Manila And Crcssing Equator Described By Local Wanderer Grass Skirts And I'kclcli". Of Hono lulu Encountered lly Kamhling Lad. (Editor’s Note: This is the sec ond Installment by Ted League, Id eal youth, of his experience in vis iting 17 foreign lands in less than nine years of wandering.) In September of that same year. I was sent to the Receiving Ship at San Francisco for further transfer to the Asiatic Station. San Frnncisro lone enough to hate the fog, etc., and was sent with three hundred other raw recruits from the training station bn beard tin U. S. S. Chaumont A transport making regular trips from Han Francisco to Honolulu, Guam, Ma nila and China. While on board that ship I was sent to get everything from a hammock ladder io a sky hook. Incidentally 1 was told to watch for the "mail buoy" and there's no such animal. (Hut. I did not know that then > 1 watched very dllligently for three hours or more and it suddenly dawned upon me that I was a "Boot," (The com moil name for a recruit i . A New Drink. Tt took us jiist eh days lo reach Honolulu ant) I v ;ys .only loo eager 1 1 lo Ret ashore mid to that tiimons i i Waikiki Beach i it sadly chs- | ! appointed because'of tin ..harp cor- j [ til .in. the wafer A fair and carni- j \ al i^tricily I'.rai 1 was being held i on the out t.i: oldie town and the allot and marines almost Wrecked that plan Grass skirts ga I lore ukelelo. Hawaiian Guitar's strumming In the moonlight, was j all too b'am titil and quaint to be ] [true .but nevertheless it was. I was! i Introduced to the native drink ot j O-kooli-how. A mixture of shake tl. v o.'d tli. hoi and lye. f-I'-m judg ] ing by the taste, only because I iti ."r f"' .'yr.ed any of it.* It. was 'also called "block and tackle'' vvlm key. Take one drink, walk one block and tackle anything you met. 1 1 pent everything I had on sou venirs in Honolulu, sent them to the lolk.. back heme and went back aboard ship again, waiting lor the time when we would leave for Guam, M. 1. (Marinas Island.) Also known as Midway island. Eleven days spent on the deepest Imported LIDO” Sandals „ SIZES — 3 to 8 £Made of Genuine i. oven Leather $3.98 Well-fitting,good-look ini; woven Sandals. Comfortable, cool — the popular shoes for sports wear. All tan, also various color combinations of r*d, tan, blue, green, white and patent leather. The price is exceedingly low. Buy them now for a full season’s wear! "T/ie SMost for Your SMoney in ‘Reliable ^Merchandise” A LETTER TO MR. MILLK’AN, MANAGER OF THE CHARLES STORE, A BOLT THESE SHOES. Following is the partial contents of a letter written to the local manager of the Charles Store, from the Sales Pro motion Department of the organization, instructing Mr, Milli ean as to the quality of these sandals. It is a very interesting communication. “The sandals which are to be advertised in the above ad are outstanding in many ways. We wish to call your particu lar attention to the manner in which this sandal Is finished. If you will run your hand Into the toe of this shoe you will find that there is not a rough surface anywhere; that no matter how fine the hose may be there is nothing to harm the hose in anyway whatever. You will also find that the stitching is very uniform and smooth. “For your information we are staating that there are two types of sandals. One last is known as the European type and the other the American. The European type last is the cheap er one, and a good many tirm.- will be selling that one, where as the last sold by us Is an American type last and costs more than the European type of lust. We further wish to call your particular attention to the liner finish on the patent leathers. This finish is not only smooth but is very pliable and of course this helps to prolong the life of the shoe. “If it were not for the fact that we imported this sandal direct from the manufacturer, we could not offer it at the price which we are selling it; and when the ad says "Buy more for your money in reliable merchanaise” we are not exagger ating In the least. You will also .see 'tliat this sandal comes m a very complete assortment of colors. You will note combin ations of red, tan, blue, green, white and patent leather. Some of these colors are more expensive than others and be caus of this you will find that in a number of competitor's stores there will not be shown as complete an assortment as may be had at our store." part, of the Pacific ocean, and sea f sick again for the second time. Hut j if wasn’t quite ns severe as tile! first We arrived in Guam one af- j ternoon about .three and left next morning about four I did not go ashore in Guam because there were only seven square miles of terri tory to be seen and all of it rock. No scenery, no ‘ beautiful girls" or other attractions worthy of note j l ht n to Manila. Iii A Typhoon. .Just lad ore arriving at Manila and w hile cruising through., the va rious island east of (lie eapitol. we encountered a typhoon and came near losing another man but as luck would have it. we saved this one He was blown overboard by the gale Arriving in Manila thirteen hours late on tiie thirteenth of November, making thirteen knots per hour and j preparing to anchor m thirteen; fathoms of water we struck hot - ’ tom atid lost a propeller. The ship veered to port and we limped in home with' only one leg. Manila is the eapitol of the Phil ippine Islands, the home of the Governor General (Leonard Wood at the tune) and known Tor its in dustry. Thbse people raise several tilings, mostly children and enough dogs to have one for each of them. Lice enough to cover everyone of it's inhabitants from head to foot and known as the home of the Bolo knife. (Mentioned before in this narrative i That I'iliplno Girl. However, Manila is a beautiful city, swaying palm trees, green grass t lie year round and so hot you want to stay under an ice pack dry after day. However, the even ings are quite pleasant. Dancing, drinking, eating — anything you could mention—all for the asking if you had the price. The money ex change there is just two Pesos (dol lars i tor one American dollar. Your money is practically doubled. The food is also chet per—although not so good—as in our own blessed Jcw nttrd States. For instance an order of ham and eggs would cost you forty-five cents in America. There it is thirty-five cent (their money Sabe? Chicken was also cheaper and since I nm from the country chicken was my favorite dish, until I learn ed that chickens are raised on car lien and lire and then my thoughts t timed elsewhere. There are two prominent dance halls in Manila. Lerma's and Santa Ana. The latter known the world over for Its tremendous size and rrowds. More people dance there the year round than at any other dance pavilion in tlie world. Four orches tras, two separate floors, divided only by a curtain. One side for the natives and the other for the for eigners. They generally mix, how ever. tike A Lady. T treated a certain Filipino girl like a lady (Just to keep in prac tice and she fell in love with me When I refused to marry her and take her back to flic States with me, she told her brother and the bolo tight ensued. He trailed me for miles and finally threw the brio at my throat. I dodged but it struck me in the head. Funeral at three next day. Dewey's Battle. Manila, as you remember, is the place of that famous battle of Ad miral Dewey when he stole through the night past the huge guns of Corregtdor into tlie bay of Manila and captured the town. To this day the walls that surrounded Manila at that time are still there, al though rather dilapidated, but the memory still clings. Some of the huge guns used in that battle are still there and it is worth noting to say that they are well cared for. corregiaor, Known as one 01 tne strongest forts In existence, is just six miles from Manila, and it must be passed before reaching Manila by water There is a narrow chan nel of water separating the two batteries om Corregldor and it would take a very powerful navy indeed to get by without casualty. Olongnpoo, P. I. is not very dis tant from Manila and it is here that Uncle Sam has his floating dry docks, towed there through the Suez canal from New York. Olong apoo is the home of the Igorotes, or that specie of human known to have a tail about six inches long. They live in grass huts built on stilts as you have seen in the movies at times. They need no description. Further south in the Philippines, down as far as Zamboango, you will find the natives very scantily dressed, the women wearing noth ing but a dirty rag around their waist. The iurther south you go the dirtier the rag. The men wear as little as possible and it is in fact unmentionable. Cross The Equator. Every full fledged shellback knows the joys and sorrows of an initiation when crossing the equa tor for the first time. Naturally, It is not called that in naval circles but is known as the time when King and Queen Neptune comes aboard. On December 23. 1920, we were headed for Singapore and w ere due to cross the equator about 8:45 a. m. All hands were prepared for the arrival of that time and all of us land-lubbers had been royally sum moned before the court. The king was received on board by the cap tain of the ship and was given a royal welcome by all. Then came the .queen in all her glory. Her at tendants were men of ell calibre Men of the sea—some with only one eye. Others with wooden legs, arms ( nirrt Of Honor Meets, The court of lionor opened Mon day night with a prayer by Rev. II N. MeDlarmid. Alter the prayer Dr. MoDiarrmd introduced t lie prin cipal of the high school, Mr. An drews. Mr. Andrews made one of the nicest talks that lias every been made before us. Belwood seemed to gel most of the award. An announcement was made that the next court of lionor would be oil May 13. Another announcement was made that there would be council-wide rally held at Gastonia There were only two scouts who went up for the tenderfoot rank. They were Mai Spangler and Thos. Wilson. The following went up for the second class rank. John MeClurd, jr., Dick Lc Grand, Robert Toms. Charles Mc Brayer, Edwin Williams, Alvin Glenn, Robert Glenn, Durham Bridges. Hubert Hoyle, George Stamey, Robert Stainey, ->J. T. Wright. Wayne Yoder, Milton Smith, C. K. Hamrick, J. D, Hicks. Sam Sain, Fred Props!, J. C. Propst, Wilson Willis. Cecil War lick, Yates Carpenter. Merit Badges. Agriculture: Joseph Brackett, John Warlick, jr. Athletics: Ralph Carpenter. Automobiling: Robert Panther. Basketry: Robert Lea Walker. George Cabanlss, Glenn Simmons Bee Keeping: Stough Peeler, Deb ro Peeler. Bird Study: George Cabanlss, R. F. Tllden, "Crif" Walker, Dwight Boggs, Jolui Brackett, Joseph Brackett, J. W Brackett, jr., George Cabaniss, Ralph Carpenter, William Dixon, Eugene Hubbard, J. A. Hubbard. Hall Peeler, R. F. Till man “Crin" Walker Camping: “Crip" Walker. Carpentry: Ralph Carpenter, William Dixon. Cement Work: Paul Arrowood. Bill Blanton. Civics: George Cabaniss, “Crip" Walker. Wellington Martin Electricity: Dwight Boggs, Dixon Willis. Firenianship: George Cabaniss, Lee Willis. First Aid io Animals: Lee Willis, Robert Ponder. Gardening: Joseph Brackett, P. F. Tillman, Jno. Warlick, Thomas Peeler. Handicraft: John Warlick, jr. Horsemanship: Stough Peeler, Wellington Martin. Leather Wor(s: Stough Peeler, J. W. Brackett. Masonry: R. F. Tilinan. J. W. Brackett, jr.. Joseph Brackett, Wil liam Dixon. Painting: John Brackett, Lee Willis. Eugene Hubbard, Ralph Carpenter. Pathfinding: “Crip" Walker, Hall Peeler, John Brackett. Personal Health: Dwight Boggs, In slings, some on crutches—in fact everything about them would de note hard characters—men who took a chance on everything. After the royal welcome the king's attendants prepared the royal bath, which included tar and feathers, lye water and everything one shouldn't use. But of course it was all In the spirit of- fun and if you didn't like the treatment they only made it worse. You took the bath whether you liked it or not. Then we walked the plank ever the side of the ship, and I'll tell you, when they put that blindfold on me and hoisted me upon that plank and said walk" t felt as if I was walking to my doom. I had already visited the royal barber and had a pair of clippers run through my hair. Had been shaved with a butcher knife from the galley (kitchenV and my eyebrows had been plucked. So I knew that this was to be the last and worst trial of all. If I failed I could not get my Neptune's certificate. So I tried with all my might to look game . and walked off the end of that plank and fell forty feet into the ocean. Down, down, down, Lordy, but that was deep water, and I finally started up again and when I reached the top and inhaled a breath of air it had never felt so good before or since. Hard On Hoover. There were several other things happened on that day too bad to write although I would like to but I know they would be censored so why go to the trouble? But I'll say this much, when President-elect Hoover crossed the equator last fall his party got nice treatment com pared to ours. (Other installments of League’s wanderings will appear in succeed ! ing issues of The Star.* 1 Jack McWhirter. Physical Development: Dixon Willis, John Brackett, J. A. Hub-; bard, Thomas Peeler. Robt Porter.i Pioneering: Dixon Willis. Poultry Keeping: J. W. Brackett, J ] Wm. Dixon, Debro Peeler, Lee j 1 Willis, Ralph Carpenter. Eugene j i Hubbard. Wellington Martin, Stougli Peeler, Thomas Peeler. Plumbing: Stough Peeler. Public Health: Dwight Boggs. Hall Peeler, Thomas A. Peeler, R. P. Tillman. Reptile Study: Snookie Lineber ger. Dixon Willis, John Warlick, Thomas A. Peeler, William Dixon, Joseph Braekett Salesmanship: John Warlick. Scholarship: George Blanton, jr Wood Carving: Lee Willis. Rob ert Porter, John Brackett, Dwight Boggs. Wood Work: J. W. Brackett. Star Rank. J W Brackett, Dwight Boggs, Eugene Hubbard. George Cabanise, ! Hall Peeler. The meeting was ended by a | prayer offered by Mr. Andrews. Eastern Star Women Install Officials Mrs. Ruth Mint/ Is Worthy Ma tron. Mrs. Gro. Washburn Presented With Jewel. The O. E. S. of Shelby chapter No. 110 had a call communication Tuesday evening for the purpose of installing the new officers elect for the ensuing year. The meeting was called to order by the retiring worthy matron. Mrs. George Washburn, after which she introduced the installing officer. Mrs. Mary A. Veneable. district deputy grand matron of the grand chapter of North Carolina. Mrs. wasnpurn in a very impres sive manner, expressed her appre ciation of the loving, loyal coopera tion of the.corps of retiring officers during the past year. Mrs. Wallace, past matron of Shelby chapter, presented to Mrs. , Washburn in behalf of Shelby i chapter No. 110, a beautiful past j matron jewel which was accepted by Mrs. Washburn in a very grate ful manner. The officers installed for the en suing year were: Mrs. Ruth Mintz, worthy ma tron: Mr Tom Abernethy, jr., worthy patron; Mrs. Reitna Aber nethy, associate worthy matron; Miss Thelma Earle, secretary; Miss Myrtle Harris, treasurer; Mrs. Jennie Wright, conductress; Miss Alma Myers, associate conductress; Mrs. Georgia Hickson, chaplain; Mrs. Nora Poston, marshal; Mrs. Ola Wylie, organist; Miss Elsie Har din, Adah; Mrs. Iva Weathers, Ruth; Mrs. Minnie Putnam, Esther Mrs. Minnie Pendleton, Martha; Mrs. Ina Wilson, Electa; Mrs. Johnie Young, warden; Mr, Ab Poston, sentinel. Immediately after tire installa tion of officers the chapter was closed and the new officers and members were entertained by the retiring officers. Delightful re freshments were served. Goerch Talks Many Jobs Handed Mull (Carl Goerch in Washington Progress'. Governor Gardner has offered O. M. Mull practically every political position that is within his power to! i bestow. ! | "Gardner Offers Mull New Post,'*! j reads a headline in one day’s paper. ! 1 "Mull Refuses to Accept Post,"!] Last wet k the Cleveland county citizen was tendered the position as chairman of the state prison board. Tuesday he refused to qualify. The News and Observer keeps Mr. Mull's photograph in a convenient place and the picture is run religiously every time an offer is made him and every time he refuses to accept. The whole thing is getting rather borcsome. If Mr. Mull doesn’t want any political honor, why doesn't he tell the Governor to quit offering them to him? Things lia\e reached a stage wherein practically every appointee to public office has the knowledge that he is second choice, j Mr. Mull previously -declined to ac- ' cept the position which they now hold. Another Invention. Berlin.—An invention which it is j hoped will make transatlantic tele phony by cable as clear as that on ' short land lines has been submit- | ted to the Prussian Academy of Sciences. It involves a steel wire around a copper conductor and a system of amplifiers. 1 J.C.PENNEY CO. SHELBY, N. C. Economy Pius Not Low Price Alone but Low Price Plus Quality Awaits You Here Compare These Values SPRING SUITS For Young Men Who Know Style and] Demand Service As Well Extra Pants at #4.98S The suit shown at the right is our "Dor- \ Set” model. It comes in a variety of fab- jj rics, from which you can certainly make ' a pleasing choice. You can have it with either peak or notch lapel. "Dorset” is styled for the man who wants to be wel1 dressed. Other Young Men’s Spring Suits at #24.75, with Extra Pants at #5.90 #29.75, with Extra Pants at #6.90 Wash Suits Button-on Models Size* 2 to 8 Years They Will Stand Many Trips to the Tub Practical because tub-fast and tturdily made of quality fabrics. Plenty of variety, too, in the emart models and interesting pat terns. Mothers will like the thrifty prices as well as the ap pealing style treatments, 98c to $2.98 Rayon Lingerie in a score of delightful styles Every type of smart rayon undergarment ... at tractive and so practically low-priced. Chemise, bloomers, step-ins, dancettes . . . tailored and nov elty styles. Novelty Applique and Lace Trimmed Garments, 98c and $1.98 Tailored Bloomers and Chemise. .. 98c jjs Tailored Vests, 49c end 79c Rah Rah Hats For Boyi Snap crown, silk ban<£ silk serge lining. EjeperUy tailored. 69c Waverly Caps for Men Men's 8/4 cap* of gaining Straw cassimere. In light tan and powder grey and tan. Full Mile lined with leather sweat, band. $1.98 Hand Bags Smartly New! Qever new Ityfe* which will add the final note of smartness to your Spring ensemble. Pouches, envelopes and other wanted styles. Genuine goat and shoe leather. Splendid at—•

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