»—" - -T - - 11 I society" News MISS MAYME ROBERTS—Social Editor—Phone 25ti. New* Items Telephoned Miss Roberts Will Be Appreciated. Woman* Club Reception. The genera!'officer* and chair men of the Woman's club will en tertain the members of nil the di visions at the club room Wednes day afternoon at 4 o'clock. All members are cordially invited. |American Homes Department. ■ ‘ The American Homes depart ment of the Woman's club will hold their regular meeting Mon day afternoon at 3 o'clock .it the i‘ dub room. Meadamcs C. 8. New and O. 8. Dellinger, program lcad > era. Mrs. Ralph Royster Hostess To Bridge Club. The home of Mrs Ralph Royster on South Washington -, rent was beautifully arranged with bowls and vases of daffodils and forsythia yesterday afternoon when Mrs Royster charmingly entertained the members of the South Washington Rridge club. After a number of in teresting progressions, the hostess Was assisted by Mcsdaihcs S 8 Royster and Mytho Royster in scrv ihg a delicious salad and sweet, course. Arbor Day Observed. The .fourth grade pupils of Mar lon street school gave an interest dh'g Arbor day program Wednes day afternoon. Trees were planted on the grounds, one In memory of Mrs. Iris Boyles Baber and one in memory of Henry Wright, soil of MS-, 1*W Mrs. W. L. Wright. Henry was a former member of the fourth grade of this school. The prize was awarded to the fourth- grade for the greatest number of parents present. Mrs. J. W. Doggett, the president appointed a Committee to see about lengthening the school term, and there will be a called meeting of all the patrons of this school Tuesday night at 7:30 o'clock to decide definitely about the school term. Music And Art Department. The club room was artistically arranged with quantities of yellow bell and greenery Wednesday aft ernoon When a large number of the members of the Music and Art de partment Of the Woman's club met In their regular meeting at 3:30 o'clock. The cordial hostesses were Mesdamei William McCord and jDliver Anthony. Mrs. J. w. Harbi *on, the chairman, presided over the meeting and the following pro gram was given on American sculp ture and the opera, "Robin Hood." by De Koven. Works of Bartlett, Barnard. MacMonnle were rend by Mrs. George Moore. "Gutzon Bor glum,” bv Mrs. Jean Schcnck. Story of the opera. Miss Elizabeth 8uttle. Vocal solo, "O Promise Me.' Miss Mary Adelaide Roberts A Bpring Song." Mrs. Ben Suttlc. Two new members were kidded. Miss Betty Suttle and Mrs. Wilbur Baber. At the close of the meeting hot tea. sandwiches and date sticks were served. Basketball Banquet At BoUInt Springs. The basketball banquet held in tha dining room of Boiling Springs Junior college on Wednesday eve ' rung. March 20, was characterized by sparkling informality. Spring ■ llowers lent themselves perfectly to , the color scheme of yellow and pur ple, Tall vases of forsythia and low J^tKmla of purple hyacinths graced . the long tables which were lightod with yellow tapers. The hand painted place cards also emphasiz ed the color scheme. A delicious four-course dinner was served to the basketball team, their girl friends, the faculty and Itev. and Mrs. J. L. Jenkins and James Jenkins. Jr. Captam Mc Intlre proved himself a most versa tile toast master. Each member of the team was given an opportunity to tell an anecdote on one of his team mates. Needless to say these were very entertaining and pro voked prolonged applause. Prof. J. D. Huggins and Rev. j, L. Jenkins made short talks. Several very in teresting contests were engaged in. After the banquet the young peo ple repaired to the reception hall to enjoy a social hour. Try Star Wants A*Js. v \ Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic Stops Malaria, Restores Strength and Energy’. It Ptmflea and Enriches the Blood. Von can feel its Strengthening, Invigorating Effect. 60c. (Pleasant to Take) Birthday Dinner For Mrs. Gantt And Hrothrr. The children of Mr. and Mrs. ; Amos Gantt gave their mother and brother, Mr. W. E. Gantt, a birth day dinner Sunday, March 1G at Mrs. Gantt's home in the Pleasant Hill community. She was 54 years of age. Mrs. Gantt lias seven chil dren and seventeen grandchildren. The children present were: Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Lee and family, of Shelby, Mr. and-Mrs. W. E. Gantt and family of Shelby, Mr. and Mrs. E M. Swerzy and family of Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. .). W. Gantt and family of the Pleasant Mill com munity, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Gantt of the Pleasnnt Hill community, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gantt of Shelby, and Mr. Roland Gantt. All of the friends present were from the Pleasant Ilill community. They in cluded Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Francis and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Kendrick and family, Mr. and Mrs. T 11 Lowery and family and Mr. Li e of Shelby. Mrs. Gant was the recipient of many beautiful and useful birthday gift Everyone reported a good tune. 1 Afternoon Division No. I Of Club Meets. . Mesdames W. Sutt'e W. L. •Wright' and l! c< Stockton were joint hostesses to the members of the Afternoon Division No. 1 of the Woman's club, which held their regular meeting at the club room, Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock The club room was most attrac tively decorated with quantities of jonquils, fori.Tthla and other spring flowers, Mrs. T W. Hamrick pre sided over the meeting. The pro gram committee handed in their programs for the new year book. The nominating committee report ed the following new officers: Chairman. Mrs. T. W. Hamrick: vice chairman, Mrs J. A. Liles. Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs, Reid M. Young. Mrs. J. R. Dover was leader of the following very entertaining programs: cornet solo. "Serennta," Mosskowskl, by Pegram Holland. Duet. "Memories," Henry Lee Weathers with violin and Pegram Holland with cornet,. Mrs. L. P.. Holland playing their piano accom-' paniments. Mr. C. B. McBra.ver gave a most interesting lecture. "Science and The Bible.” The pro- j gram was concluded with a piano] solo, selected. Miss Esther Ann Quinn. Delicious ice cream, cake, sandwiches and hot. coffee were served by the hostesses, assisted by Miss Elizabeth Suttle nnd Mrs. C. B Suttle. The Invited guets Included, Mes dames Mary McBrayer. C. B. Sut tlc. Misses Agnes and Ruby Mc Brayer, Ollie Moore, Elizabeth Sut tle. Esther Ann Quinn nnd Mr. C. B. McBrayer. At The Theatres ‘The Shopworn •Angel." starring i Nancy Carroll and Gary Cooper, is (he Princess feature today and to morrow. This is a top-notcher—one of the big ones, which is said to have the happiest title (meaning exactly odd and catehv i of any picture of recent times. The theme of the story has immense appeal— that of a chorus girl, hardened, cynical, a sort of gold digger, is transformed by the touch of real love. It is an excellent excellent picture. The inimitable Phyllis Haver In an underworld picture, revealing the emotional life of the denizens of Hell's Kitchen, entitled “Tenth Avenue'’ is the attraction at the Webb today. The renowned Phyllis never did anything better. This is a | story of the seamy side of New j York—and one of the most drama- | tic picture of the current season, Saturday, Jack Perrin with Rex, king of wild horses, holds the cen tre of the stage. The title of this I action thriller is “Wild Blood." It's quality is guaranteed by the fact that Universal produced it. You Get Strong, If You are a tircd out or “run down” wo man, by tak- ■ iiiK Doctor ' i icrcc s favorite Pre scription. Women by the thous ands write tetters like this: ‘ When I was about frown l became very frail, took no interest in anything. I wan j given Dr. Pierce * Favorite Prescription and j it helped me so much that J never re- • quired any remedv of the kznd afterward, j I think, there would b* a great amount of I suffering avoided if all women knew the ■ heneht it. gives.’—Mrs. Ada Patterson, ! De?oU St., Memphis. Tenn. The use of ' Favorite preicj rption'’ has! made many women happy by making them j healthy. Oct it fTozn your druggist, liquid or tablets. Write Dr. Pierce's Invalids Hotel j in Buffalo, N. V., for free advice. Send 10c; FALLSTON BATCH ! OF CURRENT NEWS Fa! 1st on, March 21— Saturday afternoon March 16, Bim Edwards celebrated his' eighth birhday with a delightful party. Easter color, were carried out in the decorations After games on the lawn the chil dren were Invited into the dining! room where the large birthday | cake, lighted with eight, candles, and » nest of brightly colored i Easter eggs and a rabbit centered [ the table While the children were enjoy- \ ing the delicious ice cream and cake the rabbit took the basket 01 eggs and hid them. The children had much fun hunting them. Mrs. Dalton and Mrs. Beam as sisted Mrs. Edmund in serving the refreshments. Mesdames C. T. Stamey and Yates Lutz entertained the Junior and Primary department of the W M S. of the Methodist church here Saturday afternoon, at the home of Mrs. C. T. Stamey. An interesting program was ren dered cn the life of Samuel. Immediately after the program the children went out for a treas ure hunt, which ended with the finding of a huge box of pop corn in the flower garden. After en- [ joying the pop corn they were serv- j ed home made animal crackers and j grape juice. A piay "The Pilgrim ’ will br given by the Epworth League of j the M. E. church here at the school' auditorium Sunday evening at 8:00 o’clock The public is cordially in vitcd. Admission free. „ Dr. and Mrs. F. H. Lackey and children spent several days this week in Kinston and Chapel Hill. The following is the honor roll for Fallston school: First, grade-Irene Richard. Min nie Lee Haynes, Elizabeth Dellin ger, Annie Sue Hoyle. Sberwin Royster. Alvin Hamrick. Irene Sell. J. C. Wright, Reid Costner. J. C Hoyle. Second grade vtmogene Lackey^ Dorothy Leonhajdt. Floy Martin. Vangie Sparks, Mary Frances Stamey, Wylma Glenn, Mildred Fitzgerald, Robert Costner, Wray Glenn. Third grade—Lou Alice Hamrick. Kathleen Royster, Rebecca Bigger stnff, Alice Falls, Robert Martin, Wray Lewis. Fourth grade—Ruth Leonhardt. Mildred Williams, Pauline Clay, Margaret Stamey, Clara Lee Bridg es. Faye Sparks. Fifth grade-Clara Wright. Sixth grade —Ailecne Hoyle, Dix on Hamrick. Seventh grade-Margaret Wil son, Mllttie Lee Martin, T. B. Hayn es, Tom Hallman. Robe-t Stamey. J. T. Wright, Wayne Yoder, War ren Martin, Thelbert Wright. Mesdames C. T. Stamey, L. E. Stacy and S. T. Kendrick. Miss Inez Whistnant and Rev. J. W. Fitzgerald are attending the Teach ers Training class at Central M. E church, Shelby, this week. Mr, and Mrs. R, M. Brackett and son. Renus, Jr, spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hoyle and family. Mrs. T. M. Swcezy spent Monday with Mr and Mrs. Sum.nie Spang ler of Shelby. Mis* Elmer Klutz of Gastonia visited her sister, Mrs. J. W. Fitz gerald here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hoyle and family of Shelby visited Mrs. Hoyle's mother. Mrs. J. B. Stroup Sunday. Mr. P. M. Winkler ol Boone, spent the week-end here with Mr. M. L. Smith. Mr. T. M. Sweezy and son, Mr. L. B. Sweezy. visited relatives at Hollis Sunday. Rev. J. D. Morris and son. Clar pnee visited Mr. Morris brother Mr. E. H. Morris of near Charlotte Sunday. Mrs. Kate Edwards or Gastonia moved here Thursday where she will run the boarding house for the Stamey company. Rev. and Mrs. Riggs. Mesdames j Whistnant and Powell of Polkville, MORE THAN 1000 MILE OIL PERMIT 474 Will Give You LOWER OIL CONSUMP TION because KOCOLENE Possesses High Heat Re sistance. Distributed By SUPERIOR OIL CO. | Phone 90. Shelby, N. C. v to copy pas OF CM ST03ES New York.—Two thousand re tail stores throughout the Unit ed States will be handed to gether bv the end of 1!)'»9 in a concerted movement to com bat the increasingly destructive competition of the chain stores. Already, 1032 independent stores in tG states have become members in a new nation-wide organization which has been set up to bring to the independents the benefits of volume purchases of merchandise and of cheap distribution, accord ing to an announcement by Piene Meyer, president of the organization published in Sales Management magazines The organization, to be known as the Consolidated Merchants' Syndi cate, will establish three great ware houses at key-points across the country. The products they will handle will range from five-cent to one-dollar articles of general mer chandise. “The fixed charge of operating the warehouses will be about the same as the expense1'found necessary by the larger chain store organization*, to maintain their wholesale depart ments—which is approximately half that charged by general distribu tors and jobbers,” says Mr. Meyer. "We are so confident of the soundness of the plan that we ex pect to have in it by the end of 1929 more than 2.000 stores. It will be a group comparable in number of units and buying power with some ol the larger of the chains. The pricer will be just as low as the chain's prices and tlie stand ard of service rendered equally high.’’ The warehousing system will be in March, in New York, according to plans. The second will be es tablished in Chicago in the near future and the third in a city to be selected west ol the Mississippi river in 1930. The wat ehousing system will be supported by a fixed fee charged against each store and. instead of putting a heavy capital outlay into stock on hand or relying on scat tered jobbers to supply his wants, visited Rex . and Mrs, J. D. Morns Monday. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Haynes and family moved to Casar Thursday. Misses Vclva Hamrick and Bryte Costner of Beams Mill, spent last Thursday night here with Misses Velma and Eva Wright. ihr retailer who is a member of the eixiperative plan will be able to ob tain’4iis "supplies at advantageous terms from the central warehouse, j points out the sales management article. With the new warehouse system j in operation, independent met - j i chants and those operating a small group of stores will be able for the first time to compete on even terms | with the chains," says Mr. Meyer. | i To the merchants operating stores' ! m smaller cities—especially those | whose profits and even existence hare been endangered by the chains I —we believe this new method ol distribution will prove particularly helpful." Penny Column LOST: WHITE GOLD WRIST j watch and bracelet, on. street Tues-! day afternoon. Finder please re turn to DcWitt Quinn. lit 2c FOR RENT: NINE ROOM boarding house on S. Washington street just below J. C. Pcney Com pany stoic. Phone D. M. Baker, Kings Mountain, owner. 2t 22p _____________________ FATBACK, 12| cents. Guaranteed flour, $3.50. Break fast bacon 22 cents. C. H. R e i n h a r d t, I South Shelby. 4t- 22c FOR RENT: TWO HIGH CLASS apartments in one Shelby's best neighborhoods. Both on ground floor. Modern and convenient dis tance from centre of town. For de tails apply Star office. 2t 22c | FURNISHED OR UNFURNISH cd apartment for rent reasonable. I Apply 500 W. Graham St. 3t 22c | SATURDAY SPEC IALS-10 pounds Sug ar, 52 cents; Master Pullman loaf, three for 25 cents. C. H. Reinhardt, South Shelby. lt-22c FOR REN T—SIX-ROOM bungalow, West Marion street. Call 518. 3t-22p ONE 7-ROOM HOUSE ON LEE St. for rent. Mrs. Colin Hull. 6t 22c x FERTILIZERS ^ Satisfaction, at Harvest Time Gifcate^Benefits Greater Producing Fewer.. ' /£ BUY THESE FERTILIZERS FROM Decatur Elmore, Shelby, N. C.; Decatur Elmore, Lawndale, N. C.; Fallston Roller Mills, Fallston, N. C. I’. H. Lowery & Co., Patterson Springs, N. C.; C. J. Hamrick & Sons, Boiling Springs, N. C.; J. L. Hern don, Grover; Farmers Merc. Co., Laltimore, N. C. (NTfftNATlONAT AGRICULTURAL 1 «U*LMCTUMII» If 0»M4«M (ORPO RATION 1 , ►•WTIi •»-»••**» . Charlotte, N. C. ^ _ _* / Grand Jury Refuse!; To Return Murder Indictment But Blames Woman, Elczabeth City. — Mrs. Emma Kogerson Sawyer was at liberty un der a $1,000 bond after a grand jury had charged her with encouraging her husband to commit suicide. Trial was set for the June term of court, Mrs. Sawyer was indicted on the felony charge following the grand jury's relusal to charge her with murder, as asked by the state in a bill submitted yesterday. Ernest L. Sawyer, then clerk of superior court, killed himself De cember 7 following a domestic quar rel. according to testimony of Mrs. Sawyer at the inquest. She admit ted at the hearing that she gave her husband the pistol with which he killed himself after he had skid. ‘'If . X had a gun I would shoot myself.” She contended she had previously t heard him make such threats and i did not think he was serious. The coroner's jury rendered an open verdict. An aduit of trust funds in cus tody of the clerk later revealed a shortage of about $6,000. according to county officials. Card Of Thanks. We wish to thank the friends and neighbors and church mem bers and the B. Y. P. U. of New Hope church and his physician, Dr. E. W. Gibbs for their kindness and sympathy and helping hand shown us during the illness and death of our beloved husband and father and b"other, 'Jesse Glenn, his wife. Mrs. Jesse Glenn, and children and his . brothers and sisters. A ring lost from a train three years ago has been fovmd by a! railroad laborer and -returned to | Mrs. Ethel Mason of Evanston. 111. ! r THE PERSON WHO HAS NOTHING Is Usually The One Who Does All The Damage. Your Only Safe guard is Insurance With * CHAS. A. HOEY 1 -» JL Quarter Million NEW SIX CYLINDER C HE VROLE T S on the road since JAN. 12£ To satisfy the tremendous public demand for the new Chevrolet Six, the Chevrolet Motor Company has accomplished one of the most remarkable industrial achieve ments of all time. In less than three months after the first Chevrolet Six was delivered to the public, the Chevrolet factories arc producing 6,000 cars a day. As a result, more than a quarter-million new Chevrolet Sixes have been delivered to date—and this tremendous popularity is increasing every day! For the new Chevrolet Six offers, in the price range of the four, all the superior ities of a fine six-cylinder automobile: smoothness and freedom from vibration cr rumble at every speed—swift acceleration * and ample reserve power—beauty and style such as only Fisher bodies provide — scores of modern features contributing to comfort, convenience and ease of con trol! See this remarkable car today! foadster.*525 phaeton.. *52 5 coups.*595 SEDAN.*675 Th* Sport t(T nr CABRIOLET. 0^3 The COACH '595 All [trie** f. o. h. fac tory , FUntt Michigan The Convert $^r r> r» jble LANDAU / Z3 Sedan Delirery 59 J £fc£S:.ttoo ch«L".*545 1 TotiChaa- $*r MW.UCib... OjU -a Six in the price range oj the jour Crawford Chevrolet Co., Inc. SUCCESSORS TO JORDAN CHEVROLET CO. SHELBY, /f. C Shelby, N. C. QUALITY AT LOW COST,

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