10 PAGES TODAY THE CLEVELAND STAR SHELBY, N. C. FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 1929 Published Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Afternoons Hy mall, per year Un advance) $2.50 Carrier, per year un advance) $3.00 LATE NEWS The Markets. Cotton, spot.. ‘~0c Cotton Seed, per bu. ....... 58'-;C Saturday Fair. Today's North Carolina Weather Report; Generally fair tonight and Saturday. Not much change in temperature. Court To Close. The superior court grind on the civil calendar this week will adjourn after a short session Saturday morning, Judge James I.. Webb practically completing the listed calendar for trial today. Strike Scenes Quiet Now At Loray Plant Rumor Of Employees Of Other Mills Striking. Shelby Com pany Still On Guard. (Special to The Star.' Gastonia, April 5.—The Loray mill strike continued here today without new developments or moves upon the part of the strikers or organizers, and meantime inside the big mill approximately 15 per cent of all employees are back at work, the mill management an nounced. Everything Is quiet in the section of the mill which is patroll ed by five companies of national guard troops although it is said that meetings are still being held by the strike organizers. Rumor Other Strikes. A general rumor about Gastonia today had it that the strike organ izers, who fostered the Loray strike, have been quietly working among employees of other Gaston mills with the aim of bringing an a gen eral strike in the county's textile industry. According to the rumor circulars were issued eariy today from strike headquarters calling for the general strike, but at one this afternoon the other mills through out the section were operating and there was no public indication of the strike spreading. The situation at the Loray has been without incident since late Wednesday afternoon when three Military troop6, from Gastonia, Shelby and Lincolnton, used fixed bayonets to drive an assembled mass of demonstrative strikers from about the mill entrance. After be ing scattered along the several streets the striking group, now only about 25 per cent of the 2,000 em ployed by the big plant, have made no public demonstrations such as were made early Monday. More Shelby Soldiers. The military companies are en camped about the Loray mill grounds, the tents of company K. Shelby company, being pitched in the Loray park between the mill and Franklin avenue. Members of the Shelby outfit who could not be reached when the company was hurriedly mobolized Wednesday afternoon were order ed to and did report to the company here today. The officers of the Shelby outfit are Capt. Peyton Mc Swain, First Lieut. Mike H. Austell and Second Lieut. H. C. Long. Non-commissioned officers of the company are: Claud Connor, first sergeant; Clarence Leonard, Mar ion Baker, Arlo McFarland, Dwella Grant, Loy Hufman, Lawrence Runyan, Fred Noblltt, sergeants. The photo In today’s Charlotte Observer of the field kitchen at the military headquarters was that of the Shelby company of which Mar ion Eaker Is mess sergeant with Corporal Andrew Eaker and Cook William Huffman in charge of the cooking. QUIET REIGNS AMID LORAY STRIKE SCENE Leaders, Addressing1 Mass Meeting Of Strikers, Caution Against Violence. Gastonia, April 4.—'There was no change in the situation at the Lo ray textile mills of the Manville Jenckes company here tonight as about 200 North Carolina national guardsmen continued their patrol and vigil at the mill and in the vil lage. Representatives of the several hundred strikers, who walked out in protest against the discharge of several members of the local union, said there was nothing new from their side and mill officials declar ed they were waiting. Adjutant General J. Van B. Meets j of the North Carolina national guard, today met with Fred Erwin Beal and George Pershing, avowed strike organizers, and told them the military guards placed around the plant were there to protect life and property and maintain law and order both for the safety of the strikers and those who continue to work. Crowds Stay Away. There were no disorders today fol lowing the near riot of yesterday (Continued on page nine.) GrigglsHead Of Schools In County Again W. A. Ridcnhour Reelected Chair man Of Cleveland Board Of Education. At a meeting of the Cleveland county board of education this week Prof. J. H Grig? was re elected county superintendent oi school by the board. Mr. Grigg has served as superintendent for sev eral years, since the resignation of Mr. J. C. Newton, and his services is generally considered efficient and he is popular with school offi cials and patrons. Ridenhour Chairman. The same board going back into office also reelected Mr. W A Ridcnhour, of Kings Mountain, as chairman for the ensuing term. Name Committeemen. At the same meeting one mem ber of each school committee in the ocounty was appointed, as each year the term of one committeeman in each district board expires. The list of the many new' committee men will be published in an early issue of The Star. Another item of importance transacted by the board was the purchase of a site for the purpose new school structure in East Kings Mountain. Crowders Plan Big Market Here Robert And B'm. Crowder To Erect Two Story Market And Cold Storage. Robert Crowder and Wm. Crow der, brothers, are planning the erection of a two-story market house and cold storage plant on their lot on S. Washington street adjoining the Harry Woodson building, just completed. The build ing will be of fireproof construc tion with a retail meat market on the ground floor, while on the sec ond floor there will be a cold stor age plant for meats of all kinds, a sausage and weiner manufacturing department, together with a dress ed poultry department. An egg storage may be added. They will start in a small way and add to the variety of meats they handle as their business grows. Meats of all kinds will be handled at retail and wholesale throughout this territory. Mr. Wm. Crowder will be in charge as he is an ex perienced meat dealer, already op erating a retail and wholesale market in the Arcade building on W. Marion street. It is estimated that the cost of the building and cold storage equip ment will cost approximately $20, 000. No contract has been let but plans are now being drawn for the building. Morrison Sentence Is Changed To Fine The six months road sentence given Coy Morrison during the criminal docket of superior court last week on liquor charges was changed this week to a fine. According to the new' sentence Morrison must pay a fine of $250 and the court costs and a suspend ed sentence of 12 months on the roads was placed over him if he is not out of Cleveland county by April 15, or returns to the county within two years. Decision By Board On Light Rate Is Postponed As Yet Reply Of Aldermen To Citizens’ Committee Deferred By Schenck's Absence. The Shelby city aldermen at their regular meeting this week did not make a reply to the ap peal of a group of citizens for lower light and power rates in the city due to the absence of Alderman John F. Schcnck. jr., who is in New York on busi ness. Some time hark a special committee appeared before the city fathers and asked a re duction or change in the light and power scale. The aldermen heard the appeal and took the matter up for consideration with the hope of making answer this week, but were unavoidably pre vented from doing so. Just when another meeting of the board will be held is not known as yet, no call being issued so far by the committee for a special meeting. 1 Six Marriages In Cleveland For Each Divorce In 1926-1927 HEAD SCHOOLS AO MV J. II. GRIGG. Frazer Speaker At Club Meet Kiwanians Have l.adies As Their Guests. Queens’ President And Girls Here. Dr. W. H. Frazier, president of Queens college and a bevy of pret ty and talented girls from the student body, entertained the Ki wanlans and their wives at the semi-annual "ladies night" pro gram held last night at Cleveland Springs hotel, when plates were set for 136 guests present. The program was interspersed with musical numbers, both vocal and instrumental by the Queens college girls, one of the outstand ing numbers being the accordian solo by Miss Margaret Johansen. Recitations and other entertain ment made the evening a most en joyable one and at the close of the program a grand prize in the na ture of a basket of handsome roses was presented to one of the college girls. Dr. Frazer stepped from his us ual humor in speech making and drew a lesson of civic club ideals for community betterment from the story of King Saul, who pressed hard by his enemies longed for a drink of water from the old well back home. His soldiers braved dan ger to bring him water, but upon reflecting on the danger, sacrifice and hazard they had undergone, felt that the water represented the blood of his men. This he poured out as a sacrifice. From this he ob served that it is all right to enjoy the fellowship and material things a civic club brings, but the things that are bought by sacrifice and service are the most worthwhile. Thompson New Head Of Rotarians Here Carl S. Thompson, local lumber man, is the new president of the Shelby Rotary club, being elected by the club at its meeting today as a successor to Elmer E, Scott. F. D. Quinn was elected vice president. and Pat McBrayer and Roy Sisk were reelected secretary and treasurer. Only Five Countin'. In Slate Hank I.ower In Marriage*. For Faeh Divorce. During the Iwo years lfllG-1927. there were only marriages in Cleveland county for eaeli dlvnree. according to statistics assembled by The Cnivrrslty News l.etter. The increasing number of di vorces in this county and the de creasing number of marriages is explained by the News Fetter by saying that Cleveland is one of the counties bordering on South Caro lina, a state where divorces are not granted, but where it is consider ably easier to get married than in this state The live counties having less marriage", per divorce than Cleve land are Buncombe. Avery. Rich mond. Gaston and Scotland, there there being only a little over three marriages for each divorce in the last named county. 1 wo Borders. Oddly enough the News Letter points out that North Carolina counties bordering on the Virginia line have a better marriage ratio per divorce than does the average county of the state, which means that more Virginia couples come to North Carolina to be married than North Carolina couples go to Vir ginia. On the other hand far more North Carolina couples go to South Carolina to be married than South Carolina couples conte here. Mean time many South Carolina couples comes to this state and live for a time so that they may secure di vorces. There were two counties in North Carolina which in the two year period had no divorces, these counties being Jones ana r'enaer In that period Jones had 127 mar- | riages and Pender 178. At the other extreme are three counties which had a divorce for approxi mately every three marriages. Marriage* And Divorces. During the year 1927 there were 22.204 marriages performed In North Carolina, as compared with 22.691 in 1926. There were 1.642 divorces granted in the state in 1927 and 1.591 in 1926. Taking the two-year period there was one divorce for each 13.87 marriages. In 1916 there was one divorce for each 31.95 mar riages. Thus it appears that di vorces are more than twice as num erous im proportion to the number of marriages as ten years ago. The table which appears else where in this issue ranks the coun ties of the state in this particular. It will be observed that at one ex treme are two counties—Jones and Pender—with no divorces at all, and j at the other extreme is Scotland with one divorce for each 3.2 mar riages. Altogether there are sixteen counties with less than ten mar riages for each divorce. Thirteen of these sixteen counties are bor der counties, one bordering on Georgia, three on Tenessee, and nine on South Carolina. The ex planation of the low ratio of mar riages to divorces in the counties bordering on South Carolina lies, j of course, in the fact that South ! Carolina does not legalize divorces i on any ground. The fact that 'North Carolina requires a health certificate before granting a mar 1 riage license, and South Carolina ; does not. causes many North Caro ! lina couples to go into South Caro | Una to be married. Thus the bor der counties, record a relatively small number of marriages. On the other hand, it is probable that j (Continued on page nine.) Can A Rabid Cat Be Termed A Mad Dog? Query Up Here Is Worry To Cleveland Board Can a rabid cat, or a cat suffer ing with hydrophobia, be legally termed mad dog? That knotty question bobbed up before the Cleveland county com missioners in session this week, and has now been turned over to Mr. rt. L Ryburn. rounty attorney. Can a cat ever be termed a dog? ■ And this is how it happened: j Some weeks back a cat in the Zion \ community became infected with 1 rabie3 and bit five children in ad- j dition to several animals The law' says that the county commission ers are authorized to make good all losses caused "by a mad dog.” The children have since been taking the rabies treatment, a treatment that costs $2a or more per person. At the 1 I meeting of the board this week the bill for the expense caused by the mad cat was presented. The com missioners turned to the law. and the law says *'mad dog’ with no mention of mad cats. Seemingly the spirit of the law, although the Iaw: does not. say so, would cover the cat. But those omissions in the law books often offer loop holes in court actions. And now County Attorney Ryburn lias a ticklish problem to decide Incidentally the bills laid before the commissioners due to the re cent mad dog scare in the county ran to a big sum. Two mules, two cows, and a half dozen people were infected either by dogs or cats suf fering with hydrophobia during the month of March. Shelby School Musicians Off To Big Contest Sinclair lakes 130 Young Musicians To District Contests In Gastonia. W T Sinclair will head a dele gation oi 120 high school pupils Saturday on a trip to Gastonia where they will compete in twenty contest tor musical honors. Shclb" i; in dtstncl No, 12 which he eleven -cl'cels entered In the various contests. In the orchestra contest, no ether school in the class o. Shelby in competing so this dis trict honor comes to the local musicians by default. The band, however, with <8 pieces is expected to make a good showing ns well as many of the other contestants. Mr. Sinclair does not hope to win in nil of the contests, but will enter all for the experience it gives the musicians and the trhining they will encounter for future contests of this kind I.attimorr Enters. It is hoped that as many parents] 'will go our with the musicians as possibly can The program will take place in the high acliool build ing. beginning at 9 o'clock a. m. with Miss Grace Vandyke Moore of Greensboro as judge The Latti more high school is the only other institution in Cleveland county to enter the contests: Various Contests. Mixed chorus—Shelby, LinccUn ton. Mt. Holly, Lattimore and Lowell . .Girls glee club—Shelby Lincoln ton. Forest City City, Mt. Holly and Lowell. Boys’ glee club—Mt. Holly and Lowell. Orchestra—Shelby. Band—Shelby, Catawba county band. Mixed quartet—Shelbv, Lowell, Mt Holly and Lattimore. Boys unchanged voice—Shelby, Lowell and Forest City. Girls' quartet—Lowell, Lincolnton, Mt. Holly. Lattimore and Shelby. Soprano solo—Shelby. Lowell, Forest City, Mt. Holly and Lattl more. Contralto solo—Lowell Tenor solo—Shelby, Forest City, and Mt. Holly. Baritone solo—Lincolnton and Lattimore. Bass solo—Lowell and Lincolnton. Piano—Shelby, Lowell. Lincoln ton Balls Creek. Forest City, Kings Mountain and Cherryvllle. Brass quartet—Shelby and Gas tonia Violin solo—Shelby. Trumpet solo—Shelby and Gas tonia. Trombone solo—Shelby and Gas tonia. Baritone solo—Shelby and Gas tonia. Flute solo—Gastonia. Clarinet solo—Newton Gastonia, and Shelby. Officer* Capture More Whiskey In Raid Last Night Gallon Found At Beatty Home Brought There By Groom, Officers Told. _ i Shelby and Cleveland county of ficers continued their dry drive with another haul in Shelby last night when Police Chief McBride Poston, Sheriff Irvin Allen and Deputy Bob Kendrick found, they say, one gallon of whiskey in the home of Lee Beatty. Beatty's wife, according to Chief Poston, informed officers that the whiskey had been brought there by Doyle Groom, local taxi driver and a member of a local transfer firm Beatty, it is understood is an em ployee of Groom in the transfer business The two men were placed under a $500 bond each until a trial is given before Recorder Kennedy. Shelby B. And L. In Charles Hotel The Shelby Building and Loan association will occupy quarters shortly in the Hotel Charles building. using a large room near the hotel entrance on West Warren street, according to an announcement made today by Capt. |.t, Frank Roberts, secretary-treas urer. Since the hotel block burned a little oyer a year ago, the Shelby B, and L has been temporarily in the Union Trust Company. About April 15th the Shelby B. and L. and the Insurance Department of the Union Trust will have new quarters, amply large and conven ient on West Warren stret. The room is now being fitted up for the tran sfer about the middle of the month Kings Mountain Bank, Member Chain, Fails To Open Up Today ___ '_ _t First Pictures of Lindy’s Sister It was only recently revealed by the reticent Lindbergh family that the Flying Colonel had a sister. Mrs. Eva Lindbergh Christie shown above with her children, is Lindy’s half-sister and is living in comparative obscurity at Red Lake Falls, Minn She is a child by the flyer’s father’s first marriage. (lntuntUoul Stmini) Star Thanked For Service Rendered Boiling Springs (To Editor of The Star from T. B. Davis, president of Boiling Springs junior college.) Due largely to the publicity given through the columns of your paper, and to the spirit of loyalty generated by your whole-hearted cooperation, our recent library campaign has been pronounced a "monumen tal success"—as we have receiv ed, to date, approximately 1,800 volumes, multiplying our num ber by more than 100 percent, giving us a variety and quality of books that establishes Boil ing Springs college library in the foremost rank of library as sets in this gTcat section "the world's Garden of Eden.” Therefore, this opportunity and method will be granted me to express to you, and through your columns to every donor, personally and officialy. sub jectively and objectively, mtr warmest appreciations for the climaxing service rendered by your paper, thus, furthering its mission of constructive contri butions to community progress —yours is hereby declared to be an “oVtstanding. epochal service to a worthy community asset," Summey Gets Contract On Cement 3. S Summey. local contractor in concrete has landed a contract in Charlotte for pouring the concrete [on a large ten story office building I to be erected by J. A Gardner, contractor who has just finished the First Baptist Church plant here Mr. Summey is moving his cpuip ment and force of men ro Charlotte this week to begin work. Highs Continue Heavy Batting To Win Again Defeat Ctierryvllle Herr Second Time II T# 2. Play Gas tonia Here Today. Defeating Cherryville here yes- j terday by a score of 11 to 2 for their second .straight victory over the Gaston crew, the Shelby highs are this afternoon clashing with the strong Gastonia team in the city park. Gastonia easily defeated Char lotte and "Casey'' Morris' heavy hitting youngsters are in for their first real test tody. Lee Going Strong. Cline Owens Lee, local shortstop, seems headed for another .500 per centage at bat. In Tuesday's game he slammed out a homer, two dou bles and a single, while in Thurs dy's game here he led the Shelby onslaught with two hits, lour runs, and thrre stolen bases out of just three accredited trips to the plate. Hullck and Bumgardner also se cured two safeties each while the remainder of Shelby's 10 hits were divided among Bridges, Gold and Smith. Carpenter, second sacker, led the Chcrryville hitting with two singles. Hamrick, who is making a bid for chief hurling duties of the Shel by staff. hurled seven of the nine frames but was relieved in the eighth by Sam Dayberry, young left-hander, who was in action for the first time, The youngster held Chcrryville to one lone hit in the two frames Both Shelby hurlers worked well although Hamrick be came upset a time or two with run-' : ners on. Sellers started the game | on the mound for the visitors but jthe consistent hitting of the locals ! drove him from the mound to be j replaced by Vandyke A stolen base may mean an ex tra run in most any baseball game i Continued on page nine.) County Goverment Here Still Recommended For Others Cleveland county's business man ager form of government is still be ing recommended to oilier counties of North Carolina as a node! form of county governmen' Recently The Hendersonville Times-News earned m editorial suggesting that Henderson county adopt the Cleveland county busi ness manager form stating that "Cleveland county's government is pointed to as a model lor other North Carolina counties, and that efficiency has been obtained by having the chairman of the county commissioners fill llie position of account ant.” Shortly after reacting the sugges tion Charles M. Johnson, executive secretary of the state advisory com mission wrote The Titnes-News as follows, according to a copy of the letter forwarded to Shelby: “You arc right when you say that Cleve land county’s government is pointed to as a model for other North Caro lina counties, and where you have a man on the board of commis sioners who has the necessary train ing to be county accountant, it is a good plan. He can also be purchas ing agent and tax supervisior and save the county money as well as giving more efficient service.” Five Banks With Head In Gastonia Are Closed Toda> Scrcral Small Runs On Banks Yesterday. Hope To Pay 100 Cent* On Dollar. The first hank closing in the his tory of Cleveland county took place this morning when the doors of the Commercial Bank and Trust com pany, a member of a banking chain with Gastonia headquarters, failed to open and a notice was posted on the door stating that the bank’s business had been placed in the hands of the State Corporation commission. Three other branch banks In the chain and the head bank at Gas tonia also failed to opep ,*nd the same notice, signed by the board of directors, were posted on all doors' Was Once Local. The Kings Mountain branch, of which Elmer Herndon was vice president under the chain bank or ganization, was formerly the Peo ples Loan and Trust company but about two years ago the chain bank was formed, the Kings Moun tain bank being merged into the, chain, which was made up of banks at that place, Cherryville, Llncoln ton, Mt Holly and the head bank at Gastonia. OtTlcers of the Kings Mountain branch were Elmer Herndon, vice president; Hunter Patterson, cash ier; Bright Ratteree, assistant CMl}: icr. ,; Rons Yesterday. At Kmgs Mountain this morning unofficial information hod it that a day or two back reports began to spread there, as in the three other towns where branches of the chain were located, of some likely trou ble at the head bank in Gastonia. The result was, it was said, that a the day Thursday on -Kings Mountain institution, numerous ac counts being checked out. A simi lar situation, it is understood, pre vailed in the other towns, while a scattered run during the day saw something like $20,000 to $30,000 checked out of the Gastonia bank. However all five banks in the chain remained open until tb* close of the business day yesterday. This morning the following notice eras posted on the closed doors by the directors: “This bank is closed and has been turned over to the State Corporation commission by a reso-' lution of the board of directors.” No Losses Likely. Unofficial Information given The Star this morning from Omstonia indicated that depositors will likely receive 100 cents on the dollar. The chain had a capital Of $500 - 000 and deposits totalling around two and one-half million dollars. Officers at the main headquarters in Gastonia were: W. T. Love, pres ident; G. N. Hension, cashier; V. E. Long and J. White Ware, vice presidents, with the heads of tht various branch banks also ranking as vice-presidents in the organiza tion. “Frozen Assets." No reason was given on the post ed notice or from other official sources as to the cause of the fail ure but the concensus of opinion in Gastonia today laid the blame to ‘frozen assets." General report at Kings Mountain and at the other towns where branches were located that business at the branch Institu tions had been reasonably good, and Kings Mountain depositors added that they knew that the af fairs of the branch there had noth ing to do with the closed doors to day. No Strike Connection. The closing of the main bank at Gastonia along with the brand) banks had no connection whatso ever with the Loray textile strike at Gastonia, it was definitely an nounced there today. Other reports from Gastonia have it that there is no fear at all of a financial crisis there as the textile city Iras two other strong financial institutions, the First National and the Citizens National. Triangular Debate Is On Here Tonight The two Shelby debate teams id the state-wide triangular debate get into action tonight.. The Shelby affirmative, composed of Alfce Sanders and May Ellen McBrajrtH", will meet the Gastonia negative here this evening in the Central school auditorium, while the Shel by, negative, composed of Mildred McKinney and Edith Reid Rmmseur will debate the Lincolnton affirma tive in Lincolnton.