SOCIETY News MISS MAYME ROBERTS—Social Editor—Phone 2.>r>. News Items Telephoned .Miss Roberts Will lie Appreciated. Chlrora Club. The Chicora club scheduled lo meet with Mrs. J. F. Jenkins Friday afternoon has been postponed to Friday. April 12, with Mrs. Jenkins at four o'clock. l.aFayetle Street Flay. The P. T. A oi UrFayette street school are giving a play at the sclrool building Thursday nipIrt at 1 30 o'clock. •'The Hickory Hollow School." Prices 10 and 28 cent;; Social Calendar. Thursday 3 30 p m The hh prning club will meet with Mis Kllzabcth Roberts at her home on j S Washington street Thursday 3:30 p. m The alter noon division No. 1 will inert at j the club room. Mrs. Chav Wells chairman of the hostess commit-I tee. Friday 3:30 p. m. - The Twentieth ! Century club will meet with Mrs. J. H. Hull at her home on N. La Fayette street instead of Friday April 12. Mis* Morrison (■Ivon Party. Miss Louise Morrison dcllghtfulr ly entertained about sixty of her friends. Tuesday evening at her home on S. La Payette street The ( rooms were tastefully arranged | with tulips, splrea and other spring ! flowers. Many games and contests were enjoyed and at the close of the evening delicious punch and cake were served. The part y w as given in honor of Misses Elizabeth Morrison and Esther Tillrtt of N. C C W at Greensboro who are spending the Easter holidays at home, and also Miss Madge Whisnant of Folk ville. Mother* Club With Mrs. Durham Moore. The members of the Mothers club held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Durham Moore on W Marion street Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. The lSaing room was beautifully decorated with tulips and daffodils. In the business meeting the following officers were elected: President. Mrs. Rush Hamrick: vice president, Mrs. Wil bur Baber: secretary, Mrs. John Honeycutt; treasurer. Mrs. Boyce Dellinger. The following program was given with Mrs. Boyce Dellin ger as leader. A paper "The intable Child,” Mrs. Chas. Burr us. "Gay Field Flowers," Mrs. Roland Elaru. and “Gardening of the Home Town,” Mrs. C. M. Dennis. Follow ing the program a social half hour was spent and the hostess was as sisted by Mrs. Ben Buttle in serving sandwiches and tea. r IT IS » ^ PLANTING V: time ^ Plant a savings account here a n d watch it grow. Work it, feed it and it will grow night and day and yield great re turns. Y o u may plant one dollar, ten dollars, h u n d r e d dollars, or any amount. We add the interest every three months. PLANT IT TODAY AT THE CLEVELAND BANK & TRUST CO. AND WATCH IT GROW. Mrs, Washburn Hostess To Hook (tub. The home of Mis .Jesse Wash burn on Cleveland Springs road was arranged with bright spring j flowers Tuesday afternoon When i Mrs, Washburn was- a delightful hostess to ■■'the Contemporary book club. After a short business session, Miss Mildred Thompson gave a dis rusion of Dorothy 1’arker and read some of her poems. Miss Ruth Moore read a sketch of John V. A Weaver and read some of his most popular poems. Mrs Washburn was assisted by Mrs. Brevard Hennessa ill’ serving a delicious sweet course with punch This club personnel In clude: Mesdunves Renn Drum, Bre vard Hennessa, A1 Bennett. Shem Blackley. Char, Hoey. Harry Wood son, Jay McMurry, Terry Moore. B. O. Stephenson, Jesse Washburn, Roy W Morris. Misses Rosalynd Nix, Millic.ent. Blanton, Ruth Moore. Grace Reed. Mary Adelaide Rob ert:. Elizabeth Suttlr, Mildred 1 hompson, and Ora Upshaw If. A. If. Chapter Have Social Merlins. Tlie April meeting of the Ben iamin Cleveland chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolu tion was held at the Woman's club room, Tuesday afternoon w ith j Mi dam* h s !!'»'• ter. W. F.. Mitchell .1 A fairs and 1 rank Hoey hostesses The dun room was efleetly dec- | orated with a profusion , of spring j flowers arranged m bowls, basket.; and jardinieres. Mrs. Madge W. Riley received the guests in the hallway. The hostesses-with Mrs O Max Gardner formed a receiv ing line in the entrance to the club room, the 'member; of the Col. Frederick Uambright chapter oi Kings Mountain were s|iecial guests and there were twenty mem bers present Auer uip American s rrreq aim line salute and the hold's prayer recited in unison, and the minutes of the former meeting were rend. Mrs Ceph Blanton, the recent ex tended a warm welcome to the visit ing chapter and welcomed Mrs Max Gardner, the first lady of the state, also Mrs. J. A. I,lies, chair man of the hostess committee gave Die visiting chapter and Mrs. Gard ner a most cordial welcome. Mrs. Oscar Carpenter, regent of the Col. Hambright chapter, re sponded and Mrs Gardner also made a short talk, telling how de lighted she was to be in Shelby again and attend this meeting. Mrs. D. G. Mauney of Kings Mountain made a very interesting talk about the road they will build to the na tional park at kings Mountain bat tleground. The following entertaining pro gram was delightfully rendered, —*■ Grand Jury In Close Scrutiny Of Institutions Recommend Numerous Repairs To Several Institutions Of < ouiity. Tlir grand jury for tile present tenti ol : i.perior court here, head ed by .lolin F Schenek jr , as fore man. apparently gave more atten tion to the details about Cleveland county institution'-1 ban has a grand jury m many yearn, the result, be ing that, the grand Jury report made numerous recommendations to the court for minor repairs and changes at county institutions.; No major objection, however, was laid to the door of a single county Institution and generally speaking the managements of the court house, jail, gang camp, and home for the aged were highly com mended Nerd New Rant. At the jail the grand jury rec ommended Hint the plumbing on the second floor, which is leaking, lie repaired so as not to endanger the health of prisoners. It was also ordered that screens be provided for all of the Jail windows, and that a chicken roost at the east wall of the jail yard be removed. The jail barn also was described as being ' very dilapidated and in tinsani- j tary condition," and tIre grand jury, recommended that it he torn down, and a sanitary barn erected. At. the court house it was recom mended that broken plumbing fix tures be repaired, and also that the roof be repaired where it is i leaking and damaging- the walls, j No great cost 1. necessary for the, repair::, the report added, and urg ed that they be made at an early j date Another recommendation was i that a toilet Ire provided at the court house for colored women. At Gang t amp. The stove at the gang camp was described as not- large enough for 'cooking needs and the recommenda tion was that a new stove be in stalled. It was further recommend ed that the sleeping quarters ot the convicts be properly screened, and that the bedding and pillows be cleaned and aired at least once each week. The County home for the aged and infirm was described as being in good condition and property Mrs. tales reading the numbers: ft reading. "The Bear Story." by Miss Mary Urban Speck. “Schubert's Serenade." sung by Mrs. A1 Ben nett. A reading. "Aunt Kutura.s Visit to the City," Miss Virginia Hamrick A group of songs by Mr Horace Easoin. “Open the Gates to the Temple," "A Negro Spiritual" 'and "The Two Robins." Miss Ellz iabeth Brown gave a humorous read I mg ■ Outdoing Your Neighbors.” Or. Hugh Plaster concluded the program by playing Paderewskis Minuet on the violin, Mrs. Plaster playing the piano accompaniments The hostesses served a delight ful chicken salad course with coffee and citrons topped with whipped ci earn and cherries. (r ACORN STORE Dependable Merchandise Always SHELBY N. C. OUR CUSTOM BUILT STRAWS ARE HERE. GENUINE MIKADO’S PANAMAS And Others — Priced— 98c ,0 $3.89 Wilsons 1' uncial Largely Attended IVV. VV it son Buried 11 err .VI Sun srt Cemetery. Main Out Of Town IriemK Onr of the largest crouds Uiai. has attended a itlneral at the 1-ir.-t Baptist church lure recently gath ered Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock to pay a tribute f t respect to Mi E. VV Wilson who died Monday at noon at Ids home on West Graham strret following an illness of eleven weeks with paralysis. Services were Conducted try Dr Zeno Wall, the pastor, assisted by Revs Suttle, McDiarmid, an cl Stoudeninire, while the flower hearers were mem bers of Mrs. VV. L. Packard's Sun day school class Sen mg a s pall bearers w ere Mr Wilson's nephews. Malcomb. Rob ert, Charles and Wilbur Wilson, Archie Stoudeninire, Rush Padgett Otto Ross, Joe Lipscomb Deceased was btirieu in Sunset Cemetery. Mr. Wilson came to Shelby a number of years ago from Ruther ford County and was engaged in the lumber business here. He was a most worthy citizen and active worker in the church and Sunday school and beloved to his wide rlcle of friends. Many o it of tow n Visitors were here from Ruther ford and Gaston counties. Surviving .arc his wife and eight children, four boys and tour girls: Mrs. Freeman of Cllffddr, Mrs. Ralph Stowe of Gastonia. Clyde James, Joyce, Hubert. R. K, and Mary Lewis Wilson. At The Theatres D. W. Griffith's "I.ndy of the Pavement a United Artists pro duction. is the feature at the Webb today and tomorrow. Some of tire best of the screen's players unite to put this big show over. Ineludcd in ttie cast is the new Hollywood sen sation. Iuipe Velez. William Boyd appears in the leading male role, with Jett a Goudal also featured, and in addition to the,c George Fawcett and Albert Conti add their talent to the production II is a pic ture by ilie old master, produced by the country's most artistic or ganization. It is an emotional story, revetting, the play of love and hate as ruling pasion. managed with the exception that a larger cooking stove lie provided, i Solicitor Spurgeon Spurling's re | port on the affairs in the office of it he superlot! court clerk, A. M 1 Hamrick, commended tlie orderly i records of the office an • declared (that all records were properly filed ] and taken care of as ordered by the I court. BUG SPUES BASEBALL SEMI Several I :i-I Gaines To Be Played At Baptist College In April Vnd May. '1 ;,c n.iiiing Springs junior col- . lege b:< < ball tram with several i games already behind has a stiff : schedule to. face during April and | May, according to Coach H. G Hammett. The remainder of the college schedule, with other games to be added later, follows: April 9. Gaffney ai Gaffney. April 17. Wofford at Boiling ' Springs. April 19, Gaffney at Boiling; Springs. April 23, Mars flit! at Mars Hill. April 26, Wofford at Wofford. April 27, Cliffside at Cliffside. May 1 Mars Hill at Boiling' Springs. May 4 Blue Ridge at Boiling Springs. May 16. Blue Ridge at Blue Ridge May 13, Cliffside at Boiling Springs. Chairman Of School I Board Will Not Run To Editor of The Star: In view of the fact that ! have j served as a member of the city j school board for eight years, I wish . to state that I will not be a candi- j date or accept the position on this ■ board again. I have given my time and my best judgment during this. | pediod, so I have positively decided that at the end of mv present term. 1 will surrender my position to some one else. BLOOM H. KENDALL. District Epworlh League. The Gastonia district Epworth! league union will hold its regular quarterly meeting Friday night. April 5. at Central Methodist church, Shelby at 8 o’clock. All chapters are urged to send a large number of delegates. V. C. MASON. JR.. Dis. Sec. Mrs R H Hart, 74, of New York had her husband, 92, arrested for ! desertion. Gottlieb Iluschke of Berlin work ed until the day of his death at the age of 104. Try Star Wants Ads WHY? Why is it that Majestic make complete and ship each day 59 Solid Car Loads, or over four thousand Radio Sets? Why is it that when a person once hears a Ma jestic that he is never satisfied with any other set? Why is it that although only eight months old, the Majestic is the largest manufacturer of Radio in the entire world? Why are other manufacturers scrambling so hard to make a set and claiming that it is equal to a Majestic? Why has Majestic made and sold to users—not dealers, more than Seven Hundred Thousand Radio Sets in ‘‘eight short months?” THE ANSWER— Majestic lias built a Radio that has never been duplicated by any other manufacturer at a price within the reach of all and second to none regardless of name, maker or price. See our display at Shelby and Kings Mountain, N. C. Kings Mountain Display With MILLER ELECTRIC CO. Pendleton’s Music Store — SHELBY'S EXCLUSIVE MUSIC DEALERS — ^ .-J1 Pe.iny Column PLACED IN 1924 or 1925 Ford j coupe parked opposite Piggly Wig gly Saturday night through mis take 2 tenor banjos and one banjo guitar. Reward if returned to Wrights Barber Shop. 3t-3p. FOR SALE: NICE STOCK groceries in Shelby at par value. Inventory around $3,500.00. Doing a business of $900 per week. Reason for selling owner has other inter test that takes full time. This is a fine proposition. Quick sale. J B Nolan Co., Phone 70. It 3c LOST: FORD LICENSE TAG No. 373749 Finder please return to Star office. It 3p W. H. Bowman will be at W II. Blanton's stable tonight with a load of fresh Kentucky mules. lt-c FOR RENT: MODERN SIX room bungalow on West Marion street. Phone 518. Ralph Mauney. 3t 3p FOR SALE WHEAT STRAW. L M Wolfe. Route 1, Kings Moun tain, 2t 3p FOR RENT UNFURNISHED apartment, F. Marion.' close in. Phone 580 2t 3c Novelty. Detroit News Thousands of New Yorkers are travelling over to Hoboken to re vivals of the old-time melodramas. The novelty in these is that you see a villain punished. Henri Briede, of Antwerp, on be coming father of his 23d child, was presented with a house by public subscription. FINANCIAL STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 192S. CLEVELAND BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION SHELBY. N. C. RESOURCES lx>ans (Secured) $587,845.00 Cash on Hand - 3,181.06 Total Re sources -- $591,329.06 LIABILITIES Installment stock Prepaid Stock, Full Paid Stock __ £500,000.00 Borrowed Money_ 20,000.00 Individed Profits_ 71,322.31 Total Liabilities $591,329.06 \ Growing Building & Loan in a growing town anti county. We invite you to carry shares with us and grow with us. RUNNING SHARES, PREPAID SHARES, FULL PAID SH ARES. ALL SHARES ARE TAX FREE AND SECUR ED BY FIRST MORTGAGE ON REAL ESTATE, FULLY PROTECTED BY INSURANCE. NEW SERIES OPENS SATURDAY, APRIL 6. COME IN TODAY AND TAKE OUT AS MANY SHARES AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN. CLEVELAND BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION OFFICE WITH CLEVELAND BANK & TRUST CO. SHELBY, N. C. * . TRY STAR WANT ADS FOR RESULTS ADVERTISE IN THE STAR — IT PAYS. your kitchen . With Colot7 All Purpose Oven and Handy Shelf In soft gray and black with blue porcelain enameled burner drums. WITH Spring, comes the desire for some thing new, bright, different and brings color for the kitchen! Your kitchen needs this happy change, too. Begin with the stove— coal, gas, or oil burner. Buy it now on Ward’s most attractive Easy Term Payments! You Get Your Money’s Worth With An Economy WitldsOl/ J ' THAO* MABU y Also On Payments, $36.45—$1 Down; $4 Monthly. An exclusive Windsor development.—ever lasting cast-iron burners lined with pure brass, rust-proof 4-burner model; cooking flame easily regulated. Refrigerators Save on pncef Save on ice/ Your refrigerator is all important in keeping foods fresh to safeguard your health. Have this protection with the most modern box and pay for it in small amounts with Ward’s Easy Payment Plan! A Real Refrigerator Bargain 40-Pound Size . pm Easy Payment Cash Price I / QQ Price $19.98 Excellently constructed with automatic locks and hinges, insulated doors, and fine, gleaming white enameled steel food compartments. Small but sur prisingly roomy. Two shelves. Attractive golden oak finished case. Large Size I n usual Value at Ward's Low Cash Price $30.65 11 Wiraiof Refrigerator 75-Ib. Capacity Thoroughly Dependable $33.65 Easy Payment Price. Approved for economical and efficient values, this ice chest is offered as a Ward feature. One-inch corkboard insulation. Patented flat-wire shelves prevent dishes frorn tipping. White enameled food compartment. Rust-resisting ice chamber. Easy Payment Price, $33.65; $5.00 down; $5.00 week. MONTGOMERY WARD feCQ 139-141 S. LaFayette St. Shelby, N. C. Phone No. 1G7 STORE HOURS: 8 A. M. to G P M. * 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. SATURDAY

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