Local Youth Tells Of Nine Years Wandering Over The Earth From Lure Of Travel (EDITORS NOTE: There Is In every hoy end young man, at some period in their lives, the urge “to see the world," or go wandering. Employed at the Piedmont cafe in Shelby k a 87-yeur-old fellow who follow ed that luring call of the wan derlust and the open roadway when he was 18 years of age. In the nine yean he has seen and experienced practically all there is to see and experience In the farthermost parts of the globe. The pictures of the sev eral continents In the geogra phy books to him mean a bee tle series of exciting, amusing, and educational incidents. To day and in successive issues Ted League, the young soldier of fortune, relates his experi ence as a feature narrative, true throughout, for The Star.) NINE TEARS WANDERING OVER THE PACE OF MOTHER EARTH (By Ted League.) At the age of 27 years, an age ' When most young men are just Setting good started in the world, it |g my lot that I can look back upon experiences rivalling to a de cree the wanderings, both actual and imaginative, of Kipling, and the sea experiences of that master •tory-teller, Joseph Conrad. Perhaps 1 have not trotted over Peyton McSwain [A.ttoraey-at-Law Civil and Criminal Practice In All Courts Office: Union Trait Co, Building ..-.— n. ' —1 1." ' -. — Dr. Charlie H. Harrill — — Dentist — Office in Judge Webb Bldg. Over Stephenson Drug Co. Office Phone 530, Residence 030 SHELBY. N. C. BILIOUSNESS Arkansan Convinced Since HU Childhood That “Black* Draught Can't Be Beaten” For It. Wert Helena. Arte.—“I am fifty two yean of age, and X have taken Black-Draught, when needed, all my life." writes Mr. O. h. Smith, of 353 Uorth Third Street, this city. “When X was Just a child, my mother made Black-Draught tea. and gave It to ms for colds and WltOBaneWi It was a family medl telne with us. “After X was grown and went out On the farm, working hard, I would get a dull, tired feeling and a bad tasta in my mouth. I would know Chen, that X was bilious. I would take a few doses of Black-Draught, and soon feed good as new. “la later yean, I have taken Black-Draught and It has helped me fbr constipation and biliousness, and X am still of the same belief, as when a child, that Black-Draught cant be beaten." Thousands of men and women find Black-Draught of great help In relieving the common ailments, due to constipation, biliousness and in dlgesUon. Black-Draught is prepared from selected medicinal herbs and roots A natural remedy for unnatural conditions of the system. Posts only 1 cent a dose, nc-201 black-draught ♦or Con • 11 p«»t ion Indigt'vfiOn Hilioutnrtt the face of Old Mother Earth to that extent, but as X think back over the nine years since X left home to follow the call of the wanderlust there comes to my mind numerous experiences almost, as fantastic as those of Trader Horn. Somehow T got a touch of the experiences of the entire trio. My Dusky Sweetie. Kipling once wrote that “She knifed me one night because I wished she was white,” I didn't wish my Filllpino girl to be white, but I didn't want to marry her Just the same, and to this day I carry the scar from n steel-ball Boro knife thrown by the brown girl’s brother because I would not marry her. Then I have sailed on all the seas, and perhaps more, than Con rad sailed, and T have had iny ups and downs in the wilds of Trader Horn's Africa. Fact Is, in the nine years, since I left home at 18 until now when X am setting up tables for Shelby lunchers at nearing the age of 27, I have visited and experienced much In seventeen foreign lands. In 17 Lands. Others have rambled more, but I guess it isn’t so bad to have visit ed the following countries at the age of 27: China. Japan, Korea. Java, Russia, Australia, the Philip pines, Hawaii, France, England, Germany, Africa, Turkey and Egypt. A Bashful Boy. And all this wandering—and I’ve enjoyed it regardless of how it started—came about because I was bashful. Imagine a bashful Ameri can boy getting almost bumped oft because he made love to a Filipino girl. But that get* ahead of my story, and a story should be, they tell me, related as It happened. Well, here goes: When I had reached the tender age of eighteen I was known as “that bashful League boy.” Bash fulness, timidity, self-consciousness tongue-tiedness and all of those peculiarities of the backwoods farm boy were mine two-fold. I wanted to be like other boys and have a good time with the fairer sex, but 11 I met one on the street I would cross over to avoid the unpleasant ness of the encounter—and you can sympathize with me if you will. Then, to cut matters short, I en listed In the United States navy without the consent or knowledge of my parents, and then the fun began. I made up my mind to do the things I had always wanted to do, but lacked the courage of my convictions. Scared Of Parties. Men in the same outfit with mo would ask me to go out with them on liberty parties and X would ac cept; go to a party with them; and never be asked again because of my timidity. Gradually, I overcame NOTICE OF SALE OF CORPOR ATE STOCK. The undersigned has for sale thirty (30) shares of the capital stock of the Cleveland Bank and Trust company represented by cer tificate No. 13., Written offers or bids therefore will be received by the undersigned at its principle of fice in Charlotte, North Carolina, up to 12 o’clock noon on Wednes day. April 10. 1929. This the 28th day of March 1929 INDEPENDENCE TRUST CO. 3tc REAL ESTATE Farms And Town Property. W. A. Broadway Royster Bldp., Shelby, N. C. Office Phone 775. Residence Phone 471. - » CASH FOR POULTRY EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK We are in the market every day for any amount of Hens, Broilers, Cocks, and pay as much as New York market will allow. Why crowd at a car when you can bring your poultry to us any day that you are not busy at home. . We will also have a car every two weeks at South ern Depot to buy poultry and if crowd is too great you can bring your poultry to our plant, have it ^..-Weighed, get your check and hack home before you -4.' coaU get to the car door. First car Wednesday, • April 3rd. .iy>- -Remember that we want your poultry EVERY DAY and in ANY QUANTITIES at best CASH PRICE. Prices this week same as next week’s car. See F. B. Price, Jr. prices in this issue. SHELBY FEED CO. LOCATED WITH SUTTLE HATCHERY. ^ -- __ some of the bashfulness and step ped out once In a great while. Hearing wild stories of life In the Asiatics (China, the Philippines, and Japan) X requested that I be sent there for duty. My request was returned approved because of iny record. (Good conduct, etc.) Going aboard the U. S. S. Henderson for my trip around the continent, through the Panama Canal, etc., X was amazed at the stupenduousness of a ship. (My first trip aboard' We weighed anchor at dawn and w'as well underway before reaching Cape Hatteras, known as one of (he roughest spots in the Atlantic ocean I had been sick before with several natural ailments but when I got sea sick I wanted to die right then and there. If you have ever been to the point where you were so sick until you cared not what happened, cared not whether you died—then you can appreciate how f felt with my first dose of sea sickness. Ye gods, what a felling. I'll never forget it as long as I live. It lasted three days and nights. The only way I could get relief was to fie down on the deck and look up at the sky, and about every three minutes some number ten shoe would poke me in the vibs and a grull voice would say "Snap out of The trip was uneventful until we reached the Panama Canal and In 1920 that was an event worth re membering—to go through the Oaton Locks at Panama. When you can see the ship going into the locks and feel the rise of the ship as it goes from one lock to another, pulled by little donkey engines, it is indeed a great sensation. After going through the locks on the At lantic side of the canal we were ushered Into a fresh water lake through the Culebra cut, now fa mous in history. Coming Into this lake with the pumps running full force, and the sun beaming down with nil the force of a June day in the tropics It was our delight to strip our selves of all clothing and stand on the deck under the full pressure of the fire hose. Gee but It felt good. A canvas tank was rigged up on the forecastle and all hands were delighted with a swim on the ship. In The Canal. Then on through the Culebra Cut to the locks on the Pacific side and to anchor at the docks at Balboa, Canal Zone, C. A. We were permitted liberty from one p. m. until six p. m. and the town of Balboa was wet!! Imagine the re sult. Some of those fellows have not returned to the ship until this day! Weighed anchor at four p. m. next afternoon headed for San Diego, California, and as we were Just leaving the bay at Balboa, the alarm was sounded "Man Over board.-* 1 was in the life boat crew at the time and Just as soon as we got the alarm all of us jumped into the boat and were lowered Into the ocean before the ship stopped. Boxes, plank, anything that would float were thrown overboard for the man to hang onto. Those of us hi the boat had to take directions from the ship as to location, etc. We were signaled "two men” and knew that some other man had Jumped after his buddy to try and save him. We cruised around for an hour or more, rowing a forty foot whale boat with all our might looking, watching for a glimpse of the drowning man. Finally we sighted him hanging onto a life buoy which had been thrown over board at the alarm. He was the man who had tried to save his buddy. We learned from him that his buddy was slightly demented and was in the hospital at the time —and tried to end all of his wor ries. He did. We saw no trace of mm niter cruising arouna me spot for three hours. We then headed for San Diego again and arrived there six days later. Heading into the bay at San Diego, we were surprised to find the Pacific fleet anchored there and knew that there would be a "hot time In the old town tonight.” With two thousand Marines and approx imately 18,000 sailors and half as many soldiers turned loose upon a town the sise of San Diego, there was something bound to happen. It invariably does! More fights, more drunks, more girls. Lord but I have never seen as many girls at one time in my life before or since. But, as nature would have it, I went to a picture show. The morning paper carried three extra sections telling about the doings of the sailors and marines the night before. (And the papers don’t tell everything.) I was sent to the receiving ship at San Diego, a place where all men to be transferred to China are kept. I did everything from paint ships to sew' buttons while I was there. There were one hundred thirteen sub-chasers anchored there, all of them out of commis sion. waiting to be sold and we had to paint those things from one end to the other every month. Imagine that. -> (Other installments of League’s educational wandering will appear In succeeding issues of The Star.) An 1810 Coin. These days dollars talk in Amer ica. but there was a time when a half cent looked as big as a ginger cracker; and .they were In fact call ed ginger* cakes. Mr. Mauney brought such coin to The Star of fice this week. It was dated 1810, and was about the site of a quar ter. It is probably very valuable. Lightning Pranks In Setzer Home Lincoln Co. News. Friday evening about 6:30 lightn ing ran into the home of Mr. John F. Setzer on 16 highway north of town, and did many pranks. It is supposed the radio aerial at- ! tractcd ihe lightning into the home.1 The electricity visited several por- | tions of the home, burning Mrs. Set-1 zcr who was in the kitchen, on the j arm; tearing up stringers to 2 pairs! of stept>„killed the family dog in one j of the rooms, ran into the medicine J closet breaking the bottles and eat ing up a flash light, burned up tiie radio, tore holes in the ceiling, burn ed the wires connecting thc radio, loud speaker, burned up'the aerial wire, and otherwise pranked. Members of the family wrere In various parts of the home, two of, the members being on the front: porch; Mrs. Setzer in a bed loom and Mrs. Setzer in the Kitchen, a son was standing or sitting on a pair of steps in tiro house, the stringers of which were demolished, but the lad was only slightly shocked. The house filled with smoke following the flash. The entire family had a miracu lous escape, fortunately none of them being seriously injured. Lutherans Meet At Gastonia 7th The regular quarterly meeting of the Lutheran Brotherhood ol the Southern conference of North Car olina Synod has been postponed from Sunday afternoon March 31 and will be held on Sunday after noon April 7 in Holy Trinity church, Gastonia. The public is cordially invited, to attend this meeting which consists of the dis cussion of two topics “The Meaning of the Church Festivals,” by W. K. Mauney of Kings Mountain and “The Origin and Proper Observa tion of the Church Festivals,” by Prof. Roy Webster of Mount Pleas ant. When police tried to arrest Mary Lavin, 18,of Chicago, who weighs 300 pounds, she hid under the bed and got stuck. It took four men to pull her out. ETLU-GRfP r Check before it (tart*. Rub on—inhale vapors OmrMl Models of Paris KtC* WEIR bEAUTy By USING caeAi* A. V, WKAY & 6 SONS. Shelby, N. C. I KEEPING YOUR NOSE; ON THE GRINDSTONE is necessary now and then. We asked one of our regu lar traveling salesmen whether he got a raise? “Yep. I GOTTA RAISE one hundred dollars by tomor row or they’ll take my car.” Anytime we RAISE, it will be on the quality of OPALINE. (Sounds impos sible with the present high quality of these products.) To use SINCLAIR o r OPALINE is to know why these products have won such undying popular ap proval. Cleveland Oil Co. Distributors » i.i ...... NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred by deed of trust by H. C. Ponder and wife, Kath leen Ponder, to the First National Bank of Durham, N. C., Trustee dated April 1st, 1928, and recorded in Book No. 150, page 181, Cleve land county registry, the First Na tional Bank of Durham, North Carolina, will on April 20th, 1929. At 12:00 O'clock M. at the Court House in Cleveland county, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the fol lowing described property: Beginning on a stake on the East side of Second street, Northwest corner of Lot No, 84, and runs North 84 1-2 East 150 feet to a stake m Beam's line; thence with his line North 5 1-2 West 100 feet to a stake; thence South 84 1-2 West 150 feet to a stake on East side of Second street; thence South 5 1-2 East 100 feet to tire beginning. Being Lots Nos. 90, 91, 92 and 93, shown by plat recorded in Book of Plats No, 1 at page 62 in the of fice of Register of Deeds of Cleve land county, North Carolina, ref erence to which plats is hereby made for further identification and description of said lots. This sale is made on account of default in the payment of the in debtedness secured by the said deed of trust. This 6th day of March, 1929, FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DURHAM, North Caro lina, Trustee, W. S. Lockhart, Attorney, Durham, N. C. r-- 1 "■',l n Dr. C. ML Peelr —DENTIST— Office Over Woolworth Residence l’hone 460-W Office Phone 99-W IF YOUR EYES GIVE TkKJ ANY TROUBLE | See JR. ROBT. L. WILSON At Paul Webb &. Son's Drug Store. -- » DR. H. C. DIXON DENTIST Office Over Wool worth’s. TELEPHONE 195 ‘ -BILLIARDS Cleveland Cigar Store Ilolrl Charles Bldg., Comer Trade and W. Warren Sts. ..— After Lecmard Hudson of £3t. Louis wounded Miss Grace Tyler with a razor she consented to mar ry him and prosecution was drop ped. Six months ago the doctor would have passed him for any amount of life insur^ ancc-'Woie> he won't. Get all the insurance you need, while you can. , or C. R. WEBB General Agent, Shelby, N. C. Try Sar Wants Ads. The Difference in Shingles **The roof ark tfte foundation are the two most ? ' essentials in home construction^ -*mt FLAT GRAIN RED CEDAR SHINGLE EDGWOOD RED CEDAR SHEM43L8 The ordinary “Clear” or "Star” Red Cedar singles are sawn :Witfi * large percentage of flat-grain. Consequently, they will warp, cup and curl; loosen Che nails; sometimes leak; become unsightly; and require replacement after an average life of tea tqj fifteen years. They were never intended for use on roofs. Tbit it your identification Mark for a Red Cedar Shingle Chat Will Noc Warp SHINGLES X7DGWOOD Shingles are sawn edgegrain—and "positively will not warp, cup or curl* They lie tight and flat to the sheathing always; preserve their good appearance; delete the fire-hazard; eliminate any possible trouble from leaks; and will NOT require replacement within forty years* They cost less and last longer than any other roofing material, not excepting tile or slate in those sections subject to hail-storms* INSTRUCTIONS EDGWOOD Shingles are sawn edge grain and will not warp, consequently EDG WOOD 18' Shingles should be exposed 3J4* to the weather; EDGWOOD 16' Shingles, 5' to the weather; any less expo sure merely adds to the cost of your roof and it doet Rot add to the protection or durability, Thli BookM offan —any baleful outwaOoaa to tbaao ■rbo in tulof to build. lo an* or ro-utjlo. It faoturo* •wnr baauUful boom, tbowtut you how you con ■" fn* »% to m* an oauatnwalou. It'a FIUCB >MU Coupon Don J THE CONSOLIDATED SHINGLE MILLS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA LIMITED 907-8 Metropolitan Building, Vancouver, B. C. Pkate tend ate your lrtt ”EDGWOOD HOMES" Bookleti " Heme 'Addrttt || These Dealers Recommend and Sell Edgwood Shingles || L. U. ARR0W00D Z. J. THOMPSON SHELBY, N. C 41

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