coluir^bus. Mrs. Levy was a Methodist and it is supposed she will be buried in the family burying ground at Esqualine. Lectures Here On Sunday School Work Mrs. W. L. Blakenship of Atlan ta. Ga., is giving a series of lec tures and conferences to the cradle I roll beginners, primary and Jun ior departments of the First Bap-1 ti t Sunday school at the new edu ' rat’onal building at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and 7:30 o'clock in ithe evening throughout (he week.' j Everybody who wishes are cordial ly invited to hear Mrs. Blakenship. Patrons lit Move To Keep Schools Open For Regular Term Davidson College Glee Club Tonight Tin* Davidson college Rleo club, one of the best known college mus ical organizations In this section of the south, will give ft concert this evening at the Central school audi torium here. The program will In clude classical and semi-classical numbers, popular numbers and jazz. I. C. Griffin, Jr, a son of Supt. I. C. Griffin, of Shelby, is a member of the orchestra Hold Man For Wife’s Death In Rutherford Julius Smith, Who Lived Near Cleveland Line, Held. Killed Herself, He Says. Rutlierfordton. March 18.—Julius Smith, who lives near the corner of Rutherford. Burke and Cleveland counties, 22 miles east of here and whose wife met a mysterious death last Wednesday afternoon, was brought to Jail Friday morning about. 9 o'clock. Officers found Smith jit his home in bed Just be fore daylight. He did not resist ar rest and did not try to get away, lie attended the funeral of his wife Thursday afternoon at Mt. Pleasant church, near his home and return ed to his home with his children. Talks Freely. When interviewed this aitemoon | in jail, Smith talked freely of the | affair and declared that his wife ; shot herself with the pistol but that he could not give any reason for her doing so. He said he was sit ting In front of the fire at about 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon when he heard a pistol snap and he look ed up and saw Ills wife pull the trigger a second time and shot Itself In the breast. He caught her as she fell, he said. There was a blank cartridge In the gun. Smith declares his innocence in regard to the killing He was a bit nervous as he talked. Smith will not make any effort to get out on bond, he said, until after the coroner's Jury returns a verdict. He hopes later to get out under bond. He does not seem to be worried over the mat ter. He claims he and his wife got along well, but admitted that they had been separated three or four times. He said he used to drink much but had drank very little Of late years. Smith is only 33 years of age and has been twice married. His first wife died about 10 years ago. His second wife was only 27 years of age and was the mother of six children, five living, the oldest be ing, girls, ages eight and seven years. A large crowd attended Mrs. Smith’s funeral Thursday afternoon. She was a member of Enloa Bap tist church in Burke county, where she was reared and was a Smith before her marriage. Two Blazes Sunday Cause Damage Here Two tires in Shelby Sunday, one at the Ora Mill store and the other a residence in the negro section, did quite a bit of damage. The Ora Mill store tire occurred about 7:30 tn the morning, the blaze originating, it is said from a refrigeration motor underneath the store. The other fire responded to by the city fire department was the home of Mida Wallace, colored woman, near the colored school. The blaze started on the roof, ap parently from a Spa::*’, and badly damaged the home. Vanderburg Trial Date Is Fixed For Court In Gaston Gastonia. — Jacob Vanderburg. Gaston county youth charged with the murdei of his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Van derburg, and two sisters and a younger brother, on last December 27. will face trial during the ap proaching regular term of Gaston county suiHM'ior court beginning here April 15. It was announced by Solicitor John G. Carpenter. The first two days of the regular term will be given over to the trial of; jail cases, and the Vanderburg trial j will begin on Wednesday, the 17th. [ It was announced some weeks ago] that Vanderburg would so on trial at a special term of court to be gin here on April 29, but the so licitor announced today that he had changed his plan?. Just what line of defense will be taken by the Vanderburg attorneys remains i.nrrvealcd, following the big stir created a week or more Bgo when it was reported and rumored that the young murder suspect had confessed to the murder of his father, claiming self defers* and stating that the elder Vanderburg had killed the other members of the family in a dnuiken fury. Attempt .Subscription rian To Run City Schools For Full Nine Months. Parents of school children and other Shelby citizen* working in conjunction with the Parent Teachers association today inaug urated a movement to keep the city schools open for the full nine months by the subscription plan. The move was decided at a meeting of the Central Parent Teachers association held last Fri day night, and at that time a committee of school patrons was appointee! to formulate a plan, or plans fe* keeping the schools open for thi ’-egular school year. Subscription Appeal. This committee, headed by E. E Scott and composed of R. M. Otd ney, E. O. McGowan, J. Q. Earl, and J. F. Jenkins, met this morn ing and decided to appeal to par ents for enough subscriptions to continue the school for the extra month. During the week Parent-Teacher groups of the elementary schools will hold meetings to plan a simi lar movement to keep the other schools of the city open by sub scription lor the extra month. A meeting is to be held tonight at the Washington school to formul ate plans. The central committee this morning decided to get out circu lar letters to parents of all high school children containing a sub scription blank card with the hope of having parents subscribe enough so that all the high school children. Including the senior class, may re ceive credit for the full year's work, which will not be possible if the term ends in May according to the decision of the school board which informs that the treasury will be depleted at that time. It is estimated by school au thorities that in the high school it will cost approximately *10 per pupil to operate the extra month, provided that as many aa 400 high school students remain for the (Continued on page ten.i Mr. John C. Ydutig Passes Suddenly Half Brother Of Mr. C. 8. Young Prominent Wholesale Grocer Dies. Lived Near Toluca. Mr. Jolin C. Young, well known fanner of the Toluca ‘ section died suddenly Friday about noon while sitting In his home talking to his wife and making plans for his aft ernoon's work. Mr. Yeung was a victim of apoplexy’. He was 67 years of age and was a man-of unusual physicial strength In his younger days and of fine traits of character all of his life. He was highly es teemed in his community and gen erally regarded as a man of up standing character. He w*s a member of Corinth Baptist church and was married in young man hood to Miss Alice Nogglc who survives, together with four grand children. Their only daughter died during the first flu epidemic about ten years ago. ? Mr. Young is survived also by the following half brothers, Mr. C. S Young of Shelby. W. H. Young To luca merchant, CL ,P. Young of Texas, Oeo. E. Young of Lowell, Dr. j. A. Young of Newton. The funeral was held Sunday at 11 o’clock and interment was at Hebron Methodist church, the sen ices being conducted by Rev. Vance Heafner, a neighbor minister. Federal Court Now In Session Here Docket May Be Completed In Few Days. Prohibition Violations Form Docket. The spring term of United States district court convened here this morning with Federal Judge E. Yates Webb presiding and Assist ant District Attorney €. E. Greene, of Bakersvllle, prosecuting in the absence of District Attorney Tom Harkins, of Asheville. Prank Pat ton, of Mc*»ganton, is assisting in the prosecution, while Marshal Brownlow Jackson, Deputy Mar shal Swain and other deputies and clerks are in attendance, including Mrs. Pan Barnett, deputy clerk of Charlotte. Only about SO cases, most of which are for violation of the pro hibition laws, are on the docket and Judge Webb moving at Iris custom ary speed will likely clean up IRe docket on one or two days...

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