I Double Springs Dots Of Community Items WoHters Council Meets. Personal News And Events At Thp Churrh. (Special to The Star.i , The workers council meets next Saturday night at the church. A most helpiul program is being ar ranged. It is hoped that every offi cer and teacher can be present ji Mrs. J. C. Washburn and eons, J Caines and Reburn. John L Mc (1* Swain, Miss Bertha Hawkins and iji Mrl.-ft, M. Gardner spent the Eas ter holidays in Raleigh visiting Misses Ruby Washburn and Ozelle ■i Gardner students at Meredith col lege. !;; Mrs, I41U Hamrick, Mrs. W. H. ’ . Gardner. Mrs. 8. W. Greene and Mrs. J. L. Greene attended the ; jj woman’s missionary meeting at ,;i Elizabeth Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Moore from y Forest. City were the guests ol Mr. “If and Mrs. B. -B Moore Sunday, Misses Maude Mdrehead. Blckn y Blanton and Gladys Hawkins from ■v Baltimore were welcome B. Y. P. U. ifj visitors Sunday night, if| Miss. Vera Dixon who teaches at i Thomasville spent the holidays ;N with her mother, Mrs. Lula Ham* :l; rick. I; Miss Mary Lovelace from Boiling |:| Springs spent the week-end with i Misses Mildred and Lillian Caba i>! Kiss. Miss Bloom a Wright from Boone spent the holidays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wright. Mr. Herbert Washburn, son of Mr.’and Mrs. Fred Washburn has been right sick for several days. Wc are glad he is improving some. Mr. and Mrs. Bray Bridges visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Lane Brooks Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Stockton and , children, George Thomas, and Miss Margarettd. Mi. and Mrs. O. O. Toms and son George William and jjj Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Washburn and j son, Eugene, were visitors of Mrs. Margarettc Stockton Sunday. !; I Miss Julia Jones and Lala Davis spent the Week at their respective ' homes. Mrs. Fred Jackson lias returned ] from the Shelby hospital where she jj! has been taking treatment. She is i,j somewhat. Improved. 1 ■ Mr. and Mrs. John Blanton and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wilson at Latti more. 'T-V ; Rev. and Mrs.' tj. G. Washburn ti and Sarah Louise and Yulan spent j* Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Garlan Washburn at Wadcsboro. Ambush Shooting In Rutherford County Single Shot From Ambush Wounds Three Men. Hidden In 1 Pines. Si . . 1$ Rutherfordton, April 2 —A single shoMMoraiadl tired from ambush C1 Sunday night near the Rutherford Polk comity line, wounded three , men Who were walking along the jt| road. The assailant escaped, ii The men' are: H. G. Brown, 22, JjJ who has 50 or more shot in his jj? neck: L. A. Odel;; 22, seriously ■lj! wounded in the right eye. and Lowe .1J Owensby, 33, struck in the left eye by a number of shot. ,■ j Odel's eye was removed at the '4 local hospital and it, is believed lie I will recover. OjrenstJy, who is mar jjl 'led, is undergbing treatment in AslievLlle. The three men all live near Mill Springs, in Polk county, und are i;well-known in tills section. A small j u ■ Clump ot pine* furnished shelter for the shooting, the motive of which ' remains a mystery. No threat or i' JH feeling in the community against ;r the trio is reported. They were walking side by side, and each re jj ceivad part .of the one load Now how could the stork make d sucti'i* mistake us this? I saw i^ a paper that a child was born in a 't Detroit, hospital while the mother was an'irtmate of the House of Cor rection, ‘ II SPECIAL EXCURSION » ; FAKES - . : to ATLANTA, (iA. BIRMINGHAM, ALA. CHATTANOOG A, TENN. VIA IBERN RAILW AY W’ SYSTEM FRIDAY, APRIL 12. 1929. ROUND-TRIP FARES FROM: SHELBY. N. G. TO ATLANTA, GA. .. $6.50 BIRMINGHAM, ALA. ... $8.50 CHATTANOOGA. TENN.. $8.50 Tickets on sale April 12th final [ limit good to reach original [• starting point prior to midnight Atlanta April 16th. Birmingham and Chattanooga April 17th. Tickets good on . all regular trains both directions i except Orescent Limited.) Pine opportunity to visit these three great Siouthem Cities. _Round-trip tares on sale from tOt other Southern Railway yT%lnta North and South Caro lina. For detail Information call on any Southern Railway Agent. R. H. GRAHAM, Division Passenger Agent, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Mt. Sinai News Gleanings Reported Young People Enjoy Social Given At Homo Of Reuben McSwain . Personal Items. (Special to The Star.) Shelby. R-2.—The members of the Junior B Y. P. U. of Mt Sinai church enjoyed a social given at the home of Mr. find Mrs, Reuben Mc . Swain Friday evening Many inter esting games were played after ! which delicious refreshments were | served. A number of people of this com Lmunlty attended the Easter can j tata al the First Baptist church In . Shelby Sunday evening. The teachers of the Sunday school will hold their meeting at [the church Wednesday evening They have been meeting in the homes during the winter months. Miss Eugenia Rollins was at home from Fallston to spend the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Joe Biggerstaff were visitors in this community Sunday. Miss Edna Putnam was at home from Boiling Springs school during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Torrence Bridges and family recently moved Into this community Miss Ural Rollins spent Friday night with Miss Maude Rollins of Shelby. Miss Rheanm Clary who attends school at Bolling Springs was at home to spend the Easter holidays. Miss Maude Rollins spent Sun day with her mother Mrs. J. H. Rollins. Mr. Andrew Hunt of Shelby spent Easter Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hunt. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Weaver of Gaffney were visitors in this com munity Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rush Rollins and children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hunt Sunday. Mr. Milan Bridges was at home from Cha’pel Hill during the Easter Holidays. Miss Dorcas Walker, principal of the' Broad River school, with her pupils and a number of other young people of the community enjoyed a delightful picnic at Sul phur Springs Monday afternoon. MORTGAGE SALE. Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred upon me in a deed of trust executed by R. C. Hicks, widower, and B. C. Hicks, widower, on the 23rd day of July, 1926, and recorded in book 136, page 230, of the register’s office of Cleveland county, N. C., default in payment of the indebtedness there in secured having been made and the holder of said indebtedness having requested foreclosure, I will on Saturday. May 4, 1929. at 12 o'clock M„ at the court house door in Shelby, N. C„ sell at pub lic auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land, to wit: All that piece, parcel or tract of land lying in No . 9 township, Cleveland county, N. C„ containing 128 acres more or less, and being more particularly described and de fined as follows: Beginlng at a pine stump, d: R. Hoyle's heirs’ corner, and runs with their two lines N. 40 E. 40.3 poles to a stone: thence N. 77'i W. 65>a poles to a pine stump: thence with Lewis Evans' land S. 39'- W. 39.9 poles to a stone: thence N. 79’» W. 56.3 poles to a stone; thence N. 77 W. 28 poles to a stone. Everurd Killmyre's corner; thence with his line N. 72 W. 62 poles to a stone; thence N. 77 w. 77'a poles to Grassy branch; thence down the branch 10 poles to the road; thence with A. S. Peeler's lino N. 68’? W, 12 poles to a hickory; N. 25 W. 9'c poles to a stone;. N. 77 W. 25 poles to a persimmon. Amle Peeler's cor ner; thence with her several lines S. 10 E. 28 poles to a stone; W. 13 poles to a pine; S. 10 E. 13 poles to a stone; thence E. 13 poles to a stone; thence S. 85 E. 28‘i poles to a stone in the old road; thence with the old road 8. ft W 25 poles to a stone; thence S. 29 E. 17 poles to a stake in the branch: thence B. 6 E. 9 poles to a holly bush, W. J. Darter's heirs’ corner; thence with their lines N. 8 E. 36 poles to a pine stump; S. 77 E. 98's poles to a stone; thence S. 1 pole to a stake, Charles Elliott's corner; thence with his line S, 81 E. 29 poles to a stake; thence S. 17’a E, 12.3 poles to a stone, M. G. Canipe's corner; thence with his line S. 78’» E. 58.2 poles to a stone: thence S. 28 E. 26 poles to a stone; thence S. 75 E. 64 poles to a rock; thence with J. E. Hoyle's line N. 5 W. 36 poles to a stone: thence with his line N. 22’i " 52 \ iK>les to the beginning, said tract made up of the tracts conveyed by B. C Hicks to R. C. Hicks on March 18, 1926, by deed recorded in book 3-T, page 54; of the tract deed by C. R. Canipe and wite to R. c. Hicks November 6, 1917, by deed recorded in book CCC, paKe 265, and of the tract deeded by C. S. Lee and wife to R. C. Hicks. March 22, 1926, and record ed in book 3-R, page 593, all of the Cleveland county registry. The foregoing land will be sold subject to a prior encumbrance un der a deed of trust to the North Carolina Joint Stock land bank recorded in book 141, page 117, and a prior encumbrance to E. Worth Hicks recorded in book 138, page 226. and to unpaid taxes any any other prior lien, and the purchaser at said sale, in addition to his bid will have to satisfy said prior en cumbrances to perfect his title. This March 30, 1929. BYNUM E. WEATHERS, Trustee. ' Drinking Dry’s Tip Caused Fatal Raid Aurora, III.—Eugene Boyd Fairchild, undercover dry agent whose tip resulted in the mur der for a gallon raid on the home of Mrs. Lillian De King, was revealed as a false swearer and habitual drunkard. | Assistant Attorney General C. W. | Hadley, who is investigating the | circumstances of the fatal raid, put Fairchild through a severe grilling and elicited the admts.'.Aon (hat the agent did not buy liquor from Mrs. De King as he stated in his affidavit for a search warrant. The investigators also learned that Fairchild's former wife, now living in Geneva, obtained a divorce more than n year ago because of his in sobriety. These developments, following so closely upon the killing of Mrs. De King and the beating of her hus band by the raiders, have almost caused a collapse of prohibition en forcement in Kane county. The drys are taking the repeated blows upon their administration of the law without offering a comeback. The story of how the evidence leading to the raid was obtained was revealed by Hadley’s examina tion of Fairchild. "Did you make the liquor pur chase as described in your affida vit?” Hadley asked. “Not personally,” Fairchild ad mitted after trying vainly to avoid the question, "but it was made all right."' Me torn oi meeting a stranger in Batavia and their search lor some thing to drink. They drove to Au rora and tried several places there, but failed. "I suggested we try De King." Fairchild continued, ‘so I drove there and stopped the car near the oil station. 1 gave this fellow X was with $5 to make the buy. I told him to see If he could get a pint." "A few minutes later my friend came back and said: "We’re fixed up." So we got back in the car and drove away. When we were about half a mile down the road my friend gave me $3 change from my $5 and produced the flask. "I told him to take a drink first. Then he handed the bottle to me. I told him it was rotten stuff. Well, we drank about half of it and I put the rest in my pocket for evidence." Further examination by Hadley revealed that Fairchild’s supposed friend, who proved to be Philip Johnson, twenty-seven, son of a gasoline station owner In Batavia, told him a woman about fifty years sold him the liquor. Mrs. De King was thirty-five. Fairchild admitted he, himself, did not see the seller Singing Convention At Beaver Dam 7th Mr. J. C. Bridges, director of the Union singing convention asks The Star to announce that a singing will be held at the Beaver Dam church next Sunday, April 7th, be ginning at 1:30 o'clock. It is expect ed that Prof. Wade Humphries and his singers from Gaffney, also Prof. Ed Sarratt and his singers lrom Grassy Pond and Prof. H. H. Rupe and his singers from Chero kee church, S. C., and a lot of other singers from South Carolina will be present. Mr. Bridges says a mast enjoyable time Is promised and the public is cordially invited. Shelby Hospital Patients Listed The following were patients in the Shelby hospital up to last night: Mr. Palmer Blanton, Shelby R-l; Mr. Louis Sneed, Cherryville; Mr. George Gantt, Lawndale R-2; Mr. Robert Curry, Shelby; Mrs. L. P. Yarboro, Shelby R-4; Mrs. J. M. Ledford, 3helby R-l; Mr. B. F. Spangler, Shelby; Mr. Mode Car penter, Shelby; Mr. Noah Lail, Moorcsboro, R-l; Mr. Monroe Dixon Lawndale, R-2; Master Henry Harrill. Shelby R-4; Mr. Oscar Pal mer, Shelby; Little Annie Austell, Shelby; Mrs. D. Floyd McSwain, Earl; Lola Howard, (col) Lawn dale; Marie Saddler (col) Blacks burg. Declaimers Contest Begins At 6:30 p. m. The county-wide declaimers con test which was to be held at 8 o'clock Saturday evening, April 6, in the Bolling Springs college audi torium will be held at 6:30 o’clock, because the hour announced prev iously comflicts with the protract ed services which are being held in the church. Whether A. W. Jacksan of Cleve land is of Scotch extraction is not stated but he is disposed to get his money’s worth in any event. When his wife wanted a dime to pay for looking at the moon through a tele scope hfe refused because the moon was only a quarter full. of the whiskey. Roy Smith, the deputy, who is alleged to have killed Mrs. De King and who was in turn shot by her twelve year old son, Gerald, was reported out of danger at the hos pital in Elgin. GILMER RECEIVERSHIP WILL BE CONTESTED Winston-Salem. — Receivership proceedings instituted ift United States district court in Delaware by Gilmers. Inc., a holding corporation chartered under Delaware laws, will be contested by .minority stockhold ers charging fraud and conspiracy to the major stockholders, and also that the move is an effort to squeeze the smaller ones out, said J. L. Gilmer, former president, in a statement given out here today. The Delaware corporation peti tioned receivership Saturday. J. Rogers Holcomb was named re ceiver for the company by Judge Morris of the federal court at Wil mington, Del. A complaint filed by Michael J. Hannahan, of New York on behalf of the stockholders and of the concern was $168,294.06. TRUSTEES SALE OF REAL ES TATE. Under the power of sale con tained in a certain deed of trust executed by Louis P. Ponder, single, to Union Trust company of Mary land and Insured Mortgage Bond corporation of North Carolina, Inc as trustees, which deed of trust is of record in office of the registry of Cleveland county, N. C- in book 155, page 75, said deed of trust having been given to secure notes therein described, and the said Louis P. Ponder not having paid said notes according to the terms of same, and the holder of same having request ed foreclosure of said deed of trust, the undersigned trustees will offer for sale for cash at public auction to the highest bidder at the court house door in Shelby, N. C- at 12 in. May 4, 1929, the following de scribed lot or parcel of land, situ ated just east of the city of Shelby, N. C., and being lot No. 9 in block B of Cleveland Heights, developed by Gardner and Mull, plat of same being of record in the aforesaid of fice in plat book 2, page 21. Begining at a stake in east edge of state highway No. 20, or the Asheville - Charlotte - Wilmington highway at a point which is locat ed 1T2 feet from J. A. Wilson-Sam uel Green old line, and runs thence N. 43 deg. 39 min. E. 204 feet to a stake in the line of lot No. 22; thence with the lines of lots Nos. 22 and 23, S. 43 deg. 36 min. E. 60 feet to a stake, comer of lot No. 8 in line of lot No. 23; thence with the line of lot No. 8 S. 46 deg. 30 min. W. 197 ft. to a stake in the east edge of state highway No. 20, the same being corner of lot No. 8; thence with the east edge of said highway No. 20, 50 feet to the be gining. UNION TRUST COMPANY OP MARYLAND, INSURED MORTGAGE BOND CORPORATION OP N. C.. Inc. Trustees. Newton & Newton, Attys. I Buy Your Spring Clothes AT INGRAM-LILES CO. — NEW STYLE SUITS FOR MEN — PRICED — $14.95 to $29.50 Most of these have two pairs of trousers. -i BOYS’ SUITS IN EITHER LONG OR SHORT PANTS, Or a long and short. Priced to please. — SHIRTS FOR MEN AND BOYS — Good quality broadcloth shirts made to fit, guaranteed fast colors—Selling at $1.00. Phillips*Jones, Van Heusen collarite shirts —the newest and best thing yet in a soft collar shirt. Now oti sale at— — $2.00 — $2.50 and $3.50 — m HATS FOR MEN & BOYS We are opening up today a big ship * ment of Etchison Straw Hats. They come in all the latest models for the season. Reese No-Wrinkle Neckwear For Men SELLING FOR J | As good as many that sell for $1.50 to $2.00. Try one and be convinced. ATTENTION LADIES! Silk Dresses from $3.89 Up Spring Coats. $4.98 Up INGRAM-LILES CO. In Front of First Baptist Church. SHELBY, N. C. ^ * HOOVER IMPROVES CHANCES / FOR G. O. r. IN SOUTH j High Point Enterprise. Political observers at Washington; profess amazement at the direct- i ness of President Hoover’s attack on the Republican organizations in: several southern states. South Car olina, Georgia and Mississippi Re publicans are Informed that they must offer better men for offices or patronage will be taken out of their! hands entirely and jobs allocated through the civil service commis-! sion. This will be powerfully distaste ful to those who have been engi neers of the skeleton outfits of the G. O. P. in the three states but who can fail to see that Mr. Hoover is pursuing a course directed to changing the political complexion of the south. Clearly he is not con tent with having gained the sup port of several states of Dixie in the 1928 election but purposes to make permanent the split in the i solid south if possible. Mrs. Mary Clayton of Chicago j walked into a police station and tried to buy a bottle of beer, and was kept there overnight. Senora Marla Gonzales, aged 66, of Barcelona, who married for the second time a year ago. is the moth er of triplets. V > ."" BECK & PRATT LEADING dry cleaners and hat RENOVATORS. Now permanently and conveniently located in the new WOODSON BUILDING 126 South Washington St. With a modern plant, in a modern setting, we are prepared to serve you promptly and efficiently. Give us a call. Telephone No. 666. While They Last * ' ;1 • -:v MORE OF THOSE FINE WOOL SUITS AT 2 for $25.00 These suits—Michael-Stern, Kuppenheimer, Society Brand, and other high grade makes—went like hot cakes during our sale. But we added a number more from our Regular stock. If you don’t want two yourself—bring a friend. The price of one is $13.95 These suits are well cut, well made, and every thread wool. This is the best bargain we have offered in the store. THE SUPPLY IS LIMITED. COME EARLY. KELLY CLOTHING COMPANY

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