SOCIETY News MISS MAYME ROBERTS—Social Editor—Phone 256. News Items Telephoned Miss Roberts Will Be Appreciated. P. T. A. Meeting. The P. T A of Marion street school will meet Wednesday after noon at 3 o'clock. Little Jimmy Taylor Has Birthday. Jimmy Taylor, son of Mrs. E. Y Webb, celebrated his ninth birth day Saturday by giving his neigh borhood friends a theatre party aft er which they were invited to Quinns drug store where delicious refreshments were served. V. I>. c. Meeting. The United Daughters oi the Confederacy will meet, at the club room Tuesday afternoon at 3 30 o'clock. Mrs. II. T Hudson, chair man of hostess ■ committee All members are urged to bring dues for soldiers dinner. lecture And Pictures. All the ladles nee cordially invited to the club room Thun day after noon at 3 o'clock to hear the lec ture oil flower gardens and home beautification and sec the stereop tlcon views which is being sponsor ed by the garden division of the Woman's club. There will be no charges. Oinner Party. Miss Nora Cornwell was hostess at a lovely dinner party yesterday at her home on Grover street.. The dining room was beautifully deco rated with white lilacs and other spring flowers. A.n elegant four course dimmer was served The out of town guests were: Misses Helen Durham and Leila Friday, of Dal las, Miss Nettie Mitchell Of Ham burg, S. C.. Miss Elizabeth Ander son of Great Falls and Miss Mar garet Smith, of Landrum, S C. Dovcr-Lovclace Wedding. Miss Mollie Lovelace and Mr. George Dover were quietly married Thursday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock at the home of Rev. I. D. Hnrrill at Latttmore, Rev. Harrlll performing the ceremony in live presenreo of only a few close friends Mrs. Dover wore a blue georgette dress with hat and accessories to match. Mr. and Mrs. Dover are at home oat W. Warren street. Mrs. Dover is the daughter of Mrs. Annie Bridges of this city. Social Items On This Weeks Calendar. The outstanding social event of the week will be the tea given by Mrs. Pitt Beam Wednesday after noon at the club room from 3:30 to 5:30 o'clock honoring the Cecelia Music club. Thursday 4:00 p nv -The after* noon division No. 2 of the Woman's club will meet at the club room. Mrs. W. C. Harris, chairman of hostess committee. Thursday 8 p m -The evening division of the Woman's club will meet with Mrs. Boyce Dellinger and Miss Etta lie Moses. Friday—The members of the U. D. C. are urged to attend the dis trict meeting at Llncolnton. Saturday 4 p. m.—Th" Chicora club will meet with Mrs. J. F. Jcn fcjjjsat her home on S. Washington Junior And Senior Party. The junior class of Bclwood high school entertained the seniors with a party at the home of a Junior member, Miss Rosemary Peeler, Thursday evening. The rooms were beautifully decorated with the sen ior colors of green and white The callers were welcomed at the front door by Miss Mary Ledford and Mr Carl Willis. Roy Carpenter had charge of the games and entertain ment. After a number of exciting gam es, the juniors sang several songs to the seniors and their instructor. Miss Annie Mae Lackey. The sen iors responded with songs to the juniors end their instructor, Miss Rachel Bobbitt. Refreshments, consisting of punch cake and fruits were served by Miss es Rosemary and Dorothy Peeler, Helen Sain and Ruth Greene. Toasts were given to the high school faculty, the seniors and their president. Attractive lavors were presented each guest. Every one went home feeling happy and gay. Library Board Meet. The executive board of the Shel by library met at 2:30 o'clock Sat urday afternoon at the home of the chairman. Mrs. Madge W. Kilcy on 8. Washington street. Twelve members were present. Miss Mur chison, the librarian, gave a report of the work she had done since taking charge. The treasurer. Mrs Hugh Mauney gave the financial report. Other reports were giver, on the improvements that hav# been made. It was decided to make a drive next week for funds and books. After the business Mrs. Riley in vited tho ladies into the dining room which was arranged with spring flowers, and a delicious ice course with homemade candies whs served | Mrs. O. M. Siiltle | Honors Mrs. Wiseman. Mrs. O. M. Suttie honored Mrs. | II A Wiseman, sr, who has been .spending t lie winter with her daughter' Mesdames Lee B Weath ers mid H E. Kendall with a de- j Ilglitful neigliborliood party Satur day afternoon at her home oil North LaFayette street. rIiie ladies spent Uie time in sew j itig and chatting and .strolling | through Mrs. Suttle's lovely flower (garden, after which they were kn I cited into the dining room, which (was beautifully arranged with | spring flowers. The table was cen tered with a large bowl of wisteria, i flowering amnion and spirea, witli silver candle,sticks holding pink tapers on each end of the table. A delicious salad and ice course were served to the following invited! guests: Mesdames Wiseman, Rattle Blanton. K F, McKinney,' A. M 1 Hamrick. II E Kendall, and Esther: MrBrayer j Mrs. Wiseman is leaving tilts I week for her home in Danville. Va. j Mrs. .1 I!. |lull Hostess ■To Twentieth Century t lull. The Twentieth Crniury club, member v were deligiltfully cnter taiiird Friday afternoon in their' ; regular meeting by Mrs .1. It Hull at her home c.n North Lalayette street. The large hall and living' room were most inviting, being ar ranged with bright spring 1 lowers, in the business meeting, it was voted to meet twice each month in stead nf the rue meeting they have been having. The following ladies were ap pointed oil the program committee: ! Mesdames W. J. Roberts. R. j Hoey and L. M. Hull. The members ! responded to the roll call with quotations from southern writers ! The topic tor the afternoon was a study of women writers of the' south. A sketch of those who wrote "The Bennie Blue Flag." "Mary- j land. My Maryland," and "Ail . Quiet Along the Potomac Tonight," i w as read by Mrs George Moyle. \ Mrs C R Hoey gave two readings! "The Sword of Lee' and "The New | Dixie." by Marie Louise Kve At I the close of the program Mrs. Hull was assisted by Mesdames Colin Hull and \V. C Harris in serving ice cream, cake, punch and nuts Ship Boxwood Trees To New York Buyers Spencer, Shipping trees 200 years old from Rowan county to New York for ornamental pur poses is no joke with J Luther Jones, of Boonviilr. collector of old English boxwood in large quanti ties. Mr. Jones has Just loaded a car with old time boxwood now so rare as to make the variety of al most unbelievable value, going to Millionaire Row, Long Island, N. Y. One of the finest specimens seen here for many years came from the i old home place of Albert Miller in Davie county. It was in perfect health and measured 12 feet across gixl w lien placed m a box car Here wef&llfd 7,96b. The tree w as said to j bo 15tT'$Cars old and had grow n at j the old homestead of Albert Miller. It was said the tree would sell for j more than $000 in New York. Mr. Jones, w ho is giving consid- j erable time to selecting old English i boxwood for shipping, says the var- j ioty is very scarce although he | shipped 50 car loads from the C.irolinas in 1928 and an equal number in 1927. Why Do Sheriffs Change Jobs Now? Statesville Daily: Not that it's any of our business, but simply to satisfy idle curiosity, J we are asking our friends of tlie j Shelby Star to bo so good as to ex plain how come Cleveland county is inaugurating a sheriff, elected last November, the 1st of April in stead of the 1st of December, as is the general custom. I* is cheer fully admitted that it is the privi ledge of Cleveland county citizenry j to arrange their affairs to suit j themselves They have some cus toms, especially in the matter of tax 1 collections, that other counties could adopt with profit. If there is an advantage in having a sher- : iff wait four months after his elec- ■ tion before he gets on the payroll for which presumably the county of Ben Cleveland has a special dis- J pensation. the Star folks might; confer a benefit by telling about it.! A pure bred sire campaign to make Catawba county 100 per cent for blooded dairy sires began in the county on April l. At The Theatres The Princes is now advertising perfected sound performance in the theatre. According, to Zcb Beam, of Beam Brothers, the device is now so perfect in detail that the most satisfying results are obtainable. In other words, you can hear sound pictures at the Princess now with as complete satisfaction as they j can be enjoyed anywhere. The theatre is advertising a two-day1 program today Douglas MacLcan, in tils latest Paramount talkie. It is a comedy-drama, with full sound, hook up The theatre, announces! there will continuous performances \ Saturday, with the doors open specially each Monday at one, o'clock. The Webb Theatre wishes its pa- \ trons to take note of the fact that | the theatre is now open for ran-, tlnuous showing of pictures from one o'clock until eleven. In other words, the gap from five to seven o'clock, which formerly intervened; between shows, has bee r filled in j with a complete program. So that, you cao drop In at live and see a full show before the evening per- j formance starts. Mr. Webb alsoj wishes It understood that his vita phone equipment Is on the way from New York, and it is expected to be installed within a very short time. Today’s program. “Sin Town'' j a western action picture, tomorrow a Johnny Hines comedy. Cotton Market (By John F. ( lark and Co.) COTTON MART— Cotton was quoted at noon today on New York exchange: May 20.30, October 19 80 Satur day's clo.iC. May 20.44, October1 19 90. Southern weather mostly fair I yesterday. Forecast showers for all cotton states except Alabama. Llglu business In Worth street Saturday. Charlotte special says mill men dis credit general strike talk. Man chester cable .ays resumption ol cloth trading after the holidays was slow but week closed with indica tions buyers were taking more in- j terest. India Inquiry improving. Herald Tribune, Memphis, spe cial says, poisonous gnats loom as j new menace to cotton crop in Mississippi valley to their stings 1 killing mules. About 500 mules dead 1 so far in eastern Arkansas, other wise crop conditions improved. Spot sales heavy. hook for trading market with congestion in old crop months and improving statistical position off setting favorable weather. CLEVENBURG Mr*. Robert* Dies At Blacksburg, S. C. Widow Of Grorgr Roberts, A Na tive of Patterson Springs, Th's County. Gatfney Ledger Mrs Jennie Roberts, wife of the | late George Roberts, rnd considered i by many of the most original and best-loved women in Blacksburg died at her home there Tuesday morning after an illness of almost a year. _ | Mrs. Roberts was 72 vc;V.*'s eld i She was a native of Crtiwfordville. ‘ Georgia, and was before her mar- j riage to Mr Roberts, Miss Jennie Rerrc. daughter or Mr. and Mrs. j w. J, Reece. Since her marriage more than 40 years ago, she made her home in Blacksburg. Her husband, a native of Patter- j son Springs, N. C., and an engineer for the Southern Railway, was kill- ' ed in a train wreck at Central 35 j years ago. He left Mrs. Roberts with three young sons: Victor, now a doctor in Blacksburg: George, now I an office employee of the Southern Railway, and Jack, who since young manhood has been connected with business enterprises in Blacksburg, i Leopold’s Father Dies In Chicago Chicago, April 3.—Nathan F, Leo pold, si . last of three fathers. | boned under the tragedy of the' Bobby Franks kidnaping, is dead at the age of 69. A. H. Loeb, father of Bichard; Loeb, died October 27, 1924 Jacob Franks, father of the slain Bobby died April 19.1928. All three men were prominent in Chicago life up to the time that Bobby Franks was kidnaped and killed by "Dickie" Loeb and Nathan F. Lcpold, jr.. All lived in seclusion thereafter Nathan F. Leopold sr.. who died last night, had been ill for some time. Recently he underwent a major operation from which he did not rally. He was born at Eagle River. Mich, and came to Chicago as a boy of seven. From 1876 until his retirement following the trial of his son. Leopolt was en gaged in the lake transportation business. His wife died in 1921. He is survived by three sons. Fore man. Samuel and Nathan, jr. Pedigreed cotton seed of the Cleveland variety has been ordered in large lots cooperatively by grow ers in Anson county. The Cash variety of tobacco has i been adopted as the standard in Caldwell county fog kftJ Sharon Community News; Honor Roll Easter Program Is Given. Honor Koll lor the Fifth Month Of Sharon School. 'special to me si an SI.'iron, Apri (i. Although It Is getting to be busy work time the school is keeping up a very good at tendance. On last Friday evening the school children were given Easter greetings after which they enjoyed an egg hunt. A prize being given the one finding the most eggs. An Easter program was given last Friday night by several of the children, after which Supt. J. H Cirigg made a most interesting talk which was enjoyed by all. Miss Lorene Morehead spent the week-end with home folks at Earl. Misses Evelyn and Lucille Blan ton spent the holidays with Misses Helen and Johnnie Morehead. Honor Roll Fifth Month. Primer: Katherine Queen, Kath leen Jones. Helm Smith, Edith Debrew, Frances Kabb, Ralph Cook. Hazel Dean Blanton, Hazel An thony. Mildred Smith, Howard Blanton. C. B. Clary. Harrlll Glad den, James M Hamrick. First grade: Winford Deaton, Johnnie C. Smith. Iva Mae Rabb, Helen Hopper, James Dover, Claud Dover, Edwin Smith, W. R. Smith. Susie Green, James Green, Sarah Strickland, Collts Blanton, Mar garet Ree Hamrick. Second grade: Vetas Blanton Kenneth Hollifield. Minnie Rabb, Walter Rabb, Howard DeBrew, James Smith, Hugh Smith. Third grade: Lois Smith. Hugh Dover, Everette Wilson, Elsie An thony, Fourth grade: Hattie Mae Orccn, Ruth Smith, Ben Gladden, Gleam! Deaton, Ozelle Barnette, Mary Gladden, Phyrina Humphries, Fifth grade: Ruby Debrew., Cecil; Simmons, Marvin Anthony, How- . aid Hamrick. Sixth grade: Ruby Hollifield, | Stella Mae Smith, Mpzelle Wilson, j Mary Ella Dover, Lettie Humphries. Seventh grade- Dorothy Lat'ti more, Samntie Hamrick. Mitchell Dover. Music Honor Roll Miss Roberts Class The following music pupils of Miss Mary Adelaide Roberts made the music honor roll during the past month Ethel Alexander. Ellen Ford, Margaret Ford. Germaine Gold, Earle Hamrick, jr., Rebecca Hopper, Anna Betli Jones, Louise Jones, Isabel Lackey. Marjorie Lutz, Mary Margaret Mull, Nancy McGowan, Colbert MrKnight, Margaret Louis McNeely, Virginia McNeely, Ed Post, jr., Jeanette Post, Esther Atm Quinn, Cornelia Sparks, Lalage Sperling. Sarah Thompson, Jean Moore Thompson. Virginia Hunt, Mary Sue Thompson, Faye Weath ers. Pantha Weathers, Aileen Webb, Catherine Wellmon, Edith Reid Ramseur. Miss Bennie Lee O'Brien has, re turned to Shelby from a very pleas ant trip to Pinehurst and Rock ingham, where she visited relatives. Report of the Condition of THE BANK OF GROVER At Grover, North Carolina, to the Corporation Commission. At the Close of Business on the 27th day of March, 1929. Resources. Loans and discounts-$88,539.88 Overdrafts - --- 646.50 United States bonds. 100.00 Banking house . 964.55 Furniture and fixtures 1.843.13 Cash in vaults and amounts due from approved de pository banks . _ 15,517.16 Cash items (Items held over 24 hours) -----. 77.75 Other real estate . 2,000.00 TOTAL. $109,688.97 Liabilities. Capital stock paid in -- $10,000.00 Undivided profits (net amount) - -----. 596.66 Reserved for interest -- 700.00 Reserved for depreciation .. 465 00 Unearned interest -_ 725.36 Other deposits subject to check .- 48,111.69 Cashiers checks outstand ing - _ 139.39 Time certificates of deposits (Due on or after 30 days) _ __------ 48,950.67 TOTAL . $109.688 97 State of North Carolina, bounty of Ceveland. ss J. B. Ellis, cashier, H. S. Keeter, director, and Carley Martin, direc tor of the Bank of Grover, each personally appeared before me this Jay, and, being duly sworn, each for ltmself, says that the foregoing re port is true to the best of his knowledge and beief. J. B ELLIS, Cashier, fl S. KEETER, Director, CARLEY MARTIN. Director Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 4th day of April, 1929. R. C. TATE, Notary Public. My commission expires 5-1-1930. Barbers Pester Gardner For Job Raleigh' Whether tile hair-cut ting business is on the bum, or whether barbers in' the state just naturally take a liking to state jobs has been worrying Governor Gardner lately. All the barbers in the state, or so it it seems want jobs on the barbers’ examining board. "I shall have to appoint the bar bers' examining board soon in self defense," Governor Gardner declar ed. "Nearly every barber I know, in cluding those in my home town, wants to be on the board, and I really believe they are the most sought-after jobs the state has.” Another N. First, Salisbury Post. Verily we believe that North Carolina Is "first" in jay-walking. It has been our pleasure to visit many of the 48 states and we have driven m a dozen or more of them, and the most perfect demonstration of jay-walking we have seen was in our own native state—and coun ty The Charlotte Observer cite? Independence Square as a model of such performance, against which we place Columbia and Concord. Columbia is the only town where there is no stock law at all to in terfere with man or beast walking when and as it pleases, and Con cord is the only town where they park m a narrow street two to four deep and abandon cars in the mid dle of the street. Cut Cotton Acreage. Gastonia Daily Gazette The cotton producers of the South now have one of the best oppor tunities ever presented to them to obtain a profitable price, probably anywhere form 20 to 25 cents a pound, for the forthcoming crop, if they will have the good sense to hold their acreage down to last j year's total instead of increasing it.! according to I. V. Shannon, odtton j statistican and market expert for j Fenner nd Beane, who has just con cluded an exhaustive study of sup ply and requirement. If the farmers have the good sense to hold their acreage down j they will not need farm legislation j to enable them to get practically j their own prices for what they pro duce, according to facts and figures j gathered by Mr. Shannon. ■ This opportunity,” he said, ‘‘is brought about by increased con sumption and possibility that the carry-over of lint cotton at the end of the season may be 1,000 bales under the average." Farmers of piedmont North Carolina are buying their seed Irish potatoes from growers in the moun tains of Ashe and Avery counties. When Charles Waites of St. Louis and the wife of Herbert Porton eloped they took practically all of Port on's furniture. ADMINISTRATRIX N^flCE. Having qualified as administra trix of the estate of E. W. Wilson, late of Cleveland county, N. C„ this is to jsiotky all persons having c^aiuts against said estate to pres ent them to the undersigned at Shelby, N. C. on or before April 8, 1930 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 8th day of April, 1929. MRS. MINNIE LEWIS WILSON. Admix, Shelby, N. C. pd TRl'STEE’S SALE OF REAL ES TATE. Under and by virtue oi tire au-j thority contained in that certain deed of trust executed by V. A Costner and wife. Willie Costner, to the undersigned trustee, said deed of trust being dated June 3, 1927, and recorded in the ofiice of the register of deeds for Cleveland county, N. C. in book 145, page 144, securing an indebtedness to the Shelby and Cleveland County Building and Lotin association and default having been made in the payment of said indebtedness and being requested to sell said prop erty I will on Wednesday, May 8, 1929 at 12 o'clock noon, or within legal hours at the court house door in Shelby, N. C. sell to the highest bider for cash at. public auction that certain tract of land lying and be ing in No. 4 township. Cleveland county, N. C. and described as fol lows; An undivided one-half interest in the following described tract of land. Beginning at a black gum stump, Ellison's corner and runs with their line S. 3't W. 44.33 chains to a stone. Shepherd's cor ner; thence with his and Little's line N. 85'. W. 34.90 chains to a stone. Little, Mullinax and Purvis corner; thence with Purvis’ line N. 4 •» E. 27.25 chains to a stone; Stew- j art's corner; thence with his line N. 31'., E. 13.34 chains to a white j oak; thence with another line of his N. 3 E. 5.44 chains to a black gum, Jane McMurry's comer: thence with her line S. 86 E. 27.46 chains to the beginning, contain ing 142.4 acres, more or less and lying on the waters of Long Branch and adjoining the lands of Ellisc^i. Keeter, Little, Purvis, Stewart and others and being that same undi vided one-half interest conveyed to V. A. Costner by J. M. Grigg and wife by deed dated August 8, 1919, and recorded in “the office of the register of deeds for Cleveland county, N, C. in deed book HHH at page 620. This April 8, 1929. JNO P MULL, Trustee. Tragedy Leaves Its Mark On Son Of Dry Raid Victim Aurora, IU.—The sorrow of a mil lion years peers from the eyes of Gerald DeKing here. They are eyes prematurely sad dened and grown old as though they had lived and seen in to the ages. And yet, Gerald is just a little boy. In fact he has just turned twelve. A month ago he was playing with his toys. He was thinking of the baseball team on which he is the catcher. He was asking his mother: "Mother wull we have a cake for supper?” But now^ he no longer thinks such things. Now he no longer talks to his mother, because his mother is dead. She died before Gerald's sad young eyes. She died as she stood calling for help over the telephone w hile a dry raiding party of sheriffs and deputies pounded in the door of their home. The deputies had guns in their hands. They had machine guns, re volvers and shotguns. They also had gas bombs. But first they fired at Gerald's mother and she just gasped. She swayed against the wall. She hung for a minute to the telephone re ceiver and then went down all cov ered with blood. rirrd Blindly. Gerald saw this. He also saw the officers bash In his father's head with the butt end of a shotgun. Then Gerald picked up a revolver and shot back at the officers. He hit one of them in the leg, although had his eyes closed when his finger pressed the trigger. Everything since that day has been a dream to Gerald. He cannot reconcile cause with effect. He has only a boy's philosophy. He reasons instead of losses. Once he had his mother. Now she is dead. That is the only way Gerald can think because his mind still is young though his eyes are oh. so old. You could scarce believe how old they look. Something seems to move in back of them. You can see in them, if you look close. the agonies of many peoples. You can see In them mirrored there an in articulate Gethscmane. Gerald putters with his boy's mind to find the cause like an old man tapping feebly with his cane to find the way about a room or down a street. But he can reason only In the terms of loss because that is how all boys reason. They reason that way even though their eyes are ages old—ages old like Gerald's eyes. i ‘Mamma is gone.'' says Gerald. "I shot the man who shot her. His name was Roy Smith. They call him a deputy sheriff. I am glad I shot him. He killed my mother who never hurt anybody. My mother was good. She did not sell liquor like they say. She taught me to love God and obey the flag. Now when I hear the ‘Star Spangled Banner' I no longer feel a thrill run up and down my back. The ‘Star Spangled Banner’ stands for law, which my mother told me to respect. But the law killed my mother.'’ Town Mourns With Boy. So old has Gerald grown in one short week that he cannot cry. He went to his mother's funeral andj [the whole town of Aurora turned out to mourn with him. The fu neral procession was tremendously long. People in the town were mut tering. too. Gerald knew that his mother was killed for five dollars. That is the price that Boyd Fairweather, a pri vate dry snooper, who doubled as an auto salesman, received for swearing out an affidavit that Ger ald's death mother, Mrs. Lillian De King. had sold him a glass of moonshine. When the dry gunmen came with their fierce armament of many guns and tear gas bombs to search the house, Gerald’s father, Joseph DeKing. wouldn’t let them in. He said that the search warrant was not properly made out. Then the dry gunmen went back and got more men and more guns. They battered in the door. But Gerald says they didn’t have to do that. He says they battered it in after they had killed his mother. Also he says they threw a gas bomb into the room after she was shot and lying there,on the floor with blood all over her. "I screamed and screamed,” Gerald says. "But they only cursed me and cursed my father. They wouldn’t even help lift mamma. We had to drag her across the room and down the stairs. Somebody told me that she wouldn't have died, either, if the policemen hadn't thrown the gas bomb into the. room after they had shot her. Oh, it is awful.’’ Central Figure Of Tragedy. Gerald is the central figure quite naturally In the latest tragedy to follow rigorous enforcement of the dry law. The great state of Illinois has taken official cognizance of the case. Already the state's attorney general. Oscar Carlstrom, has ap pointed Charles W. Hadley, the as sistant attorney general, to repres ent him and the commonwealth at a thorough investigation into the shooting which nearly everyone in Aurora says was ruthless. The snooper, Boyd Fairweather, who was hired at five dollars a case by the office of state's attor ney, George D. Carbarry, of Kane county, and the man whose affida vit for such a small betrayal sum, sent dry raiders out to kill Mrs. De King, has been in hiding under of ficial protection since the fusillade of death made the shadows of ages move in Gerald's eyes. Gerald saw the cold clumps of earth fall on his mother’s casket and he helped support his bandag ! ed father, whose head was swatched and whose arm hung limp at his side, testifying to the terrific beat ing he received at the hands of the dry raiders who took a life for a pint, pummeled him and then killed his wife. Gerald saw and heard the cold clumps fall on the casket, but mo6t of all he saw them, because he can not speak, he cannot think like grownups. He cannot recolclle the reasons pro and con and the vari ous moral intricacies which made prohibition a law. He reasons only in losses like the time he lost six of his beautiful blue marbles and cried all night. The marbles were gone. Now his mother is gone. Shadows of a million years move J fittingly in his eyes like the shad ows you sometimes see at dusk on a lake when the wind is sighing and the trees sway Oh the mirror ed surface of the water. Beyond Point Of Tears. And he cannot cry. Ha. can only putter with his childish mind like an old man puttering feebly across a room. ■ What matters it to him that a big hulabaloo Is now being raised throughout the state and people everywhere are writing him letters and sending telegrams of consola tion. What does it matter to him that after his mother was dead and the dry raiders searched the house they found only half a gallon of home made wine, made from grapes that grow each year as they have always grown from the little arbor In back of the DeKing home. These are matters for philoso phers and. for casuists but not for boys. Boys reason only in terms of lost marbles and—loaf'mothers. When a marble is lost It is usually gone forever. So. too, with mothers. Gerald cannot speak and he can not think. His mind Is no match for his eyes grown old so suddenly —eyes that saw the earth fall eyes that saw the cake bake and saw his mother Irost It for supper just a week ago. These are sad eyes, indeed, from which peer the sorrow of a million years. Honor Roll For Bethlehem School The Following I* The Honor Roll For Bethlehem School For The Fifth Month. First grade—Sudia Mae Dixon, Falrie Neal, Lucile Ledford, J. T. Pheagtns, Lee Earner. Second grade—Ruby Dixon, Wil ma Hope, Oatsle McDaniel, Hal Al len. Third grade—Edna Kensey, Gol die Dixon, Ruth Humphries, Ted Ledford, Monroe Watterson. Fourth grade—Win ton Blalock, James McDaniel, J. B. Lail, Elsie Kensey. Fifth grade—Basil Dixon. Seventh grade—Irene Dixon. Enka Plant Makes Second Labor Call Asheville.-rA second labor call for the $10,000,000 rayon plant of the American Enka coporaflon to open shortly Just west of the Ashe ville city limits has been Issued by William F. Young, labor employ ment manager, who outlined condi tions under which the employes will work and announced the plant will operate a restaurant to give work ers food at cost. The labor employment manager announced also that when the {riant starts production, shuttle trains will be operated both from Canton and Asheville to Enka with a ten cent fare in effect, making it possible for workers to live in Asheville and Canton and intermediate points. CORRECTION IN AMOUNT MISSION MONET RAISED In the Earl correspondence pub lished in Friday's issue of The Star, it was erroneously stated that 16.23 was raised in the mission collection. This should have been $51.75, Try Sar Wants Ads. i A Wonderful Value THE ABOVE EXACTLY AS PICTURED. A BEAUTI FUL 10-PIECE WALNUT DINING SUITE, WELL CON STRUCTED AND BEAUTIFULLY FINISHED. OUR PRICE $97.50. You will be pleased with this item and hundreds of other Spring Furniture shown by us for the Living Room, Bed Room' Dining Room, Porch and Lawn. Campbell Dept. Stores

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