8 PAGES TODAY >-. VOL. XXXV, No. 39 THE CLEVELAND STAR SIIELBY, N. C, MONDAY. APRIL 1, 1929. Published Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Afternoons liy mail, per year (In advance) $2.5 Carrier, per year (in advance) $3.0 LATE NEWS Tbe Markets, Cotton, spot .... 20c Cotton Seed, per bu. .......... 57c Fair And Colder. Today’s North Carolina Weather ^ Report: Fair and colder tonight. Tuesday fair, slightly colder In cast portion. Myron lterrick Dead. Myron T. Herrick, American am bassador to France, died In Paris Sunday afternoon about 4 o’clock of a heart collapse following a bron chial attack. A former governor of Ohio and a prominent figure In Am erican politics Ambassador Herrick won the hearts of the French peo ple when he refused to leave Paris with other diplomats who fled from the German invasion in 1914. The ^ bronchial attack resulting in his death was brought on in part, it is thought, by the ambassadors walk ing bareheaded in the Foch funer al cortege. Church Opening DrawsHundreds To First Baptist Handsome Edifice Parked With 1,800 For Easter Opening Service. At the opining ot the handsome new First Baptist church building for the Easter services, 1,083 were in attendance at Sunday school and approximately 1,800 attended the church services to hear Dr. Zeno Wall, the beloved pastor, and to In K spect for the first time the new plant, one of the largest and most modern and convenient of this de nomination in North Carolina, A dream and ambition of years had been realized by the pastor and « the congregation and the opening was a most auspicious one with hundreds of non-resident members and friends coming from distant points to share with the congrega tion their joy in getting back home after worshipping for six months in the high school building while the educational plant was being built and the church edifice was being enlarged. Sunday School Reorganized. t The reorganization of the Sun day school on a standard basis and the classification of pupils was ac complished in less than 20 minutes time under the direction of Mr. Horace Easom, educational and musical director. The great throng met in the main church auditoriuum and were sent to the various de partments. together with teachers and officers, with perfect harmony and accord. Church Overflowed. At the church service, the large •v auditorium with a seating capacity of 1200 would not accommodate the crowd. Many were turned away, but chairs were provided to seat hundreds, while many stood in the aisles throughout the entire church service. , Rev. John W. Suttle, moderator of the Kings Mountain Association offered prayer, while Rev. Mr. Ma theny or the Sandy Run associa tion read the Scripture. Dr. Wall preached a sermon of power and clarity on the subject "Christ's Res urrection Message.’’ Governor Present. Governor Gardner and Mrs. Gardner were in the congregation having come from Raleigh for the opening of the new church. Gov ernor was chairman of the drive which secured pledges for $109,000 for the church in four days. ** Another large crowd was present at the evening service when an Eas ter cantata entitled "Our Living Lord’’ was rendered by the choir of trained voices under the direction of Mr. Easom. On Wednesday evening of this week the other churches of the city will worship with the First Baptist congregation and inspect the plant following the service. ^ New Sheriff Takes Office Here Today Tax Books Turned Over To Allen By Logan. Major Portion ' Collected. A new regime took charge at the iounty court house here today when the retiring sheriff, Hugh A jogan, was succeeded by Sheriff irvin M. Allen. The change, how sver, was hardly noticeable about he office and in the two sessions >f court, superior and county, as deputy Jerry Runyan continued as ^ ourt crier and other old deputies vere on the job. In the office Chief Jeputy Ed Dixon was in charge nd was being assisted in getting ffairs lined up by Deputy Mike vustell, office deputy under Shcr ff Logan, and by Deputy Marshall tfoore. The county tax books were tum d over to the new sheriff by Sher ff Logan and Deputy Austell with >nly about $103,000 of the total Ux 4 evy of $545,323.19 yet to be collected i the 19v$ books. Garment Manufacturing Plant Organized Here By Gov. Gardnei V V. V V. V w _ Clyde Beason Killed In Cafe Brawl At Cliffside Sunday Real Basis Of Fatal Fight Not Clear. Stab Splits Beason’s Heart. Clyde Reason, 23-vear-old Cleve land county fanner who lived near the Rutherford line at Cliffside, was fatally stabbed about 2 o’clock Sunday afternoon by George Con nor, 52-year-old Cliflslde machin ist, at Paul Reason's cafe in Cliff side. Connor it seems slashed only one time at young Beason and the long blade of the huntingk knife which he swung ripped open Beason's left breast and the point of the knife slit his heart which was bared by the gaping wound. Death was al most instantaneous. Voting Season turned after the stab walked two or three steps toward his uncle, Paul Beason, and said "I'm cut and I'm cut bad.” Then with his uncle try ing to hold him up he sank to the floor where he breathed only twice before expiring. Races To Jail. Immediately after inflicting: the fatal wound, Connor left the cafe, walked hurriedly two blocks to the center of the Cliffside business sec tion and with the dripping knife still In his hand he approached the car of Dave Hawkins and ordered Hawkins to drive him to the county jail at Rutherfordton, and drive him quickly without asking any questions. Hawkins drave. Meantime two deputy sheriffs had been call ed, and they, having the idea that the aged killer was attempting to escape, set out after the Hawkins car, but the car ahead bearing the killer outsped the deputies and Con nor was already in the Rutherford jail when the two deputies arrived. Without Warning. In jail Connor had very little to say about the killing other than volunteering the information that he killed Beason after the latter struck him in the head with a salt shaker. About Cliffside yesterday evening it was a hard matter to secure definite information about the brawl leading up to the killing. Several versions of the killing were related, and it seems as if only three people witnessed the encoun ter. One of these was the uncle of the slain man, another, it was said, was a cousin, while the third man departed speedily from the scene when Connor got into action with his knife, but not in time to keep from getting a slight gash across his stomach as Connor lunged at Beason with the long knife. The assembled versions of the en counter had it that Beason, with his riding clothes on (he was known as a daring motorcycle rider) en tered the cafe and soon after en tering turned to Connor and called him a vile name. Connor remon strated and the brawl started. From that polnc on the several versions (Continued on page eight.) Shelby Police Putting Sponge To Booze Trade Chief Poston And Forres Staffing Most Sueeessful Dry Drive In City’s History. In another week or two, it Police Chief McBride Poston and his -blue coats stay on the warpath, Shelby, Insofar as liquor traffic is concern ed, may be as dry as the Sahara. With ope raid following right upon the heels of another the local policemen have captured more whiskey and thrown more monkey wrenches in whiskey traffic here in the last month than in any similar period in years, observers say. Get 54 Pints. The last big raid took place early Saturday morning when Chief Pos ton and Policemen Ed Dixon and Paul Stamey swooped down upon a house in the "Chinatown” district in eastern Shelby occupied by J. M. Jones, white, and captured 54 pints of whiskey. The liquor, the officers stated, was found in a trunk in the home, while seven empty pint bottles, which the bluecoats say had contained whis key, were found in the bathroom. Jones was arrested and jailed until his trial today in default of a $500 bond. A young fellow said to be Jones’ son made his getaway while the three officers were searching the house. In the same section before day light Saturday morning Policemen Stamey and Rufus Sparks arrested two young men from Kings Moun tain for being under the influence of whiskey and having a small amount in their car. They gave their names as S. D. Harris and Dewitt Hull and were travelling in a Ford touring car. Formal Call For Shelby Election Austell Is Registrar With Anthony And Crowder As Judges. Formal notice Is today given of the municipal election to be held on Monday, May 6. with Mike H. Austell as registrar and Oliver An thony and R. D. Crowder as Judges. The registration books will be open on April 15 and will remain open, It is announced until election day All residents who have lived In Shelby 90 days prior to the elec tion are entitled to register and vote, according to the registrar. Odus Mull Desenes Medal For Declining Jobs, Says Representative Odus M Mull, of Shblby, deserves a medal as “the champion Job-decliner in the world” in the opinion of Johnston Avery, editor of the Lenori News-Topic. in an editorial the News-Topic says of Mr. Mull. “Permit us to direct your atten tion toward the Hon. Odus M. Mull, of Cleveland county. We nominate him as candidate for the champion job-decliner of the world. He has declined more jobs iai the past sixty days than the pie counter boys thought existed. "Bear with us while we recite the facts in the case. Back In the days when Heflin was merely warming up to his vigorous fight that the statute of liberty might not be stolen by the pope, we heard of Mr. Mull as recorder in Shelby. His name ap peared only occasionally in the pub lic prints. Then the avalanche rum, Romanism and retribution descend ed upon us and we found Mr. Mull had been made chairman of the state Democratic executive commit tee and manager of Governor Gard ner's campaign. “He did as well as mortal man could have done, which w-as of necessity mighty little under the circumstances, and by the time the thing was over we found that Mr. Mull had been elected to represent Cleveland county in the legislature. Then he was made chairman of the house finance committee, besides being generally considered Gard ner’s mouth In the house and it it looked to us as if he were one of those men who could balance jobs in one hand and write letters to the folks back home with the other. “Then it was that Mr. Mull set in to declining. He declined steadily for sixty days and we doubt if he has got his second wind. Frank Page quit and Mr. Mull was offer ed the chairmanship of the high way commission. No, thanks. R. L. Doughton was put in, and Mr. Mull could have been commissioner of revenue. No, much obliged. A. J. Maxwell was given that place and Mr. Mull had a chance at the cor poration commission. Naw, sir. The office of assistant to the governor was created by the legislature and there was suggestion that Mr. Mull might take that. No. George Ross Pou was weak in the gubernatorial favor and they talked Mr. Mull as the possible State prison superin tendent. Couldn’t be bothered. Then a new prison board was named and Mr. Mull was made its chairman. We thought that was settled, but yesterday the news came out that Mr. Mull had declined it also. Gov ernor Gardner was quoted as saying that he was willing to give Mr. Mull anything in lus power, but the fellow even declined that. “So Mr. Mull has gone back to his law' practice in Cleveland comi ty, and around his neck should hang a guilded medal for being the cham pion Job-decliner of the world.” (Editor's Note: The News-Topic erred once in the above recital: O M. Mull has never been county re corder here; it was his kinsman, Judge John P. Mull). Held in Abduction Curtis D. Devonshire of Phila delphia, Pa., is being held after his arrest in Charlotte, N. C., where he was picked up with Alice Labutis, aged 12, invalid Philadelphia girl. He was trapped when he called for a telegram which he believed contained money for him and calls the strange abduction "a vagary of an alcoholic mood," IhiuuUnil Ninml) K. W. Weathers Fatally Hurt Raleigh Business Man Who Married In Shelby, Dies Following Accident There. K. W. Weathers, many years trea surer of Boyan-Pearce company, died Saturday evening at Rex hos pital, Raleigh, where he was taken about 2 o'clock after a fall on the street accompanied by a collision with an automobile. Mr. Weathers died, the physicians said, from a cerebral hemorrhage. He had left the store, going to his home on West Jone street. On Salisbury and Hargett streets he stepped in front of an automobile driven by Mrs. J. E. Kennedy. She was sure that she did not actually strike him. He dropped before the machine, was picked up and taken to the hospital where he lived about four hours. Examination, failed to show any bruises from contact with the machine and it is believed he suffered an attack which caused him to fall. ivir. weauiers was a juemuer ui the First Baptist church, a native of the county, but married Miss Kittie Carroll, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Carroll. Mrs. Weathers died nearly two years ago, leaving her husband and two chil dren. One of these, Carroll Weathers practises law in Raleigh while the daughter Katherine Weathers is a student at Coker college, South Carolina. Mr. Weathers was going Sunday to South Carolina to spend the day with his daughter. Mr Will Carroll and members of the family of Mr. Henry Carroll went to Raleigh yesterday to attend the funeral at the First Baptist church. Deceased was one of Ra leigh's most pleasing and popular men, affable in his manner, always cheerful, kind and sincer. E. W. Wilson Dies At Noon Today — Mr. E. W. Wilson died at noon today at his home on West Graham street following an illness of twelve months with paralysis. During the past few weeks his condition has been very critical and most any day he was expected to die. Mr. Wilson was a native of Ruth erford county and before his death was connected with the Arrowood Lumber plant. He was a staunch and active member of the First Baptist church here where the fu neral will take place Tuesday aft ernoon at 3 o'clock. Surviving are his wife and eight children, four boys and four girls: Mrs. Freeman of Cliffside, Mrs. Ralph Stowe of Gastonia, Clyde James. Joyce. Hubert, R K, and Mary Lewis Wilson. i Youngsters Give Up Annual Banquet To Help Keep The City Schools Open Full Year Seniors And Juniors Pass Up Their “Big Night” And Will Contribute Their Hard Earned $100 To Fund To Keep Shelby High School Running. Means Much To Them. One of the biggest annual events at Shelby's Central hlifh school, the biggest frorm the viewpoint of the boys and girls, is. going to be passed up this year by the members of the junior and senior classes In their determination to keep the high school open for the full nine months. The occasion is that of the Jun ior-Senior banquet, an occasion about which is entwined memories, legends and hopes not. associated with any other school activity. And this year, for the first time, the string of annual banquets ts to be broken because the members of both classes arc willing, although It hurts, to give up their ‘‘night of nights” for the sake of their school and the junior and senior classes yet to come. Last week the two classes of eager-eyed, fun-loving youngsters voted to cancel their banquet and contribute, if necessary, the $100 they have raked and scraped to get together to the subscription fund to prolong the school term in view of the fact that their parents so I far have fallen down on the Job of subscribing the necessary amount. Show Loyalty. "Here’s our $100,” they In effect told the committee collecting the fund. "Wo planned to have a big time with the money—a big feed and a rollicking time together as have all the junior and senior class es at Shelby high in bygone days, but it means more to us to keep the school open so that our seniors may graduate and our juniors may be seniors next year.r” Colorful Occasions. In other years the Junior-Senior banquets have been colorful occa sions, and it was planned to be so this year. All during the fall term the juniors, who must each year pay the expense of the event, gave plays, concerts and other enter tainments, assembling the proceeds little by little until they had secur ed the $100 necessary for the event. Last year the present senior class, juniors then, gave such an event for their seniors. And each year the upcoming class tries to excel the event staged by the juniors of the preceding year. A month or so back the necessary funds were raised and plans got underway for the program. What a night it was to be! Now it's all off, but the youngsters are not complaining, and due to their attitude they are highly ad mired about the city schools for their school loyalty in giving up an event they have yearned for and looked forward to through their many years of routine school work. It was last week, in view of the serious situation confronting the city schools, that the senior class met in a body and voted to ask the juniors to give the $100 to the school fund instead 61 giving them a ban quet, the vote being cast by the students who last year gave a ban quet to the preceding senior class and naturally expected one in re turn. Then the junior class met and heard the senior class report. The -—-—— banquet, meant just as much to them as to the seniors—tt would be a big night tor both with great honor and praise coming to the Juniors if they would put oyer a "wow" of an occasion. But if the seniors could give up their big night, so could the juniors, and they ratifed the vote of the seniors. They May Wonder. So. this year, unless the school situation clears up. there will be no Junior-Senior banquet at Shelby high, but in with their mingled loy alty and disappointment the young sters may be silently wondering just why their big night had to go by the boards. School Fund Grow* Slowly; Now $1,800 The subscription fund to keep the Shelby city schools open for the full nine months had reach $1,800 early today, It was an nounced, this amount being $2,400 less than the estimated $4,200 to maintain the high school for one month. Tomorrow seven committees of parents, assigned to each ward, will canvass the city and take the appeal direct to par ents of childrrn who have not made subscription pledges to keep the schools open. Light Income Is On Increase For Past Three Months Light Ite ccipts Have Been Above Ten Thousand Mark. -% % According to figures obtained at the city hall, there is a gradual in crease in the receipts for the city's electric light department, the monthly receipts having gone above ten thousand dollar mark for the past three months. The committee of merchants appointed in the mass meeting to ask for a lower light schedule contend that the bulk of the increased receipts is due to the new method of cal culation, while Fred P. Culbreth, clerk at the city hall argues that the bulk of the increase is due to the addition of more light patrons. Receipts for the past 14 months follow: 1928 Receipts. January _ $8,565.99 February _ . $7,566.03 March . .. $7,270.92 April. $6,285.64 May . . $7,453.22 June. $6,984.68 July . $7,758.29 August . $8,837.05 October . _ $8,576.$1 September .. $9,145.52 (New method of calculation began here.) November __....__ $9,519.54 December . _ $10,495.10 1929 Receipts. January . __ $11,131.55 February _ .. $11,513.50 To Begin Survey Highway No. 18 South Right Away State highway engineers will ar rive this week to begin a survey of I state highway No. 18, south, ac cording to information secured from the state highway department at Raleigh by The Star. Citizens of 'the county have been looking and hoping for years for some steps to be taken toward the building of more hard surface in Cleveland county and this road has been promised for a number of years. It has been under state maintenance, via Patterson and Karl, connecting with a South Carolina highway leading to Gaffney a few miles north of the Dravo bridge. Just what route will be selected is not known. The road will prob ably lead to some point on the state line where it will connect wuth a road to Gaffney, S. C , but the route is not determined. Sev eral surveys will no doubt be made before the highway is actually loc ated. It is known that the grading and the ultimate hard surfacing of high way No. 18 south has, been placed on the state building program, but it will require a year or two before it is completed, as the road bed will be given time to settle before the topping is put down, Lost Smith Girl Found The decomposed body of a girl found in the Connecticut river at Springfield is believed to have been identified as Francis St John Smith who mysteri ously disappeared from Smith College, Jan., 1928. The family do not believe it is their daughter, but a Northampton dentist has identified bridge work as having been done by him for the Smith girl. nuUnttliul Nivirifl) Car Overturns, Youth Killed Saturday Night Clyde Childers Meets Instant Death Returning From Picture Show In Shelby. Clyde Childers, 20 year old youth was instantly killed Saturday night about 11 o'clock when the car of Marshall Bell overturned on the road near Buffalo creek between Shelby and Blacksburg, it is learn ed. Childers had been on a visit to Shelby with a neighbor Marshall Bell, his son and daughter. Bell was driving, it is understood, when he lost control of the car and it overturned in a ditch. As the car was smashed, something sharp pierced Childers in the back of the neck, penetrating his spinal column which brought instant death. All occupants of the car live in the vicinity of Ninety-Nine Island, South Carolina. Negress Butchered By Husband Finding Her With Other Man Hoyt Curry Inflicts Severe Wounds On Wife When He Lo cates Them. Hoyt Curry, colored man who lives in the Ebenezer church sec tion north of Kings Mountain, is in the county jail here awaiting trial and his wife is in serious shape from knife wounds due to Curry's finding his wife and a negro man together in Curry's car shed Sat urday late. A big festival was on. Curry says, at a negro hall near his home and his wife was cooking delicacies for the occasion Saturday night when lie went to the hall to take some of the food. Returning a short time later he told officers he heard a noise in the car shed, and upon flashing his light inside he said he saw his wife and the other man in a compromising position. Curry then jumped in with his knife, slashed the negro man across the head, and when the man ran Curry turned upon his wife and began cutting her across the back as she ran. The woman finally fell in an oat field and Curry continued carving. One hundred stitches were re quired, It is said, for Dr. Hord at Kings Mountain to sew up the I cuts on the woman's back and ] limbs. ’ j Governor And Associates To Operate Plant Gardner Garment Company Nam< Of New Industry. To Make Dresses, Wearing Apparel. Due indirectly to the first visit home of Shelby’s first citl *en. Governor O. Max Gardner, since his inauguration, Shelby Is to havr a new manufacturing industry. Announcement was made here today of the forming of the Gardner Garment Corpora tion, an industry which will manufacture in Shelby dresses and othrr wearing apparel for women. The new corporation is headed by Governor Gard ner and his associates include those interested with him In the Cleveland Cloth mill, and oth ers. Silk. Rayon Dresses. The major product of the Gard ner Garment Corporation, which it still such a new industry that cor poration papers have not as yet been filed, will be silk and rayon dresses made from the material manufactured by the Cleveland Cloth mill. Governor Gardner la president of the cloth mill which has an annual output selling around 300 thousand dollars. Those Interested with Governor Gardner In the new Industry have been experimenting with such an end in view for some time, and dresses and other wearing apparel made from the product of the Cleveland Cloth mill are now In stock In Shelby. Site Not Selected. As yet the site for the new plant has not been selected and for a time the manufacturing end of the Industry may be conducted In New York, where the head office of the Cleveland Cloth mill is located. However as plans materialise the plant will be located in Shelby, and perhaps In the very heart of town, and once going the material from the cloth mill will be rapidly trans ferred to the dress plant where de signers and garment workers will transform the cloth Into dresses of the latest mode and style. The formation of the new corpor ation followed a series of confer-’ ences held at the cloth mill office between Governor Gardner and his associates, and such is the prelimi nary stage of the organisation now that full details of the plant, its size, and output cannot be announc ed until later until the organization is more complete. Boost For Town. However the announcement of the preliminary organization means a considerable boost for Shelby in heralding the coming of new in dustry, an additional payroll, am' citizens of the skilled labor type. Miss Hattie Bivins Dies At Lily Mi7 Funeral And Interment Tat Place At St. Paul Metbodht Church. p Miss Hattie Bivins, age 37 year died Sunday afternoon In the tfc Mill village at the home dt he parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bfthj where she had been sick for som time with rheumatism. She came tc Shelby about nine years ago from upper Cleveland and was highlj esteemed in the communities when she lived. Surviving are her parents, Mr and Mrs. Henry Bivins, one sirfer Mrs. Mittie Richard and four brothers, George and Joe of Shelby, Will of Catawba, and John of Lincoln county. The funeral takes place today at St. Paul Methodist church in up per Cleveland where she was a member for twenty years. Rev. Mr. McDaniel of Mooresboro conducts the services. P. M. Washburn Out For Alderman’s Job P. Maynard Washburn of the Eagle Roller Mill announced this morning that he had definitely de cided to enter the race for aider man in Ward I For some weeks he has been urged by friends to enter, but only this morning did he make up his decision to enter the race, the outcome of which will be left to the voters without much cam paigning. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Abernetby and children of Gastonia spent the day Sunday with his father. Mr. T. H. Abernethv, and sister, Mrs. A. V. Hamrick.