Let A Star Want Ad Sell It For You At Small Cost • < Rates For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. This size type 1 cent per word each Insertion This size type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c#per word each insertion. Ads that amount to less than 25c, will be charged 25c for first insertion. f* YOU ARE PLANNING TO build, let us make an estimate Plans and sketches cheerfully sud mitted First class workmanship guaranteed, Lowman Brothers, con tractors, Phone 727-J tf 18c MEA1 SCRAP FOR SALE, anallzes 55 per cent protein. Excel lent for hog and chicken feed. $70 per ton. City Abattoir. Apply at City HaU. tf 7c I HAVE SEVERAL thousand dollars to lend on improved farms in Cleveland county. See or write Marvin Blanton, Led better building, Shel by. W-F-tf SHELBY AUTO AND WAGON Company, specialiizng in rebuild ing wrecked cars, building commer cial bodies, duco painting, top up holstering and glass work. Black smithing. Phone 753-J. South Mor gan Street. tf 15c HARMON & MOSS Electrical Contracting and Repairing. Locat ed under Chocolate Shop. Phones: Office 230. Res. 203. tf-25 A 1200 PAGE WEBSTER SELF Pronouncing Dictionary for only 65c with » year’s subscription to The Star. Better get yours now. The dictionary is wortfi $3.50, the paper all we ask for it; $2.50 per year by mail or $3 by carrier in Shelby and suburbs. tf EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER desires position. Call at Star Of fice. tf-29c SPRING IS HERE. LET US RE novate your mattresses, pillows and cushions. Prompt service. Cleveland Mattress Works, S. Morgan St., below Southern depot. 3t 29c FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR rent, complete. Mrs. P. L. Hennessa, Phone 80. ' tf 25c TRACTORS — WE have two good Ford Tractors for sale. Act quick. Charles L. Eskridge. 3t-29c LOST: WHITE BULLDOG WITH black spot around one eye, brown tipped ears, and short brown tail. Dog answers to name of “Buster.” $5.00 reward for his return. W. R. Gary, Fallston, N. C. 3t lp ONE SIX ROOM HOUSE FOR. Desirable located. See H. Clay Cox on W. A. Broadway. tf lc WANTED: TWO GIRL BOARD ers who work at night. Location convenient to Cleveland Cloth mill and Eastside. Apply to Mull M. Patterson. Fallston Road. tf lc FOR RENT: THREE CONNECT ing rooms for light housekeeping. Ground floor. Kitchen has stove, sink and cupboard. Close in. Mayme Janes. 2t lc OATS IN 50 BUSH EL lots or more. Spe cial prices. D. A. Beam & Sons, Phone 130. 6t-lc FOR RENT: TWO UNFURNISH ed rooms, convenient to bath, at $3.50 per week. Phone 649, Mrs. D. A. Tedder. 3t lc COTTON SEED: 1 1-16 INCH lint. Cleveland Big Boll improved. From heavy yield fields. Reclaimed sacked $1.25 per bushel. C. S. Young Shelby. 4t lp ONE 7-ROOM HOUSE ON LEE St. for rent, Mrs. Colin Hull 6t22c THIS WEEK IS THE TIME TO bed potatoes. .Call at potato house and get seed potatoes already treat ed. Shelby Potato House. S. A. Ellis. Manager. 3t 3c ONE NINE ROOM HOUSE TO rent on South LaFayette St. S. A. Ellis. tf 3c FOR 8*^E: TWO FRESKMMIUX cows. Oku Yarborough, Waoo. It5p LOST: DURING THE FIRE Tuesday night at Cleveland Cloth Mill one brown hat. Gentleman was seen to pick hat up and walk away with it. Finder please return to the Star office and receive re ward. I t 3c Ice Boxes, Refrigera tors, Electric Ranges aqd oil Stoves, new and used at bargain prices, Arey Refrig erating Co. 5t-3 A YEAR'S RENEWAL AND 65c gets a Websters Home. Office and School dictionary containing 1200 pages and information everyone should have. It is self pronouncing and profusely illustrated. The Star, Shelby. tf PAINTING, VARNISHING, PA per hanging, graining, decorating porch and interior furniture. R. I Clarence Burchett, interior decora tor, Box 735, Shelby, N. C, 12t 8c BUILDING LOTS—GOOD Lo cation. C. S. Young. tf-12c SAW FILING—30-40c EACH. Elias C. Leigh, Ella-Lilly Mill St. 12t 8p OFFERING FOR LIVE WIRE man, with ability to sell Life In surance for a reliable company. Ad dress K. care of the Star. OLD FLOORS MADF NEW— and new floors neatly sanded. Have most up-to-date machine in town. For estimate of cost phone 39. Frank M. Newton, 318 W. Marion street. tf 18c Reinhardt’s 7 o’clock breakfast coffee fresh j ground, 35 cents peri pound. Breakfast bacon 22 cents. lt-3c WASH CONNER WILL GRIND your corn at T, F. Elliotts old wa ter Mill on Hintons Creek. 6t 27p STRAYED: WHITE SPOTTED beagle hound. Cut behind foreleg. Notify D. Alver Blanton, Grover, Route 2. 2t lp USED FORDS — Worth the money at Ford headquarters. Charles L. Eskridge. 3t-29c OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR sale at The Star office. Twen ty cents per hundred. Call at the press room. tf-26x STOLEN FRIDAY MORNING green Columbia bicycle. Reward if returned to A. V. Wray and Six Sons. 2t lc FOR SALE SECOND HAND kitchen range, Frances Washington heater and breakfast room set for | sale. Apply at Star Office. 2t-3c EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPH er at Montgomery Ward & Co. Apply at once. 2t lc VISIT WEBBER'S SERVICE station at the Log Cabin just above Mooresboro. Barbecue, hot dogs, groceries, gas and-oils. Alma Web ber, proprietor. 9t lp STRAYED SATURDAY : ONE red sow pig with small black spots on right hind leg. Notify Zeb C. Mauney. 3t lc Fat Back Meat 12| cents per pound. Guaranteed flour $3.50. C. H. Rein hardt, South Shelby. lt-3c SPECIAL PRICE ON OATS, fresh car just unloaded. Special price on flour. Shelby Feed Co. 3t 3c ..WE ARE HAVING WONDER FUL hatches and livability with our chicks this year and can fur nish each Wednesday fine Rocks. Reds and Leghorns if order placed in advance. Poultry bringing top prices now and outlook for over a year for high prices. This is the year to go in for poultry. Try Sut tle chicks and be pleased. SuttU, iiatchery, tf-3c “GLte AND GUSSIE”- Hearts Vs. Conscience T Q IS SUPPOSED TO OB A COMIC STRIP, BUT THE SITUATION 15 FAR FROM FUNNY. (SuSSlE DOESNT KNOW WHETHER to GO or STAV I or WHAT ! 1.04(3 HMOUGK ' LETS 0 MV BEST "Tt>MUSKT^, RDR HIM / OH, POO. f HIM S ' That's alu i CAM HEAR AM’ ALL YOU cam see_ IS HIM_ THERE... MOW..... all. rusht SMR.«3rtT, WEARS COMING *# itai ■oUSSiB ! ttt so WROUGHT OVB*. WR\ QRT, Sot swm DQESM'T WAUT *Tb DC WROHG ev <3GS... a's HEART vs COKISQEHCE... VWICH VJAV VMX1LD VbU JUMP e • Dignity Must Be Maintained! (jus and 6U5SIE WAVS JUST COMPLETED "WEIR TURN AND V/WOHT ROOT, JR.. IS HURRYING BACKSTAGE TO HOLD GUSSIE'S HAND AND PLEAD FOR (T_ ' Me'S at rr again, 1P4AT HYENA IN SILKLINED CLOTHING — r AM, MV DEAR., DEAR. CHILD VOO PERFORMED 5PLBHCXDLV TONIGHT. I WAS IM RAPTURES TtANKS FOR. THE FLOWERS, MR. ROOT. EVER-VOwe CAL.US ME <3USS\E — OH, CAUU ME VAHaHTiB... AMO MAV X CALL. '/OU too. | We will prove these facts to you by demonstration. CALL US OR OUR LOCAL RPRESENTATIVE MR. A. E. FINLEY, Hotel Charles, Shelby, N. C. ANDERSON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO. Vo. 1 ^est Chapel Road. BILTMORE, H, C. PHONE 5268.