Copeland’s HEALTH TALK % “Slouchy” Health By ROYAL S. COPELAND, M. D. (United States Senator and former Health Commissioner of New York) One o! the common pieces of advice I give you is this: Get plenty Of rest, sleep, good food, fresh air, sunlight and exercise. You can see the reason for each of these factors of good health. But let me ask you a question: Why should you exercise? OR. CU'LLAND, That may seem like a senseless question, but Is it? Really, why should a person, who desires to be strong and healthy, take systematic physi cal exercise? The other day I heard a masseuse say to her patient, "Your arms are soft and flabby. You should take exercise to develop them,’’ To one who has no work to do with the arms, no lifting, no boxing to do, to have flabby arm muscles is of small consequence. If all the other muscles are hard and strong, the state of the arm muscles would make little difference. But here is the trouble: Unless you exercise every day, keeping the blood in circulation, keep ing the figure upright and trim, there will be trouble after a while. It won't be long before the abdominal walls relax, permitting the inter nal organs to sag from their proper places. Nature intended man to have his body muscles tight and firm, so to keep the abdominal organs in place. It was intended to have the back muscles in prime condition, In order that the backbone would be held in the upright position. It was planned to have the head held in such position as to take pressure on the big blood vessels and nerves of the neck. If you per mit your figure to slouch, the chin falls on the chest and there is sure to be interference with the im portant "triangles” of the neck. The abdominal wall is thin in spots. Unless the muscles overlying these places are firm and strong, PRICES WITHIN REASON is one of the recognized conventions of this place of business, but we can’t help wondering what has become of the little girl who looked forward to the day when she would wear long skirts. A long wait! No waiting by the road side with motor trouble or fouled fuel line if you use SINCLAIR gas. Its purity and filtered excellency pro tects you against the ag gravating trouble common ly encountered. You will find vour confidence in SINCLAIR gas and OPAL INE oil well deserved. Cleveland Oil Co. Distributors there may be a break. Weakness of the muscles, or undue use of the muscles here, may cause a break which results in what we call “her nia," or in the common speech, "rupture.” Unless there is regular exercise, the muscles of the diaphragm, which has an important part in breathing, may grow weak Then there may be shallow breathing and ill health in consequence. These abdominal muscles and the powerful diaphragm have an im portant part in helping to circulate the blood and fluids of the body. They help the intestines to perform their function. Unless there is such general exer cise as to keep all the muscles in first-class condition, those that sup ply the walls of the intestines them selves won't be able to do then work. You can sec how necessary this action is. The bones of the pelvis are held in place, as indeed are all the joints, by certain ligaments. Unless the muscles are strong, the ligaments are not helped to do their work. In the case of the pelvis this condition may result in certain neuralgic pains. In the big blood vessels, especially in the veins, are muscles which must be in normal state, if they are to help the circulation. The heart is almost all muscular tissue. Without systematic exercise the muscles cannot be kept in condition to do their work. Don't fail to do your part to keep them strong. In cidentally, you keep your figure and good looks. Mrs. M. A, T, Q.—Will tan wear off in time? A.—Yes. SEARCH IS ON FOR ‘GIRL’ LOST 50 YEARS AGO Atlantic City—Newspapers and the police of south Jersey have been asked by Mrs. Louise Ackly of Bridgeton, to help her in the search for her younger sister, Barbara, who was kidnaped fifty years ago in Mergentheim. Germany. At first glance the task seems hopeless, but Mrs. Ackley thinks otherwise. Twenty years ago she received information that her missing sister had married an At lantic City man and it is her be lief that she may still be found. NOTICE OF SALE OF CORPOR ATE STOCK. The undersigned has for sale thirty (30) shares of the capital stock of the Cleveland Bank and Trust company represented by cer tificate No. 13. Written‘offers or bids therefore will be received by the undersigned at its principle of fice in Charlotte, North Carolina up to 12 o'clock noon on Wednes day, April 10, 1929. This the 28th day of March, 1929 INDEPENDENCE TRUST CO 3tc RELIEF In 7 minutes All Smiles instead of the awful pains of XTWrtbere is anew and marvef -L V cun relief awaiting every suf ferer from piles. The very first ^H'fnfioB soothes beyond your fondest hopes. Soon the special > scientific mrrikalkn begins to heaL // The constant' agony disappears. M Too feel and act like a new person. V Nottooa voarsnc triad does what ' PILES * Murrynr'* PBe Ointment does. Thousands of all age* haw found it the only satisfactory way, y To tie strong morally, one must tie physically strong. i For Sale by PAUL WEBB & SON Kings Mountain News MRS. W. K. CROOK, Reporter Items Of News Will Re Appreciated—Rhone 177 Because of increased’ interest in aviation, the Ahearn Aviation serv ice, remained here until today. Lieut. Bay Ahearn is pilot. He has more than 4,000 hours flying ex perience and was with the famous Gates flying erieus. He was a mem ber of the Caterpillar club and twice set fire to an airplane while in flight, leaving the plane via of a parachute. Their stay in Kings Mountain was featured by stunts daily. The parachute jump and airplane ex hibition stimulated mucn interest among the people here. In his talk at the Ctvitan lun cheon Wednesday, pilot Ahearn ad vocated a landing field for Kings Mountain and stated that local citizens should take advantage of the opportunity for securing such. Thomas Wall of Sumners Drug company, and James McGill, local high school student, were injured in an auto accident last Wednesday night on the Spartanburg highway, near the Kings Mountain Icc and Fuel company. As they were attempting to pass another car. Their car skidded, and ran against a telephone pole. Mr. Wall, the driver was the more seri ously injured, the steering wheel having bruised his chest and prob ably one or more ribs were broken He also received a laceration on the forehead and briuses on his knees. Mr. McGill received a gash in his head which required six stitches. Editor G. G Page's Es. cx coach which was stolen Saturday night was located Monday in Abingtpn, Va. The Chevrolet coach, which the thieves left at Mr Page's home was owned by a man in Orangeburg, S. C. A two-story building and base ment, costing approximately $33,000 is under construction by tbe Dilling Mills and $115,000 worth of machin ery has been purchased to be in- ' stalled when the annex is complct-: ed. The new building will have space for 90 looms for weaving silk. Silk, rayon and dress goods are manu factured by this mill. W. C. Steen of Ruby. S. C., has accepted a position as Junior phar macist and general clerk at Griffin Drug company to succeed J. B. Benton who resigned recently. Mr. Benton has accepted a position with the Southern Bell Telephone company, in Greer, S. C. The revival services held in the Presbyterian church during the past week were well attended The sermons were delivered by Dr. C C. Carson of Atlanta, assisted by the local paster, Dr. I. S. McElroy. The song service was under the di rection of Rev. Frank Wardlaw of Spartanburg. The children and grandchildren , of Mrs, Sara Kambright met at her home last Sunday, in celebration of her 80th birthday anniversary. A bounteous picnic lunch was spread on the lawn of her son, Mr. G. D. Hambright, next door. One daughter, Mrs. Alice Plaxico of Sharon was not able to be pres ent. Other immediate members of the family were Mr. and Mrs, G. D. Hambright and family and Miss Ancie Hambright of Kings Moun tain. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Ham bright and family: Mr. and Mrs. R, E. Hambright and family: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hambright of Grover; Mr. and Mrs. W. Ferguson and ‘family of York. S. C.; Mr. and Mrs. ‘Tom Simms of Sharon. Other rela tives present were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hambright and three children of Clover, S. C.; Mrs. Joe Simms of Sharon, S. C.; P. G. Dickson of Grover; Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Dick son of Gastonia; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Borders of Charlotte and Clyde Dickson of Gastonia . Kings Mountain boys have won four games straight. They won from Belmont high Monday by the score of 20-9. Wednesday they beat Belwood by the score of 11-9. Fri day they defeated Shelby by the close score of 4-3. Mrs. P. G. Ratterec was hostess to the membership of the Study club and a number of invited guests last Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 at her home on W. Gold street. Mrs. M. E. Herndon had charge of the program which consisted of a study of Elizabeth Barrett Brown ing. Mrs. J. O. Plonk gave a read ing by Mrs. Ted Weir. •'Sonnets from the Portuguese." A contest was then enjoyed, consisting of questions concerning the style and works of J. E. Browning. A poem. "Cheerfulness Taught by Reason,” was read by Mrs. C. E. Carpenter followed by a poem, "A Musical In strument,” by Mis. M. E. Herndon. The hostess assisted by Mrs. B. D. Ratterec and Mrs. J. B. Keeter served a tempting salad and sweet course. The following guests were pres ent, Mrs. Harry Moore, Mrs. D. C. Mauney, Mrs. C. T. Carpenter, Mrs. J. O. Plonk, Mrs. J. N. Gamble, Mrs. W. W. Souther, Mrs. J. M. Garrison, Mrs. B. F. Ormond, Mis. L. C. Parsons, Mrs. Grady Patter son, Mrs. Grady Watterson and Mrs. B. D. Ratteree. The Wide Awake Housekeeprs club was delightfully entertained last Wednesday aftrrpoon by Mrs. F. E. Finger at her home on South Railroad avenue, at 3:30 o’clock. Mrs. J. E. Anthony announced an interesting March Hare pro gram New officers were elected as follows; Pres. Mrs. J. O Plonk; vice president, Mrs. Charles Thomasson; secretary. Mrs. E. W. Grititn, treas urer, Mrs. T. P. McGill. The hostess assisted by Mrs. Joe Neislor, Mrs O, B. Carptenter and Mrs. Harry Falls served a delicious salad course to the following. Mrs H. N. Moss. Mrs. W. G. Bird. Mrs E. A. Smith Jr , Mrs Floyd Mau ney. Mrs. Grady Watterson, Mrs. J M McGinnis. Mrs. Charles Tholn asson. Mrs J. E Anthony, Mrs. 1 P. Baker. Mrs W. K. Crook, Mrs. Campbell Phifer. Mrs. C. T. Car penter, Mrs c. E. Carpenter, Mrs. Bayne Blarkmer. Mrs M. E. Hern don. Mrs. D. C. Mauney. Mrs. W A Rtdenhour, Mrs. E W Griffin Mrs Wiley McGinnis and Miss Lot tie Goforth. The American Legion Auxiliary met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. B F. Ormond Mrs. Pride Ratteree presided. The meeting was opened with a prayer by Mrs. Ormond Reports from t Ire various committees were given. The chairman of the "poppy committee’’ announced that 1.000 poppies had been ordered to be sold on "poppy day " As the meeting was held on the day of which the last funeral rites were held over the body of Marshal Ferdinand Foch, generalissimo of the allied armies during the world war a program was rendered in the nature of a memorial service to this world famous hero. At the con clusion of the program the hostess assisted by Mrs. J W Gamble and Mrs. W. W. Souther served delicious cream and cake. Solid South Going, Dr. Chase Believes Surrendering; To Same Forres That "'Americanized Furope,” lie Says. Winter Park. Fla Disappearance of the "Solid South" through sur render to the "same forces that are Americanizing Europe" was pre dicted by President Harry W. Chase of the University of North Caro lina, here in an address on the "disappearing south" at the Rollins college first annual institute of statesmanship. "This section beeame highly con ventionalized through the develop ment and great concentration of wealth in the hands of a com paratively small but very powerful class of large planters.” President recounted «■ "And with the aristocracy of family and wealth was established its new system of operation.” The section flourished and grew strong and powerful, he said, and inevitably developed an underlying system of philosophy to justify its basic institutions. President Chase described how the South broke with the "Jeffer sonian ideal" and how growing economic power and attractiveness of the southern labor system " con firmed this section in its view that government must need represent property end privilege." I.ater, President Chase asserted, came a new culture, order, con sistent. and correlated, the sort of culture that had distinctiveness and such individuality as seen “now and then in someone about whom clings the air of being a real per sonage in a great world." He described the solidifying of the cultural system by the recon struction days and told how the so cial pattern of those days is dis appearing. SICK HEADACHE Ex-Sheriff Suffered From Con stipation and Felt Very Bad Until Relieved by Black-Draught. Ardmore, Okla.—Mr. W. N. Mc Clure, for several years a resident of this city (ill Third Ave. N. W.), formerly was a political leader in Pike County, Arkansas, where he served as sheriff and county Judge. "I used to suffer with sick head aches,” says Mr. McClure. “These spells would come on me and I would feel very bad. I would get bilious and upset. “My trouble was constipation, and after I found It out. I began using Black-Draught. This quickly re lieved the cause, and I got all right. “I began using Black-Draught in my home, shortly after the Civil War. when I lived in Pike County, Arkansas. I came out of the war, like many other soldiers, with bad digestion. I suffered a lot from sick headache and dizziness. I would get constipated, and for a while 1 would feel very bad. “I found this medicine brought quick relief for constipation, and re moved the cause of my headaches mid dizziness, so we have always tried to keep It In the hnnf^», "After I take a course of Black Draught, I feel fine. My system Is rid of poison, and my appetite picks up.” Sold everywhere. Try it. bLaCK'DRAUGHT lor Con,t pat.on indirection Biliou%nctt STUB TO CLIP Raleigh—Plans of the revenue department to Increase the yield of the North Carolina income tax | through "closer collections" are | based primarily upon the Womble amendments to the penalty section of the revenue act. This amendment, which Is aimed I primarily at Corporations, sets forth 'in detail certain methods of hiding income which it declares to be Ille gal. and gives the state government the power to collect taxes on what the income of the corporation actu ally was For example, this section requires that, when because of an j Interlocking directorate, a corpora tion sells goods to another which [controls it, at a price below the [general market price, that it shall j be taxed on what Its profits should have been with the prevailing mar ket prices in that business. To He Same. In an effort to bring the state collections up to the level of the federal collections, the finance com mittee inserted in the law another provision, which requires the state [revenue department to adopt rules i similar to the federal treasury’s rules for calculating incomes. In addition to increasing collections, tliis section will aid business men who have been required to keep two sets of books, one to ascertain their taxable income under the fed eral rules, and another tc nscertaui their taxable income under the state law. The defeated Johnson bill, which was estimated to bring in $500,000 at least in additional revenue, pro vided that whenever a taxpayer received a notice from the federal government that his Income tax re turn was incorrect, he should notify the state department. If the tax payer failed to do this, he could have been Immediately Indicted for a violation of this law. The stale can still collect from these taxpayers, by making arrange May Rule Canada Growing out of the appoint ment ot Prince George, young est son of King George of England, to $1,000 a year clerical position in the foreign ofiice, rumor* are around that the King is grooming his sons for governor-generalships in the dominions and that Prince George will become the next Governor General of Canada. (Inurnktlraal hitniiO ments to check federal returns from state returns, and convicting them of making incorrect returns, under tiro penalty section of the revenue act. Failing to get patients Dr, J. C Stanton of London opened a bar ber shop and Is making u success. Mrs. Eleanor Chapin of Elgin, 111 , called out the fire department to rescue her cat chased up a tall tree by a dog. Ihe Refrigerator FUTURE. Vn'fmniini on lop. hermetically tented ...never north oiling ...quiet, all Heel, runnel tearjt...clec Irically operated. 215 At tfc* factory with conveniently •pared |«;mcDU. T1IK wmr group of en glntrrt and arienliata who perfected the hermet ically aealed meehaniam of the General Electric Refrigerator, now have tleaigned and produeed an aU-etael refrigerator cab inet—the lirat all-ateel re? frigerator ever builtI It la a aniall-family model —entirely of atecl—strong and durable aa a anfe. It has no wood In it. It can not warp. No cold can aeep out, no heat can creep in. You will readily under atanil why thia baa been called " the refrigerator of the future” when you naming it yourself and compare it carefully with all others. Heaurcto come in and aee it. Thin, or any model, may be purchased on easy payments. t i»t*n In m (M O'snaral Hour, brr^uLraot •aery