The Cleveland Star SHELBY, N. C. MONDAY — WEDNESDAY — FRIDAY SUBSCRIPTION PRICE By Mall, per year . _$•_>. By Carrier, per year_._13 THE STAR PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. LEE B. WEATHERS__President and Editor S. ERNEST HOEY ._...................... Secretary and Foreman RENN DRUM _______ News Editor A. D. JAMES ............_....._Advertising Manager Entered as second class matter January 1, 1905. at the postoffiee At Shelby, North Carolina, under the Act ot Congress. March 3. 1879 We wish to call your attention to the fact that It la. and has been our custom to charge five cents per line for resolutions ot respect, cards of thanks and obituary notices, after one death notice has been published. This will be strictly adherred to. 8 g MONDAY, APRIL 1. 11)29. TWINKLES if you haven’t found out otherwise, this is the first day of April. Congratulations are in order to the congregation and of ficials of the First Baptist church upon the opening yester day of the fine new church plant, one of the most up-to-date not only in North Carolina but in the South. Shelby, famed in this state as a town where the major ity of their citizens own their own homes, thanks lo the building and loan plan, should take note of the fact that Hartsville, S. C., has seven building and loan associations through which seventy-five per cent of the citizens own their own homes. A town of home-owners is a town hard to ex cel. HARD TO BEAT, YES p'OVERNOR Gardner, back in the home-town now for his first visit, will likely return to Raleigh bubbling over with energy to pick up again the strenuous duties of his office. And that is the viewpoint of The Charlotte Ob server, which says: “Governor Gardner is enjoying brief surcease from re cent fierce activities among neighbors and friends in the old home town, and the State will be agreed that he has earned this respite. The piedmont air and a few quaffs from Cleve land Springs are calculated to work the physical wonders that may be anticipated.” YOUNG FARMERS ACTIVE '"THE LATTIMORE section, already a progressive farm A community, promises to be one of the outstanding agricul tural regions in the state in the coming years. This is pro phesied in view of the unusual interest being taken in mod ern farming methods by the boys and young men of the Lattimore community. At the age most boys and young men are turning their eyes cityward for the lure of the weekly and monthly pay checks, the Lattimore youths are attend —"ing agricultural classes and are taking the information from the class room into material practice upon the farms of their parents. Just last year a youngster of the Lattimore community established a cotton production record on the plot assigned to him for cultivation by. his father, and ere those boys arc through with their farming careers they promise to be heard of again, individually and as a forward moving community. A TIMELY WARNING •"pHE WARNING of County Agent Hardin to the farmers of Cleveland county that they should not become so en thused over the record 1928 cotton crop that they wfruld this year reduce the acreage of their feed crops to put in more cotton seems to us to be a timely one. In bygone years Cleveland county farmers made big cotton crops and then spent a big percentage of their money for carload after carload of western hay shipped into Shelby. Four or five years ago Governor Max Gardner and his newly created board of agriculture began urging farmers of the county to produce their own feed, and within a year or two the shipment of feedstuff into Cleveland county began to decline. A checkup was made then and it was found that thousands of dollars were paid out annually by Cleveland farmers for feed produced in other states, feed that might have been prodaced here. By all means the slogan of the county agent is a good ■l phe for the farmers of Cleveland county to follow—"Be sure r to produce enough feed for your livestock, then go to your cotton and make every hale possible.-’ THE MAN-EATING SHARK IN RYGONE days some newspaper editor, no duobt after being roundly criticised for expressing an opinion, de clared that there seemed to be only one thing which an edi tor could condemn without being criticised or threatened, and that was the man-eating shark. Since that day views, opinions, and references to the man-eating shark have been numerous on editorial pages. But is there such a thing as a man-eating shark? The New York World is not positive ns the following editorial would indicate: “While swimming in Florida waters Le lloy C'hadbourne of New York was bitten by a shark. Or at least he was bit ten by something, and he thinks it was a shark. And there, alas, is the rub. For did he but know what he was bitten by he would be in a fair way to settle one of the greatest argu ments that ever rocked the world of ichthyology. One-half of this world has maintained for years that a shark will at-: tack a man, and points out that he has done so on innumer able occasions. The other half has maintained that a shark WiU not attack a man, and points out that while he is sup posed to have done so on innumerable occasions, he is not actually known to have done so on so much as one occasion that has been properly authenticated with names, dates and places. The rest of us, as a result, feel extremely queasy *hen we venture into deep water. For while we are naturally fctave and disposed to believe that a shark has never attack a man, we realize that he may change his habit at any time without the customary thirty days’ notice, and that names, dates and places are likely to appear in as regular order as anybody could desire, with our own name neatly set off by black rules in the obituary column, followed by a note that funeral will be omitted as shark has the sainted remains. Thus it can be seen that Mr. Chadbourne, if he had been fortunate enough to see what bit him, might have become famous overnight and might even have attained the distinction of a paragraph in the forthcoming humanized edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. But he did not see what hit him. And he has succeeded, in consequence, mere j ly in making a moot point all the mooter. "It. is interesting, by the way, that when he shouted for help his companions thought he was indulging in a little comical cutting up, and let him flounder to shore without giving him help. The feature of swimming mishaps is re ported so often that it can be regarded as the rule rather than the exception. Why is it that human beings, when they come in contact with a dangerous clement, seem to suffer some temporary forgetfulness that it is dangerous at all and allow their fellows to struggle, .sometimes to the bitter end, amid gales, of laughter? ANOTHER FOCH STORY pOLLOWING the recent death of Marshal Foch, generalis 1 si mo of the Allied armies in the World War, one critic declared that Foch and his military record would be forgot ten in a few years. Many, however, will differ with that \iew of the prominent French soldier, and since his death many of the characteristics of the man have been revealed by intimate stories of his life. Of a now famous dispatch forwarded by him during one of the crucial battles The Salisbury Post says: “One of the most inspiring stories that cluster about the name of the late Marshal Foch is the story of the famous dispatch he sent Joffre during the ffirst battle of the Marne. You remember it, of course—“My left is giving way and my right is retreating; I shall attack with my center.” “It is one of those things that thrill even the most jaded. It pictures, perfectly, the dash and courage of the supreme soldier. “But now, it develops, Foch never wrote it! The whole thing, it seems, is an invention, the product of some gifted French journalist’s brain. “Really, though it, doesn’t matter. The dispatch tells precisely what Foch did, and the circumstances under which ho did it; whether lie put the words together or not is of small consequence.” Nobody’s Business GEE McGEE— (Exclusive in The Star in this, section.) *» tom Don't Take My Advice. A few months ago. some so-call i cil smart guy said that Irish pota toes would make thin women fat. and you know It's a horrible dis grace to be fat now-a-days, and this statement got into the news papers, and all females in the Uni ted State, and Ouatamala stopped short off troni eating potatoes, and I Ker-bang! Irish cobblers and ! Bliss went down about $100 per i bushel. Therefore, the farmer in Maine is getting about 30 cents a bushel tor his,potatoes, and the i railroad company is .getting about 40 cents a bushel, and we are get ting the balance. And on the other hand. Dr Fuller Gass of Oshkosh published j a statement that liver contained j vithnin "K " and before you could say "Jack Robinson,; common old beef liver went to 97 cents a pound, and rabbit and ground-squir rel livers began fetching 30 cents apiece, and families fought over chicken livers with all the venom common to mother-in-law disputes. If anybody In this nc.ghborhood has been Improved because of liver-eating, it certainly amt ashowing from the outside. Before the smoke had cleared away from these propagandist epis odes. Dr. Killein Quick of Tangan yika discovered the ultra-violet rays that the sun had been pour ing down on the backs of the poor old farmers for a million years without being appreciated, and by the time the ink got dry, thou sands upon thousands of appar ently sensible men and women were sitting out in the sun buck naked. and they are still a-setting. Then the electric light folks be gan to make ultra-violet ray lamps, and you'd be surprised at the num ber of flappers that are trying to pump that stuff into them from that source. And again, during the spring of If) and 12, a professor in botany In the School of Science in Berlin circulated n report that frogs legs (fried) would make the old man of 75 a buck of 24, and im prove his glands from center to circumference, and then the chase for frogs began * A frog knew better than to even chirp In a pond, and he was daresome to poke his head out of the water, as 4 or 5 old men were standing on the bank to nab htm In the hustle and bustle to get frogs legs, nearly all businesses were neglected. And tf anybody who ate frogs legs 3 times a day ever got any more "spry." I never heard of It. Temper Tests. 1. If your hat blows off and you have to chase it 4 or 5 blocks j down the street, if you don't cuss, you are a fit candidate for a dea con In the church. 2—If you bump your head sud denly and .severely, and utter no bad words or think any evil thoughts, you are certainly suffi ciently pious to pray in public. n. If some fool backs lus Ford into your Chevrolet and bends your fender, and does not even apologize for his rudeness, and you don't get mad enough to kill the said fool, then you should be entitled to the privilege of con ducting a prayer-meeting, or lead ing the choir on Christmas eve. 4 If your wife tells you to get up and go shake down the furnace or put the cat out while you are reading the evening paper, and you still feel that you are really proud of the fact that you married such a woman, you will no doubt prove to be a dutiful husband and a loving daddy—and an all-round agreeable citizen. 5, If one of sour Halitosis friends meets you on the street and proceeds to poke his loud speaker so close to your face that his slobbers land in your eyes— while he's telling you (he same joke that he told you year before last and last year and three times already this year,, and you don't haul off and knock the lard out of him you are certainly a real Christian gentleman, and by rights —you should be occupying a pul pit at least two times every Sab bath. B. if you can sit still and rest content, and be satisfied with all and singular in and about you while some bonehead is making j a 50-minute speech wheat a 2-min-1 ute speech would over-load him I and his hearers, you are indeed j possessed of a sweet, amiable, en viable, wonderful, remarkable dis position; and if your friends real ly appreciate the merits you are possessed with, they will point you . out In a crowd of a thousand as being the best, the most even tempered. honorable man in the world, and if you ain't sprouting wings, you ain't getting >ou en titlements ansoforth 7 If your wife spends more j than you make, and leaves the1 younguns at home while she plays bridge 13 times a week with her friends, and forgets to sew the but tons on your union suit, and re fuses to come into the "company; room” when you've brought your Brother Bill down for a short visit, and makes you "eat out" when the cook happens not to come—and you don't have thoughts of divorce, murder, suicide, and grand lar ceny. then heaven is your home, and this old world ain't worthy of such a worm of the dust. Duke Foundation Aids Local Hospital Check* To Amount Of $632,249.93 Sent To Hospitals And Orphanages. • Special to The Star.) Charlotte, March 30.—Checks ag j gregating $032,249 93 arc in the pro ; cess ot being mailed out by the | Duke Endowment to hospitals and orphanages in North and South Carolina, this amount representing a disbursement of the funds avail 1 able for these institutions under the terms of the Duke Endowment tor the past year. This disburse ment, which is the fourth annual distribution of funds by the Duke Endowment, was ordered by the board of trustees of the Duke En dowment at its meeting held in this city a few days ago. Of the total amount being dis tributecl at tills time $515,987 was L appropriated for the care of free : patients at $1 a day at 75 liospi- . tals located in the Carolinas. The ! balance of $116,262.93 was approp riated for the care of orphans and half orphans In 41 orphanages and \ child placing agencies in the Caro- | Una’s. The first distribution for hospi- ; talizatlon purposes and the sup port of orphans from the Duke En dowment was made in 1925. During that year 52 hospitals in the two states were assisted for 216,781 free days of care. In 1926, 63 hospitals received aid for 339,127 free days. In 1927. 73 hospitals were assisted to the extent of 434.361 free days. Forty five hospitals in North Carolina are participating in the distribution for 1928, including the Shelby hospital. In South Caro lina 30 hospitals and 41 orphan ages in the two Carolinas. Carry B and L Shares Between now and January First this associa tion will pay out to Shareholders (people who have been carrying shares with us) over $125, 000.00. Over $50,000.00 will be paid to these share holders in May and another $50,000.00 in Aug ust, and $25,000.00 in November. — DON’T WAIT — But come in today and start Shares. We wise, get in on these fine dividends. They are only 25c per share per week and you may take out as many shares as you wish. 4 Shares are $1.00 per week. 10 Shares are $2.50 per week. 20 Shares are $5.00 per week. — AND SO ON — COME IN TODAY AND TAKE OUT AS MANY SHARES AS YOU CAN POSSIBLY CARRY. CLEVELAND BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION OFFICE WITH CLEVELAND BANK & TRUST COMPANY PaROIINA STOI{i;S NA < • S. iVC YtU M' !W ', Goodness and Flavor in each and every article pur chased at CAROLINA STORES. And my! There is such a saving. FLOUR, 24 lbs. Laurel Valley S1.00: 24 lbs. National 90c Quaker Macaroni, 3 packages for....25c Matches, 3 large boxes _____10c LUCKY FIND CORN, can. 10c I’into Beans, per pound___10c Rice, Fancy Blue Rose, 4 lbs. for_25c TOMATOES, Fancy Virginia, can . 10c Salmon, Raceland No. 1 Tall can_17c Palmolive Soap, 3 for __23c SPECIALS FRIDAY & SATURDAY SUGAR, 10 lbs. . 53c PEACHES, choice Evaporated, 2 lbs. 23c SOAP, large size Octagon, 5 cakes . 25c FALL CITY KRAUT large cans, 2 25c APPLES, Choice Evaporated, 2 lbs. 25c CAROLINA STORES FOR CAROLINA PEOPLE. P. J. BROWN, Managet. V CONDENSED STATEMENT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SHELBY, N. C. AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS MARCH 27, 1929. RESOURCES NEARLY FIVE MILLION DOLLARS. RESOURCE^ Loans and Discounts-$3,608,334.02 Overdrafts - 2,673.97 U. S. Bonds to Secure Circulation-250,000.00 U. S. Liberty Bonds_.... 204.389.90 Other Stocks and Bonds_ 42,000.00 Redemption Fund- 12,500.00 Real Estate Owned- 60,299.71 Cash on Hand and Due From Other Banks _ 564.347.68 TOTAL $4,831,545.28 LIABILITIES Capital- $250,000.00 Surplus_ 250,000.00 Undivided Profits_ 287,357.00 Accrued Interest Reserved_ 44,293.50 Reserved for Taxes_ 25,000.00 Circulation-- 250,000.00 Deposits_ 3,727,894.78 TOTAL ....$4,834,545.28 The many friends and customers of the First National will be pleased with the above report as it is one of the best we have ever published and reflects SAFETY, SECURITY, CONSERV ATIVE MANAGEMENT AND SER VICE. We thank each and every customer for helping us to make the fine show ing in the statement above and for the fine spirit of co-operation shown in every instance. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SHELBY. “A QUARTER OF A CENTURY OF SOUND BANKING.” — OFFICERS and DIRECTORS — CHAS. C. BLANTON, President. GEO. BLANTON, Vice President. FORREST ESKRIDGE, Cashier. JNO. F. SCHENCK, SR., Vice President. R. R. SISK, Asst. Cashier. C. S. MULL, Asst. Cashier. DIRECTORS CHAS. C. BLANTON, JNO. F. SCHENCK, SR. A. C. MILLER, JAS. L. WEBB, L. A. GETTYS, FORREST ESKRIDGE. CLYDE R. HOEY, 0. MAX GARDNER, J. F. ROBERTS, PAUL WEBB, GEORGE BLANTON,

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