West Forty-Second Street, New York, Is Kin To Bowery Tattooing: Parlors, Bargain Shops. Panhandlers All Found Among Dingy Tenements. New York Times. Forty-Second street, west oi Eighth avenue, differs greatly from the great business center located on this street from Lexington to Eighth avenues. It seems, as one walks to ward the Hudson, that buildings grow smaller and shops Increase in dumber, but shrink In size And as they shrink In size, their prices take corresponding drops Of all four blocks between Eighth i,~ .. --- . r— and the best varieties of Vegetables-y Free RowerSeed Collections And how to get them ~ we (old in the ffolden Anniversary Catalog A Write for your cosy today. T. W. WOOD & SONS, So ds men Since 11179. Itt 8.14th Hlrwf. IUrhmond, Va. I WEAK AND THIN Virginia Lady Was Just Drag ging Around. Health Im proved Steadily After She Took Cardni. Bristol. Va.—"I was just alxmt down In bed and so weak I was past going.” writes Mrs. Jennie Goodman, of 718 Portsmoutn Avenue, this city. Mrs. Ooodmen says her family was very uneasy about her condition, as she seemed so weak and thin. “I ached all over,” she explains, “and my back and sides hurt most of the time. "I dragged around, and did not see a day of good health. "I went to caLl on one of my neighbors, and sho remarked about my looking so bad. Sho told me to get a bottle of Cardul and take It. Next Saturday night, my husband brought It home to me. "Before I had taken Cardul a week, I was feeling much better. I continued taking It for awliile, os my health kept, on improving. **I gained In weight, and soon waa feeling like a new person. Since then I have taken Cardul several times, and It has always done me good. I can recommend It to others.” Cardul has been in use so long that Its merit has been proved by the experience of several genera tions of women. A purely vegetable, niedioinal tonic. For sale by all druggists. sc-30t 50 VCAR.S. or um hy wom r n . THE PERSON WHO HAS NOTHING Is Usually The One Who Does All The Damage. Your Only Safe guard is Insurance With • I CHAS. A. HOEY 1 avenue and the Hudson on Forty Eighth and Ninth avenues is prob ably the busiest. The shops here re mind one of Fourteenth street or Sixth avenue, for bargain nil's are perennial. A few doors east of Ninth avenue one. may purchase a ready made suit for Si- or $13. or shirts for a dollar. A last vestige of a once prosperous business Is a company that repairs music boxes and phonograph; An cient gramophone... of types now sel dom it ever seen, arc displayed for those Wishing, to retain memories of the pre-radio era. There are also pipe .shops v ia so customers range from hurry bare-headed collegians to Slow-walking, g ay-haired smok ers, who. loath to part with pet pipes, bring them to these shops for repair The repair men behind the windows usually have unllghted pipes between their teeth One ot the few tattooing "parlors.-’ north of the Bowery is in a cellar, a few doors off Eighth avenue. The owner has two signs, one reading “Tat-2-ing," and the other a card board one that shows not only de signs but the quality of the work. Panhandlers find the block be tween Eighth and Ninth avenues a good hunting ground. Peddlers of cleaning fluids. movement-less watches, "magic" tricks, men's socks and ties, work tins- block, ever on the lookout for policemen. Typical of the method used by panhandlers Is the way the magic-trick salesman ■sells his stock. Finding a good spot, lie and his assistant work up a crowd. Then after he shows his bag of 13 or Tfi tricks, he announces that all of them can be had for a quar ter. His aids start buying and the crowd follows their example. When the envelope containing the "15 or 18' tricks vs opened, four may be bona fide, the rest ar • blanks. Sometimes there may be Just a few nieces ot wood in the envelope Beyond Ninth avenue, there is a change. The street looks dingier; shops arc further aptr; loiters increase, and there are speakeasies hidden darkened windows and at the end of halls in run-down, nearly de serted building. On either stdr of the street, depending where the sun shines, one sees hoboes. sleeping or resting in front of empty buildings. A bedraggled, aged peddler tries to attract customers with Ills stock oi shoelaces, but customers are few. On I lie downtown side of the street ts a mission, in front of which hangs an electric sign reading "Jesus Saves." In a window is a Bible, its stained pages open to Isaiah. Near the Bible is a placard admonishing those who have not written home to enter and do so with the materials supplied free. Tenements increase from Tenth (o Eleventh avenues as the street takes on a more noticeable air of poverty. Children play one'o'cat or hop seoteli on muddy sidewalks. Oc casionally a tenement window is opened and a package ol refuse drops. Pedestrians hurry away from a region that is dangerous to hats. Along with the tenements have come shops indispensable to house holds, such as groceries, delicates sens, laundries and tailors Wives thetr purchasing finished, gather on sidewalks or stoops to watch their HAS NEWS FOR TIRED MOTHERS Tell* About Wonderful Restorer. "Thin is something t want to recommend to tired mothers with little babies," says Mrs. B. Mellen, 7it Pleasant St., t’orlland, Maine "Before I took Munyons Paw Paw Tonic I was tired out and run down caring for n nursing baby." The baby was puny and fretful and would cry most of the time. The first bottle of Paw-Paw Tonic helped both mo and my child. She stopped crying and commenced to amile and play. You can well im agine how happy that made me feel. Since then t have gained four pounds and am no longer tired or nervous and I have much more strength and nmbition. After reading of the wonderful benefits received by Mrs. Mellen. no further recommendations ed Munyon’s Paw-Paw Tonic Ctr mothers is needed. Por Sals by 1 believe In my reme dies. 1 know that they will do all that 1 claim for them. Paul Webb & Son You'll Appreciate? Its Worth Stave* Off Stomach Trouble*. All Drvi Star**. Adult* 73®, Ckildrtu 60e. children, discuss their latest pranks or exchange gossip. Past Eleventh avenue and another change occurs. The street becomes quiet when compared to the blocks I just passed. The only noises arc the j trolleys, taxis or passenger autos. I The downtown side of the street is ! lined with huge billboards that, | dwarfing passers-by, hide the rail Iroad yard behind them. There are ’not many pedestrians and they, like ! the taxis and autos, are bound for i the city or ferry. At the corner of Twelfth avenue. In front of a candy : and fruit store stand conductors and motormcn waiting for their trolleys. Reaching the ferryhouse at the river, one turns to look eastward. The Times and Knickerbocker build ings look tall, but dim and hazy in the city's log and smoke. Never theless, these locality, exercise a peculiar influence on the New York er in a strange neighborhood, who, seeing them looming tall, hurried ly boards a trolley to return to bet ter known regions. Ten Commandments Of Social Justice The minister of tomorrow must add to the familiar Ten Command ments of personal righteousness ten more of social Justice. For in the complicated life of today "the old Individual morality is not enough.'' and “religion must adventure forth into the social order." Perhaps, Churches of Christ in America, re printed tn the New York Christian Advocate (Methodist), the new commandments of social service will read something like this: I ‘‘X am the Lord thy God, but thou shall remember that I am also the God of all the earth. I have no favorite children. The Negro and the Hindu, the Chinese, Japanese, Russian and Mexican arc all my be loved children. II “Thou shall not measure a city's greatness by Us population or its bank clearings alone, but also by its low Infant mortality, its homes, playgrounds, libraries, schools and ! hospitals, and Us low record for ■ bootlegging, prostitution, robbery, : and murder. III “Thou shall remember that no civilization can rise above the level of Its respect (or and ideals o[ womanhood. IV “Thou shalt remember thine own j sins and build no prisons lor rc ; venge and punishment, but make I thy courts clinics for the soul and ■ thy jails hospitals for moral dis eases. V "Thou shalt remember that the end-product of industry is not goods or dividends, but the kind of men und women whose lives are molded by that industry. VI “Thou shall press on from politi cal democracy toward industrial Democracy, remembering that no 1 man is good enough or wise enough to govern another man without ids consent, and that, in addition to a | living wage, every man craves a ; reasonable share in determining the conditions under which he labors. "Thou shalt outlaw war and make no threatening gestures either with great navies or vast military pvepa ! rations against thy neighbor. VII "Thou shalt honor men lor char acter and service alone, and dis honor none because of race, color or nvevlous condition of servitude. IX "Thou shalt not bear false wit ness against thy neighbor by mal •ious propaganda or colo-ed news, rr by calling him contemptuous names such as Dago, Chink, Jnp. Wop. Nigger or Sheeny. X ' Thou shaft remember that when thine own ancestors were savage* ind barbarians other men. brought to them the saving and civilizing Christian Gospel Now that lhou art ich and prosperous, beware lest hou export to Asia and Africa only hy science and efficiency, thy war-ships, goods and moving-pic ture films, and forget to export the iliristian message and the Chrtst Ike spirit also.” ■HITC H ENGINE. DOG’S 'PAL.* BINS OVER AND KILLS HIM St. Paul.—Bruno, a yellow stag round which ''adopted” a switch engine, is dead at Bozeman. Mont., a victim of its ' pal.” Word of the death has been re ceived at general offices of the ; Northern Pacific Railway here in : the following telegram from Boze man. ! "Bruno, our famous switch dog. was run over by ills switch engine in the Bozeman yards. Fatally in jured. We mourn his loos.” In 1924. Bruno, a puppy, appear ed hr the railroad yards, probably from the sheep grazing areas in the mountains. It took a liking to switch j engine No. 911 and ran after it. I Ever since then Bruno had stay led close to 911. The engine crews fed the dog and made a. home for it in the round house. Trainmen es timated that Bruno traveled an j average of sixty miles a day, run | ning after No. 911. — I Converted at a church meeting H. i V. Congdon of Duluth arose and confessed a fraud he committed ten years before. Try Star Wants Ads Hello Broadway George A. McManus .grins cheerfully as he steps out of jail on $30,000 bail after being held four months in connection with the murder of Arnold Rothstein District Attorney Hanton refused to produce ad ditional evidence against Mc Manus on the grounds that it would help the defense counsel but promises sensational de velopments when the trial is started. (international • YOUTH KILLED TO IMPRESS HIS GIRL ('liirago.—Stanley Reichrl, 25 ycar-old mot orman, faces the electric chair here because, po lice say, he cold-bloodedly plan ned and carried out the murder of an Innocent dupe In an effort to shine as a hero in the eyes of a girl and her wealthy parent. His daughter, Frances, so John Maslanka, the father, had indicated, might look higher than a motorman for n mate Thus was the germ of the plot planted in the brain of the Infatuated Reichrl, who himself is married but estranged from his wife. Police authorities say he worked the entire scheme out in advance with Machiavclian cunning. As they re-enact it. the boy waxed desper ate; over his failure in the game of hearts. He conceived the thought to blackmail the father lor $500. threatening his daughter's life as the penalty for hen-payment. The father merely reported the attempted extortion to the authori ties, but the girl was distraught. As Reichel had planned, she told him of the blackmail letter, because he previously had concocted a false hood for her consumption to the ef fort that lie had quit his job on the street cars and entered the secret service. riot Lacked Action. More letters followed the first. What the plot lacked was action— and something to give it substance. Reichel. investigators declare, sup plied this essential by brutally boat ing to death Michael Hrybski, an automobile installment collector, in a garage at the rear of the Reichel home. Then, with the blood of his victim still on Ills hands, he hurried to the home of Miss Maslanka to l or Mayor. I hereby announce my candidacy for Mayor oi the City of Shelby, and pledge thr citizens of the com munity that if I am elected I will endeavor to perform my duties im partially and give the people the very bes' services of which I am i capable. i ENOS L. BEAM. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. i Having qualified as administra tor ot the estate of C. C. Green : deceased, .late of Cleveland county. ■ North Carolina, this is to notify all i persons having claims against, the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned properly verified and itemized on or before the 5th day of March. 1930, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons In debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 5th day of March, 1929. G. G. MOORE, Administrator. Newlon be Newton. Attys. NOTICE. The undersigned, being holder of certificate No. 25 for one share of stock in the Mooresboro Creamery, a corporation organized and exist ing under and by virtue of the laws of North Carolina, hereby gives notice that lie has lost said certificate of stock and will apply, on the 15th day of April. 1929, to said corporation for a duplicate certificate of said stock and this is to notify any persons, or persons, if they should .appen to be in pos session of said certificate of stock that their possession is unlawful and they are hereby notified that application will be made for a dup licate of said stock. This the 13th day of March. 1929. 4tl3c JONATHAN GREENE. bask in the warmth of her approval of the hero who had tracked down j and killed in single-handed combat the extortioner who had threatened her life. It is so the police paint the pic ture. Reichel admits the killing, but claims he was attacked by Hrybski and struck him down in self-defense. His story is fantastic and, police say, shot through with falsehoods. In a seven page statement, which he did not sign, Reichel declares that his victim really was the black mailer of Maslanka and that he tracked him down personally. Hry bski. he intimates, perhaps learned that he was under suspicion and j lay in wait for him (Reichel) in the ; garage. "I had proof on March 18 that Hrybski had written those letters to Mr. Maslanka, and I asked Mr. Maslanka if he \vanted the man caught,” declared Reichel. "He told me he didn't. Then I told Frances about it and she said she would never be satisfied until the man who wrote those letters was killed. Her mother and her sister, Stephanie, told her she was crazy to talk that way. "Tuesday night as I was putting my car into my garage, I noticed the door was partly open. I started in and saw a strange car standing there. Then something hit me on the head. I was dizzy but not knock ed out, and got hold of a lamp and fender bracket and swung. A man fell down. I went into the house and then, realizing that my hat had been knocked off in the scuf fle, returned to the garage. It was only then that I saw the man I had hit was Hrybski. Cot To Tell Girl. “I started for the Maslanka home fo tell Frances what I had done be fore I called the police. I was going to show her that the man who wrote the letters to her father was dead When I arrived at her house, the police arrested me/’ Later Keicnei insisted MryDSKi naci shown him a letter that Hryb.ski said was to be mailed to Maslanka that night. This letter has not been received. The Maslanka girl tola the au thorities that she had met Rcichel when they both worked in a piano factory. Later he told her he had left the company and \yas doing secret service work, she said. *T did not know that Reichel was married." she said. ‘ He was no more (han a casual acquaintance and I certainly was not in love with him.” The murder of Hrybski bears a certain resemblance to the killing by Carl Wanderer of his wife and an unidentified dupe known ns the i "Ragged Stranger,” here several ! years ago, and to the murder of little Bobby Franks by Loeb and Lcpold, police say. Works Hard, Dances, Gains 3 Lbs. a Week "I work hard, dance and have gained 3 pounds a week since tak ing Vinoi. My nervousness is al most all gone.”—Mrs. F. Lang. Vinoi is a delicious compound of cod liver peptone, iron, etc. Nerv ous, easily tired, anemic people are surprised how Vinci gives new pep, sound sleep and a BIG appetite. The very first bottle often adds sev eral pounds weight to thin children or adults. Tastes delicious. Quinn’s Drug Store. adv. Shelby Shoe Shop Shoes Repaired By The Goodyear Welt System ! With shoes the price they are, it is not only economy i but Kood sense to have them !J repaired as often as pos j sible. — PHONE 569 — West Warren Street, At The Railroad. « .a... » — NOTICE — T, Hugh K. MeSwain. a painter, contractor, offer for sale high grade Paint and Varnish and Kayser & Allman (Wall Paper.) All work guaranteed to be first class. Phone 127-R. Hugh K. MeSwain, 314 Blanton St., Shelby, N. C. i;. LANDIS SHOE SHOP For Up-To-Date Shoe Re pairing. Also Rebuilt And New Shoes For Sale At Bargain Prices. Call In And Look Them Over. West Marion Street, Third Door From Western Union, SHELBY. N. C. Get behind Awheel All cars are not the same—a thrilling new order of per formance awaits you in this brilliant Buick—Drive the Car—and you’ll want ctncl to ^r*ve 11 k°me the facts! All automobiles arc not alike! Drive Buick —test it thoroughly in comparison with any other car —and the results will lead you to Buich. Be sure to ask us about the liberal G. M. A. C. Time Payment Plan, which makes it easy to own a Buick. Buick Motor Comnany, Flint, Midu T^n Division of General Motors Corporation SERIES 116 SERIES 121 Sedans - • $1220 (o $1320 Sedan* - • $1450 to $1320 Coupe* - - $1195 to $1250 Coupe* - - $1395 to$ll50 Sport Car - $1225 Sport Car - $1325 SERIES 129 Sedan* - * $1875 to $2143 Coupes - - $1865 to $1875 Sport Cars * $1325 to $1550 Theae prices f. o. b. Huick Factory, special equipment extra. Convenient terms can be arranged on the liberal G. M. A. G. lime Payment Plan, BU1CK WITH MASTERPIECE D0DIES BY FISHER J. LAWRENCE LACKEY DEALER SHELBY, N. C. vh«n better automobiles are built...BUICK WILL BUILD THEM Trade your tires that S-l-i-p for tires that G-r-i-p! Those smooth-worn treads mean skidding —possible crashes, damage or injury. Why risk it—when we'll buy the mileage left in your pres ent tires? We’ll give you, instead, new Goodyear All-Weathers — the ONLY tires with those big, deep-cut, sharp-edged cross blocks IN THE CENTER. They grip like “cleats.” Twenty winters have proved the All-Weather, the safest i and best non-skid tread. Far 1 superior to treads with shal- m low indentations that clog up. | or to treads with nothing but j| “sled-runner” ribs down the || center. Lowest Prices in 31 Years I Highest Quality in History ■ Lifetime Guarantee against any and all defects Press down on the tro.ul of the GOOD.YEAR New All Weather Balloon it £nps vour hand just as it drips the road • • < UTMOST IN TRACTION AND SAFETV FOR ALL ROADS GOOD YEAR IDEAL SERVICE STATION — PHONE 194 — J. REID MISENHEIMER, Proprietor.