Pair That Broke Broadway Of Its “Love And Dove” Habit Larry Hart And Dirk Rogers Were Boys Four Years Ago But It l'lays And They’re Grown. (By Percy N Slone. In New York j Herald-Tribune.) It is less than four years since Larry Hart and Dick Rogers step- | ped bashfully into the Broadway i limelight with their musical con- I tributions to the original “Garrick Gaieties." They slithered it an op portune time. The ingenuousness ol their tunes and their lyrics caught a theatrical public at its hcart — Dr. Charlie H. Ilarrill — — Dentist — Office in Judge Webb Bldg. Over Stephenson Drug Co. Office Phone 530, Residence 030 SHELBY, N. C. TORTURING PAINS j Ceredo Lady Tell* How She Wa* Unable To Find Any* thin; to Relieve Them Until She Took Cardoi. Ceredo, W. Va.—In telling how she was benefited by taking Cardul, Mrs. Perlie Yelkey, of this place, says: “At one time, I had a very serious ■pell which left me weak. At times, I would suffer such intense pains across my back and in my side that X could hardly stand it. “I endured this over and over again. Every time the pains were worse than before. “I was In despair because nothing helped me. I tried several reme dies, but I continued to suffer. “One day, I read about Cardul. Other women told how they had gotten strong and well after taking It. I have often been thankful for that day, for after I had taken Car dul for awhile, I felt like a different human being. “It did not seem possible, but I did not suffer the old, torturing pains, and I really felt well. I can heartily recommend Cardul. for I know bow much I improved after I took It. Since then, I have taken It several times when I have needed a tonic, and I have always been benefited. It Is a wonderful help." All good druggists sell Cardul. Tty it for your troubles. NC-196 1RPM SPECIAL EXCURSION FARES TO ATLANTA, GA. BIRMINGHAM, ALA. CHATTANOOGA, TENN. VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM FRIDAY, APRIL 12. 1929. ROUND-TRIP FARES FROM: SHELBY. N. C. TO ATLANTA, GA...$6.50 BIRMINGHAM. ALA. ... $8.50 CHATTANOOGA, TENN.. S8.50 Tickets on sale April 12th final limit good to reach original starting point prior to midnight Atlanta April 16th, Birmingham and Chattanooga April 17th. Tickets good on all regular trains both directions (except Crescent Limited.) Fine opportunity to visit these three great Southern Cities. Round-trip fares on sale from all other Southern Railway Points North and South Caro lina. For detail information call on any Southern Railway Agent. R. H. GRAHAM. Division Passenger Agent, CHARLOTTE, N. C. strings and the two boys were made. Today, ot course, they are boys no longer. One can't keep salting away huge royalties and preserve tlie post-adolescent wonderment at the changing tastes of public that demands entertainment. But in those happy days they were as thor oughly as tlie deliciously natural cast that the Guild, cross ing its lingers and holding its breath, shoved to the stage of the Garrick theatre. Now. as "Spring is Here" plays at the Alvin theater to mark the 14th score and lyrics for this compan ionable team, one can realize the mlluence ot that modest but start ling beginning at the Garrick. Into a musical atmosphere where "love" had to balance off with “moon" there came a pair of music writers who had the temerity to try two two-syllable rhymes. Of course, it had been done be fore. Everything had. But youngsters dug into the past and brought forth an idea that seemed orlgmal, so firmly had tlie tradi tion of "love" and "dove" establish- , ed itself in the Broadway music shops. The influence of that radical courage is plain to any one who listens to the pseudo-songsters warble their stuff along Broadway today. In almost every score in town there is an occasional at tempt, not always successful, to pair off a couple of multi-syllable words. It's rather funny, when one looks back at that first. "Garrick Gaieties,'’ because the show was ex pected to flop, and the music was tolerated only because it seemed to have the freshness of the debu tantes who del. .Uely showed a bit more thigh than the short skirts current at that time. Nobody held out any hopes for those first, songs of a now famous team, any more than the Guild held out hopes for tlie girls and boys who made up the cast. Yet just as many of that first timid corps are now important figures in Broadway's musical comedy world, so the Rogers and Hart team is in constant demand. Fourteen musical scores in four years .because a gamble—a twenty to-one shot—clicked! It is a bit remarkable And it raises the ques tion as to how it is done. The ques tion calls for an answer because so many of those 14 have been suc cesses. With radio orchestras dis interring "Manhattan," “The Girl Friend" and "Thou Grand" so oft en, Rogers and Hart demand expla nation. and those three songs are but a few of many that still linger about, though the shows have clos ed, as all shows have to do. The two have no set routine. Sometimes Rogers feels a melody tickling within him and he jots it 4 Dr. D. M. Morrison OPTOMETRIST. Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted And Repaired. Loeated In Webb Building. Down Stairs Next To Hanes Shoe Store. Telephone 585. Shelby, N. C. \ou \ e had him long enough -IMOW I WANT HIM r ‘J'HE girl suddenly faced her hostess. “I cin't stand it any longer,” she cried—“all this sneaking and lying and deception. Dan and I love each other. He's been your husband long enough. Now I want him'" The older woman, deathly pale, turned to her husband. “She’s right,” he said. “There's no use trying to hide it anv longer. You are my wife, Jean, and I love you as a companion. But I love Marisc—the other way.” • a • • sirenic lure of a girl whose kisses muse prove as deadly as a viper's sting! What had she, his wife, to offer against the lure of soft, red lips, against the seduc tiveness and passion of youth? What should she do3 • • • • This woman's story is the most sensa tional real-ltfe revelation ever published in True Story Magazine. Critics say that if her experience were published in novel form, it would be a best seller over night. Unquestionably, her amaz ing disclosure will create widespread discussion. Don't fail to read “Inside ww inis was iili i ward for sacrificing the best years of her life to her home ind family. First her soo, then her daughter eager for new sensations —were swept headlong to disaster by the modern tide of jazz. And new ha husband yields to the May J Partial Contents V, for May TwoWomin Wanted Him Marriage Cheaters Young Sinners The Devil in Mjr Soul I Wanted a Husband Though Ali the World Condemn Out of My Life’s Wreckage 7 other storits[ tne soul ot One W oman in May True Story Maga zine. Get it at your newsstand—today. -* Turn in an the True Story Hour broadcast every Friday ni^ht tier IVOR and the Columbia Chain. Consult Your Paper jor Exact Turn. Out Now! True Story . At All New88tand8'-onIy 25c down. When that l,s polished off it is up to Hart to make his words tit, Or, it may be, Hart's mind in buzzing w ith an irresistible rhyme, I and when he has completed that, then Rogers must make his notes tit the words. And if, now and then the rhymes seem a bit toned, re member that they have been at it for only four years. The songs are not always, written after the book lor the musical com edy is turned Over to them. Alter, all, there are seldom unusual situa tions m musical comedies that can not be met by stereotyped senti ments set to music i the much beloved but short-lived "Rainbow" being an exception >, so it Rogers and Hart have .one on tap when the book arrives it is easy to fit it in. Now and then the book is altered to fit a song that seems certain of success and the canny an thor i.s always cage rto help, for. a successful song means a lot to him. Rogers keeps a notebook and into it he jots down any bits of melody that catch him as he taxi home In between shows tie may collect a few dozens of these suggestions, so, that wliep an impatient manager j says, ‘Here's the book; let's have, the music." it's a inch for him to ; turn it all out in the two to four , weeks permitted him. The willingness of the bookmaker of ‘‘Spring Is Here” to cooperate with the songsters i.s illustrated m the love song that takes the form of a letter and is called "Yours, Sincerely." That was written a long time go. It is catching ns to words and tune, so seemed to belong in a show. But the book did not call for Glenn Hunter to present his suit ; in that form. Rogers end Hart showed the song, the book was doctored, and if the show has any long run that letter song will have j much to do with it. This pair has no hallucination that they are a new Gilbert and Sullivan combination, but they have : been forced to know that they are j exerting an influence over Broad- { way because they have seen their songs imitated and they have been 1 in constant demand since those first charming songs of theirs caught the public car. They don't think, either, that, they are as good as they are! revenue keeps coming in (and it shows no sign of falling off' that some day they may attempt a work more serious than any they have done. That will mark an attempt to [step into the boots of the older ;team. They know today that they ,are incapable of filling those boots, but they feel, that they have made progress. The people who patronize the musical shows should feel grateful to this pair. They have written songs that were pretty bad. its true, but the songs that have gone over big have gone over so big that all the rest of the street copied their style. That's something A couple of boys they were four years ago. Fourteen plays and they | are grown up. Fourteen more, if ! tfie love of money doesn't get them, 'and they’ll be doing something far [better than they have done as yet. They may be losing the freshness of the first “Gaieties." but they are getting confidence that will cither make or break them. High School Girls Duck Marshal Under Pump For Interfering Mountain Grove, Me.—Things never will be the same with C. J. ! Hinkle .town marshal of. Mountain [ Grove. I The marshal's new blue uniform I never will be as well fitted and his ! star may never have the same bright luster—for two dozen high school girls recently concluded the process of putting the. marshal "in his place" by holding him under the town pump while streams of verj wet water poured upon him. The marshal was trying to quell a near riot when the senior and sophomore girls of the Mountain Grove high school waded into the annual class fight with Hie junior and freshman girls. Marshal Hinkle, recently elected and very proud of his uniform and star and seriously bent on main taining peace at any cost, hastened to the campus to bring order out of chaos. But the young women would have none of his peace-making ef fort. Instead, the two hostice forces quickly became allies and the mar shal was seized and dragged across the school yard to the tow'n pump There, while he struggled in vain, he was given a cold bath—uniform and star and all. It was not until a fire alarm was turned in and Mayor C. H. Duvall and Fire Chief Otis Sherrill drove n hose wagon to the scene and hitched up the hose and turned a stream upon the young women that the marshal was rescued from un der the pump But the marshal is not a bad fel low at heart. He forgave the girls— after having the new uniform clean ed and pressed. Keep ’Km Afloat. New York—In an effort to reduce America’s annual toll of 6,000 lives from drownings, the International Association of Professional Swim mers would set aside a week in June for lree instruction in swim ming at public beaches and pools t Star Advertising Pays Say, Listen- Take A Swig Instead Of A Sweet; The Latest "Reaeh For Bottle Instead Of Sweet" Is Latest Blow To Candy Men. i N Y. World. ' Reach for a bottle instead of .1 sweet!" Has tins become the slogan of the American people, tobacco companies to the 'contrary riotwitlist undtng? is the bootlegger gradually extract-j mg the sweet tooth of the nation.! Vis was insinuated Thursday by j George 1 Loft, who with Ills lath- i er. George W Lott, lost control of I the Loft candy company at a stock- | holders’ meeting? Opinion is divided In the candy industry on the adverse effect of , the demon rum on business, nl- ; though the consensus seems to be that business generally was not what it might be Maurice Fieux, president of Run kel Bros . agreed with Mr Loft ’“Sure it's hurting Hie business." lie said. “By the time people get j. thrpiigh paying bootleg prices for! their liquor they haven't got any ' money left to buy candy with. Be- | sides, people can't eat candy and drink cocktails at the same time At least it Isn’t usually done " Mr Fieux said he believed the! wide increase of smoking had prob ably cut down the sale’s of candy! to n certain extent because smoking dulled people's taste for food ot ! any sort He pointed out that most commercial tea tasters ere forbid den to smoke by their employers. "I don't think it makes any dif fer! nee." said J F. Cronin, general manager of the Fanny Farmer stores in New York. "Our stores in Montreal and Toronto are two o! our best, as far ns volume of busi ness is concerned, I don't know j what deduction can be drawn from : that. If all depends upon whether you think people drink more in Canada or in the United States" Herman Helde, president of Her man H’eide, Ine., confectioners, re fused to be drawn into the discus sion, but confined himself to the assertion that "business in the candy industry is not good." Robert H. F.llinger. vice president j of Huyler's, had this to say: I "Drinking of alcoholic liquors | might curtail the eating of candy \ to the extent that sugar turns into ' alcohol and it may be that the j same craving is responsible to a certain degree for the consumption of both. I think, however, that cig aret smoking takes away a greater number of potential candy eaters Women have always eaten more NOTICK OF RESALE OF LAND. Under an order of the superior court of Cleveland county, N. C made in special proceeding entitled Alice Newton, et at vs. Cohen Hor ton and Edward Horton, minors, the undersigned commissioner will offer for tesalc at the court house door in Shelby, N. C. at public auc tion, to the highest bidder at 12 M. on April 16, 1929, the following de scribed tract of land lying m No. 8 township, Cleveland county. N.' C and known as the E. Plato Horton home plare: Beginning on a stone. Towerv's corner, and runs thence N. 55 W. 55 poles to a stake at the branch, formerly a gum: thence down the branch as it. meanders N. 53 E. 19 poles to a maple; thence N. 30 W. 9 poles to a post oak; thence N. 88 E 23 poles to a hickory; thcncc N. 30 F 52 poles to a rock pile; thence S. 80 W. 71 poles to a Chestnut; thence S. 40 W. 41 1-6 poles to a rock pile; thence S.53 W 33 , poles to a stone in the road; thence S 43 E. 24 poles to a stone; thence S 14 E. 43 poles to a stone; thence S. 61 W, 28 poles to a stone; thence S. 45 W. 23 poles to a stone; thcncc S. 28 W. 42 poles to a stone; thence S. 3 W. 62 poles to the center of the river; thence down the river as it meanders N. 60 E. 94 poles to the mouth of Powell’s branch; thence up the branch as it meanders N. 15 E 84 poles to a white oak stump on the left hand prong; thence N, 42 E. 42 poles to a stump by the road; thence N. 21 E, 22 poles to the be ginning, containing 128 acres, more or less. Terms of sale: one-third cash balance in one and two years from date of sale. Bid starts at $5260.50, This the 1st day of April. 1929 J. C. NEWTON, Commissioner Newton Newton. Attys. T. W. Ebeltoft Grocer and Book Phone — 82 | Seller -———M " > DAN FRAZIER Civil Engineer And Surveyor Farm Surveys, Sub-divis ions, Plats and General Engineering Practice. - Phone 417 - - randy Uiy.n men and mm women smoke everywhere, when as a i,tii rrution ago there were very few plaees where they were permitted to and very few of them did. "Huyler's has had a vary good year, but I have heard complaints in Hie Industry that business was dull. This is probably due to the fact that there are too many candy manufacture! m the business, which lias been in an uniset tied state ever since so many people rushed Into ;■ with the arrival of prohibition; thinking that the vol ume ol consumption was going to soar wildly "It is ai o true that as long as it is Hie ambition of a woman to be as thin as possible they are not go ing to r-tlift themselves with candy, winch, taken m sufficient quanti ties is fattening, like a great many other foods What Mr holt aid Thursday was: "There Isn't any money in candy making' ativ more It used to be that you'd go into somebody's liome and they would bring out a box of candy. Now they ofily have a bottle.” Glycerine Mixture Stops Constipation The simple mixture of glycerine buckthorn bark, saline, etc. (Adler ikai acts on BOTH upper and low er bowel and relieves constipation in TWO lumrs' Brings out. old waste matter yoii never thought, was In your system Don't waste time with pills or remedies which clean only PART of the bowels, but let Adler Ika give stomach and bowels a REAL cleaning and see how good you feel Paul Webb Pharmacy. 1! seems tlml papers will punt j .ome funity thin,: \ California paper says the following: "Mr.) Hiimor disc ust the dam puostion , with Chairman Smith of the Moure) irritation and reclamation commit-) ^___i NOTH l: Ol SALK OK I,AM) Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred by deed of trust ! by H C Ponder and wife. Kath leen Ponder, to tire First National! Hank ot Durham, N. C, Trustee ! dated April 1st, iyiiii. and recorded In Book No 150. page 181, Cleve land county registry, the First Na tional Hank ol Durham, North Carolina, will on April 20th. 1028, At 12:00 O'clock 1>I. ut the Court Mouse In Cleveland j couni v, sell at public auction for cast) to the highest, bidder tlie fol lowing described property: Beginning on a stake on the East j side ot Second street, Northwest corner of Lot No 84 and runs North 84 1-2 Fast 150 feet to a stake m Beams line; thence with tits line North 5 1-2 West. 100 feet to a.|| stake; thence South 84 1-2 West , 150 feet to a stake on Fast side of - Second street; thence South 5 1-2 East lot) feet to the beginning Being Lots Nos. 90. 81. 92 and 93. shown by plat recorded ui Hook ol Plats No. 1 at page 82 in the of-1 fice of Register of Deeds of Cleve land county. North Carolina, ref-j ct-cnce tf> which plats Is hereby j made for further Identification and description of said lots This sale is made oil account of default in the payment ot the in- I debtedness secured by the said deed of trust. Tills titli dav of March, 1929, FIRST NATIONAL HANK OF DURHAM, North Caro lina. Trustee. W. S. Lockhart, Attorney, Durham, N. C. < O.enrgr WiiidUngtnn cl Akron, O , In cil up to I hi traditions ot i 1 lu.'. trintr- immc stke when arraigned in police court, .say.Uv. ‘1 had a kittle v.• drunk, and M’nitrhCd the guy up a little " The jitdi'c said "For bring truthful when •there is no evidence iigainst you 1 11 fine you (inly $10 and cost PAIH REACH BEAUTIES sjaiv vie LEMON CLEAINSINO CREAM cNaturtCway to Uauh) \ v MlttY A i; SONs. Shrltiv, N ( . — FLOWERS-j Corsages, Bouquets and ( Funeral Designs a Special- j tv. Complete line of Cut 5j Flowers. t SHELBY FLOWER j SHOP — phone r,so — “Say It With Flowers”—< The Gift Supreme. Dr. C. M. Peeler —DENTIST— Offics Over Woolworth Residence Phone 4fiO-W Office Phone 99-W I Peyton McSwain Attorney-at-Law Civil and Criminal Practice In, All Courts Office pinion Trns&ipo. ^Building m v.. J> e1,1,1 .....h REAL ESTATE Farms And Town Property. W. A. Broadway Royster Bldg., Shelby, N. C. Office Phone 775. Residence Phone 471. v- - * * ' ... ■ BILLIARDS — Shelby Cigar & Hilliard Parlor. Webb lb-os.’ Building, Cor ner South LaFayette St. & Graham St. Robinson. & Long’s Old Stand. CARL PUTNAM & JIM ELLIOTT, Props. my STUB WIT ADS TH E BIG SWING/s/0 I Tear the radio program *f tfu Hudson-Fssex Challengers' ’ every Friday evening It Challenges Your Interest in These Important Ways Easy to Buy For Instance, the Coach $285.00 Down, and monthly Payments < $51.70 Your present car will probably cover the entire first Payment. The II. M. C. Purchase Plan Offers the lowest available finance terms on the balance. Easy to Ou/n On our own street*, here in Shelby, Essex the Challenger, under competent obser vation, averaged 22 mi per gal. The aver age owner in this city can expect 18 to 20 miles and upward. Hundreds of records all over the country during “Challenger Week’* prove Essex economy. Commercial users operating large fleets of Essex cars say that service and maintenance costs, covering millions of miles of operation, are lowest of any car they ever tested. Essex the Challenger sweeps aside the barriers of price class. It challenges the performance, the style, the luxurious roomy com fort of any car at any price, on the basis that no other gives you back so much for every dollar you put in. That is why the big buying swing is to Essex. That is why motorists by thousands are switching from past favorites, and trading in their present cars for the big values Essex the Challenger gives <»