New York Conns In A Cas las. Columbia Stair. It was years alter mam <>i the states had adopted ft 'as on ease line as a source of revrnur Indore the suggestion of such tax could gel serious ronsidrrafton at Albany— and even then there was a success ful flight against it for a res- ion or two In the New York legislature. But the opposition has finally cap THE PERSON WHO HAS NOTHING Is Usually 1 lie One Who Does All The • Damage. Your Only Safe guard is Insurance With CHAS. A. HOEY Itulni d, the !' i laturr that. ad \ ioUriipri lasl. • f i. having imposed a las ol two rents u gallon; which ; Mill jnoduee on Income estimated ■ n the b i;.is ot pr ; ■ umptlon. jot $22,000,000 ;i ym: j Meanwhile the general taxpayer | of that e. has it f n paying'the , enormous cost ( f -highway construe | tioti. It is clillieult to. understand why the users of automobiles should have objected . trong-ly to making a :pedal contribution toward the icons;ritetie;i ot lhpjiw ivs for tiieu use, or how thell opposition could lime been effeetm lor so long There fire those in .South Carolina who t ike the i-veise o ■ iMon that atitoinebilf in <■iw i m:ld le tax' I now for s, road v si i t-> he eot.i pleted a hall gfnc mti>»r : • i> hern e . utter many of tic ni !wv•• pu .vd -•n.1 to the e realm-. \ i • • the pa; n we have heard or i eutirr of gold or p od intention-. Over olio million efti. ens of North : Carolina were reached m various j meetings and extension schools held i by workers of the agricultural ex tension rerviee ol State college in 1928 DR. H. C. DIXON Office Over Wool worth's. TELEPHONE 195 QUEEN CITY COACH LINES FOK. ASHEVILLE, CHARLOTTE, WILMINGTON FAYETTEVILLE. FOR ASHEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—3:45 a. m.; 11:1-1 a. m.; t :45 p. m.; 0:45 p. nr.: 1:45 p. nv.: 8:45 p. ni. FOR CHARLOTTE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—7:50 a. m.; 10:50 a. m.; 12:50 p. in.; 2:50 p. m.; 4:50 p. m.; 6:50 p. nv; 8:50 p. ni. FOR WILMINGTON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—10:50 a. m.; 2:50 p. m. FOR FAYETTEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHEL11V:—7:5') :;. m.: 10:50 a. m.; 2:50 p. m. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION — PHONE 450 QUEEN CITY COACH COMPANY MORE CASH for Poultry Car will be in Shelby (Seaboard Depot) Next WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10th. PRICES: — Hcavy Hens.. 27he Leghorn Hens . 27 2 c Colored Broilers . . ..... 42c Leghorn Broilers ..42c Cocks..’........ 16c Turkeys .. 31c This car will be bought by the EAGLE POULTRY COMPANY of Philadelphia. •$*# ▼ US’* County A"cnt Give your Order to any Telephone ’worker ^ r ^ r Urs easy to hi AC tele phone service in sour horn**. And it is not necessary to visit the Business Ofiice to ar range for the installation Any telephone worker —operator, line* man, or clerk —will quote rates, give you detailed information about the service, They will be glad to take your order, loo. Remember that telephone service costs only a few cents a day; a email sum compared to the benefits it returns. SOUTHERN BEIL TELEPHONE AftD TELEGRAPH COiu PAN V Air Mail Connection For Shelby Secured !•(!•! , lcuvuii. f'lvlhy Oil the '..O'.. W.e t-.Uigti.ii, Haltimore, I'lnIaO' I;>itin aairt New Yoik should ‘ post'd ni turn: lor the local 61 ice to dispatch on tile b\2S p tn • i n il. t ni\ nattl :t aches New I tip tollmen);; lll TIli.ltg at ; 'in o clock. Ho«l ArtMs In Philadelphia Assert Otto Kahn I Utterly \V rung. Philadelphia Otto H Kahn lias iked some artists again. This time is chief patron of the arts in this country, by solemnly pronouncing 'hat: "An unhappy love affair it es sential to the deepening of feeling necessary to the success of the ar tist.'' Students at the Academy of the Fine Arts, victims of only the hap py variety as yet scornfully de nounced the truth of the assertion Even graduates who have had time to be sensitized by the pang: ot unrequited love expressed dissent, from the dictum. One lone student agreed with Mr. Kalin, fcihe was Miss Florence Can non. 1 don't think any one will ever have much to give until he has suffered,"' she said. "It is overcom ing of that suffering that brings the development of success.'' Mr. Morris Panconst in charge of the. gallery at the academy, de clared: "Mr. Kahn is wrong Nearly everybody has hnd unhappy love affairs,” but nearly everybody Is not artistically creative. It all depends upon how you use your intelligence to govern those aroused emotions of suffering." Jack Moran, another student, announced: "It 'being unhappily in love) hasn't helped me a bit. ' Miss Nancy James, another stu dent, grew specific. She said Mr. Kalin was a layman, so far as art Is concerned. “An they daymen) think we arc r lot of long-hatred, wild-eyed neu rotics,’’ she said. "And it isn't the neurotic who Is the artist, but the calm, normal .person who really really creates, whether Ins calm be due to lack of storm or it - after math." The next dissenter from Mr. Kahn was a graduate, Ororplana Brown Harbeson. a nationally known woman "Entirely too much stress Is laid on the Importance ol unhappiness to (lie artist," she said, "Only through the happy state of mind can you find the overflow of the soul nec essary to create. To love fully mid happily is to be stimulated to erca* tioft with great force. The hard boiled artist, of whom Mr. Kahn speaks, is. creating nothing. Unre quited love leads to morbidness.” Mr. Larry riummenthal declared pointblnuk he did not believe Mr. Kahn could have made such a statement. It was unnecessary to impose this qnaltficjatkn because everybody felt the pangs' of unre quited love, he said. "The tragedies begin their march from the age of 6 or ^ in males and 1 to 3 in females,'' lie declared "Authorities differ I have had from 4,000. to 17 000 ol there experiences. I still ant not an art;:'. Maybe I haven't come across the right brand of unre quited lovr .1 continue undlsconr ar.rci. Maybe 111 find th.* right kind ancl bingo! l shall be a great ar ’'.giit Work In Mill* Tlx Ma'.xn !•' appear, from a recent f-udy by '.be pepaf.tmcr.; of Commerce that the tugli* work and -overtime' em ployment- cf worker;, in cotton nulla it.-harmful not only,to the health of *he worrer, but aif-o to the well being of the industry itself. Night " >Tk lit the mills, the study reveals, u unnecessary to supply the normal demand for cot-on poods During flu- ot the last seven years, in fret, ’he 37,000.000 spindles could easi'v ha c done the necessary work in a single shift per day—and e- en then 000,000 spindles would have berni ’die Only is ice in the past seven ; cars ha; there been a sufficient demand to v, arrant overtime oper , ticn of ousting facilities. With i these facts to neatly apd aecommo ! dssingly presented. one might un • -?:ne that the textile mmufactur-. ers would quickly and voluntarily , abandon night work to avoid over production, but thus far competitive j ,’ealousy hss interfered Af the 1923 i manual convention of southern cotton manufacturers m Richmond the president denounced night work j in strong language and his utter ances were echoed by the Southern [press. Since then the south ha sbe ieeme sufficiently aroused so that j State legislatures riv prescribe by flew whrt the roimif-c urerr ire * foo divided to ecomplish. * EXPECT HOOVER 10 HE JOB HI Promising To Chan I'p Southern Patronage l.asirr Than Doing Jolt. Washington, D. O.—While it. is timm'sally conceded that President Hoover's promise to put the Hep-ib* i'.eari party on a new basis of re* spro ability in the south is a po ll; lull development of first Import ance, It set ms to be the considered Judgment of the more practically inmded: public men that making good on the promise is going to be Hie difficult part of tile program, l-’or that reason, their disposition is lo withhold prediction., concerning the ultimate success of the new president's altnus'ic plans for his party within the confines of Dixie. li i., accepted that the great ob jective is to build up a party in the Southern states that will genuinely compete with the old Democratic party for all public offices, local, state and national. The purpose, it is accepted, is not merely that of ending criticism oi the Republican national leadership in the matter of distribution of feci - eral patronage in southern states If1 thr- limited objection were all in the mind ol the president, it. is ad liu11. c! Ilia! his ; 'atrmcnt. jilus a program of filling federal offices in tin sotith with u desirable type of appointees, might accomplish it. What politicians foresee as the .liflicuH part of the Hoover pro gram—t hat of building the respee live Republican organizations in Southern states info aggressive competitors with the Democrat', all along the line—is that of local leadership and direction. The read er can visualize for himself the situation in his own Southern com munity, where, • In most cases at the present time, the Republican cause is in the hands of men who do not nppeal to tlie better cle ment of citizenship and could not recruit much following from that element, which usually is strongly Democratic. It is contended that even if Mr. Hoover accomplishes the retire ment of undesirable local leaders and substitutes a better class of men, the latter would face the hard task of w inning recruits among Democrats, who, in local matter? and usually in state elections, vote the ticket of the traditional South ern party, even though they are ac quiring the habit of breaking away in national elections Surface signs point to a poltcy of Democratic ridicule, tn public speeches and comment, on the Hoo \rr program for the South Sena tors and representatives from south ern state:- who have discussed the White House statement all seek to minimize it. Most of them hark back to the last national campaign when Republican money found its way into the hands of colored lead ers in the South for the corralling of negro delegates to the national convention pledged to Mr. Hoover They contrast what happened then with what Mr. Hoover Is now an nouncing as a clcan-up policy In Southern Republicanism. These critics take issue with the president in his statement that his administration and party are not sectional. They point to the fact that two cabinet places went to citizens of a single Pennsylvania city—Pittsburgh—while none was allotted to the fourteen southern states, with a population of about 40.000.000 It is the impression of some well posted observers 1hat the new Hoo \er policy was largely the result ot nd'lce given the president by Col Horace A Mann, of Tennessee; manager for Hoover in the south In »he presidential campaign Mann advised the substitution of men m federal offices in the south who would not be objectionable to the people with whom they came in contact National Chairman Work did not lavor a scheme of reor ganisation which would be resented by the colored voters. He tears that ditching colored office holders in the south will find unfavorably in fluence on the colored vote in such states as Ohio, where it is a large factor in elec*Ions. Try Star Wants Ads. *■' - BILLIARDS Cleveland Cigar Store Hntrl Charles Bid*, Comer Trad*' and W. Warren Sis. Announcement Dr. F. Bobo Scruggs Wish es to announce that he has located in Shelby for gener al practice of medicine. Offices on Marion St. Office Hours 9:30 a. m. to 12 Noon, 2 to 4:30 p. m. Office Telephone 545 — i Residence, Hotel Charles. Lefr-Bandeciness Is Indicated By The Curl Of Hair j;r v- Haven, Conn — Left-handed- I in i found to correspond to a j tendency o) the hair of the head'• to grow in left curling whorls in a i j.rh on twins lor the American; f. ugentes Society The oh eivatiort i*f bared tipon j studies of similarities in 15 pairs] of twins by Laura V Bliss and j Henry F. Perkins. These twins all] were ■"identical," that is, born in j the same membranes. ■'There is. a marked correspond-; enee." says the report, between] the direction ot the hair w horl and I right-handedness or left-handed-] ness. In every case in which It ! was possible to determine whether! the hair on the crown grows in a! right-handed u. c clockwiset spiral j it', was .found that the person was j more or less strongly right-handed. | and if the whorl was counter clock-I wise the person was left-handed A new set. of objects was de vised for the determination of right-handedness or left-handed-! ness, and in no individual studied! was there found to be any ditficul-*] ty in determining which was the, hand that naturally predominates in use. "The twins were more likely to be both right-handed or both left handed than one right-handed and the other left-handed.'' The investigators found that these t wins Were alike lit what is known as parallel imagining. That is, the right ear of dolin'was more often move nearly matched by his; twin brothrr dames’ right car than by his own left ear. In general they found the right side of an identical twin more nearly match ed by his twin's right side than by hts own left Further, these twins showed less synunertry between their own right and left sides than do other per sons. His Glass Eye Gets Him Out Of Toll Tax Charlotte News. The Mecklenburg board of coun ty commissioners yesterday thought that J. VV Brown, of Huntersville, was trying to pay an April Fool joke on it. ‘T want to get exempted from poll taxes," Mr. Brown stated when he had gained the floor. "On what grounds, Mr. Brown." Chairman R. Neal Hood asked. The board members looked up at Mr. Brown. Mr Brown smiled amiably and his eyes—both of them , — seemed to twinkle. , "I have only one eye, Mr. Brown ■ said. "Ah," said the board in unison, in the manner of those who arc the victims of .a joke I "Yes. but its true," Mr. Brown insisted. "Sec here." He made a pass or two before hts : face with a handkerchief, and he laid an object on the table It was a glass eye. He got the exemption. Ella Grlsten, 17, of Chicago, was fined $50 for locking out her em ployer. Mrs. J. C. Shale, and smash : ing all the crockery in the house. Have Your Eyes Examined Regularlv DRS. H. D. & R. L. WILSON OPTOMETRISTS Office Over Paul Webb A Son's Drug Store. SICK STOMACH First Trial of Black-Drsuglit Convincing, Says Lady, Who Escaped Suffering By Taking It Jackson. Miss—"My first wcperf ence with Black-Draught convinced me that It was a good medicine.’* says Mrs. Ida Kerch, 311 South Con gress Street, this city, who says she has taken Black-Draught lor years "My trouble,” writes Mrs Kersb. "was tick headache which seemed to be caused by constipation. ' used to have a thick, slimy taste In my mouth, and such a tired, bad feeling, This would be followed by headache and sick stomach. I would have to stop my work and go to bed, •' J read about Black-Draught and decided to try it. I found that by taking the Black-Draught in time, i could ward olf these sick spell;'. "And so for the-last twenty years, when I feel the least bit bad, I take Black-Draught and feel that it has saved me much pain and sickness.'' Constipation dams up poisons in the bowels, where they are absorbed into the general system, causing many serious symptoms. Thousands of letters of praise from users of Thedford’s Black Draught, on file at the laboratories where Black-Draught Is made, tes tify to the high esteem In which it Is held for the relief of constl patlon and attendant Ills. yc-201 SHMSSHE ln' and road north 66 degrees cast 98' poles, crossing public road, to a black oak, now down, P. H. Wat terson’s and Collin's comer; thenci with Collin's line south 71 degree east, 38 poles to Gamble's corner on Collin's line; thence with Gamble line south 42"t degrees west It poles to a stake at the road. Gam hies corner and comer of lot No 3; thence with line of lot No. 3 south 52’i degrees west 75’1- pole to a stake, corner of lots Nos. 2 and 3. thence with line ol lot No. . south 60 degrees west 80 poles t> the begummg, containing 62 acre.' more or less. This the 23rd dav of March ,192!' OHICAMAUOA TRUST COM PANY, Trustee. Newton & Newton, Attorneys foi Trustee. WMI SATISFACTION! There is more to a “Caterpillar" than its great POWER and TRACTION. It produces VALUE RECEIVED by enabling you to realize profits from its work. “CATERPILLAR” TRACTORS Implements And Equipment LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE MR. A. E. FINLEY, HOTEL CHARLES — SHELBY, N. C. Anderson Tractor & Equipment Co. B1LTMORE, N. C. Special Offer for seven days only We are prepared to make a sped#! offer to all who buy Frigidaire dttfi i ng ou r 7*day demonstration. Let 09, tell you about this offer. Let ns giv# you the surprisingly low prices! Let us tell you about the General Motors liberal payment plant Come in tomorrow or at your firs# opportunity. We will be open evefi^ logs until ten o’clock all this week* Tuesday we start a ' special -j-day demonstration of the new Frieidaire Cold Control Delicious frozen desserts will be served. Valuable books will be given away.* You will have an oppor lunity to operate the new "Cold Control”. . . to see exactly what it does and how it does it. And in addition to all this, the most sensational electric refrigerators ever announced will be on display. Will you be our guest? Arey Refrigerating Co. Shelby, N. C, Phone 28b,