ATTENTION LADIES ii VIv. Just received from our dyers the latest 1929 Spring colors in Crepes and Satins. If you want that Easter Dress cheap it will pay you to see our line. We are now open all week except Saturdays. We invite you to see our line before you buy. MAIL ORDERS GIVEN OUR PROMPT ATTENTION. WRITE FOR SAMPLES. WE WILL BE GLAD TO FURNISH THEM. N. E. BURGESS DEPT. (CLEVELAND CLOTH MILL) SHELBY, N. C. J. 3 OUT OF 5 BUY USED CARS We invite you to examine the unused transpor tation we are offering: 1—1927 Chevrolet Coach. 1—1927 Chevrolet Sedan. 1—1926 ChcvTolet Coupe. 1—1926 Oldsmobile Coach. 1—1926 Buick Coach. 1—1923 OlcVimobile Touring. 1—1927 Pontiac Coupe. I—Chandler Touring $50.00. 1—1926 Ford Roadster. 1—1927 Oldsmobile Coach. 1—1927 Oldsmobilc Roadster. 1—1925 Nash Coach. 1—1924 Buick Touring. 1—61-Cadillac Sedan. 1—192G Dodge Coupe, 1—Jewett Roadster $50.00. Several Ford Tourings from $50.00 to $75.00. For your convenience in purchasing we extend the G. M. A. C. payment plan. “Buy From Us With Confidence.” CAROLINA 0LDSM0BILE COMPANY, INC., Phone Hemlock 1626-1627 — 500 N. Tryon St., CHARLOTTE, N. C. J. B. NOLAN CO. INC.. — REAL ESTATE BROKERS — We Have For Sale The Following Prop erty In Shelby: One good ne°ro lot in Freedmon, size 74 1-2 feet by 144 feet, priced c^ean. 6 room house on S"mter street known as tho Vickery house, modern in every particular. Price $2,800.00. Reasonable terms. 6 rocm house on north W?',Vn"ton street, known as the M. R. Weathers house Lot 62 by 125 feet, this is a nice home with all conveniences. Price 87,000.00. G room house in West. Shelby, all modern conveniences and known as the Ed Morrison house, absolutely new. Price $5,000.00. 5 room house on Hillcrest, known as the Lov E. Low man house, modern in every particular, lot 52 by 125 feet deep Price $2.75'\C0. 1 good lot on North LaFayette street, 60x200 feet deep and close up town. Price 82.500.00. 1 good lot on the East side of North LaFayette street adjoining the Bebington property, size 50x180 feet deeD. Price $2,500.00. We can finance you on any of the above properties. If interested see us and let us explain to you how easy it is for you to own your own home. —farms— WE HAVE FOR ^B'fflRJE-OLLOWING CHOICE FARMS IN CLEVELAND COUNTY: 89 3-4 acres, located on Highway No. 20, about 4 miles out of town, one good residence, 1 good tenant house and good land. The price is reasonable. 56 acres near Archc’ale, between Grover and Kings Mountain. Good six room house, and barn. Price $2, 600.00. 51 acres in No 5 Township, adjoining C. C. Beam and others, good 6 room house and outbuildings, and known as the Bryan Gardner farm. Price $3,800.00. 100 acres, more or less, known as the L. S. Gardner farm in No. 9 Township, good home and outbuildings. Land lays well and is very productive. Price $125.00 per acre 152 acres in No. 8 Township, known as the J. L. Hunt land, 7 room house, new barn and three new tenant houses. Price $9,000.00. 27 1-2 acres near Beth-Page School, 3 rocnt house and good bam, just off Highway No. 20. Price $2,500.00. 43 acres in No. 4 Township, adjoining D. A. Beam and others on good sand clay road, 7 room house and out buildings Price $4,000.00. Will trade for eit” property. 44 1-2 acres in No. 3 Township, about 30 acres in cul tivation, good road through farm, 6 room house and two good bams, fine little farm. Price $4,200.00. We also can finance you on these farms and will be glad to discuss this matter with you. Now is the time to buy, don’t delay and pay more i -... J. B. NOLAN CO. INC., SHEIaBY, N. C. PHONE 70 ^ ■ ■.— ^ Personal And Local ---... I Rev. J. Ed Thompson visited his I daughter, Mrs. Kearns at Higli ! Point last week. Mrs. D. R. Sibley leaves today tor her home In Hartford. Conn., aft er an extended visit to her parents, Rev. arid Mrs. J. W. Suttle. Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Eaker and Mrs. Oren Putnam spent Sunday with friends In Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Stags of Charlotte attended the banquet and dance at the Hotel Charles Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Eram spent Sunday with friends in Hickory. Miss Virginia Hoey leaves Friday for Duke university where she will attend a fraternity fancy dress ball at the Washington Duke hotel. Saturday she will atentd the David son dance in Charlotte. I Col. J. W. Harrelaon. who has been professor of mathematics at ■ State college for a number of years has been appointed director 1 of conservation and development of the state department and takes charge the first of April. Colonel Harrelson Is the son of Mrs. J. H. Harrelson of Shelby. Mesdames Ed Post. J. T- Beason and B. D. Hulick spent yesterday in Charlotte. Miss Frances Roberts of Jones boro spent the week-end with Miss Annie Lee Spake of Erwin. They spent Saturday in Fayetteville shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Mlsenheimer, Mr. Claude Webb and Miss Bertha Goode, all of Shelby, spent Sunday In Charlotte with Mr. and Mrs. H Morehead. Mrs. H. Morehead who moved to Charlotte recently will open her dining room In Charlotte at 701 South Tryon street on March 24. Mrs. Morehead ran a boarding house in Shelby for many years and her many friends wish her success to her new location. Misses Lula McCuJlers. Mary Lou Yelton and Clare Royster ol Lawndale were Charlotte shoppers Saturday. '/ Misses Ruth and Pauline Dedmon . and Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Costner were visitors to Rutherfordton Sun \ day. Bloomfield Kendall or Chapel Hill will arrive home today for the cpring holidays. Miss Mildred Thompson spent last week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Thompson on Providence md. In Charlotte. Miss Lucy Hamrick visited friends in Asheville over the week end. Miss Annie F.“ Lynch will arrive this week from Greenville, S. C., to visit Mr. and Mrs. Bloom Kendall and Mr. and Mrs. H. F. McConnell. Mr. and Mrs. Colon Kirkman were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs L. P. Owen Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Hord and children of Cllffstde spent Sunday with their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Blackwelder announce the birth of a daughter Mary Elotse on March Jl. Mr. and Mrs. Blackwelder Jive on Suttie street. He Is manager of the West ern Union office. Mr. J. A. Wilson"of Shelby and Mr- J. H. Harris of Piedmont Springs leave Friday for Florida to be gone several days. Everybody Is invited to a sur prise birthday dinner, wnich is to be at the home of Mr. Ruffus M. Origg on Sunday, March 24. Come and attend and bring well filled baskets. Mr George Small and friend, Mr. Maxwell were Shelby visitors yes terday. Miss Mary Crowell who has been sick at her home in Forest City for two weeks was able to take up l*r teaching duties Monday. Mrs. Alice Lineberger left yes terday for Greensboro to be at the bedside of her daughter. Mrs. W. B. Richardson, Who underwent an op eration Monday for appendicitis. She is doing as well as could be expected. Everybody is cordially invited to pome to the new educational build ing of the First Baptist church at 4 p. m. and 7:30 in the avertings this week and hear Mrs- W. U Blanken ship of Atlanta, Oa, give lectures to the cradle roll, primary, junior and intermediate departments of the Sunday school. Mr. John Hammond returned to Greenville, S. C. today after a few days visit to his daughter. Mrs. C. ' C. Roberts. Miss Ruth Tilley spent lust week end at Stanley. Mrs Irma. Wallace, county dem onstration agent, will meet with the Fallston home economics club, Friday at 2 o'clock p. m. The meet ing will be held at the club rooms, and all ladles are cordially invited to attend Mr. W. H W. Baker, ol the Wright-Baker company, has re turned Irom an extended buying trip to the northern markets, In cluding New York. In Mexico parents are to be al lowed to attend school with their children. Which is going to add to the complications of playing hook ey—Manchester Union A shorthand expert says that Americans talk much more rapidly than they did twenty years ago. It may be added, they have more to talk about.—Portland Oregonian. Division No. Three To Meet At Star The No. 3 division of the W. M. U. will meet with Grover Baptist church Sunday evening March 34. The program Is as follows: Song, prayer, address of welcome by Grover; response by New Hope; business and roll call societies; re port of state meeting; song, spe cial music by Grover; devotional; an address by Rev. J. L. Jenkins, "Christ's Memorial of Women.” Gertrude Ellis, Dlv. Supt. MRS. ROBT. LACKEY PASSESJT AGE 85 Widow Of Robert Lackey Dies At Home Of Henry Gantt. Buried At F riendship Church. (Special to The Star.) On Saturday morning February 16 a* the light of a new day wu dawning, the Death Angel entered the home of Mr. Henry Gantt and took one of its beloved members from an earthly home to a heaven* ly home not made with hands. Mrs. Lackey before marriage was Miss Effie Self. She was bom Sep tember 4. 1843 and died February 16, 1929. She had been seriously ill for two weeks and all was done for her to restore her to health but to no avail. She professed faith in Christ early in life and since lived a beau tiful life. She was one of the most beloved women of her community. She was the second wife of Robert Lackey who preceded her to the grave 17 years ago. When she went into the family of step children she was kind and loving and they loved her deeply. The funeral was conducted by her pastor Rev. J. M. Morgan, as sisted by Rev. J. W. Fitsgerald at Friendship M. P. church. Surviving are one half brother, Mr. Andy 8elf of Cberryvtlle; four stepsons. Mr. R. A. and Hoke Lackey of Fallston, and H. H. and James Lackey of Chase City, Va. The pallbearers were: Dr. A. A. Lackey, Lee A- Gantt, J. B. Leath erman, Moton Earwood. C. D. Willis, Clae Randall. Serving as flower girls: Misses Callle Gantt, Josephine Gantt, Dollie Gantt, Lo rene Tillman, WUroer Tillman, Miss Annie Mae Lackey. For Mayor. I hereby announce my candidacy lor Mayor ot the City ol Shelby, and pledge the eltisens ol the com munity that 11 I am elected I will endeavor to perform tny duties Im partially aod give the people the ’very bes* services ol which I am capable. ENOS L. BEAM. MORE THAN 1000 MILE OIL IR0C0LENE1 PERMIT 474 Will Give You Lower Fuel Consumption Because It Makes The Proper Piston Seal Thereby Reducing Waste Of Gasoline Into Crankcase. Distributed By SUPERIOR OIL Phone 90. Shelby, N. C. WEBB THEATRE — TONIGHT Betty Compson and Kenneth Harlan in “CHEATING CHEATERS” AUo COMEDY. — THURSDAY — LAURA LA PLANTE And a Big Supporting Cast IN “THE CAT and the CANARY” The Super Mystery Thriller of all time. With the Greatest Cast E'er Assembled in a Single Motion Picture. Don’t Miss It Also COMEDY AND NEWS REEL. WEBB THEATRE ^ ... i Elizabeth Arden’s VENETIAN TOILET PREPARATIONS Use Ventttsn Cleansing Cream, Ardena Skin Tonic, Special Astringent, and Orange Skin Food each morning and night, following the meth od of an Elizabeth Arden Treatment, to supply every need of your skin. Elizabeth Arden’s Venetian Toilet Preparations art on sale at Cleveland Drug Co. Phone 65 SHELBY. N. C. 11 JUST RECEIVED TODAY Another Shipment of 21 Majestic Radios. Better place your order now as they won’t last long. Why buy inferior makes when the Majestic will cost you but little, if any more. ‘‘MAJESTIC—The Mighty Monarch Of The Air.” Pendleton’s Music Store — Shelby’. Musical Headquarter.— (f * “SITTING ON TOP OF THE WORLD.” SAVING IS A HABIT. IF YOU ACQUIRE IT EARLY IN LIFE, THE HABIT LASTS AND THEN YOU SIT ON TOP. New Series Opens April I st Take out a few running shares of our Building and Loan Stock- You won’t miss the weekly saving, then later in life you can use the money to buy or build a home, establish yourself in business or buy something you much desire. Cleveland Building & Loan Association J. L. SETTLE, Secretary-Treasurer. V- . ..* WE ARE NOW ‘BACK HOME’ Doing Business At The Same “Old Stand On The Comer” The same location, but a new build* ing, new fixtures, new equipment, new vaults— and We Want NEW BUSINESS The public is cordially invited to come in and inspect our new quarters. Our officers and clerks will be delight ed to welcome you and show you every courtesy. FIRST NATIONAL BANK SHELBY, N.C. RESOURCES FIVE MILLION | DOLLARS. . ■ * Everything! EVERYTHING! Now Half Price SUITS, HATS, SHOES, SHIRTS, j SOX, TROUSERS, TIES. ALL cut to sell AT I ONCE Read these prices and come to the store at once and get such a bargain in | MEN’S WEAR as you have never been offered before. j| — SUITS — $15.00 SUIT.$7.50 j $18.00 SUIT_$9.00 $20.00 SUIT_$10.00 $22.50 SUIT_$11.25 $25.00 SUIT_$12.50 $27.50 SUIT_$13.75 i I $30.00 SUIT_$15.00 $35.00 SUIT $17.50 ! — PANTS — $2.00 PANTS_$1.00 $2.50 PANTS_$1.25 $3.00 PANTS_$1.50 $4.50 PANTS_$2.25 $5.00 PANTS_$2.50 $7.50 PANTS_$3.75 — HATS — i f $2.50 HAT.$1.25 $3.00 HAT_$1.50 $4.00 HAT_$2.00 $4.50 HAT_$2.25 $5.00 HAT_$2.50 — SHIRTS — $1.00 SHIRT_50c $1.50 SHIRT_75c $2.00 SHIRT_$1.00 $2.50 SHIRT_$1M $3.00 SHIRT_$1.50 — CAPS — $1.00 CAP_50c $1.50 CAP __ 75c $2.00 CAP-$1-00 — SOX — 25c SOX.- 1S« 40c SOX__20c 50e SOX-25c 75c SOX-38c $1.00 SOX_50c — SHOES — $5.00 FREEMAN SHOES_$24W NIX & LATTIM0RE ' IV _ J‘ I